82 results on '"Gazvoda, Davorin"'
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2. A Brief Overview of the Development of European Landscape Architecture Study Programs in the Period of the Last Twenty Years
- Author
GAZVODA, Davorin, primary
- Published
- 2024
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3. Studio-based landscape design teaching
- Author
Gazvoda, Davorin, primary
- Published
- 2019
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4. A Brief Overview of the Development of European Landscape Architecture Study Programs in the Period of the Last Twenty Years.
- Author
GAZVODA, Davorin
- Abstract
A development of the Landscape Architecture education process and profession itself in last twenty years in Europe is presented in the article from the teacher's perspective. It starts with a short description of the development of European schools of Landscape Architecture in different academic environments and a diversity of study programs. Then it briefly explains the efforts of the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools to unify study programs in Landscape Architecture that culminates in an initiative for recognition of professional qualifications for landscape architects in Europe. The complexity of the study problems, the transition between scales, the ongoing formation of the planning process in the landscape design studio, and some other more practical issues are discussed at the end of the article. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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5. Spreminjanje podobe naselij enodružinskih hiš : primerjalna analiza naselij v Ljubljani, Mariboru in Novem mestu
- Author
CIGOJ, Nika and GAZVODA, Davorin
- Published
- 2008
6. The changing appearance of single-family house settlements in Slovenia : Comparative analysis of settlements in Ljubljana, Maribor, and Novo mesto
- Author
CIGOJ, Nika and GAZVODA, Davorin
- Published
- 2008
7. Vloga in pomen zelenega prostora v novejših slovenskih stanovanjskih soseskah
- Author
GAZVODA, Davorin
- Published
- 2001
8. The role and significance of green spaces in recent Slovenian residential estates
- Author
GAZVODA, Davorin
- Published
- 2001
9. An EU Common Training Framework for Landscape Architecture addressing the current needs of society
- Author
Cipriani, L. (author), de Vries, Jeroen (author), Stauskis, Gintaras (author), Auweck, Fritz (author), Triboi, Roxana (author), Andreucci, Maria Beatrice (author), Cervera Alonso de Medina, Marina (author), Cancela d’ Abreu, Margarida (author), Freire, Maria (author), Carapinha, Aurora (author), a Conceição Castro, Maria (author), Del Pozo, Cristina (author), Deveikienė, Vaiva (author), Gunnlaugsson, Hermann Georg (author), Fekete, Albert (author), Fetzer, Ellen (author), Fabris, Luca (author), Fingerova, Radmila (author), Gazvoda, Davorin (author), Gkoltsiou, Aikaterini (author), Harmanescu, Mihaela (author), Kamenecki, Monika (author), Koscak Miocic-Stosic, Vesna (author), Melone, Antonella (author), Mertens, Elke (author), Meeres, Sophia (author), Ortacesme, Veli (author), Noortman, Adrian (author), Sárospataki, Máté (author), Stiles, Richard (author), Trolf, Norbert (author), Tóth, Attila (author), Tomic Reljic, Dora (author), Tudora, Ioana (author), Valdés Tejera, Esther (author), Valánszki, István (author), Weckman, Emilia (author), Williams, Tony (author), Tutundzic, Andreja (author), Lambertini, Anna (author), Mihova, Katinka (author), Muru, Toomas (author), Dam, Torben (author), Teqja, Zydi (author), Cipriani, L. (author), de Vries, Jeroen (author), Stauskis, Gintaras (author), Auweck, Fritz (author), Triboi, Roxana (author), Andreucci, Maria Beatrice (author), Cervera Alonso de Medina, Marina (author), Cancela d’ Abreu, Margarida (author), Freire, Maria (author), Carapinha, Aurora (author), a Conceição Castro, Maria (author), Del Pozo, Cristina (author), Deveikienė, Vaiva (author), Gunnlaugsson, Hermann Georg (author), Fekete, Albert (author), Fetzer, Ellen (author), Fabris, Luca (author), Fingerova, Radmila (author), Gazvoda, Davorin (author), Gkoltsiou, Aikaterini (author), Harmanescu, Mihaela (author), Kamenecki, Monika (author), Koscak Miocic-Stosic, Vesna (author), Melone, Antonella (author), Mertens, Elke (author), Meeres, Sophia (author), Ortacesme, Veli (author), Noortman, Adrian (author), Sárospataki, Máté (author), Stiles, Richard (author), Trolf, Norbert (author), Tóth, Attila (author), Tomic Reljic, Dora (author), Tudora, Ioana (author), Valdés Tejera, Esther (author), Valánszki, István (author), Weckman, Emilia (author), Williams, Tony (author), Tutundzic, Andreja (author), Lambertini, Anna (author), Mihova, Katinka (author), Muru, Toomas (author), Dam, Torben (author), and Teqja, Zydi (author)
- Abstract
Landscape Architecture
- Published
- 2021
10. Where Do Ideas Come From?
- Author
Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
landscape design ,landscape architecture ,landscape planning ,Urban, Community and Regional Planning - Abstract
Davorin Gazvoda presents Where Do Ideas Come From? as part of the LAEP Speaker Series., https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/laep_speakerseries/1050/thumbnail.jpg
- Published
- 2018
11. Characteristics of modern landscape architecture and its education
- Author
Gazvoda, Davorin
- Published
- 2002
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12. 'Novi Maribor': preoblikovanje razvrednotene krajine v vrtno mesto na primeru širitve Maribora proti Pragerskemu
- Author
Dobič, Barbara and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Published
- 2014
13. Preobrazba počitniških hišic v stanovanjska naselja na območju Polževega
- Author
Gazvoda, Davorin and Oberžan, Tanja
- Published
- 2014
14. Urejanje prostora valobranov ob slovenski obali
- Author
Filipič, Mateja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Abstract
Obstoječi valobrani ob slovenski obali sicer opravljajo svojo osnovno funkcijo zaščite pristanišč, marin in drugih objektov, vendar pa marsikje niso urejeni ali celo niso primerni za druge rabe. Valobrani kot izrazite linearne prostorske strukture omogočajo dober stik z morjem in daljšajo slovensko obalno črto, zato so, če morje ni preveč onesnaženo in ne ovira pomorskega prometa, privlačni zlasti za turistično izrabo. V prispevku so obravnavani vsi večji valobrani ob slovenski obali, podan je njihov pregled in analiza ter ocena primernosti za druge mogoče rabe. Opisu problematike urejanja valobranov sledi izbor konkretnih primerov dveh obstoječih in enega načrtovanega valobrana, za katere so predstavljeni krajinskoureditveni predlogi. Prispevek je zamišljen kot izhodišče v razmišljanju o problematiki urejanja slovenske obale s poudarkom na valobranih in njihovem kakovostnejšem urejanju, zlasti za športno rekreacijsko in turistično rabo.
- Published
- 2011
15. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Cvejić, Jasminka, Gazvoda, Davorin, Medarević, Milan, Đorđević, Dejan, Vasiljević, Nevena B., Cvejić, Jasminka, Gazvoda, Davorin, Medarević, Milan, Đorđević, Dejan, and Vasiljević, Nevena B.
- Abstract
The problem of defining the basis to the concept of landscape planning as an instrument of spatial development in Serbia is the central issue that this thesis deals with. The basic thesis that initiated this study consideres that the ideas underlying the existing landscape planning (especially in Serbia) are not the ideas valid at the present time any more. Global processes have created a new environment for nowadays planning: planning for landscape is outdated. The current theoretical paradigm changes the focus or spatial concept. The landscape is no longer only a reserve of cultural and natural heritage that should be preserved in the same state, but it is a holistic, hybrid entity of natural, cultural and social values, which has been changing and evolving through time, and as such, becomes the subject of research. This paper provides elements for creating a different concept of planning through landscape, as an application model of the new paradigm that defines the spatial concept and planning principles. It integrates the application of scientific principles: landscape ecology, landscape aesthetics as a system and principles of communicative planning within the landscape as a spatial concept. In heuristic terms, descriptive and prescriptive theories of planning are unified, and solving scientific problems and tasks is based on: the concept of landscape as a whole, transdisciplinarity in research approach and landscape character as a new value in the planning system but also in an integral interpretation of knowledge about landscape. Spatial development issues in the interpretation of the new concept of planning, lead to the determination of type and character of the future landscape, which is public benefit and public interest, and where the objectives of all sectors are incorporated (housing, industry, agriculture, forestry, energy, environmental protection, natural and cultural heritage, ...). Level of integration and holism can prompt us towards the conclusi
- Published
- 2013
16. Vloga in pomen zelenega prostora v novejših slovenskih stanovanjskih soseskah: The role and significance of green spaces in recent Slovenian residential estates
- Author
Gazvoda, Davorin
- Abstract
The design of new housing estates in Slovenia isn't improving despite new technologies and expansive professional knowledge in various fields from urbanand architectural design to landscape design of open spaces. Low availability of building space and desired growth of returns from given sites by increasing building density and quantity of homes are both diminishing possibilities for adequate design of green surfaces that could significantly improve the quality of the living environment. Comparison with older housing estates shows that green neighbourhood surfaces designed thirty or more years ago are much better. Despite changed social conditions, parameters defining high quality living environments haven't changed. Therefore at all levels of urban planning and aligned to adequate spatial policies it is necessary to strive for more spacious housing estates with larger shares of suitably designed green surfaces. Oblikovanje novih stanovanjskih sosesk v slovenskem prostoru se kljub novim tehnologijam in obsežnemu strokovnemu znanju, ki je na voljo na vseh področjihod urbanizma, arhitekturnega oblikovanja pa do krajinskega oblikovanja odprtih prostorov v segmentu stanovanjskega zelenja ne izboljšuje.Pomanjkanje prostora in večanje izkoristka dane lokacije s povečevanjem gostote objektov in števila stanovanj onemogočata ustrezno oblikovanje zelenih površin, ki bi bistveno pripomogle k izboljšavi bivalnega okolja. Primerjava s starejšimi soseskami v Ljubljani pokaže, da so bile zasnove zelenih površin v soseskah, načrtovanih pred tridesetimi in celo več leti, bistveno boljše. Ne glede na spremenjene družbene razmere pa se parametri, ki določajo kakovostno bivalno okolje niso spremenili. Zato je treba na vseh ravneh urbanističnega načrtovanja skladno z ustrezno prostorsko politiko težiti k prostornejšim soseskam z večjim deležem primerno oblikovanih zelenih površin.
- Published
- 2001
17. The city transforms: changing perceptions of urban identity: (case study - the path of remembrance and comradeship in Ljubljana)
- Author
Devanthéry-Lamunière, Inès, Gazvoda, Davorin, Diskin, Stephen Philip, Devanthéry-Lamunière, Inès, Gazvoda, Davorin, and Diskin, Stephen Philip
- Abstract
The city in the twenty-first century is in the midst of dramatic changes, and yet many have yet to fully manifest themselves, still concealed in technology and distributed enough to escape general understanding within the existing context of built form. Technology may be outpacing urban architectural theory, and large populations (primarily the young generation who are growing up with computers and mobile phones) are altering the identity, use and ultimately the form of cities. What is this changing identity? The present thesis asserts that if the "first generation" of cities was characterized by built forms and spaces, and the "second generation" defined by mobility, then the "third generation" of cities will certainly be "hyperdynamic", that is, technological, dematerialized, unprogrammed, emergent, adaptable and virtual, if they are to serve the needs and behaviors of their inhabitants. A theory of these three generations coexisting, much like archaeological strata, in the form of three conceptual urban layers is presented, along with consideration of the possible relationships between them. A case study set in the city of Ljubljana highlights emerging changes in the perception of the city and focuses specifically on the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship, a unique urban feature set against the background of Ljubljana's history, technologies and ways of thinking about cities. The case study forms a basis for talking about future trends and the potential for an expanded lexicon of urban dynamics.
- Published
- 2008
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18. Design of basic tourist infrastructure in the selected area of the Kirkjufellsfoss tourist attraction in Snaefellsnes Regional Park, Iceland
- Author
Gombač, Tea and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
Islandija ,ohranjanje narave ,turizem ,krajinska ureditev ,landscape design ,turistična infrastruktura ,Iceland ,tourism ,nature conservation ,nature ,tourist infrastructure ,narava - Abstract
Naloga obravnava problematiko naraščajočega turizma na območju turistične znamenitosti Kirkjufellsfoss v regionalnem parku Snaefellsnes na Islandiji, ki je v zadnjih letih doživel izjemno priljubljenost. Cilj magistrskega dela je izdelava novega predloga ureditve, ki bo zmanjšal ali vsaj delno omejil negativne vplive turizma, ki izvirajo iz neustrezne prometne in turistične infrastrukture. V okviru naloge je predstavljeno tako širše kot ožje območje slapa Kirkjufellsfoss, vključno z analizami in pregledom trenutnega stanja ter obstoječih planskih aktov. Za boljše razumevanje prostora je bil izveden terenski ogled, ki je igral pomembno vlogo pri prepoznavanju potencialov in slabosti območja za njegov turistični razvoj. V nalogo so vključeni tudi referenčni primeri projektov, ki se soočajo s podobnimi izzivi kot območje urejanja. Ti primeri temeljijo na trajnostnem ravnanju z naravo in se nahajajo v podobnih pustih skandinavskih krajih, kot je območje slapa Kirkjufellsfoss. Njihova analiza je ključno pripomogla pri oblikovanju nove ureditve. Predlagan koncept nove ureditve se osredotoča na izrabo prepoznanih potencialov in reševanje obstoječih prostorskih problemov. Nov program območja upošteva pričakovano število obiskovalcev in v prostor vnaša nove programske vsebine. Pomemben del nove ureditve je tudi celovit sistem pešpoti, ki zagotavlja hodljivost območja in obiskovalce usmerja ter zadržuje na določenih območjih. Z novo ureditvijo želim doseči bolj trajnostno upravljanje območja in zagotoviti prijetno izkušnjo za vse obiskovalce. The master thesis deals with the issue of growing tourism in the area of the tourist attraction Kirkjufellsfoss in the Snaefellsnes Regional Park in Iceland, which has experienced a significant popularity serge in recent years. The aim of the thesis is to develop a new design proposal that will reduce or at least partially limit the negative impacts of tourism arising from inadequate transportation and tourist infrastructure. The thesis encompasses both the broader and narrower area of Kirkjufellsfoss waterfall, including the analyses and an overview of the current state and existing planning documents. A field visit was conducted to gain a better understanding of the area, which played a crucial role in identifying the potentials and weaknesses of the area for its tourism development. The thesis also includes reference case studies of projects facing similar challenges as the Kirkjufellsfoss area. These cases are based on sustainable management of nature and are located in similar remote Scandinavian locations, such as the Kirkjufellsfoss waterfall. The analysis was instrumental in shaping the new design. The proposed concept of the new design focuses on utilizing the identified potentials and addresses existing spatial issues. The new area program takes into account the expected number of visitors and introduces new programmatic content to the space. A significant part of the new design is a system of paths, which ensures the walkability of the area, as well as guides and contains visitors in specific zones. The objection of the thesis is to achieve more sustainable area management and provide a pleasant experience for all visitors. Through the new design, the thesis aims to achieve more sustainable area management and provide a pleasant experience for all visitors.
- Published
- 2023
19. Predlog ureditve zdraviliškega kompleksa na območju termalnega izvira Kopačnica
- Author
Pucihar, Lucija and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
krajinsko oblikovanje ,skin diseases ,zdravilišče ,vzdržno načrtovanje ,udc:712.25:711.455(043.2) ,health resort ,zdravilne rastline ,landscape architecture ,kožne bolezni ,sustainable design ,medicinal plants - Abstract
Magistrsko delo obravnava območje nahajališča žveplene termalne vode v dolini Kopačnica. Voda z vsebnostjo žveplenih soli zdravilno deluje pri zdravljenju kožnih bolezni. Občina Gorenja vas - Poljane želi obravnavano območje razvijati v turistično destinacijo. Magistrsko delo glede na lastnosti termalne vode predlaga ureditev manjšega sonaravnega zdravilišča. Različni načini zdravljenja, predstavljeni v magistrskem delu so vključeni v zunanjo prostorsko ureditev kompleksa Kopačnica, pri čemer se zdravliški program v veliki meri odvija v odprtem prostoru. Pri umestitvi nove dejavnosti so upoštevana načela vzdržnega načrtovanja. Ker so odpadne vode v zdraviliščih pereč problem, magistrsko delo predlaga učinkovito rešitev ponovne uporabe vode. V namen učinkovite izrabe energentov je izdelan načrt energetske učinkovitosti. Predlagan koncept nove ureditve vključuje prostorske rešitve za obstoječo problematiko degradiranih točk, ki jih magistrsko delo prepozna kot problematične preko opravljenih prostorskih analiz - degradiranega kamnoloma, opuščene kmetije in testnega bazena. Zanje so predvideni tehnični ukrepi, podprti z izbiro rastlinskega gradiva. Zaradi izbranih avtohtonih in tradicionalnih vrst, prilagajanja topografiji in umaknjenimi novimi objekti se celotna podoba zdravilišča sklada z okolico. Z različnimi vlogami, ki jih opravlja vegetacija, se hkrati sanira degradirana območja, gradi prostor ter uporabi njihovo zdraviliško funkcijo za zdravljenje kožnih bolezni. Rezultat dela je predlog ureditve zdraviliškega kompleksa, ki v skladu z načeli vzdržnega ravnanja s prostorom ponuja raznolike terapevtske aktivnosti za zdravljenje kožnih bolezni, bivanje v nastanitvenih enotah in pester spremljevalni program, ki spodbuja aktivno vključenost uporabnikov v zdraviliško zdravljenje, kot ga nudi naravno gradivo. The master’s thesis is about health resort in the Kopačnica valley, the area of the sulfur thermal water deposit. Sulfur containing water has a healing effect, especially for the treatment of skin diseases. The municipality of Gorenja vas - Poljane wants to develop the mentioned area into tourist destination. Master’s thesis proposes arrangement of a small sustainable health resort, according to the properties of thermal water. The various methods of spa treatment, presented in the master’s thesis, are included in the external spatial arrangement of the Kopačnica complex, with the program largely taking place in the open. The principles of sustainable planning are taken into account. As wastewater is a burning issue of health resorts, this master’s thesis focuses on the appropriate solution. An energy efficiency plan has been prepared for the purpose of efficient use of energy sources. The proposed concept of the new arrangement includes spatial solutions to the existing problems of degraded points, which the master’s thesis identifies as problematic through spatial analyzes - degraded quarry, abandoned farm and test pool. For degraded points technical solutions are provided, supported by the selection of plant material. Due to the selection of autochthonous and traditional species, the adaptation to the topography and the withdrawal of new facilities, the overall image of the health resort is in harmony with the surroundings. The various roles played by vegetation simultaneously rehabilitate degraded areas, build space and use their spa function to treat skin diseases. The result is a proposal for the arrangement of the health resort complex, which in accordance with the principles of sustainable management, offers a variety of therapeutic activities for the treatment of skin diseases, accommodation and an accompanying program, which promotes active involvement of users in spa treatment.
- Published
- 2022
20. Predlog ureditve širšega območja Novega trga in Loke v Novem mestu
- Author
Miletić, Nika and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
ureditev parka ,plaza ,Novo mesto ,recreation ,odprti prostor ,park design ,obvodni prostor ,rekreacija ,zelene površine ,Novi trg ,green infrastructure ,open space ,landscape architecture ,udc:712.25(497.4 Novo mesto)(043.2) ,krajinska arhitektura ,waterfront - Abstract
Naloga obravnava širši prostor Novega trga, ki zajema območje Upravne enote Novo mesto in parka pred Kulturnim centrom Janeza Trdine ter območje športnih igrišč na Loki in brežino med njima. Prostor je doživel veliko sprememb v grajenem in zelenem tkivu mesta, kar se odraža v današnjem stanju prostora, ki nikoli ni bil obravnavan celostno. Analize pokažejo slabo stanje večine površin, tako zelenih kot utrjenih. V sintezi analiz so v treh kategorijah urejanja prostora prikazana območja ohranjanja, delnih sprememb in popolnih sprememb, ki skupaj z glavnimi ugotovitvami analiz tvorijo izhodišča urejanja prostora. Ta so podlaga za koncept urejanja prostora oz. za oblikovanje končne ureditve. Končni rezultat naloge je preoblikovan park pred Kulturnim centrom Janeza Trdine, in sicer z večjo tlakovano ploščadjo, osrednjo zelenico in raznoliko zasaditvijo. Novi trg je preoblikovan kot plaza. Pred vilo pri Upravni enoti Novo mesto je umeščena nova ploščad, ki se navezuje na parkovno ureditev brežine pod njo. Ob reki Krki je na novo preoblikovan pas parkovnih površin. Prostor postane bolj prehoden z novimi sprehajalnimi potmi in višinskimi premostitvami. Nove ureditve vnašajo primernejše rabe prostora in povezujejo zelene površine parka pred Kulturnim centrom Janeza Trdine z brežino in Loko. Nova podoba širšega območja Novega trga in Loke vnaša sodobne ureditve in vsebine ter hkrati ohranja in poudarja pomembnejše vedute srednjeveškega jedra mesta. The master's thesis deals with the wider area of Novi trg, which includes the area of the Administrative Unit and the park in front of the Janez Trdina Cultural Centre, as well as the area of sports fields, Loka, and the slope between them. The space has undergone many changes in the urban and green areas of the city, which is reflected in the current state of the space this has never been considered as a whole. Analysis of this area shows the poor condition of most surfaces, both green and urban. The synthesis of these shows three categories for interventions: areas proposed for conservation, partial changes or complete changes, which together with the main findings of the analysis form the starting points of changes. These are the basis for the concept of spatial planning, from which the final plan is made. The end result is a redesigned park in front of the Janez Trdina Cultural Centre, that has a larger paved area, a new central green area and varied planting. Novi trg has been redesigned as a plaza. The space in front of the villa, next to the Administrative Unit, has been redesigned as a paved area and connected to park on the slope beneath it. The area along the river Krka has been redesigned as a park. The new arrangements make the space more transient, as they create new walking paths and a pedestrian bridge while introducing new, more appropriate uses of space. It connects the green areas of the park in front of the Cultural Centre with the slope and the Loka area. The proposals give a new image to the city centre, as it introduces new modern solutions, and at the same time preserves and emphasises the more important views of the medieval part of the city.
- Published
- 2022
21. Vsebinska in oblikovna prenova kampa Zlatorog ob Bohinjskem jezeru
- Author
Lunder, Lea and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
Bohinjsko jezero ,kampiranje ,landscape design ,Lake Bohinj ,camp Zlatorog ,zavarovana območja ,nature ,sonaravno ,camping ,narava ,krajinsko oblikovanje ,udc:712.25:711.455.8:338.48-6:502/504(043.2) ,Bohinj ,kamp Zlatorog ,sustainable ,protected areas - Abstract
Magistrsko delo obravnava ekološko kampiranje, izlušči ključne elemente eko kampa in jih vključi v zasnovo novega kampa Zlatorog. Glavni cilj naloge je izdelati načrt za prenovo kampa Zlatorog, ki bo rešil trenutne prostorske probleme povezane s šotorjenjem in kampiranjem, parkirnimi površinami in ureditvijo kopališč s poudarkom na prefinjenih krajinsko oblikovalskih rešitvah in sonaravnemu urejanju prostora. Primarni motiv eko turizma je preučevanje, izobraževanje, občudovanje naravnega okolja, zato za takšno vrsto turizma izberemo dejavnosti, ki čim manj vplivajo na okolje. Število gostov je zmanjšano na 300 glede na obstoječo obremenitev, saj takšen prostor ne prenese množičnega turizma. Naloga skozi analizo izbranih primerov zaščitenih območji in analiz stanja prostora ponuja dolgoročno rešitev pri upravljanju in razvoju območja. Prostor skozi uporabo detajlov kot so sidranje objektov na drevesa, vzpostavitev dvignjenih poti in izbiro ustreznega temeljenja, ki omogoča najmanjši stik s tlemi, poveže v enovito območje in omogoča, da se na prostoru razvijajo nove aktivnosti in poskrbi za celovito uporabnikovo izkušnjo. Probleme, ki se pojavljajo zmanjša oz. odpravi z ustreznim sanacijskim načrtom, ki temelji na naravni izbiri gradiva in preoblikovanju prostora. Delo se zaključi z novim načrtom eko kampa, ki v skladu z zakonskimi določili in smernicami za urejanje rekreacijskih območij ponuja: bivanje v šotorih na podestih in hišicah na drevesu, ohranja možnost šotorjenja, omogoča prehode in dostope do vode vsem uporabnikom prostora, ne le gostom kampa. This graduate assignment deals with ecological camping and extracts the key elements of an eco camp to include them into the design of the new camp Zlatorog. The main goal of this assignment is developing a plan to renew camp Zlatorog in a way that would solve its current spatial issues related to tenting and camping, parking lots and the arrangement of swimming facilities while emphasizing sophisticated landscape design solutions and sustainable area design. The primary motive of eco tourism is study, education, and admiration of the natural environment, so for this type of tourism the selected activities are those that influence the environment the least. The number of guests is reduced to 300 in respect to the current limit as such a space does not support mass tourism. This assignment offers a long term solution for the management and development of this area through the analysis of selected examples of protected areas and subsequent analysis of the state of the space. The space connects the area into a unified whole through the use of details: anchoring buildings on trees, establishment of boardwalk paths and the selection of appropriate point foundation, which enables the minimum touch with the ground, and enables the development of new activities on the ground while ensuring a complete user experience. An effective remediation plan based on the selection of natural materials and the redesign of the space reduces or solves the issues that arise. The assignment closes with a new plan of the eco camp that abides the laws and regulations for the design of recreational areas: offers tenting on raised wooden platforms and tree houses, preserves the possibility of tenting, gives access to water to all users of the area, not just guests of the camp.
- Published
- 2021
22. Krajinska ureditev potoka Trnava v mestu Čakovec
- Author
Bahun, Anja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
sport park ,landscape design ,udc:711.76:712.25(043.2) ,recreation ,Trnava ,obvodni prostor ,rekreacija ,zelene površine ,reguliran potok ,green infrastructure ,krajinsko oblikovanje ,športni park ,regulated watercourse ,waterfront - Abstract
Magistrska naloga obravnava obvodni prostor reguliranega potoka Trnave v mestu Čakovec na Hrvaškem. Potok so po veliki poplavi v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja preusmerili iz središča mesta in ga regulirali na celotni potezi skozi mesto. Regulacija je preprečila ponovno poplavljanje mesta, vendar se je kakovost obrežij vodotoka zmanjšala, prostor pa je postal manj zanimiv. Protipoplavna zaščita potoka je omejena zgolj na tehnično rešitev, krajinsko oblikovalski vidik pa ni bil upoštevan. Zato je osnovni cilj naloge izdelava krajinsko oblikovalskega predloga ureditve obvodnega prostora potoka s parkovno ureditvijo, ki bi prostor oživila in ga naredila zanimivega za uporabnike. Prostorski analizi sledijo smernice za reševanje prostorske problematike in končni predlog krajinske ureditve prostora ob potoku Trnava s poudarkom na urejanju javnih zelenih površin, umeščanju novih sprehajalnih poti in prehodov preko potoka. Predlagana rešitev obsega še urejanje športno-rekreativnih površin, oblikovanje prostorov za prostočasne dejavnosti, urejanje javnih vrtičkov in osnovno oblikovanje botaničnega vrta. Izbira programa in dejavnosti ob potoku izhaja iz določil prostorskega načrta in potreb prebivalcev mesta Čakovec. S krajinsko ureditvijo prostora ob potoku Trnava bi povečali privlačnost celotnega območja. The master's thesis deals with regulated Trnava rivulet in Čakovec, that can be redesigned in quality green area. After a major flood in the 1960s, the stream was reruted from the town center. The creek is regulated in its section through the entire length of the town. Regulation has prevented the town from flooding again, but the quality of the water corridor has declined and the area has become less interesting. The flood protection of the watercourse is focused only to the technical solution, while the landscape design aspect was not taken into consideration. Therefore, the main purpose of thesis is to create a functional landscape design proposal for rearrangement of the Trnava’s wider corridor as integrated park area that would revive the space and make it interesting for users. Landscape analysis is followed by basic principles for the redevelopment of the area and the final proposal for waterfront design along the Trnava. The proposed concept offers residents public green areas, sports and recreational parks, picnics and leisure areas, playgrounds, community gardens and a botanical garden, connected with new walking paths and crossings across the creek. The program and activities along the watercourse are based on the municipal spatial plan and the needs of the Čakovec’s residents. Landscape design of watercourse Trnava would increase the attractiveness of the entire area.
- Published
- 2021
23. Predlog ureditve območja med Lucijo in Sečo
- Author
Nosan, Maja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
obalni park ,udc:712.253:58:069.029(497.4 Lucija)(043.2) ,landscape design ,botanical garden ,oblikovanje krajine ,Lucija ,landscape architecture ,coastal park ,krajinska arhitektura ,botanični vrt - Abstract
Magistrsko delo obravnava degradirano površino ob slovenski obali, ki je že desetletje in več neurejena peščena površina ob portoroški marini v Luciji. Glede na to, da je okoli nje nanizanih veliko različnih vsebin (stanovanjski sklopi, trgovsko poslovni, servisne dejavnosti in izrazito turistični program), je območje zaradi sive cone marine omejen in težje prehoden ob obali. Predlog ureditve je javni mestni park, ki povezuje okoliške dejavnosti in nudi skupen prostor lokalnemu prebivalstvu in turistom. Nova zasnova mestnega parka sloni na zasnovi manjšega botaničnega vrta, zato je poudarek predvsem na bogati zasaditvi mediteranske in subtropske vegetacije, v novo zasnovanem steklenjaku pa so predstavljene tudi rastline tropskih krajev. Programsko se obalni park deli na dva dela: tropski in subtropski del ter mediteranski del. V parku so tako zasnovani elementi, ki so značilni za botanične vrtove: parterji, krožne poti, steklenjak, fontana, skulptura, labirint, drevored, gostinski objekti itd. Parkovna površina, tako kot ostali mestni parki, obiskovalcem nudi različne prostore za preživljanje prostega časa ter za različne prireditve, gledališke predstave, koncerte in druge tematske dogodke. Park lahko Lucijo uvrsti med ostale turistično prepoznavne kraje na slovenski obali. The master's work deals with the degraded area of the Slovenian coast, which has been a decade and more messy sandy area along the Portorož marina in Lucija. Given that there is a lot of different content around it (housing areas, commercial buisiness, service activities and a distinctly tourist program), the area is limited by the marine gray zone and is more difficult to go along the coast. The proposal is a public city park that connects the surrounding activities and offers a common space for the local population and tourists. The new design of the city park is based on the design of a small botanical garden, and therefore the focus is mainly on the rich planting of Mediterranean and subtropical vegetation, while the newly-designed glass is also presented by plants of tropical places. The programming of the coastal park is divided into two parts: Tropical and sub-tropical works and the Mediterranean part. In the park are designed elements that characterize the botanical gardens: parsers, circular trails, glassware, fountain, sculpture, Labyrinth, tree avenue, catering facilities, etc.The park is designed for elements which are typical of the Botanical gardens: the parsers, the circular trails, the bottle, the fountain, the sculpture, the Labyrinth, the drevored, the hospitality facilities, etc. Park area, like the rest of the city parks, offers visitors a variety of leisure facilities and various events, theatrical performances, concerts and other themed events. The Park can be placed among other tourist recognizable places on the Slovenian coast.
- Published
- 2020
24. Možnosti ureditev območja Vonarskega jezera glede na višino gladine akumulacije
- Author
Peperko, Klavdija and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
prostorsko načrtovanje ,artificial reservoir ,multiple-purpose use ,udc:712.2:502.51:338.48-44(285.2)(043.2) ,ornithological reserve ,Vonarje lake ,Vonarsko jezero ,ornitološki rezervat ,spatial planning ,večnamenska raba ,akumulacijska jezera - Abstract
Magistrska naloga se ukvarja s prostorom izpraznjene akumulacije Vonarje, ki je bila zgrajena leta 1980 in nato, zaradi slabe kakovosti zadrževane vode, izpraznjena leta 1988. Za obravnavani prostor so se po letu 2005 začele zanimati številne interesne skupine z namenom oživitve območja in umeščanja dejavnosti. Namen naloge je predstaviti in primerjati tri predloge najbolj pogosto izraženih ojezeritev: ornitološko naravovarstveni predlog (gladina ojezeritve na 200,0 mnv.), turistično- rekreacijski predlog (gladina ojezeritve na 204,0 mnv.) in vodarski predlog (gladina ojezeritve na 209,35 mnv.). Na podlagi analize ter primerjave predlaganih predlogov razlivnih površin in zbranih strokovnih člankov, ki v večini podpirajo najmanjšo ojezeritev, se za nadaljnje oblikovanje zasnove območja Vonarskega jezera v tej nalogi izbere ornitološko naravovarstveni predlog. Za načrtovanje prostora se najprej določi projektni program z referenčnimi primeri in glavnimi usmeritvami, ki vsebuje predvsem izobraževalno raziskovalne aktivnosti in določene oblike turističnih in rekreacijskih dejavnosti. Z analizo, inventarizacijo in terenskim ogledom prostora se določi pet lokacij programskih območij: 1. Akel: območje nadomestnega habitata, 2. Breznica: območje ornitološkega parka in območje centra šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti, 3. Paklec: območje raziskovalno- interpretacijskega centra, 4. Brezno: območje mokrišča pri vtoku v jezero in izobraževalno-rekreacijsko območje ter 5. Vonarje: turistično-rekreacijsko območje. Programska območja so med seboj povezana s sistemom sprehajalnih in tematskih poti. The master's thesis deals with the area of the drained Vonarje reservoir, which was built in 1980 and then, due to the poor quality of retained water, emptied in 1988. After 2005, many interest groups became interested in the area in order to revitalize the area and locate activities. The purpose of the paper is to present and compare three proposals of the most frequently expressed scenarions: ornithological nature conservation proposal (lake level at 200.0 m above sea level), tourist and recreational proposal (lake level at 204.0 m above sea level) and water proposal (lake level at 209.35 m above sea level) mnv.). Based on the analysis and comparison of the proposed proposals for floodplains and collected professional articles, most of which support the smallest lake, an ornithological nature conservation proposal is selected in this paper for further design of the Vonarsko Lake area. For spatial planning, a project program with reference examples and main directions is first determined, which contains mainly educational research activities and certain forms of tourist and recreational activities. Five locations of program areas are determined by analysis, inventory and field visit: 1. Akel: area of alternative habitat, 2. Breznica: area of ornithological park and area of Center for school and extracurricular activities, 3. Paklec: area of research and interpretation center, 4. Brezno : wetland area at the inflow into the lake and educational recreational area and 5. Vonarje: tourist recreational area. The program areas are interconnected by a system of walking and themed trails.
- Published
- 2020
25. Problematika urejanja zimskih vrtov v individualnih vrtovih v Ljubljani
- Author
Benedik, Petra and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
udc:712.6:643.57:728.98:725.23(043.2) ,načrtovanje ,conservatories ,funkcionalnost ,landscape architecture ,individualnost ,gardens ,Ljubljana ,krajinska arhitektura ,zimski vrt ,mikroklima ,tipi - Published
- 2020
26. Možnosti za izboljšavo mikroklimatskih razmer v Ljubljani
- Author
Erženičnik, Eva and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
udc:72.011:551.584(497.4Ljubljana)(043.2) ,microclima ,cities ,urbanizacija mest ,landscape architecture ,green landscape ,Ljubljana ,krajinska arhitektura ,mikroklima - Published
- 2020
27. Osvetlitev Mariborskega parka
- Author
Rižnar, Tomaž and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
udc:712.24:628.971:628.94:625.745.8(497.4Maribor)(043.2) ,umetna svetloba ,svetila ,lighting ,illumination ,parks ,svetlobno onesnaževanje ,luminaries ,svetlobna ureditev ,lighting pollution ,parki ,osvetljevanje ,ambientalna osvetlitev ,ambiental lighting ,svetloba ,Maribor - Published
- 2020
28. Oblikovanje izbranih turističnih ureditev v Kostanjevici na Krki
- Author
Perpar, Aleksandra and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
wellness center ,Kostanjevica na Krki ,thermal tourism ,wellness centre ,termalna vas ,landscape architecture ,termalni turizem ,krajinska arhitektura ,udc:711.455:712.2(497.4Kostanjevica na Krki)(043.2) ,spa village - Published
- 2020
29. Permakulturni vrt v občini Sodražica
- Author
Pintar, Sandra and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
turizem ,krajinsko oblikovanje ,Sodražica ,landscape design ,tourism ,natural agriculture ,udc:712.24:631.147(497.4Sodražica)(043.2) ,sonaravno kmetijstvo ,permakulturni vrtovi ,permaculture gardens - Published
- 2020
30. Vrt ob enodružinski hiši
- Author
Kuhar, Tina and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
landscape architects ,ponudba projektantov ,vrtovi ,hiše z vrtom ,landscape design ,houses with gardens ,oblikovanje vrtov ,designing gardens ,udc:712.26(497.4Maribor)(043.2) ,single family houses ,oblikovanje krajine ,enodružinske hiše ,user requirements ,potrebe uporabnikov ,Maribor - Published
- 2020
31. Oblikovanje speleoterapevtskega parka pri Bolnišnici Sežana
- Author
Škerlj, Anja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
quarry rehabilitation ,karst landform ,prostorsko oblikovanje ,speleoterapija ,speleotherapy ,udc:711.63:711.455:712.25:551.448:614.215(043.2) ,Kras ,spatial design ,sanacija kamnoloma ,landscape architecture ,krajinska arhitektura ,kraško površje ,healing gardens ,zdravilni vrtovi - Published
- 2020
32. Preoblikovanje razvrednotene krajine v vrtno mesto na primeru širitve Maribora proti Pragerskem
- Author
Dobič, Barbara and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
degradacija okolja ,Dravsko polje ,settlements ,mesta ,landscape design ,spatial location of activities ,garden cities ,Drava plain ,landscape ,degraded landscape ,udc:711.163:711.3/.4:712.5(497.4Maribor)(043.2) ,zelene površine ,landscape city planning ,krajinsko oblikovanje ,vrtna mesta ,krajinski urbanizem ,cities ,green areas ,naselja ,krajina ,razvrednotena krajina ,programska umestitev dejavnosti - Published
- 2020
33. Oblikovanje odprtega prostora med Gospodarskim razstaviščem in Pionirskim domom v Ljubljani
- Author
Pečkaj, Manja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
udc:711.5:712.25(497.4Ljubljana)(043.2) ,landscape design ,cultural infrastructure ,oblikovanje krajine ,landscape architecture ,kulturna infrastruktura ,odprti prostor ,krajinska arhitektura ,Pionirski dom - Published
- 2020
34. Vključevanje krajinskih značilnosti pri oblikovanju golfskih igrišč v Sloveniji
- Author
Božič, Meta and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
krajinske značilnosti ,landscape characteristics ,recreation areas ,Slovenia ,udc:712.25:712.3:796.352(497.4)(043.2) ,golf ,landscape ,golf courses ,landscape architecture ,Slovenija ,krajinska arhitektura ,krajina ,golfska igrišča ,rekreacijska območja - Published
- 2020
35. Ureditev bregov reke Drave na območju mesta Ptuj
- Author
Turkuš, Marko and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
reke ,udc:711.76:627.18:712.25(497.4Ptuj)(043.2) ,Drava ,flood protection ,Ptuj ,waterfront design ,urejanje rečne krajine ,protipoplavna zaščita ,rivers - Published
- 2020
36. Tematski park - primer svetopisemskega parka
- Author
Bašelj, Andrej and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
svetopisemski park ,parks ,Bible's narrative ,thematic parks ,svetopisemske zgodbe ,parki ,predstavitev v prostoru ,udc:712.25:633:635.9(043.2) ,presentation of topic in space ,tematski parki ,landscape architecture ,biblical park ,krajinska arhitektura ,svetopisemske rastline ,Bible's plants - Published
- 2020
37. Urejanje obrečnega prostora reke Krke s pritoki v širšem mestnem središču Novega mesta
- Author
Primc, Tanja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
Krka ,pritoki ,urejanje krajine ,waterfront area ,udc:711.76:625.714:712.2(497.4Novo mesto)(043.2) ,Novo mesto ,obrečni prostor ,landscape architecture ,riverfront ,obrežja ,streams - Published
- 2020
38. Začasne rešitve gradbene jame na primeru Ljubljane
- Author
Strgar, Eva and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
gradbene jame ,začasna raba ,construction pits ,reclamation ,degradirana območja ,sanacija ,landscape architecture ,Ljubljana ,temporary use ,krajinska arhitektura ,udc:711.14:69.05:712.25(497.4Ljubljana)(043.2) ,degradated areas - Published
- 2020
39. Plečnikove ureditve odprtega prostora v Ljubljani
- Author
Pergovnik, Darja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
krajinske zasnove ,architects ,open space ,design ,oblikovanje ,udc:712.25/.26:72(497.4Ljubljana+437.12Praga) ,arhitekti ,Ljubljana ,Praga ,odprti prostor ,landscape structure - Published
- 2020
40. Urejanje avstrijske vojaške krajine v Pulju
- Author
Krnač, Tomislav and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
vojaška krajina ,landsape design ,urejanje krajine ,military landscape ,landscape architecture ,preoblikovanje ,Pula ,krajinska arhitektura ,redesign ,udc:711.424:711.559.6:623.1:712.25(497.5 Pula)(043.2) - Abstract
Magistrska naloga obravnava vojaško krajino mesta Pulj, ki je bila grajena pred prvo svetovno vojno za časa Avstro–Ogrske vladavine. Osredotoča se na policijsko mejo – ograjo, ki je povezovala utrdbe in druge vojaške objekte v linijsko prostorsko strukturo s funkcijo obrambe in nadzora mesta. Na območju je prepoznan problem zapuščanja in propadanja vojaške krajine, ki je izgubila svojo prvotno, obrambno funkcijo. Z nalogo se zato iščejo možnosti za njeno ohranjanje v prostoru, ter ponovno rabo. V nalogi je analizirana ohranjenost policijske meje v današnjem prostoru ter njene značilnosti. Analitični del naloge se konča z vrednotenjem prostora policijske meje, kjer so določene vrednostne kategorije prostora policijske meje ter ukrepi za nadaljnje oblikovanje prostora. Na osnovi vrednotenja in predlaganega programa so določeni prostorski ukrepi za urejanje prostora policijske meje. Predlagane so ureditve, ki imajo zgodovinsko pričevalno vlogo ter ohranjajo spomin na vojaško preteklost mesta. Poleg tega, nove ureditve povečujejo kakovost bivalnega okolja prebivalcev mesta ter ponujajo prostore za šport, rekreacijo, prostočasne aktivnosti in oddih. Nove ureditve so tako: spominski park, spominska pot, pristanišče in promenada ob morju, pokopališče, mestni parki in otroška igrišča, športni park, športnorekreacijska območja in urbani vrtički. The master's thesis deals with the military landscape of the town of Pula which was built before the First World War during the rule of Austro – Hungarian empire. It focuses on the police border - a linear military defense system with series of linked fortresses and other military buildings. The problems that have been identified are abandonment and vanishing of military landscape and military facilities due to their loss of original function. Therefore, the task is searching for ways to preserve it in space and re-use it. The concept of the design suggests the transformation of the abandoned military space in to a functional public space, while emphasizing its historical characteristic through the spatial design and design approach. The thesis analyzes the level of preservation of the police border and its spatial characteristics. The analytical part of the task is concluded by the evaluation process of the military landscape area where the value categories of space are determined, as well as the measures that define the way of further preserving or designing military landscape. Based on the evaluation process and the proposed program, spatial measures are proposed for further design of the area of the police border. The role of proposed design is to preserve and highlight the memory of the military history of the city and to preserve historical military landscape. At the same time, the proposed concept increases the quality of the living environment of the city's residents and offer facilities for sports, recreation, leisure activities and leisure. The new designed contents for Pula's military landscape are as follows: memorial park, memorial path, harbor and promenade along the sea, cemetery, city parks and playgrounds, sports park, sports and recreation areas and urban gardens.
- Published
- 2019
41. Oblikovanje centra športa, kulture in mladih kot revitalizacija degradiranega območja tovarne Vipap Videm Krško
- Author
Gligić, Lara and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
public space ,udc:711.554:712.25(497.4 Krško)(043.2) ,javni prostor ,revitalizacija ,industrijska dediščina ,factory Vipap Videm Krško ,landscape architecture ,tovarna Vipap Videm Krško ,degraded urban sites ,krajinska arhitektura ,Krško ,degradirana urbana območja ,industrial heritage ,revitalisation - Abstract
Na primeru degradiranega urbanega območja tovarne Vipap Videm Krško se skozi teoretične opredelitve degradiranih območij in industrijske arhitekturne dediščine kot razvojne priložnosti, pregleda aktualnih trendov in uspešnih praks ter analiziranja območja tovarne, v nalogi vzpostavlja in razvija argumentacija o pomenu - potencialu degradiranih industrijskih območij znotraj urbanih sistemov ter možnostih za njihovo revitalizacijo brez izključevanja pretekle rabe. Problem industrijskega območja z lego v središču mesta predstavlja njegova zaprtost, nedostopnost, mentalna oddaljenost in nepovezanost z ostalimi mestnimi predeli ter funkcijami. Ker gre na lokaciji v večjem delu za tovarno v obratovanju, ki je igrala ključno vlogo pri razvoju mesta in je hkrati tudi razpoznaven, simbolen in sentimentalen znak mesta, naloga ne predvidi njene ukinitve, temveč jo obravnava kot mestno kakovost in jo ohranja, pri čemer pa poda smernice za omilitev njenih negativnih vplivov na okolico, izboljšanje vizualne podobe ter vpetosti v zasnovo razvoja mesta z ukrepi na robovih. Za ožje območje obdelave, za katero je v zaključnem delu pripravljena podrobnejša krajinsko-arhitekturna zasnova, se opredeli sklenjeno območje opuščene pridelave celuloze na najbolj izpostavljenem, severnem robu celotnega kompleksa. Revitalizacija temelji na spoštljivem odnosu do pretekle rabe, vpeljavi programov mešane rabe in ustvarjanju doživljajsko bogate ter pomenljive prostorske izkušnje preko oblikovanja javno dostopnega, v zeleno odetega Centra športa, kulture in mladih z vpetostjo ožjega območja obdelave v širši sistem mesta. The argumentation of the importance and spatial potentials of the degraded industrial sites inside urban systems and possibilities for their revitalisation without excluding past usage is in the thesis evolved on a case of the paper factory Vipap Videm Krško through the theoretical definitions of degraded and industrial architectural heritage sites as potential development categories, overview of successfully made realizations and trends and valuation of the case’s location. The main issues of the industrial site laying in the city center are its introversion, inaccessibility, psychological distance and disconnection with the other city parts and functions. Since there is still running factory on the major part of the studied area, which had great impact on the city’s growth and is also recognizable, symbolical and sentimental sign of the city, the thesis does not predict to close it, rather expose and treat as city’s quality with giving the guidelines for minimalizing it’s negative impacts to the surroundings, improving it’s visual appearance and integrating it into the city development plans with taking measures on the margins. Therefore, for the area that has been evolved in the thesis and for which is prepared the detailed landscape architectural plan has been chosen the abandoned and disused part of cellulose production. It is located on the most exposed northern part of the industrial complex. The revitalisation is based on the respectful attitude to the past use with adding new programs of mixed use and creating reach and meaningful spatial experience through the design of open, public, green Center of sports, culture and youth which is being presented as an important part of the wider city structure.
- Published
- 2019
42. Oblikovanje terapevtskega parka za osebe z duševnimi in gibalnimi motnjami pri CUDV Draga NA IGU
- Author
Švigelj Račič, Tadeja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
therapeutic park ,oblikovanje terapevtskega parka ,CUDV Draga ,landscape architecture ,terapevtski park ,krajinska arhitektura ,rastline v terapevtskem parku ,therapy in nature ,terapija v naravi ,designing therapeutic park ,plants in a therapeutic park - Abstract
Zdravilni učinki narave so v oblikovanju krajine že dolgo prisotni in so pomemben vidik človekovega življenja. Narava deluje na človeka pozitivno in znano je, da bolniki hitreje okrevajo v stiku z naravo, saj narava nudi tudi večjo možnost za telesno vadbo, ki krepi telo in duha. V današnjem času je vedno več poudarka na zdravilnih vrtovih ob bolnišnicah in drugih zdravstvenih ustanovah. Ti vrtovi so po navadi namenjeni bolnikom, zdravstvenemu osebju ter obiskovalcem ustanove. Zdravilni vrtovi na bolnike delujejo terapevtsko, zato pri načrtovanju takšnih vrtov oz. parkov ne smemo pozabiti na osebe z duševnimi in gibalnimi motnjami. Osebe z duševnimi in gibalnimi motnjami se sicer ne zdravijo po bolezni ali poškodbah, pa vendar posebno tisti, ki živijo v centrih za varstvo in usposabljanje, potrebujejo takšen park (Svertsen, 2006). Terapevtski park jim nudi možnost rehabilitacije, v njem pa se srečujejo z vsakodnevnimi socialnimi situacijami, ki jih doživijo tudi izven okolja centra. Terapevtski park je odličen prostor za njihov razvoj ter socialno integracijo, ki je osnova za vsakodnevno življenje. Park naj bo – za razliko od zdravilnih vrtov ob bolnišnicah – dostopen tudi drugim obiskovalcem, saj tako nudi pogoje za pester socialni stik. In landscape design, the healing effects of nature have been present for a long time already and are thus an important aspect of people's lives. Nature has a positive effect on people, and it is also well known that patients recover faster when they are in contact with it, as it offers more opportunities for physical exercise, which strengthens the body and mind. Today, a growing emphasis has been put on healing gardens at hospitals and other medical institutions. These gardens are usually intended for patients, healthcare professionals and visitors of the institution. Healing gardens have a therapeutic effect on patients, which is why we must not forget about persons with mental and physical impairments, when planning such gardens or parks. They do not receive any treatment due to illnesses or injuries, however, especially those living in education, work and care centres are in need of such a park (Svertsen, 2006). A therapeutic garden offers them the possibility of rehabilitation, but there they are faced with everyday social situations, which they otherwise experience also outside of centres. A therapeutic garden is a perfect place for their development and social integration, which is the basis for everyday life. A park, as opposed to healing gardens at hospitals, should therefore also be available to other visitors as well ‒ in this way, conditions for a variety of social contacts are provided.
- Published
- 2019
43. Sanacija javnih zelenih površin v Celju s poudarkom na fitoremediacijskih ukrepih
- Author
Majerič, Maja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
fitoremediacija ,Celje ,težke kovine ,fitoremediacijske rastline ,onesnažena tla ,contaminated soils ,landscape architecture ,phytoremediation ,krajinska arhitektura ,heavy metals ,phytoremediational plants ,udc:712.25:504.5:502.13(497.4Celje)(043.2) - Abstract
Magistrsko delo obravnava možnosti sanacije onesnaženih tal s težkimi kovinami, predvsem s cinkom, kadmijem in svincem na onesnaženih javnih zelenih površinah v Celju. Onesnažena tla močno vplivajo na kakovost prostora, saj zmanjšujejo rastlinsko pestrost ter negativno vplivajo na stanje okolja in zdravje ljudi ter živali. Obstaja več metod, s katerimi lahko iz tal odstranimo težke kovine mednje spadajo fizikalno-kemijski postopki, toplotni postopki ter biološki postopki. Med okolju bolj prijazne, cenejše ter vizualno bolj privlačne spada fitoremediacija to je metoda, ki za čiščenje tal uporablja rastline, ki akumulirajo onesnaževalce iz prsti. Z uporabo fitoremediacijskih ukrepov lahko izboljšamo kakovost tal in javnih zelenih površin ter tako prispevamo k boljšemu stanju mestnega okolja in zdravju prebivalcev. V magistrskem delu so predlagane rastline, ki jih lahko uporabimo za čiščenje onesnaženih javnih zelenih površin v Celju. Predlagane so tudi smernice za uporabo ukrepa zamenjave prsti in fitoremediacijskih ukrepov za čiščenje onesnaženih prsti, ki se jih lahko poslužujejo odgovorne službe za prostorsko načrtovanje v Celju ter drugod. The master's thesis deals with possibilities of remediation of contaminated soils with heavy metals, especially zinc, cadmium and lead on contaminated public green spaces in Celje. Polluted soils have a significant impact on the quality of the area, reducing plant diversity and adversely affecting the state of the environment and the health of people and animals. There are several methods for removing heavy metals from the ground these include physico-chemical processes, thermic processes and biological processes. Among the more environmentally friendly, cheaper and visually more attractive measures is phytoremediation this is a method that uses plants that accumulate contaminants from the soil to clean the soil. By using phytoremediational measures, we can improve quality of the soil and public green spaces, thus contributing to a better status of the urban environment and health of the population. In the master's theses are proposed plants that can be used for cleaning contaminated public green areas in Celje. It also proposes guidelines for the use of a soil substitution measure and phytoremediational measures for the cleaning of contaminated soil, which can be used by the responsible spatial planning services in Celje and elsewhere.
- Published
- 2018
44. Akustični vidiki oblikovanja parka na primeru mestnega parka v Ribnici
- Author
Rus, Domen and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
zaznavanje prostora ,landscape design ,urban parks ,zvok ,Ribnica ,mestni parki ,sound ,outdoor venues ,krajinsko oblikovanje ,akustika ,odprta prizorišča ,space perceiving ,acoustics ,udc:712.25:534.83/.84(043.2) - Abstract
Magistrsko delo obravnava zvok in slušno zaznavanje kot izhodišče pri prostorskem oblikovanju. Zvok je namreč predvsem v kontekstu zaznavanja prostora nujen spremljevalec vsakodnevnih podob in dogodkov. Informacijo, ki jo prenaša, zaznavamo s sluhom, ta pa v kombinaciji z ostalimi čutili oblikuje svet okrog nas in nas postavlja v prostor. Zvok pojmujemo kot dražljaj, primerljiv s tistim, ki ga človek zaznava z vidom, in nanj gledamo kot na alternativni vir vzbujanja pozornosti. S tega vidika nosi zmožnost, da podobno kot običajna parkovna prizorišča v obiskovalcu vzbudi pozornost in s tem željo, da se v parku zadrži dlje. Na ta način se zvok in slušno zaznavanje postavljata ob bok vidnemu zaznavanju ter vizualnim podobam parka, zaradi česar sta izhodišče za določitev programskih vsebin parka. Ker je zvok neoprijemljiv in spontan se bistveno razlikuje od zaznavanja prostora preko podob, ki jih zaznavamo z vidom, s tem pa se oddalji od ustaljenih izraznih sredstev. Magistrsko delo v načrtovanje parka zaobjame še načrtovanje zunanjega avditorija in večjega koncertnega prizorišča na način, ki z upoštevanjem prostorsko-akustičnih zahtev v kar se da veliki meri zagotavlja dobro izkušnjo obiskovalca in izvajalca v času glasbenih predstav. Predlog parka je javna zelena površina, kjer zvok služi kot nadgradnja in dopolnitev parkovnih prizorišč. The work considers sound and hearing as a basis of spatial design. Sound or sound waves are a necessary phenomenon of events we encounter daily in a context of perceiving space and our living environment. The information it carries we sense with hearing, which in combination with other senses forms world around ourselves and sets us in our living environment. Sound is considered as stimulus comparable to that we sense with sight and is viewed as alternative source of drawing attention. From this point of view sound bares capability similar as classical park scenes, that may prolong visitors time in park. This way sound and hearing are set beside sight and perceiving park scenery and represent the basis for defining the program. Because sound of environment is physically imperceptible and spontaneous it differs significantly from perceiving space with sight. This way it deviates from usual means of expression. The work includes planning of open space auditorium and larger concert venue in a way that through architectural and acoustical standards both provide suitable listening and performing conditions. The general proposal is public park where sound complements typical park scenery.
- Published
- 2017
45. Krajinsko oblikovanje daljinskih cest
- Author
Iskra, Nastja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
highways ,landscape design ,Slovenia ,roadside ,oblikovanje krajine ,obcestni prostor ,daljinske ceste ,landscape architecture ,Slovenija ,krajinska arhitektura ,udc:711.73:712.2:625.711(497.4)(043.2) - Published
- 2014
46. Prostorska in prometna ureditev turističnega dostopa do Postojnske jame
- Author
Horaček, Katarina and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
prostorsko oblikovanje ,tourist access ,turistične destinacije ,landscape ,Postojnska jama ,tourist destination ,udc:711.455:711.7:712.6(497.4Postojna)(043.2) ,turistična ponudba ,tourist offer ,prometna ureditev ,spatial design ,turistični dostop ,landscape architecture ,traffic regulation ,krajinska arhitektura ,spatial planning ,krajina ,Postojna cave - Published
- 2014
47. Premični kontejnerski vrt
- Author
Habič, Urša and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
planting ,landscape design ,zasaditve ,roof gardens ,strešne zasaditve ,vertikalne zasaditve ,izbor rastlin ,udc:712.25/.26:712.28(043.2) ,mobile gardens ,vertical gardens ,container gardens ,oblikovanje krajine ,landscape architecture ,premični vrtovi ,zelene strehe ,krajinska arhitektura ,kontejnerski vrtovi - Published
- 2014
48. Preobrazba počitniških hišic v stanovanjska naselja na območju Polževa
- Author
Oberžan, Tanja and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
stanovanjske hiše ,vrtovi ,pomožni objekti ,transformation of vacation houses ,spread facilities ,Polževo ,dozidava ,hišni vrtovi ,suburban areas ,spremembe namembnosti ,udc:711.4:338.488.2:643-022.348:728.4(497.4Polževo)(043.2) ,primestna območja ,razlike v višini hiš ,house gardens ,space around houses ,transformacije počitniških hiš ,vacation houses ,obhišni prostor ,height differences ,gardens ,residential houses ,počitniške hiše ,processing facilities - Published
- 2014
49. Povezanost prostostoječe hiše z bivalnim vrtom
- Author
Hiti, Sergej and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
vrtovi ,razvoj vrta ,arhitekturni elementi ,landscape design ,styles ,oblikovanje vrtov ,enodružinska hiša ,odprti prostor ,landscape ,gardens development ,single family house ,udc:712.26(497.4)(043.2) ,krajinski slogi ,arhitektura ,arhitekturni slogi ,architectural elements ,open space ,odnos med vrtom in hišo ,oblikovanje krajine ,enodružinske hiše ,relation between garden and architecture ,landscape architecture ,gardens ,krajinska arhitektura ,krajina - Published
- 2014
50. Krajinsko urejanje levega brega Save od Sp. Gameljn vse do severne obvoznice mesta Ljubljane
- Author
Zuljan, Matej and Gazvoda, Davorin
- Subjects
vodotoki ,landscape design ,regulation ,urejanje ,oblikovanje prostora ,vodna krajina ,water landscape ,udc:711.76:712.5:711.4(497.4)(043.2) ,landscape architecture ,ureditev vodotoka ,Sava ,krajinska arhitektura ,development ,watercourses - Published
- 2014
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