256 results on '"Frey, Andrew R."'
Search Results
2. Holographic Complexity in String and M Theory
- Author
Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
Thus far, the literature regarding holographic complexity almost entirely focuses on the context of $(d+1)$-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime rather than the full higher-dimensional gauge/gravity duality in string or M theory. We provide a framework to study holographic complexity in the full duality, explaining the relation of complexity functionals in the higher-dimensional theory to those in anti-de Sitter spacetime and when complexity functionals can apply universally to gauge/gravity dualities rather than a specific dual pair. We also show that gauge invariance constrains boundary terms for complexity functionals, using the ten- and eleven-dimensional supergravity actions as key examples. Finally, we propose new universal complexity functionals following these considerations, including a revised gauge-invariant action complexity., Comment: 6 pp; v2. content matches published version
- Published
- 2024
3. Gravitational Waves from High Temperature Strings
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Mahanta, Ratul, Maharana, Anshuman, Quevedo, Fernando, and Villa, Gonzalo
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We study finite temperature effects in string cosmology and their potential gravitational wave signature. Expanding on our recent work arXiv:2310.11494 , we consider a general configuration of highly excited open and closed strings at high enough temperature to be in the Hagedorn phase in 3+1 dimensions, in order to explore its cosmological implications. We find conditions, which can be satisfied in compactifications with moduli stabilization, that allow the long strings to remain in equilibrium in a controlled effective field theory, with equilibration driven by the joining and splitting of the dominant open string population. We calculate the emission rate of gravitons by long open strings, which we show is determined by ten dimensional flat space transition amplitudes available in the literature, and then find the total gravitational wave spectrum generated by the gas of long strings. The gravitational wave spectrum has robust characteristics. It peaks at frequencies of order 50-100 GHz, the same as for gravitational waves from the reheating epoch of the Standard Model. But the amplitude of the string signal is significantly larger than predicted by the Standard Model and its field theoretic extensions. The amplitude and other physical observables (such as the contribution to $\Delta N_{\text eff}$) are directly proportional to the string scale $M_s$; indicating that a potential signal may also determine the string scale. Our calculations provide one of the few examples of a signal of stringy origin that dominates over the field theory predictions. We give a physical explanation of our results and discuss further implications., Comment: 30 pages + appendix, 5 figures. v2: references added, typos corrected. Minor modifications in section 2 and appendix A. v3: numerical factors corrected, clarifications added. Matches refereed version
- Published
- 2024
4. String Thermodynamics In and Out of Equilibrium: Boltzmann Equations and Random Walks
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Mahanta, Ratul, Maharana, Anshuman, Muia, Francesco, Quevedo, Fernando, and Villa, Gonzalo
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We revisit the study of string theory close to the Hagedorn temperature with the aim towards cosmological applications. We consider interactions of open and closed strings in a gas of D$p-$branes, and/or one isolated D$p$-brane, in an arbitrary number $d$ of flat non-compact dimensions and general compact dimensions. Leading order string perturbation theory is used to obtain the basic interaction rates in a flat background, which are shown to be consistent with the random walk picture of highly excited strings that should apply in more general backgrounds. Using the random walk interpretation we infer the structure of more general semi-inclusive string scattering rates and then write down the corresponding Boltzmann equations describing ensembles of highly excited closed and open strings. We organise the interaction terms in Boltzmann equations so that detailed balance becomes manifest. We obtain the equilibrium solutions and show that they reduce to previously computed solutions for $d=0$. We further study the behaviour of non-equlibrium fluctuations and find explicit analytic expressions for the equilibration rates (and for the number of open strings in $d=0$). Potential implications for an early universe with strings at high temperatures are outlined., Comment: 32 pages + Appendix. 3 figures. v2: added references, typos corrected, added a subsection in the conclusion with a discussion of caveats and future directions. Edited appendix C for clarity at editor request. Matches published version
- Published
- 2023
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5. Complexity, scaling, and a phase transition
- Author
Yang, Jiayue and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We investigate the holographic complexity of CFTs compactified on a circle with a Wilson line, dual to magnetized solitons in AdS$_4$ and AdS$_5$. These theories have a confinement-deconfinement phase transition as a function of the Wilson line, and the complexity of formation acts as an order parameter for this transition. Through explicit calculation, we show that proposed complexity functionals based on volume and action obey a scaling relation with radius of the circle and further prove that a broad family of potential complexity functionals obeys this scaling behavior. As a result, we conjecture that the scaling law applies to the complexity of conformal field theories on a circle in more general circumstances., Comment: 19pp; v2 minor edits, added references, aesthetic changes to figure 4; v3 minor edits, matches published version up to typography
- Published
- 2023
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6. Complexity of Scalar Collapse in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Grehan, Michael P., and Srivastava, Manu
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We calculate the volume and action forms of holographic complexity for the gravitational collapse of scalar field matter in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime, using numerical methods to reproduce the geometry responding to the oscillating field over multiple crossing times. Like the scalar field pulse, the volume complexity oscillates quasiperiodically before horizon formation. It also shows a scaling symmetry with the amplitude of the scalar field. The action complexity is also quasiperiodic with spikes of increasing amplitude., Comment: 19pp; v2. added references, short discussion of Lloyd's bound for CV; v3. added discussion w/2 figs on complexity-momentum correspondence, minor clarifications; v4. typo corrections including to eqn (4.3), matches published version in content
- Published
- 2021
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7. Dark Radiation and the Hagedorn Phase
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Mahanta, Ratul, and Maharana, Anshuman
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We point out that if the sector associated with the Standard Model degrees of freedom entered an open string Hagedorn phase in the early universe while the dark radiation sector was not part of this plasma, then this can lead to low values of the observable $\Delta N_{\text{eff}}$ (number of additional neutrinolike species) from the dark radiation. For explicit analysis, we focus on warped string compactifications with the Standard Model degrees of freedom at the bottom of a warped throat. If the Hubble scale during inflation is above the warped string scale associated with the throat, then the Standard Model sector will enter the Hagedorn phase. In this scenario, bulk axions are no longer dangerous from the point of view of dark radiation. While this article focuses on warped compactifications, the basic idea can be relevant to any scenario where the early universe entered a Hagedorn phase., Comment: v2. 7pp double-columned, somewhat improved discussion, minor clarifications, matches published version up to typography/formatting
- Published
- 2021
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8. Dirac branes for Dirichlet branes: Supergravity actions
- Author
Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
Nontrivial Bianchi identities with local magnetic sources are solved by recognizing that gauge potentials are sections rather than globally defined functions, but properly accounting for the source degrees of freedom requires a modification of the field strength. Following work by Teitelboim and by Cariglia and Lechner, we extend Dirac's string formalism for monopoles to D-branes in type IIA and IIB string theory. We give novel derivations of brane-induced Chern-Simons terms in the supergravity actions, including a prescription for integrating over potentials in the presence of magnetic sources. We give a noncovariant formulation of the IIB theory, keeping only the independent degrees of freedom of the self-dual 4-form potential. Finally, it is well-known that D8-branes source the mass parameter of IIA supergravity; we show that the additional couplings of the massive IIA supergravity, including on other D-brane worldvolumes, are a consequence of the corresponding Dirac branes., Comment: 16pp + appendices + references (two column); dedicated to the memory of J. Polchinski; v2. revision to noncovariant IIB action, other minor additions inc. references; v3. minor edits, column formatting; v4. as published in PRD modulo typography and inclusion of dedication
- Published
- 2019
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9. Variations on the Dirac string
- Author
Cownden, Brad and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Dirac's original solution of the nontrivial Bianchi identity for magnetic monopoles [Dirac 1948], which redefines the fieldstrength along the Dirac string, diagonalizes the gauge and monopole degrees of freedom. We provide a variant of the Dirac string, which we motivate through a formal expansion of the Bianchi identity. We show how to use our variant prescription to study monopole electrodynamics without reference to a dual potential and provide some applications., Comment: 7 pages; v2. minor corrections, added acknowledgments
- Published
- 2018
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10. Phase Diagram of Stability for Massive Scalars in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime
- Author
Cownden, Brad, Deppe, Nils, and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
We diagram the behavior of 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime against horizon formation in the gravitational collapse of a scalar field, treating the scalar field mass and width of initial data as free parameters, which we call the stability phase diagram. We find that the class of stable initial data becomes larger and shifts to smaller widths as the field mass increases. In addition to classifying initial data as stable or unstable, we identify two other classes based on nonperturbative behavior. The class of metastable initial data forms a horizon over longer time scales than suggested by the lowest order perturbation theory at computationally accessible amplitudes, and irregular initial data can exhibit non-monotonic and possibly chaotic behavior in the horizon formation times. Our results include evidence for chaotic behavior even in the collapse of a massless scalar field., Comment: 23pp; v4. added analysis, updated figures, matches version published in PRD
- Published
- 2017
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11. Dimensional Reduction for D3-brane Moduli
- Author
Cownden, Brad, Frey, Andrew R., Marsh, M. C. David, and Underwood, Bret
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
Warped string compactifications are central to many attempts to stabilize moduli and connect string theory with cosmology and particle phenomenology. We present a first-principles derivation of the low-energy 4D effective theory from dimensional reduction of a D3-brane in a warped Calabi-Yau compactification of type IIB string theory with imaginary self-dual 3-form flux, including effects of D3-brane motion beyond the probe approximation, and find the metric on the moduli space of brane positions, the universal volume modulus, and axions descending from the 4-form potential. As D3-branes may be considered as carrying either electric or magnetic charges for the self-dual 5-form field strength, we present calculations in both duality frames. Our results are consistent with, but extend significantly, earlier results on the low-energy effective theory arising from D3-branes in string compactifications., Comment: 37 pp + appendices; v2. typographical fixes, clarified section 4.2.3; v3. minor edits, added clarifications
- Published
- 2016
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12. Black Hole Formation in AdS Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity
- Author
Deppe, Nils, Kolly, Allison, Frey, Andrew R., and Kunstatter, Gabor
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
AdS spacetime has been shown numerically to be unstable against a large class of arbitrarily small perturbations. In arXiv:1410.1869, the authors presented a preliminary study of the effects on stability of changing the local dynamics by adding a Gauss-Bonnet term to the Einstein action. Here we provide further details as well as new results with improved numerical methods. In particular, we elucidate new structure in Choptuik scaling plots. We also provide evidence of chaotic behavior at the transition between immediate horizon formation and horizon formation after the matter pulse reflects from the AdS conformal boundary. Finally, we present data suggesting the formation of naked singularities in spacetimes with ADM mass below the algebraic bound for black hole formation., Comment: 26pp; v2 added references & minor comments
- Published
- 2016
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13. Classes of Stable Initial Data for Massless and Massive Scalars in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime
- Author
Deppe, Nils and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
Since horizon formation in global anti-de Sitter spacetime is dual to thermalization of a conformal field theory on a compact space, whether generic initial data is stable or unstable against gravitational collapse is of great interest. We argue that all the known stable initial data for massless scalars are dominated by single scalar eigenmodes, specifically providing strong numerical evidence consistent with the interpretation that initial data with equal energies in two modes collapse on time scales of order the inverse square of the amplitude. We further scan the parameter space for massive scalar field initial data and present evidence for a novel class of stable or quasi-stable solutions for massive scalars with energy spread through several eigenmodes., Comment: 31 pages v2. minor clarifications and updates to numerical results 31 pages v3. minor changes to match version published in JHEP
- Published
- 2015
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14. Consistency of dark matter interpretations of the 3.5 keV X-ray line
- Author
Cline, James M. and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Tentative evidence of a 3.5 keV X-ray line has been found in the stacked spectra of galaxy clusters, individual clusters, the Andromeda galaxy and the galactic center, leading to speculation that it could be due to decays of metastable dark matter such as sterile neutrinos. However searches for the line in other systems such as dwarf satellites of the Milky Way have given negative or ambiguous results. We reanalyze both the positive and negative searches from the point of view that the line is due to inelastic scattering of dark matter to an excited state that subsequently decays---the mechanism of excited dark matter (XDM). Unlike the metastable dark matter scenario, XDM gives a stronger signal in systems with higher velocity dispersions, such as galaxy clusters. We show that the predictions of XDM can be consistent with null searches from dwarf satellites, while the signal from the closest individual galaxies can be detectable having a flux consistent with that from clusters. We discuss the impact of our new fits to the data for two specific realizations of XDM., Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures; v.2. corrected error in M31 field of view; main results unchanged; v.3. incorporated results from arXiv:1411.0050, improved fig. 1, added references; v.4. changed title for journal, added references, clarified role of XDM parameters; v.5. fixed typos, content matches published version
- Published
- 2014
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15. Nonabelian dark matter models for 3.5 keV X-rays
- Author
Cline, James M. and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics - Abstract
A recent analysis of XXM-Newton data reveals the possible presence of an X-ray line at approximately 3.55 keV, which is not readily explained by known atomic transitions. Numerous models of eV-scale decaying dark matter have been proposed to explain this signal. Here we explore models of multicomponent nonabelian dark matter with typical mass ~ 1-10 GeV (higher values being allowed in some models) and eV-scale splittings that arise naturally from the breaking of the nonabelian gauge symmetry. Kinetic mixing between the photon and the hidden sector gauge bosons can occur through a dimension-5 or 6 operator. Radiative decays of the excited states proceed through transition magnetic moments that appear at one loop. The decaying excited states can either be primordial or else produced by upscattering of the lighter dark matter states. These models are significantly constrained by direct dark matter searches or cosmic microwave background distortions, and are potentially testable in fixed target experiments that search for hidden photons. We note that the upscattering mechanism could be distinguished from decays in future observations if sources with different dark matter velocity dispersions seem to require different values of the scattering cross section to match the observed line strengths., Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures; v2. added references
- Published
- 2014
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16. The Dimensional Reduction and K\'ahler Metric of Forms In Flux and Warping
- Author
Frey, Andrew R. and Roberts, James
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We present a first-principles derivation of the K\"ahler metric for axion-like moduli of conformally Calabi-Yau compactifications of IIB string theory with imaginary self-dual 3-form flux at the classical level. We find that the warp factor and flux modify the moduli space metric and therefore K\"ahler potential even in classical supergravity, with the modifications scaling as (volume)$^{-2/3}$ in the large-volume limit. Our derivation emphasizes the role of constraints from 10D gauge symmetries and highlights metric formality as a geometric property that protects the moduli space of highly supersymmetric toroidal orientifolds. Our results have important quantitative implications for nonperturbative moduli stabilization, phenomenology, and cosmology in flux compactifications., Comment: 24 pp plus appendices and bib; v2. corrected discussion of holomorphic variables, added refs
- Published
- 2013
17. Cosmic Microwave Background Constraints on Dark Matter Models of the Galactic Center 511 keV Signal
- Author
Frey, Andrew R. and Reid, Nicholas B.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Galaxy Astrophysics - Abstract
The high positron production rate required to explain the flux of 511 keV gamma rays from the galactic center has inspired many models in which dark matter creates positrons. These models include the annihilation of light dark matter and scattering of dark matter with excited states (exciting dark matter). We show that existing cosmic microwave background data robustly constrains such models when the annihilation or scattering cross section is not velocity suppressed depending on the model of the galactic dark matter halo. Upcoming data from the Planck mission can exclude the fiducial Via Lactea II halo model, which also provides a good fit to the 511 keV morphology. We additionally find combined constraints on exciting dark matter scattering and annihilation and update constraints on the lifetimes of dark matter excited states. Finally, we apply constraints to models of dark matter decay in which produced positrons fall into the galactic center and produce the 511 keV signal on their annihilation, demonstrating that most of the parameter space of interest is ruled out., Comment: 11 pp, 6 figures; v2. added references; v3. 10 pp, shortened review of CMB constraints, version to be published in PRD
- Published
- 2013
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18. Composite magnetic dark matter and the 130 GeV line
- Author
Cline, James M., Frey, Andrew R., and Moore, Guy D.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We propose an economical model to explain the apparent 130 GeV gamma ray peak, found in the Fermi/LAT data, in terms of dark matter annihilation through a dipole moment interaction. The annihilating dark matter particles represent a subdominant component, with mass density 7-17% of the total DM density; and they only annihilate into gamma gamma, gamma Z, and ZZ, through a magnetic (or electric) dipole moment. Annihilation into other standard model particles is suppressed, due to a mass splitting in the magnetic dipole case, or to p-wave scattering in the electric dipole case. In either case, the observed signal requires a dipole moment of strength mu ~ 2/TeV. We argue that composite models are the preferred means of generating such a large dipole moment, and that the magnetic case is more natural than the electric one. We present a simple model involving a scalar and fermionic techniquark of a confining SU(2) gauge symmetry. We point out some generic challenges for getting such a model to work. The new physics leading to a sufficiently large dipole moment is below the TeV scale, indicating that the magnetic moment is not a valid effective operator for LHC physics, and that production of the strongly interacting constituents, followed by techni-hadronization, is a more likely signature than monophoton events. In particular, 4-photon events from the decays of bound state pairs are predicted., Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; v2. fixed typos, clarifications, added discussion of model-building challenges; v3. clarifications added, discussion improved, accepted for publication in PRD
- Published
- 2012
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19. Abelian dark matter models for 511 keV gamma rays and direct detection
- Author
Cline, James M. and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We construct a simple U(1) hidden sector model of metastable dark matter that could explain excess 511 keV gamma rays from the galactic center as observed by INTEGRAL, through inelastic scattering of dark matter followed by its decay. Although the model is highly constrained, it naturally accommodates dark matter with mass and cross section in the range suggested by the CoGeNT and CRESST experiments. The dark gauge boson that mediates the interactions with standard model matter has a mass of several hundred MeV, and might be discovered by heavy photon detection experiments, including APEX, MAMI and HPS., Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; v2: improved version, accepted for Annalen der Physik special issue DARK MATTER edited by M. Bartelmann and V. Springel (2012)
- Published
- 2012
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20. Light dark matter versus astrophysical constraints
- Author
Cline, James M. and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics - Abstract
Hints of direct dark matter detection coming from the DAMA, CoGeNT experiments point toward light dark matter with isospin-violating and possibly inelastic couplings. However an array of astrophysical constraints are rapidly closing the window on light dark matter. We point out that if the relic density is determined by annihilation into invisible states, these constraints can be evaded. As an example we present a model of quasi-Dirac dark matter, interacting via two U(1) gauge bosons, one of which couples to baryon number and the other which kinetically mixes with the photon. Annihilation is primarily into "dark neutrinos" that do not mix with the SM, but which could provide a small component of dark radiation. The model could soon be tested by several experiments searching for such light gauge bosons, and we predict that both could be detected. The model also requires a fourth generation of quarks, whose existence might increase the production cross section of Higgs bosons at the Tevatron and LHC., Comment: 11 pages, two figures; references added, published version
- Published
- 2011
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21. Canny Algorithm: A New Estimator for Primordial Non-Gaussianities
- Author
Danos, Rebecca J., Frey, Andrew R., and Wang, Yi
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We utilize the Canny edge detection algorithm as an estimator for primordial non-Gaussianities. In preliminary tests on simulated sky patches with a window size of 57 degrees and multipole moments $l$ up to 1024, we find a $3\sigma$ distinction between maps with local non-Gaussianity $f_{NL}=350$ (or $f_{NL}=-700$) and Gaussian maps. We present evidence that high resolution CMB studies will strongly enhance the sensitivity of the Canny algorithm to non-Gaussianity, making it a promising technique to estimate primordial non-Gaussianity., Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; v2. 5pp, as submitted to PRD; v3. 5pp, minor clarifications and added discussion of negative fNL values
- Published
- 2011
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22. Minimal hidden sector models for CoGeNT/DAMA events
- Author
Cline, James M. and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics - Abstract
Motivated by recent attempts to reconcile hints of direct dark matter detection by the CoGeNT and DAMA experiments, we construct simple particle physics models that can accommodate the constraints. We point out challenges for building reasonable models and identify the most promising scenarios for getting isospin violation and inelasticity, as indicated by some phenomenological studies. If inelastic scattering is demanded, we need two new light gauge bosons, one of which kinetically mixes with the standard model hypercharge and has mass < 2 GeV, and another which couples to baryon number and has mass 6.8 +/- 0.2 GeV. Their interference gives the desired amount of isospin violation. The dark matter is nearly Dirac, but with small Majorana masses induced by spontaneous symmetry breaking, so that the gauge boson couplings become exactly off-diagonal in the mass basis, and the small mass splitting needed for inelasticity is simultaneously produced. If only elastic scattering is demanded, then an alternative model, with interference between the kinetically mixed gauge boson and a hidden sector scalar Higgs, is adequate to give the required isospin violation. In both cases, the light kinetically mixed gauge boson is in the range of interest for currently running fixed target experiments., Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure; v4: published version; added references on PAMELA constraint and discussion of gauge boson mixing; v3: clarified role of inelastic couplings, added discussion of astrophysical constraints, added references; v2: added references and corrected analysis of exothermic dark matter
- Published
- 2011
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23. Metastable dark matter mechanisms for INTEGRAL 511 keV $\gamma$ rays and DAMA/CoGeNT events
- Author
Cline, James M., Frey, Andrew R., and Chen, Fang
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Galaxy Astrophysics - Abstract
We explore dark matter mechanisms that can simultaneously explain the galactic 511 keV gamma rays observed by INTEGRAL/SPI, the DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation, and the excess of low-recoil dark matter candidates observed by CoGeNT. It requires three nearly degenerate states of dark matter in the 4-7 GeV mass range, with splittings respectively of order an MeV and a few keV. The top two states have the small mass gap and transitions between them, either exothermic or endothermic, can account for direct detections. Decays from one of the top states to the ground state produce low-energy positrons in the galaxy whose associated 511 keV gamma rays are seen by INTEGRAL. This decay can happen spontaneously, if the excited state is metastable (longer-lived than the age of the universe), or it can be triggered by inelastic scattering of the metastable states into the shorter-lived ones. We focus on a simple model where the DM is a triplet of an SU(2) hidden sector gauge symmetry, broken at the scale of a few GeV, giving masses of order \lsim 1 GeV to the dark gauge bosons, which mix kinetically with the standard model hypercharge. The purely decaying scenario can give the observed angular dependence of the 511 keV signal with no positron diffusion, while the inelastic scattering mechanism requires transport of the positrons over distances \sim 1 kpc before annihilating. We note that an x-ray line of several keV in energy, due to single-photon decays involving the top DM states, could provide an additional component to the diffuse x-ray background. The model is testable by proposed low-energy fixed target experiments., Comment: 27 pp, 19 figures; v2. minor clarification, added refs; v3. corrected observed rate of positron production, added new section responding to criticisms of arXiv:0904.1025; v4. corrected typos in eqs. (6) and (40)
- Published
- 2010
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24. Exciting dark matter in the galactic center
- Author
Chen, Fang, Cline, James M., Fradette, Anthony, Frey, Andrew R., and Rabideau, Charles
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We reconsider the proposal of excited dark matter (DM) as an explanation for excess 511 keV gamma rays from positrons in the galactic center. We quantitatively compute the cross section for DM annihilation to nearby excited states, mediated by exchange of a new light gauge boson with off-diagonal couplings to the DM states. In models where both excited states must be heavy enough to decay into e^+ e^- and the ground state, the predicted rate of positron production is never large enough to agree with observations, unless one makes extreme assumptions about the local circular velocity in the Milky Way, or alternatively if there exists a metastable population of DM states which can be excited through a mass gap of less than 650 keV, before decaying into electrons and positrons., Comment: Dedicated to the memory of Lev Kofman; 16 pages, 9 figures; v3 added refs, minor changes, accepted to PRD
- Published
- 2009
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25. Warped Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Danos, Rebecca J., and Cline, James M.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Warped compactifications of type IIB string theory contain natural dark matter candidates: Kaluza-Klein modes along approximate isometry directions of long warped throats. These isometries are broken by the full compactification, including moduli stabilization; we present a thorough survey of Kaluza-Klein mode decay rates into light supergravity modes and Standard Model particles. We find that these dark matter candidates typically have lifetimes longer than the age of the universe. Interestingly, some choices for embedding the Standard Model in the compactification lead to decay rates large enough to be observed, so this dark matter sector may provide constraints on the parameter space of the compactification., Comment: 37pp; v2. references, minor clarification
- Published
- 2009
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26. Nonabelian dark matter: models and constraints
- Author
Chen, Fang, Cline, James M., and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics - Abstract
Numerous experimental anomalies hint at the existence of a dark matter (DM) multiplet chi_i with small mass splittings. We survey the simplest such models which arise from DM in the low representations of a new SU(2) gauge symmetry, whose gauge bosons have a small mass mu < 1 GeV. We identify preferred parameters M_chi ~ 1 TeV, mu ~ 100 MeV, alpha_g ~ 0.04 and the chi chi -> 4e annihilation channel, for explaining PAMELA, Fermi, and INTEGRAL/SPI lepton excesses, while remaining consistent with constraints from relic density, diffuse gamma rays and the CMB. This consistency is strengthened if DM annihilations occur mainly in subhalos, while excitations (relevant to the excited DM proposal to explain the 511 keV excess) occur in the galactic center (GC), due to higher velocity dispersions in the GC, induced by baryons. We derive new constraints and predictions which are generic to these models. Notably, decays of excited DM states chi' -> chi gamma arise at one loop and could provide a new signal for INTEGRAL/SPI; big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) constraints on the density of dark SU(2) gauge bosons imply a lower bound on the mixing parameter epsilon between the SU(2) gauge bosons and photon. These considerations rule out the possibility of the gauge bosons that decay into e^+e^- being long-lived. We study in detail models of doublet, triplet and quintuplet DM, showing that both normal and inverted mass hierarchies can occur, with mass splittings that can be parametrically smaller, e.g., O(100) keV, than the generic MeV scale of splittings. A systematic treatment of Z_2 symmetry which insures the stability of the intermediate DM state is given for cases with inverted mass hierarchy, of interest for boosting the 511 keV signal from the excited dark matter mechanism., Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures; v2. added brief comment, references
- Published
- 2009
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27. A new twist on excited dark matter: implications for INTEGRAL, PAMELA/ATIC/PPB-BETS, DAMA
- Author
Chen, Fang, Cline, James M., and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Galaxy Astrophysics - Abstract
We show that the 511 keV gamma ray excess observed by INTEGRAL/SPI can be more robustly explained by exciting dark matter (DM) at the center of the galaxy, if there is a peculiar spectrum of DM states chi_0, chi_1 and chi_2, with masses M_0 ~ 500 GeV, M_1 <~ M_0 + 2 m_e, and M_2 = M_1 + delta M >~ M_0 + 2 m_e. The small mass splitting delta M should be <~ 100 keV. In addition, we require at least two new gauge bosons (preferably three), with masses ~100 MeV. With this spectrum, chi_1 is stable, but can be excited to chi_2 by low-velocity DM scatterings near the galactic center, which are Sommerfeld-enhanced by two of the 100 MeV gauge boson exchanges. The excited state chi_2 decays to chi_0 and nonrelativistic e+e-, mediated by the third gauge boson, which mixes with the photon and Z. Although such a small 100 keV splitting has been independently proposed for explaining the DAMA annual modulation through the inelastic DM mechanism, the need for stability of chi_1 (and hence seqestering it from the Standard Model) implies that our scenario cannot account for the DAMA signal. It can however address the PAMELA/ATIC positron excess via DM annihilation in the galaxy, and it offers the possibility of a sharper feature in the ATIC spectrum relative to previously proposed models. The data are consistent with three new gauge bosons, whose couplings fit naturally into a broken SU(2) gauge theory where the DM is a triplet of the SU(2). We propose a simple model in which the SU(2) is broken by new Higgs triplet and 5-plet VEV's, giving rise to the right spectrum of DM, and mixing of one of the new gauge bosons with the photon and Z boson. A coupling of the DM to a heavy Z' may also be necessary to get the right relic density and PAMELA/ATIC signals., Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; v2: added references, and comment on preventing washout of chi_1 density due to chi_1 chi_1 -> chi_0 chi_0 scattering; v3: added discussion on getting correct DM relic density through decays; removed incorrect claim of chi_0-chi_2 and B-B'' mixing; v4: fixed sign error in radiative mass splittings of DM states; corrected typo in eq. (10)
- Published
- 2009
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28. The Universal Kaehler Modulus in Warped Compactifications
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Torroba, Gonzalo, Underwood, Bret, and Douglas, Michael R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We construct the effective theory of the universal Kaehler modulus in warped compactifications using the Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity. The spacetime dependent 10d solution is constructed at the linear level for both the volume modulus and its axionic partner, and nontrivial cancellations of warping effects are found in the dimensional reduction. Our main result is that the Kaehler potential is not corrected by warping, up to an overall shift in the background value of the volume modulus. We extend the analysis beyond the linearized approximation by computing the fully backreacted 10d metric corresponding to a finite volume modulus fluctuation. Also, we discuss the behavior of the modulus in strongly warped regions and show that there are no mixings with light Kaluza-Klein modes. These results are important for the phenomenology and cosmology of flux compactifications., Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure; v2. corrected typos, added refs & minor clarifications
- Published
- 2008
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29. Backreaction in Closed String Tachyon Condensation
- Author
Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We consider backreaction due to production of massless strings in the background of a condensing closed string tachyon. Working in the region of weak tachyon, we find the modified equations of motion for massless strings with conformal perturbation theory. We solve for the positive and negative frequency modes and estimate the backreaction on the background dilaton. In large (supercritical) dimensions, we find that the backreaction can be significant in a large region of spacetime. We work with the bosonic string, but we expect these results to carry over into the heterotic case., Comment: 15 pg, 2 figures; v2. corrected eq of motion (does not substantially change conclusions), other minor changes; v3. minor changes, to be published in JHEP
- Published
- 2008
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30. Stabilizing moduli with thermal matter and nonperturbative effects
- Author
Danos, Rebecca J., Frey, Andrew R., and Brandenberger, Robert H.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
Even with recent progress, it is still very much an open question to understand how all compactification moduli are stabilized, since there are several mechanisms. For example, it is possible to generate a scalar potential either classically or through nonperturbative effects, such as gaugino condensation. Such a potential can stabilize certain of the moduli fields, for example the dilaton. On the other hand, a background of thermal matter with moduli-dependent masses can also stabilize certain of the moduli, e.g., the radion. It is important to understand whether these two distinct mechanisms are compatible with each other, that is, that there are no interference terms that could spoil the moduli stabilization. In this paper, we study heterotic string theory on an N=1 orbifold near an enhanced symmetry point. We then consider both a nonperturbatively generated potential and a gas of strings with moduli-dependent masses to stabilize the dilaton and radial modulus, respectively. We conclude that, given certain approximations, these two moduli stabilization mechanisms are compatible., Comment: 13pg, 1 fig; v2. minor clarifications & reference additions
- Published
- 2008
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31. Entropy Fluctuations in Brane Inflation Models
- Author
Brandenberger, Robert H., Frey, Andrew R., and Lorenz, Larissa C.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Astrophysics ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We study the development of entropy fluctuations in brane inflation in a warped throat, including the brane-antibrane tachyon as the waterfall field. We find that there is a period at the end of inflation during which the entropy mode associated with the tachyon field increases exponentially. In turn, the induced entropy seeds a contribution to the curvature fluctuation on cosmological scales which grows rapidly and could exceed the primordial curvature perturbation. We identify parameter values for which in the absence of back-reaction the induced curvature fluctuations are larger than the primordial adiabatic ones. In the specific model we study, however, back-reaction limits the growth of the entropy fluctuations. We discuss situations in which back-reaction effects are less constraining. The lesson of our investigation is that the study of the development of entropy fluctuations at the end of the period of inflation can lead to constraints on models of brane inflation and suggests that the curvaton mechanism may contribute significantly to the spectrum of cosmological perturbations., Comment: 28 pg + refs; v2. added refs, clarified initial value T_0, added comparison to refs [49,50]; v3. added discussion of backreaction, reduces effects of entropy modes; v4. added model w/o backreaction, to be published in IJMPA; v5. corrected LaTeX bug with citations
- Published
- 2007
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32. Predictions of the causal entropic principle for environmental conditions of the universe
- Author
Cline, James M., Frey, Andrew R., and Holder, Gilbert
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Astrophysics ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The causal entropic principle has been proposed as a superior alternative to the anthropic principle for understanding the magnitude of the cosmological constant. In this approach, the probability to create observers is assumed to be proportional to the entropy production \Delta S in a maximal causally connected region -- the causal diamond. We improve on the original treatment by better quantifying the entropy production due to stars, using an analytic model for the star formation history which accurately accounts for changes in cosmological parameters. We calculate the dependence of \Delta S on the density contrast Q=\delta\rho/\rho, and find that our universe is much closer to the most probable value of Q than in the usual anthropic approach and that probabilities are relatively weakly dependent on this amplitude. In addition, we make first estimates of the dependence of \Delta S on the baryon fraction and overall matter abundance. Finally, we also explore the possibility that decays of dark matter, suggested by various observed gamma ray excesses, might produce a comparable amount of entropy to stars., Comment: RevTeX4, 13pp, 10 figures; v2. clarified introduction, added refs
- Published
- 2007
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33. Emergence of Fluctuations from a Tachyonic Big Bang
- Author
Brandenberger, Robert H., Frey, Andrew R., and Kanno, Sugumi
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Astrophysics ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
It has recently been speculated that the end state of a collapsing universe is a tachyonic big crunch. The time reversal of this process would be the emergence of an expanding universe from a tachyonic big bang. In this framework, we study the emergence of cosmological fluctuations. In particular, we compare the amplitude of the perturbations at tne end of the tachyon phase with what would be obtained assuming the usual vacuum initial conditions. We find that cosmological fluctuations emerge in a thermal state. We comment on the relation to the trans-Planckian problem of inflationary cosmology., Comment: 8pg, RevTeX4, 1 fig, v2. added refs, v3. added small clarification, 1 ref
- Published
- 2007
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34. Towards A Nonsingular Tachyonic Big Crunch
- Author
Brandenberger, Robert H., Frey, Andrew R., and Kanno, Sugumi
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Astrophysics ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We discuss an effective field theory background containing the gravitational field, the dilaton and a closed string tachyon, and couple this background to a gas of fundamental strings and D strings. Allowing for the possibility of a non-vanishing dilaton potential of Casimir type, we demonstrate the possibility of obtaining a nonsingular, static tachyon condensate phase with fixed dilaton. The time reversal of our solution provides a candidate effective field theory description of a Hagedorn phase of string gas cosmology with fixed dilaton., Comment: 7 pages, two references added
- Published
- 2007
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35. Graceful exit from a stringy landscape via MSSM inflation
- Author
Allahverdi, Rouzbeh, Frey, Andrew R., and Mazumdar, Anupam
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Astrophysics ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The cosmological evolution of the string landscape is expected to consist of multiple stages of old inflation with large cosmological constant ending by tunnelling. Old inflation has a well known graceful exit problem as the observable universe becomes empty, devoid of any entropy. Simultaneously, in the quest for reheating the right degrees of freedom, it is important that the final stage of inflation reheat Standard Model sector. It is known that inflation can occur naturally along a flat direction of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), solving the reheating problem, but the initial conditions require a large degree of fine-tuning. In this paper, we study how inflation of a MSSM flat direction can be embedded into the string theory landscape to solve both the graceful exit problem of old inflation and the fine-tuning problem of MSSM inflation, elaborating on ideas of Bousso and Polchinski. The fluctuations of the MSSM flat direction during old inflation create regions with initial conditions favorable for eternal inflation, which also allows the cosmological constant to continue to relax. This final phase of inflation also provides all the usual benefits of MSSM inflation, including straightforward reheating into Standard Model degrees of freedom., Comment: 23pp, RevTeX4; v3. added refs, clarified discussion of tunnelling
- Published
- 2007
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36. Warped Spectroscopy: Localization of Frozen Bulk Modes
- Author
Frey, Andrew R. and Maharana, Anshuman
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We study the 10D equation of motion of dilaton-axion fluctuations in type IIB string compactifications with three-form flux, taking warping into account. Using simplified models with physics comparable to actual compactifications, we argue that the lightest mode localizes in long warped throats and takes a mass of order the warped string scale. Also, Gukov-Vafa-Witten superpotential is valid for the lightest mass mode; however, the mass is similar to the Kaluza-Klein scale, so the dilaton-axion should be integrated out of the effective theory in this long throat regime (leaving a constant superpotential). On the other hand, there is a large hierarchy between flux-induced and KK mass scales for moderate or weak warping. This hierarchy agrees with arguments given for trivial warping. Along the way, we also estimate the effect of the other 10D supergravity equations of motion on the dilaton-axion fluctuation, since these equations act as constraints. We argue that they give negligible corrections to the simplest approximation., Comment: 24pp + appendices, 6 figs, JHEP3 class; v2. corrected reference; v3. added clarifications; v4. corrected typos
- Published
- 2006
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37. Stringy Effects During Inflation and Reheating
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Mazumdar, Anupam, and Myers, Robert
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Astrophysics ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We consider inflationary cosmology in the context of string compactifications with multiple throats. In scenarios where the warping differs significantly between throats, string and Kaluza-Klein physics can generate potentially observable corrections to the cosmology of inflation and reheating. First we demonstrate that a very low string scale in the ground state compactification is incompatible with a high Hubble scale during inflation, and we propose that the compactification geometry is altered during inflation. In this configuration, the lowest scale is just above the Hubble scale, which is compatible with effective field theory but still leads to potentially observable CMB corrections. Also in the appropriate region of parameter space, we find that reheating leads to a phase of long open strings in the Standard Model sector (before the usual radiation-dominated phase). We sketch the cosmology of the long string phase and we discuss possible observational consequences., Comment: 33pp, RevTeX4, v2. minor changes, added refs
- Published
- 2005
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38. AdS Strings with Torsion: Non-complex Heterotic Compactifications
- Author
Frey, Andrew R. and Lippert, Matthew
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
Combining the effects of fluxes and gaugino condensation in heterotic supergravity, we use a ten-dimensional approach to find a new class of four-dimensional supersymmetric AdS compactifications on almost-Hermitian manifolds of SU(3) structure. Computation of the torsion allows a classification of the internal geometry, which for a particular combination of fluxes and condensate, is nearly Kahler. We argue that all moduli are fixed, and we show that the Kahler potential and superpotential proposed in the literature yield the correct AdS radius. In the nearly Kahler case, we are able to solve the H Bianchi using a nonstandard embedding. Finally, we point out subtleties in deriving the effective superpotential and understanding the heterotic supergravity in the presence of a gaugino condensate., Comment: 42 pages; v2. added refs, revised discussion of Bianchi for NK
- Published
- 2005
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39. Interaction Rates in String Gas Cosmology
- Author
Danos, Rebecca, Frey, Andrew R., and Mazumdar, Anupam
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We study string interaction rates in the Brandenberger-Vafa scenario, the very early universe cosmology of a gas of strings. This cosmology starts with the assumption that all spatial dimensions are compact and initially have string scale radii; some dimensions grow due to some thermal or quantum fluctuation which acts as an initial expansion velocity. Based on simple arguments from the low energy equations of motion and string thermodynamics, we demonstrate that the interaction rates of strings are negligible, so the common assumption of thermal equilibrium cannot apply. We also present a new analysis of the cosmological evolution of strings on compact manifolds of large radius. Then we discuss modifications that should be considered to the usual Brandenberger-Vafa scenario. To confirm our simple arguments, we give a numerical calculation of the annihilation rate of winding strings. In calculating the rate, we also show that the quantum mechanics of strings in small spaces is important., Comment: 28pp, 3 figures, RevTeX4
- Published
- 2004
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40. Notes on SU(3) Structures in Type IIB Supergravity
- Author
Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We study solutions of type IIB supergravity with an SU(3) structure group and four dimensional Poincare invariance and present relations among the bosonic fields which follow from the supersymmetry variations. We make explicit some results which also follow from the more general case of an SU(2) structure and give some short comments applicable to general supersymmetric solutions. We also provide simplified relations appropriate for duals of gauge theory renormalization group flows, and use these to derive the supergravity solution for a bound state of (p,q)5-branes and D3-branes., Comment: 14p, JHEP3.cls, v2 typos corrected, refs added
- Published
- 2004
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41. Warped Strings: Self-dual Flux and Contemporary Compactifications
- Author
Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
I review type IIB string compactifications in which the three-form field strengths satisfy a self-duality condition on the internal manifold. I begin with an overview of the models, giving preliminary formulae and several points of view from which they can be understood. Then I describe windows into the small radius behavior of the compactifications, which is more complicated than compactifications without fluxes. I discuss details of the flux-generated potential and nonperturbative corrections to it. These nonperturbative corrections allow a discussion of the cosmological constant and possible mechanisms for the universe to decay from one energy state to another. I conclude with comments on related topics and interesting directions for future study. As this review is a PhD dissertation, I will indicate my own contributions to the subject. However, it is my hope that this document will be a useful and relatively comprehensive review, especially to graduate students. In particular, the early part of the document is almost entirely a literature review., Comment: 174p, 7figs, PhD thesis, reformatted to save paper, v2 added refs, short note on earlier refs
- Published
- 2003
42. Type IIB Solutions with Interpolating Supersymmetries
- Author
Frey, Andrew R. and Grana, Mariana
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We study type IIB supergravity solutions with four supersymmetries that interpolate between two types widely considered in the literature: the dual of Becker and Becker's compactifications of M-theory to 3 dimensions and the dual of Strominger's torsion compactifications of heterotic theory to 4 dimensions. We find that for all intermediate solutions the internal manifold is not Calabi-Yau, but has SU(3) holonomy in a connection with a torsion given by the 3-form flux. All 3-form and 5-form fluxes, as well as the dilaton, depend on one function appearing in the supersymmetry spinor, which satisfies a nonlinear differential equation. We check that the fields corresponding to a flat bound state of D3/D5-branes lie in our class of solutions. The relations among supergravity fields that we derive should be useful in studying new gravity duals of gauge theories, as well as possibly compactifications., Comment: 27pp, v2 REVTeX4, typographical fixes and minor clarifications, v3 added ref, modified discussion of RR axion slightly
- Published
- 2003
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43. The Fall of Stringy de Sitter
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Lippert, Matthew, and Williams, Brook
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
Kachru, Kallosh, Linde, & Trivedi recently constructed a four-dimensional de Sitter compactification of IIB string theory, which they showed to be metastable in agreement with general arguments about de Sitter spacetimes in quantum gravity. In this paper, we describe how discrete flux choices lead to a closely-spaced set of vacua and explore various decay channels. We find that in many situations NS5-brane meditated decays which exchange NSNS 3-form flux for D3-branes are comparatively very fast., Comment: 35 pp (11 pp appendices), 5 figures, v3. fixed minor typos
- Published
- 2003
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44. String Theoretic Bounds on Lorentz-Violating Warped Compactification
- Author
Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We consider warped compactifications that solve the 10 dimensional supergravity equations of motion at a point, stabilize the position of a D3-brane world, and admit a warp factor that violates Lorentz invariance along the brane. This gives a string embedding of ``asymmetrically warped'' models which we use to calculate stringy (\alpha') corrections to standard model dispersion relations, paying attention to the maximum speeds for different particles. We find, from the dispersion relations, limits on gravitational Lorentz violation in these models, improving on current limits on the speed of graviton propagation, including those derived from field theoretic loops. We comment on the viability of models that use asymmetric warping for self-tuning of the brane cosmological constant., Comment: 20pg, JHEP3; v2 additional references, slight change to intro; v3. added reference
- Published
- 2003
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45. 3-Form Induced Potentials, Dilaton Stabilization, and Running Moduli
- Author
Frey, Andrew R. and Mazumdar, Anupam
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We study the potential induced by imaginary self-dual 3-forms in compactifications of string theory and the cosmological evolution associated with it. The potential contains exponentials of the volume moduli of the compactification, and we demonstrate that the exponential form of the potential leads to a power law for the scale factor of the universe. This power law does not support accelerated expansion. We explain this result in terms of supersymmetry and comment on corrections to the potential that could lead to inflation or quintessence., Comment: 16pg, RevTeX4, v2 fixed small misprint in eqs 16,17, v3 added 1 reference, to be published in Phys Rev D
- Published
- 2002
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46. BPS States of Strings in 3-Form Flux
- Author
Grana, Mariana and Frey, Andrew R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We count the BPS states of strings in uniform 3-form fluxes, using supersymmetric quantum mechanics derived from the kappa-symmetric action for D-branes. This problem is relevant to the stringy physics of warped compactifications. We work on a type IIB T^6/Z_2 orientifold with imaginary self-dual, quantized, 3-form flux. Ignoring the orientifold projection, the number of short multiplets living on a single string is the square of the units of 3-form flux present on the torus; the orientifold removes roughly half of the multiplets. We review the well-known case of a superparticle on T^2 as an pedagogical example., Comment: 25 pp, 2 fig, v2. 27 pp, added subsections on singular pts in moduli space and bound states, also references
- Published
- 2002
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47. N=3 Warped Compactifications
- Author
Frey, Andrew R. and Polchinski, Joseph
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
Orientifolds with three-form flux provide some of the simplest string examples of warped compactification. In this paper we show that some models of this type have the unusual feature of D=4, N=3 spacetime supersymmetry. We discuss their construction and low energy physics. Although the local form of the moduli space is fully determined by supersymmetry, to find its global form requires a careful study of the BPS spectrum., Comment: 27 pages, v2: 32pp., RevTeX4, fixed factors, slightly improved sections 3D and 4B, v3: added reference
- Published
- 2002
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48. Complexity, scaling, and a phase transition
- Author
Yang, Jiayue, primary and Frey, Andrew R., additional
- Published
- 2023
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49. Holographic complexity of the Klebanov-Strassler background
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Grehan, Michael P., Singh, Prakriti, Frey, Andrew R., Grehan, Michael P., and Singh, Prakriti
- Abstract
We study the complexity of the gravity dual to the confining $SU(N)\times SU(N+M)$ Klebanov-Strassler gauge theory, which is an important test case for holographic complexity in higher-dimensional and nonconformal gauge/gravity dualities. We emphasize the dependence of the complexity on parameters of the gauge theory, finding a common behavior with confinement scale for several complexity functionals. We also analyze how the complexity diverges with the UV cut off, which is more complicated than in AdS backgrounds because the theory is nonconformal. Our results may provide new perspectives on questions in the holographic complexity program as well as a starting point for further studies of complexity in general gauge/gravity dualities., Comment: 17pp
- Published
- 2023
50. String thermodynamics in and out of equilibrium: Boltzmann equations and random walks.
- Author
Frey, Andrew R., Mahanta, Ratul, Maharana, Anshuman, Muia, Francesco, Quevedo, Fernando, and Villa, Gonzalo
- Subjects
RANDOM walks ,BOLTZMANN'S equation ,THERMODYNAMIC equilibrium ,BRANES ,STRING theory ,PERTURBATION theory - Abstract
We revisit the study of string theory close to the Hagedorn temperature with the aim towards cosmological applications. We consider interactions of open and closed strings in a gas of Dp-branes, and/or one isolated Dp-brane, in an arbitrary number d of flat non-compact dimensions and general compact dimensions. Leading order string perturbation theory is used to obtain the basic interaction rates in a flat background, which are shown to be consistent with the random walk picture of highly excited strings that should apply in more general backgrounds. Using the random walk interpretation we infer the structure of more general semi-inclusive string scattering rates and then write down the corresponding Boltzmann equations describing ensembles of highly excited closed and open strings. We organise the interaction terms in Boltzmann equations so that detailed balance becomes manifest. We obtain the equilibrium solutions and show that they reduce to previously computed solutions for d = 0. We further study the behaviour of non-equilibrium fluctuations and find explicit analytic expressions for the equilibration rates (and for the number of open strings in d = 0). Potential implications for an early universe with strings at high temperatures are outlined. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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