Published in Agron. J. 104:363–370 (2012) Posted online 11 Jan 2012 doi:10.2134/agronj2011.0279 Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Agronomy, 5585 Guilford Road, Madison, WI 53711. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. T Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 mandates that the United States produce 136 billion liters per year of renewable transportation fuel from both starch and cellulosic sources by 2022 (USDA, 2010). Corn grain will likely continue to be the primary feedstock for starch-based ethanol production, while the emerging cellulosic ethanol-based industry will rely on materials including, but not limited to, corn stover (the material remaining after grain harvest), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), biomass (sweet) sorghum [(Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.), and woody materials to meet future demands (Perlack et al., 2005; Sissine, 2007). Of these cellulosic sources, corn stover is projected to play an important role due to its high availability and production in close proximity to existing ethanol production facilities in the Midwest. Corn offers distinct benefits compared to other biofuel crops: production of both starch and cellulosic feedstocks and its total biomass is often greater than most other biofuel crop species. Work by Propheter et al. (2010) in Kansas showed that corn produced greater total biomass yields (starch and cellulosic combined) than switchgrass, Miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus), and big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman), and similar yields as several sorghum species. When only stover yields were compared, corn stover yield was similar to or greater than yields of nearly all perennial grass species. Based on a harvest index (the percentage of grain dry matter relative to total aboveground plant dry matter) of 0.45 suggested by Nielsen (1995), a grain yield of 7.0 Mg ha–1 would conservatively yield approximately 8.5 Mg ha–1 of cellulosic material. Using a harvest index of 0.50, Wilhelm et al. (2004) estimated that 137 Tg of cellulosic material from corn stover may be available in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska, which represented 54% of the total corn stover produced in the United States. James et al. (2010) concluded that for projected cellulosic material market values, corn biofuel systems are more profitable than systems including native grasses and perennial woody species. In addition to the greater biomass production and greater profitability, cropping systems containing corn are well established, while land devoted for the growth of other cellulosic sources, like switchgrass and Miscanthus, is currently limited. Nitrogen fertilization is a key component in corn grain production and economically optimum rates have been established in the U.S. Corn Belt, particularly Minnesota (Kaiser et al., 2011; Sawyer et al., 2006; Lamb and Nicolai, 2007). Biofuelbased agronomic research of corn has historically focused on grain (Coulter and Nafziger, 2008; Reicks et al., 2009; Hao et al., 2010; Wortmann et al., 2010) or on the effects of removing the stover on soil quality (Doran et al., 1984; Linden et al., 2000; Wilhelm et al., 2007; Blanco-Canqui, 2010), but generally not on stover and cob biomass production or ethanol yield. Varvel et al. (2008) reported the effects of N fertilization on stover production, showing that increasing N fertilization from 0 to 60 kg N ha–1 increased stover production. However, the study did not partition cobs from the stalk/leaf fraction, so it is not possible to quantify the effects of N fertilization on each individual fraction. Propheter et al. (2010) reported the total ethanol production ABSTRACT Corn (Zea mays L.) stover will likely play an integral role in near-term attempts to produce renewable cellulosic transportation fuels. However, little is known regarding the effect of N fertilization on biomass and ethanol yields of stover and cobs. The objectives were to evaluate the effect of N fertilization on stover and cob biomass and ethanol yields across a range of environments, and to determine if these biomass and ethanol yields can be maximized within N fertilization rates for grain yield optimization. Field experiments were conducted over eight diverse environments across Minnesota. Overall, stover and cob biomass and ethanol yields increased with increasing N fertilization, and agronomically optimum nitrogen rates (AONR) were identified in nearly all environments that were responsive to N fertilization. Ethanol yields for stover ranged from 2414 to 3842 L ha–1, whereas ethanol yields for cobs ranged from 513 to 906 L ha–1. When AONRs for stover and cob ethanol yields were compared to the respective AONR for grain yield, stover ethanol yield was maximized at N fertilization rates below the AONR for grain yield in four of the seven responsive environments, while cob ethanol yield was maximized at N fertilization rates below the AONR for grain yield in five of the six responsive environments. These results suggest that stover and cob ethanol yields will often be maximized when grain yield optimization is the primary goal.