92 results on '"Høgskolen i Oslo"'
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2. Learning arenas for creative students
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Víctor Baldomà, Laia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, and Víctor Baldomà, Laia
- Abstract
Al llarg de cinc mesos, el nostre grup de cinc estudiants va rebre l'encàrrec de crear un nou espai pels estudiants d'art, teatre i disseny de la Universitat Metropolitana d'Oslo. Immediatament es va observar de que no hi havia cap habitació, pis o fins i tot edifici designats per a utilitzar com a base pel nostre disseny. Per tant, es va optar per crear un espai conceptual que representés una zona d'estudi que podria ser utilitzada i adaptada dins els plans d'una futura remodelació però sense les limitacions dels codis d'edificació i un pressupost. Això es va realizar per a proporcionar idees a la universitat, de les quals se'n podria utilitzar qualsevol ítem, des d'un sol moble fins el disseny complet de l'habitació, quan l'edifici es renovi durant l'estiu de 2024. Els estudiants van ser els principals subjectes d'estudi del disseny conceptual. Tanmateix, cap membre del grup tenia experiència significativa amb les necessitats dels estudiants d'art, teatre o disseny. Les entrevistes i les investigacions ens van anar ajudant a concretar idees sobre el que un espai pot oferir a aquestes estudiants. Quan finalment es va crear el concepte, vam tornar a preguntar als alumnes per demanar les seves respectives opinions. Els alumnes van quedar sorpresos positivament de com s'incorporaven les seves necessitats i desitjos dins l'espai dissenyat i van repartir elogis i suggeriments addicionals quan calia. A partir dels comentaris dels estudiants, creiem que els nostres conceptes són prometedors i referents de disseny per al nou espai del Departament d'Art, Drama i Disseny d'OsloMet., Durante cinco meses, nuestro grupo de cinco estudiantes recibió el encargo de crear un nuevo espacio dirigido a los estudiantes de arte, teatro y diseño de la Universidad Metropolitana de Oslo. Inmediatamente nos dimos cuenta de que no había ninguna sala, planta o incluso edificio designado que pudiéramos utilizar como base para nuestro diseño. Por lo tanto, se optó por crear un espacio conceptual que representara una zona de estudio que pudiera ser planificada y adaptada para una futura remodelación, pero sin las limitaciones de los códigos de construcción y de un presupuesto. Esto se realizó para proporcionar ideas a la universidad, de las cuales se podría utilizar cualquier concepto, desde una sola pieza de mobiliario al diseño completo de la habitación, podría ser utilizado cuando el edificio se renueva en el verano de 2024. Los estudiantes eran los principales destinatarios del diseño conceptual. Sin embargo, ningún miembro del grupo tenía experiencia significativa con las necesidades de los estudiantes de arte, teatro o diseño. Las entrevistas y la investigación nos ayudaron a ir desvelando poco a poco ideas sobre lo que un espacio podía ofrecer a estos estudiantes. Cuando por fin se creó el concepto, volvimos a los estudiantes y les pedimos su opinión. Los estudiantes se sorprendieron positivamente de cómo se habían incorporado sus necesidades y deseos al espacio y nos repartieron elogios y sugerencias cuando fue necesario. Basándonos en las opiniones de los estudiantes, creemos que nuestros conceptos son prometedores como referencia de diseño para el nuevo espacio del Departamento de Arte, Teatro y Diseño de OsloMet, Over the course of five months, our group of five students was given the task of creating a new space for art, drama, and design students at Oslo Metropolitan University. Immediately it was disclosed that there was no designated room, floor, or even building that we might use as a base for our design. Therefore, the choice was made to create a concept space that represents a study area that could be plans for a remodel but without the limitations of building codes and a budget. This was done to provide ideas to the school, of which anything from a single piece of furniture to the whole room design could be utilized when the building is renovated over the summer of 2024. Students were the foremost target users of the concept design. However, no group member had significant experience with art, drama, or design students. Interviews and research slowly uncovered ideas for what a space can provide for these students. When the concept was finally created, we went back to the students and asked for their feedback. The students were positively surprised by how their needs and wishes were incorporated into the space and gave praise and further suggestions where necessary. Based on the feedback from the students we believe that our concepts show promise as a design reference for the new space for the Department of Art, Drama, and Design at OsloMet, Outgoing
- Published
- 2023
3. Estudi, disseny i legalització d'una instal·lació fotovoltaica d'autoconsum acollida a la venda d'energia elèctrica
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, 3xako Energi, Høgskolen i Oslo, Roset Juan, Francesc Xavier, Sampietro Tresaco, Antonio, Venteo Pons, Arnau, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, 3xako Energi, Høgskolen i Oslo, Roset Juan, Francesc Xavier, Sampietro Tresaco, Antonio, and Venteo Pons, Arnau
- Abstract
Degut a la crisi climàtica a la qual estem sotmesos, les fonts d’energies renovables han de fer un pas endavant. La necessitat de reduir els efectes del canvi climàtic, brinden una oportunitat a tecnologies modernes que ja son econòmicament rentables, com l’energia solar. La progressiva supressió de processos burocràtics portades a terme per el Reial Decret 15/2018, 244/2019 i el Reial Decret-Llei 23/2020 planteja un escenari favorable per a les instal·lacions fotovoltaiques d’autoconsum. Per altra banda, els ODS (Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible) i l’Agenda 2030 marquen alguns propòsits climàtics i mediambientals que han de ser satisfets. Entre aquests, el que més interpel·la les energies renovables és l’objectiu 7.2: “Augmentar considerablement la proporció d’energia renovable al conjunt de fonts energètiques”. Per tant, aquestes fites a realitzar, també presenten un escenari positiu pel conjunt d’instal·lacions d’energies renovables. Al present projecte, es realitza un anàlisi, tant tècnic com econòmic, d’una instal·lació fotovoltaica d’autoconsum acollida a la venda. Es tractarà d’entendre les diferents solucions possibles en quant a disseny de la instal·lació, tot tenint en compte les característiques de l’edifici, i adaptar-se a elles. Donades les necessitats energètiques del client, es realitza un estudi de les possibles configuracions dels mòduls, un anàlisi del consum, l’energia produïda estimada, tot relacionant-los amb aspectes econòmics., Debido a la crisis climática a la cual estamos sometidos, las fuentes de energías renovables deben dar un paso adelante. La necesidad de reducir los efectos del cambio climático, brindan una oportunidad a tecnologías modernas que ya son económicamente rentable, como la energía solar. La progresiva supresión de procesos burocráticos llevados a cabo por el Real Decreto 15/2018, 244/2019 y el Real Decreto-Ley 23/2020 plantea un escenario favorable para las instalaciones fotovoltaicas de autoconsumo. Por otro lado, los ODS (Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible) y la Agenda 2030 marcan algunos propósitos climáticos y medioambientales que deben ser satisfechos. Entre estos, el que más interpela a las energías renovables es el objetivo 7.2: “Aumentar considerablemente la proporción de energía renovable al conjunto de fuentes energéticas”. Por lo tanto, estos hitos a realizar, también presentan un escenario positivo para el conjunto de instalaciones de energías renovables. En el presente proyecto, se realiza un análisis, tanto técnico como económico, de una instalación fotovoltaica de autoconsumo acogida a la venta. Se tratará de entender las diferentes soluciones posibles en cuanto a diseño de la instalación, teniendo en cuenta las características del edificio y adaptarse a ellas. Dadas las necesidades energéticas del cliente, se realiza un estudio de las posibles configuraciones de los módulos, un análisis de consumo, la energía producida estimada, todo esto relacionándolo con aspectos económicos., Due to the climatic crisisthat we are facing, renewable energy sources muststep forward. The need to reduce the effects of climate change provides an opportunity for modern technologiesthat are already economically viable, such as solar energy. The progressive suppression of bureaucratic processes carried out by the Royal Decree 15/2018, Royal Decree 244/2019 and Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 presents a positive scenario for self-consumption photovoltaic installations. On the other hand, the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and Agenda 2030 set outsome climatic and environmental purposes that have to be met. Among these, the one that most challenges renewable energies is the Goal 7.2: “To increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030”. Therefore, these milestones to be achieved also present a positive scenario for the overall renewable energy facilities. This project carries out a technical and economic analysis of a self-consumption photovoltaic installation for a company that sells energy. The aim is to understand the different possible solutions in terms of installation design, taking into account the characteristics of the building and adapting to them. Given the energy needs of the client, a study of the possible configurations of the modules is carried out, an analysis of consumption, and the estimate of the energy produced, all related to economic aspects.
- Published
- 2023
4. Anàlisi i implementació d'un sistema de robòtica col·laborativa en la indústria
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Corporació Alimentària Guissona, Høgskolen i Oslo, Ponsa Asensio, Pere, Mases Rosines, Marc, Solé García, Lara, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Corporació Alimentària Guissona, Høgskolen i Oslo, Ponsa Asensio, Pere, Mases Rosines, Marc, and Solé García, Lara
- Abstract
En el present document es recull i s’exposa el Treball de Final d’Estudis del Grau d’Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica, que consta en l’anàlisi i la implementació d’un projecte de robòtica col·laborativa en una planta industrial a bonÀrea per a automatitzar-la. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és automatitzar el Picking de la zona MBR de bonÀrea, on es preparen les comandes online que es reben per als boxs. L’aplicació de robòtica col·laborativa que es mostra en aquest document es basa en una aplicació de Bin-Picking innovadora, caracteritzada per incorporar visió artificial que permet definir-la com smart Bin-Picking. La metodologia utilitzada per a la realització d’aquest TFE consisteix en diverses fases per aconseguir l’objectiu final. Les fases necessàries es poden sintetitzar en tres grans blocs: fase de proves al laboratori, fase d’adaptació en l’entorn industrial de bonÀrea, i fase de proves a la zona real. Com a resultat de la realització successiva d’aquestes tres fases, s’obté el producte esperat: un sistema de robòtica col·laborativa capaç d’obtenir 360 picks per hora que ha permès millorar la producció en la zona MBR de bonÀrea., En el presente documento se recoge y expone el Trabajo de Fin de Estudios del Grado de Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática, que consta en la implementación de un proyecto de robótica colaborativa en una planta industrial en bonÀrea para automatizarla. El objetivo de este proyecto es automatizar el Picking de la zona MBR de bonÀrea, donde es preparan los pedidos online que se reciben para los boxes. La aplicación de robótica colaborativa que se muestra en este documento se basa en una aplicación de Bin-Picking innovadora, caracterizada por incorporar visión artificial que permite definirla como smart Bin-Picking. La metodología utilizada para la realización de este TFE consistí en varias fases para conseguir el objetivo final. Las fases necesarias se pueden sintetizar en tres grandes bloques: fase de pruebas en el laboratorio, fase de adaptación al entorno industrial de bonÀrea, y fase de pruebas en la zona real. Como resultado de la realización sucesiva de estas tres fases, se obtiene el producto esperado: un sistema de robótica colaborativa capaz de obtener 360 picks por hora que ha permitido mejorar la producción en la zona MBR de bonÀrea., This document collects and exposes the Final Project of the Degree of Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering, which consists in the implementation of a collaborative robotics project in an industrial plant in bonÀrea to automate it. The objective of this project is to automate the Picking of the bonÀrea MBR area, where the online orders received for the boxes are prepared. The collaborative robotics application shown in this document is based on an innovative Bin-Picking application, characterized by incorporating artificial vision that allows it to be defined as smart Bin-Picking. The methodology used to carry out this project consists of several phases to achieve the final goal. The necessary phases can be summarized in three large blocks: the testing phase in the laboratory, the adaption phase to bonÀrea’s industrial environment, and the testing phase in the real area. As a result of the successive realization of these three phases, the expected product is obtained: a collaborative robotics system capable of achieving 360 picks per hour, which has improved production in bonÀrea’s MBR area.
- Published
- 2023
5. Designing and building a cheap unmanned surface vessel for ocean research
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Rovira Ferrer, Francesc, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, and Rovira Ferrer, Francesc
- Abstract
This project is the result of five months of work at OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan Univeristy), where I have worked with five teammates form different countries of Europe. Below you can read the abstract of the project. In ocean research one of the main problems is collecting data, this can be very resource intensive in time and money. In this report we describe a solution to this problem in the form of a cheap, Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV). The basis of this vessel is an of the shelf stand-up paddle board, on this a frame was built also using commonly available materials. The control system is based around the Raspberry Pi 4 with a sensor HAT and the autopilot is built on a standard Linux operating system and programmed in Rust. Using these components, the USV can be mostly autonomously deployed. However, there are still some improvements to be made, including the frame, the sensors, and the connectivity., Outgoing
- Published
- 2022
6. Uncertainty estimation of mental disease classification using Neural Networks
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Halvorsen, Pål, Rina García, Verónica, Høgskolen i Oslo, Halvorsen, Pål, and Rina García, Verónica
- Abstract
The thesis goal is to investigate methods for medical time series data analysis and explore how uncertainty can be determined over a class prediction, specifically in the task of identifying in people the presence or absence of a particular disease from their data provided. We based this process on Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN) and on three open datasets containing the motor activity data of healthy participants and patients with depression, ADHD, or schizophrenia, named DEPRESJON, HYPERAKTIV, and PSYKOSE. We obtained the results with respect to several approaches of data treatment and several methods of feature selection. Moreover, a homogeneous style for the used open datasets has been established and it has been purposed as a way to measure uncertainty by calculating the entropy over the Softmax probabilities of the last layer of the model.
- Published
- 2022
7. Arena Oslo & Hybrid Spaces
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Costilla Aznar, Arnau, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, and Costilla Aznar, Arnau
- Abstract
Åpent, un restaurant davant de l'Òpera d'Oslo administrat per Fursetgruppen, ha de ser remodelat per convertir-se en un espai híbrid d'usos múltiples. El grup de recerca a càrrec d'aquesta tasca està format per estudiants internacionals de tot Europa amb experiència en enginyeria i disseny. Aquest informe consisteix en el procés que va haver de realitzar el grup de recerca per aconseguir-ho. El projecte conté el desenvolupament d'una idea sobre com fer que Åpent es converteixi en un espai híbrid, així com la definició d'aquest concepte. El resultat final que es mostra en l'informe es va realitzar seguint les principals conclusions extretes de la visió construïda pel grup i, per tant, de totes les investigacions realitzades. El concepte conté el redisseny de l'menjador de Åpent juntament amb suggeriments sobre com millorar l'experiència de l'usuari. Aquest informe pretén ser una guia a seguir per al proper grup de recerca., Åpent, a restaurant in front of Opera House Oslo managed by Fursetgruppen, needs to be re-developed to become a multi-use hybrid space. The research group in charge of this task is formed by international students from all over Europe with engineering and designing backgrounds. This report consists of the process the research group had to do to achieve this. The project contains the development of an idea regarding how to make Åpent become a hybrid space as well as the definition of this concept. The final result shown in the report was performed following the main conclusions extracted from the vision built by the group and, therefore, from all the research made. The concept contains the re-design of the canteen of Åpent together with suggestions on how to improve the user experience. This report intends to be a guide to be followed for the next research group., Åpent, un restaurante frente a la Ópera de Oslo administrado por Fursetgruppen, debe ser remodelado para convertirse en un espacio híbrido de usos múltiples. El grupo de investigación a cargo de esta tarea está formado por estudiantes internacionales de toda Europa con experiencia en ingeniería y diseño. Este informe consiste en el proceso que tuvo que realizar el grupo de investigación para lograrlo. El proyecto contiene el desarrollo de una idea sobre cómo hacer que Åpent se convierta en un espacio híbrido, así como la definición de este concepto. El resultado final que se muestra en el informe se realizó siguiendo las principales conclusiones extraídas de la visión construida por el grupo y, por tanto, de todas las investigaciones realizadas. El concepto contiene el rediseño del comedor de Åpent junto con sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar la experiencia del usuario. Este informe pretende ser una guía a seguir para el próximo grupo de investigación., Outgoing
- Published
- 2021
8. SMACS: Modelling Urban 3D Environment
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Maroto i Abril, Aina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, and Maroto i Abril, Aina
- Abstract
La Universitat OsloMet té previst tancar el seu campus a Kjeller el 2023 per crear un nou campus a la regió de Romerike. Aquest canvi té per objectiu millorar i enfortir les sinergies entre la universitat i diferents empreses per tal de formar estudiants professionalment, així com per millorar la qualitat del campus en termes d’accessibilitat i ubicació, vida universitària i fins i tot ensenyament. Quatre estudiants de l’European Project Semester van tenir l’oportunitat de participar en aquest projecte i proposar una solució per dissenyar un potencial nou campus de la Universitat d’OsloMet basat en un anàlisi del flux de persones d'un edifici existent. Aquest informe mostra el camí seguit durant tot el semestre, des de la metodologia de treball, la investigació, la contextualització i anàlisi de la informació i les dades fins a la proposta final: la creació d’una eina que ajudi a prendre decisions sobre el disseny del nou campus per millorar el flux de persones i aprofitar tot l’espai disponible. S'ha desenvolupat una hipotètica proposta de com es podria distribuir el nou campus, que proporciona tres factors de flexibilitat en termes d'ubicació, nombre de persones i habitacions i versatilitat en l’ús dels espais disponibles. Per mostrar-ho d’una manera visual, s’ha dissenyat un model 3D que permet entrar a l’edifici i visualitzar com cada una de les plantes que formen el campus es distribueixen., La Universidad OsloMet tiene previsto cerrar su campus en Kjeller en 2023 para crear un nuevo campus en la región de Romerike. Este cambio tiene como objetivo mejorar y fortalecer las sinergias entre la universidad y diferentes empresas para formar estudiantes profesionalmente, así como para mejorar la calidad del campus en términos de accesibilidad y ubicación, vida universitaria e incluso enseñanza. Cuatro estudiantes del European Project Semester tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en este proyecto y proponer una solución para diseñar un potencial nuevo campus de la Universidad de OsloMet basado en un análisis del flujo de personas de un edificio existente. Este informe muestra el camino seguido durante todo el semestre, desde la metodología de trabajo, la investigación, la contextualización y análisis de la información y los datos hasta la propuesta final: la creación de una herramienta que ayudará a tomar decisiones sobre el diseño del nuevo campus para mejorar el flujo de personas y aprovechar todo el espacio disponible. Se ha desarrollado una hipotética propuesta de cómo se podría distribuir el nuevo campus, que ofrece tres factores de flexibilidad en términos de ubicación, número de personas y habitaciones y versatilidad en el uso de los espacios disponibles. Para mostrarlo de una manera visual, se ha diseñado un modelo 3D que permite entrar en el edificio y visualizar como cada una de las plantas que forman el campus se distribuye., OsloMet University is planning to close its campus in Kjeller in 2023 to create a new campus in the Romerike region. This change aims to improve and strengthen the synergies between the university and different companies in order to train students professionally, as well as to improve the quality of the campus in terms of accessibility and location, university life and even teaching. Four students from the European Project semester had the opportunity to take part in this project and propose a solution to design a potential new campus of OsloMet University based on an analysis of the people's flow from an existing building. This report shows the path followed during the whole semester, from the working methodology, the research, the contextualization and analysis of information and data to the final proposal: the creation of a tool to help in making decisions about the design and layout of the new campus to improve the people's flow and take advantage of all the available space. A hypothetical proposal has been developed of how the new campus could be distributed, providing three factors of flexibility in terms of location, number of people and rooms and versatility in the use of the available spaces. To show this in a visual way, a 3D model has been designed that allows you to enter the building and visualise how each of the floors that make up the campus are distributed., Outgoing
- Published
- 2021
9. Low-cost portable 3D scanner
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Palmer Ramis, Pedro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, and Palmer Ramis, Pedro
- Abstract
La tecnologia dels escàners 3D és una eina moderna inaccessible per a molts a causa del seu elevat cost. N’hi ha alguns escàners 3D de baix cost existents al mercat, però el seu preu segueix sent car per a la majoria usuaris potencials. Com a part del programa EPS, el grup treballa en un sistema modular de baix cost Escàner 3D. El projecte va tenir lloc a Oslo dins de la Universitat Oslomet i l'Oslomet Makerspace de gener a juny de 2021. La idea principal del projecte és construir un escàner 3D desmuntable, portàtil i de baix cost que tothom podria construir, amb accés de pocs materials i l’ús d’una aplicació gratuïta (Qlone) al telèfon. El grup va treballar en un prova prèvia de prototip de concepte realitzada pels estudiants i va intentar millorar-lo en múltiples maneres. Fer que el prototip sigui accessible en termes de preu i disponibilitat és el principal motivació en el projecte, ja que creiem fermament que en resultaria independent fabricants que estan començant o altres usuaris que necessiten un escaneig 3D de baix cost tecnologia. Vam construir el prototip amb un tallador làser, una impressora 3D i Arduino electronic components. El mètode utilitzat és principalment iteratiu on vam haver de construir el prototip, test i ajusteu-lo fins aconseguir el resultat desitjat. Els resultats van mostrar que la construcció d'un és factible un prototip desmuntable de baix cost en fusta, amb la necessitat d'alguns ajustaments., La tecnología de escáner 3D es una herramienta moderna inaccesible para muchos debido a su alto costo. Existen algunos escáneres 3D de bajo costo existentes en el mercado, pero su precio sigue siendo caro para la mayoría usuarios potenciales. Como parte del programa EPS, el grupo está trabajando en una estructura modular y de bajo costo. Escáner 3D. El proyecto tuvo lugar en Oslo dentro de la Universidad de Oslomet y el Oslomet Makerspace de enero a junio de 2021. La idea principal del proyecto es construir un Escáner 3D desmontable, portátil y de bajo costo que cualquiera podría construir, con el acceso de pocos materiales y el uso de una aplicación gratuita (Qlone) en un teléfono. El grupo trabajó en un prueba previa de prototipo de concepto realizado por los estudiantes y trató de mejorarlo en múltiples formas. Hacer que el prototipo sea accesible en términos de precio y disponibilidad es el principal motivación en el proyecto, ya que creemos firmemente que beneficiaría a los fabricantes que están comenzando u otros usuarios que necesitan un escaneo 3D de bajo costo tecnología. Construimos el prototipo usando un cortador láser, una impresora 3D y electrónica Arduino componentes. El método utilizado es principalmente iterativo donde tuvimos que construir el prototipo, probar y ajústelo hasta conseguir el resultado deseado. Los resultados mostraron que la construcción de un Es factible el prototipo desmontable de bajo costo en madera, con la necesidad de algunos ajustes., 3D scanner technology is a modern tool inaccessible to many due to its high cost. There are a few existing low-cost 3D scanners in the market but their price is still expensive for most potential users. As a part of the EPS program, the group is working on a modular, low-cost 3D scanner. The project took place in Oslo within the Oslomet University and the Oslomet Makerspace from January to June 2021. The project’s main idea is to build an accessible, disassemblable, portable and low-cost 3D scanner that anyone could build, with the access of few materials and the use of a free app (Qlone) on a phone. The group worked on a previous proof of concept prototype made by students and tried to improve it in multiple ways. Making the prototype accessible in terms of price and availability is the main motivation in the project as we strongly believe that it would benefit independent manufacturers that are starting up or other users in need of a low-cost 3D scanning technology. We built the prototype using a laser-cutter, a 3D printer and Arduino electronic components. The method used is mainly iterative where we had to build the prototype, test it and adjust it until we achieved the desired result. The results showed that building a dismountable low-cost prototype in wood is feasible, with the need of some adjustments., Outgoing
- Published
- 2021
10. Mechanical and electrical design of wave/solar powered unmanned surface vehicle
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Sayols Martínez, Marina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, and Sayols Martínez, Marina
- Abstract
The project encompasses the design and manufacturing of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) that is operated by wave and solar energy with use for data collection. The current prototype is a compact USV that was designed with a focus on reducing size, weight, and cost. The USV has been designed with considerations for deployment and recovery that only requires two people. Many aspects of the design vary from current wave powered USV models. A concept for recovery and deployment process has been optimised for lowering operational costs. This connection allows the user to display the data collected by the sensors and the current position of the USV and interact with its trajectory. The sensors installed in the USV collect parameters from the body of water and updated online. A web application was also created which shows the vehicle position, trajectory, and sample data from the sensors. This design will be further developed to reduce the weight and dimensions of the USV, as well as upgrading the design to be able to deploy and recover miniaturised AUV’s, within the scope of OASYS research project in Oslo Metropolitan University (Sollesnes et al., 2018)., Outgoing
- Published
- 2020
11. The impact of climate change on cultural heritage buildings: Hygrothermal performance of building materials in historic buildings and structures under various climate change scenarios
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Kraniotis, Dimitrios, Choidis, Petros, Tubau Carrasquilla, Ariadna, Matthis Sopha, Jan, Martín Antón, Maria Adriana, Gruyters, Maud Mina Medard Godard, Høgskolen i Oslo, Kraniotis, Dimitrios, Choidis, Petros, Tubau Carrasquilla, Ariadna, Matthis Sopha, Jan, Martín Antón, Maria Adriana, and Gruyters, Maud Mina Medard Godard
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat en el marc del programa "European Project Semester". The project is part of Hyperion, a research and investigation program funded by the European Union for the period 2019-2022 under the Grant Agreement 821054., It is known that climate change causes drastic changes all over the world and the average temperature is continually increasing, along with other various disasters. This directly affects the building materials, making them vulnerable to any kind of damages, specially biodeterioration. This European Project Semester investigates the hygrothermal performance of two timber historic buildings in Tønsberg, a city located in Norway, considering different climate scenarios. These constructions are mainly damaged by biological degradation of the wooden building parts, so the study focuses on the parameters related to mold risk. The main goal of this research is to use these two case studies as a small scale to predict the future of the deterioration of the construction materials. This investigation entails an inspection in situ, analyzing samples, working with hygrothermal simulation software, between other different kinds of tools. The project is part of Hyperion, a research and investigation program funded by the European Union in 2020., Outgoing, Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats Sostenibles::11.4 - Redoblar els esforços per a protegir i salvaguardar el patrimoni cultural i natural del món
- Published
- 2020
12. Accesible for all: A Study of OsloMet’s physical spaces oriented towards the mental wellbeing of students
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Bong, Way Kiat, Sandtrø, Tengel Aas, Blanch Batet, Joan, Marin Ray, Santiago, Sudak, Maciej, Uyttenbroeck, Louise, Høgskolen i Oslo, Bong, Way Kiat, Sandtrø, Tengel Aas, Blanch Batet, Joan, Marin Ray, Santiago, Sudak, Maciej, and Uyttenbroeck, Louise
- Abstract
There is a significant number of students suffering from mental-health problems that go untreated in University environments. Research shows that 20 per cent of students develop a mental disorder in the first 12-months of college, this has an impact in the number of dropouts and the student’s productivity. The goal of this project is to create an inclusive and diverse city campus for OsloMet students. With this in mind, we set to create a safe space for young students struggling with mental health problems. In order to achieve this, the group recurred to literature research, interviews with informants and students, as well as brainstorming. All of this is focused on subjects regarding physical spaces and mental health. The results indicate that physical spaces have a significant impact on mental well-being and productivity. Regarding the campus, findings include high levels of distracting sounds in the common spaces of OsloMet, not enough outdoor spaces to relax and a lack of private places to relax or study without having to make a reservation. On this basis, the addition of diverse workspaces are suggested. Modern, modular workstations in order to reduce distractions and increased privacy are an example of this. Wooden materials and various colours, such as blue could be integrated. Further research in the subject can include the outdoor spaces of OsloMet, the disponibility of workrooms, adjusting the air quality and temperature and advantages of online education., Outgoing
- Published
- 2020
13. Predicting wind power from wind speed data
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Guerrero Lopera, Víctor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, and Guerrero Lopera, Víctor
- Abstract
The search for renewable and sustainable energy sources is a global concern. One way to produce renewable energy is by making use of wind turbines. However, wind speed is a stochastic process which fluctuates considerably. This means that energy cannot be produced at a constant rate. For many years, the most used probability density function has beenthe Weibull distribution. Experimental research is made in this report, in which Nakagami, Normal,and Rician distributionsarecompared to Weibull distribution usingthe Kullback-Leibler divergence for different time frames.The resultsreveal that the four distributionsareall numerically acceptablefor analysing wind speed data for different time frames.Since Weibull distribution is the commonly used distribution, wind generation companies can continue using this distribution as the standard one.However, almost everytime frame manifestmultimodal distributed wind speed data. Future research can focus onstudyingmultimodal distributions instead of unimodal., Outgoing, Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No Contaminant
- Published
- 2020
14. Design of a wireless strain sensor box with applications in IoT
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Simoni Martín, Aitor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, and Simoni Martín, Aitor
- Abstract
The main aim of this project is to develop a prototype of an affordable “plug and play” single-unit strain measurement box that can be readily attached to the surface of interest, and is capable of wirelessly sending measurement data to an acquisition system nearby.", Outgoing
- Published
- 2020
15. Automated adhesion management system for efficient management of metro trains
- Author
Sporveien AS, Høgskolen i Oslo, Zouganeli, Evi, Loh, Jason, Crecente, Sabela, Felmy, Kimberley, Font i Jiménez, Ferran, Roemaat, Freek, Sporveien AS, Høgskolen i Oslo, Zouganeli, Evi, Loh, Jason, Crecente, Sabela, Felmy, Kimberley, Font i Jiménez, Ferran, and Roemaat, Freek
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat en el marc del programa "European Project Semester"., Currently, in Oslo there is the same number of metros running everyday regardless of the season. However, most of the lines are located outdoors and therefore exposed to climate conditions such as rain, snow and low temperatures. In order to avoid any accidents, there is a safe braking distance between metros to allow them to stop regardless of weather. Therefore, traffic on each line is not optimized because the required braking distance varies with a change in the coefficient of friction. There is a grey area on the parameters influencing adhesion and on how to predict low adhesion due to the climatic conditions. The company Sporveien AS, which takes care of the metro’s management, wants to develop an automated Adhesion Management System to calculate the safe braking distance depending on the weather. The aim of this study is to determine a methodology and design a prototype for measuring the coefficient of friction between rails and trains’ wheels. This work also includes a reflection on the way to implement this system in the railway interface. To achieve this goal and propose a solution to the adhesion problem, this report presents research to determine the parameters influencing adhesion as well as the principles to measure them. A final module is proposed with a selection of sensors to install next to the track. The working environment of this solution is also studied to describe the different interactions between it and the other entities. A sequence diagram presents the operational scenario of the global system in case of low adhesion. Finally, an estimation of braking distance is performed to understand the impact of a very low coefficient of friction depending of the speed and the slope., Outgoing
- Published
- 2019
16. Performeasure Assessment. Market analysis
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal·lúrgica, Høgskolen i Oslo, Fargas Ribas, Gemma, Relats i Camps, Marc, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal·lúrgica, Høgskolen i Oslo, Fargas Ribas, Gemma, and Relats i Camps, Marc
- Abstract
Departament: departament tutor EEBE o CMEM Directora: Gemma Fargas (SD. DE MOBILITAT), This report looks for business applications for the Performeasure® Assessment1 . The Performeasure Assessment is the result of the investigation work conducted by the researchers Dr. Harald Harung and Dr. Fred Travis, both with peak performance and brain development background. This technology is used to measure brain development using an EEG brain scan, with really promising prospects. The business idea thought for the Performeasure Assessment, was to use it to evaluate management development programs. Then a market analysis was carried out in four different European cities: London, Paris, Amsterdam and Barcelona. The target client’s thought were startups, universities and consulting firms. Therefore, the viability of the markets and the feasibility of the service thought for the Performeasure Assessment were discussed, as a result, it was seen that all the markets were in positive growing and it would be a great idea to start a business now, but nevertheless the service needs to be rethought. Some ideas for different approaches or further studies were suggested, such as giving and incentive to the potential clients in order to get more feedback from them. This report could be used as a reference for further studies., Outgoing
- Published
- 2019
17. Automated Adhesion Management System (AMS) for efficient speed control and traffic management of metro trains
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal·lúrgica, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Crecente García, Sabela, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal·lúrgica, Høgskolen i Oslo, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, and Crecente García, Sabela
- Abstract
EPS a OsloMet. Projecte en col·laboració amb l'empresa Sporveien AS, operadora dels serveis de transport públic a Oslo., Currently, in Oslo there is the same number of metros running everyday regardless of the season. However, most of the lines are located outdoors and therefore exposed to climate conditions such as rain, snow and low temperatures. In order to avoid any accidents, there is a safe braking distance between metros to allow them to stop regardless of weather. Therefore, traffic on each line is not optimized because the required braking distance varies with a change in the coefficient of friction. There is a grey area on the parameters influencing adhesion and on how to predict low adhesion due to the climatic conditions. The company Sporveien AS, which takes care of the metro’s management, wants to develop an automated Adhesion Management System to calculate the safe braking distance depending on the weather. The aim of this study is to determine a methodology and design a prototype for measuring the coefficient of friction between rails and trains’ wheels. This work also includes a reflection on the way to implement this system in the railway interface. To achieve this goal and propose a solution to the adhesion problem, this report presents research to determine the parameters influencing adhesion as well as the principles to measure them. A final module is proposed with a selection of sensors to install next to the track. The working environment of this solution is also studied to describe the different interactions between it and the other entities. A sequence diagram presents the operational scenario of the global system in case of low adhesion. Finally, an estimation of braking distance is performed to understand the impact of a very low coefficient of friction depending of the speed and the slope., Outgoing
- Published
- 2019
18. Redesigning the exhibition gallery of HiOA
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Øyan, Petter, Faytre, Alizée, Kok, Robin, Sánchez, Norah, de Weijze, Annemieke, Høgskolen i Oslo, Øyan, Petter, Faytre, Alizée, Kok, Robin, Sánchez, Norah, and de Weijze, Annemieke
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., The aim of the project was to find out how digital surfaces can bring a positive effect to the exhibition gallery at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA). Halfway through the project the first aim changed to focus on redesigning the layout of the exhibition gallery. This was because the project was not able to access the correct user group for the gallery. The defined user group was third year students of the art and dissemination class, but were not available during the time of research. To find out the needs for redesigning the gallery both qualitative and quantitative interviews, observations, and comparisons were made to collect both data and thoughts about the gallery. The results indicated that there was a need for digital surfaces as well as a need for changing the layout of the gallery, both floor, walls and ceiling. This can be done by changing the layout of the gallery by remove part of the wall, apply a warm wooden floor, and smooth surfaces for the walls. The project concludes that there is a need for improving the exhibition gallery and make a better education space, which may include digitals surfaces for exhibiting art. It is also recommend to do a test with a moveable digital screen to find the proper placements to exhibit digital projects.
- Published
- 2017
19. Student team workspaces
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Øyan, Peter, Nap, Tom, Ortiz Toledo, Verónica, Truyts, Mick, Solé Vilalta, Sergi, Høgskolen i Oslo, Øyan, Peter, Nap, Tom, Ortiz Toledo, Verónica, Truyts, Mick, and Solé Vilalta, Sergi
- Abstract
Treball fet en col·laboració amb: Oslo and Akershus University College of applied sciences, Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., The present project is part of the European Project Semester program imparted by the Oslo and Akershus University College (HiOA) during the Spring of 2017. The project is conducted to design a student workspace that fosters group collaboration for a new HiOA campus that will be be built in Lillestrøm by 2023. In the design specifications, no spatial limitations are given. Thus, the main focus of the project centers in developing the specific furniture inside the workspace, which has to supply students with everything they need to work properly, according to modern-era learning methods. This means the products designed must be suitable for any granted workspace, regardless the dimensions and shape. The project contains project management, research covering different fields, concept development phase description and interviews for concept testing with users. A small furniture product line has been created,together with some suggestions to create an optimal student workspace suitable for open rooms.
- Published
- 2017
20. Nao
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Zouganeli, Evi, Margerit, Arthur, Burrell, Dereck, Parras, Marveen, Høgskolen i Oslo, Zouganeli, Evi, Margerit, Arthur, Burrell, Dereck, and Parras, Marveen
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., The robotics facilities at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA) have at their disposal an autonomous humanoid robot by the name of Nao. It is a commercial product developed by SoftBank Robotics for research and educational purposes, and an international project team was assembled for the European Project Semester (EPS) program as a means of assessing its competencies and bolstering them wherever possible. The team set forth with a mission to establish meaningful interactions between the robot and his physical surroundings while placing an emphasis on humanlike behavior to the fullest extent. A goal was soon initiated for Nao to play a rule-based game against a human opponent such that his vast array of available faculties could be tested and put to use in one cohesive demonstration. Achieving this goal meant making advances in artificial intelligence,computer vision and motion planning, first as separate entities that would later converge into a singular yet multifaceted display of abilities. At the end of the project, computer vision has been implemented to the point where pattern recognition can be performed with accuracy amidst awide variety of error-prone detection scenarios. Several artificial intelligence schemes have been explored and compared quantitatively to derive performance metrics for each. Proof-ofconcept movement strategies have also been derived, and best practices for each focus area are provided as a resource for any future researchers or project groups who stand to benefit from the discoveries made in this endeavor
- Published
- 2017
21. Development of a platform for sterile manipulation of 3D models using a Leap Motion controller
- Author
Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Høgskolen i Oslo, Oslo universitetssykehus, Rikshospitalet, Oram, Louise, Roca Toledo, Gemma, Jochems, Arthur, Verheyen, Steven, Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Høgskolen i Oslo, Oslo universitetssykehus, Rikshospitalet, Oram, Louise, Roca Toledo, Gemma, Jochems, Arthur, and Verheyen, Steven
- Abstract
TFG del programa Erasmus EPS elaborat a Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., The project aimed to create a touchless interface to control a medical model viewer for use during surgeries. It uses a Leap Motion sensor to allow a surgeon to interact with a purpose-built application, wherein a 3D model can be viewed and inspected. To manipulate the model, a surgeon can use hand gestures, which are captured by the sensor mounted near the surgeon. The application uses a virtual reality GUI, which can be interacted with by the surgeon’s hands. This semester’s group used a different approach from last year’s, culminating in a more feature-rich and effective solution, with ample opportunity for extension. It focused on creating a solid codebase with functional and usable gestures, and identified a clear path for further work.
- Published
- 2017
22. Student iWorspace
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Øyen, Peter, Rincón Pozuelo, Beatriz, Agnarsdóttir, Embla, Grabowski, Pauline, Blokland, Denny, Tricot, Cécilia, Høgskolen i Oslo, Øyen, Peter, Rincón Pozuelo, Beatriz, Agnarsdóttir, Embla, Grabowski, Pauline, Blokland, Denny, and Tricot, Cécilia
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., Student iWorkspace is a challenging project about a new digital working space in the building P35 of HiOA. Due to our knowledge and working methods used nowadays, us as students, we are the right target to develop this project. We identified their needs and proposed a new functional practical learning environment. We approached the project following different methods and tools such as design thinking, problem solving, creativity and development of ideas. After an exhaustive research on the working habits of the students, we were able to have a clear idea of their needs. Thanks to our cross disciplinary team of engineers and designers, we have imagined and developed a new concept of digital working space composed of three different areas: the working space, the silent space and the social space. These three spaces will be complementary. Each atmosphere will satisfy the different needs that students have throughout their day and remove disturbances from working space. This is a concept sketch of the silent space. In this report each space will be described and illustrated by sketches, 3D modelling and renders. Finally, to make sure that our solutions were consistent with the reality we conducted a checking phase. We received some feedback from students and professionals which confirmed our ideas. Therefore, our project Student iWorkspace gives a strong starting point to the future projects of the Building Department of HiOA.
- Published
- 2016
23. Twin house research facility: analysis of energy consumption
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Samseth, Jon, Ajani, Jeffrey, Karch, Nicholas, Ortega Ausejo, Claudia, Roig Moreno, Jordi, Ubago Torres, Miguel, Høgskolen i Oslo, Samseth, Jon, Ajani, Jeffrey, Karch, Nicholas, Ortega Ausejo, Claudia, Roig Moreno, Jordi, and Ubago Torres, Miguel
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., This report is the compilation of a semester of work conducted as a project in the EPS undergraduate program. This report is focused on implementing a heating system for Kjeller, Norway and Seville, Spain in a single family home design. This system may possibly be implemented into a research facility at either aforementioned location. Recommendations are backed by relevant research and calculations relating to heat transfer, ventilation, and a comparison between water and electrical based systems and costs.
- Published
- 2016
24. ICT-based solution as a support tool for foreigners in an emergency
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Tatara, Naoe, Morawska, Natalia, Velarde Ruiz, Isa, Pesce, Alexandra, Woźniak, Sebastian, Høgskolen i Oslo, Tatara, Naoe, Morawska, Natalia, Velarde Ruiz, Isa, Pesce, Alexandra, and Woźniak, Sebastian
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., The aim of this report is to present the proposition of the ICT based tools to overcome the problem of language barrier in an emergency situation
- Published
- 2015
25. Prosthetic leg and knee joint design and development
- Author
Sophies Minde, Høgskolen i Oslo, Zouganeli, Evi, Bubas, Tomasz, Cots Ferrer, Raül, Mir Vilaró, Helena, Xantippe Plaetinck, Eva, Quer Òdena, Marina, Sophies Minde, Høgskolen i Oslo, Zouganeli, Evi, Bubas, Tomasz, Cots Ferrer, Raül, Mir Vilaró, Helena, Xantippe Plaetinck, Eva, and Quer Òdena, Marina
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., Currently on the market, there is a significant gap on the field of prosthetic legs for children. That is why this report focuses on improving a prosthetic leg for through-knee amputated children from 4 to 10 years old, which should enable them to perform the daily activities. The scope of work includes an extended exploration about the field of study, a deep market research about existing components, the findings of current problems with prostheses, the translation of the problems into requirements and, eventually, the development of the solution proposed. The final result of this project is an opening idea which includes the design of a knee joint, socket and pylon. The advantages of the expounded design compared to other currently products are essentially the modularity, the adaptability of the leg to the patient, the increase of freedom of movements and, mainly, the utilisation of the space to include technology to have a more natural gate. The design is described by sketches, 3D models and a 3D printed prototype. Finally, in the project are also specified some future plans for further development and improvement.
- Published
- 2014
26. Energy efficient buildings, twin house research facility: air quality
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Samseth, Jon, Vigo Scheiner, Natalia, Städtler, Benedikt, Welberts, Victor, Høgskolen i Oslo, Samseth, Jon, Vigo Scheiner, Natalia, Städtler, Benedikt, and Welberts, Victor
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., This report is a contribution to adapt a Twin House Research Facility to Norwegian/European conditions. The report includes a survey of possible building materials, the gases they can exhaust and how those can be measured. The effects of external factors on the emissions are also considered. To understand the impact of the pollutants on human health, a definition of indoor air quality is given
- Published
- 2014
27. Uso di Reference Management Software presso l'Università degli Studi di Torino
- Author
International Master Digital Library and Learning (DILL), Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Tallinna Ülikool, Università di Parma, Francese, Enrico, International Master Digital Library and Learning (DILL), Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Tallinna Ülikool, Università di Parma, and Francese, Enrico
- Abstract
The present research, originally a master thesis, aims to investigate the popularity and usage of Reference Management Softwares among researchers and scholars of the University of Torino, Italy, and the role that university libraries can assume about the subject.This study, based upon a qualitative approach, is a descriptive survey composed of an online questionnaire and direct interviews addressed to the population of professors and researchers of the STM areas at the University of Torino. A qualitative analysis was made across the 187 responses from the questionnaire and the 13 interviews performed. 7 key concepts were outlined and discussed.The knowledge of Reference Manage Softwares is high among the respondents, but their adoption is not. EndNote is the most known and used software, while other alternatives are more scarcely considered. Scholars, hindered by time issues, rely on old habits and are very unlikely to discover new ways to manage the literature they need. Virtual collaboration is absent from the common research practice.The research gives light on the users' behaviour in a large Italian university, confirming the results provided by the literature. Librarians should assist scholars by providing informations and support about the proper tools to improve the research process., Il saggio, frutto di una tesi di master, si propone di indagare la popolarità e l'utilizzo del Reference Management Softwares tra i ricercatori e gli studiosi dell'Università di Torino, Italia, e il ruolo che le biblioteche universitarie possono assumere al riguardo. Lo studio, basato su un approccio qualitativo, è un'indagine descrittiva composta da un questionario online e da interviste dirette e rivolte alla comunità dei professori e ricercatori dell’area STM dell’Università di Torino. Questa ricerca evidenzia il comportamento degli utenti in una grande università italiana, confermando i risultati forniti dalla letteratura: abitudinarietà dei comportamenti che si esprime nello scarso utilizzo di Reference Management Softwares nella pratica di studio e di ricerca. Si sottolinea infine il ruolo che potrebbero rivestire i bibliotecari nell’assistere gli studiosi, fornendo loro informazioni e strumenti appropriati per migliorare il processo di ricerca.
- Published
- 2013
28. Bionic engineering - R-madillo project
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Bratterud, Alfred, Hoogendijk, Roos, Huau, Benjamin, Renault, Sébastien, Stelmasiak, Isabela, Villar Ametller, Adrià, Høgskolen i Oslo, Bratterud, Alfred, Hoogendijk, Roos, Huau, Benjamin, Renault, Sébastien, Stelmasiak, Isabela, and Villar Ametller, Adrià
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., This report includes the process of designing an armadillo robot and the analysis preceding the choice of the topic. Finding the first ideas for this project required extensive analysis of different bionic related disciplines in nature. The final topic tur ned out to be basic research about making a robot with several armadillo features, such as rolling up like a ball and walking. Prior to start the designing and building process, primary research was made in order to gain necessary knowledge . The background consists of information about the features of the armadillo, leg analysis, electronic and mechanic components, 3D printing and programming. For executing the project it was important to use different steps of a designing process where we could see where f ailures would occur during building the actual robot. The final design that is chosen is a ball existing out of three segments with an opening and closing system which is controlled with one actuator. The walking mechanism of the final design exists of six legs to keep a good balance. In this report the assumption is made that the project will be continued by another project group of the EPS program of next year.
- Published
- 2013
29. Klarspråk i journalistikken
- Author
Thore Roksvold and Høgskolen i Oslo
- Published
- 2011
30. Optimization of the heating system at Sogn school
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Bøe, Erling, Navarro Carrillo, Laia, Eregger, Johannes, Kahms, Christoph, Michel, Marion, Teela, Martijn, Høgskolen i Oslo, Bøe, Erling, Navarro Carrillo, Laia, Eregger, Johannes, Kahms, Christoph, Michel, Marion, and Teela, Martijn
- Abstract
PFC del programa Erasmus EPS elaborat a Oslo University College, Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., The heating system of the Sogn school consists of three oil boilers, one electrical boiler and one bio boiler which provide the building with heat. However, the bio boiler is too inefficient. The purpose of this report is to document the different alternatives to increase the efficiency of the bio boiler. The report does not document any results of trials with wood briquettes, because the school had a problem in supplying the necessary wood fuel to operate the bio boiler. In a final recommendation the optimum of the five different improvements will be presented, which basically increase the coefficient of performance and reduce the harmful emissions.
- Published
- 2011
31. Improve and install the Foucault Pendulum in the entrance hall
- Author
Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Høgskolen i Oslo, Lysebo, Marius, Andersen, Øystein, Bongert, Kai, Kohlmeier, Kai, Chen, Zhen Wen He, Carrasco Domínguez, Francesc, Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Høgskolen i Oslo, Lysebo, Marius, Andersen, Øystein, Bongert, Kai, Kohlmeier, Kai, Chen, Zhen Wen He, and Carrasco Domínguez, Francesc
- Abstract
PFC del programa Erasmus EPS elaborat a Høgskolen i Oslo, Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., The objective of this report is the continuation of the EPS Fall 2010 Project “Build A Foucault Pendulum In The Entrance Hall”. Main contents of the first part are the improvements in the suspension and the driving system. A new swivel was built, and a complete electronic device as well. The second part is about the extensive testings of the small scale pendulum, whereas final results and important changes are summarized in the conclusion. The upcoming challenge, the installation in the entrance hall in P35 is mentioned in the end.
- Published
- 2011
32. Air conditioning system for Sogn Secondary School
- Author
Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Høgskolen i Oslo, Bøe, Erling, Trydal, Egil, Ferrer Illa, Gerard, Fraysse, Olivier, Heyn, Lisa, Jacob, Johannes, Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Høgskolen i Oslo, Bøe, Erling, Trydal, Egil, Ferrer Illa, Gerard, Fraysse, Olivier, Heyn, Lisa, and Jacob, Johannes
- Abstract
PFC del programa Erasmus EPS elaborat a Høgskolen i Oslo, Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., The present report attempts to give a technical and useful answer to solve the overheating problem during summer in some areas of Sogn Secondary School.
- Published
- 2011
33. Corrosion: how to control it?
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Oslo Heart Center, Bøe, Erling, Hidalgo Serra, Ernest, Legrand, Erika, Toenders, Frank, Høgskolen i Oslo, Oslo Heart Center, Bøe, Erling, Hidalgo Serra, Ernest, Legrand, Erika, and Toenders, Frank
- Abstract
PFC presentat a Oslo University College and Oslo Heart Center, Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., Established in 1989, Oslo Heart Centre (OHC) is located in downtown Oslo, Norway. The hospital is a non-profit cardiac surgical clinic. To control the temperature in the hospital during the summer months, an air-conditioning system is installed. The ten years old air-conditioning system suffers from corrosion problems, inside and outside stainless steel pipes. The aim of this project is to find solutions in order to reduce the amount of corrosion. Heat loss due to an insufficient insulation, contamination and erosion are secondary, indirect problems. To analyze the situation, various measurements were performed such as, pipe thickness (amount of corrosion), humidity and water quality. It appeared that: · The pipes thickness is decreased with 0,7 mm due to corrosion. · The humidity is 100%, for both inside and around the insulation. · The pH value (pH = 8) and the amount of iron parts (0,15 mg/kg) are not within the boundaries of the recommended values. Moreover the measured O2 level is misleading. After an inspection concerning the existing conditions, the problems were defined and organized by priority. The main problem is corrosion which occurs due to three sub-problems: · A too high O2 level in the water-glycol mix, which provokes rust by a chemical reaction. · Uninhibited glycol which turns sour in acids by reacting with the metal pipes. · Insufficient insulation which provokes water vapour condensation at the pipes surface. To control these problems, the following solutions have been suggested: · Reduce the O2 level. · Remove the glycol and replace it with a product which contains inhibiters against corrosion. · Change the old insulation and replace it with a more water vapour resistant insulation. After several comparisons of different techniques, products, environmental consequences and an economic analysis based on a ten years period, solutions for each problem are suggested: · Add H2 to the water-glycol mix to form a chemical reaction with O2. A system prov
- Published
- 2009
34. Fatigue properties of duplex stainless steel
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Bech, Sidsel, Husø, Øvind, Turrel, Benjamin, Luna Garcia, Jordi, Andraschko, Stephan, Høgskolen i Oslo, Bech, Sidsel, Husø, Øvind, Turrel, Benjamin, Luna Garcia, Jordi, and Andraschko, Stephan
- Abstract
PFC presentat a Oslo University College, The aim of the project is to study fatigue properties of duplex stainless steel used for a bridge. The samples had to be tested and the results have to be compared with the theory, studied before. Six specimens have been broken by tensile fatigue testing machine in order to get more knowledge about the lifetime and the behavior under dynamic stress and not only for welded parts. Out of this new knowledge a new fatigue curve for this material could be created.
- Published
- 2009
35. Measurement system for pulsed ultrasound wave propagation
- Author
Høgskolen i Oslo, Sponheim, Nils, Sánchez-Palencia, Sara, Schraven, Stef, Böhner, Daniel, Pérez Carrera, Sergio, Høgskolen i Oslo, Sponheim, Nils, Sánchez-Palencia, Sara, Schraven, Stef, Böhner, Daniel, and Pérez Carrera, Sergio
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'., An ultrasound measurement system is built for the „Section For Electrical And Mechanical Engineering” of the Oslo University College. The system will be used for research purposes. Ultrasound is used both in industrial applications and in medicine. The objective is to design, build and test a measurement system with water tank in order to compare the quality of different ultrasound transducers.
- Published
- 2009
36. Uncertainty estimation of mental disease classification using Neural Networks
- Author
Rina García, Verónica, Høgskolen i Oslo, and Halvorsen, Pål
- Subjects
Neural networks (Computer science) ,Malalties mentals--Classificació ,Mental illness--Classification ,incertesa ,Uncertainty ,Mental Diseases Classification ,classificació de malalties mentals ,Xarxes neuronals (Informàtica) ,Informàtica::Intel·ligència artificial [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Bayesian Neural Networks ,Xarxes Neuronals Bayesianes - Abstract
The thesis goal is to investigate methods for medical time series data analysis and explore how uncertainty can be determined over a class prediction, specifically in the task of identifying in people the presence or absence of a particular disease from their data provided. We based this process on Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN) and on three open datasets containing the motor activity data of healthy participants and patients with depression, ADHD, or schizophrenia, named DEPRESJON, HYPERAKTIV, and PSYKOSE. We obtained the results with respect to several approaches of data treatment and several methods of feature selection. Moreover, a homogeneous style for the used open datasets has been established and it has been purposed as a way to measure uncertainty by calculating the entropy over the Softmax probabilities of the last layer of the model.
- Published
- 2022
37. Designing and building a cheap unmanned surface vessel for ocean research
- Author
Rovira Ferrer, Francesc, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, and Høgskolen i Oslo
- Subjects
Ocean ,Enginyeria mecànica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,OceanResearch ,European Project Semester ,USV ,Vaixells ,OsloMet ,Erasmus+ ,Unmaned Surface Vessel ,Mar -- Dades - Abstract
This project is the result of five months of work at OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan Univeristy), where I have worked with five teammates form different countries of Europe. Below you can read the abstract of the project. In ocean research one of the main problems is collecting data, this can be very resource intensive in time and money. In this report we describe a solution to this problem in the form of a cheap, Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV). The basis of this vessel is an of the shelf stand-up paddle board, on this a frame was built also using commonly available materials. The control system is based around the Raspberry Pi 4 with a sensor HAT and the autopilot is built on a standard Linux operating system and programmed in Rust. Using these components, the USV can be mostly autonomously deployed. However, there are still some improvements to be made, including the frame, the sensors, and the connectivity. Outgoing
- Published
- 2022
38. Low-cost portable 3D scanner
- Author
Palmer Ramis, Pedro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, and Benítez Iglesias, Raúl
- Subjects
Enginyeria electrònica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Escáner 3D ,3D scanning - Abstract
La tecnologia dels escàners 3D és una eina moderna inaccessible per a molts a causa del seu elevat cost. N’hi ha alguns escàners 3D de baix cost existents al mercat, però el seu preu segueix sent car per a la majoria usuaris potencials. Com a part del programa EPS, el grup treballa en un sistema modular de baix cost Escàner 3D. El projecte va tenir lloc a Oslo dins de la Universitat Oslomet i l'Oslomet Makerspace de gener a juny de 2021. La idea principal del projecte és construir un escàner 3D desmuntable, portàtil i de baix cost que tothom podria construir, amb accés de pocs materials i l’ús d’una aplicació gratuïta (Qlone) al telèfon. El grup va treballar en un prova prèvia de prototip de concepte realitzada pels estudiants i va intentar millorar-lo en múltiples maneres. Fer que el prototip sigui accessible en termes de preu i disponibilitat és el principal motivació en el projecte, ja que creiem fermament que en resultaria independent fabricants que estan començant o altres usuaris que necessiten un escaneig 3D de baix cost tecnologia. Vam construir el prototip amb un tallador làser, una impressora 3D i Arduino electronic components. El mètode utilitzat és principalment iteratiu on vam haver de construir el prototip, test i ajusteu-lo fins aconseguir el resultat desitjat. Els resultats van mostrar que la construcció d'un és factible un prototip desmuntable de baix cost en fusta, amb la necessitat d'alguns ajustaments. La tecnología de escáner 3D es una herramienta moderna inaccesible para muchos debido a su alto costo. Existen algunos escáneres 3D de bajo costo existentes en el mercado, pero su precio sigue siendo caro para la mayoría usuarios potenciales. Como parte del programa EPS, el grupo está trabajando en una estructura modular y de bajo costo. Escáner 3D. El proyecto tuvo lugar en Oslo dentro de la Universidad de Oslomet y el Oslomet Makerspace de enero a junio de 2021. La idea principal del proyecto es construir un Escáner 3D desmontable, portátil y de bajo costo que cualquiera podría construir, con el acceso de pocos materiales y el uso de una aplicación gratuita (Qlone) en un teléfono. El grupo trabajó en un prueba previa de prototipo de concepto realizado por los estudiantes y trató de mejorarlo en múltiples formas. Hacer que el prototipo sea accesible en términos de precio y disponibilidad es el principal motivación en el proyecto, ya que creemos firmemente que beneficiaría a los fabricantes que están comenzando u otros usuarios que necesitan un escaneo 3D de bajo costo tecnología. Construimos el prototipo usando un cortador láser, una impresora 3D y electrónica Arduino componentes. El método utilizado es principalmente iterativo donde tuvimos que construir el prototipo, probar y ajústelo hasta conseguir el resultado deseado. Los resultados mostraron que la construcción de un Es factible el prototipo desmontable de bajo costo en madera, con la necesidad de algunos ajustes. 3D scanner technology is a modern tool inaccessible to many due to its high cost. There are a few existing low-cost 3D scanners in the market but their price is still expensive for most potential users. As a part of the EPS program, the group is working on a modular, low-cost 3D scanner. The project took place in Oslo within the Oslomet University and the Oslomet Makerspace from January to June 2021. The project’s main idea is to build an accessible, disassemblable, portable and low-cost 3D scanner that anyone could build, with the access of few materials and the use of a free app (Qlone) on a phone. The group worked on a previous proof of concept prototype made by students and tried to improve it in multiple ways. Making the prototype accessible in terms of price and availability is the main motivation in the project as we strongly believe that it would benefit independent manufacturers that are starting up or other users in need of a low-cost 3D scanning technology. We built the prototype using a laser-cutter, a 3D printer and Arduino electronic components. The method used is mainly iterative where we had to build the prototype, test it and adjust it until we achieved the desired result. The results showed that building a dismountable low-cost prototype in wood is feasible, with the need of some adjustments. Outgoing
- Published
- 2021
39. Arena Oslo & Hybrid Spaces
- Author
Costilla Aznar, Arnau, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, and Høgskolen i Oslo
- Subjects
Restaurants -- Design and construction ,Enginyeria electrònica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Restaurants -- Disseny i construcció ,hybrid spaces ,multifunctional ,share consumption - Abstract
Åpent, un restaurant davant de l'Òpera d'Oslo administrat per Fursetgruppen, ha de ser remodelat per convertir-se en un espai híbrid d'usos múltiples. El grup de recerca a càrrec d'aquesta tasca està format per estudiants internacionals de tot Europa amb experiència en enginyeria i disseny. Aquest informe consisteix en el procés que va haver de realitzar el grup de recerca per aconseguir-ho. El projecte conté el desenvolupament d'una idea sobre com fer que Åpent es converteixi en un espai híbrid, així com la definició d'aquest concepte. El resultat final que es mostra en l'informe es va realitzar seguint les principals conclusions extretes de la visió construïda pel grup i, per tant, de totes les investigacions realitzades. El concepte conté el redisseny de l'menjador de Åpent juntament amb suggeriments sobre com millorar l'experiència de l'usuari. Aquest informe pretén ser una guia a seguir per al proper grup de recerca. Åpent, a restaurant in front of Opera House Oslo managed by Fursetgruppen, needs to be re-developed to become a multi-use hybrid space. The research group in charge of this task is formed by international students from all over Europe with engineering and designing backgrounds. This report consists of the process the research group had to do to achieve this. The project contains the development of an idea regarding how to make Åpent become a hybrid space as well as the definition of this concept. The final result shown in the report was performed following the main conclusions extracted from the vision built by the group and, therefore, from all the research made. The concept contains the re-design of the canteen of Åpent together with suggestions on how to improve the user experience. This report intends to be a guide to be followed for the next research group. Åpent, un restaurante frente a la Ópera de Oslo administrado por Fursetgruppen, debe ser remodelado para convertirse en un espacio híbrido de usos múltiples. El grupo de investigación a cargo de esta tarea está formado por estudiantes internacionales de toda Europa con experiencia en ingeniería y diseño. Este informe consiste en el proceso que tuvo que realizar el grupo de investigación para lograrlo. El proyecto contiene el desarrollo de una idea sobre cómo hacer que Åpent se convierta en un espacio híbrido, así como la definición de este concepto. El resultado final que se muestra en el informe se realizó siguiendo las principales conclusiones extraídas de la visión construida por el grupo y, por tanto, de todas las investigaciones realizadas. El concepto contiene el rediseño del comedor de Åpent junto con sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar la experiencia del usuario. Este informe pretende ser una guía a seguir para el próximo grupo de investigación. Outgoing
- Published
- 2021
40. SMACS: Modelling Urban 3D Environment
- Author
Maroto i Abril, Aina, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, and Høgskolen i Oslo
- Subjects
People's flow ,Three-dimensional printing ,Enginyeria mecànica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,European Project Semester ,Flexibility ,Space Management ,College campuses ,SMACS ,Impressió 3D ,Modelling ,Campus - Abstract
La Universitat OsloMet té previst tancar el seu campus a Kjeller el 2023 per crear un nou campus a la regió de Romerike. Aquest canvi té per objectiu millorar i enfortir les sinergies entre la universitat i diferents empreses per tal de formar estudiants professionalment, així com per millorar la qualitat del campus en termes d’accessibilitat i ubicació, vida universitària i fins i tot ensenyament. Quatre estudiants de l’European Project Semester van tenir l’oportunitat de participar en aquest projecte i proposar una solució per dissenyar un potencial nou campus de la Universitat d’OsloMet basat en un anàlisi del flux de persones d'un edifici existent. Aquest informe mostra el camí seguit durant tot el semestre, des de la metodologia de treball, la investigació, la contextualització i anàlisi de la informació i les dades fins a la proposta final: la creació d’una eina que ajudi a prendre decisions sobre el disseny del nou campus per millorar el flux de persones i aprofitar tot l’espai disponible. S'ha desenvolupat una hipotètica proposta de com es podria distribuir el nou campus, que proporciona tres factors de flexibilitat en termes d'ubicació, nombre de persones i habitacions i versatilitat en l’ús dels espais disponibles. Per mostrar-ho d’una manera visual, s’ha dissenyat un model 3D que permet entrar a l’edifici i visualitzar com cada una de les plantes que formen el campus es distribueixen. La Universidad OsloMet tiene previsto cerrar su campus en Kjeller en 2023 para crear un nuevo campus en la región de Romerike. Este cambio tiene como objetivo mejorar y fortalecer las sinergias entre la universidad y diferentes empresas para formar estudiantes profesionalmente, así como para mejorar la calidad del campus en términos de accesibilidad y ubicación, vida universitaria e incluso enseñanza. Cuatro estudiantes del European Project Semester tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en este proyecto y proponer una solución para diseñar un potencial nuevo campus de la Universidad de OsloMet basado en un análisis del flujo de personas de un edificio existente. Este informe muestra el camino seguido durante todo el semestre, desde la metodología de trabajo, la investigación, la contextualización y análisis de la información y los datos hasta la propuesta final: la creación de una herramienta que ayudará a tomar decisiones sobre el diseño del nuevo campus para mejorar el flujo de personas y aprovechar todo el espacio disponible. Se ha desarrollado una hipotética propuesta de cómo se podría distribuir el nuevo campus, que ofrece tres factores de flexibilidad en términos de ubicación, número de personas y habitaciones y versatilidad en el uso de los espacios disponibles. Para mostrarlo de una manera visual, se ha diseñado un modelo 3D que permite entrar en el edificio y visualizar como cada una de las plantas que forman el campus se distribuye. OsloMet University is planning to close its campus in Kjeller in 2023 to create a new campus in the Romerike region. This change aims to improve and strengthen the synergies between the university and different companies in order to train students professionally, as well as to improve the quality of the campus in terms of accessibility and location, university life and even teaching. Four students from the European Project semester had the opportunity to take part in this project and propose a solution to design a potential new campus of OsloMet University based on an analysis of the people's flow from an existing building. This report shows the path followed during the whole semester, from the working methodology, the research, the contextualization and analysis of information and data to the final proposal: the creation of a tool to help in making decisions about the design and layout of the new campus to improve the people's flow and take advantage of all the available space. A hypothetical proposal has been developed of how the new campus could be distributed, providing three factors of flexibility in terms of location, number of people and rooms and versatility in the use of the available spaces. To show this in a visual way, a 3D model has been designed that allows you to enter the building and visualise how each of the floors that make up the campus are distributed. Outgoing
- Published
- 2021
41. Mechanical and electrical design of wave/solar powered unmanned surface vehicle
- Author
Sayols Martínez, Marina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, and Benítez Iglesias, Raúl
- Subjects
Solar energy ,wave glider ,unmanned surface vehicle ,Vehicles autònoms ,Energia solar ,Enginyeria electrònica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Autonomous vehicles ,Energia de les onades ,Ocean wave power ,wave energy - Abstract
The project encompasses the design and manufacturing of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) that is operated by wave and solar energy with use for data collection. The current prototype is a compact USV that was designed with a focus on reducing size, weight, and cost. The USV has been designed with considerations for deployment and recovery that only requires two people. Many aspects of the design vary from current wave powered USV models. A concept for recovery and deployment process has been optimised for lowering operational costs. This connection allows the user to display the data collected by the sensors and the current position of the USV and interact with its trajectory. The sensors installed in the USV collect parameters from the body of water and updated online. A web application was also created which shows the vehicle position, trajectory, and sample data from the sensors. This design will be further developed to reduce the weight and dimensions of the USV, as well as upgrading the design to be able to deploy and recover miniaturised AUV’s, within the scope of OASYS research project in Oslo Metropolitan University (Sollesnes et al., 2018). Outgoing
- Published
- 2020
42. Accesible for all: A Study of OsloMet’s physical spaces oriented towards the mental wellbeing of students
- Author
Blanch Batet, Joan, Marin Ray, Santiago, Sudak, Maciej, Uyttenbroeck, Louise, Høgskolen i Oslo, Bong, Way Kiat, and Sandtrø, Tengel Aas
- Subjects
Public spaces ,Espais públics ,Ciències de la salut::Salut mental [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Ensenyament universitari [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Mental health ,Salut mental - Abstract
There is a significant number of students suffering from mental-health problems that go untreated in University environments. Research shows that 20 per cent of students develop a mental disorder in the first 12-months of college, this has an impact in the number of dropouts and the student’s productivity. The goal of this project is to create an inclusive and diverse city campus for OsloMet students. With this in mind, we set to create a safe space for young students struggling with mental health problems. In order to achieve this, the group recurred to literature research, interviews with informants and students, as well as brainstorming. All of this is focused on subjects regarding physical spaces and mental health. The results indicate that physical spaces have a significant impact on mental well-being and productivity. Regarding the campus, findings include high levels of distracting sounds in the common spaces of OsloMet, not enough outdoor spaces to relax and a lack of private places to relax or study without having to make a reservation. On this basis, the addition of diverse workspaces are suggested. Modern, modular workstations in order to reduce distractions and increased privacy are an example of this. Wooden materials and various colours, such as blue could be integrated. Further research in the subject can include the outdoor spaces of OsloMet, the disponibility of workrooms, adjusting the air quality and temperature and advantages of online education. Outgoing
- Published
- 2020
43. The impact of climate change on cultural heritage buildings: Hygrothermal performance of building materials in historic buildings and structures under various climate change scenarios
- Author
Tubau Carrasquilla, Ariadna, Matthis Sopha, Jan, Martín Antón, Maria Adriana, Gruyters, Maud Mina Medard Godard, Kraniotis, Dimitrios, Choidis, Petros, and Høgskolen i Oslo
- Subjects
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restauration ,Edificis històrics -- Conservació i restauració ,Desenvolupament humà i sostenible::Degradació ambiental::Canvi climàtic [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Biodegradation ,Biodegradació ,Enginyeria dels materials::Degradació de materials [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] - Abstract
Treball desenvolupat en el marc del programa "European Project Semester". The project is part of Hyperion, a research and investigation program funded by the European Union for the period 2019-2022 under the Grant Agreement 821054. It is known that climate change causes drastic changes all over the world and the average temperature is continually increasing, along with other various disasters. This directly affects the building materials, making them vulnerable to any kind of damages, specially biodeterioration. This European Project Semester investigates the hygrothermal performance of two timber historic buildings in Tønsberg, a city located in Norway, considering different climate scenarios. These constructions are mainly damaged by biological degradation of the wooden building parts, so the study focuses on the parameters related to mold risk. The main goal of this research is to use these two case studies as a small scale to predict the future of the deterioration of the construction materials. This investigation entails an inspection in situ, analyzing samples, working with hygrothermal simulation software, between other different kinds of tools. The project is part of Hyperion, a research and investigation program funded by the European Union in 2020. Outgoing Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats Sostenibles::11.4 - Redoblar els esforços per a protegir i salvaguardar el patrimoni cultural i natural del món
- Published
- 2020
44. Design of a wireless strain sensor box with applications in IoT
- Author
Simoni Martín, Aitor, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, and Høgskolen i Oslo
- Subjects
Sensor networks ,Comunicació sense fil, Sistemes de ,Wireless strain sensor box IoT ,Enginyeria electrònica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Xarxes de sensors ,Wireless communication systems - Abstract
The main aim of this project is to develop a prototype of an affordable “plug and play” single-unit strain measurement box that can be readily attached to the surface of interest, and is capable of wirelessly sending measurement data to an acquisition system nearby." Outgoing
- Published
- 2020
45. Predicting wind power from wind speed data
- Author
Guerrero Lopera, Víctor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Høgskolen i Oslo, and Benítez Iglesias, Raúl
- Subjects
Aerogeneradors ,Energia eòlica ,Kullback-Leibler divergence ,unimodal distributions ,Enginyeria elèctrica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Wind turbines ,Wind power ,Wind speed ,Matlab - Abstract
The search for renewable and sustainable energy sources is a global concern. One way to produce renewable energy is by making use of wind turbines. However, wind speed is a stochastic process which fluctuates considerably. This means that energy cannot be produced at a constant rate. For many years, the most used probability density function has beenthe Weibull distribution. Experimental research is made in this report, in which Nakagami, Normal,and Rician distributionsarecompared to Weibull distribution usingthe Kullback-Leibler divergence for different time frames.The resultsreveal that the four distributionsareall numerically acceptablefor analysing wind speed data for different time frames.Since Weibull distribution is the commonly used distribution, wind generation companies can continue using this distribution as the standard one.However, almost everytime frame manifestmultimodal distributed wind speed data. Future research can focus onstudyingmultimodal distributions instead of unimodal. Outgoing Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No Contaminant
- Published
- 2020
46. Automated adhesion management system for efficient management of metro trains
- Author
Crecente, Sabela, Felmy, Kimberley, Font i Jiménez, Ferran, Roemaat, Freek, Sporveien AS, Høgskolen i Oslo, Zouganeli, Evi, and Loh, Jason
- Subjects
Subways ,Enginyeria mecànica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Transport urbà ,Ferrocarrils -- Frens ,Urban transportation ,Metro ,Railroads -- Brakes - Abstract
Treball desenvolupat en el marc del programa "European Project Semester". Currently, in Oslo there is the same number of metros running everyday regardless of the season. However, most of the lines are located outdoors and therefore exposed to climate conditions such as rain, snow and low temperatures. In order to avoid any accidents, there is a safe braking distance between metros to allow them to stop regardless of weather. Therefore, traffic on each line is not optimized because the required braking distance varies with a change in the coefficient of friction. There is a grey area on the parameters influencing adhesion and on how to predict low adhesion due to the climatic conditions. The company Sporveien AS, which takes care of the metro’s management, wants to develop an automated Adhesion Management System to calculate the safe braking distance depending on the weather. The aim of this study is to determine a methodology and design a prototype for measuring the coefficient of friction between rails and trains’ wheels. This work also includes a reflection on the way to implement this system in the railway interface. To achieve this goal and propose a solution to the adhesion problem, this report presents research to determine the parameters influencing adhesion as well as the principles to measure them. A final module is proposed with a selection of sensors to install next to the track. The working environment of this solution is also studied to describe the different interactions between it and the other entities. A sequence diagram presents the operational scenario of the global system in case of low adhesion. Finally, an estimation of braking distance is performed to understand the impact of a very low coefficient of friction depending of the speed and the slope. Outgoing
- Published
- 2019
47. Performeasure Assessment. Market analysis
- Author
Relats i Camps, Marc, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal·lúrgica, Høgskolen i Oslo, and Fargas Ribas, Gemma
- Subjects
Brain -- Development ,Brain -- Imaging ,Cervell -- Desenvolupament ,Enginyeria electrònica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Cervell -- Imatges ,Market Analysis - Abstract
Departament: departament tutor EEBE o CMEM Directora: Gemma Fargas (SD. DE MOBILITAT) This report looks for business applications for the Performeasure® Assessment1 . The Performeasure Assessment is the result of the investigation work conducted by the researchers Dr. Harald Harung and Dr. Fred Travis, both with peak performance and brain development background. This technology is used to measure brain development using an EEG brain scan, with really promising prospects. The business idea thought for the Performeasure Assessment, was to use it to evaluate management development programs. Then a market analysis was carried out in four different European cities: London, Paris, Amsterdam and Barcelona. The target client’s thought were startups, universities and consulting firms. Therefore, the viability of the markets and the feasibility of the service thought for the Performeasure Assessment were discussed, as a result, it was seen that all the markets were in positive growing and it would be a great idea to start a business now, but nevertheless the service needs to be rethought. Some ideas for different approaches or further studies were suggested, such as giving and incentive to the potential clients in order to get more feedback from them. This report could be used as a reference for further studies. Outgoing
- Published
- 2019
48. Automated Adhesion Management System (AMS) for efficient speed control and traffic management of metro trains
- Author
Crecente García, Sabela, Benítez Iglesias, Raúl, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal·lúrgica, and Høgskolen i Oslo
- Subjects
Subways ,Railroads--Brakes ,Ferrocarrils--Frens ,CBTC ,water ,humidity ,Oslo ,Urban transportation ,speed ,Metro ,Sporveien ,railway ,coefficient of friction ,adhesion ,Enginyeria mecànica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Transport urbà ,train ,AMS - Abstract
EPS a OsloMet. Projecte en col·laboració amb l'empresa Sporveien AS, operadora dels serveis de transport públic a Oslo. Currently, in Oslo there is the same number of metros running everyday regardless of the season. However, most of the lines are located outdoors and therefore exposed to climate conditions such as rain, snow and low temperatures. In order to avoid any accidents, there is a safe braking distance between metros to allow them to stop regardless of weather. Therefore, traffic on each line is not optimized because the required braking distance varies with a change in the coefficient of friction. There is a grey area on the parameters influencing adhesion and on how to predict low adhesion due to the climatic conditions. The company Sporveien AS, which takes care of the metro’s management, wants to develop an automated Adhesion Management System to calculate the safe braking distance depending on the weather. The aim of this study is to determine a methodology and design a prototype for measuring the coefficient of friction between rails and trains’ wheels. This work also includes a reflection on the way to implement this system in the railway interface. To achieve this goal and propose a solution to the adhesion problem, this report presents research to determine the parameters influencing adhesion as well as the principles to measure them. A final module is proposed with a selection of sensors to install next to the track. The working environment of this solution is also studied to describe the different interactions between it and the other entities. A sequence diagram presents the operational scenario of the global system in case of low adhesion. Finally, an estimation of braking distance is performed to understand the impact of a very low coefficient of friction depending of the speed and the slope. Outgoing
- Published
- 2019
49. Nao
- Author
Margerit, Arthur, Burrell, Dereck, Parras, Marveen, Høgskolen i Oslo, and Zouganeli, Evi
- Subjects
Artificial intelligence ,Robòtica ,Autonomous robots ,Intel·ligència artificial ,Robots autònoms ,Robotics ,Informàtica::Robòtica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] - Abstract
Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'. The robotics facilities at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA) have at their disposal an autonomous humanoid robot by the name of Nao. It is a commercial product developed by SoftBank Robotics for research and educational purposes, and an international project team was assembled for the European Project Semester (EPS) program as a means of assessing its competencies and bolstering them wherever possible. The team set forth with a mission to establish meaningful interactions between the robot and his physical surroundings while placing an emphasis on humanlike behavior to the fullest extent. A goal was soon initiated for Nao to play a rule-based game against a human opponent such that his vast array of available faculties could be tested and put to use in one cohesive demonstration. Achieving this goal meant making advances in artificial intelligence,computer vision and motion planning, first as separate entities that would later converge into a singular yet multifaceted display of abilities. At the end of the project, computer vision has been implemented to the point where pattern recognition can be performed with accuracy amidst awide variety of error-prone detection scenarios. Several artificial intelligence schemes have been explored and compared quantitatively to derive performance metrics for each. Proof-ofconcept movement strategies have also been derived, and best practices for each focus area are provided as a resource for any future researchers or project groups who stand to benefit from the discoveries made in this endeavor
- Published
- 2017
50. Student team workspaces
- Author
Nap, Tom, Ortiz Toledo, Verónica, Truyts, Mick, Solé Vilalta, Sergi, Høgskolen i Oslo, and Øyan, Peter
- Subjects
Equipaments universitaris ,College environment ,New campus ,Design ,Arquitectura::Disseny [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Work environment ,Furniture ,Mobles ,Human engineering ,Open space ,Buildings--Environmental engineering ,Group collaboration ,Disseny ,Student workspace ,Flexibility ,Ergonomia - Abstract
Treball fet en col·laboració amb: Oslo and Akershus University College of applied sciences Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'. The present project is part of the European Project Semester program imparted by the Oslo and Akershus University College (HiOA) during the Spring of 2017. The project is conducted to design a student workspace that fosters group collaboration for a new HiOA campus that will be be built in Lillestrøm by 2023. In the design specifications, no spatial limitations are given. Thus, the main focus of the project centers in developing the specific furniture inside the workspace, which has to supply students with everything they need to work properly, according to modern-era learning methods. This means the products designed must be suitable for any granted workspace, regardless the dimensions and shape. The project contains project management, research covering different fields, concept development phase description and interviews for concept testing with users. A small furniture product line has been created,together with some suggestions to create an optimal student workspace suitable for open rooms.
- Published
- 2017
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