104 results on '"H. Jemel"'
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2. Les anévrismes de la bifurcation carotidienne : difficultés opératoires
- Author
Jalel Kallel, H. Mnakri, H. Jemel, Sofiene Bouali, M.D. Yedeas, and I. Ben Said
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction Les anevrysmes de la bifurcation de l’artere carotide interne representent 5 % de tous les anevrismes intracrâniens. Ces anevrismes ont tendance a se produire chez des patients relativement jeunes. La chirurgie est consideree difficile en raison de la relation etroite avec les arteres perforantes. Materiel et methodes Nous avons opere treize patients avec des anevrismes de la bifurcation carotidienne, les deux tiers ont ete rompus, tous nos patients ont ete operes par voie pterionale. Resultats La moyenne d’âge est de 26 ans. Dans quatre cas, les anevrismes sont multiples, deux sont associes a une artere communicante anterieure, dans un cas a une artere choroidienne anterieure et dans un cas a une artere communicante posterieure du meme cote. Conclusion Il n’existe aucun traitement preventif permettant d’eviter la formation d’un anevrisme, lesion dont la survenue est fortement conditionnee par des facteurs congenitaux et parfois hereditaires. Ainsi il fallait mieux explorer les techniques micro chirurgicales pour les mieux prendre en charge.
- Published
- 2019
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3. Tumeur Brune Rachidienne : à propos d’un cas
- Author
H. Jemel, I. Ben Said, M.D. Yedeas, Jalel Kallel, A. Slimane, and N. Karmani
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction La tumeur brune est une lesion osseuse benigne qui est la consequence d’un etat d’hyperparathyroidie. Elle est moins frequente en cas d’hyperparathyroidie secondaire mais habituelle chez les patients porteurs d’insuffisance renale chronique au stade d’hemodialyse. La localisation rachidienne reste, neanmoins, exceptionnelle et necessite une prise en charge particuliere surtout en cas de compression nerveuse. Observation Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente âgee de 40 ans aux antecedents d’hepatite C. Cette patiente presente depuis 6 semaines, de facon progressive, une claudication medullaire intermittente sans troubles sphincteriens. La radiographie du rachis avait montre des signes indirects d’osteodystrophie renale. La TDM rachidienne et l’IRM spinale ont objective un processus expansif lytique de l’arc posterieur de T11 comprimant la moelle en regard. La patiente a ete operee d’urgence. Les suites operatoires etaient simples avec une regression progressive du deficit moteur et disparition totale de ses dorsalgies. Conclusion La localisation rachidienne des tumeurs brunes est rare mais c’est un diagnostic auquel il faut penser devant une imagerie evocatrice chez un insuffisant renal chronique. Le traitement repose sur la supplementassion calcique et la chirurgie n’est indiquee qu’en cas d’urgence neurologique.
- Published
- 2019
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4. Apport de la radiothérapie pour les méningiomes du sinus caverneux
- Author
H. Jemel, L. Kochbati, A. Kallel, K. Ghedira, and R. Moujahed
- Subjects
Oncology ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging - Abstract
Objectif de l’etude Evaluer les resultats et la tolerance de la radiotherapie adjuvante ou exclusive dans le traitement des meningiomes du sinus caverneux. Materiel et methode Nous rapportons une serie retrospective de 18 patients suivis pour un meningiome du sinus caverneux entre 2011 et 2017. Nous presentons les resultats en termes de controle local et de tolerance au traitement. Resultats L’âge median etait de 59 ans [31–74 ans]. La taille tumorale moyenne etait de 35 mm [20–56 mm]. Le traitement etait a type de chirurgie suivie de radiotherapie adjuvante chez six patients et de radiotherapie exclusive chez 12 patients. Tous les patients ont recu une radiotherapie conformationnelle tridimensionnelle par un accelerateur lineaire. La dose de radiotherapie variait de 50,4 Gy en 28 fractions a 54 Gy en 30 fractions. Au cours du traitement, une bonne tolerance neurologique et generale a ete notee, avec une amelioration de la symptomatologie neurologique chez 13 patients et une stabilite chez cinq. Apres un suivi median de 43 mois [6–84 mois], un seul patient a ete atteint d’une progression tumorale, les autres avaient une stabilite clinique (trois patients), une amelioration de la symptomatologie (12 patients) et deux patients etrangers ont ete perdus de vue. Conclusion Les meningiomes volumineux (35 mm ou plus) ou tres proches des voies optiques (pas plus de 3–5 mm) ne se pretent pas a une chirurgie ou une radiotherapie stereotaxique. La radiotherapie conformationnelle tridimensionnelle permet un bon taux de controle local et est bien toleree.
- Published
- 2018
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5. Kyste anévrysmal du rachis : étude de 4 cas et revue de la littérature
- Author
Mohamed Badri, Ihsen Zammel, Ghassen Gader, Kamel Bahri, H. Jemel, and Aslam Hentati
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Objectif Les kystes anevrysmaux sont des tumeurs osseuses, rares, histologiquement benignes, mais destructrices. Ils se voient essentiellement chez le sujet jeune et touchent le rachis dans 15 % des cas. On se propose d’etudier les manifestations cliniques, les aspects radiologiques et les moyens therapeutiques de cette tumeur. Patients et methodes Quatre patients ont ete operes de kystes anevrysmaux du rachis (2 hommes et 2 femmes), sur une periode de 15 ans. L’âge des patients etait de 16, 18, 26 et 52 ans. Toutes les donnees ont ete incluses et analysees. Resultats Les manifestations cliniques etaient des troubles de la marche chez 2 patients, dont l’un etait paraplegique et des lombosciatalgies chez les deux autres. La tumeur siegeait au niveau dorsal dans 2 cas et lombaire dans les deux autres cas. Elle touchait l’arc posterieur des vertebres chez 2 patients et presentait un envahissement intracanalaire et corporeal dans la moitie des cas. L’exerese tumorale etait complete chez 3 patients et la laminectomie etait limitee au siege de la compression. En postoperatoire, les signes cliniques se sont ameliores chez tous les patients. Un seul cas a presente une recidive tumorale etendue necessitant une deuxieme intervention avec une osteosynthese. Conclusion Le traitement des kystes anevrysmaux du rachis est essentiellement chirurgical. L’osteosynthese est parfois necessaire devant un risque accru d’instabilite postoperatoire. Le pronostic est bon dans la majorite des cas.
- Published
- 2018
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6. Hernies discales lombaires intra-durales : à propos de 2 cas
- Author
I. Ben Said, A. Slimane, M.D. Yedeas, H. Jemel, N. Karmani, and Jalel Kallel
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction La hernie discale intra durale est une complication rare de la pathologie discale lombaire. La premiere observation a ete publiee en 1942 par Dandy. Depuis cette date et jusqu’en 1997 moins de 100 autres cas ont etes rapportes. Dans la majorite des cas, il s’agit cliniquement d’un syndrome de la queue de cheval ou d’une atteinte mono ou bi-radiculaire le plus souvent deficitaire. Le diagnostic a long temps ete evoque devant un arret total a la radiculographie. Aujourd’hui, il peut etre affirme sur la seule imagerie IRM. Le pronostic chirurgical est incertain puisque plus d’un tiers des malades ont une recuperation clinique incomplete. Observations Deux nouveaux cas operes dans le service de Neurochirurgie de l’institut national de neurologie seront presentes. Nous allons aussi faire une revue de la litterature en vue de preciser les differents aspects cliniques, d’apprecier l’apport de l’imagerie et d’en rapporter la pathogenie. Observation N°1 : Un homme de 42 ans, consulte pour des lombosciatalgies S1 droites. L’IRM lombaire est en faveur d’une hernie exclue a l’etage L5-S1 comprimant les racines de la queue de cheval. Une laminectomie partielle de L5 et S1 a permis de mettre en evidence du materiel discal arrivant a la face posterieure de la dure mere qui est ouverte. Observation N°C2 : Homme de 36 ans, qui souffre depuis 7 ans de lombosciatalgie L5 bilaterales avec une imperiosite mictionnelle. L’IRM lombaire a mis en evidence une hernie discale L3-L4 mediane migree vers le haut. Le patient a ete opere par une laminectomie de L3 et L4,un fragment discal exclu a ete retire de la face anterieure de la dure mere avec issu de LCR. Les suites operatoires etaient simples. Conclusion Le diagnostic peut etre affirme sur la seule imagerie IRM. Le pronostic chirurgical est incertain puisque plus d’un tiers des malades ont une recuperation clinique incomplete.
- Published
- 2019
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7. Abcès cérébral à Candida Albicans chez un adulte immunocompétent : à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature
- Author
I. Ben Said, Jalel Kallel, N. Karmani, H. Jemel, A. Slimane, and M. Chabaane
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction Les abces cerebraux mycosiques sont des infections rares. Comme la plupart des infections mycosiques du systeme nerveux central, ils concernent principalement les immunodeprimes. Mais, des cas ont ete decrits chez des immunocompetents. Candida Albicans, Aspergillus Fumigatus et Cryptococcus Neoformans sont les germes les plus incrimines. Les abces cerebraux mycosiques sont fatals en l’absence de traitement adequat. Le diagnostic est difficilement evoque vu leur rarete et souvent pose sur une autopsie. Observation Nous rapportons l’observation du patient F.N. âge de 19 ans, diabetique, qui consulte pour syndrome d’hypertension intra crânienne dans un contexte d’apyrexie evoluant depuis une semaine. L’interrogatoire trouve la notion de sonophobie et de photophobie d’installation recente. L’imagerie objective un abces cerebral profond et l’analyse du pus apres ponction en condition stereotaxique met en evidence la presence de Candida Albicans. Conclusion Les abces cerebraux mycosiques ne sont pas l’apanage des immunodeprimes. Une ponction avec examen et culture du pus de l’abces est indispensable au diagnostic. En dehors du traitement chirurgical, le traitement antifongique parenteral doit etre mis en route pendant une duree suffisante afin d’esperer une guerison.
- Published
- 2019
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8. RETRACTED: Facteurs prédictifs de passage en état de mort encéphalique chez le patient traumatisé crânien grave
- Author
A. Slimène, I. Ben Said, M.D. Yedeas, Sofiene Bouali, H. Mnakri, and H. Jemel
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Published
- 2019
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9. Tumeur germinale primitive du rachis
- Author
H. Jemel, N. Karmani, I. Ben Said, M.D. Yedeas, A. Slimane, and Jalel Kallel
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction Les tumeurs primitives representent 10 a 20 % des tumeurs vertebrales. Elles peuvent etre primitives ou secondaires. Les tumeurs primitives malignes sont dominees par le chondrosarcome, l’osteosarcome, le sarcome d’Ewing, le sarcome a cellules geantes, le plasmocytome solitaire. Les tumeurs germinales malignes sont des tumeurs issues de la transformation de cellules primitives germinales, destinees a donner des ovules et des spermatozoides. Ces tumeurs sont majoritairement localisees aux organes genitaux. La localisation d’une tumeur germinale primitive maligne (TGPM) au niveau du rachis dorsal est exceptionnelle. A notre connaissance, une dizaine de cas ont ete rapportes dans la litterature. Observation Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation d’une patiente âgee de 46 ans, sans antecedents, qui a consulte pour des rachialgies dorsales d’allure mecanique evoluant depuis 4 mois associees a des nevralgies intercostales droites et des troubles du transit a type d’alternance constipation-diarrhee. Conclusion Les tumeurs germinales malignes a localisation vertebrale dorsale sont rares. Leur decouverte chez un sujet adulte est exceptionnelle. Tout retard du diagnostic alourdit le pronostic du fait des complications neurologiques possibles. Le traitement fait appel essentiellement a la chirurgie et a la chimiotherapie.
- Published
- 2019
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10. Le kyste osseux anévrysmal du rachis : à propos de 4 cas et revue de la littérature
- Author
Jalel Kallel, N. Karmani, I. Ben Said, H. Jemel, M. Chabaane, and A. Slimane
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction Les kystes osseux anevrysmaux (KOA) sont des dystrophies osseuses pseudo-tumorales caracterisees par une dilatation de l’architecture osseuse par des canaux vasculaires. Les KOA representent 1,5 % des tumeurs osseuses rachidiennes. Ils touchent essentiellement le sujet jeune. On se propose d’etudier les manifestations cliniques, les aspects radiologiques et les moyens therapeutiques de cette lesion. Materiel et methodes Quatre patients ont ete operes dans notre service de kystes anevrysmaux du rachis (2 hommes et 2 femmes), sur une periode de 15 ans. L’âge des patients etait de 16, 18, 26 et 52 ans. Toutes les donnees ont ete incluses et analysees. Resultats Les manifestations cliniques etaient des troubles de la marche chez 2 patients dont l’un etait paraplegique et des lombosciatalgies chez les deux autres. La tumeur siegeait au niveau dorsal dans 2 cas et lombaire dans les deux autres cas. Elle touchait l’arc posterieur des vertebres chez 2 patients et presentait un envahissement intra-canalaire et corporeal dans la moitie des cas. L’exerese tumorale etait complete chez 2 patients et la laminectomie etait limitee au siege de la compression. En postoperatoire, les signes cliniques se sont ameliores chez tous les patients. Un seul cas a presente une recidive tumorale etendue necessitant une deuxieme intervention avec une osteosynthese. Conclusion Les KOA sont des lesions benignes. L’exerese chirurgicale complete est synonyme de guerison. L’osteosynthese est parfois necessaire devant un risque accru d’instabilite post-operatoire. L’evolution est favorable dans la majorite des cas.
- Published
- 2019
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11. Un cas rare d’hémangiome caverneux bilatéral de l’orbite
- Author
A. Slimène, I. Ben Said, Sofiene Bouali, M.D. Yedeas, H. Mnakri, and H. Jemel
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction L’hemangiome caverneux de l’orbite est une lesion benigne a croissance lente de l’espace intra-conique. Sa presentation la plus commune est la masse unilaterale dans la partie laterale du tiers moyen de l’orbite. Materiel et methodes Seuls 11 cas d’hemangiomes caverneux bilateraux orbitaux ont ete rapportes dans la litterature. Nous rapportons un nouveau cas d’hemangiome caverneux orbitaire bilateral qui entraine une perte de vision unilaterale. Un homme de 54 ans s’est presente a l’hopital avec des antecedents d’acuite visuelle alteree depuis un an. La meilleure acuite visuelle corrigee etait de 8/10 dans l’œil gauche et de 10/10 dans l’œil droit. L’IRM orbitaire presentait une masse homogene ronde et bien definie, de 28 mm de diametre dans l’espace intra-conique de l’orbite gauche et une lesion similaire de 11 mm de diametre dans l’espace conique extra-medial extra-large de l’œil droit. Ces lesions etaient hypo-intenses en ponderation T1 et iso intense sur des images ponderees en T2 avec une amelioration uniforme marquee apres injection de gadolinium. Une orbitotomie de la paroi superieure a ete realisee. Nous avons trouve une grande masse molle encapsulee de couleur framboise. La tumeur a ete totalement eliminee. La lesion droite a ete respectee puisque le patient etait totalement asymptomatique de l’œil droit. Resultats L’examen histopathologique a confirme le diagnostic d’hemangiome caverneux. Les lesions sont generalement traitees de facon conservatrice, et l’excision chirurgicale est reservee a ceux qui presentent une compression du nerf optique. Les neurochirurgiens preferent la craniotomie tandis que les ophtalmologistes favorisent diverses modalites des orbitotomies. Conclusion Les hemangiomes caverneux bilateraux sont extremement rares mais ils semblent etre plus frequents que prevu par la litterature.
- Published
- 2019
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12. Une sténose congénitale des foramens interventriculaires révélée par une hypertension intracrânienne à rechute
- Author
I. Kraoua, H. Jemel, Aida Rouissi, Neziha Gouider-Khouja, I. Ben Youssef-Turki, H. Benrhouma, and N. Ben Achour
- Subjects
congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Treatment outcome ,medicine.disease ,Shunt (medical) ,Constriction ,Surgery ,Hydrocephalus ,Stenosis ,Full recovery ,cardiovascular system ,medicine ,Foramen ,cardiovascular diseases ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,Fenestration - Abstract
Non-tumoral stenosis of interventricular foramen is a rare clinical condition. It can be either unilateral, causing monoventricular hydrocephalus, or bilateral leading to biventricular hydrocephalus. The pathophysiology of this misdiagnosed entity remains controversial. The non-tumoral stenosis of interventricular foramen can be either acquired or congenital. The latter usually manifesting with a neonatal hydrocephalus. We report a case of congenital bilateral stenosis of interventricular foramen, in an 8-year-old girl, revealed by recurrent intracranial hypertension. Diagnosis was relied on 3D-CISS sequences MRI. The child showed full recovery after neuroendoscopic septal fenestration and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt.
- Published
- 2013
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13. Perforation digestive et extériorisation anale du cathéter péritonéal : une complication rare de la dérivation ventriculopéritonéale
- Author
Sofiene Bouali, N. Matar, Jalel Kallel, A. Slimène, H. Mnakri, and H. Jemel
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Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction Les derivations du liquide cephalorachidien sont largement utilisees pour le traitement des hydrocephalies chez l’enfant. Jusqu’a ces dernieres annees, l’infection de la derivation restait la principale cause de morbidite et de mortalite avec un taux qui depasse 10 %. Nous rapportons a travers notre observation une complication rare de la DVP. Observation Un nourrisson de 9 mois qui a presente une hydrocephalie active symptomatique d’un refus de tetee et d’une apathie. La tomodensitometrie a montre une hydrocephalie active. Une derivation sous duro-peritoneale a ete faite. Deux mois plus tard, la mere consulte pour une exteriorisation anale du bout peritoneal du catheter. Le nourrisson a ete opere en urgence et la valve a ete otee. Apres verification de la sterilite du liquide cephalorachidien, une nouvelle derivation a ete posee. Conclusion Les infections du DVP sont des infections graves, dont le traitement repose essentiellement sur la prevention.
- Published
- 2018
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14. Kyste dermoïde rompu : à propos d’un cas et revue de littérature
- Author
H. Mnakri, H. Jemel, N. Matar, M.D. Yedeas, Sofiene Bouali, and I. Ben Said
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction Les kystes dermoides sont des formations tumorales benignes, de croissance lente, presque toujours d’origine congenitale, resultant de l’inclusion aberrante d’elements ectodermiques, lors de la fermeture du tube neural, entre la 3e et la 5e semaine du developpement embryonnaire. Nous illustrons notre observation d’un kyste dermoide frontal rompu. Observation Nous rapportons notre observation d’un jeune patient de 26 ans sans antecedents pathologiques notables qui aurait presente des crises convulsives tonicocloniques generalisees. L’examen neurologique initial est sans anomalies. L’imagerie par resonance magnetique a montre un processus expansif intracrânien frontal gauche de 60\*55\*50 mm, de signal mixte liquidien et graisseux avec des calcifications peripheriques et la presence des hypersignaux graisseux dans les sillons corticaux temporaux, frontaux et parietaux. Il a ete opere et a eu une exerese complete d’une lesion kystique. L’examen anatomopathologique a montre un kyste dermoide rompu frontal. Conclusion Nous discutons a travers notre cas les donnees epidemiologiques, cliniques, radiologiques et therapeutiques des kystes dermoides.
- Published
- 2018
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15. Les hématomes extraduraux de la fosse cérébrale postérieure : prise en charge
- Author
Sofiene Bouali, K. Abderahmene, N. Matar, K. Guedira, H. Jemel, and H. Mnakri
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction L’hematome extradural de la fosse cerebrale posterieure est une complication rare des traumatismes crâniens, en particulier en milieu pediatrique. Son pronostic, jadis grave, a ete nettement ameliore depuis l’avenement de la tomodensitometrie. Materiel et methodes Nous rapportons nos trois cas, le premier est un patient de 5 ans sans antecedents pathologiques, victime d’un accident de la voie publique, un pieton heurte par une voiture occasionnant un TC avec une PCI. L’examen initial a montre un enfant conscient, sans signe de localisation. L’imagerie a montre un hematome extradural de la fosse posterieure faisant 12 mm avec une disjonction de la suture parietotemporale gauche. Il fut opere en urgence avec evacuation d’l’hematome et suspension durale. Notre deuxieme patient est un homme de 34 ans sans antecedents, victime d’une agression par une pierre angulaire. L’examen initial etait sans anomalies. La tomodensitometrie a montre un hematome extradural de l’hemisphere cerebelleux gauche faisant 14 mm Il a ete evacue en urgence avec une suspension de la dure mere. Notre 3e patient est un enfant de 16 ans sans antecedents pathologiques, victime d’une chute d’une hauteur de 3 metres occasionnant un TC avec PCI. L’examen initial a trouve un GCS = 12/15 sans signe de localisation. La tomodensitometrie a objective un hematome extradural de l’hemisphere cerebelleux droit. Il a ete evacue avec des suites operatoires simples. Conclusion Nous discutons a travers nos cas la prise en charge des hematomes extraduraux de la fosse cerebrale posterieure.
- Published
- 2018
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16. Les infections nosocomiales en milieu neurochirugical : expérience de l’Institut national de neurologie
- Author
M. Hadhri, N. Matar, H. Mnakri, Sofiene Bouali, H. Jemel, and Jalel Kallel
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Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction Les infections associees aux soins (infections nosocomiales) constituent aujourd’hui un veritable probleme de sante publique du fait de leur frequence et de leur gravite. Materiel et methodes On a mene une etude transversale a caractere descriptif, effectuee durant une periode allant du 1er janvier au 30 avril 2015, au service de neurochirurgie de l’Institut national de neurologie « Mongi-Ben-Hamida ». Notre enquete est composee de deux parties : un questionnaire de 39 questions destine a 44 soignants et des prelevements microbiologiques faits a partir des mains et des tenues de 58 personnels soignants ainsi que des equipements en collaboration avec l’equipe du service d’hygiene de l’hopital. Resultats D’apres les resultats, 81 % ne connaissent pas la definition d’une infection nosocomiale. Soixante-dix pour cent n’accordent pas d’importance a l’hygiene des mains. Quarante pour cent ne connaissent pas la conduite a tenir lors d’un accident d’exposition a un patient porteur d’une infection. Les prelevements des mains et des tenus des personnels soignants etaient contamines par des bacteries pathogenes dans 46 % des cas. Conclusion Ce travail insiste sur l’existence des insuffisances enormes dans le domaine de la prevention du risque infectieux en milieu hospitalier.
- Published
- 2018
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17. Plasmocytome frontal dans sa forme plasmablastique : à propos d’un cas et d’une revue de littérature
- Author
H. Mnakri, N. Matar, I. Ben Said, M. Sfina, H. Jemel, and Sofiene Bouali
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Introduction Le plasmocytome cerebral realise une proliferation circonscrite de cellules plasmocytaires monoclonales, qui peut etre solitaire, multiple ou compliquer l’evolution d’un myelome multiple (MM). La localisation cerebrale est rare. Observation Nous rapportons notre cas a propos d’un patient de 53 ans diabetique non insulino–dependant qui se plaint de cephalees d’installation rapidement progressive. L’examen a revele une patiente parfaitement consciente, sans signe de localisation avec un œdeme papillaire stade III bilateral au fond d’œil. Le TDM cerebral et l’IRM ont montre un processus expansif temporal droit. Elle a ete operee avec exerese complete d’une tumeur friable hemorragique envahissant l’os. L’etude anatomopathologique a conclu a un plasmocytome frontal dans sa forme plasmablastique. Conclusion Nous discutons a travers notre cas les donnees epidemiologiques, cliniques, radiologiques et therapeutiques du plasmocytome dans sa forme plasmablastique.
- Published
- 2018
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18. Recurrent Cerebellar Liponeurocytoma with Supratentorial Extension
- Author
Nidhameddine Kchir, Faten Limaiem, Slim Haouet, Ines Chelly, H. Jemel, Amina Mekni, Khadija Bellil, Moncef Zitouna, and Selma Bellil
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Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Supratentorial Neoplasm ,Supratentorial Neoplasms ,Cerebellar Neoplasm ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Cerebellar liponeurocytoma ,Neurology ,Recurrence ,medicine ,Humans ,Neurocytoma ,Neurology (clinical) ,Radiology ,Cerebellar Neoplasms ,business - Published
- 2009
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19. Prise en charge neurochirurgicale des tumeurs intramédullaires : à propos de 45 cas
- Author
H. Jemel, N. Khouja, S. Houissa, Aouidj L, K. Bahri, M. Khaldi, Moncef Berhouma, and I. Zemmel
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medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Spinal Cord Neoplasm ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Microsurgery ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Central nervous system disease ,Radiation therapy ,Spinal cord tumor ,Biopsy ,medicine ,Adjuvant therapy ,Neurology (clinical) ,business - Abstract
Background and purpose Intramedullary spinal cord tumors (IMSCT) are relatively rare neoplasms, accounting for less than 5% of all central nervous system tumors. The optimum management of these tumors still remains controversial. Many decades ago, partial surgical resection followed by radiotherapy was the conventional management for IMSCT. Nowadays, maximal surgical resection of IMSCT without adjuvant therapy is the rule. We discuss the management of our cohort of 45 patients and review retrospectively the surgical outcome and survival. Methods and results We reviewed the charts of 45 patients who underwent surgery for IMSCT in our institution since 1990. The study included 23 female and 22 male with a mean age of 28.7 years (range: 18 months–64 years). In 40 patients, the final diagnosis was based on the results of MR imaging. The cervical location of the tumor was the most common (20 cases). Surgical procedures included a gross-total resection in 31 cases, subtotal resection in six cases, partial resection in five cases and a biopsy in three cases. The large majority of patients had histologically-proven low-grade tumors composed essentially of astrocytomas (44,4%) and ependymomas (28,8%). There was no mortality related to surgery. Concerning the functional outcome at six months, we noted that 22.2% of our patients deteriorated, 47.3% stayed the same and 30.5% improved. We found that patients with mild or no preoperative deficits were exceptionally damaged by the surgical procedure. Conclusions The gold-standard treatment of IMSCT remains maximal microsurgical resection without adjuvant therapy. For malignant or rapidly recurrent IMSCT, the optimum management is still controversial. Determinant predictors for a good outcome after surgery of IMSCT are histological type of lesion, total removal of the tumor and a satisfactory neurological status before surgery.
- Published
- 2009
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20. [Trapped temporal horn, an unusual form of obstructive hydrocephalus: 5 case-reports]
- Author
K, Abderrahmen, Y, Gdoura, J, Kallel, and H, Jemel
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Reoperation ,Brain Diseases ,Brain Neoplasms ,Infant ,Middle Aged ,Combined Modality Therapy ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt ,Temporal Lobe ,Ventriculostomy ,Postoperative Complications ,Recurrence ,Lateral Ventricles ,Humans ,Female ,Child ,Glioblastoma ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,Dilatation, Pathologic ,Encephalocele ,Hydrocephalus ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
"Entrapped temporal horn" is an unusual form of obstructive hydrocephalus which is due to an obstacle at the trigone of the lateral ventricle that seals off the temporal horn that may act as a space occupying process. In this study, our aim was to assess the clinical presentation, imaging, pathophysiology and the management of this entity.The medical records of patients with entrapped temporal horn diagnosed between January 2003 and December 2012 were reviewed retrospectively.Five patients were identified. In four cases, the condition developed after cranial surgery; an infant having two revisions of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt; an adult operated for a glioblastoma, an infant operated on for cerebral hydatidosis and an infant operated for an occipital encephalocele. In the last patient, the entrapped temporal horn revealed sarcoidosis.Trapped temporal horn syndrome can act as a space occupying process and requires surgical management. Internal shunting provides good results. However, the long term outcome depends on the etiology.
- Published
- 2015
21. Apoplexies pituitaires
- Author
I. Zemmel, M. Khaldi, H. Jemel, Jalel Kallel, and K. Ben Hamouda
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) ,business - Abstract
Resume Une serie de 25 patients avec un diagnostic clinique d’apoplexie pituitaire (AP) est rapportee. Il s’agit de 14 hommes et 11 femmes, âges de 20 a 79 ans avec une moyenne d’âge de 54 ans. L’AP etait inaugurale dans 22 cas. Un facteur declenchant a ete retrouve dans 3 cas. La symptomatologie allait d’une paralysie oculomotrice isolee a un etat de coma avec signes de decerebration. Dix-sept patients avaient une baisse de l’acuite visuelle. L’imagerie a montre un aspect evocateur d’adenome de l’hypophyse dans tous les cas, avec des signes d’hemorragie dans 10 tomodensitometries sur 24 et dans les 8 IRM qui ont ete effectuees. Vingt patients ont ete operes, dont 18 par voie transsphenoidale. La chirurgie a permis une recuperation d’une acuite visuelle normale chez 75% des patients operes durant les 7 premiers jours et chez 56% de ceux operes apres le 7 e jour. Aucun patient ayant une cecite en pre-operatoire n’a recupere une acuite visuelle normale. L’AP est un concept clinique, et ce terme ne doit s’appliquer qu’aux formes symptomatiques. Elle est generalement en rapport avec un adenome de l’hypophyse dont l’existence est le plus souvent ignoree par le patient. La gravite est tres variable et le pronostic vital peut etre en jeu. L’interet principal de la chirurgie durant la phase aigue est l’amelioration du pronostic visuel. Dans notre serie, nous avons note que l’existence d’une cecite ou une decompression tardive (au dela de 7 jours) doivent faire reserver le pronostic.
- Published
- 2006
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22. Hémangiopéricytome sellaire
- Author
N. Khouja, H. Jemel, Moncef Berhouma, I. Ksira, and M. Khaldi
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Resume Les hemangiopericytomes primitifs du systeme nerveux central sont rares et representent moins de 1 % des tumeurs intracrâniennes. Le diagnostic est histologique; le traitement repose sur la chirurgie et la radiotherapie. Ce sont des tumeurs a haut potentiel de recidive et de metastase, imposant un suivi prolonge. La localisation sellaire est tres rare, pouvant simuler un macroadenome hypophysaire. Les auteurs rapportent l’observation d’un patient presentant un hemangiopericytome sellaire simulant un macroadenome, opere par voie transsphenoidale puis par un abord sous-frontal unilateral droit, suivi d’une radiotherapie. L’evolution est marquee par l’absence de recidive a un an de suivi.
- Published
- 2006
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23. Thoracic myelopathy caused by ossification of the ligamentum flavum: a report of 18 cases
- Author
Karim Ben Hamouda, H. Jemel, Slim Haouet, and M. Khaldi
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,musculoskeletal diseases ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Spinal Cord Diseases ,Thoracic Vertebrae ,Lesion ,Myelopathy ,Paraparesis ,medicine ,Humans ,Spinal canal ,Aged ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Ossification ,business.industry ,Ossification, Heterotopic ,Laminectomy ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,musculoskeletal system ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Stenosis ,Ligamentum Flavum ,Treatment Outcome ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Thoracic vertebrae ,Female ,Radiology ,medicine.symptom ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,business ,Spinal Cord Compression - Abstract
Object. Thoracic myelopathy caused by ossification of the ligamentum flavum (OLF) is a rare entity, most evident in Japan. The authors studied the clinical manifestations, radiological aspects, surgical treatment, and pathogenesis of this disease. Methods. Eighteen patients with OLF-induced thoracic myelopathy underwent laminectomy. The severity of myelopathy varied. Complete paraplegia was seen in three cases. Compression of the upper and middle third of the thoracic spine was evident in six cases and of the lower third in 12 cases. Multilevel OLF was demonstrated in 13 cases. In most cases, the ossified ligamentum flavum appears as a V-shaped lesion on computerized tomography and magnetic resonance images. In all patients the diameter of the posterior spinal canal, already narrowed, was further exacerbated by the OLF. Laminectomy was limited to the levels of compression, and the ligamentum flavum was resected in all cases. The symptoms and signs improved in 13 cases and stabilized in four cases. In one case symptoms recurred as a result of ossified lesions forming at other sites. Histological examination showed that the mode of development of the ossified ligaments was endochondral ossification. Conclusions. Reports of OLF-induced myelopathy are rare and mainly described in Japan. The incidence also seems high in North Africa. An early laminectomy limited to the level of compression is recommended. Ossified ligamentum flavum is different from the calcification of the ligamentum flavum, which is due to crystal deposits.
- Published
- 2003
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24. Mesenchymal extraskeletal chondrosarcoma of the orbit
- Author
H. Jemel, N. Kchir, N. Khouja, H. Boussen, M. Khaldi, and S. Ben Amor
- Subjects
Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Radiography ,medicine.medical_treatment ,medicine.disease ,Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma ,Radiation therapy ,Lesion ,Skull ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,medicine ,Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Mesenchymal Extraskeletal Chondrosarcoma ,Orbit (anatomy) ,Calcification - Abstract
BACKGROUND Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MCS) is relatively uncommon. Orbital location is extremely rare: only 16 cases have been reported until now. We report a case of extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in a 27-year-old man and review the literature on its manifestations and management. CASE REPORT This patient had a 2-year history of progressive proptosis of the right eye. Skull X-ray and CT scan showed intra-orbital calcification and a large lesion in the upper right orbit. He was operated three times because of recurrence of the tumor. The last recurrence was observed to have extension to the intracranial region, detected on MRI and CT scan. This secondary extension of the tumor to the intracranial region has not been previously reported. Immunohistochemical analysis for S-100 protein showed focal positivity. CONCLUSION Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the orbit is rare, and secondary extension to the intacranial region has not previously been reported.
- Published
- 1999
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25. [Congenital stenosis of interventricular foramina revealed by recurrent intracranial hypertension]
- Author
N, Ben Achour, I, Kraoua, A, Rouissi, H, Benrhouma, I, Ben Youssef-Turki, H, Jemel, and N, Gouider-Khouja
- Subjects
Treatment Outcome ,Recurrence ,Humans ,Female ,Constriction, Pathologic ,Intracranial Hypertension ,Child ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt ,Cerebral Ventricles ,Hydrocephalus - Abstract
Non-tumoral stenosis of interventricular foramen is a rare clinical condition. It can be either unilateral, causing monoventricular hydrocephalus, or bilateral leading to biventricular hydrocephalus. The pathophysiology of this misdiagnosed entity remains controversial. The non-tumoral stenosis of interventricular foramen can be either acquired or congenital. The latter usually manifesting with a neonatal hydrocephalus. We report a case of congenital bilateral stenosis of interventricular foramen, in an 8-year-old girl, revealed by recurrent intracranial hypertension. Diagnosis was relied on 3D-CISS sequences MRI. The child showed full recovery after neuroendoscopic septal fenestration and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt.
- Published
- 2012
26. Hydatid cysts of the orbit
- Author
H. Jemel, M. Fendri, and G. Bonavolontà
- Subjects
Ophthalmology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Pathology ,Surgical approach ,business.industry ,parasitic diseases ,Medicine ,Cyst ,Radiology ,Orbit (control theory) ,business ,medicine.disease ,Parasitic infection - Abstract
Hydatid cysts are quite uncommon and the management of these lesions is still controversial. Three cases with identical clinical features, but with different surgical management are presented. The diagnosis and the different surgical approaches are discussed.
- Published
- 1993
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27. Extraventricular neurocytoma in a child mimicking oligodendroglioma: a diagnostic pitfall
- Author
F, Limaiem, S, Bellil, I, Chelly, A, Mekni, K, Bellil, H, Jemel, S, Haouet, M, Zitouna, and N, Kchir
- Subjects
Diagnosis, Differential ,Brain Neoplasms ,Child, Preschool ,Oligodendroglioma ,Humans ,Female ,Neurocytoma ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,Immunohistochemistry ,Neurosurgical Procedures - Abstract
Extraventricular neurocytomas are rare neuronal tumours that have been included in the 2007 WHO classification as a variant of central neurocytoma. They arise outside the ventricles, usually within the cerebral hemisphere,s but also in other regions throughout the neuraxis. The morphological overlap of these tumours with oligodendroglioma often poses diagnostic difficulty. Herein, a case of extraventricular neurocytoma in a 4-year-old girl is reported that mimicked histologically oligodendroglioma. The authors describe the clinicopathological features of this rare entity with special emphasis on differential diagnosis.
- Published
- 2009
28. [Surgical management of solitary eosinophilic granuloma of the calvaria. Two case reports]
- Author
M, Berhouma, W, Krichen, A, Chamseddine, and H, Jemel
- Subjects
Antigens, CD1 ,Eosinophilic Granuloma ,Occipital Bone ,Skull ,Humans ,Female ,Middle Aged ,Child ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,Immunohistochemistry ,Neurosurgical Procedures - Abstract
Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a systemic disease resulting from the oligoclonal proliferation of Langerhans cells, occurring most commonly in children and young adults. The focal form of the disease, also known as eosinophilic granuloma, most frequently involves the calvaria. We present two cases of calvarial eosinophilic granulomas that were surgically removed. These tumors are reputed to have an excellent prognosis, even if local recurrences and systemic dissemination can occur during the follow-up. The authors discuss the pathogenesis and the evolutive profile but also the therapeutic management of solitary eosinophilic granuloma of the calvaria.
- Published
- 2008
29. [Management of intramedullary spinal cord tumors: surgical considerations and results in 45 cases]
- Author
M, Berhouma, K, Bahri, S, Houissa, I, Zemmel, N, Khouja, L, Aouidj, H, Jemel, and M, Khaldi
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Microsurgery ,Adolescent ,Biopsy ,Infant ,Middle Aged ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Treatment Outcome ,Spinal Cord ,Child, Preschool ,Disease Progression ,Humans ,Female ,Spinal Cord Neoplasms ,Child - Abstract
Intramedullary spinal cord tumors (IMSCT) are relatively rare neoplasms, accounting for less than 5% of all central nervous system tumors. The optimum management of these tumors still remains controversial. Many decades ago, partial surgical resection followed by radiotherapy was the conventional management for IMSCT. Nowadays, maximal surgical resection of IMSCT without adjuvant therapy is the rule. We discuss the management of our cohort of 45 patients and review retrospectively the surgical outcome and survival.We reviewed the charts of 45 patients who underwent surgery for IMSCT in our institution since 1990. The study included 23 female and 22 male with a mean age of 28.7 years (range: 18 months-64 years). In 40 patients, the final diagnosis was based on the results of MR imaging. The cervical location of the tumor was the most common (20 cases). Surgical procedures included a gross-total resection in 31 cases, subtotal resection in six cases, partial resection in five cases and a biopsy in three cases. The large majority of patients had histologically-proven low-grade tumors composed essentially of astrocytomas (44,4%) and ependymomas (28,8%). There was no mortality related to surgery. Concerning the functional outcome at six months, we noted that 22.2% of our patients deteriorated, 47.3% stayed the same and 30.5% improved. We found that patients with mild or no preoperative deficits were exceptionally damaged by the surgical procedure.The gold-standard treatment of IMSCT remains maximal microsurgical resection without adjuvant therapy. For malignant or rapidly recurrent IMSCT, the optimum management is still controversial. Determinant predictors for a good outcome after surgery of IMSCT are histological type of lesion, total removal of the tumor and a satisfactory neurological status before surgery.
- Published
- 2007
30. [Pituitary apoplexy. Report of 25 patients]
- Author
M, Khaldi, K, Ben Hamouda, H, Jemel, J, Kallel, and I, Zemmel
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Humans ,Female ,Middle Aged ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Pituitary Apoplexy ,Aged - Abstract
A series of 25 patients with a clinical diagnosis of pituitary apoplexy (PA) is reviewed. It included 14 men and 11 women aged between 20 to 79 years (mean age: 54 years). Twenty-two patients did not know that they had a pituitary tumor when the apoplexy occurred. A precipitating event was found in 3 cases. Symptoms and signs ranged from isolated ocular paresis to a deep coma. Seventeen patients experienced a decrease in their visual acuity. CTscan and MRI showed a pituitary adenoma in all cases, a hemorrhage was also present in 10 out of the 24 CTscans, and in all the 8 MRI performed. Twenty patients underwent surgery; 18 of them by a transsphenoidal approach. A complete recovery of visual acuity was observed in 75% of patients operated within the week following the onset of symptoms, and in 56% of patients operated later on. There was no case of complete visual recovery among the blind patients. Pituitary apoplexy is a clinical concept. It applies only to symptomatic cases. It is generally a complication of a pituitary adenoma which is in most cases unknown. There are different degrees of severity; PA can even be life-threatening. The principal aim of surgery in the acute phase is the improvement of visual prognosis. In our series, blind patients or those with a history of visual loss for more than a week or with a blindness had a poorer prognosis.
- Published
- 2006
31. [Sellar hemangiopericytoma. A case report]
- Author
I, Ksira, M, Berhouma, H, Jemel, N, Khouja, and M, Khaldi
- Subjects
Adenoma ,Diagnosis, Differential ,Male ,Humans ,Pituitary Neoplasms ,Middle Aged ,Combined Modality Therapy ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Craniotomy ,Neurosurgical Procedures ,Hemangiopericytoma - Abstract
Primary central nervous system hemangiopericytoma is rare, accounting for less than 1% of primary central nervous system tumors. Diagnosis is histological. Treatment is surgical excision, followed by radiotherapy. Long-term follow-up is mandatory for these tumors with a high potential for recurrence and metastasis. The sellar location is very rare, and can be confused with pituitary adenoma. We report the case of a patient presenting a sellar hemangiopericytoma, who underwent surgery via a transsphenoidal approach, then right frontal craniotomy followed by radiotherapy. There was no recurrence at one year follow-up.
- Published
- 2006
32. Rathke cleft cyst of the sphenoid bone and nasopharynx. Case illustration
- Author
Karim Ben Hamouda, I. Zemmel, M. Khaldi, H. Jemel, and Mounir Ben Ismail
- Subjects
Pituitary stalk ,Transsphenoidal surgery ,Adult ,Male ,rhinorrhea ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Skull Neoplasms ,Sphenoid bone ,Craniopharyngeal canal ,Pharyngeal Neoplasms ,Anatomy ,medicine.disease ,Craniopharyngioma ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Treatment Outcome ,Nasopharynx ,Sphenoid Bone ,medicine ,Humans ,Cyst ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Central Nervous System Cysts ,Sinus (anatomy) - Abstract
1095 Manuscript received May 31, 2004; accepted in final form August 30, 2005. Address reprint requests to: Karim Ben Hamouda, M.D., Service de Neurochirurgie, Institut National de Neurologie, La Rabta, 1007, Tunis, Tunisia. email: kbenhamouda@lycos.com. We report an exceptional case of a sphenoidal and nasopharyngeal Rathke cleft cyst (RCC). In a literature review, we found that this cyst had never been described in this region. This 41-year-old man presented in August 2002 with progressive headaches, ptosis, and diplopia. In November 2002, he experienced a spontaneous episode of rhinorrhea and a complete subsequent resolution of the symptoms. In February 2003, the frontal headaches relapsed, associated this time with a progressive decrease in left-sided visual acuity. On clinical examination in April 2003, the patient had an isolated loss of visual acuity (1/10) in the left eye. Endocrinological assessment demonstrated normal results. Computerized tomography scanning revealed that the sphenoid region had been destroyed by a large noncalcified low-density cystic lesion. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging demonstrated a cystic sphenoidal extradural lesion that was isointense on T1-weighted sequences and peripheral enhancement after Gd enhancement (Fig. 1 left); hyperintensity was observed on T2-weighted images (Fig. 1 right). The maximal diameter of the lesion was 4 cm. There was also a smaller contiguous cyst on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx. A transrhinoseptal approach was used. The wall of the sphenoid sinus was paper thin; a motor oil–like fluid escaped. The cyst widely communicated with the nasal fossa, and its wall was partially extirpated. The dura covering the sellar floor was unperforated. Pathological examination showed a columnar ciliated epithelium (Fig. 2) consistent with an RCC. The postoperative course was uneventful; all symptoms resolved and no neurological symptoms developed. Imaging performed 1 week after surgery revealed partial evacuation of the cyst, with reappearance of the pituitary gland and a morphologically normal pituitary stalk. We also observed the persistence of a nasopharyngeal cyst under the sphenoidal lesion. One year later imaging revealed the disappearance of the sphenoidal cyst and the persistence of the lesion located on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx (Fig. 3). The sphenoidal, infrasellar origin of this RCC is supported by the absence of a suprasellar extension and by its entirely extradural location. Remnants of the craniopharyngeal canal can originate in a spectrum of cystic lesions, from simple RCCs to complex craniopharyngiomas.1 According to Erdheim’s theory,2 a craniopharyngioma can arise from every part of the craniopharyngeal canal. This may be also true for an RCC. In our case, it seems that the cyst derived from the canal enclosed in the cranial base bones, in contact with the walls of the pharynx. Computerized tomography and MR imaging features of RCC are not specific and are seen in more common lesions in this area such as craniopharyngiomas and mucoceles. The preoperative diagnosis of RCC is theoretically important because it may limit the operative management to biopsy sampling of the cyst wall and drainage of the contents via the transsphenoidal route.1 Voelker and colleagues3 concluded in a review of 155 cases that the transsphenoidal approach is optimal choice for sellar and suprasellar RCC and that partial excision and drainage of these cysts are the recommended treatments. In this case the sphenoid cyst disappeared after a partial excision of its walls.
- Published
- 2005
33. Kyste hydatique cérébral calcifié : à propos de 2 cas
- Author
K. Saadaoui, H. Jemel, Sofiene Bouali, Jalel Kallel, Adnen Boubaker, A. Ben Ncir, and K. Abderrahme
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Published
- 2011
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- Author
F. Benna, A. Haddaoui, S. Bach Hamba, M. Afrit, S. Labidi, H. Boussen, H. Jemel, and N. Kchir
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Chemotherapy ,Temozolomide ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Histology ,Retrospective cohort study ,Gastroenterology ,Chemotherapy regimen ,Surgery ,Poster Presentations ,Radiation therapy ,Oncology ,Internal medicine ,Concomitant ,Epidemiology ,medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To report the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of a TN serie of GBM treated recently by CC RT-CT then adjuvant with TMZ, according to Stupp protocol(NEJM 2005;352:987-996). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Our retrospective bicentric study included 37 cases of histologically confirmed GBM treated between 2006 and 2012 in Abderrahmen Mami hospital (medical oncology ward) and Taoufik Clinic of Tunis. We collected the following data: age, sex, symptoms, histology, investigations, treatment and evolution. RESULTS: We treated 25 males and 12 females (sex-ratio = 2.08) with a median age of 54 years (13-72). GBM was revealed mainly by deficit symptoms (41%). Surgery consisted in a wide resection in 89% of cases, reported as macroscopically complete in 78% of cases. All our patients received a CC CT-RT and 51% Adj TMZ, 22% receiving the 6 planned cycles. With a median follow-up of 12 months, medican survival was 12 months, 4 remained alive with evolutive disease. 1 and 2 year-actuarial survival were respectively of 77.6% and 38.4%. CONCLUSION: GBM patients in Tunisia have lioblastoma is a rare neoplasm with poor prognosis. Their lower median and overall survivals could be explained by the predominance of high risk cases according to neurofunctional VI-VI RPA classification.
- Published
- 2014
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35. [Solitary plasmacytoma of the cranial vault. Case report and review of the literature]
- Author
N, Khouja, L, Aouidj, K, Bahri, H, Jemel, S, Haouet, and M, Khaldi
- Subjects
Male ,Skull Neoplasms ,Humans ,Middle Aged ,Plasmacytoma - Abstract
We report a case of solitary plasmacytoma of the cranial vault. A 58-year-old man presented with a frontal soft tissue mass. X-Ray of the skull showed a lytic lesion of the frontal bone. CT scan showed the lesion extending intra and extracranially and cerebral angiography allowed embolization of afferent arteries. Complete removal of the lesion was performed without additional radiotherapy. Two years after surgery the patient is alive, and asymptomatic. Until 1997, 35 cases of solitary plasmacytoma of the cranial vault are reported, of which only five had frontal localisation. Solitary plasmacytoma of the cranial vault has a good outcome but progression towards a multiple myeloma is possible and deserves clinical and biological follow-up.
- Published
- 2000
36. [Cerebral stereotactic biopsy and surgery: Report of 100 cases]
- Author
N, Khouja, M, Khaldi, A, Boubaker, M, Yedeas, K, Bahri, K, Ben Hammouda, L, Aouidj, and H, Jemel
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Adolescent ,Brain Neoplasms ,Biopsy ,Brain ,Glioma ,Middle Aged ,Stereotaxic Techniques ,Treatment Outcome ,Child, Preschool ,Humans ,Female ,Child ,Meningioma ,Aged - Abstract
To report the results of the use of the stereotactic techniques in the management of intra cranial lesions.Between july 1994 and march 1998, we carried out 117 stereotactic procedures of whom only 100 cases were analyzed. All the procedures were achieved after a CT scan. Patients were separated in two groups: (A) stereotactic biopsy (91 patients), (B) surgery with laser guidance (9 patients). The mean age in group A was 38 years (2-75 years) versus 27 years (11-66 years) in group B. The sex-ratio was 1.3.In the group A, the correct pathological diagnosis was obtained in 91.2% of cases. Glial tumors was the frequent histopathological variety of tumor (67.47%). Only one patient was operated after biopsy for a bilateral meningioma of the anterior 1/3 of the falx. There was only one death (1.09%) and 3.29% of transitory complications. In the group B, all patients were operated with laser guidance. Thirty seven per cent of patients underwent radiotherapy after the stereotactic biopsy or surgery.Stereotactic biopsy is a reliable method for the histopathological diagnosis of deep-seated brain lesions. Surgery with laser guidance is a useful alternative for the management of small deep-seated lesions or lesions located in functional areas.
- Published
- 2000
37. Mesenchymal extraskeletal chondrosarcoma of the orbit. Report of a case and review of the literature
- Author
N, Khouja, S, Ben Amor, H, Jemel, N, Kchir, H, Boussen, and M, Khaldi
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Humans ,Orbital Neoplasms ,Chondrosarcoma, Mesenchymal ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Abstract
Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MCS) is relatively uncommon. Orbital location is extremely rare: only 16 cases have been reported until now. We report a case of extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in a 27-year-old man and review the literature on its manifestations and management.This patient had a 2-year history of progressive proptosis of the right eye. Skull X-ray and CT scan showed intraorbital calcification and a large lesion in the upper right orbit. He was operated three times because of recurrence of the tumor. The last recurrence was observed to have extension to the intracranial region, detected on MRI and CT scan. This secondary extension of the tumor to the intracranial region has not been previously reported. Immunohistochemical analysis for S-100 protein showed focal positivity.Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the orbit is rare, and secondary extension to the intracranial region has not previously been reported.
- Published
- 1999
38. Prediction of cerebral vasospasm in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage using jugular bulb oximetry monitoring: preliminary results
- Author
A Abdelrazek, S Bziouech, H Jemel, H Souissi, M Badri, R Souissi, and A Boubakker
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Subarachnoid hemorrhage ,business.industry ,Vasospasm ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,medicine.disease ,nervous system diseases ,Surgery ,Cerebral vasospasm ,Jugular bulb ,Anesthesia ,Poster Presentation ,cardiovascular system ,medicine ,In patient ,cardiovascular diseases ,Cerebral oxygen ,business ,circulatory and respiratory physiology ,Cause of death - Abstract
Cerebral vasospasm (CV) is the leading cause of death and disability in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). We suppose that clinical vasospasm disturbances could be detected by the increase in cerebral oxygen extractions (AVDO2), so in this study we tried to predict clinical CV appearances using jugular bulb oximetry monitoring.
- Published
- 2010
39. [Cerebral aspergillotic granuloma. Apropos of a case and a review of the literature]
- Author
N, Kchir, A, Bouratbine, S, Boubaker, H, Jemel, S, Haouet, S, Chatti, M, Khaldi, and M M, Zitouna
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Brain Diseases ,Granuloma ,Brain Neoplasms ,Flucytosine ,Middle Aged ,Diagnosis, Differential ,Olfaction Disorders ,Amphotericin B ,Aspergillosis ,Humans ,Female ,Child ,Meningioma ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,Aged - Abstract
The authors report a case of aspergillus granuloma of the brain, in a 28 year old woman, simulating a meningioma. Preoperative diagnosis of aspergilloma is difficult. However, it may be suspected in a patient who has associated pulmonary and paranasal sinus fungal infection. Peroperatively it may be confused with a brain tumour. The lesions usually are in the frontal lobes. Diagnosis can be made only by surgical biopsy with identification of fungal elements. Granuloma induce a good host response, and a high capacity to elaborate antibodies.
- Published
- 1990
40. Unrecognized abdominal pregnancy with six months' evolution revealed by acute intestinal obstruction in women with PCOS.
- Author
Ghades S, Daadoucha A, Jemel H, Rouis N, and Fatnassi MR
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Pregnancy, Adult, Intestinal Obstruction surgery, Intestinal Obstruction etiology, Intestinal Obstruction diagnosis, Pregnancy, Abdominal surgery, Pregnancy, Abdominal diagnosis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome complications, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome diagnosis
- Abstract
Abdominal pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy where implantation and development of the egg take place in the peritoneal cavity outside the tubo-uterine mucosa, in contact with intestinal loops. Diagnosis is most often difficult. We report the case of a 32-year-old woman (gravida 1, para 1), with a history of PCOS, diagnosed with abdominal pregnancy at 20 weeks of amenorrhea complicated by acute intestinal obstruction. Diagnosis was confirmed by abdomino-pelvic scan. Surgery was performed with the patient under general anesthesia. She presented a macerated fetus with an infiltration of the placenta causing a perforation of the sigmoid colon and uterus. Hartmann's procedure was performed and the perforation of the uterus was sutured. Abdominal pregnancy remains a rare variety of ectopic pregnancy. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult due to the presence of a variety of non-specific symptoms. This type of ectopic pregnancy remains challenging for gynecologists and radiologists.
- Published
- 2024
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41. Spontaneous bilateral tubal ectopic pregnancy: a gynecological challenge.
- Author
Ghades S, Daadoucha A, Jemel H, Rouis N, and Fatnassi MR
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Pregnancy, Adult, Ultrasonography, Pregnancy, Tubal diagnosis, Pregnancy, Tubal surgery
- Abstract
Bilateral ectopic pregnancy is very rare. Although the frequency of ectopic bilateral pregnancy has increased with the advent of medically assisted procreation, spontaneous bilateral tubal pregnancies remain rare. Early detection of this type of ectopic pregnancy is important to prevent maternal mortality and morbidity. Conservative surgery must also be considered, as preservation of both tubes is presumed to offer better fertility prospects. We report the case of a 35-year-old patient at five weeks of amenorrhea with bilateral ectopic pregnancy diagnosed based on ultrasound scans and confirmed during laparotomy. A 35-year-old woman with a history of three vaginal deliveries, non-smoker, on contraceptives (microprogestins), presented with pelvic pain and amenorrhea of five weeks. A beta HCG test came back positive. Pelvic ultrasound revealed a moderate hemoperitoneum and an empty uterus with hematometra. It also showed heterogeneous left and right adnexal masses measuring 3 cm and 4 cm, respectively. An emergency laparotomy was performed. Per-operatively, two bilateral tubal pregnancies of 3 cm and 4 cm were founded. The patient received conservative treatment with bilateral salpingotomy. Postoperative management was uneventful. The diagnosis of spontaneous bilateral tubal ectopic pregnancy is rare and often established at the time of surgery, hence the importance of a rigorous and vigilant examination of the two tubes during ultrasound examination and surgery, so as not to miss it and to better prevent maternal mortality. Conservative surgery must be carefully chosen.
- Published
- 2024
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42. Symptomatic pneumocephalus: A rare complication of discal herniation's surgery.
- Author
Gader G, Karmeni N, Ben Saïd I, and Jemel H
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Lumbar Vertebrae surgery, Dura Mater injuries, Intervertebral Disc Displacement surgery, Intraoperative Complications, Orthopedic Procedures adverse effects, Pneumocephalus etiology, Postoperative Complications
- Abstract
Context: We report the case of a 40-year-old woman with no pathological history, operated from an L4-L5 disc herniation by a left unilateral approach. The dura mater enveloping the left L5 root was accidentally injured at its lateral face causing a breach with CSF leakage. This breach could not be sutured. A few hours after waking, the patient presented an agitation followed by three generalized tonico-clonic seizures. Cerebral imaging revealed pneumocephalus. The patient was hospitalized in an intensive care unit. The symptoms gradually faded and the patient was discharged 3 days after surgery. Findings: Pneumocephalus is defined by the presence of air inside the skull. The symptoms of pneumocephalus are generally non-specific and varied, and this complication should also be kept in mind to prevent potentially severe course. The prevention of postoperative pneumocephalus depends on a well-defined strategy in the case of iatrogenic dural tear. Conclusions: Symptomatic pneumocephalus is a very rare complication in the course of lumbar surgery. Conservative therapy may be appropriate even in severe symptomatic manifestations.
- Published
- 2019
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43. Hodgkin Lymphoma revealed by epidural spinal cord compression.
- Author
Ghedira K, Matar N, Bouali S, Zehani A, Boubaker A, and Jemel H
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Male, Epidural Neoplasms complications, Hodgkin Disease complications, Hodgkin Disease diagnosis, Spinal Cord Compression etiology
- Abstract
Context: Hodgkin Lymphoma is rarely diagnosed as spinal cord compression syndrome. Caused by an epidural mass, this complication is often encountered in a late stage of the disease. We report the case of a 40-year-old man presenting with symptoms of low thoracic spinal cord compression due to an epidural tumor on the MRI., Findings: Emergent surgery was undertaken on this patient, consisting in laminectomy and tumor resection. After surgery, pain relief and mild neurological improvement were noticed. The histological study revealed a Hodgkin Lymphoma and the patient was referred to chemotherapy and radiotherapy., Conclusion: Though chemotherapy is the gold standard treatment for Hodgkin Lymphoma, surgical spinal decompression may be required in epidural involvement of the disease. Diagnosis may be suspected in the presence of lymphadenopathy and general health decay.
- Published
- 2019
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44. Acute Paraplegia Revealing a Hemorrhagic Cauda Equina Paragangliomas.
- Author
Ghedira K, Matar N, Bouali S, Zehani A, and Jemel H
- Abstract
Cauda equina paragangliomas are rare neuroendocrine benign and slow-growing tumors. Acute paraplegia, occurring because of sudden intratumoral hemorrhage, represents an extremely rare clinical picture of this disease. We report the case of a 64-year-old male presenting with a 5-day acute lower back pain, sciatica, and leg weakness. Spinal imaging showed an intradural mass of the cauda equina region and an emergent surgical treatment was achieved. The lesion was removed " en bloc ," and subarachnoid blood was noticed during surgery. The postoperative course was uneventful, with complete regression of pain and progressive motor recovery. The histological study revealed typical microscopic and immunohistochemical features of paragangliomas., Competing Interests: There are no conflicts of interest.
- Published
- 2019
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45. Embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes: illustrative case and review of the literature.
- Author
Bouali S, Zehani A, Mahmoud M, Said IB, Kallel J, and Jemel H
- Subjects
- Child, Preschool, Female, Humans, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Neoplasms, Germ Cell and Embryonal pathology
- Abstract
Background: Embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes (ETMR) is a very rare entity and has seldom been reported. It has been newly defined tumor entity included in the latest update (revised fourth edition) of WHO 2016 Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System which portends a uniform dismal prognosis and survival even with the best of multimodality approaches., Illustrative Case: This report documents the presentation of a 2-year-old girl with voluminous intracranial ETMR in the right parieto-occipital region. We describe clinical diagnosis, histological aspects, radiological features, and current management of this very aggressive tumor., Conclusion: Pediatric intracranial ETMR is a highly aggressive neoplasm, and it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pediatric brain tumors.
- Published
- 2018
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46. Pediatric Intracranial Anaplastic Gangliogliomas: Illustrative Case and Systematic Review.
- Author
Bouali S, Ben Said I, Zehani A, Drissi C, Bouhoula A, Kallel J, and Jemel H
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Brain diagnostic imaging, Brain pathology, Brain surgery, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Child, Diagnosis, Differential, Disease Management, Female, Ganglioglioma pathology, Humans, Infant, Male, Brain Neoplasms diagnosis, Brain Neoplasms therapy, Ganglioglioma diagnosis, Ganglioglioma therapy
- Abstract
Objective: We present an illustrative case of pediatric intracranial anaplastic ganglioglioma and systematically reviewed the current reported data of anaplastic ganglioglioma in the pediatric population., Methods: A comprehensive literature search for our review was conducted using PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Cochrane, and Embase databases. The search terms included "ganglioglioma," "anaplastic," "pediatrics," "children," and "intracranial." We used no limitations for date, type, or language. Reports of pediatric patients (age <19 years) with intracranial anaplastic gangliogliomas were included. Baseline patient demographic characteristics, clinical presentations, imaging characteristics, management strategies, and outcomes data were extracted., Results: We included 24 studies involving 34 patients in the quantitative synthesis. The mean patient age was 9.18 ± 5.46 years (range, 0.16-18). A male predominance was observed (approximate male/female ratio, 1.61:1). Increased intracranial pressure was the most common symptom (n = 19; 55%), followed by seizures (n = 11; 32%). These tumors were most often found in the supratentorial compartment (n = 26; 76%). All 34 patients had undergone surgical removal. The mean follow-up was 22.2 months (range, 2-72). The mean overall survival duration was 43 months (95% confidence interval, 32.45%-55.31%; 1- and 3-year overall survival, 76.6% and 45.5%, respectively). The median event-free survival was 34 months (95% confidence interval, 10.6%-57.3%; 1- and 3-year event-free survival rate, 76.6% and 42.4%, respectively)., Conclusions: Our results contribute to our understanding of the characteristics of this rare malignant tumor and show that anaplastic ganglioglioma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intracranial tumors in pediatric patients., (Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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47. Distinguishing Falcine Chondrosarcomas from Their Mimics and Management.
- Author
Omezine S, Bouali S, Taallah M, Zehani A, Kallel J, and Jemel H
- Subjects
- Adult, Craniotomy methods, Diagnosis, Differential, Dura Mater diagnostic imaging, Dura Mater surgery, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Male, Meningeal Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Meningioma diagnostic imaging, Brain Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Brain Neoplasms surgery, Chondrosarcoma diagnostic imaging, Chondrosarcoma surgery, Disease Management
- Abstract
Background: Primary intracranial chondrosarcoma is an extremely rare malignant tumor of the central nervous system, which accounts for <0.16% of all primary intracranial tumors. This rare tumor has a high associated morbidity from the tumor itself as well as from treatment modalities., Case Description: A 33-year-old man presented with a diffuse headache of 3 months' duration. He was admitted to our department with weakness in the right extremities that had persisted for more than a month. Findings of the neurologic examination revealed right hemiparesis. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a well-demarcated, parasagittal left frontal mass, which compressed to the lateral ventricle. It was hypointense on T1-weighted and hyperintense on T2-weighted images without creating edema in the surrounding tissue. A left frontoparietal craniotomy with complete excision of the mass was performed. The postoperative period was uneventful, and patient was discharged on the fourth postoperative day without any neurologic deficit. Histopathology showed a morphology that was in favor of chondrosarcoma grade 1., Conclusions: Dural chondrosarcoma is a possible entity in the differential diagnosis of a presumed meningioma, particularly when atypical features are present. We report a grade 1 intracranial chondrosarcoma of the classical subtype without any neurologic problems after complete surgical excision. The patient did not receive any adjuvant therapy and at 26 months' follow-up showed no recurrence., (Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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48. Bilateral Orbital Cavernous Hemangioma.
- Author
Hentati A, Matar N, Dridi H, Bouali S, and Jemel H
- Abstract
Cavernous hemangioma of the orbit (CHO) is a benign slow-growing lesion of intracanal space. Bilateral orbital cavernous hemangiomas are extremely rare, so that only a few cases have been reported in scientific literature. A 54-year-old patient presented a 1-year history of impaired visual acuity of the left eye. Physical examination showed a left axial propotosis. Orbital magnetic resonance imaging showed a 28 mm diameter intraconal space mass of the left orbit, as well as another 11 mm diameter lesion in the right eye, in the superomedial extraconal space. A superior wall left orbitotomy was performed with a total removal of the tumor. The right lesion was respected. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of CHO. Bilateral cavernous hemangiomas are extremely rare. Orbital imaging guides the diagnosis. The neurosurgeons prefer craniotomy while ophthalmologists favor various modifications of orbitotomies., Competing Interests: There are no conflicts of interest.
- Published
- 2018
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49. Does a systematic algorithm matter for the management of ventriculoperitoneal shunt perforations of the gastrointestinal tract?
- Author
Bouali S, Ghedira K, Mnakri H, Kallel J, and Jemel H
- Subjects
- Female, Gastrointestinal Tract surgery, Humans, Hydrocephalus surgery, Infant, Postoperative Complications drug therapy, Prostheses and Implants, Radiography, Algorithms, Gastrointestinal Tract injuries, Postoperative Complications etiology, Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt adverse effects
- Published
- 2018
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50. The role of endoscopy in the treatment of hydrocephalus associated with aneurysmal malformation of the vein of Galen.
- Author
Bouali S, Boubaker A, Maatar N, Yedaes MD, Kallel J, and Jemel H
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Hydrocephalus complications, Hydrocephalus diagnostic imaging, Imaging, Three-Dimensional, Infant, Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Vein of Galen Malformations complications, Vein of Galen Malformations diagnostic imaging, Ventriculostomy methods, Cerebral Veins pathology, Endoscopy methods, Hydrocephalus surgery, Vein of Galen Malformations surgery
- Published
- 2018
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