The article substantiates the urgency of environmental optimization of steppe land use, aimed at overcoming the acute challenges of our time, associated with the depletion of natural resources, climate change and food tension. The article analyzes the main problems of nature use, typical for steppe regions of Russia at a modern geoecological state of landscapes. The transboundary character of the territory under consideration is noted and the evolution of its landscapes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, which make the study of the issues of rational use of natural resources and sustainable development of steppe regions actual, is described. The attention is focused on the significant participation of the mesoregion under consideration, which has the main share of the area of spread of black earths, in the production of agricultural products and strategic importance for the sustainable functioning of the Russian economy. Correlation-regression relations of the main ecological factors with productivity of grain agrocenoses are analyzed and ecologically oriented methods of increasing the efficiency of bioclimatic resources use of the mentioned territory are substantiated. Promising technological solutions, the introduction of which guarantees the maintenance of social and food security, will ensure the inexhaustible use of soil and land resources and reduce the anthropogenic impact on natural ecosystems, the preservation of biological diversity in the steppe regions in their agricultural use. The conclusion is made about the possibility of increasing the economic feasibility of crop production and noticeable soil-restoring and medium improving effects, new reserves to meet the needs of the modern generation and ensure social justice, while reducing the risks of impoverishment of the environment and limiting the life opportunities of future generations. 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