Juga plicifera (I. Lea, 1838) Figs 4–6 Melania plicifera I. Lea, 1838: 93, pl. 23 fig. 90. Melania silicula A. Gould, 1847: 224–225. Melania rudens Reeve, 1860: unpaginated, species 224, pl. 33 fig. 224. Goniobasis plicifera var. bulimoides Tryon, 1865: 238, pl. 24 figs 5–6. Goniobasis plicifera var. oregonensis Tryon, 1865: 238, pl. 24 fig. 4. Goniobasis hemphilli Henderson, 1935a: 96–97, pl. 4 fig. 1. Syn. nov. Goniobasis hemphilli dallesensis Henderson, 1935a: 97, pl. 4 fig. 2. Syn. nov. Melania silicula – Gould 1852: 141–142; “ 1856 ” [1860]: pl. 10 fig. 164–164a; 1862: 46. Goniobasis hemphilli – Henderson 1936b, pl. 2 fig. 1. Goniobasis hemphilli dallesensis – Henderson 1936b, pl. 2 fig. 2. Juga (Juga) plicifera – Burch & Tottenham 1980: 152, fig. 448. — Burch 1982: 41, fig. 448; 1989: 152, fig. 448. — Holznagel & Lydeard 2000: 237. Juga (Juga) silicula – Burch & Tottenham 1980: 152, fig. 449 (in part). — Burch 1982: 41, fig. 449 (in part); 1989: 152, fig. 449 (in part). — Neitzel & Frest 1992: B.25. — Holznagel & Lydeard 2000: 237. — Strong & Frest 2007: 45. — Johannes 2010b: 5. Juga (Juga) hemphilli dallesensis – Burch & Tottenham 1980: 152, fig. 455. — Burch 1982: 41; 1989: 152, fig. 455. — Frest & Johannes 1993: 62; 1995a: 172; 2001: 59; 2010: 9, 26, fig. 2b. — Campbell et al. 2016: 160. Juga silicula – Hawkins & Furnish 1987: 209. — Furnish 1990: 1; 2007: 14, fig. 6, lower left. — Turgeon et al. 1988: 65; 1998: 67. — Lee et al. 2006: 316. — Ó Foighil et al. 2009: 305. — Strong & Köhler 2009: 486. — Strong et al. 2011: 53. — Johnson et al. 2013: 282. — Köhler 2016: 270. Juga plicifera – Turgeon et al. 1988: 65; 1998: 67. — Lee et al. 2006: 316. — Ó Foighil et al. 2009: 305. — Strong & Köhler 2009: 486. — Johnson et al. 2013: 263, 282, pl. 1. Juga hemphilli – Turgeon et al. 1988: 65; 1998: 67. — Ó Foighil et al. 2009: 305. — Johnson et al. 2013: 282. Juga (Juga) plicifera plicifera — Neitzel & Frest 1992: B.25 (in part). — Frest & Johannes 2001: 60; 2010: 11, 46 [as probably valid]. — Johannes 2015: 23. — Campbell et al. 2016: 160. Juga (Juga) hemphilli hemphilli – Frest & Johannes 1993: 62; 1995a: 173; 2001: 59; 2010: 10, 35. — Campbell et al. 2016: 160. Juga (Juga) hemphilli n. subsp. – Frest & Johannes 1993: 63. Juga (Juga) n. sp. 1 – Frest & Johannes 1993: 63 (in part); 1995a: 175 (in part); 2001: 60 (in part). Juga (Juga) n. sp. 3 – Frest & Johannes 1993: 63. Juga (Juga) hemphilli n. subsp. 1 – Frest & Johannes 1995a: 174; 2001: 60. Juga (Juga) silicula silicula – Frest & Johannes 2001: 60; 2010: 11, 50, fig. 2f. — Campbell et al. 2016: fig. 2c. Juga nigrina – Lydeard et al. 2002: 401. — Strong & Köhler 2009: 486. — Strong et al. 2011: 53. Juga sp. 1 – Prozorova & Rasshepkina 2004: 90, figs 1, 2. Juga sp. 2 – Prozorova & Rasshepkina 2004: 91, figs 1, 3. Juga sp. 3 – Prozorova & Rasshepkina 2004: 91, figs 1, 4. Juga sp. 4 – Prozorova & Rasshepkina 2004: 91, figs 1, 5. Juga sp. 5 – Prozorova & Rasshepkina 2004: 91, figs 1, 6. Juga / Elimia hemphilli – Lee et al. 2006: 314–316, fig. 1a–c. Juga / Elimia hemphilli dallesensis – Lee et al. 2006: 314–316, fig. 1a–c. Juga hemphilli dallesensis – Ó Foighil et al. 2009: 305. Juga (Juga) draytonii – Frest & Johannes 2010: 10, 34 (in part). — Campbell et al. 2016: 160. Juga (Juga) plicifera bulimoides – Frest & Johannes 2010: 28 [as possibly valid]. Juga (Juga) plicifera oregonensis – Frest & Johannes 2010: 44 [as likely valid]. — Campbell et al. 2016: 160. Juga (Juga) n. sp. – Johannes 2010a: 7. Juga (Juga) cf. plicifera – Johannes 2013b: 16. Juga (Juga) cf. silicula – Johannes 2013b: 19. Juga (Juga) hemphilli n. subsp. 2 – Johannes 2015: 23. Juga plicata – Köhler 2016: 270 (error for J. plicifera). Juga (Juga) OTU 1 – Campbell et al. 2016: 160. Juga (Juga) OTU 2 – Campbell et al. 2016: 160. Juga plicifera group – Strong & Whelan 2019: 89. non Juga (Juga) hemphilli hemphilli – Burch & Tottenham 1980: 152, fig. 454. — Burch 1982: 41, fig. 454; 1989: 152, fig. 454. — Frest & Johannes 2010: fig. 2c. [= Juga bulbosa] non Juga / Elimia hemphilli – Lee et al. 2006: 316, fig. 1d. [= Elimia doolyensis; see Ó Foighil et al. 2009] non Juga / Elimia hemphilli dallesensis – Lee et al. 2006: 316, fig. 1d. [= Elimia doolyensis; see Ó Foighil et al. 2009] Material examined Lectotype of Melania plicifera I. Lea, 1838 (here designated) (Fig. 4A) USA • “ Wahlamat [sic, Willamette River], near its junction with the Columbia River ”; T. Nuttall leg.; USNM 119244. Paralectotypes of Melania plicifera I. Lea, 1838 USA • 23 spms; same collection data as for lectotype; USNM 1665628 (formerly USNM 119244X) • 1 spm; same collection data as for lectoype; MCZ 161911. Lectotype of Melania silicula A. Gould, 1847 (here designated) (Fig. 4B) USA • “ Nisqually, Oregon [Territory]” [possibly Sequalitchew Creek; Strong & Frest 2007; Frest & Johannes 2010]; U.S. Exploring Expedition leg.; USNM 12137. Paralectotypes of Melania silicula A. Gould, 1847 USA • 2 spms; same collection data as for lectotype; USNM 1665633 (ex USNM 12137). Lectotype of Melania rudens Reeve, 1860 (here designated) (Fig. 4C) USA • locality unknown; H. Cuming collection; NHMUK 20110170/1. Paralectotypes of Melania rudens Reeve, 1860 USA • 2 spms; same collection data as for lectotype; NHMUK 20110170/2, NHMUK 20110170/3. Lectotype of Goniobasis plicifera var. bulimoides Tryon, 1865 (designated by Baker 1964: 180) (Fig. 4D) USA • “ Willamette River, at Eugene City”; W.M. Gabb leg.; ANSP 27542. Paralectotypes of Goniobasis plicifera var. bulimoides Tryon, 1865 USA • 4 spms; same collection data as for lectotype; W.M. Gabb leg.; ANSP 453835 (ex ANSP 27542). Lectotype of Goniobasis plicifera var. oregonensis Tryon, 1865 (designated by Baker 1964: 186) (Fig. 4E) USA • “ Willamette River, near its junction with the Columbia ”; R.E.C. Stearns leg.; ANSP 27550. Paralectotypes of Goniobasis plicifera var. oregonensis Tryon, 1865 (Fig, 4E) USA • 6 spms; same collection data as for lectotype; ANSP 467223 (ex ANSP 27550). Holotype of Goniobasis hemphilli Henderson, 1935 (Fig. 4F) USA • “ Near Portland, Oregon ” [possibly Johnson Creek; Frest & Johannes 1993, 2010]; Hemphill collection; UCM 21167a. Paratype of Goniobasis hemphilli Henderson, 1935 USA • 1 spm; same collection data as for holotype; UCM 21167b (Henderson 1935a: pl. 4 fig. 1, at right). Holotype of Goniobasis hemphilli dallesensis Henderson, 1935 (Fig. 4G) USA • “ Mill Creek, The Dalles, Oregon ”; 19 Aug. 1928; J. Henderson and Nelson leg.; UCM 16016a. Paratypes of Goniobasis hemphilli dallesensis Henderson, 1935 USA • 3 spms; same collection data as for holotype; UCM 16016c (Henderson 1935a: pl. 4 fig. 2). Remarks Another paratype (UCM 16016b) was not examined (McCoy 1964). Other material examined 352 lots, 3435 specimens, of which 200 were sequenced. USA – Washington • 5 spms; Clallam Co., Lake Crescent; [48.0581, -123.8132]; 19 Jul. 1935; V. Scheffer leg.; USNM 756742 • 5 spms; Clark Co., Burnt Bridge Creek Bridge at NE 110 th Ave, Vancouver; 45.6581, -122.5601; 23 Jun. 2015; K. Van Norman leg.; USNM 1413042 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472579, MK464944; USNM 1413037 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472580, MK464945, MK480955; USNM 1413038 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472581, MK464946, MK480956; USNM 1413039 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; USNM 1413040 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472582, MK464947; USNM 1413041 • 38 spms; Clark Co., NW 179 th St; 45.7503, -122.7146; 6 Jul. 2014; J.T. Garner and N.V. Whelan leg.; USNM 1295164 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472553, MK464920; USNM 1295163 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472549, MK464916; USNM 1295159 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472550, MK464917; USNM 1295160 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472551, MK464918, MK480948; USNM 1295161 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472552, MK464919; USNM 1295162 • 12 spms; Clark Co., Washington River, Vancouver; Clench leg.; USNM 1501083 • 1 spm; Cowlitz Co., Abernathy Creek behind Abernathy Fish Technology Center; 46.2267, -123.1478; 1 Aug. 2017; M. Piteo leg.; GenBank: KF680626; USNM 1597945 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: KF680627; USNM 1597944 • 45 spms; Grays Harbor Co., Black River; 46.8299, -123.1859; 4 Sep. 2015; E.E. Strong and P. Bouchet leg.; USNM 1413220 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472616, MK464981; USNM 1413215 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472617, MK464982; USNM 1413216 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472618, MK464983, MK480970; USNM 1413217 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472619, MK464984; USNM 1413218 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472620, MK464985; USNM 1413219 • 9 spms; Grays Harbor Co., Lake Quinault; [47.4729, -123.8683]; United States Fish Commission (USFC); Rutter and Brady leg.; USNM 218271 • 1 spm; Grays Harbor Co., Lake Quinault, Falls Creek Campground, boat launch E of private docks along South Shore Rd; 47.4701, -123.8457; 11 Aug. 2015; C. Fallon and E. Blevins leg.; GenBank: MK472682, MK465049, MK481000; USNM 1413471 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472683, MK465050, MK481001; USNM 1413472 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472684, MK465051; USNM 1413473 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472685, MK465052; USNM 1413474 • 1 spm; Grays Harbor Co., Lake Quinault at Gatton Creek Campground, along rocky beach; 47.4738, -123.8392; 11 Aug. 2015; C. Fallon and E. Blevins leg.; GenBank: MK472676, MK465043, MK480995; USNM 1413465 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472677, MK465044, MK480996; USNM 1413466 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472678, MK465045, MK480997; USNM 1413467 • 1 spm; Jefferson Co., Quinault River, just N of S Shore Rd, between Fletcher and Bunch Canyons; 47.5297, -123.6987; 11 Aug. 2015; C. Fallon and E. Blevins leg.; GenBank: MK472679, MK465046, MK480998; USNM 1413468 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472680, MK465047; USNM 1413469 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472681, MK465048, MK480999; USNM 1413470 • 4 spms; King Co., L. Washington; [47.6214, -122.2557]; R.Z. Fahs leg.; USNM 169076 • 53 spms; Klickitat Co., Major Creek; 45.7154, -121.3509; 6 Sep. 2015; E.E. Strong and P. Bouchet leg.; USNM 1413184 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472604, MK464970, MK480965; USNM 1413182 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472605, MK480966; USNM 1413183 • 41 spms; Lewis Co.. Ames Creek; 46.4516, -121.9929; 5 Sep. 2015; E.E. Strong and P. Bouchet leg.; USNM 1413226 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472621, MK464986, MK480971; USNM 1413221 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472622, MK464987, MK480972; USNM 1413222 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472623, MK464988; USNM 1413223 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472624, MK464989; USNM 1413224 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472625, MK464990; USNM 1413225 • 50 spms; Lewis Co., Cowlitz River at Spencer Rd Trout Hatchery; 46.4851, -122.7259; 5 Sep. 2015; E.E. Strong and P. Bouchet leg.; USNM 1413175 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472594, MK464960, MK480961; USNM 1413170 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472595, MK464961; USNM 1413171 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472596, MK464962; USNM 1413172 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472597, MK464963; USNM 1413173 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472598, MK464964, MK480962; USNM 1413174 • 46 spms; Lewis Co., Cowlitz River, at I-5 Crossing W of Toledo; [46.4149, -122.8897]; 24 May 1978; J. Landye leg.; on mud; USNM 892367 • 61 spms; Lewis Co., from stream in Lewis and Clark State Park [Lacamas Creek]; [46.5183, -122.8039]; 15 Jun. 1937; C.E. Burt leg.; USNM 473497 • 48 spms; Lewis Co., Little Falls [= Vader]; [46.395, -122.9578]; Arnold leg.; USNM 187284 • 49 spms; Lewis Co., Olequa Creek, tributary to Cowlitz River near Little Falls [= Vader]; [46.395, -122.9578]; R. Arnold leg.; USNM 181105 • 34 spms; Lewis Co., South Fork Newaukum River; 46.5751, -122.8353; 5 Sep. 2015; E.E. Strong and P. Bouchet leg.; USNM 1413214 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472611, MK464976, MK480968; USNM 1413209 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472612, MK464977; USNM 1413210 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472613, MK464978; USNM 1413211 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472614, MK464979; USNM 1413212 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472615, MK464980, MK480969; USNM 1413213 • 11 spms; Mason Co., Spider Lake, off of FR 23; 47.4068, -123.4372; 13 Aug. 2015; C. Fallon Mason and E. Blevins leg.; USNM 1413464 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472675, MK465042, MK480994; USNM 1413463 • 5 spms; Pacific Co., Holcomb, Willapa River; [46.5699, -123.6154]; USFC; Rutter leg.; USNM 109895 • 1 spm; Pacific Co., Nasel, Nasel River [sic, Naselle, Naselle River]; [46.367, -123.8103]; USFC; Rutter leg.; USNM 109893 • 12 spms; Pierce Co., Ft Lewis, Sequalitchew Springs (main water source of Ft Lewis); [47.1116, -122.6016]; 19 Oct. 1951; Lt A. Mayfield leg.; USNM 598456 • 1 spm; Pierce Co., Lake George; [46.7878, -121.9036]; U.S. Exploring Expedition; USNM 5565 • 26 spms; Pierce Co., Roy; [47.0055, -122.5431]; 18 Aug. 1897; V. Bailey leg.; USNM 251946 • 6 spms; Pierce Co., S of Tacoma, in a brook; W.J. Eyerdam leg.; USNM 509403 • 6 spms; Pierce Co., Sequalitchew L., near creek; [47.1124, -122.6163]; 25 Apr. 1904; USFC; USNM 218270 • 9 spms; Pierce Co., Steilacoom Lake, near Tacoma; [47.1643, -122.5376]; 20 Oct. 1949; USNM 1294910 • 7 spms; Pierce Co., Steilacoon River [sic, Steilacoom = Chambers Creek]; [47.1948, -122.5528]; Smithsonian leg.; USNM 118931 • 2 spms; Pierce Co., Tacoma; [47.2538, -122.4349]; Hare leg.; USNM 133697 • 21 spms; Pierce Co., Tacoma, Steilacoom Lake; [47.1643, -122.5376]; 20 Oct. 1949; A.F. Bartsch leg.; USNM 601879 • 47 spms; Pierce Co., H.V. Chase leg.; USNM 742590 • 1 spm; Sherman Co., at Biggs Junction, downstream from Wallula Gap, Columbia River; [45.6727, -120.8346]; 10 Feb. 1949; J.J. Davis leg.; USNM 653137 • 72 spms; Skamania Co., Le Bong Creek at Stevenson; 45.6976, -121.9128; 5 Sep. 2015; E.E. Strong and P. Bouchet leg.; USNM 1413181 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472599, MK464965; USNM 1413176 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472600, MK464966; USNM 1413177 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472601, MK464967, MK480963; USNM 1413178 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472602, MK464968, MK480964; USNM 1413179 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472603, MK464969; USNM 1413180 • 10 spms; Skamania Co., Skamania at Skelton Rd; 45.6219, -122.0505; 5 Sep. 2015; E.E. Strong and P. Bouchet leg.; USNM 1413208 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472606, MK464971; USNM 1413203 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472607, MK464972; USNM 1413204 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472608, MK464973; USNM 1413205 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472610, MK464975, MK480967; USNM 1413207 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472609, MK464974; USNM 1413206 • 3 spms; Skamania Co., Stevenson; [45.695, -121.8928]; V. Jackson leg.; USNM 169055 • 12 spms; Thurston Co., Black Lake; [46.9881, -122.9793]; USFC; Rutter leg.; USNM 109862 • 14 spms; Thurston Co., Black River, N of bridge along SE 128 Ave, Littlerock; 46.902, -123.0239; 28 Jun. 2015; K. Van Norman leg.; USNM 1413048 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK464948, MK480957; USNM 1413043 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472583, MK464949; USNM 1413044 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472584, MK464950; USNM 1413045 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472585, MK464951; USNM 1413046 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472586, MK464952, MK480958; USNM 1413047 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MK472587, MK464953; USNM 1413049 • 1 spm; same collection data as for preceding; Gen, Published as part of Strong, Ellen E., Garner, Jeffrey T., Johnson, Paul D. & Whelan, Nathan V., 2022, A systematic revision of the genus Juga from fresh waters of the Pacific Northwest, USA (Cerithioidea, Semisulcospiridae), pp. 1-97 in European Journal of Taxonomy 848 on pages 11-26, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.848.1993, http://zenodo.org/record/7427764, {"references":["Lea I. 1838. 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