32 results on '"Härkönen, S."'
Search Results
2. Brown bear attacks on humans: a worldwide perspective
- Author
Bombieri, G., Naves, J., Penteriani, V., Selva, N., Fernández-Gil, A., López-Bao, J. V., Ambarli, H., Bautista, C., Bespalova, T., Bobrov, V., Bolshakov, V., Bondarchuk, S., Camarra, J. J., Chiriac, S., Ciucci, P., Dutsov, A., Dykyy, I., Fedriani, J. M., García-Rodríguez, A., Garrote, P. J., Gashev, S., Groff, C., Gutleb, B., Haring, M., Härkönen, S., Huber, D., Kaboli, M., Kalinkin, Y., Karamanlidis, A. A., Karpin, V., Kastrikin, V., Khlyap, L., Khoetsky, P., Kojola, I., Kozlow, Y., Korolev, A., Korytin, N., Kozsheechkin, V., Krofel, M., Kurhinen, J., Kuznetsova, I., Larin, E., Levykh, A., Mamontov, V., Männil, P., Melovski, D., Mertzanis, Y., Meydus, A., Mohammadi, A., Norberg, H., Palazón, S., Pătrașcu, L. M., Pavlova, K., Pedrini, P., Quenette, P. Y., Revilla, E., Rigg, R., Rozhkov, Y., Russo, L. F., Rykov, A., Saburova, L., Sahlén, V., Saveljev, A. P., Seryodkin, I. V., Shelekhov, A., Shishikin, A., Shkvyria, M., Sidorovich, V., Sopin, V., Støen, O., Stofik, J., Swenson, J. E., Tirski, D., Vasin, A., Wabakken, P., Yarushina, L., Zwijacz-Kozica, T., and Delgado, M. M. more...
- Published
- 2019
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3. Forschungsnahe Dienstleistungen in den Bibliotheken der Mitglieder der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Evidenzbasierte Medizin (AG-EBM) der AGMB
- Author
Cascant Ortolano, L, Buroh, S, von Gernler, M, Krause, E, Härkönen, S, Ewald, H, Cascant Ortolano, L, Buroh, S, von Gernler, M, Krause, E, Härkönen, S, and Ewald, H
- Abstract
In Spring 2023 an online survey was realized among all medical librarian members of the working group on evidence-based medicine (AG-EBM) within the German Medical Library Association (AGMB). The focus of this survey was to characterize the services that medical librarians offer to provide library services for research. The 17-item survey also included open-ended questions, which allowed survey participants to better describe their situation. The results were complemented with case reports with illustrative examples. The survey was completed by 21 librarians. The research support services offered by the members of the AG-EBM focus on systematic literature research, literature management and open access., Im Frühling 2023 wurde eine Online-Umfrage unter allen Mitgliedern der Arbeitsgruppe Evidenzbasierte Medizin (AG-EBM) der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Medizinisches Bibliothekswesen e.V. (AGMB) durchgeführt. Das Ziel dieser Umfrage war es, einen Überblick über das Angebot forschungsnaher Dienstleistungen an unseren Bibliotheken zu geben. Neben den Ergebnissen der Umfrage präsentieren wir einige Case Reports mit Beispielen. Die 17 Punkte umfassende Umfrage beinhaltete offene Fragen, die es den Umfrageteilnehmer*innen ermöglichten, ihre Situation besser zu beschreiben. Insgesamt haben 21 Bibliothekar*innen an der Befragung teilgenommen. Die von den Mitgliedern der AG-EBM angebotenen forschungsunterstützenden Dienstleistungen konzentrieren sich auf systematische Literaturrecherche, Literaturverwaltung und Open Access. more...
- Published
- 2023
4. Molecular detection of Bartonella spp. in deer ked pupae, adult keds and moose blood in Finland
- Author
- Published
- 2015
5. Calorimetric measurements of the acidity of supported vanadium oxides prepared by ALE and impregnation
- Author
Keränen, J, Auroux, A, Ek-Härkönen, S, and Niinistö, L
- Published
- 2001
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6. Koulukirjasto oppilaiden osallisuuden edistäjänä:tapaustutkimus Linnanmaan alakoulun koulukirjastosta
- Author
Härkönen, S. (Saija)
- Subjects
Information Studies - Abstract
Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen koulukirjaston roolia osallisuuden edistäjänä. Tutkimukseni on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tapaustutkimus ja tutkimukseni kohteena on Oulun normaalikoulun Linnanmaan yksikön alakoulun koulukirjasto. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on tutkia koulukirjaston roolia tutkittavan koulun toiminnassa sekä sitä, kuinka koulukirjasto lisää tai voisi lisätä oppilaiden osallisuutta. Tutkimukseni aineistonkeruumenetelminä ovat haastattelu sekä kysely ja tutkimusaineistoni koostuu kahden koulun opettajan haastattelusta sekä kolmentoista kuudesluokkalaisen oppilaan kyselyvastauksista. Tutkimusaineistoa analysoin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysilla. Tulosten mukaan tutkittavalla koulukirjastolla on merkittävä rooli koulun toiminnassa. Kirjasto on tärkeä osa koulun arkea ja sen tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia pyritään huomioimaan opetuksessa. Koulukirjastotoimintaa halutaan kehittää aktiivisesti ja toimintaa pyritään kehittämään siihen suuntaan, että koulukirjasto toimii koko koulun keskuksena, jossa kaikilla on mahdollisuus päästä vaikuttamaan ja osallistumaan. Koulukirjastolla on tärkeä rooli myös oppimisympäristönä ja merkityksellisten oppimiskokemuksien tuottajana sekä lukemaan innostajana. Koulukirjastotoiminta lisää oppilaiden osallisuutta ja toimintaan osallistumista pidetään tärkeänä. Oppilaiden osallisuus lisääntyy koulukirjastotoiminnan myötä, koska kaikilla oppilailla on mahdollisuus päästä vaikuttamaan ja osallistumaan toimintaan. Oppilaat pääsevät vaikuttamaan koulukirjaston toimintaan esittämällä omia ideoitaan ja mielipiteitään, jotka pyritään ottamaan huomioon toimintaa suunniteltaessa. Suunnittelutyöhön osallistumisen lisäksi oppilaat otetaan mukaan myös toiminnan toteutukseen. Tämän myötä oppilaat pääsevät ottamaan vastuuta, joka vahvistaa koulukirjaston osallistavaa roolia ja antaa oppilaille mahdollisuuksia hoitaa luotettavuutta vaativia tehtäviä. Koulukirjastotoiminnan osallistava rooli nähdään erityisesti oppilaille merkittävänä. Koulukirjaston osallistava rooli voisi vahvistua, mikäli kirjaston olisi mahdollista olla auki nykyistä enemmän, siellä työskentelisi henkilö kokopäiväisesti ja siellä järjestettäisiin vielä enemmän toimintaa. Tutkimustulokset eivät ole yleistettävissä, koska kyseessä on tapaustutkimus, mutta tutkimuksesta saatiin uusia näkökulmia tutkittavan koulun koulukirjastotoimintaan sekä kirjaston tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin oppilaiden osallisuuden lisäämiseksi. Jatkotutkimuksissa koulukirjastojen asemaa ja osallistavaa roolia tulisi tutkia laajemmassa kontekstissa, jotta tulosten yleistäminen olisi mahdollista. more...
- Published
- 2017
7. 'That there would be responsible adults on both ends, working for the benefit of the child':case study on collaboration between home and school
- Author
Härkönen, S. (Sanna)
- Subjects
Education - Abstract
Both home and school are essential environments where the child grows, develops and learns. There should be cooperation between them to support the holistic growth and development of the child. The obligation for collaboration between home and school is decreed by the Basic Education Act. The importance of the collaboration is also discussed in the Finnish national core curriculum, although there are no clear guidelines or rules for collaboration — therefore the quality of the collaboration varies greatly between schools. This Master’s thesis of education focuses on the collaboration between home and school from the perspective of the parents and the teacher of a first grade class. The aims of this research are to study the perceptions, expectations and experiences the parents and teacher have of collaboration, and to conduct three interventions. The interventions are three functional parents’ evenings, which aim for parental involvement and interaction, and to develop the collaboration between the parents and teacher. This is a qualitative case study with elements from action research. The data was collected through interviews, a questionnaire and observation, and was analysed through the content analysis method. The participants consisted of seven parents and a teacher of a first grade in a comprehensive school in northern Finland. Previous studies and research were also examined to create a theoretical base for this research. The findings of this research were reflected against theory to create a holistic understanding of this topic. The research indicated that both parents and teachers find the collaboration between home and school very important, and understand the impact it can have on building a secure learning environment for the child. The flow of information between home and school was seen as the most essential aspect of the collaboration, and both the parents and the teacher expected to be informed of matters concerning the child. The experiences of collaboration were mostly positive, even though the traditional parents’ evenings were seen as quite tedious. Both the parents and the teacher enjoyed the functional parents’ evenings and hoped to conduct similar events in the future. The results of this research cannot be generalised to apply to teachers and parents generally, as the sample of participants is so small. Although, as this is a case study, the generalisability of the results is not the goal of this research. Instead this research aims to explore different ways of conducting a parents evening and through these functional parents’ evenings and the data gathered from the interviews develop the collaboration between the parents and teacher of this class. Sekä koti että koulu ovat tärkeitä kasvuympäristöjä, joissa lapsi kasvaa, oppii ja kehittyy. Näiden ympäristöjen välillä tulisi olla yhteistyötä, jotta lapsen kasvua ja kehitystä voitaisiin tukea mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Velvollisuus yhteistyölle on säädetty perusopetuslaissa. Kodin ja koulun välisen yhteistyön tärkeyttä on pohdittu myös perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa, vaikka yhteistyölle ei ole kirjattu valmiita ohjeita tai sääntöjä — näin ollen yhteistyön laatu vaihtelee suuresti koulujen välillä. Tämä kasvatustieteiden Pro Gradu -tutkielma keskittyy kodin ja koulun yhteistyöhön ensimmäisen luokan oppilaiden opettajan ja vanhempien näkökulmasta. Tämä on tapaustutkimus, jossa on toimintatutkimuksen piirteitä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia vanhempien ja opettajan näkemyksiä, odotuksia ja kokemuksia kodin ja koulun yhteistyöstä sekä järjestää kolme interventiota. Interventiot toteutettiin toiminnallisina vanhempainiltoina, joiden tarkoituksena oli lisätä vanhempien osallisuutta ja vuorovaikutusta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastattelujen, kyselylomakkeen ja observaation avulla. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin sisällönanalyysinä. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana seitsemän vanhempaa ja yksi ensimmäisen luokan opettaja eräästä yhtenäiskoulusta Pohjois-Suomessa. Aikaisempia tutkimuksia ja kirjallisuutta tutkittiin myös tutkimuksen teoriapohjan luomiseksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia peilattiin edellisiin tutkimuksiin ja kirjallisuuteen kokonaisvaltaisen kuvan luomiseksi kodin ja koulun yhteistyöstä. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että sekä vanhemmat että opettaja pitävät kodin ja koulun välistä yhteistyötä tärkeänä, ja ymmärtävät sen vaikutuksen turvallisen oppimisympäristön luomiselle. Tiedonkulku kodin ja koulun välillä nähtiin tärkeimpänä osana yhteistyötä. Suurin odotus oli, että molemmat osapuolet ottaisivat yhteyttä lasta koskevissa asioissa pienellä kynnyksellä. Kokemukset yhteistyöstä olivat suurilta osin positiiviset, vaikkakin perinteinen vanhempainiltamalli nähtiin pitkäveteisenä. Toiminnalliset vanhempainillat, jotka järjestettiin osana tätä tutkimusta, koettiin onnistuneina. Tutkimuksen tuloksia ei voi yleistää opettajia ja vanhempia koskeviksi, sillä osallistujamäärä oli tutkimuksessa suhteellisen pieni, ja tutkimus suoritettiin vain yhdessä luokassa. Koska tutkimus on tapaustutkimus, tulosten yleistäminen ei ollut tutkimuksen tavoite. Sen sijaan, tutkimuksessa pyrittiin kokeilemaan eri vanhempainillan järjestämisen tapoja ja kehittämään kodin ja koulun välistä yhteistyötä tutkimusluokalla sekä toiminnallisten vanhempainiltojen, että muun aineiston avulla. more...
- Published
- 2016
8. Molecular detection of Bartonella spp. in deer ked pupae, adult keds and moose blood in Finland
- Author
- Abstract
The deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) is a haematophagous ectoparasite of cervids that harbours haemotrophic Bartonella. A prerequisite for the vector competence of the deer ked is the vertical transmission of the pathogen from the mother to its progeny and transstadial transmission from pupa to winged adult. We screened 1154 pupae and 59 pools of winged adult deer keds from different areas in Finland for Bartonella DNA using PCR. Altogether 13 pupa samples and one winged adult deer ked were positive for the presence of Bartonella DNA. The amplified sequences were closely related to either B. schoenbuchensis or B. bovis. The same lineages were identified in eight blood samples collected from free-ranging moose. This is the first demonstration of Bartonella spp. DNA in a winged adult deer ked and, thus, evidence for potential transstadial transmission of Bartonella spp. in the species more...
- Published
- 2017
9. First record of an indoor pest sawtoothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) from wild outdoor wood ant nest
- Author
Jouni Sorvari, Härkönen, S. K., and Vesterinen, E. J.
- Subjects
Artikkelit - Abstract
Alive individual adult sawtoothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus, 1758) was discovered inside a nest mound of the red wood ant Formica rufa Linnaeus, 1758 during a survey of myrmecophilous invertebrates. The sawtoothed grain beetle is a widespread indoor pest that has not previously been found in an ant nest. It is one of the most common pests in stored grain and cereal products, but the natural life-style of the species is not known. As the site of discovery was exceptional, we verified the species identification using the DNA barcode. If the sawtoothed grain beetle can live in mounds of red wood ants, the mounds may become widespread source habitats for the future infestations of this serious stored product pest. more...
- Published
- 2012
10. Estimating forest leaf area index using satellite images : comparison of k-NN based Landsat-NFI LAI with MODIS-RSR based LAI product for Finland
- Author
Härkönen, S., Lehtonen, A., Terhikki Manninen, Tuominen, S., Peltoniemi, M., and Department of Forest Sciences
- Subjects
Leaf area index (LAI) is a key variable for many ecological models, but it is typically not available from basic forest inventories. In this study, we (1) construct a high-resolution LAI map using k nearest-neighbor (k-NN) imputation based on National Forest Inventory data and Landsat 5 TM images (Landsat-NFI LAI), and (2) examine a moderate-resolution LAI map produced based on reduced simple ratio derived from MODIS reflectances (MODIS-RSR LM). The maps cover all the forested areas in Finland. Country-level averages of Landsat-NFI and MODIS-RSR LAI were at same level, but several geographical and land-use related differences between them were detected. Difference was the largest in the lake district of Finland and in northern Finland, and it increased with decreasing share of forests and increasing share of deciduous trees. As MODIS-RSR LAI does not take into account the sub-pixel variation in land use, Landsat-NFI LAI was found to produce more reliable estimates. more...
- Published
- 2015
11. Comparison of carbon estimation methods for European forests
- Author
Lang, Mait [0000-0002-0951-7933], Neumann, M., Moreno, Adam, Mues, V., Härkönen, S., Mura, M., Bouriaud, Olivier, Lang, Mait, Achten, W. M. J., Thivolle-Cazat, A., Bronisz, K., Merganič, J., Decuyper, M., Alberdi, Iciar, Astrup, R., Mohren, F., Hasenauer, H., Lang, Mait [0000-0002-0951-7933], Neumann, M., Moreno, Adam, Mues, V., Härkönen, S., Mura, M., Bouriaud, Olivier, Lang, Mait, Achten, W. M. J., Thivolle-Cazat, A., Bronisz, K., Merganič, J., Decuyper, M., Alberdi, Iciar, Astrup, R., Mohren, F., and Hasenauer, H. more...
- Abstract
National and international carbon reporting systems require information on carbon stocks of forests. For this purpose, terrestrial assessment systems such as forest inventory data in combination with carbon estimation methods are often used. In this study we analyze and compare terrestrial carbon estimation methods from 12 European countries. The country-specific methods are applied to five European tree species (Fagus sylvatica L.;Quercus robur L.;Betula pendula Roth, Picea abies (L.) Karst.;Pinus sylvestris L.), using a standardized theoretically-generated tree dataset. We avoid any bias due to data collection and/or sample design by using this approach. We are then able to demonstrate the conceptual differences in the resulting carbon estimates with regard to the applied country-specific method. In our study we analyze (i) allometric biomass functions, (ii) biomass expansion factors in combination with volume functions and (iii) a combination of both. The results of the analysis show discrepancies in the resulting estimates for total tree carbon and for single tree compartments across the countries analyzed of up to 140. t. carbon/ha. After grouping the country-specific approaches by European Forest regions, the deviation within the results in each region is smaller but still remains. This indicates that part of the observed differences can be attributed to varying growing conditions and tree properties throughout Europe. However, the large remaining error is caused by differences in the conceptual approach, different tree allometry, the sample material used for developing the biomass estimation models and the definition of the tree compartments. These issues are currently not addressed and require consideration for reliable and consistent carbon estimates throughout Europe. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. more...
- Published
- 2016
12. Creating a regional MODIS satellite-driven net primary production dataset for European forests
- Author
Lang, Mait [0000-0002-0951-7933], Neumann, M., Moreno, Adam, Thurnher, C., Mues, V., Härkönen, S., Mura, M., Bouriaud, Olivier, Lang, Mait, Cardellini, G., Thivolle-Cazat, A., Bronisz, K., Merganič, J., Alberdi, Iciar, Astrup, R., Mohren, F., Zhao, Maoxiang, Hasenauer, H., Lang, Mait [0000-0002-0951-7933], Neumann, M., Moreno, Adam, Thurnher, C., Mues, V., Härkönen, S., Mura, M., Bouriaud, Olivier, Lang, Mait, Cardellini, G., Thivolle-Cazat, A., Bronisz, K., Merganič, J., Alberdi, Iciar, Astrup, R., Mohren, F., Zhao, Maoxiang, and Hasenauer, H. more...
- Abstract
Net primary production (NPP) is an important ecological metric for studying forest ecosystems and their carbon sequestration, for assessing the potential supply of food or timber and quantifying the impacts of climate change on ecosystems. The global MODIS NPP dataset using the MOD17 algorithm provides valuable information for monitoring NPP at 1-km resolution. Since coarse-resolution global climate data are used, the global dataset may contain uncertainties for Europe. We used a 1-km daily gridded European climate data set with the MOD17 algorithm to create the regional NPP dataset MODIS EURO. For evaluation of this new dataset, we compare MODIS EURO with terrestrial driven NPP from analyzing and harmonizing forest inventory data (NFI) from 196,434 plots in 12 European countries as well as the global MODIS NPP dataset for the years 2000 to 2012. Comparing these three NPP datasets, we found that the global MODIS NPP dataset differs from NFI NPP by 26%, while MODIS EURO only differs by 7%. MODIS EURO also agrees with NFI NPP across scales (from continental, regional to country) and gradients (elevation, location, tree age, dominant species, etc.). The agreement is particularly good for elevation, dominant species or tree height. This suggests that using improved climate data allows the MOD17 algorithm to provide realistic NPP estimates for Europe. Local discrepancies between MODIS EURO and NFI NPP can be related to differences in stand density due to forest management and the national carbon estimation methods. With this study, we provide a consistent, temporally continuous and spatially explicit productivity dataset for the years 2000 to 2012 on a 1-km resolution, which can be used to assess climate change impacts on ecosystems or the potential biomass supply of the European forests for an increasing bio-based economy. MODIS EURO data are made freely available at ftp//palantir.boku.ac.at/Public/MODIS_EURO. © 2016 by the authors. more...
- Published
- 2016
13. Acute impacts of the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) infestation on reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) behaviour
- Author
Kynkäänniemi, S.-M. (Sanna-Mari), Kettu, M. (Maria), Kortet, R. (Raine), Härkönen, L. (Laura), Kaitala, A. (Arja), Paakkonen, T. (Tommi), Mustonen, A.-M. (Anne-Mari), Nieminen, P. (Petteri), Härkönen, S. (Sauli), Ylönen, H. (Hannu), and Laaksonen, S. (Sauli) more...
- Subjects
insect harassment ,host–parasite interaction ,animal diseases ,parasitic diseases ,Lipoptena cervi ,restless behaviour ,Rangifer tarandus tarandus - Abstract
Blood-sucking ectoparasites have often a strong impact on the behaviour of their hosts. The annual insect harassment of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) has increased in the southern part of the Finnish reindeer herding area because of the recent invasion of a blood-feeding ectoparasitic louse-fly, the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi). We studied the impact of the deer ked on the behaviour of reindeer. Twelve reindeer were infested with a total of 300 keds/reindeer on six occasions in a 5-week period during the deer ked flight season in autumn, while six non-infested reindeer were used as controls. Behavioural patterns indicating potential stress were monitored by visual observation from August to December. The infested reindeer displayed more incidences of restless behaviour than the controls. Shaking and scratching were the most common forms of restless behaviour after infestation of deer keds. Increased grooming was also observed after the transplantation and also later, 1 month after the infestation. Based on the results, the deer ked infestation can cause acute behavioural disturbance in reindeer and, thus, could pose a potential threat to reindeer welfare. Antiparasitic treatment with, e.g. ivermectin, may increase the welfare of parasitized reindeer by reducing deer keds. If the deer ked infestation intensity on the reindeer herding area increases and restless behaviour of reindeer becomes more common, the present results can help in further evaluation of the duration and magnitude of behavioural changes. more...
- Published
- 2014
14. Measurement of the cross section for production of bb¯X decaying to muons in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV
- Author
Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Fabjan, C., Friedl, M., Frühwirth, R., Ghete, V. M., Hammer, J., Hoch, M., Hörmann, N., Hrubec, J., Jeitler, M., Kiesenhofer, W., Krammer, M., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Pernicka, M., Rahbaran, B., Rohringer, C., Rohringer, H., Schöfbeck, R., Strauss, J., Taurok, A., Teischinger, F., Wagner, P., Waltenberger, W., Walzel, G., Widl, E., Wulz, C. E., Mossolov, V., Shumeiko, N., Suarez, Gonzalez, Bansal, J., Benucci, S., Cornelis, L., Wolf, De, E. A., Janssen, Luyckx, X., Maes, S., Mucibello, T., Ochesanu, L., Roland, S., Rougny, B., Selvaggi, R., Van, Haevermaet, Van, Mechelen, Van, Remortel, Van, Spilbeeck, Blekman, A., Blyweert, F., D'Hondt, S., Gonzalez, Suarez, Kalogeropoulos, R., Maes, A., Olbrechts, M., Van, Doninck, Van, Mulders, Van, Onsem, G. P., Villella, Charaf, I., Clerbaux, O., Lentdecker, De, Dero, G., Gay, V., A. P. R., Hammad, G. H., Hreus, Léonard, T., Marage, A., P. E., Thomas, Vander, Velde, Vanlaer, C., Wickens, P., Adler, J., Beernaert, V., Cimmino, K., Costantini, A., Garcia, S., Grunewald, G., Klein, M., Lellouch, B., Marinov, J., Mccartin, A., Ocampo, Rios, A. A., Ryckbosch, Strobbe, D., Thyssen, N., Tytgat, F., Vanelderen, M., Verwilligen, L., Walsh, P., Yazgan, S., Zaganidis, E., Basegmez, N., Bruno, S., Ceard, G., De Favereau De Jeneret, Delaere, J., Pree, Du, Favart, T., Forthomme, D., Giammanco, L., Grégoire, A., Hollar, G., Lemaitre, J., Liao, V., Militaru, J., Nuttens, O., Pagano, C., Pin, D., Piotrzkowski, A., Schul, K., Beliy, N., Caebergs, N., Daubie, T., Alves, E., G. A., Correa Martins, J. r., De Jesus Damiao, Martins, D., Pol, T., E. M., Souza, M. H. G., Aldá, J. r., W. L., Carvalho, Custódio, W., Costa, Da, E. M., De Oliveira Martins, Fonseca De Souza, Matos, Figueiredo, Mundim, D., Nogima, L., Oguri, H., Prado Da Silva, W. L., Santoro, Silva Do Amaral, S. M., Soares, Jorge, Sznajder, L., Anjos, A., T. S., Bernardes, C. A., Dias, F. A., Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R., Gregores, E. M., Lagana, Marinho, C., Mercadante, F., P. G., Novaes, S. F., Padula, S. S., Genchev, Iaydjiev, V., Piperov, P., Rodozov, S., Stoykova, M., Sultanov, S., Tcholakov, G., Trayanov, V., Vutova, R., Dimitrov, M., Hadjiiska, A., Karadzhinova, R., Kozhuharov, A., Litov, V., Pavlov, L., Petkov, B., Bian, P., J. G., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. S., Jiang, C. H., Liang, Liang, D., Meng, S., Tao, X., Wang, J., Wang, X., Xiao, Z., Xu, H., Zang, M., Zhang, J., Asawatangtrakuldee, Z., Ban, C., Guo, Y., Guo, S., Li, Y., Liu, W., Mao, S., Qian, Y., J. S., Teng, Wang, H., Zhu, S., Zou, B., Cabrera, W., Gomez, Moreno, Osorio, Oliveros, A. F., Sanabria, J. C., Godinovic, Lelas, N., Plestina, D., Polic, R., Puljak, D., Antunovic, I., Dzelalija, Z., Kovac, M., Brigljevic, M., Duric, V., Kadija, S., Luetic, K., Morovic, J., Attikis, S., Galanti, A., Mousa, M., Nicolaou, J., Ptochos, C., Razis, F., P. A., Finger, Finger, J. r., Assran, M., Ellithi, Kamel, Khalil, A., Mahmoud, S., M. A., Radi, Hektor, A., Kadastik, A., Müntel, M., Raidal, M., Rebane, M., Tiko, L., Azzolini, A., Eerola, V., Fedi, P., Voutilainen, G., Czellar, M., Härkönen, S., Heikkinen, J., Karimäki, A., Kinnunen, V., Kortelainen, R., M. J., Lampén, Lassila, Perini, Lehti, K., Lindén, S., Luukka, T., Mäenpää, P., Peltola, T., Tuominen, T., Tuominiemi, E., Tuovinen, J., Ungaro, E., Wendland, D., Banzuzi, L., Korpela, K., Tuuva, A., Sillou, T., Besancon, D., Choudhury, M., Dejardin, S., Denegri, M., Fabbro, D., Faure, B., L. J., Ferri, Ganjour, F., Givernaud, S., Gras, A., Hamel De Monchenault, Jarry, G., Locci, P., Malcles, E., Millischer, J., Rander, L., Rosowsky, J., Shreyber, A., Titov, I., Baffioni, M., Beaudette, S., Benhabib, F., Bianchini, L., Bluj, L., Broutin, M., Busson, C., Charlot, P., Daci, C., Dahms, N., Dobrzynski, T., Elgammal, L., Granier De Cassagnac, Haguenauer, R., Miné, M., Mironov, P., Ochando, C., Paganini, C., Sabes, P., Salerno, D., Sirois, R., Thiebaux, Y., Veelken, C., Zabi, C., Agram, A., J. L., Andrea, Bloch, J., Bodin, D., Brom, D., J. M., Cardaci, Chabert, M., E. C., Collard, Conte, C., Drouhin, E., Ferro, F., Fontaine, C., J. C., Gelé, Goerlach, D., Juillot, U., Karim, P., Bihan, Le, A. C., Van, Hove, Fassi, P., Mercier, F., Baty, D., Beauceron, C., Beaupere, S., Bedjidian, N., Bondu, M., Boudoul, O., Boumediene, G., Brun, D., Chasserat, H., Chierici, J., Contardo, R., Depasse, D., Mamouni, El, Falkiewicz, H., Fay, A., Gascon, J., Gouzevitch, S., Ille, M., Kurca, B., Grand, Le, Lethuillier, T., Mirabito, M., Perries, L., Sordini, S., Tosi, V., Tschudi, S., Verdier, Y., Viret, P., Lomidze, S., Anagnostou, D., Beranek, G., Edelhoff, S., Feld, M., Heracleous, L., Hindrichs, N., Jussen, O., Klein, R., Merz, K., Ostapchuk, J., Perieanu, A., Raupach, A., Sammet, F., Schael, J., Sprenger, S., Weber, D., Wittmer, H., Zhukov, B., Ata, V., Caudron, M., Dietz, Laursonn, Erdmann, E., Güth, M., Hebbeker, A., Heidemann, T., Hoepfner, C., Klimkovich, K., Klingebiel, T., Kreuzer, D., Lanske, P., Lingemann, D., Magass, J., Merschmeyer, C., Meyer, M., Olschewski, A., Papacz, M., Pieta, P., Reithler, H., Schmitz, H., S. A., Sonnenschein, Steggemann, L., Teyssier, J., Bontenackels, M., Cherepanov, M., Davids, V., Flügge, M., Geenen, G., Geisler, H., Haj, Ahmad, Hoehle, W., Kargoll, F., Kress, B., Kuessel, T., Linn, Y., Nowack, A., Perchalla, A., Pooth, L., Rennefeld, O., Sauerland, J., Stahl, P., Zoeller, A., M. H., Aldaya, Martin, Behrenhoff, M., Behrens, W., Bergholz, U., Bethani, M., Borras, A., Burgmeier, K., Cakir, A., Calligaris, A., Campbell, L., Castro, A., Dammann, E., Eckerlin, D., Eckstein, G., Flossdorf, D., Flucke, A., Geiser, G., Hauk, A., Jung, J., Kasemann, H., Katsas, M., Kleinwort, P., Kluge, C., Knutsson, H., Krämer, A., Krücker, M., Kuznetsova, D., Lange, E., Lohmann, W., Lutz, W., Mankel, B., Marfin, R., Marienfeld, I., Melzer, Pellmann, I. A., Meyer, A. B., Mnich, Mussgiller, J., Naumann, Emme, Olzem, S., Petrukhin, J., Pitzl, A., Raspereza, D., Ribeiro, Cipriano, P. M., Rosin, Salfeld, Nebgen, Schmidt, J., Schoerner, Sadenius, Sen, T., Spiridonov, N., Stein, A., Tomaszewska, M., Walsh, J., Wissing, R., Autermann, C., Blobel, C., Bobrovskyi, V., Draeger, S., Enderle, J., Ere, H., Gebbert, J., Görner, U., Hermanns, M., Höing, T., R. S., Kaschube, Kaussen, K., Kirschenmann, G., Klanner, H., Lange, R., Mura, J., Nowak, B., Pietsch, F., Sander, N., Schettler, C., Schleper, H., Schlieckau, P., Schmidt, E., Schröder, A., Schum, M., Stadie, T., Steinbrück, H., Thomsen, G., Barth, J., Berger, C., Chwalek, J., Boer, De, Dierlamm, W., Dirkes, A., Feindt, G., Gruschke, M., Guthoff, J., Hackstein, M., Hartmann, C., Heinrich, F., Held, M., Hoffmann, H., K. H., Honc, Katkov, S., Komaragiri, I., R. J., Kuhr, Martschei, T., Mueller, D., Müller, S., T. h., Niegel, Nürnberg, M., Oberst, A., Oehler, O., Ott, A., Peiffer, J., Quast, T., Rabbertz, G., Ratnikov, K., Ratnikova, F., Renz, N., Röcker, M., Saout, S., Scheurer, C., Schieferdecker, A., Schilling, P., F. P., Schmanau, Schott, M., Simonis, G., H. J., Stober, F. M., Troendle, Wagner, Kuhr, Weiler, J., Zeise, T., Ziebarth, M., E. B., Daskalakis, Geralis, G., Kesisoglou, T., Kyriakis, S., Loukas, A., Manolakos, D., Markou, I., Markou, A., Mavrommatis, C., Ntomari, C., Gouskos, E., Mertzimekis, L., T. J., Panagiotou, Saoulidou, A., Stiliaris, N., Evangelou, E., Foudas, I., Kokkas, C., Manthos, P., Papadopoulos, N., Patras, I., Triantis, V., F. A., Aranyi, Bencze, A., Boldizsar, G., Hajdu, L., Hidas, C., Horvath, P., Kapusi, D., Krajczar, A., Sikler, K., Veszpremi, F., Vesztergombi, V., Beni, G., Molnar, N., Palinkas, J., Szillasi, J., Karancsi, Z., Raics, J., Trocsanyi, P., L. Z., Ujvari, Beri, B., S. B., Bhatnagar, Dhingra, V., Gupta, N., Jindal, R., Kaur, M., Kohli, M., J. M., Mehta, M. Z., Nishu, Saini, N., L. K., Sharma, Singh, A., A. P., Singh, Singh, J., S. P., Ahuja, Choudhary, S., B. C., Kumar, Kumar, A., Malhotra, A., Naimuddin, S., Ranjan, M., Sharma, K., Shivpuri, V., R. K., Banerjee, Bhattacharya, S., Dutta, S., Gomber, S., Jain, B., Khurana, S., Sarkar, R., Choudhury, S., R. K., Dutta, Kailas, D., Kumar, S., Mohanty, V., A. K., Pant, L. M., Shukla, Aziz, P., Ganguly, T., Guchait, S., Gurtu, M., Maity, A., Majumder, M., Mazumdar, G., Mohanty, K., G. B., Parida, Saha, B., Sudhakar, A., Wickramage, K., Banerjee, N., Dugad, S., Mondal, S., N. K., Arfaei, Bakhshiansohi, H., Etesami, H., S. M., Fahim, Hashemi, A., Hesari, M., Jafari, H., Khakzad, A., Mohammadi, M., Mohammadi, Najafabadi, Paktinat, Mehdiabadi, Safarzadeh, S., Zeinali, B., Abbrescia, M., Barbone, M., Calabria, L., Chhibra, C., S. S., Colaleo, Creanza, A., Filippis, De, Palma, De, Fiore, M., Iaselli, L., Lusito, G., Maggi, L., Maggi, G., Manna, M., Marangelli, N., My, B., Nuzzo, S., Pacifico, S., Pompili, N., Pugliese, A., Romano, G., Selvaggi, F., Silvestris, G., Singh, L., Tupputi, G., Zito, S., Abbiendi, G., Benvenuti, G., A. C., Bonacorsi, Braibant, Giacomelli, Brigliadori, S., Capiluppi, L., Castro, P., Cavallo, A., F. R., Cuffiani, Dallavalle, M., G. M., Fabbri, Fanfani, F., Fasanella, A., Giacomelli, D., Grandi, P., Marcellini, C., Masetti, S., Meneghelli, G., Montanari, M., Navarria, A., F. L., Odorici, Perrotta, F., Primavera, A., Rossi, F., A. M., Rovelli, Siroli, T., Travaglini, G., Albergo, R., Cappello, S., Chiorboli, G., Costa, M., Potenza, S., Tricomi, R., Tuve, A., Barbagli, C., Ciulli, G., Civinini, V., D'Alessandro, C., Focardi, R., Frosali, E., Gallo, S., Gonzi, E., Meschini, S., Paoletti, M., Sguazzoni, S., Tropiano, G., Benussi, A., Bianco, L., Colafranceschi, S., Fabbri, S., Piccolo, F., Fabbricatore, D., Musenich, P., Benaglia, R., Guio, De, Matteo, Di, Fiorendi, L., Gennai, S., Ghezzi, S., Malvezzi, A., Manzoni, S., R. A., Martelli, Massironi, A., Menasce, A., Moroni, D., Paganoni, L., Pedrini, M., Ragazzi, D., Redaelli, S., Sala, N., Tabarelli De Fatis, Buontempo, T., Carrillo, Montoya, C. A., Cavallo, Cosa, De, Dogangun, A., Fabozzi, O., Iorio, F., A. O. M., Lista, Merola, L., Paolucci, M., Azzi, P., Bacchetta, P., Bellan, N., Bisello, P., Branca, D., Carlin, A., Checchia, R., Dorigo, P., Dosselli, T., Gasparini, U., Gasparini, F., Gozzelino, U., Kanishchev, A., Lacaprara, K., Lazzizzera, S., Margoni, I., Mazzucato, M., Meneguzzo, M., A. T., Montecassiano, Nespolo, F., Perrozzi, M., Pozzobon, L., Ronchese, N., Simonetto, P., Torassa, F., Tosi, E., Vanini, M., Zotto, S., Zumerle, P., Baesso, G., Berzano, P., Gabusi, U., Ratti, M., S. P., Riccardi, Torre, C., Vitulo, P., Viviani, P., Biasini, C., Bilei, M., G. M., Caponeri, Fanò, B., Lariccia, L., Lucaroni, P., Mantovani, A., Menichelli, G., Nappi, M., Romeo, A., Santocchia, F., Taroni, A., Valdata, S., Azzurri, M., Bagliesi, P., Boccali, G., Broccolo, T., Castaldi, G., D'Agnolo, R., R. T., Dell'Orso, Fiori, R., Foà, F., Giassi, L., Kraan, A., Ligabue, A., Lomtadze, F., Martini, T., Messineo, ALBERTO MARIA, Palla, F., Palmonari, F., Rizzi, Andrea, Serban, A. T., Spagnolo, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, GUIDO EMILIO, Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G., Barone, L., Cavallari, F., Del, Re, Diemoz, D., Fanelli, M., Franci, C., Grassi, D., Longo, M., Meridiani, E., Micheli, P., Nourbakhsh, F., Organtini, S., Pandolfi, G., Paramatti, F., Rahatlou, R., Sigamani, S., Soffi, M., Amapane, L., Arcidiacono, N., Argiro, R., Arneodo, S., Biino, M., Botta, C., Cartiglia, C., Castello, N., Costa, R., Demaria, M., Graziano, N., Mariotti, A., Maselli, C., Migliore, S., Monaco, E., Musich, V., Obertino, M., M. M., Pastrone, Pelliccioni, N., Potenza, M., Romero, A., Ruspa, A., Sacchi, M., Sola, R., Solano, V., Staiano, A., Vilela, Pereira, Belforte, A., Cossutti, S., Della, Ricca, Gobbo, G., Marone, B., Montanino, M., Penzo, D., Heo, A., S. G., Nam, S. K., Chang, Chung, S., Kim, J., D. H., Kim, G. N., Kim, J. E., Kong, D. J., Park, Ro, H., S. R., Son, D. C., Kim, J. Y., Kim, Z. J., Song, Jo, S., H. Y., Choi, Gyun, S., Hong, D., Jo, B., Kim, M., Kim, H., T. J., Lee, K. S., Moon, D. H., Park, S. K., Seo, Sim, E., K. S., Choi, Kang, M., Kim, S., J. H., Park, Park, C., I. C., Park, Ryu, S., Cho, G., Choi, Y., Y. K., Goh, M. S., Lee, Lee, B., Lee, J., Seo, S., Yu, H., Bilinskas, I., M. J., Grigelionis, Janulis, I., Castilla, Valdez, De La Cruz Burelo, Heredia De La Cruz, Lopez, Fernandez, Magaña, Villalba, Martínez, Ortega, Sánchez, Hernández, Villasenor, Cendejas, L. M., Carrillo, Moreno, Vazquez, Valencia, Salazar, Ibarguen, H. A., Casimiro, Linares, Morelos, Pineda, Reyes, Santos, M. A., Krofcheck, Bell, D., A. J., Butler, P. H., Doesburg, Reucroft, R., Silverwood, S., Ahmad, H., Asghar, M., M. I., Hoorani, H. R., Khalid, Khan, S., W. A., Khurshid, Qazi, T., Shah, S., M. A., Shoaib, Brona, M., Cwiok, G., Dominik, M., Doroba, W., Kalinowski, K., Konecki, A., Krolikowski, M., Bialkowska, J., Boimska, H., Frueboes, B., Gokieli, T., Górski, R., Kazana, M., Nawrocki, M., Romanowska, Rybinska, Szleper, K., Wrochna, M., Zalewski, G., Almeida, P., Bargassa, N., David, P., Faccioli, A., Ferreira, Parracho, P. G., Gallinaro, Musella, M., Nayak, P., Pela, A., Ribeiro, J., P. Q., Seixas, Varela, J., Vischia, J., Afanasiev, P., Belotelov, S., Bunin, I., Gavrilenko, P., Golutvin, M., Gorbunov, I., Kamenev, I., Karjavin, A., Kozlov, V., Lanev, G., Moisenz, A., Palichik, P., Perelygin, V., Shmatov, V., Smirnov, S., Volodko, V., Zarubin, A., Evstyukhin, A., Golovtsov, S., Ivanov, V., Kim, Y., Levchenko, V., Murzin, P., Oreshkin, V., Smirnov, V., Sulimov, I., Uvarov, V., Vavilov, L., Vorobyev, S., Vorobyev, A., A. n., Andreev, Y. u., Dermenev, Gninenko, A., Golubev, S., Kirsanov, N., Krasnikov, M., Matveev, N., Pashenkov, V., Toropin, A., Troitsky, A., Epshteyn, S., Erofeeva, V., Gavrilov, M., Kossov, V., Krokhotin, M., Lychkovskaya, A., Popov, N., Safronov, V., Semenov, G., Stolin, S., Vlasov, V., Zhokin, E., Belyaev, A., Boos, A., Dubinin, E., Dudko, M., Ershov, L., Gribushin, A., Kodolova, A., Lokhtin, O., Markina, I., Obraztsov, A., Perfilov, S., Petrushanko, M., Sarycheva, S., Savrin, L., Snigirev, V., Andreev, A., Azarkin, V., Dremin, M., Kirakosyan, I., Leonidov, M., Mesyats, A., Rusakov, G., S. V., Vinogradov, Azhgirey, A., Bayshev, I., Bitioukov, I., Grishin, S., Kachanov, V., Konstantinov, V., Korablev, D., Krychkine, A., Petrov, V., Ryutin, V., Sobol, R., Tourtchanovitch, A., Troshin, L., Tyurin, S., Uzunian, N., Volkov, A., Adzic, A., Djordjevic, P., Ekmedzic, M., Krpic, M., Milosevic, D., Aguilar, Benitez, Alcaraz, Maestre, Arce, J., Battilana, P., Calvo, C., Cerrada, E., Chamizo, Llatas, Colino, M., De La Cruz, Delgado, Peris, Diez, Pardos, Domínguez, Vázquez, Fernandez, Bedoya, Fernández, Ramos, J. P., Ferrando, Flix, A., Fouz, J., M. C., Garcia, Abia, Gonzalez, Lopez, Goy, Lopez, Hernandez, S., J. M., Josa, M. I., Merino, Puerta, Pelayo, Redondo, J., Romero, I., Santaolalla, L., Soares, J., M. S., Willmott, Albajar, C., Codispoti, C., Trocóniz, De, J. F., Cuevas, Fernandez, Menendez, Folgueras, J., Gonzalez, Caballero, Lloret, Iglesias, Piedra, Gomez, Vizan, Garcia, J. M., Brochero, Cifuentes, J. A., Cabrillo, I. J., Calderon, Chuang, A., S. H., Duarte, Campderros, Felcini, J., Fernandez, M., Gomez, M., Gonzalez, Sanchez, Jorda, J., Lobelle, Pardo, Lopez, Virto, Marco, A., Marco, J., Martinez, Rivero, Matorras, C., Munoz, Sanchez, F. J., Rodrigo, Rodríguez, Marrero, A. Y., Ruiz, Jimeno, Scodellaro, A., Sobron, Sanudo, Vila, M., Vilar, Cortabitarte, Abbaneo, R., Auffray, D., Auzinger, E., Baillon, G., Ball, P., A. H., Barney, Bernet, D., Bialas, C., Bianchi, W., Bloch, G., Bocci, P., Breuker, A., Bunkowski, H., Camporesi, K., Cerminara, T., Christiansen, G., Coarasa, Perez, J. A., Curé, D'Enterria, B., Roeck, De, Guida, Di, Dobson, S., Dupont, Sagorin, Elliott, Peisert, Frisch, A., Funk, B., Gaddi, W., Georgiou, A., Gerwig, G., Giffels, H., Gigi, M., Gill, D., Giordano, K., Giunta, D., Glege, M., Gomez Reino Garrido, Govoni, R., Gowdy, P., Guida, S., Guiducci, R., Hansen, L., Harris, M., Hartl, P., Harvey, C., Hegner, J., Hinzmann, B., Hoffmann, A., H. F., Innocente, Janot, V., Kaadze, P., Karavakis, K., Kousouris, E., Lecoq, K., Lenzi, P., Lourenço, P., Mäki, C., Malberti, T., Malgeri, M., Mannelli, L., Masetti, M., Mavromanolakis, L., Meijers, G., Mersi, F., Meschi, S., Moser, E., Mozer, R., M. U., Mulders, Nesvold, M., Nguyen, E., Orimoto, M., Orsini, T., Palencia, Cortezon, Perez, E., Petrilli, E., Pfeiffer, A., Pierini, A., Pimiä, M., Piparo, M., Polese, D., Quertenmont, G., Racz, L., Reece, A., Rodrigues, Antunes, Rolandi, J., Rommerskirchen, G., Rovelli, T., Rovere, C., Sakulin, M., Santanastasio, H., Schäfer, F., Schwick, C., Segoni, C., Sharma, I., Siegrist, A., Silva, P., Simon, P., Sphicas, M., Spiga, P., Spiropulu, D., Stoye, M., Tsirou, M., Veres, A., G. I., Vichoudis, Wöhri, P., H. K., Worm, S. D., Zeuner, W. D., Bertl, Deiters, W., Erdmann, K., Gabathuler, W., Horisberger, K., Ingram, R., Kaestli, Q., H. C., König, Kotlinski, S., Langenegger, D., Meier, U., Renker, F., Rohe, D., Sibille, T., Bäni, J., Bortignon, L., Buchmann, P., M. A., Casal, Chanon, B., Chen, N., Deisher, Z., Dissertori, A., Dittmar, G., Dünser, M., Eugster, M., Freudenreich, J., Grab, K., Lecomte, C., Lustermann, P., Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol, Mohr, P., Moortgat, N., Nägeli, F., Nef, C., Nessi, Tedaldi, Pape, F., Pauss, L., Peruzzi, F., Ronga, M., F. J., Rossini, Sala, M., Sanchez, L., A. K., Sawley, M. C., Starodumov, Stieger, A., Takahashi, B., Tauscher, M., Thea, L., Theofilatos, A., Treille, K., Urscheler, D., Wallny, C., Weber, R., H. A., Wehrli, Weng, L., Aguilo, J., Amsler, E., Chiochia, C., Visscher, De, Favaro, S., Ivova, Rikova, Millan, Mejias, Otiougova, B., Robmann, P., Snoek, P., Verzetti, H., Chang, M., Y. H., Chen, K. H., Kuo, C. M., Li, S. W., Lin, Z. K., Lu, Y. J., Mekterovic, Volpe, D., Yu, R., S. S., Bartalini, Chang, P., Y. H., Chang, Y. W., Chao, Chen, Y., K. F., Dietz, Grundler, C., Hou, U., W. S., Hsiung, Kao, Y., K. Y., Lei, Y. J., Lu, R. S., Majumder, Petrakou, D., Shi, E., Shiu, X., J. G., Tzeng, Y. M., Wang, Adiguzel, M., Bakirci, A., M. N., Cerci, Dozen, S., Dumanoglu, C., Eskut, I., Girgis, E., Gokbulut, S., Hos, G., Kangal, I., E. E., Karapinar, Kayis, Topaksu, Onengut, A., Ozdemir, G., Ozturk, K., Polatoz, S., Sogut, A., Sunar, Cerci, Tali, D., Topakli, B., Uzun, H., Vergili, D., L. N., Vergili, Akin, M., I. V., Aliev, Bilin, T., Bilmis, B., Deniz, S., Gamsizkan, M., Guler, H., A. M., Ocalan, Ozpineci, K., Serin, A., Sever, M., Surat, R., U. E., Yalvac, Yildirim, M., Zeyrek, E., Deliomeroglu, M., Gülmez, M., Isildak, E., Kaya, B., Kaya, M., Ozkorucuklu, O., Sonmez, S., Levchuk, N., Bostock, L., Brooke, F., J. J., Clement, Cussans, E., Flacher, D., Frazier, H., Goldstein, R., Grimes, J., Heath, M., G. P., Heath, H. F., Kreczko, Metson, L., Newbold, S., D. M., Nirunpong, Poll, K., Senkin, A., Smith, S., V. J., Williams, Basso, T., Bell, L., K. W., Belyaev, Brew, A., Brown, C., R. M., Cockerill, D. J. A., Coughlan, J. A., Harder, Harper, K., Jackson, S., Kennedy, J., B. W., Olaiya, Petyt, E., Radburn, Smith, B. C., Shepherd, Themistocleous, C. H., Tomalin, I. R., Womersley, W. J., Bainbridge, Ball, R., Beuselinck, G., Buchmuller, R., Colling, O., Cripps, D., Cutajar, N., Dauncey, M., Davies, P., Della, Negra, Ferguson, M., Fulcher, W., Futyan, J., Gilbert, D., Guneratne, Bryer, Hall, A., Hatherell, G., Hays, Z., Iles, J., Jarvis, G., Karapostoli, M., Lyons, G., Magnan, L., A. M., Marrouche, Mathias, J., Nandi, B., Nash, R., Nikitenko, J., Papageorgiou, A., Pesaresi, A., Petridis, M., Pioppi, K., Raymond, M., D. M., Rogerson, Rompotis, S., Rose, N., Ryan, A., M. J., Seez, Sparrow, C., Tapper, A., Tourneur, A., Vazquez, Acosta, Virdee, M., Wakefield, T., Wardle, S., Wardrope, N., Whyntie, D., Barrett, T., Chadwick, M., Cole, M., J. E., Hobson, P. R., Khan, Kyberd, A., Leslie, P., Martin, D., Reid, W., I. D., Symonds, Teodorescu, P., Turner, L., Hatakeyama, M., Liu, K., Scarborough, H., Henderson, T., Avetisyan, C., Bose, A., Carrera, Jarrin, Fantasia, E., Heister, C., John, A., J. S. t., Lawson, Lazic, P., Rohlf, D., Sperka, J., Sulak, D., Bhattacharya, L., Cutts, S., Ferapontov, D., Heintz, A., Jabeen, U., Kukartsev, S., Landsberg, G., Luk, G., Narain, M., Nguyen, M., Segala, D., Sinthuprasith, M., Speer, T., Tsang, T., K. V., Breedon, Breto, R., Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, Caulfield, M., Chauhan, M., Chertok, S., Conway, M., Conway, J., Cox, R., P. T., Dolen, Erbacher, J., Gardner, R., Houtz, M., Ko, R., Kopecky, W., Lander, A., Mall, R., Miceli, O., Nelson, T., Pellett, R., Robles, D., Rutherford, J., Searle, B., Smith, M., Squires, J., Tripathi, M., Vasquez, Sierra, Andreev, R., Arisaka, V., Cline, K., Cousins, D., Duris, R., Erhan, J., Everaerts, S., Farrell, P., Hauser, C., Ignatenko, J., Jarvis, M., Plager, C., Rakness, C., Schlein, G., Tucker, P., Valuev, J., Weber, V., Babb, M., Clare, J., Ellison, R., Gary, J., J. W., Giordano, Hanson, F., Jeng, G., G. Y., Liu, Long, H., O. R., Luthra, Nguyen, A., Paramesvaran, H., Sturdy, S., Sumowidagdo, J., Wilken, S., Wimpenny, R., Andrews, S., Branson, W., J. G., Cerati, G. B., Cittolin, Evans, S., Golf, D., Holzner, F., Kelley, A., Lebourgeois, R., Letts, M., Macneill, J., Mangano, I., Padhi, B., Palmer, S., Petrucciani, C., Pi, G., Pieri, H., Ranieri, M., Sani, R., Sfiligoi, M., Simon, V., Sudano, S., Tadel, E., Tu, M., Vartak, Y., Wasserbaech, A., Würthwein, S., Yagil, F., Yoo, A., Barge, J., Bellan, D., Campagnari, R., D'Alfonso, C., Danielson, M., Flowers, T., Geffert, K., Incandela, P., Justus, J., Kalavase, C., Koay, P., S. A., Kovalskyi, Krutelyov, D., Lowette, V., Mccoll, S., Pavlunin, N., Rebassoo, V., Ribnik, F., Richman, J., Rossin, J., Stuart, R., To, D., Vlimant, W., J. R., West, Apresyan, C., Bornheim, A., Bunn, A., Chen, J., Marco, Di, Duarte, E., Gataullin, J., Ma, M., Mott, Y., Newman, A., H. B., Rogan, Timciuc, C., Traczyk, V., Veverka, P., Wilkinson, J., Yang, R., Zhu, Y., R. Y., Akgun, Carroll, B., Ferguson, R., Iiyama, T., Jang, Y., D. W., Jun, S. Y., Liu, Y. F., Paulini, Russ, M., Vogel, J., Vorobiev, H., Cumalat, I., J. P., Dinardo, M. E., Drell, B. R., Edelmaier, C. J., Ford, W. T., Gaz, Heyburn, A., Luiggi, Lopez, Nauenberg, E., Smith, U., J. G., Stenson, Ulmer, K., K. A., Wagner, S. R., Zang, S. L., Agostino, Alexander, L., Chatterjee, J., Eggert, A., Gibbons, N., L. K., Heltsley, Hopkins, B., Khukhunaishvili, W., Kreis, A., Mirman, B., Nicolas, Kaufman, Patterson, G., J. R., Ryd, Salvati, A., Sun, E., Teo, W., W. D., Thom, Thompson, J., Vaughan, J., Weng, J., Winstrom, Y., Wittich, L., Biselli, P., Cirino, A., Winn, G., Abdullin, D., Albrow, S., Anderson, M., Apollinari, J., Atac, G., Bakken, M., J. A., Bauerdick, L. A. T., Beretvas, Berryhill, A., Bhat, J., P. C., Bloch, Burkett, I., Butler, K., J. N., Chetluru, Cheung, V., H. W. K., Chlebana, Cihangir, F., Cooper, S., Eartly, W., D. P., Elvira, V. D., Esen, Fisk, S., Freeman, I., Gao, J., Gottschalk, Y., Green, E., Gutsche, D., Hanlon, O., Harris, J., R. M., Hirschauer, Hooberman, J., Jensen, B., Jindariani, H., Johnson, S., Joshi, M., Klima, U., Kunori, B., Kwan, S., Leonidopoulos, S., Lincoln, C., Lipton, D., Lykken, R., Maeshima, J., Marraffino, K., J. M., Maruyama, Mason, S., Mcbride, D., Miao, P., Mishra, T., Mrenna, K., Musienko, S., Newman, Holmes, O'Dell, C., Pivarski, V., Pordes, J., Prokofyev, R., Schwarz, O., Sexton, Kennedy, Sharma, E., Spalding, S., W. J., Spiegel, Tan, L., Taylor, P., Tkaczyk, L., Uplegger, S., Vaandering, L., E. W., Vidal, Whitmore, R., Wu, J., Yang, W., Yumiceva, F., Yun, F., J. C., Acosta, Avery, D., Bourilkov, P., Chen, D., Das, M., Gruttola, De, Giovanni, Di, G. P., Dobur, Drozdetskiy, D., Field, A., R. D., Fisher, Fu, M., Furic, Y., I. K., Gartner, Goldberg, J., Hugon, S., Konigsberg, B., Korytov, J., Kropivnitskaya, A., Kypreos, A., Low, T., J. F., Matchev, Milenovic, K., Mitselmakher, P., Muniz, G., Remington, L., Rinkevicius, R., Schmitt, A., Scurlock, M., Sellers, B., Skhirtladze, P., Snowball, N., Wang, M., Yelton, D., Zakaria, J., Gaultney, M., Lebolo, V., L. M., Linn, Markowitz, S., Martinez, P., Rodriguez, G., J. L., Adams, Askew, T., Bochenek, A., Diamond, J., Gleyzer, B., S. V., Haas, Hagopian, J., Hagopian, S., Jenkins, V., Johnson, M., K. F., Prosper, Sekmen, H., Veeraraghavan, S., Weinberg, V., Baarmand, M., M. M., Dorney, Hohlmann, B., Kalakhety, M., Vodopiyanov, H., Adams, I., M. R., Anghel, I. M., Apanasevich, Bai, L., Bazterra, Y., V. E., Betts, R. R., Callner, Cavanaugh, J., Dragoiu, R., Gauthier, C., Gerber, L., C. E., Hofman, D. J., Khalatyan, Kunde, S., G. J., Lacroix, Malek, F., O'Brien, M., Silkworth, C., Silvestre, C., Strom, C., Varelas, D., Akgun, N., Albayrak, U., E. A., Bilki, Clarida, B., Duru, W., Griffiths, F., Lae, S., C. K., Mccliment, Merlo, E., J. P., Mermerkaya, Mestvirishvili, H., Moeller, A., Nachtman, A., Newsom, J., C. R., Norbeck, Olson, E., Onel, J., Ozok, Y., Sen, F., Tiras, S., Wetzel, E., Yetkin, J., Yi, T., Barnett, K., B. A., Blumenfeld, Bolognesi, B., Bonato, S., Fehling, A., Giurgiu, D., Gritsan, G., A. V., Guo, Z. J., Hu, Maksimovic, G., Rappoccio, P., Swartz, S., Tran, M., N. V., Whitbeck, Baringer, A., Bean, P., Benelli, A., Grachov, G., Kenny, Iii, R. P., Murray, Noonan, M., Sanders, D., Stringer, S., Tinti, R., Wood, G., J. S., Zhukova, Barfuss, V., A. F., Bolton, Chakaberia, T., Ivanov, I., Makouski, S., Maravin, M., Shrestha, Y., Svintradze, S., Gronberg, I., Lange, J., Wright, D., Baden, D., Boutemeur, A., Calvert, M., Eno, B., S. C., Gomez, J. A., Hadley, N. J., Kellogg, R. G., Kirn, Kolberg, M., Lu, T., Marionneau, Y., Mignerey, M., A. C., Peterman, Rossato, A., Rumerio, K., Skuja, P., Temple, A., Tonjes, J., M. B., Tonwar, S. C., Twedt, Alver, E., Bauer, B., Bendavid, G., Busza, J., Butz, W., Cali, E., I. A., Chan, Dutta, M., Gomez, Ceballos, Goncharov, G., Hahn, M., K. A., Kim, Klute, Y., Lee, M., Y. J., Li, Luckey, W., P. D., Ma, Nahn, T., Paus, S., Ralph, C., Roland, D., Roland, C., Rudolph, G., Stephans, M., G. S. F., Stöckli, Sumorok, F., Sung, K., Velicanu, K., Wenger, D., E. A., Wolf, Wyslouch, R., Xie, B., Yang, S., Yilmaz, M., Yoon, Y., A. S., Zanetti, Cooper, M., S. I., Cushman, Dahmes, P., Benedetti, De, Franzoni, A., Gude, G., Haupt, A., Kao, J., S. C., Klapoetke, Kubota, K., Mans, Y., Pastika, J., Rekovic, N., Rusack, V., Sasseville, R., Singovsky, M., Tambe, A., Turkewitz, N., Cremaldi, J., L. M., Godang, Kroeger, R., Perera, R., Rahmat, L., Sanders, R., D. A., Summers, Avdeeva, D., Bloom, E., Bose, K., Butt, S., Claes, J., D. R., Dominguez, Eads, A., Jindal, M., Keller, P., Kravchenko, J., Lazo, Flores, Malbouisson, J., Malik, H., Snow, S., G. R., Baur, Godshalk, U., Iashvili, A., Jain, I., Kharchilava, S., Shipkowski, A., S. P., Smith, Wan, K., Alverson, Z., Barberis, G., Baumgartel, E., Chasco, D., Trocino, M., Wood, D., Zhang, D., Anastassov, J., Kubik, A., Mucia, A., Odell, N., Ofierzynski, N., R. A., Pollack, Pozdnyakov, B., Stoynev, M., Velasco, S., Won, M., Antonelli, S., Berry, L., Brinkerhoff, D., Hildreth, A., Jessop, M., Karmgard, C., D. J., Kolb, Lannon, J., Luo, K., Lynch, W., Marinelli, S., Morse, N., D. M., Pearson, Ruchti, T., Slaunwhite, R., Valls, J., Wayne, N., Wolf, M., Ziegler, M., Bylsma, J., Durkin, B., L. S., Hill, Killewald, C., Kotov, P., Ling, K., T. Y., Puigh, Rodenburg, D., Vuosalo, M., Williams, C., Adam, G., Berry, N., Elmer, E., Gerbaudo, P., Halyo, D., Hebda, V., Hegeman, P., Hunt, J., Laird, A., Lopes, Pegna, Lujan, D., Marlow, P., Medvedeva, D., Mooney, T., Olsen, M., Piroué, J., Quan, P., Raval, X., Saka, A., Stickland, H., Tully, D., Werner, C., J. S., Zuranski, Acosta, A., J. G., Huang, X. T., Lopez, Mendez, A., Oliveros, H., Ramirez, Vargas, J. E., Zatserklyaniy, Alagoz, A., Barnes, E., V. E., Benedetti, Bolla, D., Bortoletto, G., Mattia, De, Everett, M., Gutay, A., Hu, L., Jones, Z., Koybasi, M., Kress, O., Laasanen, M., A. T., Leonardo, Maroussov, N., Merkel, V., Miller, P., D. H., Neumeister, Shipsey, N., Silvers, I., Svyatkovskiy, D., Vidal, Marono, Yoo, M., H. D., Zablocki, Zheng, J., Guragain, Y., Parashar, S., Adair, N., Boulahouache, A., Cuplov, C., Ecklund, V., K. M., Geurts, F. J. M., Padley, B. P., Redjimi, Roberts, R., Zabel, J., Betchart, J., Bodek, B., Chung, A., Y. S., Covarelli, Barbaro, De, Demina, P., Eshaq, R., Garcia, Bellido, Goldenzweig, A., Gotra, P., Han, Y., Harel, J., Miner, A., D. C., Petrillo, Sakumoto, G., Vishnevskiy, W., Zielinski, D., Bhatti, M., Ciesielski, A., Demortier, R., Goulianos, L., Lungu, K., Malik, G., Mesropian, S., Arora, C., Atramentov, S., Barker, O., Chou, A., J. P., Contreras, Campana, Duggan, E., Ferencek, D., Gershtein, D., Gray, Y., Halkiadakis, R., Hidas, E., Hits, D., Lath, D., Panwalkar, A., Park, S., Patel, M., Richards, R., Rose, A., Salur, K., Schnetzer, S., Seitz, S., Somalwar, C., Stone, S., Thomas, R., Cerizza, S., Hollingsworth, G., Spanier, M., Z. C., York, Eusebi, A., Flanagan, R., Gilmore, W., Kamon, J., Khotilovich, T., Montalvo, V., Osipenkov, R., Pakhotin, I., Perloff, Y., Roe, A., Safonov, J., Sakuma, A., Sengupta, T., Suarez, S., Tatarinov, I., Toback, A., Akchurin, D., Bardak, N., Damgov, C., Dudero, J., P. R., Jeong, Kovitanggoon, C., Lee, K., S. W., Libeiro, Mane, T., Roh, P., Sill, Y., Volobouev, A., Wigmans, I., Appelt, R., Brownson, E., Engh, E., Florez, D., Gabella, C., Gurrola, W., Issah, A., Johns, M., Kurt, W., Maguire, P., Melo, C., Sheldon, A., Snook, P., Tuo, B., Velkovska, S., Arenton, J., M. W., Balazs, Boutle, M., Conetti, S., Cox, S., Francis, B., Goadhouse, B., Goodell, S., Hirosky, J., Ledovskoy, R., Lin, A., Neu, C., Wood, C., Yohay, J., Gollapinni, R., Harr, S., Karchin, R., P. E., Kottachchi Kankanamge Don, Lamichhane, C., Mattson, P., Milstène, M., Sakharov, C., Anderson, A., Bachtis, M., Belknap, M., Bellinger, D., J. N., Bernardini, Borrello, J., Carlsmith, L., Cepeda, D., Dasu, M., Efron, S., Friis, J., Gray, E., Grogg, L., K. S., Grothe, Hall, Wilton, Herndon, R., Hervé, M., Klabbers, A., Klukas, P., Lanaro, J., Lazaridis, A., Leonard, C., Loveless, J., Mohapatra, R., Ojalvo, A., Pierro, I., G. A., Ross, Savin, I., Smith, A., W. H., Swanson, wsky A, J., Shreyber, I, Titov, M, Baffioni, S, Beaudette, F, Benhabib, L, Bianchini, L, Bluj, M, Broutin, C, Busson, P, Charlot, C, Daci, N, Dahms, T, Dobrzynski, L, Elgammal, S, de Cassagnac RG, Haguenauer, M, Mine, P, Mironov, C, Ochando, C, Paganini, P, Sabes, D, Salerno, R, Sirois, Y, Thiebaux, C, Veelken, C, Zabi, A, Agram, Jl, Andrea, J, Bloch, D, Bodin, D, Brom, Jm, Cardaci, M, Chabert, Ec, Collard, C, Conte, E, Drouhin, F, Ferro, C, Fontaine, Jc, Gele, D, Goerlach, U, Greder, S, Juillot, P, Karim, M, Le Bihan AC, Van Hove, P, Fassi, F, Mercier, D, Baty, C, Beauceron, S, Beaupere, N, Bedjidian, M, Bondu, O, Boudoul, G, Boumediene, D, Brun, H, Chasserat, J, Chierici, R, Contardo, D, Depasse, P, El Mamouni, H, Falkiewicz, A, Fay, J, Gascon, S, Gouzevitch, M, Ille, B, Kurca, T, Le Grand, T, Lethuillier, M, Mirabito, L, Perries, S, Sordini, V, Tosi, S, Tschudi, Y, Verdier, P, Viret, S, Lomidze, D, Anagnostou, G, Beranek, S, Edelhoff, M, Feld, L, Heracleous, N, Hindrichs, O, Jussen, R, Klein, K, Merz, J, Ostapchuk, A, Perieanu, A, Raupach, F, Sammet, J, Schael, S, Sprenger, D, Weber, H, Wittmer, B, Zhukov, V, Ata, M, Caudron, J, Dietz Laursonn, E, Erdmann, M, Guth, A, Hebbeker, T, Heidemann, C, Hoepfner, K, Klimkovich, T, Klingebiel, D, Kreuzer, P, Lanske, D, Lingemann, J, Magass, C, Merschmeyer, M, Meyer, A, Olschewski, M, Papacz, P, Pieta, H, Reithler, H, Schmitz, Sa, Sonnenschein, L, Steggemann, J, Teyssier, D, Weber, M, Bontenackels, M, Cherepanov, V, Davids, M, Flugge, G, Geenen, H, Geisler, M, Ahmad, Wh, Hoehle, F, Kargoll, B, Kress, T, Kuessel, Y, Linn, A, Nowack, A, Perchalla, L, Pooth, O, Rennefeld, J, Sauerland, P, Stahl, A, Zoeller, Mh, Martin, Ma, Behrenhoff, W, Behrens, U, Bergholz, M, Bethani, A, Borras, K, Cakir, A, Campbell, A, Castro, E, Dammann, D, Eckerlin, G, Eckstein, D, Flossdorf, A, Flucke, G, Geiser, A, Hauk, J, Jung, H, Kasemann, M, Katsas, P, Kleinwort, C, Kluge, H, Knutsson, A, Kramer, M, Krucker, D, Kuznetsova, E, Lange, W, Lohmann, W, Lutz, B, Mankel, R, Marfin, I, Marienfeld, M, Melzer Pellmann IA, Meyer, Ab, Mnich, J, Mussgiller, A, Naumann Emme, S, Olzem, J, Petrukhin, A, Pitzl, D, Raspereza, A, Cipriano, Pmr, Rosin, M, Salfeld Nebgen, J, Schmidt, R, Schoerner Sadenius, T, Sen, N, Spiridonov, A, Stein, M, Tomaszewska, J, Walsh, R, Wissing, C, Autermann, C, Blobel, V, Bobrovskyi, S, Draeger, J, Enderle, H, Erfle, J, Gebbert, U, Gorner, M, Hermanns, T, Kaschube, K, Kaussen, G, Kirschenmann, H, Klanner, R, Lange, J, Mura, B, and Nowak, F. more...
- Subjects
Hadron-Hadron scattering ,Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,CMS experiment ,LHC ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Nuclear Experiment - Published
- 2012
15. Shape, transverse size, and charged hadron multiplicity of jets in pp collisions at 7 TeV
- Author
Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Fabjan, C., Friedl, M., Frühwirth, R., Ghete, V. M., Hammer, J., Hoch, M., Hörmann, N., Hrubec, J., Jeitler, M., Kiesenhofer, W., Krammer, M., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Pernicka, M., Rahbaran, B., Rohringer, C., Rohringer, H., Schöfbeck, R., Strauss, J., Taurok, A., Teischinger, F., Wagner, P., Waltenberger, W., Walzel, G., Widl, E., Wulz, C. E., Mossolov, V., Shumeiko, N., Suarez, Gonzalez, Bansal, J., Benucci, S., Wolf, De, E. A., Janssen, Luyckx, X., Maes, S., Mucibello, T., Ochesanu, L., Roland, S., Rougny, B., Selvaggi, R., Van, Haevermaet, Van, Mechelen, Van, Remortel, Van, Spilbeeck, Blekman, A., Blyweert, F., D'Hondt, S., Gonzalez, Suarez, Kalogeropoulos, R., Maes, A., Olbrechts, M., Van, Doninck, Van, Mulders, Van, Onsem, G. P., Villella, Charaf, I., Clerbaux, O., Lentdecker, De, Dero, G., Gay, V., A. P. R., Hammad, G. H., Hreus, Léonard, T., Marage, A., P. E., Thomas, Vander, Velde, Vanlaer, C., Wickens, P., Adler, J., Beernaert, V., Cimmino, K., Costantini, A., Grunewald, S., Klein, M., Lellouch, B., Marinov, J., Mccartin, A., Ryckbosch, J., Strobbe, D., Thyssen, N., Tytgat, F., Vanelderen, M., Verwilligen, L., Walsh, P., Zaganidis, S., Basegmez, N., Bruno, S., Caudron, G., Ceard, J., De Favereau De Jeneret, Delaere, J., Favart, C., Forthomme, D., Giammanco, L., Grégoire, A., Hollar, G., Lemaitre, J., Liao, V., Militaru, J., Nuttens, O., Pagano, C., Pin, D., Piotrzkowski, A., Schul, K., Beliy, N., Caebergs, N., Daubie, T., Alves, E., G. A., De Jesus Damiao, Pol, D., M. E., Souza, M. H. G., Aldá, J. r., W. L., Carvalho, Custódio, W., Costa, Da, E. M., De Oliveira Martins, Fonseca De Souza, Matos, Figueiredo, Mundim, D., Nogima, L., Oguri, H., Prado Da Silva, W. L., Santoro, Silva Do Amaral, S. M., Sznajder, Anjos, A., T. S., Bernardes, C. A., Dias, F. A., Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R., Gregores, M., Lagana, E., Marinho, C., Mercadante, F., P. G., Novaes, S. F., Padula, S. S., Darmenov, Genchev, N., Iaydjiev, V., Piperov, P., Rodozov, S., Stoykova, M., Sultanov, S., Tcholakov, G., Trayanov, V., Vutova, R., Dimitrov, M., Hadjiiska, A., Karadzhinova, R., Kozhuharov, A., Litov, V., Pavlov, L., Petkov, B., Bian, P., J. G., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. S., Jiang, C. H., Liang, Liang, D., Meng, S., Tao, X., Wang, J., Wang, X., Xiao, Z., Xu, H., Zang, M., Zhang, J., Ban, Z., Guo, Y., Guo, S., Li, Y., Mao, W., Qian, Y., S. J., Teng, Wang, H., Zhu, S., Zou, B., Cabrera, W., Gomez, Moreno, Ocampo, Rios, A. A., Osorio, Oliveros, A. F., Sanabria, J. C., Godinovic, Lelas, N., Plestina, D., Polic, R., Puljak, D., Antunovic, I., Dzelalija, Z., Kovac, M., Brigljevic, M., Duric, V., Kadija, S., Luetic, K., Morovic, J., Attikis, S., Galanti, A., Mousa, M., Nicolaou, J., Ptochos, C., Razis, F., P. A., Finger, Finger, J. r., Assran, M., Ellithi, Kamel, Khalil, A., Mahmoud, S., M. A., Radi, Hektor, A., Kadastik, A., Müntel, M., Raidal, M., Rebane, M., Tiko, L., Azzolini, A., Eerola, V., Fedi, P., Voutilainen, G., Czellar, M., Härkönen, S., Heikkinen, J., Karimäki, A., Kinnunen, V., Kortelainen, R., M. J., Lampén, Lassila, Perini, Lehti, K., Lindén, S., Luukka, T., Mäenpää, P., Tuominen, T., Tuominiemi, E., Tuovinen, J., Ungaro, E., Wendland, D., Banzuzi, L., Karjalainen, K., Korpela, A., Tuuva, A., Sillou, T., Besancon, D., Choudhury, M., Dejardin, S., Denegri, M., Fabbro, D., Faure, B., J. L., Ferri, Ganjour, F., Givernaud, S., Gras, A., Hamel De Monchenault, Jarry, G., Locci, P., Malcles, E., Marionneau, J., Millischer, M., Rander, L., Rosowsky, J., Shreyber, A., Titov, I., Baffoni, M., Beaudette, S., Benhabib, F., Bianchini, L., Bluj, L., Broutin, M., Busson, C., Charlot, P., Daci, C., Dahms, N., Dobrzynski, T., Elgammal, L., Granier De Cassagnac, Haguenauer, R., Miné, M., Mironov, P., Ochando, C., Paganini, C., Sabes, P., Salerno, D., Sirois, R., Thiebaux, Y., Veelken, C., Zabi, C., Agram, A., J. L., Andrea, Bloch, J., Bodin, D., Brom, D., J. M., Cardaci, Chabert, M., E. C., Collard, Conte, C., Drouhin, E., Ferro, F., Fontaine, C., J. C., Gelé, Goerlach, D., Greder, U., Juillot, S., Karim, P., Bihan, Le, A. C., Van, Hove, Fassi, P., Mercier, F., Baty, D., Beauceron, C., Beaupere, S., Bedjidian, N., Bondu, M., Boudoul, O., Boumediene, G., Brun, D., Chasserat, H., Chierici, J., Contardo, R., Depasse, D., Mamouni, El, Falkiewicz, H., Fay, A., Gascon, J., Ille, S., Kurca, B., Grand, Le, Lethuillier, T., Mirabito, M., Perries, L., Sordini, S., Tosi, V., Tschudi, S., Verdier, Y., Viret, P., Lomidze, S., Anagnostou, D., Beranek, G., Edelhoff, S., Feld, M., Heracleous, L., Hindrichs, N., Jussen, O., Klein, R., Merz, K., Ostapchuk, J., Perieanu, A., Raupach, A., Sammet, F., Schael, J., Sprenger, S., Weber, D., Weber, H., Wittmer, M., Zhukov, B., Ata, V., Dietz, Laursonn, Erdmann, E., Hebbeker, M., Heidemann, T., Hinzmann, C., Hoepfner, A., Klimkovich, K., Klingebiel, T., Kreuzer, D., Lanske, P., Lingemann, D., Magass, J., Merschmeyer, C., Meyer, M., Papacz, A., Pieta, P., Reithler, H., Schmitz, H., S. A., Sonnenschein, Steggemann, L., Teyssier, J., Bontenackels, D., Cherepanov, M., Davids, V., Flügge, M., Geenen, G., Haj, Ahmad, Hoehle, W., Kargoll, F., Kress, B., Kuessel, T., Linn, Y., Nowack, A., Perchalla, A., Pooth, L., Rennefeld, O., Sauerland, J., Stahl, P., Tornier, A., Zoeller, D., M. H., Aldaya, Martin, Behrenhoff, M., Behrens, W., Bergholz, U., Bethani, M., Borras, A., Cakir, K., Campbell, A., Castro, A., Dammann, E., Eckerlin, D., Eckstein, G., Flossdorf, D., Flucke, A., Geiser, G., Hauk, A., Jung, J., Kasemann, H., Katsas, M., Kleinwort, P., Kluge, C., Knutsson, H., Krämer, A., Krücker, M., Kuznetsova, D., Lange, E., Lohmann, W., Lutz, W., Mankel, B., Marfin, R., Marienfeld, I., Melzer, Pellmann, I. A., Meyer, A. B., Mnich, Mussgiller, J., Naumann, Emme, Olzem, S., Petrukhin, J., Pitzl, A., Raspereza, D., Rosin, A., Salfeld, Nebgen, Schmidt, J., Schoerner, Sadenius, Sen, T., Spiridonov, N., Stein, A., Tomaszewska, M., Walsh, J., Wissing, R., Autermann, C., Blobel, C., Bobrovskyi, V., Draeger, S., Enderle, J., Gebbert, H., Görner, U., Hermanns, M., Kaschube, T., Kaussen, K., Kirschenmann, G., Klanner, H., Lange, R., Mura, J., Nowak, B., Pietsch, F., Sander, N., Schettler, C., Schleper, H., Schlieckau, P., Schröder, E., Schum, M., Stadie, T., Steinbrück, H., Thomsen, G., Barth, J., Berger, C., Chwalek, J., Boer, De, Dierlamm, W., Dirkes, A., Feindt, G., Gruschke, M., Guthoff, J., Hackstein, M., Hartmann, C., Heinrich, F., Held, M., Hoffmann, H., K. H., Honc, Katkov, S., Komaragiri, I., J. R., Kuhr, Martschei, T., Mueller, D., Müller, S., T. h., Niegel, Oberst, M., Oehler, O., Ott, A., Peiffer, J., Quast, T., Rabbertz, G., Ratnikov, K., Ratnikova, F., Renz, N., Röcker, M., Saout, S., Scheurer, C., Schieferdecker, A., Schilling, P., F. P., Schmanau, Schott, M., Simonis, G., H. J., Stober, F. M., Troendle, Wagner, Kuhr, Weiler, J., Zeise, T., Ziebarth, M., E. B., Daskalakis, Geralis, G., Kesisoglou, T., Kyriakis, S., Loukas, A., Manolakos, D., Markou, I., Markou, A., Mavrommatis, C., Ntomari, C., Petrakou, E., Gouskos, E., Mertzimekis, L., T. J., Panagiotou, Saoulidou, A., Stiliaris, N., Evangelou, E., Foudas, I., Kokkas, C., Manthos, P., Papadopoulos, N., Patras, I., Triantis, V., F. A., Aranyi, Bencze, A., Boldizsar, G., Hajdu, L., Hidas, C., Horvath, P., Kapusi, D., Krajczar, A., Sikler, K., Veres, F., G. I., Vesztergomb, Beni, G., Molnar, N., Palinkas, J., Szillasi, J., Veszpremi, Z., Karancsi, V., Raics, J., Trocsanyi, P., Z. L., Ujvari, Beri, B., S. B., Bhatnagar, Dhingra, V., Gupta, N., Jindal, R., Kaur, M., Kohli, M., J. M., Mehta, M. Z., Nishu, Saini, N., L. K., Sharma, Singh, A., A. P., Singh, Singh, J., S. P., Ahuja, Choudhary, S., B. C., Kumar, Kumar, A., Malhotra, A., Naimuddin, S., Ranjan, M., Shivpuri, K., R. K., Banerjee, Bhattacharya, S., Dutta, S., Gomber, S., Jain, B., S. a., Jain, S. h., Khurana, Sarkar, R., Choudhury, S., R. K., Dutta, Kailas, D., Kumar, S., Mohanty, V., A. K., Pant, L. M., Shukla, Aziz, P., Guchait, T., Gurtu, M., Maity, A., Majumder, M., Majumder, D., Mazumdar, G., Mohanty, K., G. B., Parida, Saha, B., Sudhakar, A., Wickramage, K., Banerjee, N., Dugad, S., Mondal, S., N. K., Arfaei, Bakhshiansohi, H., Etesami, H., S. M., Fahim, Hashemi, A., Hesari, M., Jafari, H., Khakzad, A., Mohammadi, M., Mohammadi, Najafabadi, Paktinat, Mehdiabadi, Safarzadeh, S., Zeinali, B., Abbrescia, M., Barbone, M., Calabria, L., Colaleo, C., Creanza, A., Filippis, De, Palma, De, Fiore, M., Iaselli, L., Lusito, G., Maggi, L., Maggi, G., Manna, M., Marangelli, N., My, B., Nuzzo, S., Pacifico, S., Pompili, N., Pugliese, A., Romano, G., Selvaggi, F., Silvestris, G., Tupputi, L., Zito, S., Abbiendi, G., Benvenuti, G., A. C., Bonacorsi, Braibant, Giacomelli, Brigliadori, S., Capiluppi, L., Castro, P., Cavallo, A., F. R., Cuffani, Dallavalle, M., G. M., Fabbri, Fanfani, F., Fasanella, A., Giacomelli, D., Grandi, P., Marcellini, C., Masetti, S., Meneghelli, G., Montanari, M., Navarria, A., F. L., Odorici, Perrotta, F., Primavera, A., Rossi, F., A. M., Rovelli, Siroli, T., Travaglini, G., Albergo, R., Cappello, S., Chiorboli, G., Costa, M., Potenza, S., Tricomi, R., Tuve, A., Barbagli, C., Ciulli, G., Civinini, V., D'Alessandro, C., Focardi, R., Frosali, E., Gallo, S., Gonzi, E., Meschini, S., Paoletti, M., Sguazzoni, S., Tropiano, G., Benussi, A., Bianco, L., Colafranceschi, S., Fabbri, S., Piccolo, F., Fabbricatore, D., Musenich, P., Benaglia, R., Guio, De, Matteo, Di, Gennai, L., Ghezzi, S., Malvezzi, A., Martelli, S., Massironi, A., Menasce, A., Moroni, D., Paganoni, L., Pedrini, M., Ragazzi, D., Redaelli, S., Sala, N., Tabarelli De Fatis, Buontempo, T., Carrillo, Montoya, C. A., Cavallo, Cosa, De, Dogangun, A., Fabozzi, O., Iorio, F., A. O. M., Lista, Merola, L., Paolucci, M., Azzi, P., Bacchetta, P., Bellan, N., Bisello, P., Branca, D., Carlin, A., Checchia, R., Dorigo, P., Dosselli, T., Gasparini, U., Gasparini, F., Gozzelino, U., Gulmini, A., Lacaprara, M., Lazzizzera, S., Margoni, I., Meneguzzo, M., A. T., Nespolo, Passaseo, M., Perrozzi, M., Pozzobon, L., Ronchese, N., Simonetto, P., Torassa, F., Tosi, E., Vanini, M., Zotto, S., Zumerle, P., Baesso, G., Berzano, P., Ratti, U., S. P., Riccardi, Torre, C., Vitulo, P., Viviani, P., Biasini, C., Bilei, M., G. M., Caponeri, Fanò, B., Lariccia, L., Lucaroni, P., Mantovani, A., Menichelli, G., Nappi, M., Romeo, A., Santocchia, F., Taroni, A., Valdata, S., Azzurri, M., Bagliesi, P., Boccali, G., Broccolo, T., Castaldi, G., D'Agnolo, R., R. T., Dell'Orso, Fiori, R., Fofà, F., Giassi, L., Kraan, A., Ligabue, A., Lomtadze, F., Martini, T., Messineo, ALBERTO MARIA, Palla, F., Palmonari, F., Rizzi, A., Segneri, G., Serban, A. T., Spagnolo, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, GUIDO EMILIO, Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G., Barone, L., Cavallari, F., Del, Re, Diemoz, D., Franci, M., Grassi, D., Longo, M., Meridiani, E., Nourbakhsh, P., Organtini, S., Pandolfi, G., Paramatti, F., Rahatlou, R., Sigamani, S., Amapane, M., Arcidiacono, N., Argiro, R., Arneodo, S., Biino, M., Botta, C., Cartiglia, C., Castello, N., Costa, R., Demaria, M., Graziano, N., Mariotti, A., Maselli, C., Migliore, S., Monaco, E., Musich, V., Obertino, M., M. M., Pastrone, Pelliccioni, N., Potenza, M., Romero, A., Ruspa, A., Sacchi, M., Sola, R., Solano, V., Staiano, A., Vilela, Pereira, Belforte, A., Cossutti, S., Della, Ricca, Gobbo, G., Marone, B., Montanino, M., Penzo, D., Heo, A., S. G., Nam, S. K., Chang, Chung, S., Kim, J., D. H., Kim, G. N., Kim, J. E., Kong, D. J., Park, Ro, H., S. R., Son, D. C., Son, Kim, T., J. Y., Kim, Z. J., Song, Jo, S., H. Y., Choi, Gyun, S., Hong, D., Jo, B., Kim, M., Kim, H., T. J., Lee, K. S., Moon, D. H., Park, S. K., Seo, Sim, E., K. S., Choi, Kang, M., Kim, S., J. H., Park, Park, C., I. C., Park, Ryu, S., Cho, G., Choi, Y., Y. K., Goh, M. S., Lee, Lee, B., Lee, J., Seo, S., Yu, H., Bilinskas, I., M. J., Grigelionis, Janulis, I., Martisiute, M., Petrov, D., Polujanskas, P., Sabonis, M., Castilla, Valdez, De La Cruz Burelo, Heredia De La Cruz, Lopez, Fernandez, Magaña, Villalba, Martínez, Ortega, Sánchez, Hernández, Villasenor, Cendejas, L. M., Carrillo, Moreno, Vazquez, Valencia, Salazar, Ibarguen, H. A., Casimiro, Linares, Morelos, Pineda, Reyes, Santos, M. A., Krofcheck, Tam, D., Bell, J., A. J., Butler, P. H., Doesburg, Reucroft, R., Silverwood, S., Ahmad, H., Asghar, M., M. I., Hoorani, H. R., Khalid, Khan, S., W. A., Khurshid, Qazi, T., Shah, S., M. A., Shoaib, Brona, M., Cwiok, G., Dominik, M., Doroba, W., Kalinowski, K., Konecki, A., Krolikowski, M., Bialkowska, J., Boimska, H., Frueboes, B., Gokieli, T., Górski, R., Kazana, M., Nawrocki, M., Romanowska, Rybinska, Szleper, K., Wrochna, M., Zalewski, G., Almeida, P., Bargassa, N., David, P., Faccioli, A., Ferreira, Parracho, P. G., Gallinaro, Musella, M., Nayak, P., Pela, A., Ribeiro, J., P. Q., Seixas, Varela, J., Afanasiev, J., Belotelov, S., Bunin, I., Gavrilenko, P., Golutvin, M., Gorbunov, I., Karjavin, I., Konoplyanikov, V., Kozlov, V., Lanev, G., Moisenz, A., Palichik, P., Perelygin, V., Shmatov, V., Smirnov, S., Volodko, V., Zarubin, A., Evstyukhin, A., Golovtsov, S., Ivanov, V., Kim, Y., Levchenko, V., Murzin, P., Oreshkin, V., Smirnov, V., Sulimov, I., Uvarov, V., Vavilov, L., Vorobyev, S., Vorobyev, A., A. n., Andreev, Y. u., Dermenev, Gninenko, A., Golubev, S., Kirsanov, N., Krasnikov, M., Matveev, N., Pashenkov, V., Toropin, A., Troitsky, A., Epshteyn, S., Erofeeva, V., Gavrilov, M., Kossov, V., Krokhotin, M., Lychkovskaya, A., Popov, N., Safronov, V., Semenov, G., Stolin, S., Vlasov, V., Zhokin, E., Belyaev, A., Boos, A., Dubinin, E., Dudko, M., Ershov, L., Gribushin, A., Kodolova, A., Lokhtin, O., Markina, I., Obraztsov, A., Perfilov, S., Petrushanko, M., Sarycheva, S., Savrin, L., Snigirev, V., Andreev, A., Azarkin, V., Dremin, M., Kirakosyan, I., Leonidov, M., Mesyats, A., Rusakov, G., S. V., Vinogradov, Azhgirey, A., Bayshev, I., Bitioukov, I., Grishin, S., Kachanov, V., Konstantinov, V., Korablev, D., Krychkine, A., Petrov, V., Ryutin, V., Sobol, R., Tourtchanovitch, A., Troshin, L., Tyurin, S., Uzunian, N., Volkov, A., Adzic, A., Djordjevic, P., Ekmedzic, M., Krpic, M., Milosevic, D., Aguilar, Benitez, Alcaraz, Maestre, Arce, J., Battilana, P., Calvo, C., Cerrada, E., Chamizo, Llatas, Colino, M., De La Cruz, Delgado, Peris, Diez, Pardos, Domínguez, Vázquez, Fernandez, Bedoya, Fernández, Ramos, J. P., Ferrando, Flix, A., Fouz, J., M. C., Garcia, Abia, Gonzalez, Lopez, Goy, Lopez, Hernandez, S., J. M., Josa, M. I., Merino, Puerta, Pelayo, Redondo, J., Romero, I., Santaolalla, L., Soares, J., M. S., Willmott, Albajar, C., Codispoti, C., Trocóniz, De, J. F., Cuevas, Fernandez, Menendez, Folgueras, J., Gonzalez, Caballero, Lloret, Iglesias, Vizan, Garcia, J. M., Brochero, Cifuentes, J. A., Cabrillo, I. J., Calderon, Chuang, A., S. H., Duarte, Campderros, Felcini, J., Fernandez, M., Gomez, M., Gonzalez, Sanchez, Jorda, J., Lobelle, Pardo, Lopez, Virto, Marco, A., Marco, J., Martinez, Rivero, Matorras, C., Munoz, Sanchez, F. J., Piedra, Gomez, Rodrigo, J., Rodríguez, Marrero, A. Y., Ruiz, Jimeno, Scodellaro, A., Sobron, Sanudo, Vila, M., Vilar, Cortabitarte, Abbaneo, R., Auffray, D., Auzinger, E., Baillon, G., Ball, P., A. H., Barney, Bernet, D., Bialas, C., Bloch, W., Bocci, P., Breuker, A., Bunkowski, H., Camporesi, K., Cerminara, T., Christiansen, G., Coarasa, Perez, J. A., Curé, D'Enterria, B., Roeck, De, Guida, Di, Dobson, S., Dupont, Sagorin, Elliott, Peisert, Frisch, A., Funk, B., Gaddi, W., Georgiou, A., Gerwig, G., Giffels, H., Gigi, M., Gill, D., Giordano, K., Giunta, D., Glege, M., Gomez Reino Garrido, Gouzevitch, R., Govoni, M., Gowdy, P., Guida, S., Guiducci, R., Gundacker, L., Hansen, S., Hartl, M., Harvey, C., Hegeman, J., Hegner, J., Hoffmann, B., H. F., Innocente, Janot, V., Kaadze, P., Karavakis, K., Lecoq, E., Lenzi, P., Lourenço, P., Mäki, C., Malberti, T., Malgeri, M., Mannelli, L., Masetti, M., Mavromanolakis, L., Meijers, G., Mersi, F., Meschi, S., Moser, E., Mozer, R., M. U., Mulders, Nesvold, M., Nguyen, E., Orimoto, M., Orsini, T., Palencia, Cortezon, Perez, E., Petrilli, E., Pfeiffer, A., Pierini, A., Pimiä, M., Piparo, M., Polese, D., Quertenmont, G., Racz, L., Reece, A., Rodrigues, Antunes, Rolandi, J., Rommerskirchen, G., Rovelli, T., Rovere, C., Sakulin, M., Santanastasio, H., Schäfer, F., Schwick, C., Segoni, C., Sharma, I., Siegrist, A., Silva, P., Simon, P., Sphicas, M., Spiga, P., Spiropulu, D., Stoye, M., Tsirou, M., Vichoudis, A., Wöhri, P., H. K., Worm, S. D., Zeuner, W. D., Bertl, Deiters, W., Erdmann, K., Gabathuler, W., Horisberger, K., Ingram, R., Kaestli, Q., H. C., König, Kotlinski, S., Langenegger, D., Meier, U., Renker, F., Rohe, D., Sibille, T., Bäni, J., Bortignon, L., Casal, P., Chanon, B., Chen, N., Cittolin, Z., Deisher, S., Dissertori, A., Dittmar, G., Eugster, M., Freudenreich, J., Grab, K., Lecomte, C., Lustermann, P., Marchica, W., Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol, Milenovic, P., Mohr, P., Moortgat, N., Nägeli, F., Nef, C., Nessi, Tedaldi, Pape, F., Pauss, L., Peruzzi, F., Ronga, M., F. J., Rossini, Sala, M., Sanchez, L., A. K., Sawley, M. C., Starodumov, Stieger, A., Takahashi, B., Tauscher, M., Thea, L., Theofilatos, A., Treille, K., Urscheler, D., Wallny, C., Weber, R., H. A., Wehrli, Weng, L., Aguilo, J., Amsler, E., Chiochia, C., Visscher, De, Favaro, S., Ivova, Rikova, Millan, Mejias, Otiougova, B., Robmann, P., Schmidt, P., Snoek, A., Verzetti, H., Chang, M., Y. H., Chen, K. H., Kuo, C. M., Li, S. W., Lin, Liu, W., Z. K., Lu, Y. J., Mekterovic, Volpe, D., Yu, R., S. S., Bartalini, Chang, P., Y. H., Chang, Y. W., Chao, Chen, Y., K. F., Dietz, Grundler, C., Hou, U., W. S., Hsiung, Kao, Y., K. Y., Lei, Y. J., Lu, R. S., Shiu, J. G., Tzeng, Y. M., Wan, Adiguzel, M., Bakirci, A., M. N., Cerci, Dozen, S., Dumanoglu, C., Eskut, I., Girgis, E., Gokbulut, S., Hos, G., Kangal, I., E. E., Kayis, Topaksu, Onengut, A., Ozdemir, G., Ozturk, K., Polatoz, S., Sogut, A., Sunar, Cerci, Tali, D., Topakli, B., Uzun, H., Vergili, D., L. N., Vergili, Akin, M., I. V., Aliev, Bilin, T., Bilmis, B., Deniz, S., Gamsizkan, M., Guler, H., A. M., Ocalan, Ozpineci, K., Serin, A., Sever, M., Surat, R., U. E., Yalvac, Yildirim, M., Zeyrek, E., Deliomeroglu, M., Gülmez, M., Isildak, E., Kaya, B., Kaya, M., Özbek, O., Ozkorucuklu, M., Sonmez, S., Levchuk, N., Bostock, L., Brooke, F., J. J., Clement, Cussans, E., Frazier, D., Goldstein, R., Grimes, J., Heath, M., G. P., Heath, H. F., Kreczko, Metson, L., Newbold, S., D. M., Nirunpong, Poll, K., Senkin, A., Smith, S., V. J., Basso, Bell, L., K. W., Belyaev, Brew, A., Brown, C., R. M., Camanzi, Cockerill, B., D. J. A., Coughlan, J. A., Harder, Harper, K., Jackson, S., Kennedy, J., B. W., Olaiya, Petyt, E., Radburn, Smith, B. C., Shepherd, Themistocleous, C. H., Tomalin, I. R., Womersley, W. J., Bainbridge, Ball, R., Beuselinck, G., Buchmuller, R., Colling, O., Cripps, D., Cutajar, N., Dauncey, M., Davies, P., Della, Negra, Ferguson, M., Fulcher, W., Futyan, J., Gilbert, D., Guneratne, Bryer, Hall, A., Hatherell, G., Hays, Z., Iles, J., Jarvis, G., Karapostoli, M., Lyons, G., Magnan, L., A. M., Marrouche, Mathias, J., Nandi, B., Nash, R., Nikitenko, J., Papageorgiou, A., Pesaresi, A., Petridis, M., Pioppi, K., Raymond, M., D. M., Rogerson, Rompotis, S., Rose, N., Ryan, A., M. J., Seez, Sharp, C., Sparrow, P., Tapper, A., Tourneur, A., Vazquez, Acosta, Virdee, M., Wakefield, T., Wardle, S., Wardrope, N., Whyntie, D., Barrett, T., Chadwick, M., Cole, M., J. E., Hobson, P. R., Khan, Kyberd, A., Leslie, P., Martin, D., Reid, W., I. D., Teodorescu, Hatakeyama, L., Liu, K., Scarborough, H., Henderson, T., Avetisyan, C., Bose, A., Carrera, Jarrin, Fantasia, E., Heister, C., John, S. t., Lawson, J., Lazic, P., Rohlf, D., Sperka, J., Sulak, D., Bhattacharya, L., Cutts, S., Ferapontov, D., Heintz, A., Jabeen, U., Kukartsev, S., Landsberg, G., Luk, G., Narain, M., Nguyen, M., Segala, D., Sinthuprasith, M., Speer, T., Tsang, T., K. V., Breedon, Breto, R., Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, Chauhan, M., Chertok, S., Conway, M., Conway, J., Cox, R., P. T., Dolen, Erbacher, J., Houtz, R., Ko, R., Kopecky, W., Lander, A., Mall, R., Maruyama, O., Miceli, S., Pellett, T., Robles, D., Rutherford, J., Searle, B., Smith, M., Squires, J., Tripathi, M., Vasquez, Sierra, Andreev, R., Arisaka, V., Cline, K., Cousins, D., Duris, R., Erhan, J., Everaerts, S., Farrell, P., Hauser, C., Ignatenko, J., Jarvis, M., Plager, C., Rakness, C., Schlein, G., Tucker, P., Valuev, J., Weber, V., Babb, M., Clare, J., Ellison, R., Gary, J., J. W., Giordano, Hanson, F., Jeng, G., G. Y., Kao, S. C., Liu, Long, H., O. R., Luthra, Nguyen, A., Paramesvaran, H., Sturdy, S., Sumowidagdo, J., Wilken, S., Wimpenny, R., Andrews, S., Branson, W., J. G., Cerati, G. B., Evans, Golf, D., Holzner, F., Kelley, A., Lebourgeois, R., Letts, M., Mangano, J., Padhi, B., Palmer, S., Petrucciani, C., Pi, G., Pieri, H., Ranieri, M., Sani, R., Sfiligoi, M., Simon, V., Sudano, S., Tadel, E., Tu, M., Vartak, Y., Wasserbaech, A., Würthwein, S., Yagil, F., Yoo, A., Barge, J., Bellan, D., Campagnari, R., D'Alfonso, C., Danielson, M., Flowers, T., Geffert, K., George, P., Incandela, C., Justus, J., Kalavase, C., Koay, P., S. A., Kovalskyi, Krutelyov, D., Lowette, V., Mccoll, S., Mullin, N., S. D., Pavlunin, Rebassoo, V., Ribnik, F., Richman, J., Rossin, J., Stuart, R., To, D., Vlimant, W., J. R., West, Apresyan, C., Bornheim, A., Bunn, A., Chen, J., Marco, Di, Duarte, E., Gataullin, J., Ma, M., Mott, Y., Newman, A., H. B., Rogan, Timciuc, C., Traczyk, V., Veverka, P., Wilkinson, J., Yang, R., Zhu, Y., R. Y., Akgun, Carroll, B., Ferguson, R., Iiyama, T., Jang, Y., D. W., Jun, S. Y., Liu, Y. F., Paulini, Russ, M., Vogel, J., Vorobiev, H., Cumalat, I., J. P., Dinardo, M. E., Drell, B. R., Edelmaier, C. J., Ford, W. T., Gaz, Heyburn, A., Luiggi, Lopez, Nauenberg, E., Smith, U., J. G., Stenson, Ulmer, K., K. A., Wagner, S. R., Zang, S. L., Agostino, Alexander, L., Chatterjee, J., Eggert, A., Gibbons, N., L. K., Heltsley, Hopkins, B., Khukhunaishvili, W., Kreis, A., Nicolas, Kaufman, Patterson, G., J. R., Puigh, Ryd, D., Salvati, A., Shi, E., Sun, X., Teo, W., W. D., Thom, Thompson, J., Vaughan, J., Weng, J., Winstrom, Y., Wittich, L., Biselli, P., Cirino, A., Winn, G., Abdullin, D., Albrow, S., Anderson, M., Apollinari, J., Atac, G., Bakken, M., J. A., Bauerdick, L. A. T., Beretvas, Berryhill, A., Bhat, J., P. C., Bloch, Burkett, I., Butler, K., J. N., Chetluru, Cheung, V., H. W. K., Chlebana, Cihangir, F., Cooper, S., Eartly, W., D. P., Elvira, V. D., Esen, Fisk, S., Freeman, I., Gao, J., Gottschalk, Y., Green, E., Gutsche, D., Hanlon, O., Harris, J., R. M., Hirschauer, Hooberman, J., Jensen, B., Jindariani, H., Johnson, S., Joshi, M., Klima, U., Kousouris, B., Kunori, K., Kwan, S., Leonidopoulos, S., Lincoln, C., Lipton, D., Lykken, R., Maeshima, J., Marraffino, K., J. M., Mason, Mcbride, D., Miao, P., Mishra, T., Mrenna, K., Musienko, S., Newman, Holmes, O'Dell, C., Pivarski, V., Pordes, J., Prokofyev, R., Schwarz, O., Sexton, Kennedy, Sharma, E., Spalding, S., W. J., Spiegel, Tan, L., Taylor, P., Tkaczyk, L., Uplegger, S., Vaandering, L., E. W., Vidal, Whitmore, R., Wu, J., Yang, W., Yumiceva, F., Yun, F., J. C., Acosta, Avery, D., Bourilkov, P., Chen, D., Das, M., Gruttola, De, Giovanni, Di, G. P., Dobur, Drozdetskiy, D., Field, A., R. D., Fisher, Fu, M., Furic, Y., I. K., Gartner, Goldberg, J., Hugon, S., Konigsberg, B., Korytov, J., Kropivnitskaya, A., Kypreos, A., Low, T., J. F., Matchev, Mitselmakher, K., Muniz, G., Park, L., Remington, M., Rinkevicius, R., Schmitt, A., Scurlock, M., Sellers, B., Skhirtladze, P., Snowball, N., Wang, M., Yelton, D., Zakaria, J., Gaultney, M., Lebolo, V., L. M., Linn, Markowitz, S., Martinez, P., Rodriguez, G., J. L., Adams, Askew, T., Bochenek, A., Diamond, J., Gleyzer, B., S. V., Haas, Hagopian, J., Hagopian, S., Jenkins, V., Johnson, M., K. F., Prosper, Sekmen, H., Veeraraghavan, S., Baarmand, V., M. M., Dorney, Hohlmann, B., Kalakhety, M., Vodopiyanov, H., Adams, I., M. R., Anghel, I. M., Apanasevich, Bai, L., Bazterra, Y., V. E., Betts, R. R., Callner, Cavanaugh, J., Dragoiu, R., Gauthier, C., Gerber, L., C. E., Hofman, D. J., Khalatyan, Kunde, S., G. J., Lacroix, Malek, F., O'Brien, M., Silkworth, C., Silvestre, C., Strom, C., Varelas, D., Akgun, N., Albayrak, U., E. A., Bilki, Clarida, B., Duru, W., Griffiths, F., Lae, S., C. K., Mccliment, Merlo, E., J. P., Mermerkaya, Mestvirishvili, H., Moeller, A., Nachtman, A., Newsom, J., C. R., Norbeck, Olson, E., Onel, J., Ozok, Y., Sen, F., Tiras, S., Wetzel, E., Yetkin, J., Yi, T., Barnett, K., B. A., Blumenfeld, Bolognesi, B., Bonato, S., Eskew, A., Fehling, C., Giurgiu, D., Gritsan, G., A. V., Guo, Z. J., Hu, Maksimovic, G., Rappoccio, P., Swartz, S., Tran, M., N. V., Whitbeck, Baringer, A., Bean, P., Benelli, A., Grachov, G., Kenny, Iii, R. P., Murray, Noonan, M., Sanders, D., Stringer, S., Wood, R., J. S., Zhukova, Barfuss, V., A. F., Bolton, Chakaberia, T., Ivanov, I., Makouski, S., Maravin, M., Shrestha, Y., Svintradze, S., Gronberg, I., Lange, J., Wright, D., Baden, D., Boutemeur, A., Calvert, M., Eno, B., S. C., Gomez, J. A., Hadley, N. J., Kellogg, R. G., Kirn, Lu, M., Mignerey, Y., A. C., Peterman, Rossato, A., Rumerio, K., Skuja, P., Temple, A., Tonjes, J., M. B., Tonwar, S. C., Twedt, Alver, E., Bauer, B., Bendavid, G., Busza, J., Butz, W., Cali, E., I. A., Chan, Dutta, M., Gomez, Ceballos, Goncharov, G., Hahn, M., K. A., Harris, Kim, P., Klute, Y., Lee, M., Y. J., Li, Luckey, W., P. D., Ma, Nahn, T., Paus, S., Ralph, C., Roland, D., Roland, C., Rudolph, G., Stephans, M., G. S. F., Stöckli, Sumorok, F., Sung, K., Velicanu, K., Wenger, D., E. A., Wolf, Wyslouch, R., Xie, B., Yang, S., Yilmaz, M., Yoon, Y., A. S., Zanetti, Cooper, M., S. I., Cushman, Dahmes, P., Benedetti, De, Franzoni, A., Gude, G., Haupt, A., Klapoetke, J., Kubota, K., Mans, Y., Pastika, J., Rekovic, N., Rusack, V., Sasseville, R., Singovsky, M., Tambe, A., Turkewitz, N., Cremaldi, J., L. M., Godang, Kroeger, R., Perera, R., Rahmat, L., Sanders, R., D. A., Summers, Avdeeva, D., Bloom, E., Bose, K., Butt, S., Claes, J., D. R., Dominguez, Eads, A., Jindal, M., Keller, P., Kravchenko, J., Lazo, Flores, Malbouisson, J., Malik, H., Snow, S., G. R., Baur, Godshalk, U., Iashvili, A., Jain, I., Kharchilava, S., Smith, A., Wan, K., Alverson, Z., Barberis, G., Baumgartel, E., Chasco, D., Trocino, M., Wood, D., Zhang, D., Anastassov, J., Kubik, A., Mucia, A., Odell, N., Ofierzynski, N., R. A., Pollack, Pozdnyakov, B., Stoynev, M., Velasco, S., Won, M., Antonelli, S., Berry, L., Brinkerhoff, D., Hildreth, A., Jessop, M., Karmgard, C., D. J., Kolb, Kolberg, J., Lannon, T., Luo, K., Lynch, W., Marinelli, S., Morse, N., D. M., Pearson, Ruchti, T., Slaunwhite, R., Valls, J., Wayne, N., Ziegler, M., Bylsma, J., Durkin, B., L. S., Hill, Killewald, C., Kotov, P., Ling, K., T. Y., Rodenburg, Vuosalo, M., Williams, C., Adam, G., Berry, N., Elmer, E., Gerbaudo, P., Halyo, D., Hebda, V., Hunt, P., Laird, A., Lopes, Pegna, Lujan, D., Marlow, P., Medvedeva, D., Mooney, T., Olsen, M., Piroué, J., Quan, P., Raval, X., Saka, A., Stickland, H., Tully, D., Werner, C., J. S., Zuranski, Acosta, A., J. G., Huang, X. T., Lopez, Mendez, A., Oliveros, H., Ramirez, Vargas, J. E., Zatserklyaniy, Alagoz, A., Barnes, E., V. E., Benedetti, Bolla, D., Borrello, G., Bortoletto, L., Mattia, De, Everett, M., Gutay, A., Hu, L., Jones, Z., Koybasi, M., Kress, O., Laasanen, M., A. T., Leonardo, Maroussov, N., Merkel, V., Miller, P., D. H., Neumeister, Shipsey, N., Silvers, I., Svyatkovskiy, D., Vidal, Marono, Yoo, M., H. D., Zablocki, Zheng, J., Guragain, Y., Parashar, S., Adair, N., Boulahouache, A., Cuplov, C., Ecklund, V., K. M., Geurts, F. J. M., Padley, B. P., Redjimi, Roberts, R., Zabel, J., Betchart, J., Bodek, B., Chung, A., Y. S., Covarelli, Barbaro, De, Demina, P., Eshaq, R., Flacher, Y., Garcia, Bellido, Goldenzweig, A., Gotra, P., Han, Y., Harel, J., Miner, A., D. C., Petrillo, Sakumoto, G., Vishnevskiy, W., Zielinski, D., Bhatti, M., Ciesielski, A., Demortier, R., Goulianos, L., Lungu, K., Malik, G., Mesropian, S., Arora, C., Atramentov, S., Barker, O., Chou, A., J. P., Contreras, Campana, Duggan, E., Ferencek, D., Gershtein, D., Gray, Y., Halkiadakis, R., Hidas, E., Hits, D., Lath, D., Panwalkar, A., Park, S., Patel, M., Richards, R., Rose, A., Salur, K., Schnetzer, S., Somalwar, S., Stone, S., Thomas, R., Cerizza, S., Hollingsworth, G., Spanier, M., Z. C., York, Eusebi, A., Flanagan, R., Gilmore, W., Kamon, J., Khotilovich, T., Montalvo, V., Osipenkov, R., Pakhotin, I., Perloff, Y., Roe, A., Safonov, J., Sengupta, A., Suarez, S., Tatarinov, I., Toback, A., Akchurin, D., Bardak, N., Damgov, C., Dudero, J., P. R., Jeong, Kovitanggoon, C., Lee, K., S. W., Libeiro, Mane, T., Roh, P., Sill, Y., Volobouev, A., Wigmans, I., Yazgan, R., Appelt, E., Brownson, E., Engh, E., Florez, D., Gabella, C., Gurrola, W., Issah, A., Johns, M., Johnston, W., Kurt, C., Maguire, P., Melo, C., Sheldon, A., Snook, P., Tuo, B., Velkovska, S., Arenton, J., M. W., Balazs, Boutle, M., Conetti, S., Cox, S., Francis, B., Goadhouse, B., Goodell, S., Hirosky, J., Ledovskoy, R., Lin, A., Neu, C., Wood, C., Yohay, J., Gollapinni, R., Harr, S., Karchin, R., P. E., Kottachchi Kankanamge Don, Lamichhane, C., Mattson, P., Milstène, M., Sakharov, C., Anderson, A., Bachtis, M., Belknap, M., Bellinger, D., J. N., Bernardini, Carlsmith, J., Cepeda, D., Dasu, M., Efron, S., Friis, J., Gray, E., Grogg, L., K. S., Grothe, Hall, Wilton, Herndon, R., Hervé, A., Klabbers, P., Klukas, J., Lanaro, A., Lazaridis, C., Leonard, J., Loveless, R., Mohapatra, A., Ojalvo, I., Pierro, G. A., Ross, I., Savin, A., Smith, W. H., Swanson, J., Weinberg, eiden A, M., Seifert, F, Seixas, Jm, Sekhniaidze, G, Seliverstov, Dm, Sellden, B, Sellers, G, Seman, M, Semprini Cesari, N, Serfon, C, Serin, L, Seuster, R, Severini, H, Sevior, Me, Sfyrla, A, Shabalina, E, Shamim, M, Shan, Ly, Shank, Jt, Shao, Qt, Shapiro, M, Shatalov, Pb, Shaver, L, Shaw, K, Sherman, D, Sherwood, P, Shibata, A, Shichi, H, Shimizu, S, Shimojima, M, Shin, T, Shiyakova, M, Shmeleva, A, Shochet, Mj, Short, D, Shrestha, S, Shupe, Ma, Sicho, P, Sidoti, A, Siebel, A, Siegert, F, Sijacki, D, Silbert, O, Silva, J, Silver, Y, Silverstein, D, Silverstein, Sb, Simak, V, Simard, O, Simic, L, Simion, S, Simmons, B, Simonyan, M, Sinervo, P, Sinev, Nb, Sipica, V, Siragusa, G, Sircar, A, Sisakyan, An, Sivoklokov, Sy, Sjolin, J, Sjursen, Tb, Skinnari, La, Skottowe, Hp, Skovpen, K, Skubic, P, Skvorodnev, N, Slater, M, Slavicek, T, Sliwa, K, Sloper, J, Smakhtin, V, Smirnov, Sy, Smirnova, Ln, Smirnova, O, Smith, Bc, Smith, D, Smith, Km, Smizanska, M, Smolek, K, Snesarev, Aa, Snow, Sw, Snow, J, Snuverink, J, Snyder, S, Soares, M, Sobie, R, Sodomka, J, Soffer, A, Solans, Ca, Solar, M, Solc, J, Soldatov, E, Soldevila, U, Camillocci, Es, Solodkov, Aa, Solovyanov, Ov, Sondericker, J, Soni, N, Sopko, V, Sopko, B, Sosebee, M, Soualah, R, Soukharev, A, Spagnolo, S, Spano, F, Spighi, R, Spigo, G, Spila, F, Spiwoks, R, Spousta, M, Spreitzer, T, Spurlock, B, St Denis RD, Stahl, T, Stahlman, J, Stamen, R, Stanecka, E, Stanek, Rw, Stanescu, C, Stapnes, S, Starchenko, Ea, Stark, J, Staroba, P, Starovoitov, P, Staude, A, Stavina, P, Stavropoulos, G, Steele, G, Steinbach, P, Steinberg, P, Stekl, I, Stelzer, B, Stelzer, Hj, Stelzer Chilton, O, Stenzel, H, Stevenson, K, Stewart, Ga, Stillings, Ja, Stockton, Mc, Stoerig, K, Stoicea, G, Stonjek, S, Strachota, P, Stradling, Ar, Straessner, A, Strandberg, J, Strandberg, S, Strandlie, A, Strang, M, Strauss, E, Strauss, M, Strizenec, P, Strohmer, R, Strom, Dm, Strong, Ja, Stroynowski, R, Strube, J, Stugu, B, Stumer, I, Stupak, J, Sturm, P, Soh, Da, Su, D, Subramania, Hs, Succurro, A, Sugaya, Y, Sugimoto, T, Suhr, C, Suita, K, Suk, M, Sulin, Vv, Sultansoy, S, Sumida, T, Sun, X, Sundermann, Je, Suruliz, K, Sushkov, S, Susinno, G, Sutton, Mr, Suzuki, Y, Svatos, M, Sviridov, Ym, Swedish, S, Sykora, I, Sykora, T, Szeless, B, Sanchez, J, Ta, D, Tackmann, K, Taffard, A, Tafirout, R, Taiblum, N, Takahashi, Y, Takai, H, Takashima, R, Takeda, H, Takeshita, T, Talby, M, Talyshev, A, Tamsett, Mc, Tanaka, J, Tanaka, R, Tanaka, S, Tanaka, Y, Tani, K, Tannoury, N, Tappern, Gp, Tapprogge, S, Tardif, D, Tarem, S, Tarrade, F, Tartarelli, Gf, Tas, P, Tasevsky, M, Tassi, E, Tatarkhanov, M, Tayalati, Y, Taylor, C, Taylor, Fe, Taylor, Gn, Taylor, W, Teinturier, M, Castanheira, Mtd, Teixeira Dias, P, Temming, Kk, Ten Kate, H, Teng, Pk, Terada, S, Terashi, K, Terron, J, Terwort, M, Testa, M, Teuscher, Rj, Thadome, J, Therhaag, J, Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers (IRFU), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay, Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École polytechnique (X)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Département Recherches Subatomiques (DRS-IPHC), Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 (CC-IN2P3), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CMS, Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I Lyon), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP/Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), UAM. Departamento de Física Teórica, V. KHACHATRYAN, A.M. SIRUNYAN, A. TUMASYAN, W. ADAM, T. BERGAUER, M. DRAGICEVIC, J. ER¨O, C. FABJAN, M. FRIEDL, R. FRUHWIRTH, V.M. GHETE, J. HAMMER, S. H¨ANSEL, C. HARTL, M. HOCH, N. H N(ORMANN, J. HRUBEC, M. JEITLER, G. KASIECZKA, W. KIESENHOFER, M. KRAMMER, D. LIKO, I. MIKULEC, M. PERNICKA, H. ROHRINGER, R. SCH N(OFBECK, J. STRAUSS, A. TAUROK, F. TEISCHINGER, W.WALTENBERGER, G.WALZEL, E.WIDL, C.-E.WULZ, V. MOSSOLOV, N. SHUMEIKO, J. SUAREZ GONZALEZ, L. BENUCCI, L. CEARD, E.A. DE WOLF, X. JANSSEN, T. MAES, L. MUCIBELLO, S. OCHESANU, B. ROLAND, R. ROUGNY, M. SELVAGGI, H. VAN HAEVERMAET, P. VAN MECHELEN, N. VAN REMORTEL, V. ADLER, S. BEAUCERON, S. BLYWEERT, J. D $B!G (BHONDT, O. DEVROEDE, A. KALOGEROPOULOS, J. MAES, M. MAES, S. TAVERNIER, W. VAN DONINCK, P. VAN MULDERS, I. VILLELLA, E.C. CHABERT, O. CHARAF, B. CLERBAUX, G. DE LENTDECKER, V. DERO, A.P.R. GAY, G.H. HAMMAD, T. HREUS, P.E. MARAGE, C. VANDER VELDE, P. VANLAER, J.WICKENS, S. COSTANTINI, M. GRUNEWALD, B. KLEIN, A. MARINOV, D. RYCKBOSCH, F. THYSSEN, M. TYTGAT, L. VANELDEREN, P. VERWILLIGEN, S.WALSH, N. ZAGANIDIS, S. BASEGMEZ, G. BRUNO, J. CAUDRON, J. DE FAVEREAU DE JENERET, C. DELAERE, P. DEMIN, D. FAVART, A. GIAMMANCO, G. GR N4EGOIRE, J. HOLLAR, V. LEMAITRE, O. MILITARU, S. OVYN, D. PAGANO, A. PIN, K. PIOTRZKOWSKI, L. QUERTENMONT, N. SCHUL, N. BELIY, T. CAEBERGS, E. DAUBIE, G.A. ALVES, D. DE JESUS DAMIAO, M.E. POL, M.H.G. SOUZA, W. CARVALHO, E.M. DA COSTA, C. DE OLIVEIRA MARTINS, S. FONSECA DE SOUZA, L. MUNDIM, H. NOGIMA, V. OGURI, J.M. OTALORA GOICOCHEA, W.L. PRADO DA SILVA, A. SANTORO, S.M. SILVA DO, AMARAL, A. SZNAJDER, F. TORRES DA SILVA DE ARAUJO, F.A. DIAS, M.A.F. DIAS, T.R. FERNANDEZ PEREZ TOMEI, E. M. GREGORES2, F. MARINHO, S.F. NOVAES, SANDRA S. PADULA, N. DARMENOV, L. DIMITROV, V. GENCHEV, P. IAYDJIEV, S. PIPEROV, M. RODOZOV, S. STOYKOVA, G. SULTANOV, V. TCHOLAKOV, R. TRAYANOV, I. VANKOV, M. DYULENDAROVA, R. HADJIISKA, V. KOZHUHAROV, L. LITOV, E. MARINOVA, M. MATEEV, B. PAVLOV, P. PETKOV, J.G. BIAN, G.M. CHEN, H.S. CHEN, C.H. JIANG, D. LIANG, S. LIANG, J. WANG, X. WANG, Z.WANG, M. YANG, J. ZANG, Z. ZHANG, Y. BAN, S. GUO, Z. HU, W. LI, Y. MAO, S.J. QIAN, H. TENG, B. ZHU, A. CABRERA, B. GOMEZ MORENO, A.A. OCAMPO RIOS, A.F. OSORIO OLIVEROS, J.C. SANABRIA, N. GODINOVIC, D. LELAS, K. LELAS, R. PLESTINA3, D. POLIC, I. PULJAK, Z. ANTUNOVIC, M. DZELALIJA, V. BRIGLJEVIC, S. DURIC, K. KADIJA, S. MOROVIC, A. ATTIKIS, R. FEREOS, M. GALANTI, J. MOUSA, C. NICOLAOU, F. PTOCHOS, P.A. RAZIS, H. RYKACZEWSKI, Y. ASSRAN, M.A. MAHMOUD, A. HEKTOR, M. KADASTIK, K. KANNIKE, M. M N(UNTEL, M. RAIDAL, L. REBANE, V. AZZOLINI, P. EEROLA, S. CZELLAR, J. H N(ARK N(ONEN, A. HEIKKINEN, V. KARIM N(AKI, R. KINNUNEN, J. KLEM, M.J. KORTELAINEN, T. LAMP N4EN, K. LASSILA-PERINI, S. LEHTI, T. LIND N4EN, P. LUUKKA, T. M N(AENP N(A N(A, E. TUOMINEN, J. TUOMINIEMI, E. TUOVINEN, D. UNGARO, L.WENDLAND, K. BANZUZI, A. KORPELA, T. TUUVA, D. SILLOU, M. BESANCON, M. DEJARDIN, D. DENEGRI, J. DESCAMPS, B. FABBRO, J.L. FAURE, F. FERRI, S. GANJOUR, F.X. GENTIT, A. GIVERNAUD, P. GRAS, G. HAMEL DE MONCHENAULT, P. JARRY, E. LOCCI, J. MALCLES, M. MARIONNEAU, L. MILLISCHER, J. RANDER, A. ROSOWSKY, D. ROUSSEAU, M. TITOV, P. VERRECCHIA, S. BAFFIONI, L. BIANCHINI, M. BLUJ, C. BROUTIN, P. BUSSON, C. CHARLOT, L. DOBRZYNSKI, R. GRANIER DE, CASSAGNAC, M. HAGUENAUER, P. MIN N4E, C. MIRONOV, C. OCHANDO, P. PAGANINI, D. SABES, R. SALERNO, Y. SIROIS, C. THIEBAUX, A. ZABI, J.-L. AGRAM, A. BESSON, D. BLOCH, D. BODIN, J.-M. BROM, M. CARDACI, E. CONTE, F. DROUHIN, C. FERRO, J.-C. FONTAINE, D. GEL N4E, U. GOERLACH, S. GREDER, P. JUILLOT, M. KARIM, A.-C. LE BIHAN, Y. MIKAMI, P. VAN HOVE, F. FASSI, D. MERCIER, C. BATY, N. BEAUPERE, M. BEDJIDIAN, O. BONDU, G. BOUDOUL, D. BOUMEDIENE, H. BRUN, N. CHANON, R. CHIERICI, D. CONTARDO, P. DEPASSE, H. EL MAMOUNI, A. FALKIEWICZ, J. FAY, S. GASCON, B. ILLE, T. KURCA, T. LE GRAND, M. LETHUILLIER, L. MIRABITO, S. PERRIES, V. SORDINI, S. TOSI, Y. TSCHUDI, P. VERDIER, H. XIAO, V. ROINISHVILI, G. ANAGNOSTOU, M. EDELHOFF, L. FELD, N. HERACLEOUS, O. HINDRICHS, R. JUSSEN, K. KLEIN, J. MERZ, N. MOHR, A. OSTAPCHUK, A. PERIEANU, F. RAUPACH, J. SAMMET, S. SCHAEL, D. SPRENGER, H. WEBER, M.WEBER, B.WITTMER, M. ATA, W. BENDER, M. ERDMANN, J. FRANGENHEIM, T. HEBBEKER, A. HINZMANN, K. HOEPFNER, C. HOF, T. KLIMKOVICH, D. KLINGEBIEL, P. KREUZER1, D. LANSKEY, C. MAGASS, M. MERSCHMEYER, A. MEYER, P. PAPACZ, H. PIETA, H. REITHLER, S.A. SCHMITZ, L. SONNENSCHEIN, J. STEGGEMANN, D. TEYSSIER, M. BONTENACKELS, M. DAVIDS, M. DUDA, G. FL N(UGGE, H. GEENEN, M. GIFFELS, W. HAJ AHMAD, D. HEYDHAUSEN, T. KRESS, Y. KUESSEL, A. LINN, A. NOWACK, L. PERCHALLA, O. POOTH, J. RENNEFELD, P. SAUERLAND, A. STAHL, M. THOMAS, D. TORNIER, M.H. ZOELLER, M. ALDAYA MARTIN, W. BEHRENHOFF, U. BEHRENS, M. BERGHOLZ, K. BORRAS, A. CAMPBELL, E. CASTRO, D. DAMMANN, G. ECKERLIN, A. FLOSSDORF, G. FLUCKE, A. GEISER, I. GLUSHKOV, J. HAUK, H. JUNG, M. KASEMANN, I. KATKOV, P. KATSAS, C. KLEINWORT, H. KLUGE, A. KNUTSSON, D. KR N( UCKER, E. KUZNETSOVA, W. LANGE, W. LOHMANN, R. MANKEL, M. MARIENFELD, I.-A. MELZER-PELLMANN, A.B. MEYER, J. MNICH, A. MUSSGILLER, J. OLZEM, A. PARENTI, A. RASPEREZA, A. RAVAL, R. SCHMIDT, T. SCHOERNER-SADENIUS, N. SEN, M. STEIN, J. TOMASZEWSKA, D. VOLYANSKYY, R.WALSH, C.WISSING, C. AUTERMANN, S. BOBROVSKYI, J. DRAEGER, D. ECKSTEIN, H. ENDERLE, U. GEBBERT, K. KASCHUBE, G. KAUSSEN, R. KLANNER, B. MURA, S. NAUMANN-EMME, F. NOWAK, N. PIETSCH, C. SANDER, H. SCHETTLER, P. SCHLEPER, M. SCHR N(ODER, T. SCHUM, J. SCHWANDT, A.K. SRIVASTAVA, H. STADIE, G. STEINBR N(UCK, J. THOMSEN, R.WOLF, J. BAUER, V. BUEGE, A. CAKIR, T. CHWALEK, D. DAEUWEL, W. DE BOER, A. DIERLAMM, G. DIRKES, M. FEINDT, J. GRUSCHKE, C. HACKSTEIN, F. HARTMANN, M. HEINRICH, H. HELD, K.H. HOFFMANN, S. HONC, T. KUHR, D. MARTSCHEI, S. MUELLER, TH. M N(ULLER, M.B. NEULAND, M. NIEGEL, O. OBERST, A. OEHLER, J. OTT, T. PEIFFER, D. PIPARO, G. QUAST, K. RABBERTZ, F. RATNIKOV, M. RENZ, A. SABELLEK, C. SAOUT, A. SCHEURER, P. SCHIEFERDECKER, F.-P. SCHILLING, G. SCHOTT, H.J. SIMONIS, F.M. STOBER, D. TROENDLE, J. WAGNER-KUHR, M. ZEISE, V. ZHUKOV, E.B. ZIEBARTH, G. DASKALAKIS, T. GERALIS, S. KESISOGLOU, A. KYRIAKIS, D. LOUKAS, I. MANOLAKOS, A. MARKOU, C. MARKOU, C. MAVROMMATIS, E. PETRAKOU, L. GOUSKOS, T. MERTZIMEKIS, A. PANAGIOTOU, I. EVANGELOU, P. KOKKAS, N. MANTHOS, I. PAPADOPOULOS, V. PATRAS, F.A. TRIANTIS, A. ARANYI, G. BENCZE, L. BOLDIZSAR, G. DEBRECZENI, C. HAJDU1, D. HORVATH, A. KAPUSI, K. KRAJCZAR1, A. LASZLO, F. SIKLER, G. VESZTERGOMBI1, N. BENI, J. MOLNAR, J. PALINKAS, Z. SZILLASI, V. VESZPREMI, P. RAICS, Z.L. TROCSANYI, B. UJVARI, S. BANSAL, S.B. BERI, V. BHATNAGAR, M. JINDAL, M. KAUR, J.M. KOHLI, M.Z. MEHTA, N. NISHU, L.K. SAINI, A. SHARMA, R. SHARMA, A.P. SINGH, J.B. SINGH, S.P. SINGH, S. AHUJA, S. BHATTACHARYA, S. CHAUHAN, B.C. CHOUDHARY, P. GUPTA, S. JAIN, A. KUMAR, R.K. SHIVPURI, R.K. CHOUDHURY, D. DUTTA, S. KAILAS, S.K. KATARIA, A.K. MOHANTY1, L.M. PANT, P. SHUKLA, P. SUGGISETTI, T. AZIZ, M. GUCHAIT12, A. GURTU, M. MAITY13, D. MAJUMDER, G. MAJUMDER, K. MAZUMDAR, G.B. MOHANTY, A. SAHA, K. SUDHAKAR, N.WICKRAMAGE, S. BANERJEE, S. DUGAD, N.K. MONDAL, H. ARFAEI, H. BAKHSHIANSOHI, S.M. ETESAMI, A. FAHIM, M. HASHEMI, A. JAFARI, M. KHAKZAD, A. MOHAMMADI, M. MOHAMMADI NAJAFABADI, S. PAKTINAT MEHDIABADI, B. SAFARZADEH, M. ZEINALI, M. ABBRESCIA, L. BARBONE, C. CALABRIA, A. COLALEO, D. CREANZA, N. DE FILIPPIS, M. DE, PALMA, A. DIMITROV, F. FEDELE, L. FIORE, G. IASELLI, L. LUSITO, G. MAGGI, M. MAGGI, N. MANNA, B. MARANGELLI, S. MY, S. NUZZO, G.A. PIERRO, A. POMPILI, G. PUGLIESE, F. ROMANO, G. ROSELLI, G. SELVAGGI, L. SILVESTRIS, R. TRENTADUE, S. TUPPUTI, G. ZITO, G. ABBIENDI, A.C. BENVENUTI, D. BONACORSI, S. BRAIBANT, P. CAPILUPPI, A. CASTRO, F.R. CAVALLO, M. CUFFIANI, G.M. DALLAVALLE, F. FABBRI, A. FANFANI, D. FASANELLA, P. GIACOMELLI, M. GIUNTA, C. GRANDI, S. MARCELLINI, G. MASETTI, M. MENEGHELLI, A. MONTANARI, F.L. NAVARRIA, F. ODORICI, A. PERROTTA, A.M. ROSSI, T. ROVELLI, G. SIROLI, R. TRAVAGLINI, S. ALBERGO, G. CAPPELLO, M. CHIORBOLI, S. COSTA, A. TRICOMI, C. TUVE, G. BARBAGLI, G. BROCCOLO, V. CIULLI, C. CIVININI, R. D'ALESSANDRO, E. FOCARDI, S. FROSALI, E. GALLO, P. LENZI, M. MESCHINI, S. PAOLETTI, G. SGUAZZONI, A. TROPIANO, L. BENUSSI, S. BIANCO, S. COLAFRANCESCHI, D. PICCOLO, P. FABBRICATORE, R. MUSENICH, A. BENAGLIA, G.B. CERATI, F. DE GUIO, L. DI MATTEO, A. GHEZZI, P. GOVONI, M. MALBERTI, S. MALVEZZI, A. MARTELLI, A. MASSIRONI, D. MENASCE, V. MICCIO, L. MORONI, M. PAGANONI, D. PEDRINI, S. RAGAZZI, N. REDAELLI, S. SALA, T. TABARELLI DE, FATIS, V. TANCINI, S. BUONTEMPO, C.A. CARRILLO MONTOYA, A. CIMMINO, A. DE COSA, M. DE GRUTTOLA, F. FABOZZI, A.O.M. IORIO, L. LISTA, P. NOLI, P. PAOLUCCI, P. AZZI, N. BACCHETTA, P. BELLAN, D. BISELLO, A. BRANCA, R. CARLIN, P. CHECCHIA, E. CONTI, M. DE MATTIA, T. DORIGO, U. DOSSELLI, F. FANZAGO, F. GASPARINI, U. GASPARINI, P. GIUBILATO, A. GRESELE, S. LACAPRARA, I. LAZZIZZERA, M. MARGONI, M. MAZZUCATO, A.T. MENEGUZZO, L. PERROZZI, N. POZZOBON, P. RONCHESE, F. SIMONETTO, E. TORASSA, M. TOSI, S. VANINI, P. ZOTTO, G. ZUMERLE, P. BAESSO, U. BERZANO, C. RICCARDI, P. TORRE, P. VITULO, C. VIVIANI, M. BIASINI, G.M. BILEI, B. CAPONERI, L. FAN`O, P. LARICCIA, A. LUCARONI, G. MANTOVANI, M. MENICHELLI, A. NAPPI, A. SANTOCCHIA, L. SERVOLI, S. TARONI, M. VALDATA, R. VOLPE, P. AZZURRI, G. BAGLIESI, J. BERNARDINI, T. BOCCALI, R. CASTALDI, R.T. D'AGNOLO, R. DELL'ORSO, F. FIORI, L. FO`A, A. GIASSI, A. KRAAN, F. LIGABUE, T. LOMTADZE, L. MARTINI, A. MESSINEO, F. PALLA, F. PALMONARI, S. SARKAR, G. SEGNERI, A.T. SERBAN, P. SPAGNOLO, R. TENCHINI, G. TONELLI, A. VENTURI, P.G. VERDINI, L. BARONE, F. CAVALLARI, D. DEL RE, E. DI MARCO, M. DIEMOZ, D. FRANCI, M. GRASSI, E. LONGO, G. ORGANTINI, A. PALMA, F. PANDOLFI, R. PARAMATTI, S. RAHATLOU, N. AMAPANE, R. ARCIDIACONO, S. ARGIRO, M. ARNEODO, C. BIINO, C. BOTTA, N. CARTIGLIA, R. CASTELLO, M. COSTA, N. DEMARIA, A. GRAZIANO, C. MARIOTTI, M. MARONE, S. MASELLI, E. MIGLIORE, G. MILA, V. MONACO, M. MUSICH, M.M. OBERTINO, N. PASTRONE, M. PELLICCIONI, A. ROMERO, M. RUSPA, R. SACCHI, V. SOLA, A. SOLANO, A. STAIANO, D. TROCINO, A. VILELA PEREIRA, F. AMBROGLINI, S. BELFORTE, F. COSSUTTI, G. DELLA RICCA, B. GOBBO, D. MONTANINO, A. PENZO, S.G. HEO, S. CHANG, J. CHUNG, D.H. KIM, G.N. KIM, J.E. KIM, D.J. KONG, H. PARK, D. SON, D.C. SON, Z.KIM, J.Y. KIM, S. SONG, S. CHOI, B. HONG, M. JO, H. KIM, J.H. KIM, T.J. KIM, K.S. LEE, D.H. MOON, S.K. PARK, H.B. RHEE, E. SEO, S. SHIN, K.S. SIM, M. CHOI, S. KANG, C. PARK, I.C. PARK, S. PARK, G. RYU, Y. CHOI, Y.K. CHOI, J. GOH, J. LEE, S. LEE, H. SEO, I. YU, M.J. BILINSKAS, I. GRIGELIONIS, M. JANULIS, D. MARTISIUTE, P. PETROV, T. SABONIS, H. CASTILLA VALDEZ, E. DE LA CRUZ BURELO, R. LOPEZ-FERNANDEZ, A. S N4ANCHEZ HERN N4ANDEZ, L.M. VILLASENOR-CENDEJAS, S. CARRILLO MORENO, F. VAZQUEZ VALENCIA, H.A. SALAZAR IBARGUEN, E. CASIMIRO LINARES, A. MORELOS PINEDA, M.A. REYES-SANTOS, P. ALLFREY, D. KROFCHECK, J. TAM, P.H. BUTLER, R. DOESBURG, H. SILVERWOOD, M. AHMAD, I. AHMED, M.I. ASGHAR, H.R. HOORANI, W.A. KHAN, T. KHURSHID, S. QAZI, M. CWIOK, W. DOMINIK, K. DOROBA, A. KALINOWSKI, M. KONECKI, J. KROLIKOWSKI, T. FRUEBOES, R. GOKIELI, M. G N4ORSKI, M. KAZANA, K. NAWROCKI, M. SZLEPER, G. WROCHNA, P. ZALEWSKI, N. ALMEIDA, A. DAVID, P. FACCIOLI, P.G. FERREIRA PARRACHO, M. GALLINARO, P. MARTINS, G. MINI, P. MUSELLA, A. NAYAK, L. RAPOSO, P.Q. RIBEIRO, J. SEIXAS, P. SILVA, D. SOARES, J. VARELA, H.K.W N(OHRI, I. BELOTELOV, P. BUNIN, M. FINGER, M. FINGER JR., I. GOLUTVIN, A. KAMENEV, V. KARJAVIN, G. KOZLOV, A. LANEV, P. MOISENZ, V. PALICHIK, V. PERELYGIN, S. SHMATOV, V. SMIRNOV, A. VOLODKO, A. ZARUBIN, N. BONDAR, V. GOLOVTSOV, Y. IVANOV, V. KIM, P. LEVCHENKO, V. MURZIN, V. ORESHKIN, I. SMIRNOV, V. SULIMOV, L. UVAROV, S. VAVILOV, A. VOROBYEV, YU. ANDREEV, S. GNINENKO, N. GOLUBEV, M. KIRSANOV, N. KRASNIKOV, V. MATVEEV, A. PASHENKOV, A. TOROPIN, S. TROITSKY, V. EPSHTEYN, V. GAVRILOV, V. KAFTANOV, M. KOSSOV, A. KROKHOTIN, S. KULESHOV, N. LYCHKOVSKAYA, A. OULIANOV, G. SAFRONOV, S. SEMENOV, I. SHREYBER, V. STOLIN, E. VLASOV, A. ZHOKIN, E. BOOS, M. DUBININ, L. DUDKO, A. ERSHOV, A. GRIBUSHIN, O. KODOLOVA, I. LOKHTIN, S. OBRAZTSOV, S. PETRUSHANKO, L. SARYCHEVA, V. SAVRIN, A. SNIGIREV, V. ANDREEV, M. AZARKIN, I. DREMIN, M. KIRAKOSYAN, S.V. RUSAKOV, A. VINOGRADOV, I. AZHGIREY, S. BITIOUKOV, V. GRISHIN1, V. KACHANOV, D. KONSTANTINOV, V. KRYCHKINE, V. PETROV, R. RYUTIN, S. SLABOSPITSKY, A. SOBOL, L. TOURTCHANOVITCH, S. TROSHIN, N. TYURIN, A. UZUNIAN, A. VOLKOV, P. ADZIC, M. DJORDJEVIC, D. KRPIC, D. MALETIC, J. MILOSEVIC, J. PUZOVIC, M. AGUILAR-BENITEZ, J. ALCARAZ MAESTRE, P. ARCE, C. BATTILANA, E. CALVO, M. CEPEDA, M. CERRADA, N. COLINO, B. DE LA CRUZ, C. DIEZ PARDOS, C. FERNANDEZ BEDOYA, J.P. FERN N4ANDEZ RAMOS, A. FERRANDO, J. FLIX, M.C. FOUZ, P. GARCIA-ABIA, O. GONZALEZ LOPEZ, S. GOY LOPEZ, J.M. HERNANDEZ, M.I. JOSA, G. MERINO, J. PUERTA PELAYO, I. REDONDO, L. ROMERO, J. SANTAOLALLA, C. WILLMOTT, C. ALBAJAR, G. CODISPOTI, J.F. DE TROC N4ONIZ, J. CUEVAS, J. FERNANDEZ MENENDEZ, S. FOLGUERAS, I. GONZALEZ CABALLERO, L. LLORET IGLESIAS, J.M. VIZAN GARCIA, I.J. CABRILLO, A. CALDERON, M. CHAMIZO LLATAS, S.H. CHUANG, I. DIAZ MERINO, C. DIEZ GONZALEZ, J. DUARTE CAMPDERROS, M. FELCINI, M. FERNANDEZ, G. GOMEZ, J. GONZALEZ SANCHEZ, R. GONZALEZ, SUAREZ, C. JORDA, P. LOBELLE PARDO, A. LOPEZ VIRTO, J. MARCO, R. MARCO, C. MARTINEZ RIVERO, F. MATORRAS, J. PIEDRA GOMEZ, T. RODRIGO, A. RUIZ JIMENO, L. SCODELLARO, M. SOBRON SANUDO, I. VILA, R. VILAR CORTABITARTE, D. ABBANEO, E. AUFFRAY, P. BAILLON, A.H. BALL, D. BARNEY, F. BEAUDETTE, A.J. BELL, D. BENEDETTI, C. BERNET, A.K. BHATTACHARYYA, W. BIALAS, P. BLOCH, A. BOCCI, S. BOLOGNESI, H. BREUKER, G. BRONA, K. BUNKOWSKI, T. CAMPORESI, E. CANO, A. CATTAI, G. CERMINARA, T. CHRISTIANSEN, J.A. COARASA, PEREZ, R. COVARELLI, B. CUR N4E, D. D $B!G (BENTERRIA, T. DAHMS, A. DE ROECK, A. ELLIOTT-PEISERT, W. FUNK, A. GADDI, S. GENNAI, G. GEORGIOU, H. GERWIG, D. GIGI, K. GILL, D. GIORDANO, F. GLEGE, R. GOMEZ-REINO GARRIDO, M. GOUZEVITCH, S. GOWDY, L. GUIDUCCI, M. HANSEN, J. HARVEY, J. HEGEMAN, B. HEGNER, C. HENDERSON, H.F. HOFFMANN, A. HONMA, V. INNOCENTE, P. JANOT, E. KARAVAKIS, P. LECOQ, C. LEONIDOPOULOS, C. LOURENC N8O, A. MACPHERSON, T. M N(AKI, L. MALGERI, M. MANNELLI, L. MASETTI, F. MEIJERS, S. MERSI, E. MESCHI, R. MOSER, M.U. MOZER, M. MULDERS, E. NESVOLD1, L. ORSINI, E. PEREZ, A. PETRILLI, A. PFEIFFER, M. PIERINI, M. PIMI¨A, G. POLESE, A. RACZ, G. ROLANDI, C. ROVELLI, M. ROVERE, H. SAKULIN, C. SCH N(AFER, C. SCHWICK, I. SEGONI, P. SIEGRIST, M. SIMON, P. SPHICAS, D. SPIGA, M. SPIROPULU, F. ST N(OCKLI, M. STOYE, P. TROPEA, A. TSIROU, G.I. VERES, P. VICHOUDIS, M. VOUTILAINEN, W.D. ZEUNER, W. BERTL, K. DEITERS, W. ERDMANN, K. GABATHULER, R. HORISBERGER, Q. INGRAM, H.C. KAESTLI, S. K N(ONIG, D. KOTLINSKI, U. LANGENEGGER, F. MEIER, D. RENKER, T. ROHE, J. SIBILLE, A. STARODUMOV, L. CAMINADA, Z. CHEN, S. CITTOLIN, G. DISSERTORI, M. DITTMAR, J. EUGSTER, K. FREUDENREICH, C. GRAB, A. HERV N4E, W. HINTZ, P. LECOMTE, W. LUSTERMANN, C. MARCHICA27, P. MARTINEZ RUIZ, DEL ARBOL, P. MERIDIANI, P. MILENOVIC, F. MOORTGAT, A. NARDULLI, P. NEF, F. NESSI-TEDALDI, L. PAPE, F. PAUSS, T. PUNZ, A. RIZZI, F.J. RONGA, L. SALA, A.K. SANCHEZ, M.-C. SAWLEY, B. STIEGER, L. TAUSCHERY, A. THEA, K. THEOFILATOS, D. TREILLE, C. URSCHELER, R. WALLNY, M. WEBER, L. WEHRLI, J. WENG, E. AGUIL´O, C. AMSLER, V. CHIOCHIA, S. DE VISSCHER, C. FAVARO, M. IVOVA RIKOVA, A. JAEGER, B. MILLAN MEJIAS, C. REGENFUS, P. ROBMANN, T. ROMMERSKIRCHEN, A. SCHMIDT, H. SNOEK, L.WILKE, Y.H. CHANG, K.H. CHEN, W.T. CHEN, S. DUTTA, A. GO, C.M. KUO, S.W. LI, W. LIN, M.H. LIU, Z.K. LIU, Y.J. LU, J.H.WU, S.S. YU, P. BARTALINI, P. CHANG, Y.W. CHANG, Y. CHAO, K.F. CHEN, W.-S. HOU, Y. HSIUNG, K.Y. KAO, Y.J. LEI, R.-S. LU, J.G. SHIU, Y.M. TZENG, M.WANG, J.T.WEI, A. ADIGUZEL, M.N. BAKIRCI, S. CERCI, Z. DEMIR, C. DOZEN, I. DUMANOGLU, E. ESKUT, S. GIRGIS, G. G N(OKBULUT, Y. G N( ULER, E. GURPINAR, I. HOS, E.E. KANGAL, T. KARAMAN, A. KAYIS TOPAKSU, A. NART, G. O N( NENGU N( T, K. OZDEMIR, S. OZTURK, A. POLATO N(Z, K. SOGUT, B. TALI, H. TOPAKLI, D. UZUN, L.N. VERGILI, M. VERGILI, C. ZORBILMEZ, I.V. AKIN, T. ALIEV, S. BILMIS, M. DENIZ, H. GAMSIZKAN, A.M. GULER, K. OCALAN, A. OZPINECI, M. SERIN, R. SEVER, U.E. SURAT, E. YILDIRIM, M. ZEYREK, M. DELIOMEROGLU, D. DEMIR, E. GU¨LMEZ, A. HALU, B. ISILDAK, M. KAYA, O. KAYA, M. O¨ZBEK, S. OZKORUCUKLU, N. SONMEZ, L. LEVCHUK, P. BELL, F. BOSTOCK, J.J. BROOKE, T.L. CHENG, D. CUSSANS, R. FRAZIER, J. GOLDSTEIN, M. GRIMES, G.P. HEATH, H.F. HEATH, C. HILL, B. HUCKVALE, J. JACKSON, L. KRECZKO, S. METSON, D.M. NEWBOLD, K. NIRUNPONG, A. POLL, V.J. SMITH, S.WARD, L. BASSO, K.W. BELL, A. BELYAEV, C. BREW, R.M. BROWN, B. CAMANZI, D.J.A. COCKERILL, J.A. COUGHLAN, K. HARDER, S. HARPER, B.W. KENNEDY, E. OLAIYA, D. PETYT, B.C. RADBURN-SMITH, C.H. SHEPHERD-THEMISTOCLEOUS, I.R. TOMALIN, W.J.WOMERSLEY, S.D.WORM, R. BAINBRIDGE, G. BALL, J. BALLIN, R. BEUSELINCK, O. BUCHMULLER, D. COLLING, N. CRIPPS, M. CUTAJAR, G. DAVIES, M. DELLA NEGRA, C. FOUDAS, J. FULCHER, D. FUTYAN, A. GUNERATNE BRYER, G. HALL, Z. HATHERELL, J. HAYS, G. ILES, G. KARAPOSTOLI, L. LYONS, A.-M. MAGNAN, J. MARROUCHE, R. NANDI, J. NASH, A. NIKITENKO, A. PAPAGEORGIOU, M. PESARESI, K. PETRIDIS, M. PIOPPI, D.M. RAYMOND, N. ROMPOTIS, A. ROSE, M.J. RYAN, C. SEEZ, P. SHARP, A. SPARROW, A. TAPPER, S. TOURNEUR, M. VAZQUEZ ACOSTA, T. VIRDEE1, S.WAKEFIELD, D.WARDROPE, T. WHYNTIE, M. BARRETT, M. CHADWICK, J.E. COLE, P.R. HOBSON, A. KHAN, P. KYBERD, D. LESLIE, W. MARTIN, I.D. REID, L. TEODORESCU, K. HATAKEYAMA, T. BOSE, E. CARRERA JARRIN, A. CLOUGH, C. FANTASIA, A. HEISTER, J. ST. JOHN, P. LAWSON, D. LAZIC, J. ROHLF, L. SULAK, J. ANDREA, A. AVETISYAN, J.P. CHOU, D. CUTTS, S. ESEN, A. FERAPONTOV, U. HEINTZ, S. JABEEN, G. KUKARTSEV, G. LANDSBERG, M. NARAIN, D. NGUYEN, M. SEGALA, T. SPEER, K.V. TSANG, M.A. BORGIA, R. BREEDON, M. CALDERON DE LA BARCA SANCHEZ, D. CEBRA, M. CHERTOK, J. CONWAY, P.T. COX, J. DOLEN, R. ERBACHER, E. FRIIS, W. KO, A. KOPECKY, R. LANDER, H. LIU, S. MARUYAMA, T. MICELI, M. NIKOLIC, D. PELLETT, J. ROBLES, T. SCHWARZ, M. SEARLE, J. SMITH, M. SQUIRES, M. TRIPATHI, R. VASQUEZ SIERRA, C. VEELKEN, K. ARISAKA, D. CLINE, R. COUSINS, A. DEISHER, J. DURIS, S. ERHAN, C. FARRELL, J. HAUSER, M. IGNATENKO, C. JARVIS, C. PLAGER, G. RAKNESS, P. SCHLEIN, J. TUCKER, V. VALUEV, J. BABB, R. CLARE, J. ELLISON, J.W. GARY, F. GIORDANO, G. HANSON, G.Y. JENG, S.C. KAO, F. LIU, A. LUTHRA, H. NGUYEN, G. PASZTOR, A. SATPATHY, B.C. SHENY, R. STRINGER, J. STURDY, S. SUMOWIDAGDO, R.WILKEN, S.WIMPENNY, W. ANDREWS, J.G. BRANSON, E. DUSINBERRE, D. EVANS, F. GOLF, A. HOLZNER, R. KELLEY, M. LEBOURGEOIS, J. LETTS, B. MANGANO, J. MUELMENSTAEDT, S. PADHI, C. PALMER, G. PETRUCCIANI, H. PI, M. PIERI, R. RANIERI, M. SANI, V. SHARMA1, S. SIMON, Y. TU, A. VARTAK, F. W N(URTHWEIN, A. YAGIL, D. BARGE, R. BELLAN, C. CAMPAGNARI, M. D'ALFONSO, T. DANIELSON, P. GEFFERT, J. INCANDELA, C. JUSTUS, P. KALAVASE, S.A. KOAY, D. KOVALSKYI, V. KRUTELYOV, S. LOWETTE, N. MCCOLL, V. PAVLUNIN, F. REBASSOO, J. RIBNIK, J. RICHMAN, R. ROSSIN, D. STUART, W. TO, J.R. VLIMANT, M.WITHERELL, A. BORNHEIM, J. BUNN, Y. CHEN, M. GATAULLIN, D. KCIRA, V. LITVINE, Y. MA, A. MOTT, H.B. NEWMAN, C. ROGAN, K. SHIN, V. TIMCIUC, P. TRACZYK, J. VEVERKA, R.WILKINSON, Y. YANG, R.Y. ZHU, B. AKGUN, A. CALAMBA, R. CARROLL, T. FERGUSON, Y. IIYAMA, D.W. JANG, S.Y. JUN, Y.F. LIU, M. PAULINI, J. RUSS, N. TERENTYEV, H. VOGEL, I. VOROBIEV, J.P. CUMALAT, M.E. DINARDO, B.R. DRELL, C.J. EDELMAIER, W.T. FORD, B. HEYBURN, E. LUIGGI LOPEZ, U. NAUENBERG, J.G. SMITH, K. STENSON, K.A. ULMER, S.R.WAGNER, S.L. ZANG, L. AGOSTINO, J. ALEXANDER, F. BLEKMAN, A. CHATTERJEE, S. DAS, N. EGGERT, L.J. FIELDS, L.K. GIBBONS, B. HELTSLEY, K. HENRIKSSON, W. HOPKINS, A. KHUKHUNAISHVILI, B. KREIS, V. KUZNETSOV, Y. LIU, G. NICOLAS KAUFMAN, J.R. PATTERSON, D. PUIGH, D. RILEY, A. RYD, M. SAELIM, X. SHI, W. SUN, W.D. TEO, J. THOM, J. THOMPSON, J. VAUGHAN, Y.WENG, P.WITTICH, A. BISELLI, G. CIRINO, D. WINN, S. ABDULLIN, M. ALBROW, J. ANDERSON, G. APOLLINARI, M. ATAC, J.A. BAKKEN, L.A.T. BAUERDICK, A. BERETVAS, J. BERRYHILL, P.C. BHAT, I. BLOCH, F. BORCHERDING, K. BURKETT, J.N. BUTLER, V. CHETLURU, H.W.K. CHEUNG, F. CHLEBANA, S. CIHANGIR, M. DEMARTEAU, D.P. EARTLY, V.D. ELVIRA, I. FISK, J. FREEMAN, Y. GAO, E. GOTTSCHALK, D. GREEN, K. GUNTHOTI, O. GUTSCHE, A. HAHN, J. HANLON, R.M. HARRIS, J. HIRSCHAUER, E. JAMES, H. JENSEN, M. JOHNSON, U. JOSHI, R. KHATIWADA, B. KILMINSTER, B. KLIMA, K. KOUSOURIS, S. KUNORI, S. KWAN, P. LIMON, R. LIPTON, J. LYKKEN, K. MAESHIMA, J.M. MARRAFFINO, D. MASON, P. MCBRIDE, T. MCCAULEY, T. MIAO, K. MISHRA, S. MRENNA, Y. MUSIENKO, C. NEWMAN-HOLMES, V. O $B!G (BDELL, S. POPESCU, R. PORDES, O. PROKOFYEV, N. SAOULIDOU, E. SEXTON-KENNEDY, S. SHARMA, A. SOHA, W.J. SPALDING, L. SPIEGEL, P. TAN, L. TAYLOR, S. TKACZYK, L. UPLEGGER, E.W. VAANDERING, R. VIDAL, J. WHITMORE, W. WU, F. YANG, F. YUMICEVA, J.C. YUN, D. ACOSTA, P. AVERY, D. BOURILKOV, M. CHEN, G.P. DI GIOVANNI, D. DOBUR, A. DROZDETSKIY, R.D. FIELD, M. FISHER, Y. FU, I.K. FURIC, J. GARTNER, S. GOLDBERG, B. KIM, S. KLIMENKO, J. KONIGSBERG, A. KORYTOV, K. KOTOV, A. KROPIVNITSKAYA, T. KYPREOS, K. MATCHEV, G. MITSELMAKHER, L. MUNIZ, Y. PAKHOTIN, M. PETTERSON, C. PRESCOTT, R. REMINGTON, M. SCHMITT, B. SCURLOCK, P. SELLERS, M. SNOWBALL, D.WANG, J. YELTON, M. ZAKARIA, C. CERON, V. GAULTNEY, L. KRAMER, L.M. LEBOLO, S. LINN, P. MARKOWITZ, G. MARTINEZ, D. MESA, J.L. RODRIGUEZ, T. ADAMS, A. ASKEW, J. BOCHENEK, J. CHEN, B. DIAMOND, S.V. GLEYZER, J. HAAS, S. HAGOPIAN, V. HAGOPIAN, M. JENKINS, K.F. JOHNSON, H. PROSPER, S. SEKMEN, V. VEERARAGHAVAN, M.M. BAARMAND, B. DORNEY, S. GURAGAIN, M. HOHLMANN, H. KALAKHETY, R. RALICH, I. VODOPIYANOV, M.R. ADAMS, I.M. ANGHEL, L. APANASEVICH, Y. BAI, V.E. BAZTERRA, R.R. BETTS, J. CALLNER, R. CAVANAUGH, C. DRAGOIU, E.J. GARCIA-SOLIS, C.E. GERBER, D.J. HOFMAN, S. KHALATYAN, F. LACROIX, C. O $B!G (BBRIEN, E. SHABALINA, C. SILVESTRE, A. SMORON, D. STROM, N. VARELAS, U. AKGUN, E.A. ALBAYRAK, B. BILKI, K. CANKOCAK, W. CLARIDA, F. DURU, C.K. LAE, E. MCCLIMENT, J.-P. MERLO, H. MERMERKAYA, A. MESTVIRISHVILI, A. MOELLER, J. NACHTMAN, C.R. NEWSOM, E. NORBECK, J. OLSON, Y. ONEL, F. OZOK, S. SEN, J.WETZEL, T. YETKIN, K. YI, B.A. BARNETT, B. BLUMENFELD, A. BONATO, C. ESKEW, D. FEHLING, G. GIURGIU, A.V. GRITSAN, Z.J. GUO, G. HU, P. MAKSIMOVIC, S. RAPPOCCIO, M. SWARTZ, N.V. TRAN, A. WHITBECK, P. BARINGER, A. BEAN, G. BENELLI, O. GRACHOV, M. MURRAY, D. NOONAN, V. RADICCI, S. SANDERS, J.S.WOOD, V. ZHUKOVA, D. BANDURIN, T. BOLTON, I. CHAKABERIA, A. IVANOV, M. MAKOUSKI, Y. MARAVIN, S. SHRESTHA, I. SVINTRADZE, Z.WAN, J. GRONBERG, D. LANGE, D. WRIGHT, A. BADEN, M. BOUTEMEUR, S.C. ENO, D. FERENCEK, J.A. GOMEZ, N.J. HADLEY, R.G. KELLOGG, M. KIRN, Y. LU, A.C. MIGNEREY, K. ROSSATO, P. RUMERIO, F. SANTANASTASIO, A. SKUJA, J. TEMPLE, M.B. TONJES, S.C. TONWAR, E. TWEDT, B. ALVER, G. BAUER, J. BENDAVID, W. BUSZA, E. BUTZ, I.A. CALI, M. CHAN, V. DUTTA, P. EVERAERTS, G. GOMEZ CEBALLOS, M. GONCHAROV, K.A. HAHN, P. HARRIS, Y. KIM, M. KLUTE, Y.-J. LEE, C. LOIZIDES, P.D. LUCKEY, T. MA, S. NAHN, C. PAUS, C. ROLAND, G. ROLAND, M. RUDOLPH, G.S.F. STEPHANS, K. SUMOROK, K. SUNG, E.A. WENGER, B. WYSLOUCH, S. XIE, Y. YILMAZ, A.S. YOON, M. ZANETTI, P. COLE, S.I. COOPER, P. CUSHMAN, B. DAHMES, A. DE BENEDETTI, P.R. DUDERO, G. FRANZONI, J. HAUPT, K. KLAPOETKE, Y. KUBOTA, J. MANS, V. REKOVIC, R. RUSACK, M. SASSEVILLE, A. SINGOVSKY, L.M. CREMALDI, R. GODANG, R. KROEGER, L. PERERA, R. RAHMAT, D.A. SANDERS, D. SUMMERS, K. BLOOM, S. BOSE, J. BUTT, D.R. CLAES, A. DOMINGUEZ, M. EADS, J. KELLER, T. KELLY, I. KRAVCHENKO, J. LAZO-FLORES, C. LUNDSTEDT, H. MALBOUISSON, S. MALIK, G.R. SNOW, U. BAUR, A. GODSHALK, I. IASHVILI, A. KHARCHILAVA, K. SMITH, J. ZENNAMO, G. ALVERSON, E. BARBERIS, D. BAUMGARTEL, O. BOERIU, M. CHASCO, K. KAADZE, S. REUCROFT, J. SWAIN, D. WOOD, J. ZHANG, A. ANASTASSOV, A. KUBIK, N. ODELL, R.A. OFIERZYNSKI, B. POLLACK, A. POZDNYAKOV, S. STOYNEV, M. VELASCO, S.WON, L. ANTONELLI, D. BERRY, M. HILDRETH, C. JESSOP, D.J. KARMGARD, J. KOLB, T. KOLBERG, K. LANNON, W. LUO, S. LYNCH, N. MARINELLI, D.M. MORSE, T. PEARSON, R. RUCHTI, J. SLAUNWHITE, N. VALLS, J. WARCHOL, M.WAYNE, J. ZIEGLER, B. BYLSMA, L.S. DURKIN, J. GU, P. KILLEWALD, T.Y. LING, M. RODENBURG, G.WILLIAMS, N. ADAM, E. BERRY, P. ELMER, D. GERBAUDO, V. HALYO, P. HEBDA, A. HUNT, J. JONES, E. LAIRD, D. LOPES PEGNA, D. MARLOW, T. MEDVEDEVA, M. MOONEY, J. OLSEN, P. PIROU´E, H. SAKA, D. STICKLAND, C. TULLY, J.S.WERNER, A. ZURANSKI, J.G. ACOSTA, X.T. HUANG, A. LOPEZ, H. MENDEZ, S. OLIVEROS, J.E. RAMIREZ VARGAS, A. ZATSERKLYANIY, E. ALAGOZ, V.E. BARNES, G. BOLLA, L. BORRELLO, D. BORTOLETTO, A. EVERETT, A.F. GARFINKEL, Z. GECSE, L. GUTAY, M. JONES, O. KOYBASI, A.T. LAASANEN, N. LEONARDO, C. LIU, V. MAROUSSOV, M. MEIER, P. MERKEL, D.H. MILLER, N. NEUMEISTER, K. POTAMIANOS, I. SHIPSEY, D. SILVERS, A. SVYATKOVSKIY, H.D. YOO, J. ZABLOCKI, Y. ZHENG, P. JINDAL, N. PARASHAR, C. BOULAHOUACHE, V. CUPLOV, K.M. ECKLUND, F.J.M. GEURTS, J.H. LIU, J. MORALES, B.P. PADLEY, R. REDJIMI, J. ROBERTS, J. ZABEL, B. BETCHART, A. BODEK, Y.S. CHUNG, P. DE BARBARO, R. DEMINA, Y. ESHAQ, H. FLACHER, A. GARCIA, BELLIDO, P. GOLDENZWEIG, Y. GOTRA, J. HAN, A. HAREL, D.C. MINER, D. ORBAKER, G. PETRILLO, D. VISHNEVSKIY, M. ZIELINSKI, A. BHATTI, L. DEMORTIER, K. GOULIANOS, G. LUNGU, C. MESROPIAN, M. YAN, O. ATRAMENTOV, A. BARKER, D. DUGGAN, Y. GERSHTEIN, R. GRAY, E. HALKIADAKIS, D. HIDAS, D. HITS, A. LATH, S. PANWALKAR, R. PATEL, A. RICHARDS, K. ROSE, S. SCHNETZER, S. SOMALWAR, R. STONE, S. THOMAS, G. CERIZZA, M. HOLLINGSWORTH, S. SPANIER, Z.C. YANG, A. YORK, J. ASAADI, R. EUSEBI, J. GILMORE, A. GURROLA, T. KAMON, V. KHOTILOVICH, R. MONTALVO, C.N. NGUYEN, J. PIVARSKI, A. SAFONOV, S. SENGUPTA, A. TATARINOV, D. TOBACK, M.WEINBERGER, N. AKCHURIN, C. BARDAK, J. DAMGOV, C. JEONG, K. KOVITANGGOON, S.W. LEE, P. MANE, Y. ROH, A. SILL, I. VOLOBOUEV, R.WIGMANS, E. YAZGAN, E. APPELT, E. BROWNSON, D. ENGH, C. FLOREZ, W. GABELLA, W. JOHNS, P. KURT, C. MAGUIRE, A. MELO, P. SHELDON, J. VELKOVSKA, M.W. ARENTON, M. BALAZS, S. BOUTLE, M. BUEHLER, S. CONETTI, B. COX, B. FRANCIS, R. HIROSKY, A. LEDOVSKOY, C. LIN, C. NEU, T. PATEL, R. YOHAY, S. GOLLAPINNI, R. HARR, P.E. KARCHIN, V. LOGGINS, M. MATTSON, C. MILST`ENE, A. SAKHAROV, M. ANDERSON, M. BACHTIS, J.N. BELLINGER, D. CARLSMITH, S. DASU, J. EFRON, L. GRAY, K.S. GROGG, M. GROTHE, R. HALL-WILTON, M. HERNDON, P. KLABBERS, J. KLUKAS, A. LANARO, C. LAZARIDIS, J. LEONARD, J. LIU, D. LOMIDZE, R. LOVELESS, A. MOHAPATRA, W. PARKER, D. REEDER, I. ROSS, A. SAVIN, W.H. SMITH, J. SWANSON, M.WEINBERG, S.CHATRCHYAN, F. PRIMAVERA, L. BRIGLIADORI, Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse - Colmar (Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA))-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse - Colmar (Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA))-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Yerevan Phys Inst, Inst Hochenergiephys OeAW, Natl Ctr Particle & High Energy Phys, Univ Antwerp, Vrije Univ Brussel, Univ Libre Brussels, Univ Ghent, Catholic Univ Louvain, Univ Mons, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF), Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Bulgarian Acad Sci, Univ Sofia, Inst High Energy Phys, Peking Univ, Universidad de los Andes, Tech Univ Split, Univ Split, Rudjer Boskovic Inst, Univ Cyprus, Charles Univ Prague, Egyptian Network High Energy Phys, NICPB, Univ Helsinki, Helsinki Inst Phys, Lappeenranta Univ Technol, Lab Annecy Le Vieux Phys Particules, CEA Saclay, Ecole Polytech, Univ Haute Alsace Mulhouse, Inst Natl Phys Nucl & Phys Particules IN2P3, Univ Lyon 1, Tbilisi State Univ, RWTH Aachen University, DESY, Univ Hamburg, Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Nucl Phys Demokritos, Univ Athens, Univ Ioannina, KFKI Res Inst Particle & Nucl Phys, Inst Nucl Res ATOMKI, Debrecen Univ Med, Panjab Univ, University of Delhi, Saha Inst Nucl Phys, Bhabha Atom Res Ctr, Tata Inst Fundamental Res EHEP, Tata Inst Fundamental Res HECR, Inst Res Fundamental Sci IPM, INFN Sez Bari, Univ Bari, Politecn Bari, INFN Sez Bologna, Univ Bologna, INFN Sez Catania, Univ Catania, INFN Sez Firenze, Univ Florence, Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, INFN Sez Genova, INFN Sez Milano Bicocca, Univ Milano Bicocca, INFN Sez Napoli, Univ Naples Federico II, INFN Sez Padova, Univ Padua, Univ Trent, INFN Sez Pavia, Univ Pavia, INFN Sez Perugia, Univ Perugia, INFN Sez Pisa, Univ Pisa, Scuola Normale Super Pisa, INFN Sez Roma, Univ Roma La Sapienza, INFN Sez Torino, Univ Turin, Univ Piemonte Orientale Novara, INFN Sez Trieste, Univ Trieste, Kangwon Natl Univ, Kyungpook Natl Univ, Chonnam Natl Univ, Konkuk Univ, Korea University, Univ Seoul, Sungkyunkwan Univ, Vilnius State Univ, IPN, Univ Iberoamer, Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla, Univ Autonoma San Luis Potosi, Univ Auckland, Univ Canterbury, Quaid I Azam Univ, Univ Warsaw, Soltan Inst Nucl Studies, Lab Instrumentacao Fis Expt Particulas, Joint Inst Nucl Res, Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst, Russian Acad Sci, Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ, PN Lebedev Phys Inst, State Res Ctr Russian Federat, University of Belgrade, Vinca Inst Nucl Sci, Ctr Invest Energet Medioambientales & Tecnol CIEM, Univ Autonoma Madrid, Univ Oviedo, Univ Cantabria, CERN, Paul Scherrer Inst, ETH, Univ Zurich, Natl Cent Univ, Natl Taiwan Univ, Cukurova Univ, Middle E Tech Univ, Bogazici Univ, Kharkov Inst Phys & Technol, Univ Bristol, Rutherford Appleton Lab, Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Brunel Univ, Baylor Univ, Univ Alabama, Boston University, Brown University, Univ Calif Davis, Univ Calif Los Angeles, University of California, Riverside (UCR), Univ Calif San Diego, Univ Calif Santa Barbara, CALTECH, Carnegie Mellon Univ, Univ Colorado, Cornell Univ, Fairfield Univ, Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, Univ Florida, Florida Int Univ, Florida State University, Florida Inst Technol, Univ Illinois Chicago UIC, Univ Iowa, Johns Hopkins Univ, University of Kansas (KU), Kansas State University, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab, University of Maryland, MIT, Univ Minnesota, Univ Nebraska, SUNY Buffalo, Northeastern University, Northwestern University (NU), Univ Notre Dame, Ohio State Univ, Princeton University, Univ Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ, Purdue University Calumet, Rice University, University of Rochester, Rockefeller Univ, Rutgers State Univ, Univ Tennessee, Texas A&M Univ, Texas Tech Univ, Vanderbilt Univ, University of Virginia (UVA), Wayne State Univ, Univ Wisconsin, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Suez Canal Univ, British Univ, Fayoum Univ, Ain Shams Univ, Univ Haute Alsace, Brandenburg Tech Univ Cottbus, Eotvos Lorand Univ, King Abdulaziz Univ, Visva Bharati Univ, Sharif Univ Technol, Isfahan Univ Technol, Shiraz Univ, Islamic Azad Univ, Univ Rome, Univ Basilicata, Univ Siena, Scuola Norma & Sez INFN, Gaziosmanpasa Univ, Adiyaman Univ, Mersin Univ, Kafkas Univ, Suleyman Demirel Univ, Ege Univ, Univ Southampton, Univ Sydney, Utah Valley Univ, Los Alamos Natl Lab, Erzincan Univ, Chatrchyan, S, Khachatryan, V, Sirunyan, Am, Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Bergauer, T, Dragicevic, M, Ero, J, Fabjan, C, Friedl, M, Fruehwirth, R, Ghete, Vm, Hammer, J, Hoch, M, Hormann, N, Hrubec, J, Jeitler, M, Kiesenhofer, W, Krammer, M, Liko, D, Mikulec, I, Pernicka, M, Rahbaran, B, Rohringer, C, Rohringer, H, Schofbeck, R, Strauss, J, Taurok, A, Teischinger, F, Wagner, P, Waltenberger, W, Walzel, G, Widl, E, Wulz, Ce, Mossolov, V, Shumeiko, N, Gonzalez, J, Bansal, S, Benucci, L, De Wolf, Ea, Janssen, X, Luyckx, S, Maes, T, Mucibello, L, Ochesanu, S, Roland, B, Rougny, R, Selvaggi, M, Van Haevermaet, H, Van Mechelen, P, Van Remortel, N, Van Spilbeeck, A, Blekman, F, Blyweert, S, D'Hondt, J, Suarez, Rg, Kalogeropoulos, A, Maes, M, Olbrechts, A, Van Doninck, W, Van Mulders, P, Van Onsem, Gp, Villella, I, Charaf, O, Clerbaux, B, De Lentdecker, G, Dero, V, Gay, Apr, Hammad, Gh, Hreus, T, Leonard, A, Marage, Pe, Thomas, L, Velde, Cv, Vanlaer, P, Wickens, J, Adler, V, Beernaert, K, Cimmino, A, Costantini, S, Grunewald, M, Klein, B, Lellouch, J, Marinov, A, Mccartin, J, Ryckbosch, D, Strobbe, N, Thyssen, F, Tytgat, M, Vanelderen, L, Verwilligen, P, Walsh, S, Zaganidis, N, Basegmez, S, Bruno, G, Caudron, J, Ceard, L, Jeneret, Jd, Delaere, C, Favart, D, Forthomme, L, Giammanco, A, Gregoire, G, Hollar, J, Lemaitre, V, Liao, J, Militaru, O, Nuttens, C, Pagano, D, Pin, A, Piotrzkowski, K, Schul, N, Beliy, N, Caebergs, T, Daubie, E, Alves, Ga, Damiao, Dd, Pol, Me, Souza, Mhg, Alda, Wl, Carvalho, W, Custodio, A, Da Costa, Em, Martins, Cd, De Souza, Sf, Figueiredo, Dm, Mundim, L, Nogima, H, Oguri, V, Da Silva, Wlp, Santoro, A, Do Amaral, Sm, Sznajder, A, Anjos, T, Bernardes, Ca, Dias, Fa, Tomei, Trfp, Gregores, Em, Lagana, C, Marinho, F, Mercadante, Pg, Novaes, Sf, Padula, S, Darmenov, N, Genchev, V, Iaydjiev, P, Piperov, S, Rodozov, M, Stoykova, S, Sultanov, G, Tcholakov, V, Trayanov, R, Vutova, M, Dimitrov, A, Hadjiiska, R, Karadzhinova, A, Kozhuharov, V, Litov, L, Pavlov, B, Petkov, P, Bian, Jg, Chen, Gm, Chen, H, Jiang, Ch, Liang, D, Liang, S, Meng, X, Tao, J, Wang, J, Wang, X, Wang, Z, Xiao, H, Xu, M, Zang, J, Zhang, Z, Ban, Y, Guo, S, Guo, Y, Li, W, Mao, Y, Qian, Sj, Teng, H, Wang, S, Zhu, B, Zou, W, Cabrera, A, Moreno, Bg, Rios, Aao, Oliveros, Afo, Sanabria, Jc, Godinovic, N, Lelas, D, Plestina, R, Polic, D, Puljak, I, Antunovic, Z, Dzelalija, M, Kovac, M, Brigljevic, V, Duric, S, Kadija, K, Luetic, J, Morovic, S, Attikis, A, Galanti, M, Mousa, J, Nicolaou, C, Ptochos, F, Razis, Pa, Finger, M, Assran, Y, Kamel, Ae, Khalil, S, Mahmoud, Ma, Radi, A, Hektor, A, Kadastik, M, Muntel, M, Raidal, M, Rebane, L, Tiko, A, Azzolini, V, Eerola, P, Fedi, G, Voutilainen, M, Czellar, S, Harkonen, J, Heikkinen, A, Karimaki, V, Kinnunen, R, Kortelainen, Mj, Lampen, T, Lassila Perini, K, Lehti, S, Linden, T, Luukka, P, Maenpaa, T, Tuominen, E, Tuominiemi, J, Tuovinen, E, Ungaro, D, Wendland, L, Banzuzi, K, Karjalainen, A, Korpela, A, Tuuva, T, Sillou, D, Besancon, M, Choudhury, S, Dejardin, M, Denegri, D, Fabbro, B, Faure, Jl, Ferri, F, Ganjour, S, Givernaud, A, Gras, P, de Monchenault, Gh, Jarry, P, Locci, E, Malcles, J, Marionneau, M, Millischer, L, Rander, J, Rosowsky, A, Shreyber, I, Titov, M, Baffioni, S, Beaudette, F, Benhabib, L, Bianchini, L, Bluj, M, Broutin, C, Busson, P, Charlot, C, Daci, N, Dahms, T, Dobrzynski, L, Elgammal, S, de Cassagnac, Rg, Haguenauer, M, Mine, P, Mironov, C, Ochando, C, Paganini, P, Sabes, D, Salerno, R, Sirois, Y, Thiebaux, C, Veelken, C, Zabi, A, Agram, Jl, Andrea, J, Bloch, D, Bodin, D, Brom, Jm, Cardaci, M, Chabert, Ec, Collard, C, Conte, E, Drouhin, F, Ferro, C, Fontaine, Jc, Gele, D, Goerlach, U, Greder, S, Juillot, P, Karim, M, Le Bihan, Ac, Van Hove, P, Fassi, F, Mercier, D, Baty, C, Beauceron, S, Beaupere, N, Bedjidian, M, Bondu, O, Boudoul, G, Boume Diene, D, Brun, H, Chasserat, J, Chierici, R, Contardo, D, Depasse, P, El Mamouni, H, Falkiewicz, A, Fay, J, Gascon, S, Ille, B, Kurca, T, Le Grand, T, Lethuillier, M, Mirabito, L, Perries, S, Sordini, V, Tosi, S, Tschudi, Y, Verdier, P, Viret, S, Lomidze, D, Anagnostou, G, Beranek, S, Edelhoff, M, Feld, L, Heracleous, N, Hindrichs, O, Jussen, R, Klein, K, Merz, J, Ostapchuk, A, Perieanu, A, Raupach, F, Sammet, J, Schael, S, Sprenger, D, Weber, H, Weber, M, Wittmer, B, Zhukov, V, Ata, M, Dietz Laursonn, E, Erdmann, M, Hebbeker, T, Heidemann, C, Hinzmann, A, Hoepfner, K, Klimkovich, T, Klingebiel, D, Kreuzer, P, Lanske, D, Lingemann, J, Magass, C, Merschmeyer, M, Meyer, A, Papacz, P, Pieta, H, Reithler, H, Schmitz, Sa, Sonnenschein, L, Steggemann, J, Teyssier, D, Bontenackels, M, Cherepanov, V, Davids, M, Flugge, G, Geenen, H, Ahmad, Wh, Hoehle, F, Kargoll, B, Kress, T, Kuessel, Y, Linn, A, Nowack, A, Perchalla, L, Pooth, O, Rennefeld, J, Sauerland, P, Stahl, A, Tornier, D, Zoeller, Mh, Martin, Ma, Behrenhoff, W, Behrens, U, Bergholz, M, Bethani, A, Borras, K, Cakir, A, Campbell, A, Castro, E, Dammann, D, Eckerlin, G, Eckstein, D, Flossdorf, A, Flucke, G, Geiser, A, Hauk, J, Jung, H, Kasemann, M, Katsas, P, Kleinwort, C, Kluge, H, Knutsson, A, Kramer, M, Krucker, D, Kuznetsova, E, Lange, W, Lohmann, W, Lutz, B, Mankel, R, Marfin, I, Marienfeld, M, Melzer Pellmann, Ia, Meyer, Ab, Mnich, J, Mussgiller, A, Naumann Emme, S, Olzem, J, Petrukhin, A, Pitzl, D, Raspereza, A, Rosin, M, Salfeld Nebgen, J, Schmidt, R, Schoerner Sadenius, T, Sen, N, Spiridonov, A, Stein, M, Tomaszewska, J, Walsh, R, Wissing, C, Autermann, C, Blobel, V, Bobrovskyi, S, Draeger, J, Enderle, H, Gebbert, U, Gorner, M, Hermanns, T, Kaschube, K, Kaussen, G, Kirschenmann, H, Klanner, R, Lange, J, Mura, B, Nowak, F, Pietsch, N, Sander, C, Schettler, H, Schleper, P, Schlieckau, E, Schroder, M, Schum, T, Stadie, H, Steinbruck, G, Thomsen, J, Barth, C, Berger, J, Chwalek, T, De Boer, W, Dierlamm, A, Dirkes, G, Feindt, M, Gruschke, J, Guthoff, M, Hackstein, C, Hartmann, F, Heinrich, M, Held, H, Hoffmann, Kh, Honc, S, Katkov, I, Komaragiri, Jr, Kuhr, T, Martschei, D, Mueller, S, Muller, T, Niegel, M, Oberst, O, Oehler, A, Ott, J, Peiffer, T, Quast, G, Rabbertz, K, Ratnikov, F, Ratnikova, N, Renz, M, Rocker, S, Saout, C, Scheurer, A, Schieferdecker, P, Schilling, Fp, Schmanau, M, Schott, G, Simonis, Hj, Stober, Fm, Troendle, D, Wagner Kuhr, J, Weiler, T, Zeise, M, Ziebarth, Eb, Daskalakis, G, Geralis, T, Kesisoglou, S, Kyriakis, A, Loukas, D, Manolakos, I, Markou, A, Markou, C, Mavrommatis, C, Ntomari, E, Petrakou, E, Gouskos, L, Mertzimekis, Tj, Panagiotou, A, Saoulidou, N, Stiliaris, E, Evangelou, I, Foudas, C, Kokkas, P, Manthos, N, Papadopoulos, I, Patras, V, Triantis, Fa, Aranyi, A, Bencze, G, Boldizsar, L, Hajdu, C, Hidas, P, Horvath, D, Kapusi, A, Krajczar, K, Sikler, F, Veres, Gi, Vesztergombi, G, Beni, N, Molnar, J, Palinkas, J, Szillasi, Z, Veszpremi, V, Karancsi, J, Raics, P, Trocsanyi, Zl, Ujvari, B, Beri, Sb, Bhatnagar, V, Dhingra, N, Gupta, R, Jindal, M, Kaur, M, Kohli, Jm, Mehta, Mz, Nishu, N, Saini, Lk, Sharma, A, Singh, Ap, Singh, J, Singh, Sp, Ahuja, S, Choudhary, Bc, Kumar, A, Malhotra, S, Naimuddin, M, Ranjan, K, Shivpuri, Rk, Banerjee, S, Bhattacharya, S, Dutta, S, Gomber, B, Jain, S, Khurana, R, Sarkar, S, Choudhury, Rk, Dutta, D, Kailas, S, Kumar, V, Mohanty, Ak, Pant, Lm, Shukla, P, Aziz, T, Guchait, M, Gurtu, A, Maity, M, Majumder, D, Majumder, G, Mazumdar, K, Mohanty, Gb, Parida, B, Saha, A, Sudhakar, K, Wickramage, N, Dugad, S, Mondal, Nk, Arfaei, H, Bakhshiansohi, H, Etesami, Sm, Fahim, A, Hashemi, M, Hesari, H, Jafari, A, Khakzad, M, Mohammadi, A, Najafabadi, Mm, Mehdiabadi, Sp, Safarzadeh, B, Zeinali, M, Abbrescia, M, Barbone, L, Calabria, C, Colaleo, A, Creanza, D, De Fiippis, N, De Palma, M, Fiore, L, Iaselli, G, Lusito, L, Maggi, G, Maggi, M, Manna, N, Marangelli, B, My, S, Nuzzo, S, Pacifico, N, Pompili, A, Pugliese, G, Romano, F, Selvaggi, G, Silvestris, L, Tupputi, S, Zito, G, Abbiendi, G, Benvenuti, Ac, Bonacorsi, D, Braibant Giacomelli, S, Brigliadori, L, Capiluppi, P, Castro, A, Cavallo, Fr, Cuffiani, M, Dallavalle, Gm, Fabbri, F, Fanfani, A, Fasanella, D, Giacomelli, P, Grandi, C, Marcellini, S, Masetti, G, Meneghelli, M, Montanari, A, Navarria, Fl, Odorici, F, Perrotta, A, Primavera, F, Rossi, Am, Rovelli, T, Siroli, G, Travaglini, R, Albergo, S, Cappello, G, Chiorboli, M, Costa, S, Potenza, R, Tricomi, A, Tuve, C, Barbagli, G, Ciulli, V, Civinini, C, D'Alessandro, R, Focardi, E, Frosali, S, Gallo, E, Gonzi, S, Meschini, M, Paoletti, S, Sguazzoni, G, Tropiano, A, Benussi, L, Bianco, S, Colafranceschi, S, Piccolo, D, Fabbricatore, P, Musenich, R, Benaglia, A, De Guio, F, Di Matteo, L, Gennai, S, Ghezzi, A, Malvezzi, S, Martelli, A, Massironi, A, Menasce, D, Moroni, L, Paganoni, M, Pedrini, D, Ragazzi, S, Redaelli, N, Sala, S, de Fatis, Tt, Buontempo, S, Montoy, Cac, Cavallo, N, De Cosa, A, Dogangun, O, Fabozzi, F, Iorio, Aom, Lista, L, Merola, M, Paolucci, P, Azzi, P, Bacchetta, N, Bellan, P, Bisello, D, Branca, A, Carlin, R, Checchia, P, Dorigo, T, Dosselli, U, Gasparini, F, Gasparini, U, Gozzelino, A, Gulmini, M, Lacaprara, S, Lazzizzera, I, Margoni, M, Meneguzzo, At, Nespolo, M, Passaseo, M, Perrozzi, L, Pozzobon, N, Ronchese, P, Simonetto, F, Torassa, E, Tosi, M, Vanini, S, Zotto, P, Zumerle, G, Baesso, P, Berzano, U, Ratti, Sp, Riccardi, C, Torre, P, Vitulo, P, Viviani, C, Biasini, M, Bilei, Gm, Caponeri, B, Fano, L, Lariccia, P, Lucaroni, A, Mantovani, G, Menichelli, M, Nappi, A, Romeo, F, Santocchia, A, Taroni, S, Valdata, M, Azzurri, P, Bagliesi, G, Boccali, T, Broccolo, G, Castaldi, R, D'Agnolo, Rt, Dell'Orso, R, Fiori, F, Foa, L, Giassi, A, Kraan, A, Ligabue, Franco, Lomtadze, T, Martini, L, Messineo, A, Palla, F, Palmonari, F, Rizzi, A, Segneri, G, Serban, At, Spagnolo, P, Tenchini, R, Tonelli, G, Venturi, A, Verdini, Pc, Barone, L, Cavallari, F, Del Re, D, Diemoz, M, Franci, D, Grassi, M, Longo, E, Meridiani, P, Nourbakhsh, S, Organtini, G, Pandolfi, F, Paramatti, R, Rahatlou, S, Sigamani, M, Amapane, N, Arcidiacono, R, Argiro, S, Arneodo, M, Biino, C, Botta, C, Cartiglia, N, Castello, R, Costa, M, Demaria, N, Graziano, A, Mariotti, C, Maselli, S, Migliore, E, Monaco, V, Musich, M, Obertino, Mm, Pastrone, N, Pelliccioni, M, Potenza, A, Romero, A, Ruspa, M, Sacchi, R, Sola, V, Solano, A, Staiano, A, Pereira, Av, Belforte, S, Cossutti, F, Della Ricca, G, Gobbo, B, Marone, M, Montanino, D, Penzo, A, Heo, Sc, Nam, Sk, Chang, S, Chung, J, Kim, Dh, Kim, Gn, Kim, Je, Kong, Dj, Park, H, Ro, Sr, Son, Dc, Son, T, Kim, Jy, Kim, Zj, Song, S, Jo, Hy, Choi, S, Gyun, D, Hong, B, Jo, M, Kim, H, Kim, Tj, Lee, K, Moon, Dh, Park, Sk, Seo, E, Sim, K, Choi, M, Kang, S, Kim, Jh, Park, C, Park, Ic, Park, S, Ryu, G, Cho, Y, Choi, Y, Choi, Yk, Goh, J, Kim, M, Lee, B, Lee, J, Lee, S, Seo, H, Yu, I, Bilinskas, Mj, Grigelionis, I, Janulis, M, Martisiute, D, Petrov, P, Polujanskas, M, Sabonis, T, Castilla Valdez, H, De La Cruz Burelo, E, Heredia de La Cruz, I, Lopez Fernandez, R, Villalba, Rm, Martinez Ortega, J, Sanchez Hernandez, A, Villasenor Cendejas, Lm, Moreno, Sc, Valencia, Fv, Ibarguen, Ha, Linares, Ec, Pineda, Am, Reyes Santos, Ma, Krofcheck, D, Tam, J, Bell, Aj, Butler, Ph, Doesburg, R, Reucroft, S, Silverwood, H, Ahmad, M, Asghar, Mi, Hoorani, Hr, Khalid, S, Khan, Wa, Khurshid, T, Qazi, S, Shah, Ma, Shoaib, M, Brona, G, Cwiok, M, Dominik, W, Doroba, K, Kalinowski, A, Konecki, M, Krolikowski, J, Bialkowska, H, Boimska, B, Frueboes, T, Gokieli, R, Gorski, M, Kazana, M, Nawrocki, K, Romanowska Rybinska, K, Szleper, M, Wrochna, G, Zalewski, P, Almeida, N, Bargassa, P, David, A, Faccioli, P, Parracho, Pcf, Gallinaro, M, Musella, P, Nayak, A, Pelal, J, Ribeiro, Pq, Seixas, J, Varela, J, Afanasiev, S, Belotelov, I, Bunin, P, Gavrilenko, M, Golutvin, I, Gorbunov, I, Karjavin, V, Konoplyanikov, V, Kozlov, G, Laney, A, Moisenz, P, Palichik, V, Perelygin, V, Shmatov, S, Smirnov, V, Volodko, A, Zarubin, A, Evstyukhin, S, Golovtsov, V, Ivanov, Y, Kim, V, Levchenko, P, Murzin, V, Oreshkin, V, Smirnov, I, Sulimov, V, Uvarov, L, Vavilov, S, Vorobyev, A, Andreev, Y, Dermenev, A, Gninenko, S, Golubev, N, Kirsanov, M, Krasnikov, N, Matveev, V, Pashenkov, A, Toropin, A, Troitsky, S, Epshteyn, V, Erofeeva, M, Gavrilov, V, Kossov, M, Krokhotin, A, Lychkovskaya, N, Popov, V, Safronov, G, Semenov, S, Stolin, V, Vlasov, E, Zhokin, A, Belyaev, A, Boos, E, Dubinin, M, Dudko, L, Ershov, A, Gribushin, A, Kodolova, O, Lokhtin, I, Markina, A, Obraztsov, S, Perfilov, M, Petrushanko, S, Sarycheva, L, Savrin, V, Snigirev, A, Andreev, V, Azarkin, M, Dremin, I, Kirakosyan, M, Leonidov, A, Mesyats, G, Rusakov, Sv, Vinogradov, A, Azhgirey, I, Bayshev, I, Bitioukov, S, Grishini, V, Kachanov, V, Konstantinov, D, Korablev, A, Krychkine, V, Petrov, V, Ryutin, R, Sobol, A, Tourtchanovitch, L, Troshin, S, Tyurin, N, Uzunian, A, Volkov, A, Adzic, P, Djordjevic, M, Ekmedzic, M, Krpic, D, Milosevic, J, Aguilar Benitez, M, Maestre, Ja, Arce, P, Battilana, C, Calvo, E, Cerrada, M, Llatas, Mc, Colino, N, De La Cruz, B, Peris, Ad, Pardos, Cd, Vazquez, Dd, Bedoya, Cf, Ramos, Jpf, Ferrando, A, Flix, J, Fouz, Mc, Garcia Abia, P, Lopez, Og, Lopez, Sg, Hernandez, Jm, Josa, Mi, Merino, G, Pelayo, Jp, Redondo, I, Romero, L, Santaolalla, J, Soares, M, Willmott, C, Albajar, C, Codispoti, G, de Troconiz, Jf, Cuevas, J, Menendez, Jf, Folgueras, S, Caballero, Ig, Iglesias, Ll, Garcia, Jmv, Cifuentes, Jab, Cabrillo, Ij, Calderon, A, Chuang, Sh, Campderros, Jd, Felcini, M, Fernandez, M, Gomez, G, Sanchez, Jg, Jorda, C, Pardo, Pl, Virto, Al, Marco, J, Marco, R, Rivero, Cm, Matorras, F, Sanchez, Fjm, Gomez, Jp, Rodrigo, T, Rodriguez Marrero, Ay, Ruiz Jimeno, A, Scodellaro, L, Sanudo, M, Vila, I, Cortabitarte, Rv, Abbaneo, D, Auffray, E, Auzinger, G, Baillon, P, Ball, Ah, Barney, D, Bernet, C, Bialas, W, Bloch, P, Bocci, A, Breuker, H, Bunkowski, K, Camporesi, T, Cerminara, G, Christiansen, T, Perez, Jac, Cure, B, D'Enterria, D, De Roeck, A, Di Guida, S, Dobson, M, Dupont Sagorin, N, Elliott Peisert, A, Frisch, B, Funk, W, Gaddi, A, Georgiou, G, Gerwig, H, Giffels, M, Gigi, D, Gill, K, Giordano, D, Giunta, M, Glege, F, Garrido, Rgr, Gouzevitch, M, Govoni, P, Gowdy, S, Guida, R, Guiducci, L, Gundacker, S, Hansen, M, Hartl, C, Harvey, J, Hegeman, J, Hegner, B, Hoffmann, Hf, Innocente, V, Janot, P, Kaadze, K, Karavakis, E, Lecoq, P, Lenzi, P, Lourenco, C, Maki, T, Malberti, M, Malgeri, L, Mannelli, M, Masetti, L, Mavromanolakis, G, Meijers, F, Mersi, S, Meschi, E, Moser, R, Mozer, Mu, Mulders, M, Nesvold, E, Nguyen, M, Orimoto, T, Orsini, L, Cortezon, Ep, Perez, E, Petrilli, A, Pfeiffer, A, Pierini, M, Pimia, M, Piparo, D, Polese, G, Quertenmont, L, Racz, A, Reece, W, Antunes, Jr, Rolandi, Luigi, Rommerskirchen, T, Rovelli, C, Rovere, M, Sakulin, H, Santanastasio, F, Schafer, C, Schwick, C, Segoni, I, Siegrist, P, Silva, P, Simon, M, Sphicas, P, Spiga, D, Spiropulu, M, Stoye, M, Tsirou, A, Vichoudis, P, Wohri, Hk, Worm, Sd, Zeuner, Wd, Bertl, W, Deiters, K, Erdmann, W, Gabathuler, K, Horisberger, R, Ingram, Q, Kaestli, Hc, Konig, S, Kotlinski, D, Langenegger, U, Meier, F, Renker, D, Rohe, T, Sibille, J, Bani, L, Bortignon, P, Casal, B, Chanon, N, Chen, Z, Cittolin, S, Deisher, A, Dissertori, G, Dittmar, M, Eugster, J, Freudenreich, K, Grab, C, Lecomte, P, Lustermann, W, Marchica, C, del Arbol, Pmr, Milenovic, P, Mohr, N, Moortgat, F, Nageli, C, Nef, P, Nessi Tedaldi, F, Pape, L, Pauss, F, Peruzzi, M, Ronga, Fj, Rossini, M, Sala, L, Sanchez, Ak, Sawley, Mc, Starodumov, A, Stieger, B, Takahashi, M, Tauscher, L, Thea, A, Theofilatos, K, Treille, D, Urscheler, C, Wallny, R, Weber, Ha, Wehrli, L, Weng, J, Aguilo, E, Amsler, C, Chiochia, V, De Visscher, S, Favaro, C, Rikova, Mi, Mejias, Bm, Otiougova, P, Robmann, P, Schmidt, A, Snoek, H, Verzetti, M, Chang, Yh, Chen, Kh, Kuo, Cm, Li, Sw, Lin, W, Liu, Zk, Lu, Yj, Mekterovic, D, Volpe, R, Yu, S, Bartalini, P, Chang, P, Chang, Yw, Chao, Y, Chen, Kf, Dietz, C, Grundler, U, Hou, W, Hsiung, Y, Kao, Ky, Lei, Yj, Lu, R, Shiu, Jg, Tzeng, Ym, Wan, X, Wang, M, Adiguzel, A, Bakirci, Mn, Cerci, S, Dozen, C, Dumanoglu, I, Eskut, E, Girgis, S, Gokbulut, G, Hos, I, Kangal, Ee, Topaksu, Ak, Onengut, G, Ozdemir, K, Ozturk, S, Polatoz, A, Sogut, K, Cerci, D, Tai, B, Topakli, H, Uzun, D, Vergili, Ln, Vergili, M, Akin, Iv, Aliev, T, Bilin, B, Bilmis, S, Deniz, M, Gamsizkan, H, Guler, Am, Ocalan, K, Ozpineci, A, Serin, M, Sever, R, Surat, Ue, Yalvac, M, Yildirim, E, Zeyrek, M, Deliomeroglu, M, Gulmez, E, Isildak, B, Kaya, M, Kaya, O, Ozbek, M, Ozkorucuklu, S, Sonmez, N, Levchuk, L, Bostock, F, Brooke, Jj, Clement, E, Cussans, D, Frazier, R, Goldstein, J, Grimes, M, Heath, Gp, Heath, Hf, Kreczko, L, Metson, S, Newbold, Dm, Nirunpong, K, Poll, A, Senkin, S, Smith, Vj, Basso, L, Bell, Kw, Brew, C, Brown, Rm, Camanzi, B, Cockerill, Dja, Coughlan, Ja, Harder, K, Harper, S, Jackson, J, Kennedy, Bw, Olaiya, E, Petyt, D, Radburn Smith, Bc, Shepherd Themistocleous, Ch, Tomalin, Ir, Womersley, Wj, Bainbridge, R, Ball, G, Beuselinck, R, Buchmuller, O, Colling, D, Cripps, N, Cutajar, M, Dauncey, P, Davies, G, Della Negra, M, Ferguson, W, Fulcher, J, Futyan, D, Gilbert, A, Bryer, Ag, Hall, G, Hatherell, Z, Hays, J, Iles, G, Jarvis, M, Karapostoli, G, Lyons, L, Magnan, Am, Marrouche, J, Mathias, B, Nandi, R, Nash, J, Nikitenko, A, Papageorgiou, A, Pesaresi, M, Petridis, K, Pioppi, M, Raymond, Dm, Rogerson, S, Rompotis, N, Rose, A, Ryan, Mj, Seez, C, Sharp, P, Sparrow, A, Tapper, A, Tourneur, S, Acosta, Mv, Virdee, T, Wakefield, S, Wardle, N, Wardrope, D, Whyntie, T, Barrett, M, Chadwick, M, Cole, Je, Hobson, Pr, Khan, A, Kyberd, P, Leslie, D, Martin, W, Reid, Id, Teodorescu, L, Hatakeyama, K, Liu, H, Scarborough, T, Henderson, C, Avetisyan, A, Bose, T, Jarrin, Ec, Fantasia, C, Heister, A, John, J, Lawson, P, Lazic, D, Rohlf, J, Sperka, D, Sulak, L, Cutts, D, Ferapontov, A, Heintz, U, Jabeen, S, Kukartsev, G, Landsberg, G, Luk, M, Narain, M, Nguyen, D, Segala, M, Sinthuprasith, T, Speer, T, Tsang, Kv, Breedon, R, Breto, G, Sanchez, Mcd, Chauhan, S, Chertok, M, Conway, J, Conway, R, Cox, Pt, Dolen, J, Erbacher, R, Houtz, R, Ko, W, Kopecky, A, Lander, R, Mall, O, Maruyama, S, Miceli, T, Pellett, D, Robles, J, Rutherford, B, Searle, M, Smith, J, Squires, M, Tripathi, M, Sierra, Rv, Arisaka, K, Cline, D, Cousins, R, Duris, J, Erhan, S, Everaerts, P, Farrell, C, Hauser, J, Ignatenko, M, Jarvis, C, Plager, C, Rakness, G, Schlein, P, Tucker, J, Valuev, V, Babb, J, Clare, R, Ellison, J, Gary, Jw, Giordano, F, Hanson, G, Jeng, Gy, Kao, Sc, Long, Or, Luthra, A, Nguyen, H, Paramesvaran, S, Sturdy, J, Sumowidagdo, S, Wilken, R, Wimpenny, S, Andrews, W, Branson, Jg, Cerati, Gb, Evans, D, Golf, F, Holzner, A, Kelley, R, Lebourgeois, M, Letts, J, Mangano, B, Padhi, S, Palmer, C, Petrucciani, G, Pi, H, Pieri, M, Ranieri, R, Sani, M, Sfiligoi, I, Sharma, V, Simon, S, Sudano, E, Tadel, M, Tu, Y, Vartak, A, Wasserbaech, S, Wurthwein, F, Yagil, A, Yoo, J, Barge, D, Bellan, R, Campagnari, C, D'Alfonso, M, Danielson, T, Flowers, K, Geffert, P, George, C, Incandela, J, Justus, C, Kalavase, P, Koay, Sa, Kovalskyil, D, Krutelyov, V, Lowette, S, Mccoll, N, Mullin, Sd, Pavlunin, V, Rebassoo, F, Ribnik, J, Richman, J, Rossin, R, Stuart, D, To, W, Vlimant, Jr, West, C, Apresyan, A, Bornheim, A, Bunn, J, Chen, Y, Di Marco, E, Duarte, J, Gataullin, M, Ma, Y, Mott, A, Newman, Hb, Rogan, C, Timciuc, V, Traczyk, P, Veverka, J, Wilkinson, R, Yang, Y, Zhu, Ry, Akgun, B, Carroll, R, Ferguson, T, Iiyama, Y, Jang, Dw, Jun, Sy, Liu, Yf, Paulini, M, Russ, J, Vogel, H, Vorobiev, I, Cumalat, Jp, Dinardo, Me, Drell, Br, Edelmaier, Cj, Ford, Wt, Gaz, A, Heyburn, B, Lopez, El, Nauenberg, U, Smith, Jg, Stenson, K, Ulmer, Ka, Wagner, Sr, Zang, Sl, Agostino, L, Alexander, J, Chatterjee, A, Eggert, N, Gibbons, Lk, Heltsley, B, Hopkins, W, Khukhunaishvili, A, Kreis, B, Kaufman, Gn, Patterson, Jr, Puigh, D, Ryd, A, Salvati, E, Shi, X, Sun, W, Teo, Wd, Thom, J, Thompson, J, Vaughan, J, Weng, Y, Winstrom, L, Wittich, P, Biselli, A, Cirino, G, Winn, D, Abdullin, S, Albrow, M, Anderson, J, Apollinari, G, Atac, M, Bakken, Ja, Bauerdick, Lat, Beretvas, A, Berryhill, J, Bhat, Pc, Bloch, I, Burkett, K, Butler, Jn, Chetluru, V, Cheung, Hwk, Chlebana, F, Cihangir, S, Cooper, W, Eartly, Dp, Elvira, Vd, Esen, S, Fisk, I, Freeman, J, Gao, Y, Gottschalk, E, Green, D, Gutsche, O, Hanlon, J, Harris, Rm, Hirschauer, J, Hooberman, B, Jensen, H, Jindariani, S, Johnson, M, Joshi, U, Klima, B, Kousouris, K, Kunori, S, Kwan, S, Leonidopoulos, C, Lincoln, D, Lipton, R, Lykken, J, Maeshima, K, Marraffino, Jm, Mason, D, Mcbride, P, Miao, T, Mishra, K, Mrenna, S, Musienko, Y, Newman Holmes, C, O'Dell, V, Pivarski, J, Pordes, R, Prokofyev, O, Schwarz, T, Sexton Kennedy, E, Sharma, S, Spalding, Wj, Spiegel, L, Tan, P, Taylor, L, Tkaczyk, S, Uplegger, L, Vaandering, Ew, Vidal, R, Whitmore, J, Wu, W, Yang, F, Yumiceva, F, Yun, Jc, Acosta, D, Avery, P, Bourilkov, D, Chen, M, Das, S, De Gruttola, M, Di Giovanni, Gp, Dobur, D, Drozdetskiy, A, Field, Rd, Fisher, M, Fu, Y, Furic, Ik, Gartner, J, Goldberg, S, Hugon, J, Kim, B, Konigsberg, J, Korytov, A, Kropivnitskaya, A, Kypreos, T, Low, Jf, Matchev, K, Mitselmakher, G, Muniz, L, Park, M, Remington, R, Rinkevicius, A, Schmitt, M, Scurlock, B, Sellers, P, Skhirtladze, N, Snowball, M, Wang, D, Yelton, J, Zakaria, M, Gaultney, V, Lebolo, Lm, Linn, S, Markowitz, P, Martinez, G, Rodriguez, Jl, Adams, T, Askew, A, Bochenek, J, Chen, J, Diamond, B, Gleyzer, Sv, Haas, J, Hagopian, S, Hagopian, V, Jenkins, M, Johnson, Kf, Prosper, H, Sekmen, S, Veeraraghavan, V, Baarmand, Mm, Dorney, B, Hohlmann, M, Kalakhety, H, Vodopiyanov, I, Adams, Mr, Anghel, Im, Apanasevich, L, Bai, Y, Bazterra, Ve, Betts, Rr, Callner, J, Cavanaugh, R, Dragoiu, C, Gauthier, L, Gerber, Ce, Hofman, Dj, Khalatyan, S, Kunde, Gj, Lacroix, F, Malek, M, O'Brien, C, Silkworth, C, Silvestre, C, Strom, D, Varelas, N, Akgun, U, Albayrak, Ea, Bilki, B, Clarida, W, Duru, F, Griffiths, S, Lae, Ck, Mccliment, E, Merlo, Jp, Mermerkaya, H, Mestvirishvili, A, Moeller, A, Nachtman, J, Newsom, Cr, Norbeck, E, Olson, J, Onel, Y, Ozok, F, Sen, S, Tiras, E, Wetzel, J, Yetkin, T, Yi, K, Barnett, Ba, Blumenfeld, B, Bolognesi, S, Bonato, A, Eskew, C, Fehling, D, Giurgiu, G, Gritsan, Av, Guo, Zj, Hu, G, Maksimovic, P, Rappoccio, S, Swartz, M, Tran, Nv, Whitbeck, A, Baringer, P, Bean, A, Benelli, G, Grachov, O, Iii, Rpk, Murray, M, Noonan, D, Sanders, S, Stringer, R, Wood, J, Zhukova, V, Barfuss, Af, Bolton, T, Chakaberia, I, Ivanov, A, Makouski, M, Maravin, Y, Shrestha, S, Svintradze, I, Gronberg, J, Lange, D, Wright, D, Baden, A, Boutemeur, M, Calvert, B, Eno, Sc, Gomez, Ja, Hadley, Nj, Kellogg, Rg, Kirn, M, Lu, Y, Mignerey, Ac, Peterman, A, Rossato, K, Rumerio, P, Skuja, A, Temple, J, Tonjes, Mb, Tonwar, Sc, Twedt, E, Alver, B, Bauer, G, Bendavid, J, Busza, W, Butz, E, Cali, Ia, Chan, M, Dutta, V, Ceballos, Gg, Goncharov, M, Hahn, Ka, Harris, P, Kim, Y, Klute, M, Lee, Yj, Luckey, Pd, Ma, T, Nahn, S, Paus, C, Ralph, D, Roland, C, Roland, G, Rudolph, M, Stephans, Gsf, Stockli, F, Sumorok, K, Sung, K, Velicanu, D, Wenger, Ea, Wolf, R, Wyslouch, B, Xie, S, Yang, M, Yilmaz, Y, Yoon, A, Zanetti, M, Cooper, Si, Cushman, P, Dahmes, B, De Benedetti, A, Franzoni, G, Gude, A, Haupt, J, Klapoetke, K, Kubota, Y, Mans, J, Pastika, N, Rekovic, V, Rusack, R, Sasseville, M, Singovsky, A, Tambe, N, Turkewitz, J, Cremaldi, Lm, Godang, R, Kroeger, R, Perera, L, Rahmat, R, Sanders, Da, Summers, D, Avdeeva, E, Bloom, K, Bose, S, Butt, J, Claes, Dr, Dominguez, A, Eads, M, Jindal, P, Keller, J, Kravchenko, I, Lazo Flores, J, Malbouisson, H, Malik, S, Snow, Gr, Baur, U, Godshalk, A, Iashvili, I, Kharchilava, A, Smith, K, Wan, Z, Alverson, G, Barberis, E, Baumgartel, D, Chasco, M, Trocino, D, Wood, D, Zhang, J, Anastassov, A, Kubik, A, Mucia, N, Odell, N, Ofierzynski, Ra, Pollack, B, Pozdnyakov, A, Stoynev, S, Velasco, M, Won, S, Antonelli, L, Berry, D, Brinkerhoff, A, Hildreth, M, Jessop, C, Karmgard, Dj, Kolb, J, Kolberg, T, Lannon, K, Luo, W, Lynch, S, Marinelli, N, Morse, Dm, Pearson, T, Ruchti, R, Slaunwhite, J, Valls, N, Wayne, M, Ziegler, J, Bylsma, B, Durkin, L, Hill, C, Killewald, P, Kotov, K, Ling, Ty, Rodenburg, M, Vuosalo, C, Williams, G, Adam, N, Berry, E, Elmer, P, Gerbaudo, D, Halyo, V, Hebda, P, Hunt, A, Laird, E, Pegna, Dl, Lujan, P, Marlow, D, Medvedeva, T, Mooney, M, Olsen, J, Piroue, P, Quan, X, Raval, A, Saka, H, Land, D, Tully, C, Werner, J, Zuranski, A, Acosta, Jg, Huang, Xt, Lopez, A, Mendez, H, Oliveros, S, Vargas, Jer, Zatserklyaniy, A, Alagoz, E, Barnes, Ve, Benedetti, D, Bolla, G, Borrello, L, Bortoletto, D, De Mattia, M, Everett, A, Gutay, L, Hu, Z, Jones, M, Koybasi, O, Kress, M, Laasanen, At, Leonardo, N, Maroussov, V, Merkel, P, Miller, Dh, Neumeister, N, Shipsey, I, Silvers, D, Svyatkovskiy, A, Marono, Mv, Yoo, Hd, Zablocki, J, Zheng, Y, Guragain, S, Parashar, N, Adair, A, Boulahouache, C, Cuplov, V, Ecklund, Km, Geurts, Fjm, Padley, Bp, Redjimi, R, Roberts, J, Zabel, J, Betchart, B, Bodek, A, Chung, Y, Covarelli, R, de Barbaro, P, Demina, R, Eshaq, Y, Flacher, H, Garcia Bellido, A, Goldenzweig, P, Gotra, Y, Han, J, Harel, A, Miner, Dc, Petrillo, G, Sakumoto, W, Vishnevskiy, D, Zielinski, M, Bhatti, A, Ciesielski, R, Demortier, L, Goulianos, K, Lungu, G, Mesropian, C, Arora, S, Atramentov, O, Barker, A, Chou, Jp, Contreras Campana, C, Contreras Campana, E, Duggan, D, Ferencek, D, Gershtein, Y, Gray, R, Halkiadakis, E, Hidas, D, Hits, D, Lath, A, Panwalkar, S, Patel, R, Richards, A, Rose, K, Salur, S, Schnetzer, S, Somalwar, S, Stone, R, Thomas, S, Cerizza, G, Hollingsworth, M, Spanier, S, Yang, Zc, York, A, Eusebi, R, Flanagan, W, Gilmore, J, Kamon, T, Khotilovich, V, Montalvo, R, Osipenkov, I, Pakhotin, Y, Perloff, A, Roe, J, Safonov, A, Sengupta, S, Suarez, I, Tatarinov, A, Toback, D, Akchurin, N, Bardak, C, Damgov, J, Dudero, Pr, Jeong, C, Kovitanggoon, K, Lee, Sw, Libeiro, T, Mane, P, Roh, Y, Sill, A, Volobouev, I, Wigmans, R, Yazgan, E, Appelt, E, Brownson, E, Engh, D, Florez, C, Gabella, W, Gurrola, A, Issah, M, Johns, W, Johnston, C, Kurt, P, Maguire, C, Melo, A, Sheldon, P, Snook, B, Tuo, S, Velkovska, J, Arenton, Mw, Balazs, M, Boutle, S, Conetti, S, Cox, B, Francis, B, Goadhouse, S, Goodell, J, Hirosky, R, Ledovskoy, A, Lin, C, Neu, C, Yohay, R, Gollapinni, S, Harr, R, Karchin, Pe, Kankanamge, Ck, Lamichhane, P, Mattson, M, Milstene, C, Sakharov, A, Anderson, M, Bachtis, M, Belknap, D, Bellinger, Jn, Bernardini, J, Carlsmith, D, Cepeda, M, Dasu, S, Efron, J, Friis, E, Gray, L, Grogg, K, Grothe, M, Hall Wilton, R, Herndon, M, Herve, A, Klabbers, P, Klukas, J, Lanaro, A, Lazaridis, C, Leonard, J, Loveless, R, Mohapatra, A, Ojalvo, I, Pierro, Ga, Ross, I, Savin, A, Smith, Wh, Swanson, J, Weinberg, M., Sirunyan, A, Erö, J, Frühwirth, R, Ghete, V, Trauner, C, Wulz, C, Wolf, E, Haevermaet, H, Mechelen, P, Remortel, N, Spilbeeck, A, D’Hondt, J, Suarez, R, Doninck, W, Mulders, P, Onsem, G, Lentdecker, G, Gay, A, Hammad, G, Léonard, A, Marage, P, Velde, C, Gil, E, De Favereau De Jeneret, J, Grégoire, G, Ovyn, S, Alves, G, De Jesus Damiao, D, Pol, M, Souza, M, Júnior, W, Costa, E, De Oliveira Martins, C, De Souza, S, Figueiredo, D, Silva, W, Amaral, S, Bernardes, C, Dias, F, Tomei, T, Gregores, E, Mercadante, P, Novaes, S, Bian, J, Chen, G, Jiang, C, Qian, S, Moreno, B, Rios, A, Oliveros, A, Sanabria, J, Razis, P, Kamel, A, Mahmoud, M, Müntel, M, Karimäki, V, Kortelainen, M, Lampén, T, Lindén, T, Maenpaä, T, Faure, J, Monchenault, G, Cassagnac, R, Miné, P, Agram, J, Brom, J, Chabert, E, Fontaine, J, Gelé, D, Bihan, A, Hove, P, Boumediene, D, Mamouni, H, Grand, T, Schmitz, S, Flügge, G, Ahmad, W, Zoeller, M, Martin, M, Krücker, D, Melzer Pellmann, I, Görner, M, Steinbrück, G, Bauer, J, Buege, V, Boer, W, Hoffmann, K, Komaragiri, J, Müller, T, Schilling, F, Simonis, H, Stober, F, Ziebarth, E, Mertzimekis, T, Triantis, F, Veres, G, Trocsanyi, Z, Beri, S, Kohli, J, Mehta, M, Saini, L, Singh, A, Singh, S, Choudhary, B, Gupta, P, Shivpuri, R, Choudhury, R, Mohanty, A, Pant, L, Mohanty, G, Mondal, N, Etesami, S, Najafabadi, M, Mehdiabadi, S, Filippis, N, Palma, M, Benvenuti, A, Cavallo, F, Dallavalle, G, Navarria, F, Rossi, A, D’Alessandro, R, DE GUIO, F, DI MATTEO, L, Fatis, T, Montoya, C, Cosa, A, Iorio, A, Fanzago, F, Mazzucato, M, Meneguzzo, A, Ratti, S, Bilei, G, Fanò, L, D’Agnolo, R, Dell’Orso, R, Foà, L, Ligabue, F, Serban, A, Verdini, P, Re, D, Obertino, M, Pereira, A, Ricca, G, Heo, S, Nam, S, Kim, D, Kim, G, Kim, J, Kong, D, Ro, S, Son, D, Kim, Z, Jo, H, Kim, T, Moon, D, Park, I, Bilinskas, M, Cruz Burelo, E, Cruz, I, Villalba, R, Martínez Ortega, J, Villasenor Cendejas, L, Moreno, S, Valencia, F, Ibarguen, H, Linares, E, Pineda, A, Reyes Santos, M, Bell, A, Butler, P, Asghar, M, Hoorani, H, Khan, W, Shah, M, Górski, M, Parracho, P, Pela, J, Ribeiro, P, Lanev, A, Rusakov, S, Grishin, V, Maestre, J, Llatas, M, Cruz, B, Peris, A, Pardos, C, Vázquez, D, Bedoya, C, Ramos, J, Fouz, M, Lopez, O, Lopez, S, Hernandez, J, Josa, M, Pelayo, J, Trocóniz, J, Menendez, J, Caballero, I, Iglesias, L, Garcia, J, Cifuentes, J, Cabrillo, I, Chuang, S, Campderros, J, Sanchez, J, Pardo, P, Virto, A, Rivero, C, Sanchez, F, Gomez, J, Rodríguez Marrero, A, Cortabitarte, R, Ball, A, Perez, J, Curé, B, D’Enterria, D, Roeck, A, Guida, S, Garrido, R, Hoffmann, H, Lourenço, C, Mäki, T, Mozer, M, Cortezon, E, Pimiä, M, Antunes, J, Rolandi, G, Wöhri, H, Worm, S, Zeuner, W, Kaestli, H, König, S, Bäni, L, Arbol, P, Nägeli, C, Ronga, F, Sanchez, A, Sawley, M, Visscher, S, Rikova, M, Mejias, B, Chang, Y, Chen, K, Kuo, C, Li, S, Liu, Z, Kao, K, Lei, Y, Shiu, J, Tzeng, Y, Bakirci, M, Kangal, E, Topaksu, A, Tali, B, Vergili, L, Akin, I, Guler, A, Surat, U, Gülmez, E, Özbek, M, Brooke, J, Heath, G, Heath, H, Newbold, D, Smith, V, Bell, K, Brown, R, Cockerill, D, Coughlan, J, Kennedy, B, Radburn Smith, B, Shepherd Themistocleous, C, Tomalin, I, Womersley, W, Negra, M, Bryer, A, Magnan, A, Raymond, D, Ryan, M, Acosta, M, Cole, J, Hobson, P, Reid, I, Jarrin, E, Tsang, K, De La Barca Sanchez, M, Cox, P, Sierra, R, Gary, J, Jeng, G, Kao, S, Long, O, Branson, J, Cerati, G, Würthwein, F, D’Alfonso, M, Koay, S, Kovalskyi, D, Mullin, S, Vlimant, J, Marco, E, Newman, H, Zhu, R, Jang, D, Jun, S, Liu, Y, Cumalat, J, Dinardo, M, Drell, B, Edelmaier, C, Ford, W, Lopez, E, Ulmer, K, Wagner, S, Zang, S, Gibbons, L, Kaufman, G, Patterson, J, Teo, W, Bakken, J, Bauerdick, L, Bhat, P, Butler, J, Cheung, H, Eartly, D, Elvira, V, Harris, R, Marraffino, J, O’Dell, V, Spalding, W, Vaandering, E, Yun, J, Gruttola, M, Giovanni, G, Field, R, Furic, I, Low, J, Lebolo, L, Rodriguez, J, Gleyzer, S, Johnson, K, Baarmand, M, Adams, M, Anghel, I, Bazterra, V, Betts, R, Gerber, C, Hofman, D, Kunde, G, O’Brien, C, Albayrak, E, Lae, C, Merlo, J, Newsom, C, Barnett, B, Gritsan, A, Guo, Z, Tran, N, Kenny, R, Barfuss, A, Eno, S, Hadley, N, Kellogg, R, Mignerey, A, Tonjes, M, Tonwar, S, Cali, I, Ceballos, G, Hahn, K, Lee, Y, Luckey, P, Stephans, G, Stöckli, F, Wenger, E, Cooper, S, Benedetti, A, Cremaldi, L, Sanders, D, Claes, D, Snow, G, Ofierzynski, R, Karmgard, D, Morse, D, Pegna, D, Piroué, P, Stickland, D, Acosta, J, Huang, X, Vargas, J, Barnes, V, Mattia, M, Laasanen, A, Miller, D, Marono, M, Yoo, H, Ecklund, K, Geurts, F, Padley, B, Barbaro, P, Miner, D, Chou, J, Yang, Z, Dudero, P, Arenton, M, Karchin, P, Don, C, Milstène, C, Bellinger, J, Hervé, A, Pierro, G, Smith, W, Weinberg, M, TABARELLI DE FATIS, T, CMS Collaboration, UCL - SST/IRMP - Institut de recherche en mathématique et physique, Universidad de Cantabria, CMS Collaboration (ukupan broj autora: 2261), Belforte, S., Cossutti, F., DELLA RICCA, Giuseppe, Gobbo, B., Marone, Matteo, Montanino, Damiana, Penzo, A., The, CMS Collaboration, Iorio, ALBERTO ORSO MARIA, Others, Merola, Mario, and Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü more...
- Subjects
Particle physics ,Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,Monte Carlo method ,Hadron ,HERA ,FOS: Physical sciences ,ComputingMilieux_LEGALASPECTSOFCOMPUTING ,Hadron-hadron scattering ,7. Clean energy ,01 natural sciences ,PARTICLE PHYSICS ,LARGE HADRON COLLIDER ,CMS ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear physics ,DEEP-INELASTIC SCATTERING ,High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) ,0103 physical sciences ,[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex] ,DISTRIBUTIONS ,ddc:530 ,Multiplicity (chemistry) ,010306 general physics ,Nuclear Experiment ,deep-inelastic scattering ,hadron-hadron scattering ,hera ,distributions ,Quantum chromodynamics ,Physics ,high energy collider ,Large Hadron Collider ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Física ,Deep inelastic scattering ,HEP ,Transverse plane ,FIS/01 - FISICA SPERIMENTALE ,Physique des particules élémentaires ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,LHC ,Particle Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Open Access: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- CMS Collaboration: et al., Measurements of jet characteristics from inclusive jet production in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV are presented. The data sample was collected with the CMS detector at the LHC during 2010 and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 36 inverse picobarns. The mean charged hadron multiplicity, the differential and integral jet shape distributions, and two independent moments of the shape distributions are measured as functions of the jet transverse momentum for jets reconstructed with the anti-kT algorithm. The measured observables are corrected to the particle level and compared with predictions from various QCD Monte Carlo generators., European Commission; Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (Austria); National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium); Research Foundation – Flanders; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brasil); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Brasil); Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo; Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France); Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (France); Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China; Chinese Academy of Sciences; National Natural Science Foundation of China; Colciencias (Colombia); Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport; Academy of Finland; Helsinki Institute of Physics; Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Deutschland); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Helmholtz Association; General Secretariat of Research and Technology (Greece); Hungarian Scientific Research Fund; National Office for Research and Technology (Hungary); Department of Atomic Energy (India); Department of Science and Technology (India); Council of Science and Industrial Research (India); Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Iran); Science Foundation Ireland; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italia); Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; Lithuanian Academy of Sciences; Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (México); Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México); Secretaría de Educación Pública (México); Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí; Ministry of Science and Innovation (New Zealand); Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the National Science Centre (Poland); Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal); Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Russia); Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian Foundation for Basic Research; Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (Serbia); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España); Swiss Funding Agencies; Swiss National Science Foundation; National Science Council (Taiwan); The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey; Turkish Atomic Energy Authority; Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK); Department of Energy (US); National Science Foundation (US); A. G. Leventis Foundation; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; Foundation for Polish Science more...
- Published
- 2012
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16. Threat of an invasive parasitic fly, the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi), to the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus):experimental infection and treatment
- Author
Kynkäänniemi, S.-M. (Sanna-Mari), Kortet, R. (Raine), Härkönen, L. (Laura), Kaitala, A. (Arja), Paakkonen, T. (Tommi), Mustonen, A.-M. (Anne-Mari), Nieminen, P. (Petteri), Härkönen, S. (Sauli), Ylönen, H. (Hannu), and Laaksonen, S. (Sauli) more...
- Subjects
animal diseases ,fungi ,parasitic diseases - Abstract
Range expansion of ectoparasites can cause parasites to attack new host species. In these cases it is important for the parasite to be able to adapt to the new environment and to reproduce on the host. For the host, it is crucial to hinder successfully the development of long-lasting parasitic relationship. The deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) is a novel ectoparasite for northern cervids. We investigated if the deer ked can use the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) as a host and, if it can, whether antiparasitic treatment against this parasite would be available. Three groups of reindeer were monitored: two groups of 6 reindeer were infected with 300 flies per each individual; a control group comprised 6 animals. One of the infected groups was treated with subcutaneous ivermectin. At the end of the experiment the infestation rate of the infected animals was low. The reindeer in the non-treated group had both live and dead deer keds and also a single pupa while the ivermectin-treated reindeer had only dead deer keds. As some deer keds survived and reproduced, the deer ked can potentially use the reindeer as a host but antiparasitic treatment may be effective against this parasite. more...
- Published
- 2010
17. Molecular detection of Bartonella spp. in deer ked pupae, adult keds and moose blood in Finland
- Author
KORHONEN, E. M., primary, PÉREZ VERA, C., additional, PULLIAINEN, A.T., additional, SIRONEN, T., additional, AALTONEN, K., additional, KORTET, R., additional, HÄRKÖNEN, L., additional, HÄRKÖNEN, S., additional, PAAKKONEN, T., additional, NIEMINEN, P., additional, MUSTONEN, A-M., additional, YLÖNEN, H., additional, and VAPALAHTI, O., additional more...
- Published
- 2014
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18. Bayesian calibration, comparison and averaging of six forest models, using data from Scots pine stands across Europe
- Author
Van Oijen, M., Reyer, C., Bohn, F.J., Cameron, D.R., Deckmyn, G., Flechsig, M., Härkönen, S., Hartig, F., Huth, A., Kiviste, A., Lasch, P., Mäkelä, A., Mette, T., Minunno, F., Rammer, W., Van Oijen, M., Reyer, C., Bohn, F.J., Cameron, D.R., Deckmyn, G., Flechsig, M., Härkönen, S., Hartig, F., Huth, A., Kiviste, A., Lasch, P., Mäkelä, A., Mette, T., Minunno, F., and Rammer, W. more...
- Abstract
Forest management requires prediction of forest growth, but there is no general agreement about which models best predict growth, how to quantify model parameters, and how to assess the uncertainty of model predictions. In this paper, we show how Bayesian calibration (BC), Bayesian model comparison (BMC) and Bayesian model averaging (BMA) can help address these issues. We used six models, ranging from simple parameter-sparse models to complex process-based models: 3PG, 4C, ANAFORE, BASFOR, BRIDGING and FORMIND. For each model, the initial degree of uncertainty about parameter values was expressed in a prior probability distribution. Inventory data for Scots pine on tree height and diameter, with estimates of measurement uncertainty, were assembled for twelve sites, from four countries: Austria, Belgium, Estonia and Finland. From each country, we used data from two sites of the National Forest Inventories (NFIs), and one Permanent Sample Plot (PSP). The models were calibrated using the NFI-data and tested against the PSP-data. Calibration was done both per country and for all countries simultaneously, thus yielding country-specific and generic parameter distributions. We assessed model performance by sampling from prior and posterior distributions and comparing the growth predictions of these samples to the observations at the PSPs. We found that BC reduced uncertainties strongly in all but the most complex model. Surprisingly, country-specific BC did not lead to clearly better within-country predictions than generic BC. BMC identified the BRIDGING model, which is of intermediate complexity, as the most plausible model before calibration, with 4C taking its place after calibration. In this BMC, model plausibility was quantified as the relative probability of a model being correct given the information in the PSP-data. We discuss how the method of model initialisation affects model performance. Finally, we show how BMA affords a robust way of predicting forest growth more...
- Published
- 2013
19. Bayesian calibration, comparison and averaging of six forest models, using data from Scots pine stands across Europe
- Author
van Oijen, M., primary, Reyer, C., additional, Bohn, F.J., additional, Cameron, D.R., additional, Deckmyn, G., additional, Flechsig, M., additional, Härkönen, S., additional, Hartig, F., additional, Huth, A., additional, Kiviste, A., additional, Lasch, P., additional, Mäkelä, A., additional, Mette, T., additional, Minunno, F., additional, and Rammer, W., additional more...
- Published
- 2013
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20. Estimating forest carbon fluxes for large regions based on process-based modelling, NFI data and Landsat satellite images
- Author
Härkönen, S., primary, Lehtonen, A., additional, Eerikäinen, K., additional, Peltoniemi, M., additional, and Mäkelä, A., additional
- Published
- 2011
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21. Experiments on the ectoparasitic deer ked that often attacks humans; preferences for body parts, colour and temperature
- Author
Kortet, R., primary, Härkönen, L., additional, Hokkanen, P., additional, Härkönen, S., additional, Kaitala, A., additional, Kaunisto, S., additional, Laaksonen, S., additional, Kekäläinen, J., additional, and Ylönen, H., additional more...
- Published
- 2009
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22. The use of birch tar in the prevention of moose damage in young Scots pine stands
- Author
Härkönen, S, primary and Heikkilä, R, primary
- Published
- 2009
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23. Wechselwirkung zwischen Werkzeugbeschichtungen und Werkstoff beim Zerspanen Calcium-behandelter Stähle
- Author
Härkönen, S., primary, Anonen, A., additional, and Huhtiranta, M., additional
- Published
- 2000
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24. Eigenschaften härtbarer Stähle mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt (C<0,10%)
- Author
Härkönen, S., primary, Hockseil, E., additional, and Ollilainen, V., additional
- Published
- 1999
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25. Experiments on the ectoparasitic deer ked that often attacks humans; preferences for body parts, colour and temperature.
- Author
Kortet, R., Härkönen, L., Hokkanen, P., Härkönen, S., Kaitala, A., Kaunisto, S., Laaksonen, S., Kekäläinen, J., and Ylönen, H.
- Subjects
HOST-parasite relationships ,PARASITISM ,FLY behavior ,SKIN inflammation ,ANALYSIS of variance - Abstract
The deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) can fail in its host search. Host search fails when an individual deer ked irreversibly accepts a host unsuitable for its reproduction (e.g. a human) and drops its wings. In northern Europe, the main host of the deer ked is the moose (Alces alces). The deer ked is increasingly causing serious problems for humans (for example, causing deer ked dermatitis) and is considered a threat for the recreational use of forests. The adult deer ked flies in early and mid-autumn to search for a host. Our aims were: (i) to study whether there are ways to avoid deer ked attacks by wearing particular clothing, and (ii) to evaluate deer ked host choice. Using human targets, we explored the cues the deer ked uses for host selection. We studied which part of the host body deer keds target and if body colour and temperature affect their choice. In our experiments, deer keds landed more on dark and red clothing than on white clothing. Moreover, deer keds mostly attacked the upper body parts and preferred the back side of the body over the front side. Finally, deer keds preferred the warmest areas of the host. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] more...
- Published
- 2010
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26. Effects of silvicultural treatments on wood and tracheid properties, and economic returns of Norway spruce
- Author
Cao, T., Valsta, L., Härkönen, S., and Annikki Mäkelä
27. Molecular detection of Bartonella spp. in deer ked pupae, adult keds and moose blood in Finland
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- Abstract
The deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) is a haematophagous ectoparasite of cervids that harbours haemotrophic Bartonella. A prerequisite for the vector competence of the deer ked is the vertical transmission of the pathogen from the mother to its progeny and transstadial transmission from pupa to winged adult. We screened 1154 pupae and 59 pools of winged adult deer keds from different areas in Finland for Bartonella DNA using PCR. Altogether 13 pupa samples and one winged adult deer ked were positive for the presence of Bartonella DNA. The amplified sequences were closely related to either B. schoenbuchensis or B. bovis. The same lineages were identified in eight blood samples collected from free-ranging moose. This is the first demonstration of Bartonella spp. DNA in a winged adult deer ked and, thus, evidence for potential transstadial transmission of Bartonella spp. in the species more...
28. Corrigendum: Human behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countries.
- Author
Penteriani V, Delgado MD, Pinchera F, Naves J, Fernández-Gil A, Kojola I, Härkönen S, Norberg H, Frank J, Fedriani JM, Sahlén V, Støen OG, Swenson JE, Wabakken P, Pellegrini M, Herrero S, and López-Bao JV more...
- Published
- 2017
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29. Human behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countries.
- Author
Penteriani V, Delgado MDM, Pinchera F, Naves J, Fernández-Gil A, Kojola I, Härkönen S, Norberg H, Frank J, Fedriani JM, Sahlén V, Støen OG, Swenson JE, Wabakken P, Pellegrini M, Herrero S, and López-Bao JV more...
- Subjects
- Animals, Developed Countries, Ecosystem, Humans, Risk Factors, Risk-Taking, Social Behavior, Animals, Wild physiology, Predatory Behavior
- Abstract
The media and scientific literature are increasingly reporting an escalation of large carnivore attacks on humans in North America and Europe. Although rare compared to human fatalities by other wildlife, the media often overplay large carnivore attacks on humans, causing increased fear and negative attitudes towards coexisting with and conserving these species. Although large carnivore populations are generally increasing in developed countries, increased numbers are not solely responsible for the observed rise in the number of attacks by large carnivores. Here we show that an increasing number of people are involved in outdoor activities and, when doing so, some people engage in risk-enhancing behaviour that can increase the probability of a risky encounter and a potential attack. About half of the well-documented reported attacks have involved risk-enhancing human behaviours, the most common of which is leaving children unattended. Our study provides unique insight into the causes, and as a result the prevention, of large carnivore attacks on people. Prevention and information that can encourage appropriate human behaviour when sharing the landscape with large carnivores are of paramount importance to reduce both potentially fatal human-carnivore encounters and their consequences to large carnivores. more...
- Published
- 2016
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30. Acute impacts of the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) infestation on reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) behaviour.
- Author
Kynkäänniemi SM, Kettu M, Kortet R, Härkönen L, Kaitala A, Paakkonen T, Mustonen AM, Nieminen P, Härkönen S, Ylönen H, and Laaksonen S
- Subjects
- Animals, Ectoparasitic Infestations drug therapy, Female, Finland, Ivermectin therapeutic use, Male, Reindeer physiology, Behavior, Animal, Diptera, Ectoparasitic Infestations veterinary, Reindeer parasitology
- Abstract
Blood-sucking ectoparasites have often a strong impact on the behaviour of their hosts. The annual insect harassment of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) has increased in the southern part of the Finnish reindeer herding area because of the recent invasion of a blood-feeding ectoparasitic louse-fly, the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi). We studied the impact of the deer ked on the behaviour of reindeer. Twelve reindeer were infested with a total of 300 keds/reindeer on six occasions in a 5-week period during the deer ked flight season in autumn, while six non-infested reindeer were used as controls. Behavioural patterns indicating potential stress were monitored by visual observation from August to December. The infested reindeer displayed more incidences of restless behaviour than the controls. Shaking and scratching were the most common forms of restless behaviour after infestation of deer keds. Increased grooming was also observed after the transplantation and also later, 1 month after the infestation. Based on the results, the deer ked infestation can cause acute behavioural disturbance in reindeer and, thus, could pose a potential threat to reindeer welfare. Antiparasitic treatment with, e.g. ivermectin, may increase the welfare of parasitized reindeer by reducing deer keds. If the deer ked infestation intensity on the reindeer herding area increases and restless behaviour of reindeer becomes more common, the present results can help in further evaluation of the duration and magnitude of behavioural changes. more...
- Published
- 2014
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31. Fennoscandian distribution of an important parasite of cervids, the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi), revisited.
- Author
Välimäki P, Madslien K, Malmsten J, Härkönen L, Härkönen S, Kaitala A, Kortet R, Laaksonen S, Mehl R, Redford L, Ylönen H, and Ytrehus B
- Subjects
- Animals, Ectoparasitic Infestations epidemiology, Ectoparasitic Infestations parasitology, Geography, Scandinavian and Nordic Countries epidemiology, Diptera growth & development, Ectoparasitic Infestations veterinary, Ruminants parasitology
- Abstract
The deer ked [Lipoptena cervi (L. 1758) (Dipt., Hippoboscidae)] is a blood-sucking ectoparasite of cervids. The species has been resident in Sweden for more than two centuries, whereas in Finland ( approximately 50 years) and Norway ( approximately 30 years), it has established itself relatively recently. L. cervi may cause serious health problems in its natural hosts, act as a vector for zoonotic diseases, and pose a socioeconomic threat to forest-based activity. In this paper, we review the distribution and former expansion of the species in Fennoscandia. The current distribution of L. cervi appears bimodal, and the geographical range expansion of the species shows notable differences across Fennoscandia. The western population in Norway and Sweden has its northern edge of range at respective latitudes of 61 degrees N and 62 degrees N, whereas the eastern population in Finland reaches 65 degrees N. The future expansion of L. cervi is dependent on several interdependent extrinsic and intrinsic factors. International multidisciplinary collaboration is needed to achieve a synthesis on the factors affecting expansion rates and to understand the effects of L. cervi on wildlife, human health, and the rural societies of Fennoscandia. more...
- Published
- 2010
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32. New bedding site examination-based method to analyse deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) infection in cervids.
- Author
Kaunisto S, Kortet R, Härkönen L, Härkönen S, Ylönen H, and Laaksonen S
- Subjects
- Animals, Ectoparasitic Infestations parasitology, Host-Parasite Interactions, Parasitology methods, Animals, Wild parasitology, Animals, Wild physiology, Deer parasitology, Deer physiology, Diptera physiology, Ectoparasitic Infestations veterinary, Insect Bites and Stings blood, Reindeer parasitology, Reindeer physiology, Snow chemistry
- Abstract
Invasion of the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi), an ectoparasitic fly commonly found in cervids, has been rapid in Finland during the last four decades. As the distribution area of this species has expanded from the south towards the northern latitudes, the associated problems have become more evident. Various animals such as horses, cattle and especially reindeer have been reported to host this parasite. Moreover, in certain areas, the deer ked causes major inconveniences for humans potentially limiting recreational activities in forests. We wanted to study if deer ked parasitism and intensity of the infection in winter time could be detected by using visual examination of the snow on cervid bedding sites and by analysing biotic samples found from the bedding sites. Our results demonstrate that chronic deer ked infection causes reddish-brown snow discolouration (host tissue fluid and deer ked faeces) on the bedding sites to the extent that parasitism can be diagnosed. Hence, we suggest that deer ked infection prevalence and range expansion could be rapidly monitored using our new practical and reliable method. In the future, bedding site analyses will likely be useful in predicting and potentially preventing the negative effects of this ecologically and socio-economically important parasite. more...
- Published
- 2009
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