Urobenus brasiliensis (Benham) BRSC0044, 1 juvenile in native forest, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.21896, -50.30357); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0049, 7 juveniles in native forest, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.23965, -50.30039); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0050, 1 juvenile in native forest, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.23978, -50.30050); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0052, 2 juveniles in Pinus sp. plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Três Barras National Forest, Três BarrasSC (-26.21782, -50.30531); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0069, 4 juveniles in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.21132, -50.29314); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1308, 1 juvenile in native forest, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Irati National Forest, Irati-PR (-25.36161, -50.58368); February, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1314, 1 juvenile in Pinus sp. plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Irati National Forest, IratiPR (-25.39549, -50.59412); February, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1316, 1 juvenile in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Irati National Forest, Irati-PR (-25.37441, -50.57596); February, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1317, 1 juvenile in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Irati National Forest, Irati-PR (-25.37436, -50.57630); February, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1325, 1 juvenile in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Irati National Forest, Irati-PR (-25.36414, -50.58398); February, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1331, 1 juvenile in native forest, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Piraí do Sul National Forest, Piraí do Sul-PR (-24.57668, -49.91720); March, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1836, 1 juvenile in Pinus sp. plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Piraí do Sul National Forest, Piraí do Sul-PR (-24.57451, -49.92110); March, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1837, 2 juveniles in Pinus sp. plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Piraí do Sul National Forest, Piraí do Sul-PR (-24.57437, -49.92684); March, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1838, 1 juvenile in Pinus sp. plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Piraí do Sul National Forest, Piraí do Sul-PR (- 24.57426, -49.92665); March, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1341, 1 juvenile in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Piraí do Sul National Forest, Piraí do Sul-PR (-24.57817, -49.91392); March, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1841, 2 juveniles in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Piraí do Sul National Forest, Piraí do Sul-PR (-24.57382, -49.92761); March, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1842, 1 juvenile in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Piraí do Sul National Forest, Piraí do Sul-PR (-24.57351, -49.92757); March, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0073, 1 juvenile in native forest, formalin extraction, Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (- 26.23320, -50.29207); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0075, 1 juvenile in native forest, formalin extraction, in Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.23334, -50.29199); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0076, 1 juvenile in native forest, formalin extraction, Três Barras National Forest, Três BarrasSC (-26.23333, -50.29164); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0080, 1 juvenile in native forest, formalin extraction, Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.23978, -50.30050); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0265, 1 juvenile in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, formalin extraction, Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.23406, -50.29224); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0283, 3 individuals (1 adult and 2 juveniles) in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, formalin extractionin Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.23406, -50.29224); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0266, 1 juvenile in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, formalin extraction, Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.23808, -50.29839); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0268, 4 individuals (1 adult and 3 juveniles) in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, formalin extraction, Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.23794, -50.29817); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSC0271, 3 juveniles in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, formalin extraction, Três Barras National Forest, Três Barras-SC (-26.23793, -50.29774); January, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1356, 1 adult in Pinus sp. plantation, formalin extraction, Irati National Forest, Irati-PR (-25.39529, -50.59349); February, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1358, 1 juvenile in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, formalin extraction, Irati National Forest, Irati-PR (-25.37441, -50.57596); February, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1359, 2 juveniles in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, formalin extraction, Irati National Forest, Irati-PR (-25.37436, -50.57630); February, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1362, 3 juveniles in Araucaria angustifolia plantation, formalin extraction, Irati National Forest, Irati-PR (-25.36414, -50.58398); February, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRPR1368, 4 adults in native forest, hand sorting, topsoil (0-20 cm), Piraí do Sul National Forest, Piraí do Sul-PR (-24.57668, -49.91720); March, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls. BRSP0465, 3 adults in native forest, formalin extraction, Cap „o Bonito National Forest, Cap„o Bonito-SP (-23.87919, -48.51635); March, 2012; P. Fonseca, M. Zagatto, colls., Published as part of Demetrio, Wilian Carlo, Fonseca, Priscila Mouro Da, Dudas, Rafaela, Zagatto, Mauricio G. R., Feijoo, Alexander & Brown, George Gardner, 2023, Earthworm species in native and planted forests in Brazil, pp. 304-323 in Zootaxa 5255 (1) on page 315, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5255.1.25, http://zenodo.org/record/7744984