In this paper we present a novel error model for packet loss and subsequent error description. The proposed model simulates the error performance of wireless communication link. The model is designed as two independent Markov chains, where the first one is used for packet generation and the second one generates correctly and incorrectly transmitted bits for received packets from the first chain. The statistical analyses of real communication on the wireless link are used for determination of model-s parameters. Using the obtained parameters and the implementation of the generator, we collected generated traffic. The obtained results generated by proposed model are compared with the real data collection., {"references":["MadWifi project. Available:","Pavlovi─ì, J., Polec, J., Poctavek, J.and Kotuliakov├í, K., \"Markov Chain\nError Generator for Wireless Channel\". In: Proceedings of SPIE. Vol.\n8008: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry,\nand High-Emergy Physics Experiments 2011, Wilga, Poland, 23-29 May\n2011. Belingham: SPIE - The International Society for Optical\nEngineering, 2011.","Polec, J. and Popovcov├í, K., \"An generalization of the Markov's model\nof errors appearance at data transfer\", in Proceedings of FEI'25\nConference on Electronic Computers and Informatics, Ko┼íice, sept.\n1994, pp. 98-102.","Mal├¢, O. and ┼áir├íň, J., \"Markov model for error occur-rence in discrete\ndata transmission channels\" (in Slovak), Informa─ìnésystémy, ─ì.5,\nBratislava, 1984, pp. 333-345.","Kanal, L. and Sastry, A.R.K., \"Models for Channels with Memory and\ntheir Applications to Error Control\", in IEEE Proceedings, Vol.66, No.8,\n1978, pp. 724-744.","Kotuliakov├í, K. \"Hybrid ARQ methods in wireless com-munication\nchannels\", PhD thessis, Dept. of Telecom-munications, Faculty of\nElectrical Engineering and In-formation Technology, Slovak University\nof Technology, Bratislava, 2006.","Aguiar, A. and Gross, J., \"Wireless channel models\", Technical Report,\nTU Berlin, Telecommunication Net-works Group, April 2003.","Lemmon, J.J., \"Wireless link statistical bit error model\",NTIA Report\n02-394, U.S. Departmentof Commerce, Boulder, June 2002.","Ebert, J.P.and Willig, A., \"A Gilbert-Elliot bit error model and the\nefficient use in packet level simulation\", TKN Technical Reports Series,\nTU Berlin, March 1999.\n[10] Sestrienka,M., Oravec,M. and Pavlovi─ìov├í,J., Simulation of Physical\nLayer and Medium Access Control Sublayer in IEEE 802.11x Networks,\nProc. ELMAR-2010, 52nd International Symposium ELMAR-2010, 15-\n17 September 2010, Zadar, Croatia, ISSN 1334-2630, ISBN 978-953-\n7044-11-4, pp. 261-264."]}