35 results on '"Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz"'
Search Results
2. Reassessing Roman military activity through an interdisciplinary approach: Myth and archaeology in Laboreiro Mountain (Northwestern Iberia)
- Author
European Commission, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal), Fonte, João, Rodrigues, Ana Luísa, Dias, Maria Isabel, Russo, Dulce, Pereiro, Tiago do, Carvalho, José, Amorim, Sérgio, Jorge, Carlos, Monteiro, Patrícia, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-García, José Manuel, Gago Mariño, Manuel, Oltean, Ioana, European Commission, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal), Fonte, João, Rodrigues, Ana Luísa, Dias, Maria Isabel, Russo, Dulce, Pereiro, Tiago do, Carvalho, José, Amorim, Sérgio, Jorge, Carlos, Monteiro, Patrícia, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-García, José Manuel, Gago Mariño, Manuel, and Oltean, Ioana more...
- Abstract
The present work aims at the archaeological characterisation and historical contextualisation of two large enclosures recently located through remote sensing in the Laboreiro Mountain on the border between Portugal and Galicia: Lomba do Mouro and Chaira da Maza. Ancient written sources, remote sensing, archaeological survey, and absolute dating will be combined in order to shed new light on these enclosures. Given the specificity of the archaeological structures and contexts under study, the need to use complementary absolute dating methods will be discussed, including luminescence and radiocarbon dating. The results in the case of the Lomba do Mouro enclosure point to it possibly being a Roman military camp of late-Republican chronology. more...
- Published
- 2023
3. Heritage Archaeometrics Lab of INCIPIT-CSIC
- Author
Vuelta-Santín, Rubén [ruben.vuelta-santin@incipit.csic.es], Vuelta-Santín, Rubén, Criado-Boado, Felipe, Armada, Xosé-Lois, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Vuelta-Santín, Rubén [ruben.vuelta-santin@incipit.csic.es], Vuelta-Santín, Rubén, Criado-Boado, Felipe, Armada, Xosé-Lois, and Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz more...
- Abstract
Vídeo del Laboratorio de Arqueometría del Patrimonio (LAPa) del INCIPIT-CSIC. Plataforma científico-técnica para Paleoambiente, Arqueometría y Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural. La construcción del LAPa del INCIPIT-CSIC se realizó entre 2021 y 2023. Los agentes implicados en su proyecto de diseño y construcción fueron: Financiación: SGAOI (Secretaría General Adjunta de Obras e Infraestructuras del CSIC); Dirección facultativa: OTO (Oficina Técnica de Obras) de la SGAOI; Plan funcional y coordinación: Felipe Criado-Boado, Anxo Rodríguez-Paz, Lois Armada, Cruz Ferro, Joeri Kaal; Diseño general y mobiliario: ILD (Integrated Lab Design); Diseño instalaciones: MARAGAL Ingeniería S.L.; Mobiliario: ROMERO Muebles de Laboratorio; Extracción y Clima: GARABAL Instalaciones; Electricidad y electrónica: MAREI S.L.; Suministros electrónicos: ASIMOV; Iluminación: INSATEL; Obra civil: POLI COUSELO Construcción y Reforma; Vitrinas de gases y usos generales: WALDNER; Equipo de purificación de agua: METROHM; Agradecimiento personal a: Mari Carmen González Peñalver, Javier Arguedas, Manuel García, Juan Luis Castro, Carlin de Marei, Hipólito Couselo, Ricardo Herreruela, Cristina García Diego, Alberto Álvarez. more...
- Published
- 2023
4. The archaeological study of agricultural sustainability: The cases of Konso (S Ethiopia) and Engaruka (N Tanzania)
- Author
European Commission, European Research Council, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Stump, Daryl, European Commission, European Research Council, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, and Stump, Daryl
- Abstract
This paper summarizes the results of archaeological investigations at two historic agricultural landscapes in Eastern Africa, and discusses the implications of archaeological data on assessments of the function and sustainability of these and similar systems worldwide. Focussing primarily on stratigraphic and geochemical research, these results demonstrate that an understanding of landscape change over decadal to centennial scales can radically revise our understanding of agricultural systems; results that are of relevance beyond the discipline given the renewed interest in employing ‘traditional’ or ‘indigenous’ resource-use strategies to achieve sustainable agriculture today, as outlined within the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and elsewhere. At both the abandoned agricultural landscape at Engaruka (Tanzania) and the extant landscape at Konso (Ethiopia), field areas previously assumed to be simple stone-bounded sub-divisions of alluvial sediments are in fact carefully engineered artificial sediment traps built over several centuries. These traps have several agricultural advantages – accumulating deep deposits of fine-grained fertile soils in irrigable locations – but rely on soil erosion from surrounding slopes or within river catchments to supply these sediments. The paper discusses these trade-offs, and concludes that centennial-scale datasets that link landscape change processes to field and catchment scales can provide information of direct relevance to sustainability assessment that cannot be obtained through observational or longitudinal studies. more...
- Published
- 2023
5. Soils in ancient irrigated agricultural terraces in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Author
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Chile), National Science Foundation (US), National Geographic Society, Wenner-Gren Foundation, University of New Mexico, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (España), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), European Commission, Sandor, Jonathan A., Huckleberry, Gary, Hayashida, Frances, Parcero-Oubiña, César, Salazar Sutil, Diego, Troncoso Meléndez, Andrés, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Chile), National Science Foundation (US), National Geographic Society, Wenner-Gren Foundation, University of New Mexico, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (España), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), European Commission, Sandor, Jonathan A., Huckleberry, Gary, Hayashida, Frances, Parcero-Oubiña, César, Salazar Sutil, Diego, Troncoso Meléndez, Andrés, and Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz more...
- Abstract
The Atacama Desert is among the driest places on Earth, yet ancient agricultural systems are present in the region. Here, we present a study of terraced agricultural soils in the high-altitude eastern margin of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, mainly dating to the Late Intermediate Period (ca. 950–1400 AD) and Inka period (ca. 1400–1536 AD). Terraced fields were compartmentalized to distribute limited irrigation water originating mainly from springs. Natural soils used for agriculture are mostly Aridisols developed on Pleistocene alluvial fan terraces and hillslopes underlain by volcanic bedrock. One research objective is to evaluate long-term soil change from agriculture. In this hyperarid climate, agriculture is only possible with irrigation, so natural soils on the same geomorphic surface adjacent to irrigated soils provide baseline data for assessing anthropogenic soil change. Data from soil profiles and surface transects indicate intentional soil change through terracing, removal of soil rock fragments, and probable fertilization. Agricultural soils have anthropogenic horizons ranging from 16 to 54 cm thick. Most agricultural soils have higher phosphorus levels, suggesting enrichment from fertilization. Changes in soil organic carbon and nitrogen are also evident. Unintentional anthropogenic soil change resulted from CaCO3 input through irrigation with calcareous spring water. Initial studies suggest that agriculture here was sustainable in the sense of conserving soils, and maintaining and possibly improving soil productivity over centuries. more...
- Published
- 2022
6. Molecular Fingerprinting of 14C Dated Soil Organic Matter Fractions from Archaeological Settings in NW Spain
- Author
European Commission, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Santos, F. J. [0000-0003-1485-8625], Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Kaal, Joeri, Santos, F. J., Criado-Boado, Felipe, European Commission, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Santos, F. J. [0000-0003-1485-8625], Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Kaal, Joeri, Santos, F. J., and Criado-Boado, Felipe more...
- Abstract
This paper evaluates the complexities of radiocarbon (14C) dates from soil organic matter (SOM) in archaeological scenarios. The aqueous NaOH-insoluble residual SOM from Neolithic to medieval sites in NW Spain produced consistently older calibrated 14C ages than NaOH-extractable SOM. Using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) and thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation (THM-GC-MS), we analyzed the molecular composition of these SOM fractions, aiming to understand the differences in 14C ages and to gain insight on SOM dynamics in relation to age fractionation. The molecular composition of the NaOH-extractable SOM, which accounts for roughly two-thirds of total SOM, has a larger proportion of microbial detritus than the NaOH-insoluble SOM. This might suggest that the discrepancies between the two fractions is due to microbial rejuvenation in the extractable fraction, leading to 14C results that are younger than the activity that is to be dated. However, archaeological evidence presented here unambiguously shows that the 14C age of the extractable SOM provides the more accurate age for the targeted activity, and that the insoluble fraction contains inherited old carbon. After statistical data evaluation using Partial Least Squares-Regression (PLS-R), it is concluded that this inherited SOM is a mixture of Black Carbon from wild and/or domestic fires and recalcitrant aliphatic SOM. more...
- Published
- 2019
7. Paisajes agrícolas prehispánicos en el altiplano andino. Campañas de trabajo 2013 en el área de las Vegas de Turi (Alto Loa, Chile)
- Author
Parcero-Oubiña, César, Pastor Fábrega-Álvarez, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Ayán Vila, Xurxo, Güimil-Fariña, Alejandro, Troncoso Meléndez, Andrés, Salazar Sutil, Diego, and Hayashida, Frances
- Subjects
Alto Loa ,Agricultural Areas ,Espacios agrarios ,Late Intermediate Period ,Irrigación ,Geospatial Technologies ,Tecnologías geoespaciales ,Irrigation ,Periodo Intermedio Tardío - Abstract
[ES] Se presentan los resultados de la cuarta anualidad del proyecto. En esta anualidad se realizaron dos campañas de trabajo de campo, una parcialmente con cargo a los fondos de la convocatoria Proyectos Arqueológicos en el Exterior del Ministerio de Cultura (en diciembre de 2013) y una previa (en julio de 2013) con cargo a fuentes de financiación adicionales obtenidas. En estas campan¿as se ampliaron notablemente los logros alcanzados hasta entonces, de dos maneras. Por un lado, extendiendo los trabajos de documentación de detalle de los espacios de riego y cultivo al entorno del sitio de Paniri. Por otro lado, abordando nuevas aproximaciones al registro doméstico de los poblados de Turi y Topain, siguiendo metodologías como el Spatial Syntax Analysis. Adicionalmente, se realizó una documentación fotogramétrica 3D de varios espacios a partir de imágenes aéreas de baja altitud tomadas con un dron: el asentamiento de Topain al completo, una muestra representativa de 4 zonas de campos de cultivo en el conjunto de Paniri y 3 estructuras singulares individuales en ese mismo conjunto de Paniri (2 estructuras tipo chull- pa y un rumimoqo)., [EN] The text summarizes the results of the fourth season of the project. Two field seasons were carried out in 2013, one (December) partially supported by the Ministry of Culture, and a previous one ( July) thanks to some additional financial support. The results increase our knowledge of the area in two ways. First, the detailed mapping and documentation of agrarian and settlement structures was extended to include the surroundings of the site of Paniri. Second, new approaches to the domestic areas of Topaín and Turi were developed, following the methodology of the Spatial Syntax Analysis. Besides, a 3D photogrammetric documentation of some areas was made, aided by a lowcost UAV, which included the full settlement of Topaín and a sample of 4 sectors of cultivation fields in Paniri. more...
- Published
- 2015
8. Punctuated stages of megalithic construction: from barrows chronologies to sediments
- Author
Mañana-Borrazás, Patricia, Criado-Boado, Felipe, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio
- Subjects
Biografías ,Megalithism ,Paleoenvironmental archives ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Stratigraphy ,C14 dates ,Estratigrafía ,Monument ,Pedological ,Monumento ,Datación C14 ,Neolítico ,Biography ,Incipit ,Archivos paleoambientales ,Neolithic ,Megalitismo - Abstract
Presentación de la comunicación oral del día 4 de septiembre de 2014 en la sesión "B27. "Megalithic biographies”: cycles of use and closure" of the XVII World UISPP Congress, celebrated in Burgos., Archaeological excavations carried out in Galicia (NW of Iberia) during the last 15 years, have shown that megalithic barrows had a complex and long-standing life. Not only in terms of later uses and reuses (something that has been already acknowledged in bibliography since many years) but also in terms of construction and ‘megalithic’ use. Today, we can assume that barrows life was not so simple as: construction, use and abandonment. Rather, barrows could be easily compared, for instance, to Christian churches, that once build up were permanently used and rebuild, their ‘form’ becoming either the expression or the result of a permanent negotiation between social and materialization processes. In this contribution, we review the empirical data from different well characterized barrows, such as Romea (with recognizable phases of rebuilding or use dating to 5920 – 5660calBP, 5320 – 5030calBP and 4970 – 4790calBP) and Forno dos Mouros (with a long time-span punctuated in 6510-6300calBP and 5070-4850calBP). From these data, we propose a hypothetical sequence of specific periods of building, use and rebuilding which we relate to social processes occurring on increasingly complex and progressively more unequal communities, even with changing individual identities. This hypothesis is contrasted with a large collection of C14 dates of Galician megaliths. Based on this, we propose that the traditional assumption of a continuous monumental activity from ca. 6,500 to 4,500 cal. BP should be revised since a discontinuous series of building activity and use is a more likely explanation for the chronologies. Activity seems to have been circumscribed to particular periods of monumental building, interspersed with long periods of inactivity, perhaps not shorter than a few centuries (200-300 years). We suggest that this interpretation may also apply to other megalithic European regions. Therefore, the research agenda on Megalithism should incorporate this topic in future investigations as it may demand a change in excavation strategies. In order to reconstruct the formation processes, we propose a methodological approach aiming to implement the techniques of stratigraphic excavation and the chemical and pedological characterization of the sediments in megalithic archaeological contexts. Ultimately, our proposal is to treat barrows as paleoenvironmental archives. more...
- Published
- 2014
9. Trabajos en torno al pukara de Topaín (segunda región, Chile). Campaña 2011
- Author
Parcero-Oubiña, César, Pastor Fábrega-Álvarez, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Troncoso Meléndez, Andrés, and Salazar Sutil, Diego
- Subjects
Sampling ,Agrarian landscape ,Paisaje agrario ,Fortified settlement ,Inka Period ,Asentamiento fortificado ,Norte de Chile ,Irrigación ,Período Incaico ,Estructuras de cultivo ,Muestreo ,Pukara ,Northern Chile ,Canales ,Channels ,Late Intermediate Period ,Cultivation fields ,Irrigation ,Período Intermedio Tardío - Abstract
[ES] Se presentan de forma sintética los resultados de la segunda campaña de campo del proyecto. La campaña se desarrolló entre finales de noviembre y mediados de diciembre de 2011 y consistió en tres tipos de trabajos fundamentales. El primero fue la documentación superficial de aquellas partes del entorno del sitio de Topaín que habían quedado documentadas de forma sólo genérica en el primer año, 2010. Para ello se siguió una metodología de trabajo muy similar a la empleada entonces, poniendo el acento en la documentación de las relaciones estratigráficas entre diferentes sectores de los canales de irrigación y entre éstos y las demás estructuras (terrazas, construcciones). El segundo fue la realización de algunos sondeos en determinados puntos del amplio conjunto de terrazas y campos de cultivo, con la finalidad de documentar su estratigrafía interna y de recoger muestras para contribuir a determinar su uso y datación. El tercero fue iniciar un programa sistemático de recogida de muestras en diferentes sectores de los canales de irrigación, y en algunos perfiles naturales, con la finalidad de realizar en ellas analíticas que permitan aclarar sus procesos y secuencias de formación, uso y abandono., [EN] This paper summarizes the results of the second field season of the project. The season took place between the end of November and mid December 2011, and consisted of three main work packages. Firstly, the detailed documentation of those sections of the environs of the Topain settlement site that had been only sketchily documented in the 2010 season. To do that, a methodology was followed based on the documentation of the stratgraphic relationship between different sectors of channels and between them and other structures (cultivation terraces, huts, storage barns...). Secondly, the completion of some test pits in different points across the ample terraced area, aimed at documenting the internal stratigraphy of terraces and fields and at taking a series of samples to further analyze the processes of their construction and use. Thirdly, the inception of a systematic programme of environmental sampling across the whole area of study, mainly in the network of channels and in natural profiles, aimed at acquiring a de- tailed characterization of the sequence of natural and human-induced processes occurred in the area during the construction, use and abandonment of Topain and the cultivated spaces around. more...
- Published
- 2013
10. Características físicas y químicas de los Suelos
- Author
Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio
- Subjects
education - Published
- 2013
11. La Morfología de los Suelos
- Author
Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-Casais, Manuela, and Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier
- Subjects
education - Published
- 2013
12. Studying the origin and evolution of the agricultural landscape in NW Iberia using terraced soils
- Author
Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, González Prieto, Serafín Jesús, Ballesteros-Arias, Paula, and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio
- Abstract
Póster presentado en el International Congress Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (TechnoHeritage), celebrado en Santiago de compostela del 2 al 5 de octubre de 2012., We sampled and analyzed with high-resolution a polycyclic terraced soil located in the surroundings of Santiago de Compostela, looking for the imprints of the different ancient agricultural practices. To this aim a combination of techniques were applied (AAS, XRF, IR-MS) together with selective dissolution extractions (for Al, Si and Fe) and the determination of more traditional physico-chemical properties (soil reaction, pH in NaF, phosphorous retention, etc.). The aim was to identify the signals of land use changes and the different agricultural management techniques applied since the beginning of the agricultural use of the soil. The sequence contained a buried paleosol, with strong andic character, which is considered to exemplify the soil properties prior to the construction of the terraces. In the upper anthropogenic soil layers the relative amounts of soil components responsible for andic properties decrease, presumably as a consequence of the introduction of new agricultural techniques that lead to changes in the chemical stability of organo-metal complexes, thus influencing its accumulation. Variations in acidity, P and Ca contents, and the isotopic composition (13C, 15N) of the organic matter, point to the use of fertilization and liming practices and/or the introduction of new agricultural species. The radiocarbon dating of soil samples indicates that the intensification of agricultural use of this soil and its strong anthropization started in the Early Middle Ages. Our research suggests that the current configuration of this agricultural landscape is mainly inherited from those early modifications, and that the application of several techniques to proper archives (like terraced soils) may help to reveal the history of the build up of the present cultural landscape. more...
- Published
- 2012
13. Transformaciones del paisaje agrario en la Edad Media: estudio de un suelo aterrazado en el Monte Gaiás (Santiago de Compostela)
- Author
Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz
- Abstract
Comunicación presentada en el Seminario sobre Antigüedad Tardía y Alta Edad Media, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela los días 6 y 7 de febrero de 2012.
- Published
- 2012
14. Evolución Holocena do sector costeiro de Punta dos Pericos (Ribeira, A Coruña)
- Author
Costa-Casais, Manuela, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Berasategui Vinagre, I., Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, and Rodríguez Racedo, José
- Abstract
A aplicación das Ciencias da Terra a contextos arqueolóxicos está sendo cada vez máis utilizada para coñecer a información paleoambiental que agochan as formación superficiais -sedimentos e os solos- tanto no xacemento como no seu entorno. A integración dos datos obtidos polas disciplinas das Ciencias da Terra é de gran axuda para coñecer os procesos que se xeran antes, durante e despois do abandono dun xacemento. Coas ferramentas aportadas por cada disciplina, se obteñen da- tos que, integrándoos e relacionándoos entre si, son a base para prantexar a reconstrución e interpretación dos ambientes pasados no que se atopa o xacemento obxecto de estudo. A pesares de obter unha información ampla a reconstrución é sempre parcial, xa que algúns ambientes do pasado sufriron condicións de formación non comparables ás dos ambientes actuais (Martínez Cortizas, 2000). more...
- Published
- 2012
15. Modificación de las propiedades ándicas en dos suelos desarrollados sobre anfibolitas. Trabajo de investigación tutelado
- Author
Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz
- Subjects
Institute of Heritage Sciences ,TIT ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Patrimonio Cultural ,Incipit ,Cultural Heritage ,Doctoral Research ,Trabajo de investigación tutelado - Abstract
Trabajo de investigación tutelado (TIT) dirigido por Antonio Martínez Cortizas y Juan Carlos Nóvoa Muñoz y depositado en julio de 2006 en la Facultade de Bioloxía de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela., [ES] Trabajo de investigación tutelado que trata de determinar la modificación del carácter ándico en dos suelos formados a partir de material de partida anfibólico en el área de Santiago de Compostela. more...
- Published
- 2011
16. Estudio comparativo de alta resolución en podzoles de Galicia y Suecia
- Author
Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz
- Subjects
Institute of Heritage Sciences ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Tesis de licenciatura ,Patrimonio Cultural ,Incipit ,Cultural Heritage ,Dissertation - Abstract
Tesis de licenciatura dirigida por Antonio Martínez Cortizas y Juan Carlos Nóvoa Muñoz y depositada en julio de 2006 en la Facultade de Bioloxía de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela., [ES] Tesis de licenciatura que trata de caracterizar los mecanismos y la intesidad del proceso de podzolización comparativamente en suelos de Galicia y Suecia, 1) mediante el estudio con elevada resolución vertical del fracionamiento del Fe, Al y Si, además de los contenidos y composición isotópica del plomo; 2) caracterizar los factores que intervienen en la dinámica postdeposicional en estos suelos, el transporte debido al propio proceso de podzolización, compuestos a los que se atribuye este transporte, y velocidad a la que se produce, para lo que nos apoyaremos en la cronología de la contaminación por deposición atmosférica obtenida para registros procedentes de las mismas áreas que los suelos que se estudian. more...
- Published
- 2011
17. Environmental changes in a coastal area of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberia) recorded in the sediments infilling a Roman salt-mine
- Author
Tallón Armada, R., López Merino, Lourdes, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Kaal, Joeri, López Sáez, José Antonio, López Merino, Lourdes, Tallón Armada, Rebeca, López Sáez, José Antonio, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, López Merino, Lourdes [0000-0002-6361-5374], Tallón Armada, Rebeca [0000-0003-0787-546X], López Sáez, José Antonio [0000-0002-3122-2744], and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio [0000-0003-0430-5760] more...
- Abstract
Poster presentado en el XVIII Simposium de l'Asociación de Palinólogos de Lengua Española: Palynology et Diversites celebrado en Cartagena (España) del 27 al 29 de septiembre de 2011
- Published
- 2011
18. Morphodinamic implications of a storm ridge construction process in the NW coast of the Iberian Peninsula
- Author
Feal Pérez, A., Blanco Chao, Ramón, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-Casais, Manuela, and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio
- Subjects
Holocene ,Storm ridge ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Cresta de tormenta ,Cultural Heritage ,Costa rocosa ,Patrimonio cultural ,Costa cantábrica ,Insitute of Heritage Sciences ,Boulder beach ,Incipit ,Rocky coast ,Holoceno ,Playa de bloques ,Cantabrian coast - Abstract
[ES] En este trabajo investigamos el origen de niveles de gravas, cantos y bloques situados en el techo de una secuencia sedimentaria Holocena y proponemos la interpretación paleoambiental de la misma. Estos niveles se encuentran entre 8 y 9 metros sobre el nivel actual de bajamar máxima viva equinoccial. Dos dataciones radiocarbónicas sitúan el inicio de esta sedimentación hace 1600 años. Este trabajo ejemplifica la evolución compleja de las costas rocosas del NW peninsular en el Holoceno final, durante el cual, el régimen del oleaje, el ascenso del nivel del mar, la exhumación de una plataforma rocosa y la disponibilidad de sedimento son los principales factores implicados. Este trabajo ha permitido identificar un proceso de construcción de crestas relacionado con la acción de las tormentas y el reajuste reciente del sistema a las condiciones actuales del nivel del mar que es sincrónico con el retroceso del acantilado., [EN] This study investigates the origin and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the sedimentary layers composed of gravels, pebbles and boulders at the top of a Holocene sedimentary sequence. The layers are located at heights of 8 - 9 m above the lowest low tide. Results suggest that these coarse-clastic levels were formed by a process of storm ridge construction during storm events. Radiocarbon dating revealed that this deposition started after 1600 yr BP and that it was synchronous with the cliff retreat. It is an example of a complex evolution in the Late Holocene in which wave regime, sea level rise, the exhumation of a rocky shore platform and the sediment supply were involved. This work allows the identification of a process of storm ridge construction related with storm activity and recent beach adjustment to the current sea level conditions. more...
- Published
- 2011
19. Implicaciones morfodinámicas de un proceso de construcción de crestas de tormenta en el NW de la Península Ibérica
- Author
Feal Pérez, A., Blanco Chao, Ramón, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-Casais, Manuela, and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio
- Subjects
Holocene ,Storm ridge ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Cresta de tormenta ,Cultural Heritage ,Costa rocosa ,Patrimonio cultural ,Costa cantábrica ,Insitute of Heritage Sciences ,Boulder beach ,Incipit ,Rocky coast ,Holoceno ,Playa de bloques ,Cantabrian coast - Abstract
[ES] En este trabajo investigamos el origen de niveles de gravas, cantos y bloques situados en el techo de una secuencia sedimentaria Holocena y proponemos la interpretación paleoambiental de la misma. Estos niveles se encuentran entre 8 y 9 metros sobre el nivel actual de bajamar máxima viva equinoccial. Dos dataciones radiocarbónicas sitúan el inicio de esta sedimentación hace 1600 años. Este trabajo ejemplifica la evolución compleja de las costas rocosas del NW peninsular en el Holoceno final, durante el cual, el régimen del oleaje, el ascenso del nivel del mar, la exhumación de una plataforma rocosa y la disponibilidad de sedimento son los principales factores implicados. Este trabajo ha permitido identificar un proceso de construcción de crestas relacionado con la acción de las tormentas y el reajuste reciente del sistema a las condiciones actuales del nivel del mar que es sincrónico con el retroceso del acantilado. [EN] This study investigates the origin and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the sedimentary layers composed of gravels, pebbles and boulders at the top of a Holocene sedimentary sequence. The layers are located at heights of 8 - 9 m above the lowest low tide. Results suggest that these coarse-clastic levels were formed by a process of storm ridge construction during storm events. Radiocarbon dating revealed that this deposition started after 1600 yr BP and that it was synchronous with the cliff retreat. It is an example of a complex evolution in the Late Holocene in which wave regime, sea level rise, the exhumation of a rocky shore platform and the sediment supply were involved. This work allows the identification of a process of storm ridge construction related with storm activity and recent beach adjustment to the current sea level conditions. more...
- Published
- 2011
20. The colour of ceramics from Bell Beaker contexts in NW Spain: Relation to elemental composition and mineralogy
- Author
Xunta de Galicia, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Lantes Suárez, Óscar, Prieto, Beatriz, Prieto-Martínez, M. Pilar, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Xunta de Galicia, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Lantes Suárez, Óscar, Prieto, Beatriz, Prieto-Martínez, M. Pilar, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio more...
- Abstract
In this paper we characterise the mineralogical and elemental composition and the colour (CIELab space) of Bronze Age pottery sherds from NW Spain, using X-Ray diffraction, X-Ray fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy, respectively. For half of the samples we also determined the content in secondary iron oxi-hydroxides (sFe, iron extracted with dithionite-citrate), using atomic absorption. The aim of the investigation was to study the relationship between the colour and the elemental and mineralogical composition, and to explore the intentionality of the resulting colour. Samples had a low luminosity and were located in the quadrant of the CIELab space ranging from red to yellow (hab: 0-90°), showing low hue variability but a wider range of variation in chromaticity. In terms of composition they showed a large mineralogical (12 different minerals were identified) and chemical (from acidic/felsic to basic-ultrabasic/mafic compositions) variation.A principal components analysis using elemental composition and colour parameters demonstrated that luminosity (L*) depends on organic matter (OM) content and to a lesser extent on sFe content. Chromaticity (C*ab) depends on sFe content, but also on the felsic/mafic relative composition and OM content, while hue (hab) is only related to iron mineral phases. We also verified that these general trends differ to a certain extent depending on whether the pottery contains amphibole or not: the effect of sFe on L* and of OM on b* (yellowing) and C*ab was only detected for pottery sherds without amphibole, while an increase in felsic in relation to mafic minerals has a more decisive effect on the chromaticity (C*ab) of the amphibolic clays. Thus, colour seems to result from the interplay between i) the original colour of the raw material/clays, ii) compositional factors (overall composition -felsic vs mafic-, and sFe and OM content), and iii) interactions between composition and processing (sFe and firing conditions controlling y more...
- Published
- 2015
21. Paleoambiente y Paisaje del Arte Rupestre: síntesis de las investigaciones realizadas en Campo Lameiro (Pontevedra)
- Author
Criado-Boado, Felipe, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, García Quintela, M., Kaal, Joeri, López Sáez, José Antonio, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Santos Estévez, Manuel, López Sáez, José Antonio [0000-0002-3122-2744], Criado-Boado, Felipe [0000-0003-4235-706X], Costa-Casais, Manuela [0000-0003-1129-6751], Martínez Cortizas, Antonio [0000-0003-0430-5760], Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier [0000-0002-1095-6167], Santos Estévez, Manuel [0000-0001-7485-6934], López Sáez, José Antonio, Criado-Boado, Felipe, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, and Santos Estévez, Manuel more...
- Abstract
Ponencia presentada en el II Congreso de Arte Rupestre Esquemático en la Península Ibérica celebrado en Almeria (España) del 5 al 8 de mayo de 2011
- Published
- 2010
22. Proyecto científico del Incipit
- Author
Criado-Boado, Felipe, Barreiro, David, Azkarate, Agustín, Lasheras, Antonio, Nicolau, Antoni, Monterroso, Juan, Pérez Losada, Fermín, Saavedra, Pegerto, Armada, Xosé-Lois, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, González-Pérez, César, González-Ruibal, Alfredo, López-Romero, Elías, Parcero-Oubiña, César, Sánchez-Carretero, Cristina, and Parga-Dans, Eva more...
- Subjects
Institute of Heritage Sciences ,Proyecto científico ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Incipit ,Patrimonio Cultural ,Cultural Heritage ,Scientific project - Abstract
[ES]En enero de 2010 el Consejo Rector del CSIC acordó la creación de un nuevo instituto de investigación, con sede en Santiago de Compostela, y la denominación de Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio, con acrónimo Incipit – CSIC. El proyecto científico de este centro había sido elaborado por una comisión conjunta designada por el CSIC y la Xunta de Galicia con el fin de diseñar un centro mixto entre el CSIC y alguna de las universidades gallegas; en ese momento procedimental, la denominación provisional del instituto era la de “Centro de Ciencias del Patrimonio Cultural”, con acrónimo CCPC, que fue más tarde desechada cuando se decidió la creación de ese centro como instituto propio del CSIC. Aquí se ofrecen tres documentos complementarios entre sí, en entradas independientes de Digital.CSIC: una Síntesis del proyecto del Incipit, el Proyecto Científico completo, y el Anexo que contiene que el cuadro de personal previsto para ese instituto incluyendo el personal (procedente del Laboratorio de Patrimonio, LaPa, actualmente radicado en el IEGPS en Santiago de Compostela) que se incorporará al Incipit. [EN]In January 2010, the Board of Governors of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) agreed to create a new research institute, based in Santiago de Compostela, named the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit)-CSIC. The scientific project for this centre had been produced by a joint committee appointed by the CSIC and the Regional Government of Galicia (the Xunta) in order to design a mixed centre between the CSIC and one of the Galician universities; at this stage of the procedure, the provisional name of the institute was the “Centre for Cultural Heritage Sciences” (CCPC), which was later rejected when it was decided to create this centre as an institute that formed a part of the CSIC itself. Here we offer three documents that complement each other, in different entries in Digital.CSIC: a summary of the Incipit project, the full Scientific Project, and an Appendix containing details of the personnel planned for this institute, including the personnel (from the Heritage Laboratory or LaPa, currently located in the Padre Sarmiento Institute of Galician Studies in Santiago de Compostela) who will be joining the Incipit. more...
- Published
- 2010
23. Caracterización de la podzolización en ambiente boreal templado y tropical y su influencia en la inmovilización de metales (Al, Fe y Pb)
- Author
Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio (dir.), and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, 1961
- Subjects
Institute of Heritage Sciences ,Thesis ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Patrimonio Cultural ,Incipit ,Podzois -- Teses e escritos académicos ,Solos -- Contido en metais pesados -- Teses e escritos académicos ,Cultural Heritage ,Tesis - Abstract
Tesis doctoral dirigida por Antonio Martínez Cortízas y depositada en la Facultade de Bioloxía de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela en septiembre de 2010. Tribunal: Felipe Macías Vázquez, Manuela Costa Casais, Juan Carlos Nóvoa Muñoz, Eduardo García-Rodeja Gayoso, Ward Chesworth, [ES] Tesis doctoral dedicada al estudio de algunos aspectos fundamentales de la podzolización y de la variabilidad del proceso con relación a las condiciones ambientales., Parte de la investigación recogida en este trabajo ha sido financiada mediante los proyectos: - Reconstrucción de la evolución espacio-temporal de la contaminación atmosférica por metales pesados en el Norte de España (REN2003-09228-C02-01). -O papel dos solos acedos no secuestro de compostos haloxenados (de Cl, Br e I) e metais pesados (Pb) (PGIDIT 07 PXIB 200011PR). more...
- Published
- 2010
24. 7110 Turberas elevadas activas
- Author
Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Rodríguez Fernández, Ricardo, López Sáez, José Antonio, Ferrín Prieto, Cristina, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Rodríguez Racedo, José, and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio more...
- Subjects
Institute of Heritage Sciences ,Turberas ,Red Natura 2000 ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Incipit ,Cultural Heritage ,Ficha técnica ,Patrimonio cultural ,Peatlands ,Technical card - Abstract
[ES] Tipos de hábitat de turberas ácidas a escala de mesotopo, resultantes de la evolución de un sistema minerogénico hacia otro ombrotrófico. Esta evolu¬ción es debida a la intensa acumulación de turba desde el Holoceno medio, que conllevó la desco¬nexión de la capa freática de la turbera de los suelos de la cuenca en la que se inició su formación. Es frecuente que posean un patrón superficial de ras¬gos especializados a escala de nano y microtopo (crestas, montículos, depresiones, charcos); en parte debido a que las principales especies vegetales for¬madoras de turba tienen modos de crecimiento ca¬racterísticos y, en parte, a la dependencia del régi¬men hidrológico., Esta ficha forma parte de la publicación Bases ecológicas preliminares para la conservación de los tipos de hábitat de interés comunitario en España, promovida por la Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino). more...
- Published
- 2009
25. 7150 Depresiones en sustratos turbosos del rhynchosporium
- Author
Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Rodríguez Fernández, Ricardo, López Sáez, José Antonio, Ferrín Prieto, Cristina, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-Casais, Manuela, and Rodríguez Racedo, José more...
- Subjects
Institute of Heritage Sciences ,Turberas ,Red Natura 2000 ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Incipit ,Cultural Heritage ,Ficha técnica ,Patrimonio cultural ,Peatlands ,Technical card - Abstract
[ES] Definición según Bartolomé et al. (2005): comuni¬dades vegetales pioneras colonizadoras de substratos ácidos turbosos desnudos resultantes de la erosión artificial o natural de las turberas de Sphagnum. Este tipo de hábitat se presenta en los mismos terri¬torios que otras turberas de Sphagnum, fundamen¬talmente en las comarcas septentrionales y en los sistemas montañosos ácidos de la Península. more...
- Published
- 2009
26. 7140 Mires de transición (tremedales)
- Author
Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Rodríguez Fernández, Ricardo, López Sáez, José Antonio, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-Casais, Manuela, and Rodríguez Racedo, José more...
- Subjects
Institute of Heritage Sciences ,Turberas ,Red Natura 2000 ,Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio ,Incipit ,Cultural Heritage ,Ficha técnica ,Patrimonio cultural ,Peatlands ,Technical card - Abstract
[ES] Definición según Bartolomé et al. (2005): turberas desarrolladas en bordes de lagos y otras superficies acuáticas o encharcadas formadoras de un sustrato inestable u oscilante (“tremedales”) que puede ser incluso flotante. En determinados casos tienden a evolucionar hacia turberas altas (sic). En España este tipo de hábitat está representado espe¬cialmente en los territorios cántabro-atlánticos y pire¬naicos, así como en zonas montañosas del resto de la Península, con la excepción de las más meridionales. more...
- Published
- 2009
27. Late-Holocene storm imprint in a coastal sedimentary sequence (Northwest Iberian coast)
- Author
Feal Pérez, A., Blanco Chao, Ramón, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Feal Pérez, A., Blanco Chao, Ramón, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, and Costa-Casais, Manuela more...
- Abstract
A combination of sedimentological, geomorphological, and pedological methods has been used to study a late-Holocene sedimentary sequence in a rock coast sector from NW Spain, with the aim of relating it to storm events and their morphodynamic effects. The sequence contains two coarse beach layers at an elevation of 2.8-3.5 m above the present highest astronomical tide (HAT). Radiocarbon dating revealed that their deposition had begun during 1735-1590 cal. yr BP and has continued until the present. The entire beach system experienced considerable morphological change after 1320-1230 cal. yr BP, with a westward displacement of the beach and a retreat of the sedimentary cliff in the eastern section. The two beach layers seem to have been formed by vertical aggradation of clasts and sand during high-energy storm events, highlighting the role of these events in the formation of sedimentary sequences on the rocky coasts of mid-Atlantic Europe. The effects of a recent storm event, recorded in March 2008, and the results of wave calculations suggest that long swell waves were needed for the accretion of the clasts. Using a hindcast model of wave data, we found a positive correlation between the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (WNAO) index and the winter monthly mean wave height and peak period. While the 14C chronology of beach sedimentation coincides with known climatic periods dominated by a positive NAO index, these results point to the importance of high-energy events and the synergies between past and present processes in the recent evolution and the morphodynamics of rock coast environments. © The Author(s) 2014. more...
- Published
- 2014
28. 1500 years of soil use reconstructed from the chemical properties of a terraced soil sequence
- Author
European Commission, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Ballesteros-Arias, Paula, Criado-Boado, Felipe, European Commission, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Ballesteros-Arias, Paula, and Criado-Boado, Felipe more...
- Abstract
Colluvial soils can store signals of the environmental conditions occurred during their formation, including the anthropogenic activities they supported. Their study may provide important information for reconstructing and interpreting the evolution of cultural landscapes. We studied the chemical properties of a terraced soil system located in the town of Santiago de Compostela (NW Spain). Aluminum, Fe and Si fractionation was studied by selective dissolution techniques with high vertical resolution, combined with elemental composition and other soil properties such as phosphate retention (Pret) and NaF pH, aiming to identify modifications produced by land use changes and agricultural management practices since Antiquity. The buried epipedon of the paleosol, which is considered to exemplify the pre-terracing soil, showed strong andic character. We argue that its attenuation in the anthropogenic soil layers is, firstly, a consequence of the decreasing amounts of reactive components (organic matter, organo-Al complexes and low ordered aluminosilicates) due to a dilution by mixing superficial and sub-superficial horizons. Secondly, the introduction of agricultural techniques led to modifications in the chemical stability of organo-metal complexes influencing the accumulation of organic matter. Other signals, such as variations in soil acidity, and P and Ca contents, point to management practices as fertilization or liming. The increasing amounts of Fe inorganic compounds in the more recent layers indicate a strong weathering and degradation, probably as a consequence of the intensification of the agricultural use. Our results indicated continued and progressively more intensive agricultural use during the last 15 centuries, linked to the development of the town. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. more...
- Published
- 2014
29. Metal and organic matter immobilization in temperate podzols: A high resolution study
- Author
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), European Commission, Xunta de Galicia, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Klaminder, J., Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), European Commission, Xunta de Galicia, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Klaminder, J., and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio more...
- Abstract
Aluminium and Fe fractions were obtained in samples from two temperate podzols by selective extraction with NaOH (Aln, Fen), Na-dithionite-citrate (Ald, Fed), acid NH4-oxalate (Alo, Feo) and Na-pyrophosphate (Alp, Fep) following the traditional fractionation procedures, and also by the use of the chlorides of K (AlK), La (AlLa) and Cu (AlCu) as non-buffered extractants for Al. Carbon content was also determined in the Na-pyrophosphate extract (Cp). Soil sampling was done at high-resolution to allow a more detailed characterization of the vertical processes than the traditional sampling by whole soil horizons. Results showed that Alp and Fep make a large proportion of the Alo and Feo meaning that organoaluminic complexes dominated in the >active> metal pool instead of inorganic compounds. The degree of metal saturation of soil organic matter (estimated by the (Alp Fep)/Cp molar ratios) increases with depth, especially in the uppermost samples of spodic horizons (Bhs1) where it increases up to 0.1. Aluminium dominates in the adsorption positions of the organic matter in the spodic horizon (Fep/Alp ratios <0.5), except in the Bhs1 horizon (ratios >1), indicating that the immobilization of Fe containing complexes occurs 10-15cm above that of Al. The highly stable Al-OM complexes accounted on average for 60% of the organoaluminic associations (>70% in the Bhs horizons). The moderately stable complexes predominate in A horizons (57-77% in ACB1 and 37-48% in ACB2) and the largest proportions of low stability complexes were found in the uppermost samples of the spodic horizons (Bhs1) of both soils (9-21%), together with the highest Fep contents and a decrease in pH values. From a stepwise multiple regression model it is suggested that pH is the main variable accounting for the stability of Al-OM compounds together with C and organically bound Fe contents. It is suggested that the illuviation of unsaturated organic acids lower the pH in upper spodic horizons, leading to the more...
- Published
- 2014
30. Origin and evolution of the agricultural landscape in Santiago de Compostela from the properties of a polycyclic terraced soil
- Author
Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Ballesteros-Arias, Paula, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, González Prieto, Serafín Jesús, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Ballesteros-Arias, Paula, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, González Prieto, Serafín Jesús, and Martínez Cortizas, Antonio more...
- Published
- 2013
31. De la geoquímica al paisaje: composición elemental de los suelos
- Author
Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Kaal, Joeri, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Viveen, Willem, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Kaal, Joeri, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, and Viveen, Willem more...
- Published
- 2013
32. Environmental changes in a coastal area of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberia) recorded in the sediments infilling a Roman salt-mine
- Author
López Merino, Lourdes [0000-0002-6361-5374], Tallón Armada, Rebeca [0000-0003-0787-546X], López Sáez, José Antonio [0000-0002-3122-2744], Martínez Cortizas, Antonio [0000-0003-0430-5760], Tallón Armada, R., López Merino, Lourdes, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Kaal, Joeri, López Sáez, José Antonio, López Merino, Lourdes [0000-0002-6361-5374], Tallón Armada, Rebeca [0000-0003-0787-546X], López Sáez, José Antonio [0000-0002-3122-2744], Martínez Cortizas, Antonio [0000-0003-0430-5760], Tallón Armada, R., López Merino, Lourdes, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Kaal, Joeri, and López Sáez, José Antonio more...
- Published
- 2011
33. Caracterización de la podzolización en ambiente boreal templado y tropical y su influencia en la inmovilización de metales (Al, Fe y Pb)
- Author
Martínez Cortizas, Antonio (dir.), Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio (dir.), and Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz
- Published
- 2010
34. Paleoambiente y Paisaje del Arte Rupestre: síntesis de las investigaciones realizadas en Campo Lameiro (Pontevedra)
- Author
López Sáez, José Antonio [0000-0002-3122-2744], Criado-Boado, Felipe [0000-0003-4235-706X], Costa-Casais, Manuela [0000-0003-1129-6751], Martínez Cortizas, Antonio [0000-0003-0430-5760], Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier [0000-0002-1095-6167], Santos Estévez, Manuel [0000-0001-7485-6934], Criado-Boado, Felipe, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, García Quintela, M., Kaal, Joeri, López Sáez, José Antonio, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Santos Estévez, Manuel, López Sáez, José Antonio [0000-0002-3122-2744], Criado-Boado, Felipe [0000-0003-4235-706X], Costa-Casais, Manuela [0000-0003-1129-6751], Martínez Cortizas, Antonio [0000-0003-0430-5760], Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier [0000-0002-1095-6167], Santos Estévez, Manuel [0000-0001-7485-6934], Criado-Boado, Felipe, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, García Quintela, M., Kaal, Joeri, López Sáez, José Antonio, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, and Santos Estévez, Manuel more...
- Published
- 2010
35. 7130 Turberas de cobertor (para turberas activas)
- Author
Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Rodríguez Fernández, Ricardo, López Sáez, José Antonio, Ferrín Prieto, Cristina, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-Casais, Manuela, Rodríguez Racedo, José, Martínez Cortizas, Antonio, Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier, Nóvoa Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Rodríguez Fernández, Ricardo, López Sáez, José Antonio, Ferrín Prieto, Cristina, Ferro Vázquez, María Cruz, Costa-Casais, Manuela, and Rodríguez Racedo, José more...
- Abstract
[ES] Tipos de hábitat de turberas ácidas a escala de mesotopo, resultantes de la evolución de un sistema minerogénico hacia otro ombrotrófico. Esta evolución es debida a la intensa acumulación de turba desde el Holoceno medio, que conllevó la desconexión de la capa freática de la turbera de los suelos de la cuenca en la que se inició su formación. Es frecuente que posean un patrón superficial de rasgos especializados a escala de nano y microtopo (crestas, montículos, depresiones, charcos); en parte debido a que las principales especies vegetales formadoras de turba tienen modos de crecimiento característicos y, en parte, a la dependencia del régimen hidrológico. more...
- Published
- 2009
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