Introduction: The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in Cameroon, as in Africa and around the world, was marked by a suddenness and unpredictability that fascinated the imagination The considerable psychic and social repercussions of the pandemic mobilized a significant anguish of death The sudden onset of the pandemic was followed by spectacular, high-profile deaths that fascinated the imagination, listing it in the order of traumatic events, provoking reactions of astonishment, flight and avoidance Goal: The objective of this study is to determine the symptomatology of post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as the resilience, associated with the Covid-19 pandemic in the Western Region of Cameroon Methodology: The research was carried out following the model of general population mental health surveys The availability of area frames (sampling) made it possible to opt for probabilistic calculations First and second year master's students in clinical psychology from Dschang University were involved in data collection They benefited from a two-day seminar on data collection techniques in the general population The calculated sample size is 384 households The anticipated response rate, set at 90%, made it possible to increase robustness and to anticipate a total sample of 424 households, spread over 3 districts of Bafoussam and Dschang, according to the choice previously made The study followed the ethical provisions of the Helsinki Protocol The data collection tools used are: the Impact of Event Scale-Revised and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale Results: 409 subjects were recruited, representing a completion rate of 106 5% 70 7% of subjects exhibited symptoms of PTSD These symptoms are more often mild (40 9%) or moderate (25 6%) Women are more affected (73 7%) by PTSD than men (67 9%) In addition to sex and age, area of residence and marital status, appear to be significantly associated with symptoms of PTSD: subjects under 35 years of age have a significantly higher prevalence rate than those over 35;the rate of PTSD is significantly higher in subjects living in urban areas than in those living in rural areas;single subjects are more affected by PTSD (40 1%) than married subjects (26 7%) The average score recorded on the CD-RISC is 64 3, the standard deviation is 15 3 and the coefficient of variation is 24% This average falls into the second quartile of the distribution, indicating average resilience CD-RISC scores are not affected by gender, age, marital status, level of education, or occupational status These characteristics are therefore not factors of resilience Conclusion: The Covid-19 pandemic has had a psychological impact in Cameroon which has made it a major psychosocial stressor More than 6 in 10 people have symptoms of PTSD But this symptomatology is often weak or moderate, testifying to an effective resilience, to balance the traumatic effects of the pandemic © 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS Introduction: L’emergence de la pandemie de la Covid-19 dans le monde, a ete marquee par une soudainete et une imprevisibilite qui ont fascine l'imaginaire Au Cameroun, la faiblesse des mesures de detection et de prise en charge, associee a une communication desorganisee, etait susceptible de generer une traumatisation importante de la population, qu'interroge l’etude Objectif: Cette etude evalue la symptomatologie de l’etat de stress post-traumatique, ainsi que la resilience, associees a la pandemie de la Covid-19 dans la Region de l'Ouest, au Cameroun Methodologie: La recherche a eu recours a la methodologie des enquetes de sante mentale en population generale Elle s'est conformee aux dispositions ethiques du protocole d'Helsinki Les outils de collecte des donnees utilisees sont : l'Impact of Event Scale-Revised et la Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale Resultats: Quatre cent-neuf sujets ont ete recrutes, representant un taux de realisation de 106,5 % 70,7 % des sujets ont presente des symptomes de l'ESPT Ces symptomes sont plus souvent legers (40,9 %) ou moderes (25,6 %) La moyenne des scores enregistres a la CD-RISC est de 64,3, l’ecart-type de 15,3 et le coefficient de variation de 24 % Cette moyenne s'inscrit dans le deuxieme quartile de la distribution, temoignant d'une resilience moyenne Conclusion: La pandemie de la Covid-19 a un potentiel traumatogene non negligeable, lequel affecte la sante mentale des populations camerounaises © 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS