The purpose of this document is to summarize the work that has been done at SLAC in the last three or four months to assess the possibilities of two-beam linear colliders proposed by Ron Ruth, and to compare these colliders to the current NLC designs and their costs. The work is based on general discussions with C. Adolphsen, D. Burke, J. Irwin, J. Paterson, R. Ruth, T. Lavine and T. Raubenheimer, with considerable work done by the latter two. Given the complexities of these machines, the fact that the designs are far from complete and that all cost estimates are still in a state of flux, it is clear that the conclusions drawn in this report cannot be cast in concrete. On the other hand, it does not seem too early to present the results that have been gathered so far, even if the facts contain significant uncertainties and the costs have large error bars. Now that R. Ruth has returned to SLAC, he will be able to add his point of view to the discussion. At this time, the conclusions presented here are the sole responsibility of the author.