8 results on '"Fonseca, Paula Andrea Morelli"'
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2. Using satellite data to study the relationship between rainfall and diarrheal diseases in a Southwestern Amazon basin/O uso de dados de satelite para estudar a relacao entre chuva e doencas diarreicas em uma bacia na Amazonia Sul-Ocidental
- Author
Fonseca, Paula Andrea Morelli, Hacon, Sandra de Souza, Reis, Vera Lucia, Costa, Duarte, and Brown, Irving Foster
- Published
- 2016
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3. Influência de variáveis hidro-climáticas na ocorrência de diarreias em menores de 5 anos na Amazônia Ocidental
- Author
Fonseca, Paula Andrea Morelli, Rodrigues, Moreno Magalhães de Souza, and Souza, Rita Valéria Andreoli de
- Subjects
diarreias infantis ,modelo GAMM ,Clima da Amazônia - Abstract
Doenças diarreicas matam, em média, meio milhão de crianças anualmente em todo o mundo. A associação entre variáveis climáticas e a ocorrência de diarreias, com ou sem a ocorrência de fenômenos tipo El Niño Oscilação-Sul é bem documentada em diferentes regiões do globo. No Brasil, particularmente na região amazônica, onde se tem uma alta incidência de diarreias, poucos são os estudos encontrados na literatura. Nesse contexto, buscou-se avaliar a influência de variáveis hidro-climáticas como temperatura, precipitação e cota do rio, na incidência de doenças diarreicas infantis na Amazônia Ocidental. Primeiramente, foi analisada a influência das variáveis precipitação e cota para os casos leves de diarreia em crianças, nas cidades do vale do rio Acre. Para essa região, que compreende 11 municípios do estado do Acre, constatou-se que em média, a variabilidade da precipitação e cota de rio explicam pelo menos 20% da variação da série de incidência da doença, sendo a precipitação o fator principal em um maior número de cidades, em comparação com a cota. Para as cidades de Rio Branco (AC), Lábrea e Manaus (AM), e Boa Vista (RR), buscou-se analisar as relações com a série de internações infantis por doenças diarreicas. Temperatura máxima média mensal apresenta baixa variabilidade, enquanto que precipitação e cota apresentam forte sazonalidade. Diferente das características associadas às variáveis climáticas, uma característica notável nessas séries de internações é a ausência da sazonalidade. Por outro lado, estas apresentam uma forte componente de tendência ao longo do tempo, que podem estar associada às melhorias na cobertura da atenção básica e/ou melhorias socioeconômicas da população ao longo dos anos. A incidência de internações, proporcional a população estudada, decresce na sequência: Lábrea, Rio Branco, Boa Vista e Manaus. Ajustou-se um Modelo Generalizado Aditivo com Efeitos Mistos (GAMM) aos dados de cota e precipitação (com defasagem de um mês), temperatura máxima, um termo que simula o efeito da tendência ao longo do tempo e uma variável categórica para identificar a origem da internação. Cota, precipitação e temperatura máxima apresentaram relação não linear com a série de internações. Para estas variáveis, encontrou-se como fatores de risco a temperatura máxima em torno de 37 – 39º C, precipitação acumulada mensal em torno de 100 mm, cota média mensal acima de 4.200 cm, aproximadamente. Cota e precipitação defasadas em um mês não apresentam forte relação com a série de internações, o que sugere que registros dessas variáveis no mês de internação são melhores indicadores, especialmente cota e temperatura. Ao longo dos anos, observou-se forte tendência de queda no número de internações, tendo início no final do ano de 2006, observado em todas as cidades, exceto Boa Vista. Analisando a ocorrência de internações entre as cidades, o modelo considera que o risco entre Boa Vista e Rio Branco não é significativamente distinto, enquanto o risco aumenta em Lábrea e Manaus, sendo ambos significativamente maiores que a cidade de referência (Boa Vista). Os resultados aqui encontrados somam-se aos estudos anteriores nessa temática na região da Amazônia Ocidental e contribui para melhorar o entendimento sobre as relações entre as variáveis hidroclimáticas e as doenças diarreicas infantis na região, com possibilidade de indicar limiares que possam ser utilizados para o planejamento de ações preventivas nas respectivas cidades, uma vez que sejam validados pelos órgãos competentes locais. Diarrheal diseases kill, on average, half a million children worldwide per year. Its association with climatic variables, not necessary related to the occurrence of El Niño SouthernOscillation events is well documented in different world regions. In Brazil, particularly on the Amazonian region, where there is a high diseases’ incidence, few studies are found in the literature. In this context, the aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of the hydroclimatic variables, as temperature, precipitation and water level in the infant diarrheal diseases incidence in the western Amazon. Firstly, it was analyzed the influence of the precipitation and water level variables on the diarrhea’s mild cases in children, in the Acre’s river valley. For this region, which covers 11 municipalities in the Acre State, on average, the precipitation and water level variability explain approximately 20% of the disease incidence variation, and precipitation is the main factor in most of these cities, in comparison to the water level. For the Rio Branco (AC), Lábrea and Manaus (AM), and Boa Vista (RR) cities analysis with the infant hospitalization for diarrheal disease was carried out. Maximum average temperature per month presents low variability while precipitation and water level has strong seasonality. Different from the characteristics associated to the climate variables, a noticeable characteristic in these hospitalization series is the lack of seasonality. On the other hand, these series present a strong trend component over the time, associated to improvements on the basic health attention cover and/or population socioeconomic improvements over the years. A Generalized Additive Mixed Model (GAMM) was adjusted to water level and precipitation (lagged by a month), maximum temperature, a term which simulate the trend effect over time, and a categorical variable to identify the hospitalization’s origin. Water level, precipitation and maximum temperature presented a nonlinear relation with the hospitalization time series. For these variables it was found as risk factors the maximum temperature around 37 – 39º C, monthly accumulated precipitation around 100 mm, monthly water level average up to 4.200 cm, approximately. It was observed that water level and precipitation lagged by a month do not present a strong relation with the hospitalization time series, which suggest that the record of these variables in the same hospitalization month are better indicators, specially water level and temperature. During the years it was also observed a strong decreasing trend in the number of hospitalization, beginning by the end of 2006, which occurs in all cities except Boa Vista. Analyzing the hospitalization occurrence between the cities, the model considers that the risk between Boa Vista and Rio Branco do not differ significantly while the risk increase in Lábrea and Manaus, and both are significantly higher than the reference city (Boa Vista). The results here present add up to previous studies over thematic in the Occidental Amazon and contributes to better understanding about the relationship between hydroclimatic variables and the diarrheal diseases in children in the region, with the possibility to indicate thresholds that can be used in preventive action plans in these cities, once the results are validated by the responsible institutions.
- Published
- 2018
4. Reciclagem de precipitação na amazônia: Um estudo de revisão
- Author
Rocha, Vinícius Machado, Correia, Francis Wagner Silva, and Fonseca, Paula Andrea Morelli
- Abstract
This paper constitutes a historical perspective in the evolution of the knowledge on precipitation recycling and provides a critical view on the current state-of-the-art. The main sources of moisture for Amazon rainfall and the transport of water vapor over South America are described. The recycling mechanism quantification is an indicator of the importance of the land-surface processes and climate to the hydrological cycle, as well as climate sensitivity associated to changes in these processes. The climatological aspects of the recycling precipitation over South America shows that the advective contribution is more important for the precipitation over the Amazon basin and Brazil’s Northeast, while in the Central-South region the local contribution plays an important role in the precipitation. It is estimated that the precipitation recycling in Amazon basin is 20-35%. Over the Amazon, advection of moisture dominates the supply of atmospheric water vapor over much of the river basin but local evaporation is much more prominent over the southern region. Although the precipitation recycling studies have produced new information concerning the interaction between the land-surface processes and hydrological cycle, the effects of global climate change in this mechanism are not yet fully understood. © 2015, Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2015
5. Efeitos do aumento de gases do efeito estufa na frequência e intensidade dos eventos extremos de precipitação na região norte da América do Sul: análise de dados modelados
- Author
Fonseca, Paula Andrea Morelli, Correia, Francis Wagner Silva, and Veiga, José Augusto Paixão
- Subjects
Efeito estufa ,Precipitação atmosférica ,Extremos de precipitação ,Mudanças climáticas - Abstract
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as alterações na frequência e intensidade dos eventos extremos chuvosos na região norte da América do Sul em duas simulações de clima futuro: 2040-2050 e 2090-2100. Ambos os experimentos numéricos foram realizados com o modelo regional ETA, utilizando como condições iniciais e de fronteira dados provenientes do modelo global CCSM3, para o cenário de altas emissões SRES A2. O período analisado corresponde aos meses de JFM e o clima futuro foi comparado ao clima atual, representado pela década 1980-1990. Para a identificação dos eventos extremos chuvosos utilizou-se a metodologia R5d, indicada pela Organização Mundial de Meteorologia para estudo de tais eventos. A mesma consiste em selecionar o maior valor de chuva a cada 5 dias. Calcula-se a média desse subconjunto e ao analisar novamente a série original, consideram-se extremos os valores que forem maiores ou iguais que a média obtida. Depois de identificados os eventos extremos, passou-se a classificação dos mesmos: a classe Evento Extremo Tipo (EET) – I consiste dos eventos que eram iguais ou maiores que a média dos extremos (cmax) e menores que a média dos extremos (cmax) mais uma vez o desvio padrão (dpmax); EET-II, aqueles eventos maiores ou iguais cmax mais uma vez dpmax e menores que cmax mais duas vezes dpmax; EET-III, eventos maiores que cmax mais duas vezes dpmax. Em suma, a análise espacial mostra que a região central da Amazônia (RCA) apresenta intensas anomalias positivas para a média dos EET-I, EET-II e EET-III, enquanto a região nordeste (RNE) e região norte (RNO) apresentam, para a maior parte da área, anomalias negativas para as três classes. Espacialmente, anomalias para frequência não apresentam padrões claros. A avaliação quantitativa confirma o que foi observado espacialmente para a RCA: anomalia positiva na média dos eventos nas três classes de extremos e na frequência dos EET-I e EET-II para os dois períodos analisados e redução na frequência para EET-III em ambos os períodos. Da mesma forma, RNE e RNO apresentam anomalias negativas na média dos eventos extremos e na frequência para EET-I e EET-II em ambas as décadas. Para os EET-III na RNE houve anomalias positivas para frequência e para média dos eventos na década 2040-2050 e anomalias negativas para ambas variáveis na década 2090-2100. Na RNO, as anomalias na média dos eventos extremos foram positivas em ambos os períodos analisados e a frequência teve aumento na metade do século e redução no final do século. As tendências de intensificação dos eventos extremos chuvosos na RCA e de redução dos mesmos na RNE e RNO concordam com estudos prévios utilizando modelos e cenários de emissões diferentes. The present study analyses the changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events in northern South America for two future climate simulations: 2040-2050 and 2090-2100. Both numeric experiments were performed with the regional ETA model, using data from the CCSM3 global model as initial and boundary conditions for the high emissions scenario SRES A2. The future climate was compared to the actual one, represented here by the decade 1980-1990 for the three months period JFM. To identify the extreme precipitation events we used a methodology known by R5d, indicated by the World Meteorological Organization to study extreme climate events. R5d selects the maximum rainfall value for a period of 5 days. We calculated the mean value from this subset and analyzed again the original series, considering values higher or equal to this mean as extremes. Once identified, the extreme events were classified. Extreme Event Type (EET) – I consist of the events that are equal or higher than the extreme average (cmax) and smaller than the extreme average (cmax) plus once standard deviation (dpmax). EET-II are the extreme events equal or higher than cmax plus once dpmax and smaller than cmax plus twice dpmax. The last type, EET-III, are all events higher than cmax plus twice dpmax. In summary, the spatial analysis shows that the Central Amazon Region (RCA) presents intense positive anomalies for the average of EET-I, EET-II and EET-III, while the Northeastern Region (RNE) and the Northern Region (RNO) present negative anomalies for most of their areas for the three types of extremes. Frequency anomalies do not present clear spatial patterns. Quantitative analysis confirms what was observed spatially for the RCA; Positive anomalies for the mean values of the three types of EET and for the frequency in EET-I and EET-II for both time period and a decrease in frequency to EET-III for both time periods. Likewise, RNE and RNO present negative anomalies for the mean values and in frequency of the EET-I and EET-II for both decades. For EET-III in RNE there were positive anomalies in frequency and in the events average for 2040-2050 decade and negative anomalies in both variables for the 2090-2100 decade. In RNO the average anomalies were positive for both analyzed periods and the frequency had an increase in the half of the XXI century and reduction for the final of the XXI century. The intensification tendencies for extreme precipitation events in RCA and their reduction in RNE and RNO show the same results as previous studies using different models and emission scenarios.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Rocha, Vinícius Machado, primary, Correia, Francis Wagner Silva, additional, and Fonseca, Paula Andrea Morelli, additional
- Published
- 2015
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7. Hepatitis A, B and C prevalence among transgender women and travestis in five Brazilian capitals between 2019-2021.
- Author
Moreira RC, Veras MASM, Amianti C, McCartney DJ, Silva VCM, Lemos MF, Compri AP, Oliveira EL, Bassichetto KC, Leal AF, Knauth DR, Magno L, Dourado I, Galan L, Fonseca PAM, Queiroz RSB, Silva RJCD, Araujo S, Miyachi ME, Soares CS, Ahagon LMK, Mayaud P, Sperandei S, and Motta-Castro ARC
- Subjects
- Humans, Brazil epidemiology, Female, Cross-Sectional Studies, Adult, Prevalence, Young Adult, Male, Adolescent, Middle Aged, Risk Factors, Transgender Persons statistics & numerical data, Hepatitis B epidemiology, Hepatitis C epidemiology, Hepatitis A epidemiology
- Abstract
Objective: To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with hepatitis A, B, and C in transgender women and travestis's networks, in 5 regions of Brazil., Methods: This cross-sectional study includedtransgender women and travestis in five Brazilian capitals (Campo Grande, Manaus, Porto Alegre, Salvador, and São Paulo), between December/2019 and July/2021. All samples were subjected to detection of serological markers of hepatitis virus A (HAV), B (HBV), and C (HCV) infections through rapid tests and chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassays. Positive samples in the screening tests were submitted to detect HBV DNA and HCV-RNA by real-time PCR and genotyped by Sanger sequencing., Results: Analysis of 1,317 samples showed network prevalence rates of 69.1%, 25.1%, and 1.5% for HAV, HBV, and HCV exposure, respectively. A high susceptibility rate to HBV infection (35.7%) and low prevalence of vaccine response markers (40%) were also observed. Age greater than 26 years, self-declared black/brown skin color, having only primary education, history of incarceration, and use of a condom in the last sexual intercourse with a casual partner were associated with total anti-HAV. Exposure to HBV was associated with age greater than 26 years, self-declared black/brown, history of being a sex worker, and incarceration. Age > 37 years, history of sexual abuse, and frequent alcohol consumption were associated with hepatitis C infection., Conclusion: The highest prevalence of HAV in this population was found in the North and Northeast regions, and the prevalence found was higher than that in the general population, suggesting greater vulnerability. The prevalence of HCV infection in our study was similar to that observed in the general population.
- Published
- 2024
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8. Bodies of desire: use of nonprescribed hormones among transgender women and travestis in five Brazilian capitals (2019-2021).
- Author
Bassichetto KC, Pinheiro TF, Barros C, Fonseca PAM, Queiroz RSB, Sperandei S, and Veras MASM
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Brazil epidemiology, Cross-Sectional Studies, Adult, Male, Young Adult, Middle Aged, Adolescent, Risk Factors, Sexually Transmitted Diseases epidemiology, Qualitative Research, Socioeconomic Factors, Transgender Persons statistics & numerical data, Transgender Persons psychology
- Abstract
Objective: To analyze the experiences of transgender women and travestis regarding the use of hormones for body changes without a medical prescription., Methods: This is a cross-sectional, quantitative and qualitative study, using data from "TransOdara", which estimated the prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections in transgender women and travestis recruited through Respondent-Driven Sampling, between December 2019 and July 2021, in São Paulo, Campo Grande, Manaus, Porto Alegre, and Salvador, Brazil. The main outcome was: use of hormones without medical prescription and associated risk factors. Descriptive analysis, mixed univariate logistic regression models, and semi-structured interviews were carried out., Results: Of the 1,317 recruited participants, 85.9% had already used hormones. The current use of hormones was reported by 40.7% (536) of them. Of those who were able to inform the place where they obtained them, 72.6% (381/525) used them without a medical prescription. The variables associated with the outcome were: current full-time sex work (OR 4.59; 95%CI 1.90-11.06) or in the past (OR 1.92; 95%CI 1.10-3.34), not having changed their name (OR 3.59; 95%CI 2.23-5.76), not currently studying (OR 1.83; 95%CI 1.07-3.13), being younger (OR 2.16; 95%CI 1.31-3.56), and having suffered discrimination at some point in life for being a transgender women and travestis (OR 0.40; 95%CI 0.20-0.81)., Conclusion: The use of nonprescribed hormones is high among transgender women and travestis, especially among those who are younger, did not study, have not changed their name, and with a history of sex work. This use is related to the urgency for gender transition, with excessive use and damage to health.
- Published
- 2024
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