This paper focuses on the probabilistic numerical solution of the problems in biomechanics and mining. Applications of Simulation-Based Reliability Assessment (SBRA) Method are presented in the solution of designing of the external fixators applied in traumatology and orthopaedics (these fixators can be applied for the treatment of open and unstable fractures etc.) and in the solution of a hard rock (ore) disintegration process (i.e. the bit moves into the ore and subsequently disintegrates it, the results are compared with experiments, new design of excavation tool is proposed., {"references":["K. Frydr├¢┼íek, Pravd─øpodobnostn├¡ v├¢po─ìty v mechanice 1 (Probabilistic\nCalculations in Mechanics 1), written in Czech language, ISBN: 978-80-\n248-2314-0, V┼áB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2010, pp. 1-149.","K. FrydrÛšek, \"Stochastic Solution and Evaluation of the Ore\nDisintegration Process\", in Proceedings of the 2009 International\nConference on Scientific Computing CSC2009, ISBN: 1-60132-098-1,\nCSREA Press, Las Vegas, USA, 2009, pp. 40-46.","K. FrydrÛšek, P. Koštial, K. Barabaszova, J. Kukutschová, \"New ways\nfor Designing External Fixators Applied in Treatment of Open and\nUnstable Fractures\", in journal World Academy of Science, Engineering\nand Technology, ISSN 2010-376X (print version) ISSN 2010-3778\n(electronic version), vol. 7, issue 76, 2011, pp. 639-644.","K. FrydrÛšek, P. Marek, \"Probabilistic Solution and Reliability\nAssessment of the Hard Rock Disintegration Process\" (Chapter:\nStructural Reliability and Design Codes - pp. 1443-1450), in book: R.\nBri┼í, C. G. Soares, S. Martorell (editors): Reliability, Risk and Safety:\nTheory and Applications (ESREL 2009), vol. 2, ISBN 978-0-415-55509-\n8, Taylor Francis Group, London, 2010, UK.","K. FrydrÛšek, M. NikodÛm, Beams and Frames on Elastic Foundation\n3, ISBN 978-80-248-2257-0, V┼áB - Technical University of Ostrava,\nOstrava, Czech Republic, 2010, pp. 1-611.","K. FrydrÛšek, L. Pleva, P. Koštiál, \"New Ways for Designing External\nFixators Intended for the Treatment of Open and Unstable Fractures\", in\nApplied Mechanics 2010, 12th. International Scientific Conference\n(Proceedings), Department of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of\nMechanical Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec,\nCzech Republic, ISBN 978-80-7372-586-0, 2010, pp. 43-47.","A. Haldar, S. Mahadevan, Probability, Reliability and Statistical\nMethods in Engineering Design, John Willey & Sons, Inc, ISBN 0-471-\n33119-8, New York, 2001, USA.","Z. Kala, \"Sensitivity Analysis of Steel Plane Frames with Initial\nImperfections\", in Engineering Structures, vol.33, no.8, 2011, pp. 2342-\n2349.","R. Madeja, L. Pleva, P. V├ívrov├í, \"Navigation in Traumatology\", j.\n├Üraz. chir., 17, no. 3, Czech Republic, 2009, pp. 1-6.\n[10] P. Marek, J. Brozzetti, M. Gu┼ítar, P. Tikalsky, Probabilistic Assessment\nof Structures Using Monte Carlo Simulation Background, Exercises and\nSoftware, (2nd extended edition), ISBN 80-86246-19-1, ITAM CAS,\nPrague, Czech Republic, 2003.\n[11] P. Marek, M. Gu┼ítar, T. Anagnos, Simulation-Based Reliability\nAssessment For Structural Engineers, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA,\nISBN 0-8493-8286-6, 1995.\n[12] L. Pleva, External Fixator for Treatment of Acetabulum Fractures, final\nreport of the project IGA MZ ─îR, reg. ─ì. 3522-4, written in Czech\nlanguage, FNsP - Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic, pp. 1-77, 1999.\n[13] K. Rozum, External Fixators for the Treatment of Open Unstable\nFractures, inaugural work written in Czech language, FME, V┼áB -\nTechnical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-248-\n1670-8, pp. 1-43, 2008.\n[14] J. TokarskÛ, P. Čapková, D. Rafaja, V. Klemm, M. Valášková, J.\nKukutschov├í, V. Tom├í┼íek, \"Adhesion of Silver Nanoparticles on the\nClay Substrates; Modeling and Experiment\", in Applied Surface Science,\nISSN: 0169-4332, (2009), doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.11.037.\n[15] M. Val├í┼íkov├í, G. Simha Martynkov├í, V. Mat─øjka, K. Barabaszov├í, E.\nPlevov├í, D. M─øř├¡nsk├í, \"Organovermiculite Nanofillers in\nPolypropylene\", in Applied Clay Science, ISSN 0169-1317, 43, 2009,\npp. 108-112."]}