Pedro Fernando da Costa Vasconcelos, Liliane Leal das Chagas, Milene Silveira Ferreira, Jannifer Oliveira Chiang, Alexandre do Rosário Casseb, Bianca Nascimento de Alcantara, Layna Thayssa Guimarães Corrêa, Barbara Alves Sepulvreda, Maria Nazaré Oliveira Freitas, Stefânia Araújo Miranda, Franko de Arruda e Silva, Lívia Carício Martins, Bruna Alves Ramos, Sandro Patroca da Silva, and Andréa Maria Góes Negrão
To Fapespa, for granting a Master?s scholarship, to PNMG, for capture of the birds, to the Microbiology and Immunology Laboratory of the UFRA, for collection of the samples, and to the SAARB/IEC, for their support in the development of serological tests. Universidade Federal do Par?. Instituto de Ci?ncias Biol?gicas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Parque Natural?stico Mangal das Gar?as. Setor Veterin?rio. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Universidade Federal do Par?. Instituto de Ci?ncias Biol?gicas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Universidade Federal Rural da Amaz?nia. Instituto da Sa?de e Produ??o Animal. Laborat?rio de Biologia Molecular. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Universidade Federal Rural da Amaz?nia. Instituto da Sa?de e Produ??o Animal. Laborat?rio de Biologia Molecular. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Universidade Federal Rural da Amaz?nia. Instituto da Sa?de e Produ??o Animal. Laborat?rio de Biologia Molecular. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. BACKGROUND: In this study, we evaluated the role of free-living domestic pigeons (Columba livia) as a reservoir of arboviruses in the city of Bel?m, state of Par?, Brazil. We investigated the presence of antibodies against the most prevalent arboviruses. OBJECTIVES: This study was aimed at evaluating some clinical and physical parameters of domestic pigeons, including the presence of antibodies to Amazon-endemic arboviruses. METHODS: Eighty-five healthy pigeons were captured in Mangal das Gar?as Park, in Bel?m, and were bled. Upon capture, the birds were subjected to a clinical examination in search of alterations that could indicate the presence of arboviruses. Blood samples were converted to serum and tested using the haemagglutination inhibition (HI) technique with a panel of 19 antigens of arboviruses circulating in the Amazon. The confirmation assay for the positive reactions to the viral species tested by HI was a neutralisation test in new-born Swiss albino mice (Mus musculus) [mouse neutralisation test (MNT)]. FINDINGS: A total of 10 (11.8%) serum samples tested positive for antiflavivirus antibodies by HI. All the samples positive for the HI test were subjected to MNT for detection of viruses and yielded negative results (logarithmic neutralisation index < 1.7). MAIN CONCLUSION: The results represent the first serological detection of antiarbovirus antibodies in domestic pigeons as potential hosts of arboviruses in Brazil. The detection of haemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies against genus Flavivirus indicated that there was recent contact between the analysed domestic pigeons and these arboviruses. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role of free-living pigeons in the maintenance cycle and spread of arboviruses in the Amazon.