Scientific Reports 6: Article number: 21110;10.1038/srep21110 published online February222016; updated: June232016 The original version of this Article contained errors. H. Dashti-Naserabadi and A. Abbasi were incorrectly listed as being affiliated with ‘Department of Physics, Plasma and Condensed Matter Computational Laboratory, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz 53714-161, Iran’ and ‘Physics and Accelerators Research School, NSRTI 11365-3486, Tehran, Iran’ respectively. The correct affiliations are listed below: H. Dashti-Naserabadi Physics and Accelerators Research School, NSRTI 11365-3486, Tehran, Iran A. Abbasi Department of Physics, Plasma and Condensed Matter Computational Laboratory, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz 53714-161, Iran In the Abstract, “The rapid growth of the boundary domain at the percolation threshold, which is guaranteed to occur for almost any cluster percolation process, underlies the the universal scaling of χ.” now reads: “The rapid growth of the boundary domain at the percolation threshold, which is guaranteed to occur for almost any cluster percolation process, underlies the universal scaling of χ.” In the legend of Figure 1, “The (bottom) boundary domain consists of a single cluster (light blue) that evolves by merging with other neighboring clusters from the initial set of the L bottom sites (i = 0 to i = L − 1; j = 0).” now reads: “The (bottom) boundary domain consists of a single cluster (light blue) that evolves by merging with other neighboring clusters from the initial set of the L bottom sites (i = 0 to L - 1; j = 0).” In the legend of Figure 5, “Size Δ of the largest gap in w for a collection of continuous and discontinuous cluster percolation models. Specifically, for rnd-rule (○ ), 2nd-max-rule (W), 3rd-max-rule (◇), fractional (Δ, f = 0.5), all yielding discontinuous percolation, and max-max-rule (select at random a cluster and merge the two largest clusters that are neighbors of each other among the selected cluster and all its neighbors), yielding continuous percolation, Δ as a function of lattice size L is shown. 800 realizations for each data point. Error bars are smaller than symbol size.” now reads: “The maximal gap in w. Size Δ of the largest gap in w for a collection of continuous and discontinuous cluster percolation models. Specifically, for fractional f= 0 (∘), max-rule (☆), rnd-rule (□), all yielding discontinuous percolation, and site-percolation (▿), yielding continuous percolation, Δ as a function of lattice size L is shown. 10^5 realizations for each data point. Error bars are smaller than symbol size.” These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.