10 results on '"Hachim H"'
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Hachim H. Ashabokov and Amur G. Fiapshev
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Soil preparation ,Environmental science ,Agricultural engineering - Published
- 2019
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3. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis
- Author
Alami Aroussi, A., Fouad, A., Omrane, A., Razzak, A., Aissa, A., Akkad, A., Amraoui, A., Aouam, A., Arfaoui, A., Belkouchi, A., Ben Chaaben, A., Ben Cheikh, A., Ben Khélifa, A., Ben Mabrouk, A., Benhima, A., Bezza, A., Bezzine, A., Bourrahouat, A., Chaieb, A., Chakib, A., Chetoui, A., Daoudi, A., Ech-Chenbouli, A., Gaaliche, A., Hassani, A., Kassimi, A., Khachane, A., Labidi, A., Lalaoui, A., Masrar, A., Mchachi, A., Nakhli, A., Ouakaa, A., Siati, A., Toumi, A., Zaouali, A., Condé, A. Y., Haggui, A., Belaguid, A., abdelkader jalil el hangouche, Gharbi, A., Mahfoudh, A., Bouzouita, A., Aissaoui, A., Ben Hamouda, A., Hedhli, A., Ammous, A., Bahlous, A., Ben Halima, A., Belhadj, A., Blel, A., Brahem, A., Banasr, A., Meherzi, A., Saadi, A., Sellami, A., Turki, A., Ben Miled, A., Ben Slama, A., Daib, A., Zommiti, A., Chadly, A., Jmaa, A., Mtiraoui, A., Ksentini, A., Methnani, A., Zehani, A., Kessantini, A., Farah, A., Mankai, A., Mellouli, A., Touil, A., Hssine, A., Ben Safta, A., Derouiche, A., Jmal, A., Ferjani, A., Djobbi, A., Dridi, A., Aridhi, A., Bahdoudi, A., Ben Amara, A., Benzarti, A., Ben Slama, A. Y., Oueslati, A., Soltani, A., Chadli, A., Aloui, A., Belghuith Sriha, A., Bouden, A., Laabidi, A., Mensi, A., Sabbek, A., Zribi, A., Green, A., Ben Nasr, A., Azaiez, A., Yeades, A., Belhaj, A., Mediouni, A., Sammoud, A., Slim, A., Amine, B., Chelly, B., Jatik, B., Lmimouni, B., Daouahi, B., Ben Khelifa, B., Louzir, B., Dorra, A., Dhahri, B., Ben Nasrallah, C., Chefchaouni, C., Konzi, C., Loussaief, C., Makni, C., Dziri, C., Bouguerra, C., Kays, C., Zedini, C., Dhouha, C., Mohamed, C., Aichaouia, C., Dhieb, C., Fofana, D., Gargouri, D., Chebil, D., Issaoui, D., Gouiaa, D., Brahim, D., Essid, D., Jarraya, D., Trad, D., Ben Hmida, E., Sboui, E., Ben Brahim, E., Baati, E., Talbi, E., Chaari, E., Hammami, E., Ghazouani, E., Ayari, F., Ben Hariz, F., Bennaoui, F., Chebbi, F., Chigr, F., Guemira, F., Harrar, F., Benmoula, F. Z., Ouali, F. Z., Maoulainine, F. M. R., Bouden, F., Fdhila, F., Améziani, F., Bouhaouala, F., Charfi, F., Chermiti Ben Abdallah, F., Hammemi, F., Jarraya, F., Khanchel, F., Ourda, F., Sellami, F., Trabelsi, F., Yangui, F., Fekih Romdhane, F., Mellouli, F., Nacef Jomli, F., Mghaieth, F., Draiss, G., Elamine, G., Kablouti, G., Touzani, G., Manzeki, G. B., Garali, G., Drissi, G., Besbes, G., Abaza, H., Azzouz, H., Said Latiri, H., Rejeb, H., Ben Ammar, H., Ben Brahim, H., Ben Jeddi, H., Ben Mahjouba, H., Besbes, H., Dabbebi, H., Douik, H., El Haoury, H., Elannaz, H., Elloumi, H., Hachim, H., Iraqi, H., Kalboussi, H., Khadhraoui, H., Khouni, H., Mamad, H., Metjaouel, H., Naoui, H., Zargouni, H., Elmalki, H. O., Feki, H., Haouala, H., Jaafoura, H., Drissa, H., Mizouni, H., Kamoun, H., Ouerda, H., Zaibi, H., Chiha, H., Saibi, H., Skhiri, H., Boussaffa, H., Majed, H., Blibech, H., Daami, H., Harzallah, H., Rkain, H., Ben Massoud, H., Jaziri, H., Ben Said, H., Ayed, H., Harrabi, H., Chaabouni, H., Ladida Debbache, H., Harbi, H., Yacoub, H., Abroug, H., Ghali, H., Kchir, H., Msaad, H., Manai, H., Riahi, H., Bousselmi, H., Limem, H., Aouina, H., Jerraya, H., Ben Ayed, H., Chahed, H., Snéne, H., Lahlou Amine, I., Nouiser, I., Ait Sab, I., Chelly, I., Elboukhani, I., Ghanmi, I., Kallala, I., Kooli, I., Bouasker, I., Fetni, I., Bachouch, I., Bouguecha, I., Chaabani, I., Gazzeh, I., Samaali, I., Youssef, I., Zemni, I., Bachouche, I., Bouannene, I., Kasraoui, I., Laouini, I., Mahjoubi, I., Maoudoud, I., Riahi, I., Selmi, I., Tka, I., Hadj Khalifa, I., Mejri, I., Béjia, I., Bellagha, J., Boubaker, J., Daghfous, J., Dammak, J., Hleli, J., Ben Amar, J., Jedidi, J., Marrakchi, J., Kaoutar, K., Arjouni, K., Ben Helel, K., Benouhoud, K., Rjeb, K., Imene, K., Samoud, K., El Jeri, K., Abid, K., Chaker, K., Bouzghaîa, K., Kamoun, K., Zitouna, K., Oughlani, K., Lassoued, K., Letaif, K., Hakim, K., Cherif Alami, L., Benhmidoune, L., Boumhil, L., Bouzgarrou, L., Dhidah, L., Ifrine, L., Kallel, L., Merzougui, L., Errguig, L., Mouelhi, L., Sahli, L., Maoua, M., Rejeb, M., Ben Rejeb, M., Bouchrik, M., Bouhoula, M., Bourrous, M., Bouskraoui, M., El Belhadji, M., Essakhi, M., Essid, M., Gharbaoui, M., Haboub, M., Iken, M., Krifa, M., Lagrine, M., Leboyer, M., Najimi, M., Rahoui, M., Sabbah, M., Sbihi, M., Zouine, M., Chefchaouni, M. C., Gharbi, M. H., El Fakiri, M. M., Tagajdid, M. R., Shimi, M., Touaibia, M., Jguirim, M., Barsaoui, M., Belghith, M., Ben Jmaa, M., Koubaa, M., Tbini, M., Boughdir, M., Ben Salah, M., Ben Fraj, M., Ben Halima, M., Ben Khalifa, M., Bousleh, M., Limam, M., Mabrouk, M., Mallouli, M., Rebeii, M., Ayari, M., Belhadj, M., Ben Hmida, M., Boughattas, M., Drissa, M., El Ghardallou, M., Fejjeri, M., Hamza, M., Jaidane, M., Jrad, M., Kacem, M., Mersni, M., Mjid, M., Serghini, M., Triki, M., Ben Abbes, M., Boussaid, M., Gharbi, M., Hafi, M., Slama, M., Trigui, M., Taoueb, M., Chakroun, M., Ben Cheikh, M., Chebbi, M., Hadj Taieb, M., Ben Khelil, M., Hammami, M., Khalfallah, M., Ksiaa, M., Mechri, M., Mrad, M., Sboui, M., Bani, M., Hajri, M., Mellouli, M., Allouche, M., Mesrati, M. A., Mseddi, M. A., Amri, M., Bejaoui, M., Bellali, M., Ben Amor, M., Ben Dhieb, M., Ben Moussa, M., Chebil, M., Cherif, M., Fourati, M., Kahloul, M., Khaled, M., Machghoul, M., Mansour, M., Abdesslem, M. M., Ben Chehida, M. A., Chaouch, M. A., Essid, M. A., Meddeb, M. A., Gharbi, M. C., Elleuch, M. H., Loueslati, M. H., Sboui, M. M., Mhiri, M. N., Kilani, M. O., Ben Slama, M. R., Charfi, M. R., Nakhli, M. S., Mourali, M. S., El Asli, M. S., Lamouchi, M. T., Cherti, M., Khadhraoui, M., Bibi, M., Hamdoun, M., Kassis, M., Touzi, M., Ben Khaled, M., Fekih, M., Khemiri, M., Ouederni, M., Hchicha, M., Ben Attia, M., Yahyaoui, M., Ben Azaiez, M., Bousnina, M., Ben Jemaa, M., Ben Yahia, M., Daghfous, M., Haj Slimen, M., Assidi, M., Belhadj, N., Ben Mustapha, N., El Idrissislitine, N., Hikki, N., Kchir, N., Mars, N., Meddeb, N., Ouni, N., Rada, N., Rezg, N., Trabelsi, N., Bouafia, N., Haloui, N., Benfenatki, N., Bergaoui, N., Yomn, N., Maamouri, N., Mehiri, N., Siala, N., Beltaief, N., Aridhi, N., Sidaoui, N., Walid, N., Mechergui, N., Mnif, N., Ben Chekaya, N., Bellil, N., Dhouib, N., Achour, N., Kaabar, N., Mrizak, N., Chaouech, N., Hasni, N., Issaoui, N., Ati, N., Balloumi, N., Haj Salem, N., Ladhari, N., Akif, N., Liani, N., Hajji, N., Trad, N., Elleuch, N., Marzouki, N. E. H., Larbi, N., M Barek, N., Rebai, N., Bibani, N., Ben Salah, N., Belmaachi, O., Elmaalel, O., Jlassi, O., Mihoub, O., Ben Zaid, O., Bouallègue, O., Bousnina, O., Bouyahia, O., El Maalel, O., Fendri, O., Azzabi, O., Borgi, O., Ghdes, O., Ben Rejeb, O., Rachid, R., Abi, R., Bahiri, R., Boulma, R., Elkhayat, R., Habbal, R., Tamouza, R., Jomli, R., Ben Abdallah, R., Smaoui, R., Debbeche, R., Fakhfakh, R., El Kamel, R., Gargouri, R., Jouini, R., Nouira, R., Fessi, R., Bannour, R., Ben Rabeh, R., Kacem, R., Khmakhem, R., Ben Younes, R., Karray, R., Cheikh, R., Ben Malek, R., Ben Slama, R., Kouki, R., Baati, R., Bechraoui, R., Fradi, R., Lahiani, R., Ridha, R., Zainine, R., Kallel, R., Rostom, S., Ben Abdallah, S., Ben Hammamia, S., Benchérifa, S., Benkirane, S., Chatti, S., El Guedri, S., El Oussaoui, S., Elkochri, S., Elmoussaoui, S., Enbili, S., Gara, S., Haouet, S., Khammeri, S., Khefecha, S., Khtrouche, S., Macheghoul, S., Mallouli, S., Rharrit, S., Skouri, S., Helali, S., Boulehmi, S., Abid, S., Naouar, S., Zelfani, S., Ben Amar, S., Ajmi, S., Braiek, S., Yahiaoui, S., Ghezaiel, S., Ben Toumia, S., Thabeti, S., Daboussi, S., Ben Abderahman, S., Rhaiem, S., Ben Rhouma, S., Rekaya, S., Haddad, S., Kammoun, S., Merai, S., Mhamdi, S., Ben Ali, R., Gaaloul, S., Ouali, S., Taleb, S., Zrour, S., Hamdi, S., Zaghdoudi, S., Ammari, S., Ben Abderrahim, S., Karaa, S., Maazaoui, S., Saidani, S., Stambouli, S., Mokadem, S., Boudiche, S., Zaghbib, S., Ayedi, S., Jardek, S., Bouselmi, S., Chtourou, S., Manoubi, S., Bahri, S., Halioui, S., Jrad, S., Mazigh, S., Ouerghi, S., Toujani, S., Fenniche, S., Aboudrar, S., Meriem Amari, S., Karouia, S., Bourgou, S., Halayem, S., Rammeh, S., Yaïch, S., Ben Nasrallah, S., Chouchane, S., Ftini, S., Makni, S., Miri, S., Saadi, S., Manoubi, S. A., Khalfallah, T., Mechergui, T., Dakka, T., Barhoumi, T., M Rad, T. E. B., Ajmi, T., Dorra, T., Ouali, U., Hannachi, W., Ferjaoui, W., Aissi, W., Dahmani, W., Dhouib, W., Koubaa, W., Zhir, W., Gheriani, W., Arfa, W., Dougaz, W., Sahnoun, W., Naija, W., Sami, Y., Bouteraa, Y., Elhamdaoui, Y., Hama, Y., Ouahchi, Y., Guebsi, Y., Nouira, Y., Daly, Y., Mahjoubi, Y., Mejdoub, Y., Mosbahi, Y., Said, Y., Zaimi, Y., Zgueb, Y., Dridi, Y., Mesbahi, Y., Gharbi, Y., Hellal, Y., Hechmi, Z., Zid, Z., Elmouatassim, Z., Ghorbel, Z., Habbadi, Z., Marrakchi, Z., Hidouri, Z., Abbes, Z., Ouhachi, Z., Khessairi, Z., Khlayfia, Z., Mahjoubi, Z., and Moatemri, Z.
4. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis.
- Author
Alami Aroussi A, Fouad A, Omrane A, Razzak A, Aissa A, Akkad A, Amraoui A, Aouam A, Arfaoui A, Belkouchi A, Ben Chaaben A, Ben Cheikh A, Ben Khélifa A, Ben Mabrouk A, Benhima A, Bezza A, Bezzine A, Bourrahouat A, Chaieb A, Chakib A, Chetoui A, Daoudi A, Ech-Chenbouli A, Gaaliche A, Hassani A, Kassimi A, Khachane A, Labidi A, Lalaoui A, Masrar A, McHachi A, Nakhli A, Ouakaa A, Siati A, Toumi A, Zaouali A, Condé AY, Haggui A, Belaguid A, El Hangouche AJ, Gharbi A, Mahfoudh A, Bouzouita A, Aissaoui A, Ben Hamouda A, Hedhli A, Ammous A, Bahlous A, Ben Halima A, Belhadj A, Bezzine A, Blel A, Brahem A, Banasr A, Meherzi A, Saadi A, Sellami A, Turki A, Ben Miled A, Ben Slama A, Daib A, Zommiti A, Chadly A, Jmaa A, Mtiraoui A, Ksentini A, Methnani A, Zehani A, Kessantini A, Farah A, Mankai A, Mellouli A, Zaouali A, Touil A, Hssine A, Ben Safta A, Derouiche A, Jmal A, Ferjani A, Djobbi A, Dridi A, Aridhi A, Bahdoudi A, Ben Amara A, Benzarti A, Ben Slama AY, Oueslati A, Soltani A, Chadli A, Aloui A, Belghuith Sriha A, Bouden A, Laabidi A, Mensi A, Ouakaa A, Sabbek A, Zribi A, Green A, Ben Nasr A, Azaiez A, Yeades A, Belhaj A, Mediouni A, Sammoud A, Slim A, Amine B, Chelly B, Jatik B, Lmimouni B, Daouahi B, Ben Khelifa B, Louzir B, Dorra A, Dhahri B, Ben Nasrallah C, Chefchaouni C, Konzi C, Loussaief C, Makni C, Dziri C, Bouguerra C, Kays C, Zedini C, Dhouha C, Mohamed C, Aichaouia C, Dhieb C, Fofana D, Gargouri D, Chebil D, Issaoui D, Gouiaa D, Brahim D, Essid D, Jarraya D, Trad D, Ben Hmida E, Sboui E, Ben Brahim E, Baati E, Talbi E, Chaari E, Hammami E, Ghazouani E, Ayari F, Ben Hariz F, Bennaoui F, Chebbi F, Chigr F, Guemira F, Harrar F, Benmoula FZ, Ouali FZ, Maoulainine FMR, Bouden F, Fdhila F, Améziani F, Bouhaouala F, Charfi F, Chermiti Ben Abdallah F, Hammemi F, Jarraya F, Khanchel F, Ourda F, Sellami F, Trabelsi F, Yangui F, Fekih Romdhane F, Mellouli F, Nacef Jomli F, Mghaieth F, Draiss G, Elamine G, Kablouti G, Touzani G, Manzeki GB, Garali G, Drissi G, Besbes G, Abaza H, Azzouz H, Said Latiri H, Rejeb H, Ben Ammar H, Ben Brahim H, Ben Jeddi H, Ben Mahjouba H, Besbes H, Dabbebi H, Douik H, El Haoury H, Elannaz H, Elloumi H, Hachim H, Iraqi H, Kalboussi H, Khadhraoui H, Khouni H, Mamad H, Metjaouel H, Naoui H, Zargouni H, Elmalki HO, Feki H, Haouala H, Jaafoura H, Drissa H, Mizouni H, Kamoun H, Ouerda H, Zaibi H, Chiha H, Kamoun H, Saibi H, Skhiri H, Boussaffa H, Majed H, Blibech H, Daami H, Harzallah H, Rkain H, Ben Massoud H, Jaziri H, Ben Said H, Ayed H, Harrabi H, Chaabouni H, Ladida Debbache H, Harbi H, Yacoub H, Abroug H, Ghali H, Kchir H, Msaad H, Ghali H, Manai H, Riahi H, Bousselmi H, Limem H, Aouina H, Jerraya H, Ben Ayed H, Chahed H, Snéne H, Lahlou Amine I, Nouiser I, Ait Sab I, Chelly I, Elboukhani I, Ghanmi I, Kallala I, Kooli I, Bouasker I, Fetni I, Bachouch I, Bouguecha I, Chaabani I, Gazzeh I, Samaali I, Youssef I, Zemni I, Bachouche I, Youssef I, Bouannene I, Kasraoui I, Laouini I, Mahjoubi I, Maoudoud I, Riahi I, Selmi I, Tka I, Hadj Khalifa I, Mejri I, Béjia I, Bellagha J, Boubaker J, Daghfous J, Dammak J, Hleli J, Ben Amar J, Jedidi J, Marrakchi J, Kaoutar K, Arjouni K, Ben Helel K, Benouhoud K, Rjeb K, Imene K, Samoud K, El Jeri K, Abid K, Chaker K, Abid K, Bouzghaîa K, Kamoun K, Zitouna K, Oughlani K, Lassoued K, Letaif K, Hakim K, Cherif Alami L, Benhmidoune L, Boumhil L, Bouzgarrou L, Dhidah L, Ifrine L, Kallel L, Merzougui L, Errguig L, Mouelhi L, Sahli L, Maoua M, Rejeb M, Ben Rejeb M, Bouchrik M, Bouhoula M, Bourrous M, Bouskraoui M, El Belhadji M, El Belhadji M, Essakhi M, Essid M, Gharbaoui M, Haboub M, Iken M, Krifa M, Lagrine M, Leboyer M, Najimi M, Rahoui M, Sabbah M, Sbihi M, Zouine M, Chefchaouni MC, Gharbi MH, El Fakiri MM, Tagajdid MR, Shimi M, Touaibia M, Jguirim M, Barsaoui M, Belghith M, Ben Jmaa M, Koubaa M, Tbini M, Boughdir M, Ben Salah M, Ben Fraj M, Ben Halima M, Ben Khalifa M, Bousleh M, Limam M, Mabrouk M, Mallouli M, Rebeii M, Ayari M, Belhadj M, Ben Hmida M, Boughattas M, Drissa M, El Ghardallou M, Fejjeri M, Hamza M, Jaidane M, Jrad M, Kacem M, Mersni M, Mjid M, Sabbah M, Serghini M, Triki M, Ben Abbes M, Boussaid M, Gharbi M, Hafi M, Slama M, Trigui M, Taoueb M, Chakroun M, Ben Cheikh M, Chebbi M, Hadj Taieb M, Kacem M, Ben Khelil M, Hammami M, Khalfallah M, Ksiaa M, Mechri M, Mrad M, Sboui M, Bani M, Hajri M, Mellouli M, Allouche M, Mesrati MA, Mseddi MA, Amri M, Bejaoui M, Bellali M, Ben Amor M, Ben Dhieb M, Ben Moussa M, Chebil M, Cherif M, Fourati M, Kahloul M, Khaled M, Machghoul M, Mansour M, Abdesslem MM, Ben Chehida MA, Chaouch MA, Essid MA, Meddeb MA, Gharbi MC, Elleuch MH, Loueslati MH, Sboui MM, Mhiri MN, Kilani MO, Ben Slama MR, Charfi MR, Nakhli MS, Mourali MS, El Asli MS, Lamouchi MT, Cherti M, Khadhraoui M, Bibi M, Hamdoun M, Kassis M, Touzi M, Ben Khaled M, Fekih M, Khemiri M, Ouederni M, Hchicha M, Kassis M, Ben Attia M, Yahyaoui M, Ben Azaiez M, Bousnina M, Ben Jemaa M, Ben Yahia M, Daghfous M, Haj Slimen M, Assidi M, Belhadj N, Ben Mustapha N, El Idrissislitine N, Hikki N, Kchir N, Mars N, Meddeb N, Ouni N, Rada N, Rezg N, Trabelsi N, Bouafia N, Haloui N, Benfenatki N, Bergaoui N, Yomn N, Ben Mustapha N, Maamouri N, Mehiri N, Siala N, Beltaief N, Aridhi N, Sidaoui N, Walid N, Mechergui N, Mnif N, Ben Chekaya N, Bellil N, Dhouib N, Achour N, Kaabar N, Mrizak N, Mnif N, Chaouech N, Hasni N, Issaoui N, Ati N, Balloumi N, Haj Salem N, Ladhari N, Akif N, Liani N, Hajji N, Trad N, Elleuch N, Marzouki NEH, Larbi N, M'barek N, Rebai N, Bibani N, Ben Salah N, Belmaachi O, Elmaalel O, Jlassi O, Mihoub O, Ben Zaid O, Bouallègue O, Bousnina O, Bouyahia O, El Maalel O, Fendri O, Azzabi O, Borgi O, Ghdes O, Ben Rejeb O, Rachid R, Abi R, Bahiri R, Boulma R, Elkhayat R, Habbal R, Rachid R, Tamouza R, Jomli R, Ben Abdallah R, Smaoui R, Debbeche R, Fakhfakh R, El Kamel R, Gargouri R, Jouini R, Nouira R, Fessi R, Bannour R, Ben Rabeh R, Kacem R, Khmakhem R, Ben Younes R, Karray R, Cheikh R, Ben Malek R, Ben Slama R, Kouki R, Baati R, Bechraoui R, Fakhfakh R, Fradi R, Lahiani R, Ridha R, Zainine R, Kallel R, Rostom S, Ben Abdallah S, Ben Hammamia S, Benchérifa S, Benkirane S, Chatti S, El Guedri S, El Oussaoui S, Elkochri S, Elmoussaoui S, Enbili S, Gara S, Haouet S, Khammeri S, Khefecha S, Khtrouche S, Macheghoul S, Mallouli S, Rharrit S, Skouri S, Helali S, Boulehmi S, Abid S, Naouar S, Zelfani S, Ben Amar S, Ajmi S, Braiek S, Yahiaoui S, Ghezaiel S, Ben Toumia S, Thabeti S, Daboussi S, Ben Abderahman S, Rhaiem S, Ben Rhouma S, Rekaya S, Haddad S, Kammoun S, Merai S, Mhamdi S, Ben Ali R, Gaaloul S, Ouali S, Taleb S, Zrour S, Hamdi S, Zaghdoudi S, Ammari S, Ben Abderrahim S, Karaa S, Maazaoui S, Saidani S, Stambouli S, Mokadem S, Boudiche S, Zaghbib S, Ayedi S, Jardek S, Bouselmi S, Chtourou S, Manoubi S, Bahri S, Halioui S, Jrad S, Mazigh S, Ouerghi S, Toujani S, Fenniche S, Aboudrar S, Meriem Amari S, Karouia S, Bourgou S, Halayem S, Rammeh S, Yaïch S, Ben Nasrallah S, Chouchane S, Ftini S, Makni S, Manoubi S, Miri S, Saadi S, Manoubi SA, Khalfallah T, Mechergui T, Dakka T, Barhoumi T, M'rad TEB, Ajmi T, Dorra T, Ouali U, Hannachi W, Ferjaoui W, Aissi W, Dahmani W, Dhouib W, Koubaa W, Zhir W, Gheriani W, Arfa W, Dougaz W, Sahnoun W, Naija W, Sami Y, Bouteraa Y, Elhamdaoui Y, Hama Y, Ouahchi Y, Guebsi Y, Nouira Y, Daly Y, Mahjoubi Y, Mejdoub Y, Mosbahi Y, Said Y, Zaimi Y, Zgueb Y, Dridi Y, Mesbahi Y, Gharbi Y, Hellal Y, Hechmi Z, Zid Z, Elmouatassim Z, Ghorbel Z, Habbadi Z, Marrakchi Z, Hidouri Z, Abbes Z, Ouhachi Z, Khessairi Z, Khlayfia Z, Mahjoubi Z, and Moatemri Z
- Subjects
- Africa, Northern epidemiology, Anatomy education, Education, Medical history, Education, Medical methods, Education, Medical organization & administration, History, 21st Century, Humans, Internship and Residency standards, Internship and Residency trends, Job Satisfaction, Pathology, Clinical education, Tunisia epidemiology, Education, Medical trends, Medicine methods, Medicine organization & administration, Medicine trends
- Published
- 2019
5. Genetic diversity of Plasmodium vivax metacaspase 1 and Plasmodium vivax multi-drug resistance 1 genes of field isolates from Mauritania, Sudan and Oman.
- Author
Sow F, Bonnot G, Ahmed BR, Diagana SM, Kebe H, Koita M, Samba BM, Al-Mukhaini SK, Al-Zadjali M, Al-Abri SS, Ali OA, Samy AM, Hamid MM, Ali Albsheer MM, Simon B, Bienvenu AL, Petersen E, and Picot S
- Subjects
- Mauritania, Multidrug Resistance-Associated Proteins genetics, Oman, Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, Sudan, Plasmodium vivax genetics, Polymorphism, Genetic, Protozoan Proteins genetics
- Abstract
Background: Plasmodium vivax is the second most important human malaria parasite, widely spread across the world. This parasite is associated with important issues in the process toward malaria elimination, including potential for relapse and increased resistance to chloroquine. Plasmodium vivax multi-drug resistant (pvmdr1) is suspected to be a marker of resistance although definitive evidence is lacking. Progress has been made in knowledge of biological factors affecting parasite growth, including mechanisms of regulated cell death and the suspected role of metacaspase. Plasmodium vivax metacaspase1 (PvMCA1-cd) has been described with a catalytic domain composed of histidine (H372) and cysteine (C428) residues. The aim of this study was to test for a link between the conserved histidine and cysteine residues in PvMCA1-cd, and the polymorphism of the P. vivax multi-drug resistant gene (pvmdr1)., Results: Thirty P. vivax isolates were collected from Mauritania, Sudan, and Oman. Among the 28 P. vivax isolates successfully sequenced, only 4 samples showed the conserved His (372)-Cys (428) residues in PvMCA1-cd. Single nucleotide polymorphisms observed were H372T (46.4%), H372D (39.3%), and C428R (85.7%). A new polymorphic catalytic domain was observed at His (282)-Cys (305) residues. Sequences alignment analysis of pvmdr1 showed SNP in the three codons 958, 976 and 1076. A single SNP was identified at the codon M958Y (60%), 2 SNPs were found at the position 976: Y976F (13%) and Y976V (57%), and 3 SNPs were identified at the position 1076: F1076L (40%), F1076T (53%) and F1076I (3%). Only one isolate was wildtype in all three codons (MYF), 27% were single MYL mutants, and 10% were double MFL mutants. Three new haplotypes were also identified: the triple mutant YVT was most prevalent (53.3%) distributed in the three countries, while triple YFL and YVI mutants (3%), were only found in samples from Sudan and Mauritania., Conclusions: Triple or quadruple mutants for metacaspase genes and double or triple mutants for Pvmdr1 were observed in 24/28 and 19/28 samples. There was no difference in the frequency of mutations between PvMCA1-cd and Pvmdr1 (P > 0.2). Histidine and cysteine residues in PvMCA1-cd are highly polymorphic and linkage disequilibrium with SNPs of Pvmdr1 gene may be expected from these three areas with different patterns of P. vivax transmission.
- Published
- 2017
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6. Feasibility and safety of laparoscopic adrenalectomy for large tumours.
- Author
Serji B, Souadka A, Benkabbou A, Hachim H, Jaiteh L, Mohsine R, Ifrine L, Belkouchi A, and El Malki HO
- Abstract
Objective: To verify the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic adrenalectomy for large tumours, as since it was described, the laparoscopic approach for adrenalectomy has become the 'gold standard' for small tumours and for large and non-malignant adrenal tumours many studies have reported acceptable results., Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective study from a general surgery department from January 2006 to December 2013 including 45 patients (56 laparoscopic adrenalectomies). We divided patients into two groups according to tumour size: <5 or ⩾5 cm, we compared demographic data and peri- and postoperative outcomes., Results: There was no statistical difference between the two groups for conversion rate (3.7% vs 11.7% P = 0.32), postoperative complications (14% vs 12%, P = 0.4), postoperative length of hospital stay (5 vs 6 days P = 0.43) or mortality (3.5% vs 0% P = 0.99). The only statistical difference was the operating time, at a mean (SD) 155 (60) vs 247 (71) min (P < 0.001)., Conclusion: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for large tumours needs more time but appears to be safe and feasible when performed by experienced surgeons.
- Published
- 2016
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7. Changing paradigms in the surgical management of cystic liver hydatidosis improve the postoperative outcomes.
- Author
Benkabbou A, Souadka A, Serji B, Hachim H, Mohsine R, Ifrine L, Belkouchi A, and El Malki HO
- Subjects
- Adult, Clinical Protocols, Female, Hepatectomy standards, Humans, Intraoperative Care, Logistic Models, Male, Middle Aged, Postoperative Complications etiology, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Echinococcosis, Hepatic surgery, Hepatectomy methods, Postoperative Complications prevention & control
- Abstract
Aim of the Study: Our aim was to propose and examine the outcomes of a comprehensive strategy for the management of cystic liver hydatidosis (CLH) based on extensive intraoperative assessments and optimal management of cystobiliary communications., Background Data: Although operative intervention remains the preferred treatment for CLH, and the presence of a cystobiliary communication remains a well-established predictive factor for postoperative complications, no internationally accepted management strategy integrates the specific management of cystobiliary communication into the choice of surgical approach., Methods: Early postoperative outcomes were compared before (1990-2004; P1 group; n = 664) and after (2005-2013; P2 group; n = 156) the implementation of a CLH surgical management strategy for CLH in our overall group of patients in subgroups selected by risk factors (as determined by multivariate analysis), and in 2 propensity score-matched groups., Results: Specific complications related to the hepatic procedure (intraabdominal complications) were independently associated with the presence of ≥ 3 cysts (P = .013), a fibrotic pericyst (P = .005), a cystobiliary communication (P < .001), and the P1 treatment period (P = .002). Between P1 and P2 groups, the rate of specific complications decreased in the overall group of patients with CLH (18.3% vs 4.5%; P < .001). The rate also decreased in risk factor-based subgroups: patients with ≥ 3 cysts (31.0% vs 4.0%; P = .005), a fibrotic pericyst (23.1% vs 9.2%; P = .011), and a cystobiliary communication (33.0% vs 13.2%; P = .006). After propensity score matching among 123 well-balanced matched pairs of patients, the overall complication rate, specific hepatic surgery-related complication rate, and median duration of hospital stay decreased between the P1 and P2 groups: 23.6% vs 12.2% (P = .02), 21.1% vs 4.9% (P < .001), and 7 vs 5 days (P < .001), respectively., Conclusion: Implementation of a CLH surgical management strategy based on specific intraoperative assessment and optimal management of cystobiliary communications improved early postoperative outcomes., (Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2016
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8. Abdominal wall recurrence of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor: case report.
- Author
Hachim H, Majbar AM, Alaoui M, Raiss M, Sabbah F, Hrora A, and Ahallat M
- Abstract
Introduction: The gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are mesenchymal tumors, most commonly affecting the stomach and small bowel. Only few cases of port-site recurrence after laparoscopic treatment have been reported. We herein report the case of a parietal recurrence on the extraction incision site, 7 years after laparoscopic surgery for small bowel GIST., Case Report: A 47 years-old female patient was hospitalized in November 2007 for isolated pelvic pain. CT scan showed an intestinal tumor with a benign aspect measuring 50 mm. A laparoscopy-assisted resection was performed. Surgical exploration found a 7 cm small bowel tumor. It was extracted through a supra-pubic transversal incision without a wound protector and then resected. Histologic analysis revealed an intestinal GIST with high aggressive potential (five mitosis per field), with CD117 positive at the immunohistochemical examination. The patient had no adjuvant chemotherapy. Seven years later, the patient was readmitted for an abdominal mass at the site of the supra-pubic scar. Abdomino-pelvic CT scan showed a 10 × 7.5 cm solid mass of the abdominal wall. Percutaneous biopsies were done and the pathological analysis revealed a mesenchymal-cell tumor, positive to CD117 and DOG1 at the immunohistochemical examination. Final diagnosis was abdominal wall recurrence of GIST secondary to tumor-contamination during the first surgery., Conclusion: Abdominal wall recurrence of GIST after laparoscopic surgery is rarely reported. This complication should be avoided with preventive measures such as the use of extraction bags or wound protectors.
- Published
- 2015
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9. Laparoscopic liver resection: initial experience in a North-African single center.
- Author
Benkabbou A, Souadka A, Serji B, Hachim H, El Malki HO, Mohsine R, Ifrine L, and Belkouchi A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Conversion to Open Surgery, Female, Humans, Length of Stay, Male, Middle Aged, Morocco, Postoperative Complications, Hepatectomy methods, Laparoscopy, Liver Neoplasms surgery
- Abstract
Background: Over past decades laparoscopic liver resection (LLR) has gained wide acceptance among hepatobiliary surgeons community. To date, few data are available concerning LLR programs in developing countries. This study aimed to assess feasibility and safety of LLR in a Moroccan surgical unit., Methods: From June 2010 to February 2013, patients that received LLR were identified from a prospective "liver resection" database and included in this study. Parenchymal transection was performed using Harmonic scalpel and bipolar clamp with no Intraoperative ultrasound use or systematic pedicle clamping. LLR difficulty was categorized into 3 categories according to Louisville-statement (I-III). Demographic informations, liver lesion informations, operative details, pathological tumor-margin and 1-months postoperative morbidity according to Clavien-Dindo(C-D) classification were analyzed., Results: Among 104 patients who underwent liver resection 13(12,5%) had LLR. There were 7 females and 6 males with mean age of 57,5 ± 17 years. LLR was performed for benign lesions in 3 cases and malignant ones in 10 (77%) patients: hepatocarcinoma in 7 patients and synchronous rectal-liver metastasis in 3 patients. Lesions were solitary in 12 (92%) patients with median size of 50mm (15 mm-150 mm). Patients with liver metastasis received combined laparoscopic rectal and liver resection. We used pure laparoscopic approach in 12 (92%) patients and hybrid one in 1 patient. LLR difficulty was category I, II and II in respectively 3(23%), 6(46%) and 4(31%)patients. Conversion rate to open liver resection was 15%. Mean blood loss was 395 min ± 270 min with no hepatic pedicle clamping or peroperative blood transfusion. All resections were tumor free margin. Mortality rate was nil and morbidity occurred in 4(30%) patients: ascites (C-D 2) and pelvic sepsis in combined resections (CD 3b). Median hospital stay was 6 days., Conclusion: Laparoscopic liver resection in our context is safe in selected patients, since no operative mortality, blood transfusion requirement or palliative resection was recorded and liver related morbidity rate was low. Intraoperative ultrasound liver examination capacities are mandatory to improve laparoscopic liver resection program's quality and extend indications.
- Published
- 2015
10. [Recurrent vaginal post-hysterectomy evisceration].
- Author
Traoré BZ, Benmansour A, Hachim H, Saoud O, Ekogha JC, Mbida R, and Chkoff RM
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Recurrence, Vaginal Diseases etiology, Vaginal Diseases surgery, Hysterectomy, Vaginal adverse effects, Suture Techniques, Vaginal Diseases pathology
- Published
- 2014
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