202 results on '"Fineman, Jeremy T."'
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2. Fully Energy-Efficient Randomized Backoff: Slow Feedback Loops Yield Fast Contention Resolution
- Author
Bender, Michael A., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gilbert, Seth, Kuszmaul, John, and Young, Maxwell
- Subjects
Computer Science - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing - Abstract
Contention resolution addresses the problem of coordinating access to a shared channel. Time proceeds in slots, and a packet transmission can be made in any slot. A packet is successfully sent if no other packet is also transmitted during that slot. If two or more packets are sent in the same slot, then none of these transmissions succeed. Listening during a slot gives ternary feedback, indicating if that slot had (0) silence, (1) a successful transmission, or (2+) noise. No other feedback is available. Packets are (adversarially) injected into the system over time. A packet departs the system once it is successful. The goal is to send all packets while optimizing throughput, which is roughly the fraction of successful slots. Most prior algorithms with constant throughput require a short feedback loop, in the sense that a packet's sending probability in slot t+1 is fully determined by its internal state at slot t and the channel feedback at slot t. An open question is whether these short feedback loops are necessary; that is, how often must listening and updating occur in order to achieve constant throughput? This question addresses energy efficiency, since both listening and sending consume significant energy. The channel can also suffer adversarial noise ("jamming"), which causes any listener to hear noise, even when no packets are sent. How does jamming affect our goal of long feedback loops/energy efficiency? Connecting these questions, we ask: what does a contention-resolution algorithm have to sacrifice to reduce channel accesses? Must we give up on constant throughput or robustness to noise? Here, we show that we need not concede anything. Suppose there are N packets and J jammed slots, where the input is determined by an adaptive adversary. We give an algorithm that, with high probability in N+J, has constant throughput and polylog(N+J) channel accesses per packet.
- Published
- 2023
3. Nested Active-Time Scheduling
- Author
Cao, Nairen, Fineman, Jeremy T., Li, Shi, Mestre, Julián, Russell, Katina, and Umboh, Seeun William
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
The active-time scheduling problem considers the problem of scheduling preemptible jobs with windows (release times and deadlines) on a parallel machine that can schedule up to $g$ jobs during each timestep. The goal in the active-time problem is to minimize the number of active steps, i.e., timesteps in which at least one job is scheduled. In this way, the active time models parallel scheduling when there is a fixed cost for turning the machine on at each discrete step. This paper presents a 9/5-approximation algorithm for a special case of the active-time scheduling problem in which job windows are laminar (nested). This result improves on the previous best 2-approximation for the general case.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Efficient Construction of Directed Hopsets and Parallel Approximate Shortest Paths
- Author
Cao, Nairen, Fineman, Jeremy T., and Russell, Katina
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
The approximate single-source shortest-path problem is as follows: given a graph with nonnegative edge weights and a designated source vertex $s$, return estimates of the distances from~$s$ to each other vertex such that the estimate falls between the true distance and $(1+\epsilon)$ times the distance. This paper provides the first nearly work-efficient parallel algorithm with sublinear span (also called depth) for the approximate shortest-path problem on \emph{directed} graphs. Specifically, for constant $\epsilon$ and polynomially-bounded edge weights, our algorithm has work $\tilde{O}(m)$ and span $n^{1/2+o(1)}$. Several algorithms were previously known for the case of \emph{undirected} graphs, but none of the techniques seem to translate to the directed setting. The main technical contribution is the first nearly linear-work algorithm for constructing hopsets on directed graphs. A $(\beta,\epsilon)$-hopset is a set of weighted edges (sometimes called shortcuts) which, when added to the graph, admit $\beta$-hop paths with weight no more than $(1+\epsilon)$ times the true shortest-path distances. There is a simple sequential algorithm that takes as input a directed graph and produces a linear-cardinality hopset with $\beta=O(\sqrt{n})$, but its running time is quite high---specifically $\tilde{O}(m\sqrt{n})$. Our algorithm is the first more efficient algorithm that produces a directed hopset with similar characteristics. Specifically, our sequential algorithm runs in $\tilde{O}(m)$ time and constructs a hopset with $\tilde{O}(n)$ edges and $\beta = n^{1/2+o(1)}$. A parallel version of the algorithm has work $\tilde{O}(m)$ and span $n^{1/2+o(1)}$.
- Published
- 2019
5. Optimal (Randomized) Parallel Algorithms in the Binary-Forking Model
- Author
Blelloch, Guy E., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gu, Yan, and Sun, Yihan
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
In this paper we develop optimal algorithms in the binary-forking model for a variety of fundamental problems, including sorting, semisorting, list ranking, tree contraction, range minima, and ordered set union, intersection and difference. In the binary-forking model, tasks can only fork into two child tasks, but can do so recursively and asynchronously. The tasks share memory, supporting reads, writes and test-and-sets. Costs are measured in terms of work (total number of instructions), and span (longest dependence chain). The binary-forking model is meant to capture both algorithm performance and algorithm-design considerations on many existing multithreaded languages, which are also asynchronous and rely on binary forks either explicitly or under the covers. In contrast to the widely studied PRAM model, it does not assume arbitrary-way forks nor synchronous operations, both of which are hard to implement in modern hardware. While optimal PRAM algorithms are known for the problems studied herein, it turns out that arbitrary-way forking and strict synchronization are powerful, if unrealistic, capabilities. Natural simulations of these PRAM algorithms in the binary-forking model (i.e., implementations in existing parallel languages) incur an $\Omega(\log n)$ overhead in span. This paper explores techniques for designing optimal algorithms when limited to binary forking and assuming asynchrony. All algorithms described in this paper are the first algorithms with optimal work and span in the binary-forking model. Most of the algorithms are simple. Many are randomized.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Parallel Exact Shortest Paths in Almost Linear Work and Square Root Depth
- Author
Cao, Nairen, primary and Fineman, Jeremy T., additional
- Published
- 2023
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7. Nearly Work-Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Digraph Reachability
- Author
Fineman, Jeremy T.
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
One of the simplest problems on directed graphs is that of identifying the set of vertices reachable from a designated source vertex. This problem can be solved easily sequentially by performing a graph search, but efficient parallel algorithms have eluded researchers for decades. For sparse high-diameter graphs in particular, there is no known work-efficient parallel algorithm with nontrivial parallelism. This amounts to one of the most fundamental open questions in parallel graph algorithms: Is there a parallel algorithm for digraph reachability with nearly linear work? This paper shows that the answer is yes. This paper presents a randomized parallel algorithm for digraph reachability and related problems with expected work $\tilde{O}(m)$ and span $\tilde{O}(n^{2/3})$, and hence parallelism $\tilde{\Omega}(n^{1/3})$, on any graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ arcs. This is the first parallel algorithm having both nearly linear work and strongly sublinear span. The algorithm can be extended to produce a directed spanning tree, determine whether the graph is acyclic, topologically sort the strongly connected components of the graph, or produce a directed ear decomposition of a strongly connected graph, all with similar work and span. The main technical contribution is an \emph{efficient} Monte Carlo algorithm that, through the addition of $\tilde{O}(n)$ shortcuts, reduces the diameter of the graph to $\tilde{O}(n^{2/3})$ with high probability. While both sequential and parallel algorithms are known with those combinatorial properties, even the sequential algorithms are not efficient. This paper presents a surprisingly simple sequential algorithm that achieves the stated diameter reduction and runs in $\tilde{O}(m)$ time. Parallelizing that algorithm yields the main result, but doing so involves overcoming several other challenges.
- Published
- 2017
8. Implicit Decomposition for Write-Efficient Connectivity Algorithms
- Author
Ben-David, Naama, Blelloch, Guy E., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gibbons, Phillip B., Gu, Yan, McGuffey, Charles, and Shun, Julian
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
The future of main memory appears to lie in the direction of new technologies that provide strong capacity-to-performance ratios, but have write operations that are much more expensive than reads in terms of latency, bandwidth, and energy. Motivated by this trend, we propose sequential and parallel algorithms to solve graph connectivity problems using significantly fewer writes than conventional algorithms. Our primary algorithmic tool is the construction of an $o(n)$-sized "implicit decomposition" of a bounded-degree graph $G$ on $n$ nodes, which combined with read-only access to $G$ enables fast answers to connectivity and biconnectivity queries on $G$. The construction breaks the linear-write "barrier", resulting in costs that are asymptotically lower than conventional algorithms while adding only a modest cost to querying time. For general non-sparse graphs on $m$ edges, we also provide the first $o(m)$ writes and $O(m)$ operations parallel algorithms for connectivity and biconnectivity. These algorithms provide insight into how applications can efficiently process computations on large graphs in systems with read-write asymmetry.
- Published
- 2017
9. Sorting with Asymmetric Read and Write Costs
- Author
Blelloch, Guy E., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gibbons, Phillip B., Gu, Yan, and Shun, Julian
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
Emerging memory technologies have a significant gap between the cost, both in time and in energy, of writing to memory versus reading from memory. In this paper we present models and algorithms that account for this difference, with a focus on write-efficient sorting algorithms. First, we consider the PRAM model with asymmetric write cost, and show that sorting can be performed in $O\left(n\right)$ writes, $O\left(n \log n\right)$ reads, and logarithmic depth (parallel time). Next, we consider a variant of the External Memory (EM) model that charges $\omega > 1$ for writing a block of size $B$ to the secondary memory, and present variants of three EM sorting algorithms (multi-way mergesort, sample sort, and heapsort using buffer trees) that asymptotically reduce the number of writes over the original algorithms, and perform roughly $\omega$ block reads for every block write. Finally, we define a variant of the Ideal-Cache model with asymmetric write costs, and present write-efficient, cache-oblivious parallel algorithms for sorting, FFTs, and matrix multiplication. Adapting prior bounds for work-stealing and parallel-depth-first schedulers to the asymmetric setting, these yield parallel cache complexity bounds for machines with private caches or with a shared cache, respectively.
- Published
- 2016
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10. Efficient Algorithms with Asymmetric Read and Write Costs
- Author
Blelloch, Guy E., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gibbons, Phillip B., Gu, Yan, and Shun, Julian
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
In several emerging technologies for computer memory (main memory), the cost of reading is significantly cheaper than the cost of writing. Such asymmetry in memory costs poses a fundamentally different model from the RAM for algorithm design. In this paper we study lower and upper bounds for various problems under such asymmetric read and write costs. We consider both the case in which all but $O(1)$ memory has asymmetric cost, and the case of a small cache of symmetric memory. We model both cases using the $(M,\omega)$-ARAM, in which there is a small (symmetric) memory of size $M$ and a large unbounded (asymmetric) memory, both random access, and where reading from the large memory has unit cost, but writing has cost $\omega\gg 1$. For FFT and sorting networks we show a lower bound cost of $\Omega(\omega n\log_{\omega M} n)$, which indicates that it is not possible to achieve asymptotic improvements with cheaper reads when $\omega$ is bounded by a polynomial in $M$. Also, there is an asymptotic gap (of $\min(\omega,\log n)/\log(\omega M)$) between the cost of sorting networks and comparison sorting in the model. This contrasts with the RAM, and most other models. We also show a lower bound for computations on an $n\times n$ diamond DAG of $\Omega(\omega n^2/M)$ cost, which indicates no asymptotic improvement is achievable with fast reads. However, we show that for the edit distance problem (and related problems), which would seem to be a diamond DAG, there exists an algorithm with only $O(\omega n^2/(M\min(\omega^{1/3},M^{1/2})))$ cost. To achieve this we make use of a "path sketch" technique that is forbidden in a strict DAG computation. Finally, we show several interesting upper bounds for shortest path problems, minimum spanning trees, and other problems. A common theme in many of the upper bounds is to have redundant computation to tradeoff between reads and writes.
- Published
- 2015
11. Smoothed Analysis of Dynamic Networks
- Author
Dinitz, Michael, Fineman, Jeremy T., Gilbert, Seth, and Newport, Calvin
- Subjects
Computer Science - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing - Abstract
We generalize the technique of smoothed analysis to distributed algorithms in dynamic network models. Whereas standard smoothed analysis studies the impact of small random perturbations of input values on algorithm performance metrics, dynamic graph smoothed analysis studies the impact of random perturbations of the underlying changing network graph topologies. Similar to the original application of smoothed analysis, our goal is to study whether known strong lower bounds in dynamic network models are robust or fragile: do they withstand small (random) perturbations, or do such deviations push the graphs far enough from a precise pathological instance to enable much better performance? Fragile lower bounds are likely not relevant for real-world deployment, while robust lower bounds represent a true difficulty caused by dynamic behavior. We apply this technique to three standard dynamic network problems with known strong worst-case lower bounds: random walks, flooding, and aggregation. We prove that these bounds provide a spectrum of robustness when subjected to smoothing---some are extremely fragile (random walks), some are moderately fragile / robust (flooding), and some are extremely robust (aggregation)., Comment: 20 pages
- Published
- 2015
12. Fully Energy-Efficient Randomized Backoff: Slow Feedback Loops Yield Fast Contention Resolution
- Author
Bender, Michael A., primary, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Gilbert, Seth, additional, Kuszmaul, John, additional, and Young, Maxwell, additional
- Published
- 2024
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13. Single-Source Shortest Paths with Negative Real Weights inÕ(𝑚𝑛 8/9 )Time
- Author
Fineman, Jeremy T., primary
- Published
- 2024
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14. Self-Supervised Representation Learning on Electronic Health Records with Graph Kernel Infomax
- Author
Yao, Hao-Ren, primary, Cao, Nairen, additional, Russell, Katina, additional, Chang, Der-Chen, additional, Frieder, Ophir, additional, and Fineman, Jeremy T., additional
- Published
- 2024
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15. Cost-oblivious storage reallocation
- Author
Bender, Michael A., Farach-Colton, Martin, Fekete, Sándor P., Fineman, Jeremy T., and Gilbert, Seth
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,F.2.2 - Abstract
Databases need to allocate and free blocks of storage on disk. Freed blocks introduce holes where no data is stored. Allocation systems attempt to reuse such deallocated regions in order to minimize the footprint on disk. If previously allocated blocks cannot be moved, the problem is called the memory allocation problem, which is known to have a logarithmic overhead in the footprint. This paper defines the storage reallocation problem, where previously allocated blocks can be moved, or reallocated, but at some cost. The algorithms presented here are cost oblivious, in that they work for a broad and reasonable class of cost functions, even when they do not know what the cost function is. The objective is to minimize the storage footprint, that is, the largest memory address containing an allocated object, while simultaneously minimizing the reallocation costs. This paper gives asymptotically optimal algorithms for storage reallocation, in which the storage footprint is at most (1+epsilon) times optimal, and the reallocation cost is at most (1/epsilon) times the original allocation cost, which is also optimal. The algorithms are cost oblivious as long as the allocation/reallocation cost function is subadditive., Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Transactions on Algorithms. Full journal version of of previous conference paper in PODS 2014
- Published
- 2014
16. Cache-Oblivious Persistence
- Author
Davoodi, Pooya, Fineman, Jeremy T., Iacono, John, and Özkan, Özgür
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,F.2.2 ,E.1 ,E.2 - Abstract
Partial persistence is a general transformation that takes a data structure and allows queries to be executed on any past state of the structure. The cache-oblivious model is the leading model of a modern multi-level memory hierarchy.We present the first general transformation for making cache-oblivious model data structures partially persistent.
- Published
- 2014
17. How to Scale Exponential Backoff
- Author
Bender, Michael A., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gilbert, Seth, and Young, Maxwell
- Subjects
Computer Science - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing ,Computer Science - Networking and Internet Architecture - Abstract
Randomized exponential backoff is a widely deployed technique for coordinating access to a shared resource. A good backoff protocol should, arguably, satisfy three natural properties: (i) it should provide constant throughput, wasting as little time as possible; (ii) it should require few failed access attempts, minimizing the amount of wasted effort; and (iii) it should be robust, continuing to work efficiently even if some of the access attempts fail for spurious reasons. Unfortunately, exponential backoff has some well-known limitations in two of these areas: it provides poor (sub-constant) throughput (in the worst case), and is not robust (to resource acquisition failures). The goal of this paper is to "fix" exponential backoff by making it scalable, particularly focusing on the case where processes arrive in an on-line, worst-case fashion. We present a relatively simple backoff protocol~Re-Backoff~that has, at its heart, a version of exponential backoff. It guarantees expected constant throughput with dynamic process arrivals and requires only an expected polylogarithmic number of access attempts per process. Re-Backoff is also robust to periods where the shared resource is unavailable for a period of time. If it is unavailable for $D$ time slots, Re-Backoff provides the following guarantees. When the number of packets is a finite $n$, the average expected number of access attempts for successfully sending a packet is $O(\log^2( n + D))$. In the infinite case, the average expected number of access attempts for successfully sending a packet is $O( \log^2(\eta) + \log^2(D) )$ where $\eta$ is the maximum number of processes that are ever in the system concurrently.
- Published
- 2014
18. Reallocation Problems in Scheduling
- Author
Bender, Michael A., Farach-Colton, Martin, Fekete, Sándor P., Fineman, Jeremy T., and Gilbert, Seth
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,F.2.2 - Abstract
In traditional on-line problems, such as scheduling, requests arrive over time, demanding available resources. As each request arrives, some resources may have to be irrevocably committed to servicing that request. In many situations, however, it may be possible or even necessary to reallocate previously allocated resources in order to satisfy a new request. This reallocation has a cost. This paper shows how to service the requests while minimizing the reallocation cost. We focus on the classic problem of scheduling jobs on a multiprocessor system. Each unit-size job has a time window in which it can be executed. Jobs are dynamically added and removed from the system. We provide an algorithm that maintains a valid schedule, as long as a sufficiently feasible schedule exists. The algorithm reschedules only a total number of O(min{log^* n, log^* Delta}) jobs for each job that is inserted or deleted from the system, where n is the number of active jobs and Delta is the size of the largest window., Comment: 9 oages, 1 table; extended abstract version to appear in SPAA 2013
- Published
- 2013
19. A New Approach to Incremental Cycle Detection and Related Problems
- Author
Bender, Michael A., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gilbert, Seth, and Tarjan, Robert E.
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,E.1 ,F.2.0 - Abstract
We consider the problem of detecting a cycle in a directed graph that grows by arc insertions, and the related problems of maintaining a topological order and the strong components of such a graph. For these problems, we give two algorithms, one suited to sparse graphs, and the other to dense graphs. The former takes the minimum of O(m^{3/2}) and O(mn^{2/3}) time to insert m arcs into an n-vertex graph; the latter takes O(n^2 log(n)) time. Our sparse algorithm is considerably simpler than a previous O(m^{3/2})-time algorithm; it is also faster on graphs of sufficient density. The time bound of our dense algorithm beats the previously best time bound of O(n^{5/2}) for dense graphs. Our algorithms rely for their efficiency on topologically ordered vertex numberings; bounds on the size of the numbers give bound on running times.
- Published
- 2011
20. Improved Approximations for Multiprocessor Scheduling Under Uncertainty
- Author
Crutchfield, Christopher, Dzunic, Zoran, Fineman, Jeremy T., Karger, David R., and Scott, Jacob
- Subjects
Computer Science - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing ,Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
This paper presents improved approximation algorithms for the problem of multiprocessor scheduling under uncertainty, or SUU, in which the execution of each job may fail probabilistically. This problem is motivated by the increasing use of distributed computing to handle large, computationally intensive tasks. In the SUU problem we are given n unit-length jobs and m machines, a directed acyclic graph G of precedence constraints among jobs, and unrelated failure probabilities q_{ij} for each job j when executed on machine i for a single timestep. Our goal is to find a schedule that minimizes the expected makespan, which is the expected time at which all jobs complete. Lin and Rajaraman gave the first approximations for this NP-hard problem for the special cases of independent jobs, precedence constraints forming disjoint chains, and precedence constraints forming trees. In this paper, we present asymptotically better approximation algorithms. In particular, we give an O(loglog min(m,n))-approximation for independent jobs (improving on the previously best O(log n)-approximation). We also give an O(log(n+m) loglog min(m,n))-approximation algorithm for precedence constraints that form disjoint chains (improving on the previously best O(log(n)log(m)log(n+m)/loglog(n+m))-approximation by a (log n/loglog n)^2 factor when n = poly(m). Our algorithm for precedence constraints forming chains can also be used as a component for precedence constraints forming trees, yielding a similar improvement over the previously best algorithms for trees.
- Published
- 2008
21. Contention resolution on a fading channel
- Author
Fineman, Jeremy T., Gilbert, Seth, Kuhn, Fabian, and Newport, Calvin
- Published
- 2019
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22. Smoothed analysis of dynamic networks
- Author
Dinitz, Michael, Fineman, Jeremy T., Gilbert, Seth, and Newport, Calvin
- Published
- 2018
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23. Efficient Construction of Directed Hopsets and Parallel Single-source Shortest Paths (Abstract)
- Author
Cao, Nairen, primary, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, and Russell, Katina, additional
- Published
- 2023
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24. I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Topological Sort and Related Problems
- Author
Cao, Nairen, primary, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Russell, Katina, additional, and Yang, Eugene, additional
- Published
- 2019
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25. Robust and Listening-Efficient Contention Resolution
- Author
Bender, Michael A., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gilbert, Seth, Kuszmaul, John, and Young, Maxwell
- Subjects
FOS: Computer and information sciences ,Computer Science - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing ,Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) - Abstract
This paper shows how to achieve contention resolution on a shared communication channel using only a small number of channel accesses -- both for listening and sending -- and the resulting algorithm is resistant to adversarial noise. The shared channel operates over a sequence of synchronized time slots, and in any slot agents may attempt to broadcast a packet. An agent's broadcast succeeds if no other agent broadcasts during that slot. If two or more agents broadcast in the same slot, then the broadcasts collide and both broadcasts fail. An agent listening on the channel during a slot receives ternary feedback, learning whether that slot had silence, a successful broadcast, or a collision. Agents are (adversarially) injected into the system over time. The goal is to coordinate the agents so that each is able to successfully broadcast its packet. A contention-resolution protocol is measured both in terms of its throughput and the number of slots during which an agent broadcasts or listens. Most prior work assumes that listening is free and only tries to minimize the number of broadcasts. This paper answers two foundational questions. First, is constant throughput achievable when using polylogarithmic channel accesses per agent, both for listening and broadcasting? Second, is constant throughput still achievable when an adversary jams some slots by broadcasting noise in them? Specifically, for $N$ packets arriving over time and $J$ jammed slots, we give an algorithm that with high probability in $N+J$ guarantees $\Theta(1)$ throughput and achieves on average $O(\texttt{polylog}(N+J))$ channel accesses against an adaptive adversary. We also have per-agent high-probability guarantees on the number of channel accesses -- either $O(\texttt{polylog}(N+J))$ or $O((J+1) \texttt{polylog}(N))$, depending on how quickly the adversary can react to what is being broadcast.
- Published
- 2023
26. Race Detectors for Cilk and Cilk++ Programs
- Author
Fineman, Jeremy T., Leiserson, Charles E., and Padua, David, editor
- Published
- 2011
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27. Race Detection and Reachability in Nearly Series-Parallel DAGs
- Author
Agrawal, Kunal, primary, Devietti, Joseph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Lee, I-Ting Angelina, additional, Utterback, Robert, additional, and Xu, Changming, additional
- Published
- 2018
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28. The Worst Page-Replacement Policy
- Author
Agrawal, Kunal, Bender, Michael A., Fineman, Jeremy T., Hutchison, David, Series editor, Kanade, Takeo, Series editor, Kittler, Josef, Series editor, Kleinberg, Jon M., Series editor, Mattern, Friedemann, Series editor, Mitchell, John C., Series editor, Naor, Moni, Series editor, Nierstrasz, Oscar, Series editor, Pandu Rangan, C., Series editor, Steffen, Bernhard, Series editor, Sudan, Madhu, Series editor, Terzopoulos, Demetri, Series editor, Tygar, Doug, Series editor, Vardi, Moshe Y., Series editor, Weikum, Gerhard, Series editor, Crescenzi, Pierluigi, editor, Prencipe, Giuseppe, editor, and Pucci, Geppino, editor
- Published
- 2007
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29. Contention Resolution with Heterogeneous Job Sizes
- Author
Bender, Michael A., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gilbert, Seth, Hutchison, David, editor, Kanade, Takeo, editor, Kittler, Josef, editor, Kleinberg, Jon M., editor, Mattern, Friedemann, editor, Mitchell, John C., editor, Naor, Moni, editor, Nierstrasz, Oscar, editor, Pandu Rangan, C., editor, Steffen, Bernhard, editor, Sudan, Madhu, editor, Terzopoulos, Demetri, editor, Tygar, Dough, editor, Vardi, Moshe Y., editor, Weikum, Gerhard, editor, Azar, Yossi, editor, and Erlebach, Thomas, editor
- Published
- 2006
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30. Reallocation Problems in Scheduling
- Author
Bender, Michael A., Farach-Colton, Martin, Fekete, Sándor P., Fineman, Jeremy T., and Gilbert, Seth
- Published
- 2015
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31. Parallel Shortest Paths with Negative Edge Weights
- Author
Cao, Nairen, primary, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, and Russell, Katina, additional
- Published
- 2022
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32. Brief Announcement: Nested Active-Time Scheduling
- Author
Cao, Nairen, primary, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Li, Shi, additional, Mestre, Julián, additional, Russell, Katina, additional, and Umboh, Seeun William, additional
- Published
- 2022
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33. Nested Active-Time Scheduling
- Author
Nairen Cao and Jeremy T. Fineman and Shi Li and Julián Mestre and Katina Russell and Seeun William Umboh, Cao, Nairen, Fineman, Jeremy T., Li, Shi, Mestre, Julián, Russell, Katina, Umboh, Seeun William, Nairen Cao and Jeremy T. Fineman and Shi Li and Julián Mestre and Katina Russell and Seeun William Umboh, Cao, Nairen, Fineman, Jeremy T., Li, Shi, Mestre, Julián, Russell, Katina, and Umboh, Seeun William
- Abstract
The active-time scheduling problem considers the problem of scheduling preemptible jobs with windows (release times and deadlines) on a parallel machine that can schedule up to g jobs during each timestep. The goal in the active-time problem is to minimize the number of active steps, i.e., timesteps in which at least one job is scheduled. In this way, the active time models parallel scheduling when there is a fixed cost for turning the machine on at each discrete step. This paper presents a 9/5-approximation algorithm for a special case of the active-time scheduling problem in which job windows are laminar (nested). This result improves on the previous best 2-approximation for the general case.
- Published
- 2022
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34. I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Topological Sort and Related Problems
- Author
Cao, Nairen, primary, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Russell, Katina, additional, and Yang, Eugene, additional
- Published
- 2022
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35. Scaling Exponential Backoff.
- Author
Bender, Michael A., Fineman, Jeremy T., Gilbert, Seth, and Young, Maxwell
- Subjects
LOGARITHMS ,ROBUST control ,DISTRIBUTED algorithms ,CELL phone jamming ,WAVE packets - Abstract
Randomized exponential backoff is a widely deployed technique for coordinating access to a shared resource. A good backoff protocol should, arguably, satisfy three natural properties: (1) it should provide constant throughput, wasting as little time as possible; (2) it should require few failed access attempts, minimizing the amount of wasted effort; and (3) it should be robust, continuing to work efficiently even if some of the access attempts fail for spurious reasons. Unfortunately, exponential backoff has some well-known limitations in two of these areas: it can suffer subconstant throughput under bursty traffic, and it is not robust to adversarial disruption. The goal of this article is to "fix" exponential backoff by making it scalable, particularly focusing on the case where processes arrive in an online, worst-case fashion. We present a relatively simple backoff protocol, Re-Backoff, that has, at its heart, a version of exponential backoff. It guarantees expected constant throughput with dynamic process arrivals and requires only an expected polylogarithmic number of access attempts per process. Re-Backoff is also robust to periods where the shared resource is unavailable for a period of time. If it is unavailable for D time slots, Re-Backoff provides the following guarantees. For n packets, the expected number of access attempts for successfully sending a packet is O(log
2 (n + D)). For the case of an infinite number of packets, we provide a similar result in terms of the maximum number of processes that are ever in the system concurrently. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2019
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36. Sub-Linear Overhead in Static Schedules for Fault-Tolerant Transmission
- Author
Wang, Zhe, primary, Agrawal, Kunal, additional, and Fineman, Jeremy T., additional
- Published
- 2021
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37. The Worst Page-Replacement Policy
- Author
Agrawal, Kunal, Bender, Michael A., and Fineman, Jeremy T.
- Published
- 2009
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38. Brief Announcement
- Author
Cao, Nairen, primary, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, and Russell, Katina, additional
- Published
- 2021
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39. Cache-Oblivious Persistence
- Author
Davoodi, Pooya, primary, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Iacono, John, additional, and Özkan, Özgür, additional
- Published
- 2014
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40. Race Hazard
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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41. Relaxed Memory Consistency Models
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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42. Reliable Networks
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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43. Reconfigurable Computers
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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44. Rendezvous
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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45. Radix Sort
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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46. Race Detectors for Cilk and Cilk++ Programs
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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47. 5. Fundamental Graph Algorithms
- Author
Fineman, Jeremy T., primary and Robinson, Eric, additional
- Published
- 2011
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48. Rewriting Logic
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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49. Rapid Elliptic Solvers
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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50. Reduce and Scan
- Author
von Praun, Christoph, primary, von Praun, Christoph, additional, Fineman, Jeremy T., additional, Leiserson, Charles E., additional, Gallopoulos, Efstratios, additional, Snir, Marc, additional, Heath, Michael, additional, Grice, Don, additional, White, Andrew B., additional, López, Pedro, additional, Meister, Benoit, additional, Vasilache, Nicolas, additional, Wohlford, David, additional, Baskaran, Muthu Manikandan, additional, Leung, Allen, additional, Lethin, Richard, additional, Saltz, Joel H., additional, and Das, Raja, additional
- Published
- 2011
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