In their recent Review, Gordon and Barnes [1] discuss the possible role and functional relevance of monoamine transporters in lymphocytes. They first present available evidence concerning the occurrence of serotonin and dopamine transporters in lymphocytes, subsequently provide an exhaustive analysis of the effects of monoamine transporter ligands on the immune response, and conclude by asking whether the observed effects could be mediated at least in part through direct targeting of lymphocyte transporters. To answer the question of Gordon and Barnes, a direct link should be traced between the effect of monoamine transporter ligands on monoamine trafficking across the lymphocyte plasma membrane and the regulation of lymphocyte function. At present, however, possibly with the notable exception of our own studies on serotonininduced modulation of apoptosis in lymphoma cells [2], evidence is unfortunately still indirect and circumstantial. At least in the case of catecholamines (CAs), thepaucityof data could be explained by the complexity of their physiopharmacology in lymphocytes. Indeed, although dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine can be detected inhumanperipheralbloodmononuclearcells (PBMCs),even in the absence of activating stimuli [3], it is only after mitogen stimulation that cultured PBMCs express the mRNA for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in CA synthesis, and subsequently increase the intracellular content of CA through protein kinase C (PKC)dependent mechanisms, up to 20–40-fold the basal values [4]. This finding is in line with the reported upregulation of adrenoceptors [5,6] which occurs in lymphocytes following mitogen, glucocorticoid or proinflammatory cytokine treatment, and which is taken as indirect evidence that CAs are preferentially involved in the functional regulation of activated rather than resting lymphocytes. This idea is strengthened by the observation that pharmacological inhibition of TH does not affect spontaneous apoptosis in unstimulated PBMCs, but leads to a significant reduction of the percentage of apoptotic cells following mitogen stimulation [7], suggesting a role for endogenous CA in the regulation of activation-induced cell death. CAs newly synthesized on activation are not immediately released, but rather accumulate into the cells, possibly resulting in receptor-independent, oxidative stress-induced apoptosis (by analogy, e.g. with dopaminergic neurons [8]). Intracellular CAs accumulating in activated lymphocytes are nevertheless also likely to provide these cells with a supply of mediators to be released on appropriate stimulation. In preliminary experiments, we observed that elevated extracellular Kþ concentrations ([K]e) leads to dramatic CA release from mitogen-activated lymphocytes (R. Bombelli et al., unpublished), thus increasing extracellular CA from pico–nanomolar up to submicromolar concentrations (and possibly to even higher values in the vicinity of the cells). Elevated [K]e is characteristic of various pathological conditions and is per se a sufficient stimulus to activate integrin-mediated adhesion and migration of T cells (reviewed in Ref. [9]). An excess [K]e could thusbothassist therecruitmentof lymphocytes toaninjured tissue and lead to local increase of CAs, which in turn might act on lymphocytes themselvesand/oronneighbouring cells. Available evidence allows us to hypothesize that CAs in lymphocytes subserve several functions, thus representing an attractive target for pharmacological intervention. Much study is, however, needed to unravel the physiopharmacology of CA production, storage and release in these cells. In particular, the effects of drugs acting on monoamine transporters should be examined taking into account that, on activation, lymphocytes upregulate their endogenous CA system, including CA production, intracellular storage and CA receptor expression. In addition, distinct lymphocyte subsets might produce and/or use CAs to a different extent. The expression and activity of CA transporters themselves should therefore be investigated in the various subsets, before and after stimulation. Figure 1 shows a hypothetical scheme of the endogenous CA system in lymphocytes, highlighting various issues, which await clarification. Nonetheless, as awareness increases that immune and nervous system cells use the same (or similar) molecules and mechanisms, we cannot but join the proposal of Gordon and Barnes [1] that the discipline of neuroimmunopharmacotherapy is really in its dawn. As a minor point, we would like to mention that even if a literature search for the occurrence of norepinephrine transporters in lymphocytes was unsuccessful [1], at least indirect evidence is available in this regard. More than two decades ago, Audus and Gordon [10] described in murine lymphocytes a single population of desipramine-binding sites with an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of ,0.4 nM.Morerecently,weprovidedexperimentalevidence that incubation of human PBMCs with desipramine or with the dopamine transporter ligand GBR12909 increased the extracellular levels of both dopamine and norepinephrine [3], an observation that is compatible with the occurrence of both transporters on the human lymphocyte membrane. Corresponding author: Marco Cosentino ( Update TRENDS in Immunology Vol.24 No.11 November 2003 581