568 results on '"Froehlich*, F."'
Search Results
2. Combining in situ synchrotron X-ray imaging and multiphysics simulation to reveal pore formation dynamics in laser welding of copper
- Author
Florian, T., Schricker, K., Zenz, C., Otto, A., Schmidt, L., Diegel, C., Friedmann, H., Seibold, M., Hellwig, P., Fröhlich, F., Nagel, F., Kallage, P., Buttazzoni, M., Rack, A., Requardt, H., Chen, Y., and Bergmann, J.P.
- Published
- 2025
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3. Additive Manufacturing with Borosilicate Glass and Soda-Lime Glass
- Author
Fröhlich, F., Hildebrand, J., Bergmann, J. P., da Silva, Lucas F.M., Series Editor, Ferreira, António J. M., Series Editor, da Silva, Lucas F. M., editor, Martins, Paulo A. F., editor, and Reisgen, Uwe, editor
- Published
- 2022
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4. Taming the sphinx: Mechanisms of cellular sphingolipid homeostasis
- Author
Olson, D.K., Fröhlich, F., Farese, R.V., Jr, and Walther, T.C.
- Published
- 2016
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5. Exploratory study of once-daily transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) as a treatment for auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia
- Author
Fröhlich, F., Burrello, T.N., Mellin, J.M., Cordle, A.L., Lustenberger, C.M., Gilmore, J.H., and Jarskog, L.F.
- Published
- 2016
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6. HOPS tethering complex from yeast
- Author
Shvarev, D., primary, Schoppe, J., additional, Koenig, C., additional, Perz, A., additional, Fuellbrunn, N., additional, Kiontke, S., additional, Langemeyer, L., additional, Januliene, D., additional, Schnelle, K., additional, Kuemmel, D., additional, Froehlich, F., additional, Moeller, A., additional, and Ungermann, C., additional
- Published
- 2022
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7. Measurement and QCD analysis of double-differential inclusive jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
- Author
Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Rejkovic, J. W., Bergauer, T., Chatterjee, S., Damanakis, K., Dragicevic, M., Escalante Del Valle, Fruhwirth, A., Jeitler, R., Krammer, M., Lechner, N., Liko, L., Mikulec, D., Paulitsch, I., Pitters, P., Schieck, F. M., Schofbeck, J., Schwarz, R., Templ, D., Waltenberger, S., Wulz, W., C. -E., Chekhovsky, V., Litomin, A., Makarenko, V., Darwish, M. R., Wolf, De, Janssen, E. A., Kello, T., Lelek, T., Rejeb, Sfar, Van, Mechelen, Van, Putte, Van, Remortel, Blekman, N., Bols, F., D'Hondt, E. S., Delcourt, J., Faham, El, Lowette, H., Moortgat, S., Morton, S., Muller, A., Sahasransu, D., Tavernier, A. R., Van, Doninck, Beghin, W., Bilin, D., Clerbaux, B., Lentdecker, De, Favart, G., Grebenyuk, L., Kalsi, A., Lee, A. K., Mahdavikhorrami, K., Makarenko, M., Moureaux, I., Petre, L., Popov, L., Postiau, A., Starling, N., Thomas, E., L. V., Bemden, En, M. V., Velde, Er, Vanlaer, C., Cornelis, P., Dobur, T., Knolle, D., Lambrecht, J., Mestdach, L., Niedziela, G., Roskas, M., Samalan, C., Skovpen, A., Tytgat, K., Vermassen, M., Wezenbeek, B., Benecke, L., Bethani, A., Bruno, A., Bury, G., Caputo, F., David, C., Delaere, P., Donertas, C., Giammanco, I. S., Jaffel, A., Jain, K., Lemaitre, Sa., Mondal, V., Prisci, K., Aro, J., Taliercio, A., Teklishyn, M., Tran, T. T., Vischia, P., Wertz, S., Alves, G. A., Hensel, C., Moraes, A., Alda, Junior, W. L., Alves Gallo Pereira, Barroso Ferreira Filho, Br, M., Malbouisson, Ao, Carvalho, H., Chinellato, W., Costa, Da, E. M., Silveira, Da, G. G., De Jesus Damiao, Fonseca De Souza, Mora, Herrera, Mota, Amarilo, Mundim, K., Nogima, L., Rebello, Teles, Santoro, P., Silva Do Amaral, Sznajder, S. M., Thiel, A., Torres Da Silva De Araujo, Vilela, Pereira, Bernardes, A., Calligaris, C. A., Fern, L., ez Perez Tomei, Gregores, T. R., Lemos, E. M., Mercadante, D. S., Novaes, P. G., Padula, S. F., S, Ra, S., Aleks, Rov, Antchev, A., Hadjiiska, G., Iaydjiev, R., Misheva, P., Rodozov, M., Shopova, M., Sultanov, M., Dimitrov, G., Ivanov, A., Litov, T., Pavlov, L., Petkov, B., Petrov, P., Cheng, A., Javaid, T., Mittal, T., Yuan, M., Ahmad, L., Bauer, M., Dozen, G., Hu, C., Martins, Z., Wang, J., Yi, Y., Chapon, K., Chen, E., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. S., Iemmi, M., Kapoor, F., Leggat, A., Liao, D., Liu, H., Z. -A., Milosevic, V., Monti, F., Sharma, R., Tao, J., Thomas-Wilsker, J., Zhang, H., Zhao, J., Agapitos, A., An, Y., Ban, Y., Chen, C., Levin, A., Li, Q., Lyu, X., Mao, Y., Qian, S. J., Wang, D., Wang, Q., Xiao, J., Lu, M., You, Z., Gao, X., Okawa, H., Zhang, Y., Lin, Z., Xiao, M., Avila, C., Cabrera, A., Florez, C., Fraga, J., Mejia, Guisao, Ramirez, J., Ruiz, Alvarez, J. D., Salazar, Gonzalez, Giljanovic, C. A., Godinovic, D., Lelas, N., Puljak, D., Antunovic, I., Kovac, Z., Sculac, M., Brigljevic, T., Ferencek, V., Majumder, D., Roguljic, D., Starodumov, M., Susa, A., Attikis, T., Christoforou, A., Erodotou, K., Ioannou, E., Kole, A., Kolosova, G., Konstantinou, M., Mousa, S., Nicolaou, J., Ptochos, C., Razis, F., Rykaczewski, P. A., Saka, H., Finger, H., Finger, M., r. M., J, Kveton, A., Ayala, E., Carrera, Jarrin, Assran, E., Ellithi, Kamel, Mahmoud, A., Mohammed, M. A., Bhowmik, Y., Dewanjee, S., Ehataht, R. K., Kadastik, K., M. N., An, S., Nielsen, C., Pata, J., Raidal, M., Tani, L., Veelken, C., Eerola, P., Forthomme, L., Kirschenmann, H., Osterberg, K., Voutilainen, M., Bharthuar, S., Brucken, E., Garcia, F., Havukainen, J., Kim, M. S., Kinnunen, R., Lampen, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Lehti, S., Linden, T., Lotti, M., Martikainen, L., Myllymaki, M., Ott, J., Siikonen, H., Tuominen, E., Tuominiemi, J., Luukka, P., Petrow, H., Tuuva, T., Amendola, C., Besancon, M., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Faure, J. L., Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Gras, P., Hamel de Monchenault, Jarry, G., Lenzi, P., Locci, B., Malcles, E., J. R., Er, J., Rosowsky, A., Sahin, M. O., Savoy-Navarro, A., Titov, M., G. B., Yu, Ahuja, S., Beaudette, F., Bonanomi, M., Buchot, Perraguin, Busson, A., Cappati, P., Charlot, A., Davignon, C., Diab, O., Falmagne, B., Ghosh, G., Granier de Cassagnac, Hakimi, R., Kucher, A., Motta, I., Nguyen, J., Och, M., O, C., Paganini, P., Rembser, J., Salerno, R., Sarkar, U., Sauvan, J. B., Sirois, Y., Tarabini, A., Zabi, A., Zghiche, A., Agram, J. -L., Rea, J., Apparu, D., Bloch, D., Bourgatte, G., Brom, J. -M., Chabert, E. C., Collard, C., Darej, D., Fontaine, J. -C., Goerlach, U., Grimault, C., Bihan, Le, A. -C., Nibigira, E., Van, Hove, Asilar, P., Beauceron, E., Bernet, S., Boudoul, C., Camen, G., Carle, C., Chanon, A., Contardo, N., Depasse, D., Mamouni, El, Fay, H., Gascon, J., Gouzevitch, S., Ille, M., Laktineh, B., Lattaud, I. B., Lesauvage, H., Lethuillier, A., Mirabito, M., Perries, L., Shchablo, S., Sordini, K., Torterotot, V., Touquet, L., G. V., Donckt, Er, Viret, M., Lomidze, S., Toriashvili, I., Tsamalaidze, T., Botta, Z., Feld, V., Klein, L., Lipinski, K., Meuser, M., Pauls, D., Rowert, A., Schulz, N., Teroerde, J., Dodonova, M., Eliseev, A., Erdmann, D., Fackeldey, M., Fischer, P., Ghosh, B., Hebbeker, S., Hoepfner, T., Ivone, K., Mastrolorenzo, F., Merschmeyer, L., Meyer, M., Mocellin, A., Mondal, G., Mukherjee, S., Noll, S., Novak, D., Pook, A., Pozdnyakov, T., Rath, A., Reithler, Y., Roemer, H., Schmidt, J., Schuler, A., Sharma, S. C., Vigilante, A., Wiedenbeck, L., Zaleski, S., Dziwok, S., Flugge, C., Haj, Ahmad, Hlushchenko, W., Kress, O., Nowack, T., Pistone, A., Pooth, C., Roy, O., Sert, D., Stahl, H., Ziemons, A., Zotz, T., Aarup, Petersen, Aldaya, Martin, Asmuss, M., Baxter, P., Bayatmakou, S., Behnke, M., Bermudez, Martinez, Bhattacharya, A., Bin, Anuar, Borras, A. A., Brunner, K., Campbell, D., Cardini, A., Colombina, C., Consuegra, Rodriguez, Correia, Silva, Danilov, G., Silva, De, Didukh, M., Eckerlin, L., Eckstein, G., Eren, D., Estevez, Banos, Filatov, L. I., Gallo, O., Gao, E., Geiser, J., Giraldi, A., Grohsjean, A., Guthoff, A., Jafari, M., Jomhari, A., Jung, N. Z., Kasem, H., Kasemann, A., Kaveh, M., Kleinwort, H., Kruecker, C., Lange, D., Lidrych, W., Lipka, J., Lohmann, K., Maekelae, W., Mankel, T., Melzer-Pellmann, R., I. -A., Mendizabal, Morentin, Metwally, M., Meyer, J., Meyer, A. B., Mnich, M., Mussgiller, J., Otarid, A., Perez, Adan, Pitzl, D., Raspereza, D., Ribeiro, Lopes, Ruebenach, B., Saggio, J., Saibel, A., Savitskyi, A., Scham, M., Scheurer, M., Schnake, V., Schuetze, S., Schwanenberger, P., Shchedrolosiev, C., Sosa, Ricardo, Stafford, R. E., Tonon, D., Van De Klundert, Walsh, M., Walter, R., Wen, D., Wichmann, Y., Wiens, K., Wissing, L., Wuchterl, C., Zlebcik, S., Aggleton, R., Albrecht, R., Bein, S., Benato, S., Connor, L., Leo, De, Eich, K., Feindt, M., Froehlich, F., Garbers, A., Garutti, C., Gunnellini, E., Hajheidari, P., Haller, M., Hinzmann, J., Kasieczka, A., Klanner, G., Kogler, R., Kramer, R., Kutzner, T., Lange, V., Lange, J., Lobanov, T., Malara, A., Nigamova, A., Pena, Rodriguez, Rieger, K. J., Schleper, O., Schroeder, P., Schw, M., T, J., Sonneveld, J., Stadie, H., Steinbrueck, G., Tews, A., Zoi, I., Bechtel, J., Brommer, S., Burkart, M., Butz, E., Caspart, R., Chwalek, T., Boer, De, Dierlamm, W., Droll, A., Morabit, El, Faltermann, K., Giffels, N., Gosewisch, M., Gottmann, J. o., Hartmann, A., Heidecker, F., Husemann, C., Keicher, U., Koppenhoefer, P., Maier, R., Metzler, S., Mitra, M., Mueller, S., Neukum, Th., Nuernberg, M., Quast, A., Rabbertz, G., Rauser, K., Savoiu, J., Schnepf, D., Seith, M., Shvetsov, D., Simonis, I., Ulrich, H. J., Van Der Linden, Von, Cube, Wassmer, R. F., Weber, M., Wiel, M., Wolf, S., Wozniewski, R., Wunsch, S., Anagnostou, S., Daskalakis, G., Geralis, G., Kyriakis, T., Loukas, A., Stakia, D., Diamantopoulou, A., Karasavvas, M., Karathanasis, D., Kontaxakis, G., Koraka, P., Manousakis-Katsikakis, C. K., Panagiotou, A., Papavergou, A., Saoulidou, I., Theofilatos, N., Tziaferi, K., Vellidis, E., Vourliotis, K., Bakas, E., Kousouris, G., Papakrivopoulos, K., Tsipolitis, I., Zacharopoulou, G., Adamidis, A., Bestintzanos, K., Evangelou, I., Foudas, I., Gianneios, C., Katsoulis, P., Kokkas, P., Manthos, P., Papadopoulos, N., Strologas, I., Csanad, J., Farkas, M., Gadallah, K., Lokos, M. M. A., Major, S., P. M., Al, K., Mehta, A., Pasztor, G., Radl, A. J., Suranyi, O., Veres, G. I., Bartok, M., Bencze, G., Hajdu, C., Horvath, D., Sikler, F., Veszpremi, V., Czellar, S., Karancsi, J., Molnar, J., Szillasi, Z., Teyssier, D., Raics, P., Trocsanyi, Z. L., Ujvari, B., Csorgo, T., Nemes, F., Novak, T., Choudhury, S., Komaragiri, J. R., Kumar, D., Panwar, L., Tiwari, P. C., Bahinipati, S., Kar, C., Mal, P., Mishra, T., Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, Nayak, V. K., Saha, A., Sur, P., Swain, N., Vats, S. K., Bansal, D., Beri, S., Bhatnagar, S. B., Chaudhary, V., Chauhan, G., Dhingra, S., Gupta, N., Kaur, R., Kaur, A., Kaur, M., Kumari, S., Meena, P., M. S., Eep, K., Singh, J. B., Virdi, A. K., Ahmed, A., Bhardwaj, A., Choudhary, B. C., Gola, M., Keshri, S., Kumar, A., Naimuddin, M., Priyanka, P., Ranjan, K., Shah, A., Bharti, M., Bhattacharya, R., Bhattacharya, S., Bhowmik, D., Dutta, S., Gomber, B., Maity, M., Palit, P., Rout, P. K., Saha, G., Sahu, B., Sarkar, S., Sharan, M., Singh, B., Thakur, S., Behera, P. K., Behera, S. C., Kalbhor, P., Muhammad, A., Pradhan, R., Pujahari, P. R., Sharma, A., Sikdar, A. K., Dutta, D., Jha, V., Kumar, V., Mishra, D. K., Naskar, K., Netrakanti, P. K., Pant, L. M., Shukla, P., Aziz, T., Dugad, S., Kumar, M., Banerjee, S., Chudasama, R., Guchait, M., Karmakar, S., Kumar, S., Majumder, G., Mazumdar, K., Alpana, K., Dube, S., Kansal, B., Laha, A., P, Ey, Rane, S., Rastogi, A., Bakhshiansohi, S., Khazaie, H., Zeinali, E., Chenarani, M., Etesami, S., Khakzad, S. M., Mohammadi, Najafabadi, Grunewald, M., Abbrescia, M., Aly, M., Aruta, R., Colaleo, C., Creanza, A., Filippis, De, Palma, De, Florio, Di, Pilato, Di, Elmetenawee, A., Fiore, W., Gelmi, L., Gul, A., Iaselli, M., Ince, G., Lezki, M., Maggi, S., Maggi, G., Margjeka, M., Mastrapasqua, I., My, V., Nuzzo, S., Pellecchia, S., Pompili, A., Pugliese, A., Ramos, G., Ranieri, D., Selvaggi, A., Silvestris, G., Simone, L., Venditti, F. M., Verwilligen, R., Abbiendi, P., Battilana, G., Bonacorsi, C., Borgonovi, D., Brigliadori, L., Campanini, L., Capiluppi, R., Castro, P., Cavallo, A., Cuffiani, F. R., Dallavalle, M., Diotalevi, G. M., Fabbri, T., Fanfani, F., Giacomelli, A., Giommi, P., Gr, L., I, C., Guiducci, L., Meo, Lo, Lunerti, S., Marcellini, L., Masetti, S., Navarria, G., Perrotta, F. L., Primavera, A., Rossi, F., Rovelli, A. M., Siroli, T., Albergo, G. P., Costa, S., Mattia, Di, Potenza, A., Tricomi, R., Tuve, A., Barbagli, C., Cassese, G., Ceccarelli, A., Ciulli, R., Civinini, V., D'Aless, C., Ro, R., Focardi, E., Latino, G., Lizzo, M., Meschini, M., Paoletti, S., Seidita, R., Sguazzoni, G., Viliani, L., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Piccolo, D., Bozzo, M., Ferro, F., Mulargia, R., Robutti, E., Tosi, S., Benaglia, A., Boldrini, G., Brivio, F., Cetorelli, F., Guio, De, Dinardo, F., Dini, M. E., Gennai, P., Ghezzi, S., Govoni, A., Guzzi, P., Lucchini, L., Malberti, M. T., Malvezzi, M., Massironi, S., Menasce, A., Moroni, D., Paganoni, L., Pedrini, M., Pinolini, D., Ragazzi, B. S., Redaelli, S., Tabarelli de Fatis, Valsecchi, T., Zuolo, D., Buontempo, D., Carnevali, S., Cavallo, F., Iorio, De, Fabozzi, A., Iorio, F., Lista, A. O. M., Meola, L., Paolucci, S., Rossi, P., Sciacca, B., Azzi, C., Bacchetta, P., Bisello, N., Bortignon, D., Bragagnolo, P., Carlin, A., Checchia, R., Dorigo, P., Dosselli, T., Gasparini, U., Gasparini, F., Grosso, U., Hoh, G., Layer, S. Y., Lusiani, L., Margoni, E., Meneguzzo, M., Pazzini, A. T., Ronchese, J., Rossin, P., Simonetto, R., Strong, F., Tosi, G., Yarar, M., Zanetti, H., Zotto, M., Zucchetta, P., Zumerle, A., Aime, G., Braghieri, C., Calzaferri, A., Fiorina, S., Montagna, D., Ratti, P., S. P., Re, Riccardi, V., Salvini, C., Vai, P., Vitulo, I., Asenov, P., Bilei, P., Ciangottini, G. M., Fano, L., Lariccia, P., Magherini, M., Mantovani, G., Mariani, V., Menichelli, M., Moscatelli, F., Piccinelli, A., Presilla, M., Rossi, A., Santocchia, A., Spiga, D., Tedeschi, T., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, G., Bertacchi, V., Bianchini, L., Boccali, T., Bossini, E., Castaldi, R., Ciocci, M. A., D'Amante, V., Dell'Orso, R., Domenico, Di, Donato, M. R., Giassi, S., Ligabue, A., Manca, F., Orli, G., Matos, Figueiredo, Messineo, D., Palla, A., Parolia, F., Ramirez-Sanchez, S., Rizzi, G., Rol, A., I, G., Roy, Chowdhury, Scribano, S., Shafiei, A., Spagnolo, N., Tenchini, P., Tonelli, R., Turini, G., Venturi, N., Verdini, A., Barria, P. G., Campana, P., Cavallari, M., Del, Re, Marco, Di, Diemoz, E., Longo, M., Meridiani, E., Organtini, P., G. P., Olfi, F., Paramatti, R., Quaranta, C., Rahatlou, S., Rovelli, C., Santanastasio, F., Soffi, L., Tramontano, R., Amapane, N., Arcidiacono, R., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Bartosik, N., Bellan, R., Bellora, A., Berenguer, Antequera, Biino, J., Cartiglia, C., Cometti, N., Covarelli, M., Demaria, R., Kiani, N., Legger, B., Mariotti, F., Maselli, C., Migliore, S., Monteil, E., Monteno, E., Obertino, M., Ortona, M. M., Pacher, G., Pastrone, L., Pelliccioni, N., Pinna, Angioni, Ruspa, G. L., Shchelina, M., Siviero, K., Sola, F., Solano, V., Soldi, A., Staiano, D., Tornago, A., Trocino, M., Vagnerini, D., Belforte, A., S. C., Elise, V., Casarsa, M., Cossutti, F., Rold, Da, Della, Ricca, Sorrentino, G., Vazzoler, G., Dogra, F., Huh, S., Kim, C., Kim, B., Kim, D. H., Kim, G. N., Lee, J., Moon, S. W., C. S., Oh, Pak, Y. D., Radburn-Smith, S. I., Sekmen, B. C., Yang, S., Kim, Y. C., Moon, H., Francois, D. H., Park, T. J., Cho, J., Choi, S., Go, S., Hong, Y., Lee, B., Lee, K., Lim, K. S., Park, J., Yoo, S. K., Goh, J., Gurtu, J., Kim, A., Kim, H. S., Almond, Y., Bhyun, J., Choi, J. H., Jeon, J., Kim, S., Kim, J., J. S., Ko, Kwon, S., Lee, H., Oh, S., B. H., Oh, Oh, M., Seo, S. B., Yang, H., Yoon, U. K., Jang, I., Kang, W., Kang, D. Y., Kim, Y., Ko, S., Lee, J. S. H., Merlin, Y., Park, J. A., Roh, I. C., Ryu, Y., Song, M. S., Watson, D., Yang, I. J., Ha, S., Yoo, S., Choi, H. D., Lee, M., Yu, Y., Beyrouthy, I., Maghrbi, T., Dreimanis, Y., Veckalns, K., Ambrozas, V., Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, Juodagalvis, A., Rinkevicius, A., Tamulaitis, A., Bin, Norjoharuddeen, Wan, Abdullah, Yusli, W. A. T., Zolkapli, M. N., Benitez, Z., J. F., Castaneda, Hern, Ez, A., Leon, Coello, Murillo, Quijada, Sehrawat, J. A., Valencia, Palomo, Ayala, L., Castilla-Valdez, G., De La Cruz-Burelo, Heredia-De La Cruz, Lopez-Fern, I., Ez, R., Mondragon, Herrera, C. A., Perez, Navarro, D. A., Sanchez, Hern, Carrillo, Moreno, Oropeza, Barrera, Vazquez, Valencia, Pedraza, F., Salazar, Ibarguen, H. A., Uribe, Estrada, Mijuskovic, C., Raicevic, J., Krofcheck, N., Butler, D., Ahmad, P. H., Asghar, A., Awais, M. I., Awan, A., Hoorani, M. I. M., Khan, H. R., Shah, W. A., Shoaib, M. A., Waqas, M., Avati, M., Grzanka, V., Malawski, L., Bialkowska, M., Bluj, H., Boimska, M., Gorski, B., Kazana, M., Szleper, M., Zalewski, M., Bunkowski, P., Doroba, K., Kalinowski, K., Konecki, A., Krolikowski, M., Araujo, J., Bargassa, M., Bastos, P., Boletti, D., Faccioli, A., Gallinaro, P., Hollar, M., Leonardo, J., Niknejad, N., Pisano, T., Seixas, M., Toldaiev, J., Varela, O., Afanasiev, J., Budkouski, S., Golutvin, D., Gorbunov, I., Karjavine, I., Korenkov, V., Lanev, V., Malakhov, A., Matveev, A., Palichik, V., Perelygin, V., Savina, V., Seitova, M., Shalaev, D., Shmatov, V., Shulha, S., Smirnov, S., Teryaev, V., Voytishin, O., Yuldashev, N., Zarubin, B. S., Zhizhin, A., Gavrilov, I., Golovtcov, G., Ivanov, V., Kuznetsova, V., Murzin, E., Oreshkin, V., Smirnov, V., Sosnov, I., Sulimov, D., Uvarov, V., Volkov, L., Vorobyev, S., Reev, A., Dermenev, Yu., Gninenko, A., Golubev, S., Karneyeu, N., Kirpichnikov, A., Kirsanov, D., Krasnikov, M., Pashenkov, N., Pivovarov, A., Toropin, G., Epshteyn, A., Gavrilov, V., Lychkovskaya, V., Nikitenko, N., Popov, A., Stepennov, V., Toms, A., Vlasov, M., Zhokin, E., Aushev, A., Chadeeva, T., Oskin, M., Parygin, A., Popova, P., Rusinov, E., Selivanova, V., Reev, D., Azarkin, V., Dremin, M., Kirakosyan, I., Terkulov, M., Belyaev, A., Boos, A., Dubinin, E., Dudko, M., Ershov, L., Klyukhin, A., Kodolova, V., Lokhtin, O., Lukina, I., Obraztsov, O., Petrushanko, S., Savrin, S., Snigirev, V., Blinov, A., Dimova, V., Kardapoltsev, T., Kozyrev, L., Ovtin, A., Radchenko, I., Skovpen, O., Azhgirey, Y., Bayshev, I., Elumakhov, I., Kachanov, D., Konstantinov, V., D. M., Rik, P., Petrov, V., Ryutin, R., Slabospitskii, S., Sobol, A., Troshin, S., Tyurin, N., Uzunian, A., Volkov, A., Babaev, A., Okhotnikov, V., Borshch, V., Ivanchenko, V., Tcherniaev, E., Adzic, P., Dordevic, M., Milenovic, P., Milosevic, J., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz, Maestre, Alvarez, Fern, Bachiller, I., Barrio, Luna, Bedoya, M., Cristina, F., Carrillo, Montoya, Cepeda, C. A., Cerrada, M., Colino, M., De La Cruz, Delgado, Peris, Fern, A., Ramos, Ez, Flix, J. P., Fouz, J., M. C., Gonzalez, Lopez, Goy, Lopez, Hern, S., J. M., Ez, Josa, M. I., Leon, Holgado, Moran, J., Navarro, Tobar, Perez, Dengra, Perez-Calero, Yzquierdo, Puerta, Pelayo, Redondo, J., Romero, I., Sanchez, Navas, Urda, Gomez, Willmott, L., Troconiz, De, Reyes-Almanza, J. F., Alvarez, Gonzalez, Cuevas, B., Erice, J., Fern, C., Menendez, Ez, Folgueras, J., Gonzalez, Caballero, Gonzalez, Fern, J. R., Ez, Palencia, Cortezon, Ramon, Alvarez, Rodriguez, Bouza, Soto, Rodriguez, Trapote, A., Trevisani, A., Vico, Villalba, Brochero, Cifuentes, Cabrillo, J. A., Calderon, I. J., Duarte, Campderros, Fern, J., Ez, M., Fern, Madrazo, Ez, Manteca, Ez, P. J., Garcia, Alonso, Gomez, A., Martinez, Rivero, Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, Matorras, P., Matorras, Cuevas, Piedra, Gomez, Prieels, J., Rodrigo, C., Ruiz-Jimeno, T., Scodellaro, A., Vila, L., Vizan, Garcia, Jayan, J. M., M. K., A, Kailasapathy, B., Sonnadara, D. U. J., Wickramarathna, D. D. C., Dharmaratna, W. G. D., Liyanage, K., Perera, N., Wickramage, N., Aarrestad, T. K., Abbaneo, D., Alimena, J., Auffray, E., Auzinger, G., Baechler, J., Baillon, P., Barney, D., Bendavid, J., Bianco, M., Bocci, A., Camporesi, T., Capeans, Garrido, Cerminara, M., Chernyavskaya, G., Chhibra, N., Cipriani, S. S., Cristella, M., D'Enterria, L., Dabrowski, D., David, A., Roeck, De, Defranchis, A., Deile, M. M., Dobson, M., Dunser, M., Dupont, M., Elliott-Peisert, N., Emriskova, A., Fallavollita, N., Fasanella, F., Florent, D., Franzoni, A., Funk, G., Giani, W., Gigi, S., Gill, D., Glege, K., Gouskos, F., Haranko, L., Hegeman, M., Innocente, J., James, V., Janot, T., Kaspar, P., Kieseler, J., Komm, J., Kratochwil, M., Lange, N., Laurila, C., Lecoq, S., Lintuluoto, P., Long, A., Lourenco, K., Maier, C., Malgeri, B., Mallios, L., Mannelli, S., Marini, M., Meijers, A. C., Mersi, F., Meschi, S., Moortgat, E., Mulders, F., Orfanelli, M., Orsini, S., Pantaleo, L., Pape, F., Perez, L., Peruzzi, E., Petrilli, M., Petrucciani, A., Pfeiffer, G., Pierini, A., Piparo, M., Pitt, D., Qu, M., Quast, H., Rabady, T., Racz, D., Reales, Gutierrez, Rieger, G., Rovere, M., Sakulin, M., Salfeld-Nebgen, H., Scarfi, J., Schafer, S., Schwick, C., Selvaggi, C., Sharma, M., Silva, A., Snoeys, P., Sphicas, W., Summers, P., Tatar, S., Tavolaro, K., Treille, V. R., Tropea, D., Tsirou, P., Van, Onsem, Wanczyk, G. P., Wozniak, J., Zeuner, K. A., Caminada, W. D., Ebrahimi, L., Erdmann, A., Horisberger, W., Ingram, R., Kaestli, Q., Kotlinski, H. C., Langenegger, D., Missiroli, U., Noehte, M., Rohe, L., Rosov, T., Backhaus, K., Berger, M., Cal, P., Ri, A., Cosa, De, Dissertori, A., Dittmar, G., Donega, M., Dorfer, M., Eble, C., Gedia, F., Glessgen, K., Gomez, Espinosa, Grab, T. A., Hits, C., Lustermann, D., Lyon, W., A. -M., Manzoni, R. A., Marchese, L., Martin, Perez, Meinhard, C., Nessi-Tedaldi, M. T., Niedziela, F., Pauss, J., Perovic, F., Pigazzini, V., Ratti, S., Reichmann, M. G., Reissel, M., Reitenspiess, C., Ristic, T., Ruini, B., Sanz, Becerra, Stampf, D. A., Steggemann, V., Wallny, J., Zhu, R., Amsler, D. H., Bartschi, C., Botta, P., Brzhechko, C., Canelli, D., Cormier, M. F., Wit, De, Del, Burgo, Heikkila, R., Huwiler, J. K., Jin, M., Jofrehei, W., Kilminster, A., Leontsinis, B., Liechti, S., Macchiolo, S. P., Meiring, A., Mikuni, P., Molinatti, V. M., Neutelings, U., Reimers, I., Robmann, A., Sanchez, Cruz, Schweiger, S., Senger, K., Takahashi, M., Adloff, Y., Kuo, C., Lin, C. M., Roy, W., Sarkar, A., Yu, T., Ceard, S. S., Chao, L., Chen, Y., Chen, K. F., Hou, P. H., W. -S., Y. y., Li, R. -S., Paganis, E., Psallidas, A., Steen, A., H. y., Wu, Yazgan, E., P. r., Yu, Asavapibhop, B., Asawatangtrakuldee, C., Srimanobhas, N., Boran, F., Damarseckin, S., Demiroglu, Z. S., Dolek, F., Dumanoglu, I., Eskut, E., Guler, Y., Gurpinar, Guler, Isik, E., Kara, C., Kayis, Topaksu, Kiminsu, A., Onengut, U., Ozdemir, G., Polatoz, K., Simsek, A., Tali, A. E., Tok, B., Turkcapar, U. G., Zorbakir, S., Isildak, I. S., Karapinar, B., Ocalan, G., Yalvac, K., Akgun, M., Atakisi, B., Gulmez, I. O., Kaya, E., Kaya, M., Ozcelik, O., Tekten, O., Yetkin, S., Cakir, E. A., Cankocak, A., Komurcu, K., Sen, Y., Cerci, S., Hos, S., Kaynak, I., Ozkorucuklu, B., Sunar, Cerci, Zorbilmez, D., Grynyov, C., Levchuk, B., Anthony, L., Bhal, D., Bologna, E., Brooke, S., Bundock, J. J., Clement, A., Cussans, E., Flacher, D., Goldstein, H., Heath, J., Heath, G. P., Kreczko, H. F., Krikler, L., Paramesvaran, B., Seif El Nasr-Storey, Smith, S., Stylianou, V. J., Walkingshaw, Pass, White, K., Bell, R., Belyaev, K. W., Brew, A., Brown, C., Cockerill, R. M., Cooke, D. J. A., Ellis, C., Harder, K. V., Harper, K., Holmberg, S., M. -L., Linacre, J., Manolopoulos, K., Newbold, D. M., Olaiya, E., Petyt, D., Reis, T., Schuh, T., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H., Tomalin, I. R., Williams, T., Bainbridge, R., Bloch, P., Bonomally, S., Borg, J., Breeze, S., Buchmuller, O., Cepaitis, V., Chahal, G. S., Colling, D., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., Della, Negra, Fayer, M., Fedi, S., Hall, G., Hassanshahi, G., Iles, M. H., Langford, G., Lyons, J., Magnan, L., Malik, S., Martelli, A., Monk, D. G., Nash, J., Pesaresi, M., Raymond, D. M., Richards, A., Rose, A., Scott, E., Seez, C., Shtipliyski, A., Tapper, A., Uchida, K., Virdee, T., Vojinovic, M., Wardle, N., Webb, S. N., Winterbottom, D., Coldham, K., Cole, J. E., Khan, A., Kyberd, P., Reid, I. D., Teodorescu, L., Zahid, S., Abdullin, S., Brinkerhoff, A., Caraway, B., Dittmann, J., Hatakeyama, K., Kanuganti, A. R., Mcmaster, B., Pastika, N., Saunders, M., Sawant, S., Sutantawibul, C., Wilson, J., Bartek, R., Dominguez, A., Uniyal, R., Vargas, Hern, A. M., Ez, Buccilli, A., Cooper, S. I., Croce, Di, Gleyzer, D., Henderson, S. V., Perez, C., Rumerio, C. U., West, P., Akpinar, C., Albert, A., Arcaro, A., Cosby, D., Demiragli, C., Fontanesi, Z., Gastler, E., May, D., Rohlf, S., Salyer, J., Sperka, K., Spitzbart, D., Suarez, D., Tsatsos, I., Yuan, A., Zou, S., Benelli, D., Burkle, G., Coubez, B., Cutts, X., Hadley, D., Heintz, M., Hogan, U., Kwon, J. M., T. L., Sberg, G., Lau, K. T., Li, D., Lukasik, M., Luo, J., Narain, M., Pervan, N., Sagir, S., Simpson, F., Usai, E., Wong, W. Y., Yan, X., Yu, D., Zhang, W., Bonilla, J., Brainerd, C., Breedon, R., Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, Chertok, M., Conway, M., Cox, J., Erbacher, P. T., Haza, R., Jensen, G., Kukral, F., O. L., Er, R., Mulhearn, M., Pellett, D., Regnery, B., Taylor, D., Yao, Y., Zhang, F., Bachtis, M., Cousins, R., Datta, A., Hamilton, D., Hauser, J., Ignatenko, M., Iqbal, M. A., Lam, T., Nash, W. A., Regnard, S., Saltzberg, D., Stone, B., Valuev, V., Burt, K., Clare, R., Gary, J. W., Gordon, M., Hanson, G., Karapostoli, G., Long, O. R., Manganelli, N., Olmedo, Negrete, Si, M., Wimpenny, W., Zhang, S., Branson, Y., Chang, J. G., Cittolin, P., Cooperstein, S., Deelen, S., Diaz, N., Duarte, D., Gerosa, J., Giannini, R., Guiang, L., Kansal, J., Krutelyov, R., Lee, V., Letts, R., Masciovecchio, J., Mokhtar, M., Pieri, F., Sathia, Narayanan, Sharma, B. V., Tadel, V., Vartak, M., Wurthwein, A., Xiang, F., Yagil, Y., Amin, A., Campagnari, N., Citron, C., Dorsett, M., Dutta, A., Inc, V., Ela, J., Kilpatrick, M., Marsh, B., Mei, H., Oshiro, M., Quinnan, M., Richman, J., Sarica, U., Setti, F., Sheplock, J., Stuart, D., Wang, S., Bornheim, A., Cerri, O., Dutta, I., Lawhorn, J. M., Lu, N., Mao, J., Newman, H. B., Nguyen, T. Q., Spiropulu, M., Vlimant, J. R., Wang, C., Xie, S., Zhang, Z., Zhu, R. Y., Alison, J., Rews, M. B., Bryant, P., Ferguson, T., Harilal, A., Liu, C., Mudholkar, T., Paulini, M., Sanchez, A., Terrill, W., Cumalat, J. P., Ford, W. T., Hassani, A., Macdonald, E., Patel, R., Perloff, A., Savard, C., Stenson, K., Ulmer, K. A., Wagner, S. R., Alex, Er, Bright-Thonney, J., Chen, S., Cheng, X., Cranshaw, Y., Hogan, D. J., Monroy, S., Patterson, J., Quach, J. R., Reichert, D., Reid, J., Ryd, M., Sun, A., Thom, W., Wittich, J., Zou, P., Albrow, R., Alyari, M., Apollinari, M., Apresyan, G., Apyan, A., Banerjee, A., Bauerdick, S., Berry, L. A. T., Berryhill, D., Bhat, J., Burkett, P. C., Butler, K., Canepa, J. N., Cerati, A., Cheung, G. B., Chlebana, H. W. K., Petrillo, Di, Elvira, K. F., Feng, V. D., Freeman, Y., Gecse, J., Gray, Z., Green, L., Grunendahl, D., Gutsche, S., Harris, O., Heller, R. M., Herwig, R., Hirschauer, T. C., Jayatilaka, J., Jindariani, B., Johnson, S., Joshi, M., Klijnsma, U., Klima, T., Kwok, B., Lammel, K. H. M., Lincoln, S., Lipton, D., Liu, R., Madrid, T., Maeshima, C., Mantilla, K., Mason, C., Mcbride, D., Merkel, P., Mrenna, P., Nahn, S., Ngadiuba, S., O'Dell, J., Papadimitriou, V., Pedro, V., Pena, K., Prokofyev, C., Ravera, O., Reinsvold, Hall, Ristori, A., Sexton-Kennedy, L., Smith, E., Soha, N., Spalding, A., Spiegel, W. J., Stoynev, L., Strait, S., Taylor, J., Tkaczyk, L., Tran, S., Uplegger, N. V., Va, L., Ering, E. W., Weber, H. A., Acosta, D., Avery, P., Bourilkov, D., Cadamuro, L., Cherepanov, V., Errico, F., Field, R. D., Guerrero, D., Joshi, B. M., Kim, M., Koenig, E., Konigsberg, J., Korytov, A., K. H., Lo, Matchev, K., Menendez, N., Mitselmakher, G., Muthirakalayil, Madhu, Rawal, A., Rosenzweig, N., Rosenzweig, D., Rotter, S., Shi, J., Sturdy, K., Yigitbasi, J., Zuo, E., Adams, X., Askew, T., Habibullah, A., Hagopian, R., Johnson, V., Khurana, K. F., Kolberg, R., Martinez, T., Prosper, G., Schiber, H., Viazlo, C., Yohay, O., Zhang, R., Baarm, J., Butalla, M. M., Elkafrawy, S., Hohlmann, T., Kumar, Verma, Noonan, R., Rahmani, D., Yumiceva, M., Adams, F., M. R., Becerril, Gonzalez, Cavanaugh, H., Dittmer, R., Evdokimov, S., Gerber, O., Hangal, C. E., Hofman, D. A., Merrit, D. J., Mills, A. H., Oh, C., Roy, G., Rudrabhatla, T., Tonjes, S., Varelas, M. B., Viinikainen, N., Wu, X., Ye, Z., Alhusseini, Z., Dilsiz, M., K. G., Rajula, R. P., Koseyan, O. K., Merlo, J. -P., Mestvirishvili, A., Nachtman, J., Ogul, H., Onel, Y., Penzo, A., Snyder, C., Tiras, E., Amram, O., Blumenfeld, B., Corcodilos, L., Davis, J., Eminizer, M., Gritsan, A. V., Kyriacou, S., Maksimovic, P., Roskes, J., Swartz, M., Vami, T. A., Abreu, A., Anguiano, J., Baldenegro, Barrera, Baringer, C., Bean, P., Bylinkin, A., Flowers, A., Isidori, Z., Khalil, T., King, S., Krintiras, J., Kropivnitskaya, G., Lazarovits, A., Mahieu, Le, Lindsey, C., Marquez, C., Minafra, J., Murray, N., Nickel, M., Rogan, M., Royon, C., Salvatico, C., R. S., Ers, S., Schmitz, E., Smith, C., Tapia, Takaki, Wang, J. D., Warner, Q., Williams, Z., Duric, G., Ivanov, S., Kaadze, A., Kim, K., Maravin, D., Mitchell, Y., Modak, T., Nam, A., Rebassoo, K., Wright, F., Adams, D., Baden, E., Baron, A., Belloni, O., Eno, A., Hadley, S. C., Jabeen, N. J., Kellogg, S., Koeth, R. G., Mignerey, T., Nabili, A. C., Palmer, S., Seidel, C., Skuja, M., Wang, A., Wong, L., Abercrombie, K., Reassi, D., Bi, G., Busza, R., Cali, W., Chen, I. A., D'Alfonso, Y., Eysermans, M., Freer, J., Gomez, Ceballos, Goncharov, G., Harris, M., Hu, P., Klute, M., Kovalskyi, M., Krupa, D., Y. -J., Mironov, C., Paus, C., Rankin, D., Rol, Rol, C., Shi, G., Stephans, Z., Wang, G. S. F., Wyslouch, Z., Chatterjee, B., Evans, R. M., Hiltbr, A., Jain, J., Krohn, Sh., Kubota, M., Mans, Y., Revering, J., Rusack, M., Saradhy, R., Schroeder, R., Strobbe, N., Wadud, N., Bloom, M. A., Bryson, K., Chauhan, M., Claes, S., Fangmeier, D. R., Finco, C., Golf, L., Joo, F., Kravchenko, C., Musich, I., Reed, M., Siado, I., Snow, J. E., Tabb, G. R., Yan, W., Zecchinelli, F., Agarwal, A. G., G. B., Yopadhyay, H., Hay, L., Iashvili, I., Kharchilava, A., Mclean, C., Nguyen, D., Pekkanen, J., Rappoccio, S., Williams, A., Alverson, G., Barberis, E., Haddad, Y., Hortiangtham, A., Li, J., Madigan, G., Marzocchi, B., Morse, D. M., Nguyen, V., Orimoto, T., Parker, A., Skinnari, L., Tishelman-Charny, A., Wamorkar, T., Wang, B., Wisecarver, A., Wood, D., Bueghly, J., Chen, Z., Gilbert, A., Gunter, T., Hahn, K. A., Liu, Y., Odell, N., Schmitt, M. H., Velasco, M., B, R., Bucci, R., Cremonesi, M., Das, A., Dev, N., Goldouzian, R., Hildreth, M., Hurtado, Anampa, Jessop, K., Lannon, C., Lawrence, K., Loukas, J., Lutton, N., Marinelli, D., Mcalister, N., Mccauley, I., Mcgrady, T., Mohrman, C., Moore, K., Musienko, C., Ruchti, Y., Siddireddy, R., Townsend, P., Wayne, A., Wightman, M., Zarucki, A., Zygala, M., Bylsma, L., Cardwell, B., Durkin, B., Francis, L. S., Hill, B., Nunez, Ornelas, Wei, M., Winer, K., Yates, B. L., Addesa, B. R., Bonham, F. M., Das, B., Dezoort, P., Elmer, G., Frankenthal, P., Greenberg, A., Haubrich, B., Higginbotham, N., Kalogeropoulos, S., Kopp, A., Kwan, G., Lange, S., Marlow, D., Mei, D., Ojalvo, K., Olsen, I., Stickl, J., Tully, D., Malik, C., Norberg, S., Bakshi, S., Barnes, A. S., Chawla, V. E., Das, R., Gutay, S., Jones, L., Jung, M., Karmarkar, A. W., Kondratyev, S., Liu, D., Negro, M., Neumeister, G., Paspalaki, N., Piperov, G., Purohit, S., Schulte, A., Stojanovic, J. F., Thieman, M., Xiao, F., Xie, R., Dolen, W., Parashar, J., Baty, N., Carnahan, A., Decaro, T., Dildick, M., Ecklund, S., Freed, K. M., Gardner, S., Geurts, P., Kumar, F. J. M., Li, A., Padley, W., Redjimi, B. P., Shi, R., Stahl, Leiton, Yang, A. G., Zhang, L., Bodek, Y., Barbaro, De, Demina, P., Dulemba, R., Fallon, J. L., Ferbel, C., Galanti, T., Garcia-Bellido, M., Hindrichs, A., Khukhunaishvili, O., Ranken, A., Taus, E., Chiarito, R., Chou, B., J. P. G., Rakota, A., Gershtein, Y., Halkiadakis, E., Hart, A., Heindl, M., Karacheban, O., Laflotte, I., Lath, A., Montalvo, R., Nash, K., Osherson, M., Salur, S., Schnetzer, S., Somalwar, S., Stone, R., Thayil, S. A., Thomas, S., Wang, H., Acharya, H., Delannoy, A. G., Fiorendi, S., Spanier, S., Bouhali, O., Dalchenko, M., Delgado, A., Eusebi, R., Gilmore, J., Huang, T., Kamon, T., Kim, H., Luo, S., Malhotra, S., Mueller, R., Overton, D., Rathjens, D., Safonov, A., Akchurin, N., Damgov, J., Hegde, V., Kunori, S., Lamichhane, K., Lee, S. W., Mengke, T., Muthumuni, S., Peltola, T., Volobouev, I., Wang, Z., Whitbeck, A., Appelt, E., Greene, S., Gurrola, A., Johns, W., Melo, A., Ni, H., Padeken, K., Romeo, F., Sheldon, P., Tuo, S., Velkovska, J., Arenton, M. W., Cox, B., Cummings, G., Hakala, J., Hirosky, R., Joyce, M., Ledovskoy, A., Neu, C., Perez, Lara, Tannenwald, C. E., White, B., Wolfe, S., Poudyal, E., Black, N., Bose, K., Caillol, T., Dasu, C., Bruyn, De, Everaerts, I., Fienga, P., Galloni, F., He, C., Herndon, H., Herve, M., Hussain, A., Lanaro, U., Loeliger, A., Loveless, A., Madhusudanan, Sreekala, Mallampalli, J., Mohammadi, A., Pinna, A., Savin, D., Shang, A., Sharma, V., Smith, V., Teague, W. H., Trembath-Reichert, D., Vetens, S., Cms, Collaboration, Damarseçkin, Serdal, CMS Collaboration, Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers (IRFU), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay, Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École polytechnique (X)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse - Colmar (Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA)), Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I Lyon), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CMS, Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Andrejkovic, JW, Bergauer, T, Chatterjee, S, Damanakis, K, Dragicevic, M, Del Valle, AE, Fruhwirth, R, Jeitler, M, Krammer, N, Lechner, L, Liko, D, Mikulec, I, Paulitsch, P, Pitters, FM, Schieck, J, Schofbeck, R, Schwarz, D, Templ, S, Waltenberger, W, Wulz, CE, Chekhovsky, V, Litomin, A, Makarenko, V, Darwish, MR, De Wolf, EA, Janssen, T, Kello, T, Lelek, A, Sfar, HR, Van Mechelen, P, Van Putte, S, Van Remortel, N, Blekman, F, Bols, ES, D'Hondt, J, Delcourt, M, El Faham, H, Lowette, S, Moortgat, S, Morton, A, Muller, D, Sahasransu, AR, Tavernier, S, Van Doninck, W, Beghin, D, Bilin, B, Clerbaux, B, De Lentdecker, G, Favart, L, Grebenyuk, A, Kalsi, AK, Lee, K, Mahdavikhorrami, M, Makarenko, I, Moureaux, L, Petre, L, Popov, A, Postiau, N, Starling, E, Thomas, L, Vanden Bemden, M, Vander Velde, C, Vanlaer, P, Cornelis, T, Dobur, D, Knolle, J, Lambrecht, L, Mestdach, G, Niedziela, M, Roskas, C, Samalan, A, Skovpen, K, Tytgat, M, Vermassen, B, Wezenbeek, L, Benecke, A, Bethani, A, Bruno, G, Bury, F, Caputo, C, David, P, Delaere, C, Donertas, IS, Giammanco, A, Jaffel, K, Jain, S, Lemaitre, V, Mondal, K, Prisciandaro, J, Taliercio, A, Teklishyn, M, Tran, TT, Vischia, P, Wertz, S, Alves, GA, Hensel, C, Moraes, A, Alda, WL, Pereira, MAG, Ferreira, MB, Malbouisson, HB, Carvalho, W, Chinellato, J, Da Costa, EM, Da Silveira, GG, Damiao, DD, De Souza, SF, Herrera, CM, Amarilo, KM, Mundim, L, Nogima, H, Teles, PR, Santoro, A, Do Amaral, SMS, Sznajder, A, Thiel, M, De Araujo, FTD, Pereira, AV, Bernardes, CA, Calligaris, L, Tomei, TRFP, Gregores, EM, Lemos, DS, Mercadante, PG, Novaes, SF, Padula, SS, Aleksandrov, A, Antchev, G, Hadjiiska, R, Iaydjiev, P, Misheva, M, Rodozov, M, Shopova, M, Sultanov, G, Dimitrov, A, Ivanov, T, Litov, L, Pavlov, B, Petkov, P, Petrov, A, Cheng, T, Javaid, T, Mittal, M, Yuan, L, Ahmad, M, Bauer, G, Dozen, C, Hu, Z, Martins, J, Wang, Y, Yi, K, Chapon, E, Chen, GM, Chen, HS, Chen, M, Iemmi, F, Kapoor, A, Leggat, D, Liao, H, Liu, ZA, Milosevic, V, Monti, F, Sharma, R, Tao, J, Thomas-Wilsker, J, Wang, J, Zhang, H, Zhao, J, Agapitos, A, An, Y, Ban, Y, Chen, C, Levin, A, Li, Q, Lyu, X, Mao, Y, Qian, SJ, Wang, D, Wang, Q, Xiao, J, Lu, M, You, Z, Gao, X, Okawa, H, Zhang, Y, Lin, Z, Xiao, M, Avila, C, Cabrera, A, Florez, C, Fraga, J, Guisao, JM, Ramirez, F, Alvarez, JDR, Gonzalez, CAS, Giljanovic, D, Godinovic, N, Lelas, D, Puljak, I, Antunovic, Z, Kovac, M, Sculac, T, Brigljevic, V, Ferencek, D, Majumder, D, Roguljic, M, Starodumov, A, Susa, T, Attikis, A, Christoforou, K, Erodotou, E, Ioannou, A, Kole, G, Kolosova, M, Konstantinou, S, Mousa, J, Nicolaou, C, Ptochos, F, Razis, PA, Rykaczewski, H, Saka, H, Finger, M, Kveton, A, Ayala, E, Jarrin, EC, Assran, Y, Kamel, AE, Mahmoud, MA, Mohammed, Y, Bhowmik, S, Dewanjee, RK, Ehataht, K, Kadastik, M, Nandan, S, Nielsen, C, Pata, J, Raidal, M, Tani, L, Veelken, C, Eerola, P, Forthomme, L, Kirschenmann, H, Osterberg, K, Voutilainen, M, Bharthuar, S, Brucken, E, Garcia, F, Havukainen, J, Kim, MS, Kinnunen, R, Lampen, T, Lassila-Perini, K, Lehti, S, Linden, T, Lotti, M, Martikainen, L, Myllymaki, M, Ott, J, Siikonen, H, Tuominen, E, Tuominiemi, J, Luukka, P, Petrow, H, Tuuva, T, Amendola, C, Besancon, M, Couderc, F, Dejardin, M, Denegri, D, Faure, JL, Ferri, F, Ganjour, S, Gras, P, de Monchenault, GH, Jarry, P, Lenzi, B, Locci, E, Malcles, J, Rander, J, Rosowsky, A, Sahin, MO, Savoy-Navarro, A, Titov, M, Yu, GB, Ahuja, S, Beaudette, F, Bonanomi, M, Perraguin, AB, Busson, P, Cappati, A, Charlot, C, Davignon, O, Diab, B, Falmagne, G, Ghosh, S, de Cassagnac, RG, Hakimi, A, Kucher, I, Motta, J, Nguyen, M, Ochando, C, Paganini, P, Rembser, J, Salerno, R, Sarkar, U, Sauvan, JB, Sirois, Y, Tarabini, A, Zabi, A, Zghiche, A, Agram, JL, Andrea, J, Apparu, D, Bloch, D, Bourgatte, G, Brom, JM, Chabert, EC, Collard, C, Darej, D, Fontaine, JC, Goerlach, U, Grimault, C, Le Bihan, AC, Nibigira, E, Van Hove, P, Asilar, E, Beauceron, S, Bernet, C, Boudoul, G, Camen, C, Carle, A, Chanon, N, Contardo, D, Depasse, P, El Mamouni, H, Fay, J, Gascon, S, Gouzevitch, M, Ille, B, Laktineh, IB, Lattaud, H, Lesauvage, A, Lethuillier, M, Mirabito, L, Perries, S, Shchablo, K, Sordini, V, Torterotot, L, Touquet, G, Vander Donckt, M, Viret, S, Lomidze, I, Toriashvili, T, Tsamalaidze, Z, Botta, V, Feld, L, Klein, K, Lipinski, M, Meuser, D, Pauls, A, Rowert, N, Schulz, J, Teroerde, M, Dodonova, A, Eliseev, D, Erdmann, M, Fackeldey, P, Fischer, B, Hebbeker, T, Hoepfner, K, Ivone, F, Mastrolorenzo, L, Merschmeyer, M, Meyer, A, Mocellin, G, Mondal, S, Mukherjee, S, Noll, D, Novak, A, Pook, T, Pozdnyakov, A, Rath, Y, Reithler, H, Roemer, J, Schmidt, A, Schuler, SC, Sharma, A, Vigilante, L, Wiedenbeck, S, Zaleski, S, Dziwok, C, Flugge, G, Ahmad, WH, Hlushchenko, O, Kress, T, Nowack, A, Pistone, C, Pooth, O, Roy, D, Sert, H, Stahl, A, Ziemons, T, Zotz, A, Petersen, HA, Martin, MA, Asmuss, P, Baxter, S, Bayatmakou, M, Behnke, O, Martinez, AB, Bhattacharya, S, Bin Anuar, AA, Borras, K, Brunner, D, Campbell, A, Cardini, A, Cheng, C, Colombina, F, Rodriguez, SC, Silva, GC, Danilov, V, De Silva, M, Didukh, L, Eckerlin, G, Eckstein, D, Eren, E, Banos, LIE, Filatov, O, Gallo, E, Gao, J, Geiser, A, Giraldi, A, Grohsjean, A, Guthoff, M, Jafari, A, Jomhari, NZ, Jung, H, Kasem, A, Kasemann, M, Kaveh, H, Kleinwort, C, Krucker, D, Lange, W, Lidrych, J, Lipka, K, Lohmann, W, Makela, T, Mankel, R, Melzer-Pellmann, IA, Morentin, MM, Metwally, J, Meyer, AB, Meyer, M, Mnich, J, Mussgiller, A, Otarid, Y, Adan, DP, Pitzl, D, Raspereza, A, Lopes, BR, Rubenach, J, Saggio, A, Saibel, A, Savitskyi, M, Scham, M, Scheurer, V, Schnake, S, Schutze, P, Schwanenberger, C, Shchedrolosiev, M, Ricardo, RES, Stafford, D, Tonon, N, Van De Klundert, M, Walsh, R, Walter, D, Wen, Y, Wichmann, K, Wiens, L, Wissing, C, Wuchterl, S, Zlebcik, R, Aggleton, R, Albrecht, S, Bein, S, Benato, L, Connor, P, De Leo, K, Eich, M, Feindt, F, Frohlich, A, Garbers, C, Garutti, E, Gunnellini, P, Hajheidari, M, Haller, J, Hinzmann, A, Kasieczka, G, Klanner, R, Kogler, R, Kramer, T, Kutzner, V, Lange, J, Lange, T, Lobanov, A, Malara, A, Nigamova, A, Rodriguez, KJP, Rieger, O, Schleper, P, Schroder, M, Schwandt, J, Sonneveld, J, Stadie, H, Steinbruck, G, Tews, A, Zoi, I, Bechtel, J, Brommer, S, Burkart, M, Butz, E, Caspart, R, Chwalek, T, De Boer, W, Dierlamm, A, Droll, A, El Morabit, K, Faltermann, N, Giffels, M, Gosewisch, JO, Gottmann, A, Hartmann, F, Heidecker, C, Husemann, U, Keicher, P, Koppenhofer, R, Maier, S, Metzler, M, Mitra, S, Muller, T, Neukum, M, Nurnberg, A, Quast, G, Rabbertz, K, Rauser, J, Savoiu, D, Schnepf, M, Seith, D, Shvetsov, I, Simonis, HJ, Ulrich, R, Van Der Linden, J, Von Cube, RF, Wassmer, M, Weber, M, Wieland, S, Wolf, R, Wozniewski, S, Wunsch, S, Anagnostou, G, Daskalakis, G, Geralis, T, Kyriakis, A, Loukas, D, Stakia, A, Diamantopoulou, M, Karasavvas, D, Karathanasis, G, Kontaxakis, P, Koraka, CK, Manousakis-Katsikakis, A, Panagiotou, A, Papavergou, I, Saoulidou, N, Theofilatos, K, Tziaferi, E, Vellidis, K, Vourliotis, E, Bakas, G, Kousouris, K, Papakrivopoulos, I, Tsipolitis, G, Zacharopoulou, A, Adamidis, K, Bestintzanos, I, Evangelou, I, Foudas, C, Gianneios, P, Katsoulis, P, Kokkas, P, Manthos, N, Papadopoulos, I, Strologas, J, Csanad, M, Farkas, K, Gadallah, MMA, Lokos, S, Major, P, Mandal, K, Mehta, A, Pasztor, G, Radl, AJ, Suranyi, O, Veres, GI, Bartok, M, Bencze, G, Hajdu, C, Horvath, D, Sikler, F, Veszpremi, V, Czellar, S, Karancsi, J, Molnar, J, Szillasi, Z, Teyssier, D, Raics, P, Trocsanyi, ZL, Ujvari, B, Csorgo, T, Nemes, F, Novak, T, Choudhury, S, Komaragiri, JR, Kumar, D, Panwar, L, Tiwari, PC, Bahinipati, S, Kar, C, Mal, P, Mishra, T, Bindhu, VKMN, Nayak, A, Saha, P, Sur, N, Swain, SK, Vats, D, Bansal, S, Beri, SB, Bhatnagar, V, Chaudhary, G, Chauhan, S, Dhingra, N, Gupta, R, Kaur, A, Kaur, M, Kaur, S, Kumari, P, Meena, M, Sandeep, K, Singh, JB, Virdi, AK, Ahmed, A, Bhardwaj, A, Choudhary, BC, Gola, M, Keshri, S, Kumar, A, Naimuddin, M, Priyanka, P, Ranjan, K, Shah, A, Bharti, M, Bhattacharya, R, Bhowmik, D, Dutta, S, Gomber, B, Maity, M, Palit, P, Rout, PK, Saha, G, Sahu, B, Sarkar, S, Sharan, M, Singh, B, Thakur, S, Behera, PK, Behera, SC, Kalbhor, P, Muhammad, A, Pradhan, R, Pujahari, PR, Sikdar, AK, Dutta, D, Jha, V, Kumar, V, Mishra, DK, Naskar, K, Netrakanti, PK, Pant, LM, Shukla, P, Aziz, T, Dugad, S, Kumar, M, Banerjee, S, Chudasama, R, Guchait, M, Karmakar, S, Kumar, S, Majumder, G, Mazumdar, K, Alpana, K, Dube, S, Kansal, B, Laha, A, Pandey, S, Rane, A, Rastogi, A, Sharma, S, Bakhshiansohi, H, Khazaie, E, Zeinali, M, Chenarani, S, Etesami, SM, Khakzad, M, Najafabadi, MM, Grunewald, M, Abbrescia, M, Aly, R, Aruta, C, Colaleo, A, Creanza, D, De Filippis, N, De Palma, M, Di Florio, A, Di Pilato, A, Elmetenawee, W, Fiore, L, Gelmi, A, Gul, M, Iaselli, G, Ince, M, Lezki, S, Maggi, G, Maggi, M, Margjeka, I, Mastrapasqua, V, My, S, Nuzzo, S, Pellecchia, A, Pompili, A, Pugliese, G, Ramos, D, Ranieri, A, Selvaggi, G, Silvestris, L, Simone, FM, Venditti, R, Verwilligen, P, Abbiendi, G, Battilana, C, Bonacorsi, D, Borgonovi, L, Brigliadori, L, Campanini, R, Capiluppi, P, Castro, A, Cavallo, FR, Cuffiani, M, Dallavalle, GM, Diotalevi, T, Fabbri, F, Fanfani, A, Giacomelli, P, Giommi, L, Grandi, C, Guiducci, L, Lo Meo, S, Lunerti, L, Marcellini, S, Masetti, G, Navarria, FL, Perrotta, A, Primavera, F, Rossi, AM, Rovelli, T, Siroli, GP, Albergo, S, Costa, S, Di Mattia, A, Potenza, R, Tricomi, A, Tuve, C, Barbagli, G, Cassese, A, Ceccarelli, R, Ciulli, V, Civinini, C, D'Alessandro, R, Focardi, E, Latino, G, Lenzi, P, Lizzo, M, Meschini, M, Paoletti, S, Seidita, R, Sguazzoni, G, Viliani, L, Benussi, L, Bianco, S, Piccolo, D, Bozzo, M, Ferro, F, Mulargia, R, Robutti, E, Tosi, S, Benaglia, A, Boldrini, G, Brivio, F, Cetorelli, F, De Guio, F, Dinardo, ME, Dini, P, Gennai, S, Ghezzi, A, Govoni, P, Guzzi, L, Lucchini, MT, Malberti, M, Malvezzi, S, Massironi, A, Menasce, D, Moroni, L, Paganoni, M, Pedrini, D, Pinolini, BS, Ragazzi, S, Redaelli, N, de Fatis, TT, Valsecchi, D, Zuolo, D, Buontempo, S, Carnevali, F, Cavallo, N, De Iorio, A, Fabozzi, F, Iorio, AOM, Lista, L, Meola, S, Paolucci, P, Rossi, B, Sciacca, C, Azzi, P, Bacchetta, N, Bisello, D, Bortignon, P, Bragagnolo, A, Carlin, R, Checchia, P, Dorigo, T, Dosselli, U, Gasparini, F, Gasparini, U, Grosso, G, Hoh, SY, Layer, L, Lusiani, E, Margoni, M, Meneguzzo, AT, Pazzini, J, Ronchese, P, Rossin, R, Simonetto, F, Strong, G, Tosi, M, Yarar, H, Zanetti, M, Zotto, P, Zucchetta, A, Zumerle, G, Aime, C, Braghieri, A, Calzaferri, S, Fiorina, D, Montagna, P, Ratti, SP, Re, V, Riccardi, C, Salvini, P, Vai, I, Vitulo, P, Asenov, P, Bilei, GM, Ciangottini, D, Fano, L, Lariccia, P, Magherini, M, Mantovani, G, Mariani, V, Menichelli, M, Moscatelli, F, Piccinelli, A, Presilla, M, Rossi, A, Santocchia, A, Spiga, D, Tedeschi, T, Azzurri, P, Bagliesi, G, Bertacchi, V, Bianchini, L, Boccali, T, Bossini, E, Castaldi, R, Ciocci, MA, D'Amante, V, Dell'Orso, R, Di Domenico, MR, Donato, S, Giassi, A, Ligabue, F, Manca, E, Mandorli, G, Figueiredo, DM, Messineo, A, Palla, F, Parolia, S, Ramirez-Sanchez, G, Rizzi, A, Rolandi, G, Chowdhury, SR, Scribano, A, Shafiei, N, Spagnolo, P, Tenchini, R, Tonelli, G, Turini, N, Venturi, A, Verdini, PG, Barria, P, Campana, M, Cavallari, F, Del Re, D, Di Marco, E, Diemoz, M, Longo, E, Meridiani, P, Organtini, G, Pandolfi, F, Paramatti, R, Quaranta, C, Rahatlou, S, Rovelli, C, Santanastasio, F, Soffi, L, Tramontano, R, Amapane, N, Arcidiacono, R, Argiro, S, Arneodo, M, Bartosik, N, Bellan, R, Bellora, A, Antequera, JB, Biino, C, Cartiglia, N, Cometti, S, Costa, M, Covarelli, R, Demaria, N, Kiani, B, Legger, F, Mariotti, C, Maselli, S, Migliore, E, Monteil, E, Monteno, M, Obertino, MM, Ortona, G, Pacher, L, Pastrone, N, Pelliccioni, M, Angioni, GLP, Ruspa, M, Shchelina, K, Siviero, F, Sola, V, Solano, A, Soldi, D, Staiano, A, Tornago, M, Trocino, D, Vagnerini, A, Belforte, S, Candelise, V, Casarsa, M, Cossutti, F, Da Rold, A, Della Ricca, G, Sorrentino, G, Vazzoler, F, Dogra, S, Huh, C, Kim, B, Kim, DH, Kim, GN, Kim, J, Lee, J, Lee, SW, Moon, CS, Oh, YD, Pak, SI, Radburn-Smith, BC, Sekmen, S, Yang, YC, Kim, H, Moon, DH, Francois, B, Kim, TJ, Park, J, Cho, S, Choi, S, Go, Y, Hong, B, Lee, KS, Lim, J, Park, SK, Yoo, J, Goh, J, Gurtu, A, Kim, HS, Kim, Y, Almond, J, Bhyun, JH, Choi, J, Jeon, S, Kim, JS, Ko, S, Kwon, H, Lee, H, Lee, S, Oh, BH, Oh, M, Oh, SB, Seo, H, Yang, UK, Yoon, I, Jang, W, Kang, DY, Kang, Y, Kim, S, Ko, B, Lee, JSH, Lee, Y, Merlin, JA, Park, IC, Roh, Y, Ryu, MS, Song, D, Watson, IJ, Yang, S, Ha, S, Yoo, HD, Choi, M, Yu, I, Beyrouthy, T, Maghrbi, Y, Dreimanis, K, Veckalns, V, Ambrozas, M, De Oliveira, ACA, Juodagalvis, A, Rinkevicius, A, Tamulaitis, G, Bin Norjoharuddeen, N, Abdullah, WATW, Yusli, MN, Zolkapli, Z, Benitez, JF, Hernandez, AC, Coello, ML, Quijada, JAM, Sehrawat, A, Palomo, LV, Ayala, G, Castilla-Valdez, H, De La Cruz-Burelo, E, Heredia-De La Cruz, I, Lopez-Fernandez, R, Herrera, CAM, Navarro, DAP, Hernandez, AS, Moreno, SC, Barrera, CO, Valencia, FV, Pedraza, I, Ibarguen, HAS, Estrada, CU, Mijuskovic, J, Raicevic, N, Krofcheck, D, Butler, PH, Ahmad, A, Asghar, MI, Awais, A, Awan, MIM, Hoorani, HR, Khan, WA, Shah, MA, Shoaib, M, Waqas, M, Avati, V, Grzanka, L, Malawski, M, Bialkowska, H, Bluj, M, Boimska, B, Gorski, M, Kazana, M, Szleper, M, Zalewski, P, Bunkowski, K, Doroba, K, Kalinowski, A, Konecki, M, Krolikowski, J, Araujo, M, Bargassa, P, Bastos, D, Boletti, A, Faccioli, P, Gallinaro, M, Hollar, J, Leonardo, N, Niknejad, T, Pisano, M, Seixas, J, Toldaiev, O, Varela, J, Afanasiev, S, Budkouski, D, Golutvin, I, Gorbunov, I, Karjavine, V, Korenkov, V, Lanev, A, Malakhov, A, Matveev, V, Palichik, V, Perelygin, V, Savina, M, Seitova, D, Shalaev, V, Shmatov, S, Shulha, S, Smirnov, V, Teryaev, O, Voytishin, N, Yuldashev, BS, Zarubin, A, Zhizhin, I, Gavrilov, G, Golovtcov, V, Ivanov, Y, Kim, V, Kuznetsova, E, Murzin, V, Oreshkin, V, Smirnov, I, Sosnov, D, Sulimov, V, Uvarov, L, Volkov, S, Vorobyev, A, Andreev, Y, Dermenev, A, Gninenko, S, Golubev, N, Karneyeu, A, Kirpichnikov, D, Kirsanov, M, Krasnikov, N, Pashenkov, A, Pivovarov, G, Toropin, A, Epshteyn, V, Gavrilov, V, Lychkovskaya, N, Nikitenko, A, Popov, V, Stepennov, A, Toms, M, Vlasov, E, Zhokin, A, Aushev, T, Chadeeva, M, Oskin, A, Parygin, P, Popova, E, Rusinov, V, Selivanova, D, Andreev, V, Azarkin, M, Dremin, I, Kirakosyan, M, Terkulov, A, Belyaev, A, Boos, E, Dubinin, M, Dudko, L, Ershov, A, Klyukhin, V, Kodolova, O, Lokhtin, I, Lukina, O, Obraztsov, S, Petrushanko, S, Savrin, V, Snigirev, A, Blinov, V, Dimova, T, Kardapoltsev, L, Kozyrev, A, Ovtin, I, Radchenko, O, Skovpen, Y, Azhgirey, I, Bayshev, I, Elumakhov, D, Kachanov, V, Konstantinov, D, Mandrik, P, Petrov, V, Ryutin, R, Slabospitskii, S, Sobol, A, Troshin, S, Tyurin, N, Uzunian, A, Volkov, A, Babaev, A, Okhotnikov, V, Borshch, V, Ivanchenko, V, Tcherniaev, E, Adzic, P, Dordevic, M, Milenovic, P, Milosevic, J, Aguilar-Benitez, M, Maestre, JA, Fernandez, AA, Bachiller, I, Luna, MB, Bedoya, CF, Montoya, CAC, Cepeda, M, Cerrada, M, Colino, N, De La Cruz, B, Peris, AD, Ramos, JPF, Flix, J, Fouz, MC, Lopez, OG, Lopez, SG, Hernandez, JM, Josa, MI, Holgado, JL, Moran, D, Tobar, AN, Dengra, CP, Yzquierdo, APC, Pelayo, JP, Redondo, I, Romero, L, Navas, SS, Gomez, LU, Willmott, C, de Troconiz, JF, Reyes-Almanza, R, Gonzalez, BA, Cuevas, J, Erice, C, Menendez, JF, Folgueras, S, Caballero, IG, Fernandez, JRG, Cortezon, EP, Alvarez, CR, Bouza, VR, Rodriguez, AS, Trapote, A, Trevisani, N, Villalba, CV, Cifuentes, JAB, Cabrillo, IJ, Calderon, A, Campderros, JD, Fernandez, M, Madrazo, CF, Manteca, PJF, Alonso, AG, Gomez, G, Rivero, CM, del Arbol, PMR, Matorras, F, Cuevas, PM, Gomez, JP, Prieels, C, Rodrigo, T, Ruiz-Jimeno, A, Scodellaro, L, Vila, I, Garcia, JMV, Jayananda, MK, Kailasapathy, B, Sonnadara, DUJ, Wickramarathna, DDC, Dharmaratna, WGD, Liyanage, K, Perera, N, Wickramage, N, Aarrestad, TK, Abbaneo, D, Alimena, J, Auffray, E, Auzinger, G, Baechler, J, Baillon, P, Barney, D, Bendavid, J, Bianco, M, Bocci, A, Camporesi, T, Garrido, MC, Cerminara, G, Chernyavskaya, N, Chhibra, SS, Cipriani, M, Cristella, L, d'Enterria, D, Dabrowski, A, David, A, De Roeck, A, Defranchis, MM, Deile, M, Dobson, M, Dunser, M, Dupont, N, Elliott-Peisert, A, Emriskova, N, Fallavollita, F, Fasanella, D, Florent, A, Franzoni, G, Funk, W, Giani, S, Gigi, D, Gill, K, Glege, F, Gouskos, L, Haranko, M, Hegeman, J, Innocente, V, James, T, Janot, P, Kaspar, J, Kieseler, J, Komm, M, Kratochwil, N, Lange, C, Laurila, S, Lecoq, P, Lintuluoto, A, Long, K, Lourenco, C, Maier, B, Malgeri, L, Mallios, S, Mannelli, M, Marini, AC, Meijers, F, Mersi, S, Meschi, E, Moortgat, F, Mulders, M, Orfanelli, S, Orsini, L, Pantaleo, F, Pape, L, Perez, E, Peruzzi, M, Petrilli, A, Petrucciani, G, Pfeiffer, A, Pierini, M, Piparo, D, Pitt, M, Qu, H, Quast, T, Rabady, D, Racz, A, Gutierrez, GR, Rieger, M, Rovere, M, Sakulin, H, Salfeld-Nebgen, J, Scarfi, S, Schafer, C, Schwick, C, Selvaggi, M, Silva, P, Snoeys, W, Sphicas, P, Summers, S, Tatar, K, Tavolaro, VR, Treille, D, Tropea, P, Tsirou, A, Van Onsem, GP, Wanczyk, J, Wozniak, KA, Zeuner, WD, Caminada, L, Ebrahimi, A, Erdmann, W, Horisberger, R, Ingram, Q, Kaestli, HC, Kotlinski, D, Langenegger, U, Missiroli, M, Noehte, L, Rohe, T, Androsov, K, Backhaus, M, Berger, P, Calandri, A, De Cosa, A, Dissertori, G, Dittmar, M, Donega, M, Dorfer, C, Eble, F, Gedia, K, Glessgen, F, Espinosa, TAG, Grab, C, Hits, D, Lustermann, W, Lyon, AM, Manzoni, RA, Marchese, L, Perez, CM, Meinhard, MT, Nessi-Tedaldi, F, Niedziela, J, Pauss, F, Perovic, V, Pigazzini, S, Ratti, MG, Reichmann, M, Reissel, C, Reitenspiess, T, Ristic, B, Ruini, D, Becerra, DAS, Stampf, V, Steggemann, J, Wallny, R, Zhu, DH, Amsler, C, Bartschi, P, Botta, C, Brzhechko, D, Canelli, MF, Cormier, K, De Wit, A, Del Burgo, R, Heikkila, JK, Huwiler, M, Jin, W, Jofrehei, A, Kilminster, B, Leontsinis, S, Liechti, SP, Macchiolo, A, Meiring, P, Mikuni, VM, Molinatti, U, Neutelings, I, Reimers, A, Robmann, P, Cruz, SS, Schweiger, K, Senger, M, Takahashi, Y, Adloff, C, Kuo, CM, Lin, W, Roy, A, Sarkar, T, Yu, SS, Ceard, L, Chao, Y, Chen, KF, Chen, PH, Hou, WS, Li, YY, Lu, RS, Paganis, E, Psallidas, A, Steen, A, Wu, HY, Yazgan, E, Yu, PR, Asavapibhop, B, Asawatangtrakuldee, C, Srimanobhas, N, Boran, F, Damarseckin, S, Demiroglu, ZS, Dolek, F, Dumanoglu, I, Eskut, E, Guler, Y, Guler, EG, Isik, C, Kara, O, Topaksu, AK, Kiminsu, U, Onengut, G, Ozdemir, K, Polatoz, A, Simsek, AE, Tali, B, Tok, UG, Turkcapar, S, Zorbakir, IS, Isildak, B, Karapinar, G, Ocalan, K, Yalvac, M, Akgun, B, Atakisi, IO, Gulmez, E, Kaya, M, Kaya, O, Ozcelik, O, Tekten, S, Yetkin, EA, Cakir, A, Cankocak, K, Komurcu, Y, Sen, S, Cerci, S, Hos, I, Kaynak, B, Ozkorucuklu, S, Cerci, DS, Zorbilmez, C, Grynyov, B, Levchuk, L, Anthony, D, Bhal, E, Bologna, S, Brooke, JJ, Bundock, A, Clement, E, Cussans, D, Flacher, H, Goldstein, J, Heath, GP, Heath, HF, Kreczko, L, Krikler, B, Paramesvaran, S, El Nasr-Storey, SS, Smith, VJ, Stylianou, N, Pass, KW, White, R, Bell, KW, Brew, C, Brown, RM, Cockerill, DJA, Cooke, C, Ellis, KV, Harder, K, Harper, S, Holmberg, ML, Linacre, J, Manolopoulos, K, Newbold, DM, Olaiya, E, Petyt, D, Reis, T, Schuh, T, Shepherd-Themistocleous, CH, Tomalin, IR, Williams, T, Bainbridge, R, Bloch, P, Bonomally, S, Borg, J, Breeze, S, Buchmuller, O, Cepaitis, V, Chahal, GS, Colling, D, Dauncey, P, Davies, G, Della Negra, M, Fayer, S, Fedi, G, Hall, G, Hassanshahi, MH, Iles, G, Langford, J, Lyons, L, Magnan, AM, Malik, S, Martelli, A, Monk, DG, Nash, J, Pesaresi, M, Raymond, DM, Richards, A, Rose, A, Scott, E, Seez, C, Shtipliyski, A, Tapper, A, Uchida, K, Virdee, T, Vojinovic, M, Wardle, N, Webb, SN, Winterbottom, D, Coldham, K, Cole, JE, Khan, A, Kyberd, P, Reid, ID, Teodorescu, L, Zahid, S, Abdullin, S, Brinkerhoff, A, Caraway, B, Dittmann, J, Hatakeyama, K, Kanuganti, AR, McMaster, B, Pastika, N, Saunders, M, Sawant, S, Sutantawibul, C, Wilson, J, Bartek, R, Dominguez, A, Uniyal, R, Hernandez, AMV, Buccilli, A, Cooper, SI, Di Croce, D, Gleyzer, SV, Henderson, C, Perez, CU, Rumerio, P, West, C, Akpinar, A, Albert, A, Arcaro, D, Cosby, C, Demiragli, Z, Fontanesi, E, Gastler, D, May, S, Rohlf, J, Salyer, K, Sperka, D, Spitzbart, D, Suarez, I, Tsatsos, A, Yuan, S, Zou, D, Benelli, G, Burkle, B, Coubez, X, Cutts, D, Hadley, M, Heintz, U, Hogan, JM, Kwon, T, Landsberg, G, Lau, KT, Li, D, Lukasik, M, Luo, J, Narain, M, Pervan, N, Sagir, S, Simpson, F, Usai, E, Wong, WY, Yan, X, Yu, D, Zhang, W, Bonilla, J, Brainerd, C, Breedon, R, Sanchez, MCD, Chertok, M, Conway, J, Cox, PT, Erbacher, R, Haza, G, Jensen, F, Kukral, O, Lander, R, Mulhearn, M, Pellett, D, Regnery, B, Taylor, D, Yao, Y, Zhang, F, Bachtis, M, Cousins, R, Datta, A, Hamilton, D, Hauser, J, Ignatenko, M, Iqbal, MA, Lam, T, Nash, WA, Regnard, S, Saltzberg, D, Stone, B, Valuev, V, Burt, K, Chen, Y, Clare, R, Gary, JW, Gordon, M, Hanson, G, Karapostoli, G, Long, OR, Manganelli, N, Negrete, MO, Si, W, Wimpenny, S, Branson, JG, Chang, P, Cittolin, S, Cooperstein, S, Deelen, N, Diaz, D, Duarte, J, Gerosa, R, Giannini, L, Guiang, J, Kansal, R, Krutelyov, V, Lee, R, Letts, J, Masciovecchio, M, Mokhtar, F, Pieri, M, Narayanan, BVS, Sharma, V, Tadel, M, Vartak, A, Wurthwein, F, Xiang, Y, Yagil, A, Amin, N, Campagnari, C, Citron, M, Dorsett, A, Dutta, V, Incandela, J, Kilpatrick, M, Marsh, B, Mei, H, Oshiro, M, Quinnan, M, Richman, J, Sarica, U, Setti, F, Sheplock, J, Stuart, D, Wang, S, Bornheim, A, Cerri, O, Dutta, I, Lawhorn, JM, Lu, N, Mao, J, Newman, HB, Nguyen, TQ, Spiropulu, M, Vlimant, JR, Wang, C, Xie, S, Zhang, Z, Zhu, RY, Alison, J, An, S, Andrews, MB, Bryant, P, Ferguson, T, Harilal, A, Liu, C, Mudholkar, T, Paulini, M, Sanchez, A, Terrill, W, Cumalat, JP, Ford, WT, Hassani, A, MacDonald, E, Patel, R, Perloff, A, Savard, C, Stenson, K, Ulmer, KA, Wagner, SR, Alexander, J, Bright-Thonney, S, Chen, X, Cheng, Y, Cranshaw, DJ, Hogan, S, Monroy, J, Patterson, JR, Quach, D, Reichert, J, Reid, M, Ryd, A, Sun, W, Thom, J, Wittich, P, Zou, R, Albrow, M, Alyari, M, Apollinari, G, Apresyan, A, Apyan, A, Bauerdick, LAT, Berry, D, Berryhill, J, Bhat, PC, Burkett, K, Butler, JN, Canepa, A, Cerati, GB, Cheung, HWK, Chlebana, F, Di Petrillo, KF, Elvira, VD, Feng, Y, Freeman, J, Gecse, Z, Gray, L, Green, D, Grunendahl, S, Gutsche, O, Harris, RM, Heller, R, Herwig, TC, Hirschauer, J, Jayatilaka, B, Jindariani, S, Johnson, M, Joshi, U, Klijnsma, T, Klima, B, Kwok, KHM, Lammel, S, Lincoln, D, Lipton, R, Liu, T, Madrid, C, Maeshima, K, Mantilla, C, Mason, D, McBride, P, Merkel, P, Mrenna, S, Nahn, S, Ngadiuba, J, O'Dell, V, Papadimitriou, V, Pedro, K, Pena, C, Prokofyev, O, Ravera, F, Hall, AR, Ristori, L, Sexton-Kennedy, E, Smith, N, Soha, A, Spalding, WJ, Spiegel, L, Stoynev, S, Strait, J, Taylor, L, Tkaczyk, S, Tran, NV, Uplegger, L, Vaandering, EW, Weber, HA, Acosta, D, Avery, P, Bourilkov, D, Cadamuro, L, Cherepanov, V, Errico, F, Field, RD, Guerrero, D, Joshi, BM, Kim, M, Koenig, E, Konigsberg, J, Korytov, A, Lo, KH, Matchev, K, Menendez, N, Mitselmakher, G, Madhu, AM, Rawal, N, Rosenzweig, D, Rosenzweig, S, Rotter, J, Shi, K, Sturdy, J, Yigitbasi, E, Zuo, X, Adams, T, Askew, A, Habibullah, R, Hagopian, V, Johnson, KF, Khurana, R, Kolberg, T, Martinez, G, Prosper, H, Schiber, C, Viazlo, O, Yohay, R, Zhang, J, Baarmand, MM, Butalla, S, Elkafrawy, T, Hohlmann, M, Verma, RK, Noonan, D, Rahmani, M, Yumiceva, F, Adams, MR, Gonzalez, HB, Cavanaugh, R, Dittmer, S, Evdokimov, O, Gerber, CE, Hangal, DA, Hofman, DJ, Merrit, AH, Mills, C, Oh, G, Roy, T, Rudrabhatla, S, Tonjes, MB, Varelas, N, Viinikainen, J, Wang, X, Wu, Z, Ye, Z, Alhusseini, M, Dilsiz, K, Gandrajula, RP, Koseyan, OK, Merlo, JP, Mestvirishvili, A, Nachtman, J, Ogul, H, Onel, Y, Penzo, A, Snyder, C, Tiras, E, Amram, O, Blumenfeld, B, Corcodilos, L, Davis, J, Eminizer, M, Gritsan, AV, Kyriacou, S, Maksimovic, P, Roskes, J, Swartz, M, Vami, TA, Abreu, A, Anguiano, J, Barrera, CB, Baringer, P, Bean, A, Bylinkin, A, Flowers, Z, Isidori, T, Khalil, S, King, J, Krintiras, G, Kropivnitskaya, A, Lazarovits, M, Le Mahieu, C, Lindsey, C, Marquez, J, Minafra, N, Murray, M, Nickel, M, Rogan, C, Royon, C, Salvatico, R, Sanders, S, Schmitz, E, Smith, C, Takaki, JDT, Warner, Z, Williams, J, Wilson, G, Duric, S, Ivanov, A, Kaadze, K, Kim, D, Maravin, Y, Mitchell, T, Modak, A, Nam, K, Rebassoo, F, Wright, D, Adams, E, Baden, A, Baron, O, Belloni, A, Eno, SC, Hadley, NJ, Jabeen, S, Kellogg, RG, Koeth, T, Mignerey, AC, Nabili, S, Palmer, C, Seidel, M, Skuja, A, Wang, L, Wong, K, Abercrombie, D, Andreassi, G, Bi, R, Busza, W, Cali, IA, D'Alfonso, M, Eysermans, J, Freer, C, Ceballos, GG, Goncharov, M, Harris, P, Hu, M, Klute, M, Kovalskyi, D, Krupa, J, Lee, YJ, Mironov, C, Paus, C, Rankin, D, Roland, C, Roland, G, Shi, Z, Stephans, GSF, Wang, Z, Wyslouch, B, Chatterjee, RM, Evans, A, Hiltbrand, J, Krohn, M, Kubota, Y, Mans, J, Revering, M, Rusack, R, Saradhy, R, Schroeder, N, Strobbe, N, Wadud, MA, Bloom, K, Bryson, M, Claes, DR, Fangmeier, C, Finco, L, Golf, F, Joo, C, Kravchenko, I, Musich, M, Reed, I, Siado, JE, Snow, GR, Tabb, W, Yan, F, Zecchinelli, AG, Agarwal, G, Bandyopadhyay, H, Hay, L, Iashvili, I, Kharchilava, A, McLean, C, Nguyen, D, Pekkanen, J, Rappoccio, S, Williams, A, Alverson, G, Barberis, E, Haddad, Y, Hortiangtham, A, Li, J, Madigan, G, Marzocchi, B, Morse, DM, Nguyen, V, Orimoto, T, Parker, A, Skinnari, L, Tishelman-Charny, A, Wamorkar, T, Wang, B, Wisecarver, A, Wood, D, Bueghly, J, Chen, Z, Gilbert, A, Gunter, T, Hahn, KA, Liu, Y, Odell, N, Schmitt, MH, Velasco, M, Band, R, Bucci, R, Cremonesi, M, Das, A, Dev, N, Goldouzian, R, Hildreth, M, Anampa, KH, Jessop, C, Lannon, K, Lawrence, J, Loukas, N, Lutton, D, Marinelli, N, Mcalister, I, McCauley, T, Mcgrady, C, Mohrman, K, Moore, C, Musienko, Y, Ruchti, R, Siddireddy, P, Townsend, A, Wayne, M, Wightman, A, Zarucki, M, Zygala, L, Bylsma, B, Cardwell, B, Durkin, LS, Francis, B, Hill, C, Ornelas, MN, Wei, K, Winer, BL, Yates, BR, Addesa, FM, Bonham, B, Das, P, Dezoort, G, Elmer, P, Frankenthal, A, Greenberg, B, Haubrich, N, Higginbotham, S, Kalogeropoulos, A, Kopp, G, Kwan, S, Lange, D, Marlow, D, Mei, K, Ojalvo, I, Olsen, J, Stickland, D, Tully, C, Norberg, S, Bakshi, AS, Barnes, VE, Chawla, R, Das, S, Gutay, L, Jones, M, Jung, AW, Karmarkar, S, Kondratyev, D, Liu, M, Negro, G, Neumeister, N, Paspalaki, G, Piperov, S, Purohit, A, Schulte, JF, Stojanovic, M, Thieman, J, Wang, F, Xiao, R, Xie, W, Dolen, J, Parashar, N, Baty, A, Carnahan, T, Decaro, M, Dildick, S, Ecklund, KM, Freed, S, Gardner, P, Geurts, FJM, Li, W, Padley, BP, Redjimi, R, Shi, W, Leiton, AGS, Zhang, L, Bodek, A, de Barbaro, P, Demina, R, Dulemba, JL, Fallon, C, Ferbel, T, Galanti, M, Garcia-Bellido, A, Hindrichs, O, Khukhunaishvili, A, Ranken, E, Taus, R, Chiarito, B, Chou, JP, Gandrakota, A, Gershtein, Y, Halkiadakis, E, Hart, A, Heindl, M, Karacheban, O, Laflotte, I, Lath, A, Montalvo, R, Nash, K, Osherson, M, Salur, S, Schnetzer, S, Somalwar, S, Stone, R, Thayil, SA, Thomas, S, Wang, H, Acharya, H, Delannoy, AG, Fiorendi, S, Spanier, S, Bouhali, O, Dalchenko, M, Delgado, A, Eusebi, R, Gilmore, J, Huang, T, Kamon, T, Luo, S, Malhotra, S, Mueller, R, Overton, D, Rathjens, D, Safonov, A, Akchurin, N, Damgov, J, Hegde, V, Kunori, S, Lamichhane, K, Mengke, T, Muthumuni, S, Peltola, T, Volobouev, I, Whitbeck, A, Appelt, E, Greene, S, Gurrola, A, Johns, W, Melo, A, Ni, H, Padeken, K, Romeo, F, Sheldon, P, Tuo, S, Velkovska, J, Arenton, MW, Cox, B, Cummings, G, Hakala, J, Hirosky, R, Joyce, M, Ledovskoy, A, Li, A, Neu, C, Lara, CEP, Tannenwald, B, White, S, Wolfe, E, Poudyal, N, Black, K, Bose, T, Caillol, C, Dasu, S, De Bruyn, I, Everaerts, P, Fienga, F, Galloni, C, He, H, Herndon, M, Herve, A, Hussain, U, Lanaro, A, Loeliger, A, Loveless, R, Sreekala, JM, Mallampalli, A, Mohammadi, A, Pinna, D, Savin, A, Shang, V, Smith, WH, Teague, D, Trembath-Reichert, S, Vetens, W, Department of Physics, Helsinki Institute of Physics, Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse - Colmar (Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA))-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Physics, Elementary Particle Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences, Vriendenkring VUB, Universidad de Cantabria, Tumasyan A., Adam W., Andrejkovic J., Bergauer T., Chatterjee S., Damanakis K., Dragicevic M., Escalante Del Valle A., Frühwirth R., Jeitler M., et al., SCOAP, European Commission, European Research Council, Principado de Asturias, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Yerevan Physics Institute, Institut für Hochenergiephysik, Institute for Nuclear Problems, Universiteit Antwerpen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Ghent University, Université Catholique de Louvain, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, University of Sofia, Beihang University, Tsinghua University, Institute of High Energy Physics, Peking University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Institute of Modern Physics and Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Ion-beam Application (MOE) — Fudan University, China, Universidad de Los Andes, Universidad de Antioquia, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Faculty of Science, Institute Rudjer Boskovic, University of Cyprus, Charles University, Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Egyptian Network of High Energy Physics, Fayoum University, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, University of Helsinki, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Université Paris-Saclay, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, IPHC UMR 7178, Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I), Georgian Technical University, I. Physikalisches Institut, III. Physikalisches Institut A, III. Physikalisches Institut B, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, University of Hamburg, Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, NCSR Demokritos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, National Technical University of Athens, University of Ioánnina, Eötvös Loránd University, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute of Nuclear Research ATOMKI, University of Debrecen, MATE Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), HBNI, Panjab University, University of Delhi, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-A, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-B, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Isfahan University of Technology, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), University College Dublin, INFN Sezione di Bari, Università di Bari, Politecnico di Bari, INFN Sezione di Bologna, Università di Bologna, INFN Sezione di Catania, Università di Catania, INFN Sezione di Firenze, Università di Firenze, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN Sezione di Genova, Università di Genova, INFN Sezione di Milano-Bicocca, Università di Milano-Bicocca, INFN Sezione di Napoli, Università di Napoli ’Federico II’, Università della Basilicata, Università G. Marconi, INFN Sezione di Padova, Università di Padova, INFN Sezione di Pavia, Università di Pavia, INFN Sezione di Perugia, Università di Perugia, INFN Sezione di Pisa, Università di Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Università di Siena, INFN Sezione di Roma, Sapienza Università di Roma, INFN Sezione di Torino, Università di Torino, Università del Piemonte Orientale, INFN Sezione di Trieste, Università di Trieste, Kyungpook National University, Institute for Universe and Elementary Particles, Hanyang University, Korea University, Kyung Hee University, Sejong University, Seoul National University, University of Seoul, Yonsei University, Sungkyunkwan University, Kuwait, Riga Technical University, Vilnius University, Universiti Malaya, Universidad de Sonora (UNISON), Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Universidad Iberoamericana, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, University of Montenegro, University of Auckland, University of Canterbury, Quaid-I-Azam University, Electronics and Telecommunications, National Centre for Nuclear Research, University of Warsaw, Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Institute for Nuclear Research, Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I. Alikhanov of NRC ‘Kurchatov Institute’, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, National Research Nuclear University ’Moscow Engineering Physics Institute’ (MEPhI), P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Novosibirsk State University (NSU), Institute for High Energy Physics of National Research Centre ‘Kurchatov Institute’, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University, University of Belgrade: Faculty of Physics and VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Espaciales de Asturias (ICTEA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria, University of Colombo, University of Ruhuna, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Paul Scherrer Institut, ETH Zurich — Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics (IPA), Universität Zürich, National Central University, National Taiwan University (NTU), Science and Art Faculty, Physics Department, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul University, Institute for Scintillation Materials of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, University of Bristol, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Imperial College, Brunel University, Baylor University, Catholic University of America, The University of Alabama, Boston University, Brown University, Davis, University of California, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara — Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Colorado Boulder, Cornell University, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, University of Florida, Florida State University, Florida Institute of Technology, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), The University of Iowa, Johns Hopkins University, The University of Kansas, Kansas State University, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of Maryland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, State University of New York at Buffalo, Northeastern University, Northwestern University, University of Notre Dame, The Ohio State University, Princeton University, University of Puerto Rico, Purdue University, Purdue University Northwest, Rice University, University of Rochester, The State University of New Jersey, University of Tennessee, Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, Vanderbilt University, University of Virginia, Wayne State University, University of Wisconsin — Madison, TU Wien, Technology and Maritime Transport, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, The University of the State of Amazonas, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Nanjing Normal University Department of Physics, Suez University, British University in Egypt, Cairo University, Université de Haute Alsace, Tbilisi State University, Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, Brandenburg University of Technology, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Assiut University, IIT Bhubaneswar, Institute of Physics, Punjab Agricultural University, Shoolini University, University of Hyderabad, University of Visva-Bharati, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Sharif University of Technology, University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e di Struttura Della Materia, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche — Istituto Officina dei Materiali, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Belgrade, Sri Lanka, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne, Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, IN2P3-CNRS, Şırnak University, Research Center of Experimental Health Science, Konya Technical University, Piri Reis University, Adiyaman University, Ozyegin University, Necmettin Erbakan University, Bozok Universitetesi Rektörlügü, Marmara University, Milli Savunma University, Kafkas University, Istanbul Bilgi University, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southampton, IPPP Durham University, Bethel University, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Ain Shams University, Bingol University, Sinop University, Erciyes University, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Università di Trento, CERN, Andrejkovic, J, Escalante Del Valle, A, Pitters, F, Wulz, C, Darwish, M, De Wolf, E, Rejeb Sfar, H, Bols, E, Sahasransu, A, Kalsi, A, Donertas, I, Tran, T, Alves, G, Alda Junior, W, Alves Gallo Pereira, M, Barroso Ferreira Filho, M, Brandao Malbouisson, H, Da Costa, E, Da Silveira, G, De Jesus Damiao, D, Fonseca De Souza, S, Mora Herrera, C, Mota Amarilo, K, Rebello Teles, P, Silva Do Amaral, S, Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F, Vilela Pereira, A, Bernardes, C, Fernandez Perez Tomei, T, Gregores, E, Lemos, D, Mercadante, P, Novaes, S, Padula, S, Chen, G, Chen, H, Liu, Z, Qian, S, Mejia Guisao, J, Ruiz Alvarez, J, Salazar Gonzalez, C, Razis, P, Carrera Jarrin, E, Ellithi Kamel, A, Mahmoud, M, Dewanjee, R, Faure, J, Hamel de Monchenault, G, Sahin, M, Yu, G, Buchot Perraguin, A, Granier de Cassagnac, R, Sauvan, J, Agram, J, Brom, J, Chabert, E, Fontaine, J, Le Bihan, A, Laktineh, I, Schuler, S, Haj Ahmad, W, Aarup Petersen, H, Aldaya Martin, M, Bermudez Martinez, A, Bin Anuar, A, Consuegra Rodriguez, S, Correia Silva, G, Estevez Banos, L, Jomhari, N, Melzer-Pellmann, I, Mendizabal Morentin, M, Perez Adan, D, Ribeiro Lopes, B, Sosa Ricardo, R, Pena Rodriguez, K, Gosewisch, J, Simonis, H, Von Cube, R, Koraka, C, Gadallah, M, Radl, A, Veres, G, Trocsanyi, Z, Komaragiri, J, Tiwari, P, Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, V, Swain, S, Beri, S, Singh, J, Virdi, A, Choudhary, B, Rout, P, Behera, P, Behera, S, Pujahari, P, Sikdar, A, Mishra, D, Netrakanti, P, Pant, L, Etesami, S, Mohammadi Najafabadi, M, Simone, F, Cavallo, F, Dallavalle, G, Navarria, F, Siroli, G, Dinardo, M, Lucchini, M, Pinolini, B, Tabarelli de Fatis, T, Iorio, A, Hoh, S, Meneguzzo, A, Aime', C, Ratti, S, Bilei, G, Ciocci, M, Di Domenico, M, Matos Figueiredo, D, Roy Chowdhury, S, Verdini, P, Berenguer Antequera, J, Obertino, M, Pinna Angioni, G, Kim, G, Moon, C, Oh, Y, Pak, S, Radburn-Smith, B, Yang, Y, Moon, D, Kim, T, Park, S, Bhyun, J, Oh, B, Oh, S, Yang, U, Kang, D, Merlin, J, Park, I, Ryu, M, Watson, I, Yoo, H, Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A, Norjoharuddeen, N, Wan Abdullah, W, Yusli, M, Benitez, J, Castaneda Hernandez, A, Leon Coello, M, Murillo Quijada, J, Valencia Palomo, L, Mondragon Herrera, C, Perez Navarro, D, Sanchez Hernandez, A, Carrillo Moreno, S, Oropeza Barrera, C, Vazquez Valencia, F, Salazar Ibarguen, H, Uribe Estrada, C, Butler, P, Asghar, M, Awan, M, Hoorani, H, Khan, W, Shah, M, Yuldashev, B, Alcaraz Maestre, J, Alvarez Fernandez, A, Barrio Luna, M, Bedoya, C, Carrillo Montoya, C, Delgado Peris, A, Fernandez Ramos, J, Fouz, M, Gonzalez Lopez, O, Goy Lopez, S, Hernandez, J, Josa, M, Leon Holgado, J, Navarro Tobar, A, Perez Dengra, C, Perez-Calero Yzquierdo, A, Puerta Pelayo, J, Sanchez Navas, S, Urda Gomez, L, de Troconiz, J, Alvarez Gonzalez, B, Fernandez Menendez, J, Gonzalez Caballero, I, Gonzalez Fernandez, J, Palencia Cortezon, E, Ramon Alvarez, C, Rodriguez Bouza, V, Soto Rodriguez, A, Vico Villalba, C, Brochero Cifuentes, J, Cabrillo, I, Duarte Campderros, J, Fernandez Madrazo, C, Fernandez Manteca, P, Garcia Alonso, A, Martinez Rivero, C, Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P, Matorras Cuevas, P, Piedra Gomez, J, Vizan Garcia, J, Jayananda, M, Sonnadara, D, Wickramarathna, D, Dharmaratna, W, Aarrestad, T, Capeans Garrido, M, Chhibra, S, D'Enterria, D, Defranchis, M, Marini, A, Reales Gutierrez, G, Tavolaro, V, Van Onsem, G, Wozniak, K, Zeuner, W, Kaestli, H, Gomez Espinosa, T, Lyon, A, Manzoni, R, Martin Perez, C, Meinhard, M, Ratti, M, Sanz Becerra, D, Zhu, D, Canelli, M, Heikkila, J, Liechti, S, Mikuni, V, Sanchez Cruz, S, Kuo, C, Yu, S, Chen, K, Chen, P, Hou, W, Li, Y, Lu, R, Wu, H, Yu, P, Demiroglu, Z, Gurpinar Guler, E, Kayis Topaksu, A, Simsek, A, Tok, U, Zorbakir, I, Atakisi, I, Yetkin, E, Sunar Cerci, D, Brooke, J, Heath, G, Heath, H, Seif El Nasr-Storey, S, Smith, V, Walkingshaw Pass, K, Bell, K, Brown, R, Cockerill, D, Ellis, K, Holmberg, M, Newbold, D, Shepherd-Themistocleous, C, Tomalin, I, Chahal, G, Hassanshahi, M, Magnan, A, Monk, D, Raymond, D, Webb, S, Cole, J, Reid, I, Kanuganti, A, Mcmaster, B, Vargas Hernandez, A, Cooper, S, Gleyzer, S, Perez, C, Hogan, J, Lau, K, Wong, W, Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M, Cox, P, Iqbal, M, Nash, W, Gary, J, Long, O, Olmedo Negrete, M, Branson, J, Sathia Narayanan, B, Lawhorn, J, Newman, H, Nguyen, T, Vlimant, J, Zhu, R, Andrews, M, Cumalat, J, Ford, W, Macdonald, E, Ulmer, K, Wagner, S, Cranshaw, D, Patterson, J, Bauerdick, L, Bhat, P, Butler, J, Cerati, G, Cheung, H, Di Petrillo, K, Elvira, V, Harris, R, Herwig, T, Kwok, K, Mcbride, P, Reinsvold Hall, A, Spalding, W, Tran, N, Vaandering, E, Weber, H, Field, R, Joshi, B, Lo, K, Muthirakalayil Madhu, A, Johnson, K, Baarmand, M, Kumar Verma, R, Adams, M, Becerril Gonzalez, H, Gerber, C, Hangal, D, Hofman, D, Merrit, A, Tonjes, M, Gandrajula, R, Koseyan, O, Merlo, J, Gritsan, A, Vami, T, Baldenegro Barrera, C, Tapia Takaki, J, Eno, S, Hadley, N, Kellogg, R, Mignerey, A, Cali, I, Gomez Ceballos, G, Stephans, G, Chatterjee, R, Wadud, M, Claes, D, Siado, J, Snow, G, Zecchinelli, A, Mclean, C, Morse, D, Hahn, K, Schmitt, M, Hurtado Anampa, K, Mccauley, T, Zygala, B, Durkin, L, Nunez Ornelas, M, Winer, B, Yates, B, Addesa, F, Bakshi, A, Barnes, V, Jung, A, Schulte, J, Ecklund, K, Geurts, F, Padley, B, Stahl Leiton, A, Dulemba, J, Chou, J, Thayil, S, Delannoy, A, Arenton, M, Perez Lara, C, Madhusudanan Sreekala, J, Smith, W, Sağır, Sinan, Belforte, S., Candelise, V., Casarsa, M., Cossutti, F., DA ROLD, A., DELLA RICCA, G., Sorrentino, G., Vazzoler, F., and ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
- Subjects
13000 GeV-cms ,Temel Bilimler (SCI) ,parton: distribution function ,transverse momentum [jet] ,PARTICLE PHYSICS ,LARGE HADRON COLLIDER ,CMS ,Physics, Particles & Fields ,rapidity dependence ,Hadron-Hadron Scattering ,Jet Physics ,effective field theory ,strong interaction: coupling constant ,scattering [p p] ,PROGRAM ,jet, production ,High energy physics ,Experimental particle physics ,LHC ,p p: scattering ,p p: colliding beams ,B: decay ,tau: hadronic decay ,interaction: gauge ,interaction: model ,transverse momentum: missing-energy ,new physics: search for ,mass spectrum: transverse ,black hole: quantum ,vector boson: mass ,W': leptonic decay ,sensitivity ,leptoquark: coupling ,CERN LHC Coll ,leptoquark: mass: lower limit ,anomaly ,channel cross section: upper limit ,Higgs ,Nuclear Experiment ,протон-протонные столкновения ,parton, distribution function ,двойные дифференциальные инклюзивные струи ,Physics ,QUARK ,perturbation theory: higher-order ,contact interaction ,PHYSICS, NUCLEAR ,2 [higher-order] ,higher-order, 2 ,higher-order, 1 ,track data analysis: jet ,Physical Sciences ,hadroproduction [jet] ,colliding beams [p p] ,distribution function [parton] ,coupling constant [strong interaction] ,1 [higher-order] ,p p, scattering ,strong interaction, coupling constant ,114 Physical sciences ,quark ,phase space ,FİZİK, NÜKLEER ,Z0, mass ,quantum chromodynamics ,strong coupling ,TeV ,ddc:530 ,0206 Quantum Physics ,Science & Technology ,higher-order [perturbation theory] ,jet: rapidity ,ATLAS, детектор ,Большой адронный коллайдер ,GeV ,jet: transverse momentum ,transverse momentum dependence ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) ,SINGLET ,[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex] ,jet [track data analysis] ,0105 Mathematical Physics ,Temel Bilimler ,Wilson ,higher-order: 2 ,higher-order: 1 ,jet, rapidity ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Nükleer ve Yüksek Enerji Fiziği ,Natural Sciences (SCI) ,rapidity [jet] ,0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics ,Natural Sciences ,Particle Physics - Experiment ,perturbation theory [quantum chromodynamics] ,Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,data analysis method ,jet, transverse momentum ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Fizik ,PARTON DENSITIES ,COMPUTATION ,differential cross section: measured ,PHYSICS ,measured [differential cross section] ,quantum chromodynamics: perturbation theory ,hep-ex ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,3-LOOP SPLITTING FUNCTIONS ,jet: hadroproduction ,EVOLUTION ,Physics and Astronomy ,Fizik Bilimleri ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,experimental results - Abstract
A measurement of the inclusive jet production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at √s = 13 TeV is presented. The double-differential cross sections are measured as a function of the jet transverse momentum pT and the absolute jet rapidity |y|. The anti-kT clustering algorithm is used with distance parameter of 0.4 (0.7) in a phase space region with jet pT from 97 GeV up to 3.1 TeV and |y| < 2.0. Data collected with the CMS detector are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.3 fb−1 (33.5 fb−1). The measurement is used in a comprehensive QCD analysis at next-to-next-to-leading order, which results in significant improvement in the accuracy of the parton distributions in the proton. Simultaneously, the value of the strong coupling constant at the Z boson mass is extracted as αS(mZ) = 0.1170±0.0019. For the first time, these data are used in a standard model effective field theory analysis at next-to-leading order, where parton distributions and the QCD parameters are extracted simultaneously with imposed constraints on the Wilson coefficient c1 of 4-quark contact interactions., Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie programme and the European Research Council and Horizon 2020 Grant, contract Nos. 675440, 724704, 752730, 758316, 765710, 824093, 884104, and COST Action CA16108 (European Union); the Leventis Foundation; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation;the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; the Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium); the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium); the F.R.S.-FNRS and FWO (Belgium) under the “Excellence of Science — EOS” — be.h project n. 30820817; the Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, No. Z191100007219010; the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), under Germany’s Excellence Strategy — EXC 2121 “Quantum Universe” — 390833306, and under project number 400140256 - GRK2497; the Lendület (“Momentum”) Programme and the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the New National Excellence Program ÚNKP, the NKFIA research grants 123842, 123959, 124845, 124850, 125105, 128713, 128786, and 129058 (Hungary); the Council of Science and Industrial Research, India; the Latvian Council of Science; the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the National Science Center, contracts Opus 2014/15/B/ST2/03998 and 2015/19/B/ST2/02861 (Poland); the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, grant CEECIND/01334/2018 (Portugal); the National Priorities Research Program by Qatar National Research Fund; the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, projects no. 14.W03.31.0026 and no. FSWW-2020-0008, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No.19-42-703014 (Russia); the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia María de Maeztu, grant MDM-2015-0509 and the Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias; the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (Greece); the Rachadapisek Sompot Fund for Postdoctoral Fellowship, Chulalongkorn University and the Chulalongkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project (Thailand); the Kavli Foundation; the Nvidia Corporation; the SuperMicro Corporation; the Welch Foundation, contract C-1845; and the Weston Havens Foundation (U.S.A.)., Article funded by SCOAP3.
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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8. Coherence in Art and in the Physical Basis of Consciousness
- Author
Fröhlich, F., Chang, Jiin-Ju, editor, Fisch, Joachim, editor, and Popp, Fritz-Albert, editor
- Published
- 1998
- Full Text
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9. The appropriateness of colonoscopy: a multi-center, international, observational study
- Author
- Published
- 2007
10. New parameters for the characterization of diagenetic alterations and heat-induced changes of fossil bone mineral using Fourier transform infrared spectrometry
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Lebon, M., Reiche, I., Bahain, J.-J., Chadefaux, C., Moigne, A.-M., Fröhlich, F., Sémah, F., Schwarcz, H.P., and Falguères, C.
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- 2010
- Full Text
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11. Fallsammlung
- Author
Dorta, G., Sieber, R., Popien, J., Fröhlich, F., Koelz, H. R., Blum, A. L., Blum, André L., editor, Siewert, Jörg Rüdiger, editor, and Bauerfeind, Peter, editor
- Published
- 1990
- Full Text
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12. The gap between scientific evidence and clinical practice: 5-aminosalicylates are frequently used for the treatment of Crohnʼs disease
- Author
Schoepfer, A. M., Bortolotti, M., Pittet, V., Mottet, C., Gonvers, J.-J., Reich, O., Fournier, N., Vader, J.-P., Burnand, B., Michetti, P., and Froehlich, F.
- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
13. Factors associated with the technical performance of colonoscopy: An EPAGE Study
- Author
Harris, J.K., Froehlich, F., Wietlisbach, V., Burnand, B., Gonvers, J.-J., and Vader, J.-P.
- Published
- 2007
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
14. Appropriateness of therapy for fistulizing Crohnʼs disease: findings from a national inflammatory bowel disease cohort
- Author
Pittet, V., Juillerat, P., Michetti, P., Vader, J.-P., Burnand, B., Rogler, G., Beglinger, C., Seibold, F., Mottet, C., Felley, C., Gonvers, J.-J., and Froehlich, F.
- Published
- 2010
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
15. Influence of orlistat on the regulation of gallbladder contraction in man: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study
- Author
Froehlich, F., Hartmann, D., Guezelhan, C., Gonvers, J. J., Jansen, J. B. M. J., and Fried, M.
- Published
- 1996
- Full Text
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16. The impact of the rs8005161 polymorphism on G protein-coupled receptor GPR65 (TDAG8) pH-associated activation in intestinal inflammation
- Author
Tcymbarevich I, Eloranta J, Spalinger M, Cosin-Roger J, Lang S, Kullak-Ublick G, Wagner C, Seuwen K, Ruiz P, de Valliere C, Abdelrahman K, Ademi G, Aepli P, Thomas A, Anderegg C, Antonino A, Archanioti E, Arrigoni E, de Jong D, Balsiger B, Basturk P, Bauerfeind P, Becocci A, Belli D, Bengoa J, Biedermann L, Binek J, Blattmann M, Boehm S, Boldanova T, Borovicka J, Braegger C, Brand S, Brugger L, Brunner S, Buhr P, Burnand B, Burk S, Burri E, Buyse S, Cao D, Carstens O, Criblez D, Cunningham S, D'Angelo F, de Saussure P, Degen L, Delarive J, Doerig C, Dora B, Drerup S, Egger M, El-Wafa A, Engelmann M, Ezri J, Felley C, Fliegner M, Fournier N, Fraga M, Franc Y, Frei P, Frei R, Fried M, Froehlich F, Furlano R, Garzoni L, Geyer M, Girard L, Girardin M, Golay D, Good I, Bigler U, Gysi B, Haarer J, Halama M, Haldemann J, Heer P, Heimgartner B, Helbling B, Hengstler P, Herzog D, Hess C, Hessler R, Heyland K, Hinterleitner T, Hirschi C, Hruz P, Juillerat P, Khalid-de Bakker C, Kayser S, Keller C, Knellwolf-Grieger C, Knoblauch C, Kohler H, Koller R, Krieger-Grubel C, Kunzler P, Kusche R, Lehmann F, Macpherson A, Maillard M, Manz M, Marot A, Meier R, Meyenberger C, Meyer P, Michetti P, Misselwitz B, Mosler P, Mottet C, Muller C, Mullhaupt B, Musso L, Neagu M, Nichita C, Niess J, Nydegger A, Obialo N, Ollo D, Oropesa C, Peter U, Peternac D, Petit L, Pittet V, Pohl D, Porzner M, Preissler C, Raschle N, Rentsch R, Restellini A, Restellini S, Richterich J, Ris F, Risti B, Ritz M, Rogler G, Rohrich N, Rossel J, Rueger V, Rusticeanu M, Sagmeister M, Saner G, Sauter B, Sawatzki M, Scharl M, Schelling M, Schibli S, Schlauri H, Schluckebier D, Schmid D, Schmid-Uebelhart S, Schnegg J, Schoepfer A, Seematter V, Seibold F, Seirafi M, Semadeni G, Senning A, Sokollik C, Sommer J, Spalinger J, Spangenberger H, Stadler P, Staub P, Staudenmann D, Stenz V, Steuerwald M, Straumann A, Strebel B, Stulz A, Sulz M, Tatu A, Tempia-Caliera M, Thorens J, Truninger K, Tutuian R, Urfer P, Vavricka S, Viani F, Vogtlin J, Von Kanel R, Vouillamoz D, Vulliamy R, Wiesel P, Wiest R, Wohrle S, Zamora S, Zander S, Wylie T, Zeitz J, Zimmermann D, and Swiss IBD Cohort Study Grp
- Subjects
UC ,pH-sensing ,cAMP ,IBD ,Acidic pH ,RhoA ,Inflammatory bowel diseases ,CD - Abstract
BackgroundTissue inflammation in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) is associated with a decrease in local pH. The gene encoding G-protein-coupled receptor 65 (GPR65) has recently been reported to be a genetic risk factor for IBD. In response to extracellular acidification, proton activation of GPR65 stimulates cAMP and Rho signalling pathways. We aimed to analyse the clinical and functional relevance of the GPR65 associated single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs8005161.Methods1138 individuals from a mixed cohort of IBD patients and healthy volunteers were genotyped for SNPs associated with GPR65 (rs8005161, rs3742704) and galactosylceramidase (rs1805078) by Taqman SNP assays. 2300 patients from the Swiss IBD Cohort Study (SIBDC) were genotyped for rs8005161 by mass spectrometry based SNP genotyping. IBD patients from the SIBDC carrying rs8005161 TT, CT, CC and non-IBD controls (CC) were recruited for functional studies. Human CD14+ cells were isolated from blood samples and subjected to an extracellular acidic pH shift, cAMP accumulation and RhoA activation were measured.ResultsIn our mixed cohort, but not in SIBDC patients, the minor variant rs8005161 was significantly associated with UC. In SIBDC patients, we observed a consistent trend in increased disease severity in patients carrying the rs8005161-TT and rs8005161-CT alleles. No significant differences were observed in the pH associated activation of cAMP production between IBD (TT, CT, WT/CC) and non-IBD (WT/CC) genotype carriers upon an acidic extracellular pH shift. However, we observed significantly impaired RhoA activation after an extracellular acidic pH shift in IBD patients, irrespective of the rs8005161 allele.ConclusionsThe T allele of rs8005161 might confer a more severe disease course in IBD patients. Human monocytes from IBD patients showed impaired pH associated RhoA activation upon an acidic pH shift.
- Published
- 2019
17. Role of nutrient fat and cholecystokinin in regulation of gallbladder emptying in man
- Author
Froehlich, F., Gonvers, J. J., and Fried, M.
- Published
- 1995
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18. Association of Crohn's disease and Cogan's syndrome
- Author
Froehlich, F., Fried, M., Gonvers, J. J., Saraga, E., Thorens, J., and Pecoud, A.
- Published
- 1994
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19. Practice and complications of liver biopsy: Results of a nationwide survey in Switzerland
- Author
Froehlich, F., Lamy, O., Fried, M., and Gonvers, J. J.
- Published
- 1993
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20. Parallel Session 2 – Health Services Research: European gastroenterologists overestimate the appropriateness of colonoscopies they perform
- Author
Vader, J.P., Wietlisbach, V., Burnand, B., Froehlich, F., and Gonvers, J.J.
- Published
- 2003
21. Bacterial overgrowth during treatment with omeprazole compared with cimetidine: a prospective randomised double blind study
- Author
Thorens, J., Froehlich, F., Schwizer, W., Saraga, E., Bille, J., Gyr, K., Duroux, P., Nicolet, M., Pignatelli, B., Blum, A. L., Gonvers, J. J., and Fried, M.
- Published
- 1996
22. Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen mit Kolbenbewegung
- Author
Fröhlich, F., Weltstädt, F., Bouché, Ch., Sass, F., Bouché, Ch., editor, Deublein, O., editor, Ebert, K.-A., editor, Eck, B., editor, Fröhlich, F., editor, Garve, A., editor, Gumz, W., editor, Hain, K., editor, Happach, V., editor, Hofmann, W., editor, Köhler, G., editor, Kraussold, H., editor, Lehmann, W., editor, Leitner, A., editor, Metzmeier, E., editor, Capellen, W. Meyerzur, editor, Nesselmann, K., editor, Riediger, B., editor, Rögnitz, H., editor, Sass, F., editor, Sigwart, H., editor, Sörensen, E., editor, Schäfer, O., editor, Schmidt, K., editor, Schulz, E., editor, Vierling, A., editor, and Wettstädt, F., editor
- Published
- 1961
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23. Mechanik
- Author
Bouché, Ch., Deublein, O., Ebert, K.-A., Eck, B., Fröhlich, F., Garve, A., Gumz, W., Hain, K., Happach, V., Hofmann, W., Köhler, G., Kraussold, H., Lehmann, W., Leitner, A., Metzmeier, E., Capellen, W. Meyerzur, Nesselmann, K., Riediger, B., Rögnitz, H., Sass, F., Sigwart, H., Sörensen, E., Schäfer, O., Schmidt, K., Schulz, E., Vierling, A., Wettstädt, F., Bouché, Ch., editor, Deublein, O., editor, Ebert, K.-A., editor, Eck, B., editor, Fröhlich, F., editor, Garve, A., editor, Gumz, W., editor, Hain, K., editor, Happach, V., editor, Hofmann, W., editor, Köhler, G., editor, Kraussold, H., editor, Lehmann, W., editor, Leitner, A., editor, Metzmeier, E., editor, zur Capellen, W. Meyer, editor, Nesselmann, K., editor, Riediger, B., editor, Rögnitz, H., editor, Sass, F., editor, Sigwart, H., editor, Sörensen, E., editor, Schäfer, O., editor, Schmidt, K., editor, Schulz, E., editor, Vierling, A., editor, and Wettstädt, F., editor
- Published
- 1963
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24. Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment does not benefit patients with nonulcer dyspepsia
- Author
Froehlich, F., Gonvers, J.J., Wietlisbach, V., Burnand, B., Hildebrand, P., Schneider, C., Saraga, E., Beglinger, C., and Vader, J.P.
- Published
- 2001
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25. Dynamic testbed laboratory and micro-optics
- Author
Milster, T, Erwin, K, Froehlich, F, Kann, J, Li, W, Schlichting, W, Shetty, R, Walker, E, and Wang, M
- Subjects
Optics - Abstract
Objectives of this research are as follows: to understand the three classes of superresolution and their behavior in optical data storage systems; to investigate new and improved components and techniques in the optical system for data detection and servo control; to apply micro-optic components to the optical system to reduce size and weight; to investigate techniques, such as near-field optical probes, for recording data densities beyond that possible with superresolution; and to understand and find solutions for problems associated with dynamic testing, especially those that arise when evaluating blue-sensitive media.
- Published
- 1993
26. Differential spot-size focus servo
- Author
Milster, T. D, Wang, M. S, Froehlich, F. F, Kann, J. L, Treptau, J. P, and Erwin, K. E
- Subjects
Optics - Abstract
We describe performance of a differential spot-size (wax-wane) focus servo. Crosstalk from the tracks are analyzed in the single detector and differential focus circuits. Magnitude of the crosstalk is reduced by a factor of three in the differential circuit. A false focus-error signal (FES) is present when the spot crosses sector marks at an angle.
- Published
- 1991
27. Micro-optic lens for data storage
- Author
Milster, T. D, Trusty, R. M, Wang, M. S, Froehlich, F. F, and Erwin, J. Kevin
- Subjects
Documentation And Information Science - Abstract
A new type of microlens for data storage applications that has improved off-axis performance is described. The lens consists of a micro Fresnel pattern on a curved substrate. The radius of the substrate is equal to the focal length of the lens. If the pattern and substrate are thin, the combination satisfies the Abbe sine condition. Therefore, the lens is free of coma. We analyze a 0.5 numerical aperture, 0.50 mm focal length lens in detail. A 0.16 numerical aperture lens was fabricated holographically, and results are presented.
- Published
- 1991
28. The appropriateness of colonoscopy: a multi-center, international, observational study
- Author
Harris, J. K., Froehlich, F., Gonvers, J.-J, Wietlisbach, V., Burnand, B., Vader, J.-P, Harris, J. K., Froehlich, F., Gonvers, J.-J, Wietlisbach, V., Burnand, B., and Vader, J.-P
- Abstract
Objective To examine the appropriateness and necessity of colonoscopy across Europe. Design Prospective observational study. Setting A total of 21 gastrointestinal centers from 11 countries. Participants Consecutive patients referred for colonoscopy at each center. Intervention Appropriateness criteria developed by the European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, using the RAND appropriateness method, were used to assess the appropriateness of colonoscopy. Main outcome measure Appropriateness of colonoscopy. Results A total of 5213 of 6004 (86.8%) patients who underwent diagnostic colonoscopy and had an appropriateness rating were included in this study. According to the criteria, 20, 26, 27, or 27% of colonoscopies were judged to be necessary, appropriate, uncertain, or inappropriate, respectively. Older patients and those with a major illness were more likely to have an appropriate or necessary indication for colonoscopy as compared to healthy patients or patients who were 45-54 years old. As compared to screening patients, patients who underwent colonoscopy for iron-deficiency anemia [OR: 30.84, 95% CI: 19.79-48.06] or change in bowel habits [OR: 3.69, 95% CI: 2.74-4.96] were more likely to have an appropriate or necessary indication, whereas patients who underwent colonoscopy for abdominal pain [OR: 0.64, 95% CI: 0.49-0.83] or chronic diarrhea [OR: 0.54, 95% CI: 0.40-0.75] were less likely to have an appropriate or necessary indication. Conclusions This study identified significant proportions of inappropriate colonoscopies. Prospective use of the criteria by physicians referring for or performing colonoscopies may improve appropriateness and quality of care, especially in younger patients and in patients with nonspecific symptoms
- Published
- 2017
29. The Linguistic Structure of the Chromosome Genetic Code and Language
- Author
Fröhlich, F. and Haken, Hermann, editor
- Published
- 1977
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30. The Genetic Code as Language
- Author
Fröhlich, F. and Fröhlich, Herbert, editor
- Published
- 1988
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31. Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen mit Kolbenbewegung
- Author
Fröhlich, F., Sass, F., editor, and Bouché, Ch., editor
- Published
- 1953
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32. Angemessenheit in der Gastroenterologie: Endoskopieren wir zu viel oder zu wenig?
- Author
Froehlich F
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Political science ,medicine ,General Medicine - Abstract
Die Angemessenheit (appropriateness) der Indikationsstellung zu einer medizinischen Untersuchung ist ein Eckpfeiler medizinischer Qualität. Die meisten klinischen Entscheide sind nicht durch randomisierte Studien abgedeckt. Präzise, validierte Angemessenheitskriterien stehen dem praktischen Arzt in dieser Situation zur Verfügung. Am Beispiel der gastrointestinalen Endoskopie werden die EPAGE-Kriterien besprochen (http://www.epage.ch). In prospektiven Studien wurde mit den EPAGE-Kriterien Über- und Untergebrauch der Endoskopie dokumentiert, deren Erkennung zur Qualitätssicherung einen entscheidenden Beitrag liefert.
- Published
- 2004
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33. Aqueous Black Colloids of Reticular Nanostructured Gold
- Author
Stanca, S. E., primary, Fritzsche, W., additional, Dellith, J., additional, Froehlich, F., additional, Undisz, A., additional, Deckert, V., additional, Krafft, C., additional, and Popp, J., additional
- Published
- 2015
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34. Appropriateness of therapy for fistulizing Crohn's disease: findings from a national inflammatory bowel disease cohort
- Author
Pittet, V, Juillerat, P, Michetti, P, Vader, J P, Burnand, B, Rogler, G, Beglinger, C, Seibold, F, Mottet, C, Felley, C, Gonvers, J J, Froehlich, F, et al, Braegger, C P, University of Zurich, and Pittet, V
- Subjects
10036 Medical Clinic ,2736 Pharmacology (medical) ,610 Medicine & health ,2721 Hepatology ,2715 Gastroenterology - Published
- 2010
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35. Infliximab for Crohn's disease in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study: clinical management and appropriateness
- Author
Juillerat, P, Pittet, V, Vader, J P, Burnand, B, Gonvers, J J, de Saussure, P, Mottet, C, Seibold, F, Rogler, G, Sagmeister, M, Felley, C, Michetti, P, Froehlich, F, et al, Braegger, C P, University of Zurich, and Juillerat, P
- Subjects
10036 Medical Clinic ,610 Medicine & health ,2721 Hepatology ,2715 Gastroenterology - Published
- 2010
36. Optimierung von Mehrzweckspeichern im Hinblick auf Hochwasserrisiko und Ökologie
- Author
Froehlich, F., Dittmann, R., Ostrowski, M., and Pohl, R.
- Published
- 2009
37. Dynamic Reservoir Operation for Reducing Dam-Induced Hydrologic Alteration
- Author
Froehlich, F. and Ostrowski, M.
- Published
- 2009
38. Re-Operation of multi-purpose reservoirs for economic and enviromental benefits
- Author
Froehlich, F., Dittmann, R., Muschalla, D., Ostrowski, M., and Pohl, R.
- Published
- 2008
39. A management system for optimizing operating rules of multipurpose reservoirs allowing for both extreme floods and ecological performance
- Author
Dittmann, R., Froehlich, F., Pohl, R., and Ostrowski, M.
- Published
- 2008
40. Dynamische Speicherabgaben zur Berücksichtigung ökologischer Anforderungen
- Author
Froehlich, F. and Ostrowski, M.
- Published
- 2007
41. Can we improve dam safety and ecological dam performance at the same time?
- Author
Froehlich, F., Dittmann, R., Muschalla, D., Bornschein, A., Ostrowski, M., and Pohl, R.
- Published
- 2007
42. Ansätze zur ökologisch orientierten Bewirtschaftung von Hochwasserschutzräumen in Talsperren
- Author
Froehlich, F. and Ostrowski, M.
- Published
- 2006
43. Patient use of the Internet for health care information in Switzerland
- Author
Jeannot, J.G., Froehlich, F., Wietlisbach, V., Burnand, B., Terraz, O., and Vader, J.P.
- Subjects
Adult ,Information Services ,Male ,Internet ,education ,Middle Aged ,Patient Education as Topic ,Patient Satisfaction ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Humans ,Female ,Aged ,Information Services/utilization ,Internet/utilization ,Patient Education as Topic/methods ,Patient Participation/statistics & numerical data ,Switzerland ,Patient Participation - Abstract
The aim of this study was to examine for the first time the frequency of Internet use for medical purposes by patients in Switzerland. In 2001 over a period of one month, 1604 patients at 8 medical practices in Switzerland completed a self-administered questionnaire on their access to the Internet and any search for medical information using this media. The attending physician supplied the patient's diagnosis and information on the severity of the disorder motivating the visit using a separate questionnaire. 46% of the patients included in the study had a personal computer, 33% had an Internet connection and 10% used the Internet to find medical information. Age was inversely associated with the probability of having an Internet access, whereas educational level and command of the English language were factors directly associated with this. Among those patients with access to the Internet, young adults (25 to 44 years) and those with knowledge of the English language searched for medical information significantly more frequently. Furthermore, patients attending urban medical practices and those with a more severe level of disease more often sought health care information on the Internet. The proportion of patients in Switzerland who search for medical information on the Internet is similar to the rates observed in European English-speaking countries. The Internet allows patients to actively search for information concerning their own health problems but is not currently the most common source of information used by patients. Since health professionals generate, directly or indirectly, most of the medical information published on the Internet, additional research is needed to better understand patients' needs and expectations concerning medical information using this media.
- Published
- 2004
44. P556 Appropriateness and long-term discontinuation rate of biological therapies in ulcerative colitis
- Author
Maillard, M.H., primary, Bortolotti, M., additional, Vader, J.-P., additional, Mottet, C., additional, Schoepfer, A., additional, Gonvers, J.-J., additional, Burnand, B., additional, Froehlich, F., additional, Michetti, P., additional, and Pittet, V., additional
- Published
- 2014
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45. Occurence variations and appropriatness of use of colonoscopy for early colorectal cancer case-finding in asymptomatic patients : a European multicenter study
- Author
Burnand, B., Wietlisbach, V., Vader, J.P., Froehlich , F., and Gonvers, J.J.
- Published
- 2002
46. 117 - Large-scale modeling of cancer signaling: Mechanistic modeling meets Big Data
- Author
Fröhlich, F., Shadrin, A., Kessler, T., Wierling, C., Heinig, M., Theis, F.J., Lange, B., Lehrach, H., and Hasenauer, J.
- Published
- 2016
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47. Appropriateness of colonoscopy: inflammatory bowel disease
- Author
Froehlich, F., Larequi-Lauber, T., Gonvers, J.J., Dubois, R.W., Burnand, B., and Vader, J.P.
- Subjects
Colitis, Ulcerative ,Colonoscopy ,Crohn Disease ,Humans - Published
- 1999
48. Appropriateness of gastrointestinal endoscopy: risk of complications
- Author
Froehlich, F., Gonvers, J.J., Vader, J.P., Dubois, R.W., and Burnand, B.
- Subjects
Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal ,Humans ,Morbidity ,Risk - Abstract
The balance between risks and benefits of gastrointestinal endoscopy for a given patient is essential in defining the appropriate use of endoscopic procedures. The current literature suggests that gastrointestinal endoscopy infrequently results in major procedure-related morbidity and mortality, while cardio-respiratory events occur commonly. However, true complication rates may be underestimated due to inconsistencies in the types of complications reported. No formal reporting requirements exist, and most of the published studies on complications come from centres with highly-skilled endoscopists.
- Published
- 1999
49. Appropriateness of colonoscopy in Europe (EPAGE II). Functional bowel disorders: pain, constipation and bloating.
- Author
Schusselé Filliettaz, S., Gonvers, J.J., Peytremann-Bridevaux, I., Arditi, C., Delvaux, M, Numans, M.E., Lorenzo-Zuniga, V., Dubois, R.W., Juillerat, P., Burnand, B., Pittet, V., Vader, J.P., Froehlich, F., Schusselé Filliettaz, S., Gonvers, J.J., Peytremann-Bridevaux, I., Arditi, C., Delvaux, M, Numans, M.E., Lorenzo-Zuniga, V., Dubois, R.W., Juillerat, P., Burnand, B., Pittet, V., Vader, J.P., and Froehlich, F.
- Published
- 2009
50. Appropriateness of colonoscopy in Europe (EPAGE II). Functional bowel disorders: pain, constipation and bloating.
- Author
Circulatory Health, JC onderzoeksprogramma Cardiovasculaire Epidemiologie, General Practice & Nursing Science, Schusselé Filliettaz, S., Gonvers, J.J., Peytremann-Bridevaux, I., Arditi, C., Delvaux, M, Numans, M.E., Lorenzo-Zuniga, V., Dubois, R.W., Juillerat, P., Burnand, B., Pittet, V., Vader, J.P., Froehlich, F., Circulatory Health, JC onderzoeksprogramma Cardiovasculaire Epidemiologie, General Practice & Nursing Science, Schusselé Filliettaz, S., Gonvers, J.J., Peytremann-Bridevaux, I., Arditi, C., Delvaux, M, Numans, M.E., Lorenzo-Zuniga, V., Dubois, R.W., Juillerat, P., Burnand, B., Pittet, V., Vader, J.P., and Froehlich, F.
- Published
- 2009
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