14 results on '"Fernandez-Fuertes, M."'
Search Results
2. Author Correction: Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (3417), 10.1038/s41467-021-22491-8)
- Author
de Rojas I., de Rojas, I, Moreno-Grau, S, Tesi, N, Grenier-Boley, B, Andrade, V, Jansen, I, Pedersen, N, Stringa, N, Zettergren, A, Hernandez, I, Montrreal, L, Antunez, C, Antonell, A, Tankard, R, Bis, J, Sims, R, Bellenguez, C, Quintela, I, Gonzalez-Perez, A, Calero, M, Franco-Macias, E, Macias, J, Blesa, R, Cervera-Carles, L, Menendez-Gonzalez, M, Frank-Garcia, A, Royo, J, Moreno, F, Huerto Vilas, R, Baquero, M, Diez-Fairen, M, Lage, C, Garcia-Madrona, S, Garcia-Gonzalez, P, Alarcon-Martin, E, Valero, S, Sotolongo-Grau, O, Ullgren, A, Naj, A, Lemstra, A, Benaque, A, Perez-Cordon, A, Benussi, A, Rabano, A, Padovani, A, Squassina, A, de Mendonca, A, Arias Pastor, A, Kok, A, Meggy, A, Pastor, A, Espinosa, A, Corma-Gomez, A, Martin Montes, A, Sanabria, A, Destefano, A, Schneider, A, Haapasalo, A, Kinhult Stahlbom, A, Tybjaerg-Hansen, A, Hartmann, A, Spottke, A, Corbaton-Anchuelo, A, Rongve, A, Borroni, B, Arosio, B, Nacmias, B, Nordestgaard, B, Kunkle, B, Charbonnier, C, Abdelnour, C, Masullo, C, Martinez Rodriguez, C, Munoz-Fernandez, C, Dufouil, C, Graff, C, Ferreira, C, Chillotti, C, Reynolds, C, Fenoglio, C, Van Broeckhoven, C, Clark, C, Pisanu, C, Satizabal, C, Holmes, C, Buiza-Rueda, D, Aarsland, D, Rujescu, D, Alcolea, D, Galimberti, D, Wallon, D, Seripa, D, Grunblatt, E, Dardiotis, E, Duzel, E, Scarpini, E, Conti, E, Rubino, E, Gelpi, E, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Duron, E, Boerwinkle, E, Ferri, E, Tagliavini, F, Kucukali, F, Pasquier, F, Sanchez-Garcia, F, Mangialasche, F, Jessen, F, Nicolas, G, Selbaek, G, Ortega, G, Chene, G, Hadjigeorgiou, G, Rossi, G, Spalletta, G, Giaccone, G, Grande, G, Binetti, G, Papenberg, G, Hampel, H, Bailly, H, Zetterberg, H, Soininen, H, Karlsson, I, Alvarez, I, Appollonio, I, Giegling, I, Skoog, I, Saltvedt, I, Rainero, I, Rosas Allende, I, Hort, J, Diehl-Schmid, J, Van Dongen, J, Vidal, J, Lehtisalo, J, Wiltfang, J, Thomassen, J, Kornhuber, J, Haines, J, Vogelgsang, J, Pineda, J, Fortea, J, Popp, J, Deckert, J, Buerger, K, Morgan, K, Fliessbach, K, Sleegers, K, Molina-Porcel, L, Kilander, L, Weinhold, L, Farrer, L, Wang, L, Kleineidam, L, Farotti, L, Parnetti, L, Tremolizzo, L, Hausner, L, Benussi, L, Froelich, L, Ikram, M, Deniz-Naranjo, M, Tsolaki, M, Rosende-Roca, M, Lowenmark, M, Hulsman, M, Spallazzi, M, Pericak-Vance, M, Esiri, M, Bernal Sanchez-Arjona, M, Dalmasso, M, Martinez-Larrad, M, Arcaro, M, Nothen, M, Fernandez-Fuertes, M, Dichgans, M, Ingelsson, M, Herrmann, M, Scherer, M, Vyhnalek, M, Kosmidis, M, Yannakoulia, M, Schmid, M, Ewers, M, Heneka, M, Wagner, M, Scamosci, M, Kivipelto, M, Hiltunen, M, Zulaica, M, Alegret, M, Fornage, M, Roberto, N, van Schoor, N, Seidu, N, Banaj, N, Armstrong, N, Scarmeas, N, Scherbaum, N, Goldhardt, O, Hanon, O, Peters, O, Skrobot, O, Quenez, O, Lerch, O, Bossu, P, Caffarra, P, Dionigi Rossi, P, Sakka, P, Mecocci, P, Hoffmann, P, Holmans, P, Fischer, P, Riederer, P, Yang, Q, Marshall, R, Kalaria, R, Mayeux, R, Vandenberghe, R, Cecchetti, R, Ghidoni, R, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Sorbi, S, Hagg, S, Engelborghs, S, Helisalmi, S, Botne Sando, S, Kern, S, Archetti, S, Boschi, S, Fostinelli, S, Gil, S, Mendoza, S, Mead, S, Ciccone, S, Djurovic, S, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Riedel-Heller, S, Kuulasmaa, T, del Ser, T, Lebouvier, T, Polak, T, Ngandu, T, Grimmer, T, Bessi, V, Escott-Price, V, Giedraitis, V, Deramecourt, V, Maier, W, Jian, X, Pijnenburg, Y, Smith, A, Saenz, A, Bizzarro, A, Lauria, A, Vacca, A, Solomon, A, Anastasiou, A, Richardson, A, Boland, A, Koivisto, A, Daniele, A, Greco, A, Marianthi, A, Mcguinness, B, Fin, B, Ferrari, C, Custodero, C, Ferrarese, C, Ingino, C, Mangone, C, Reyes Toso, C, Martinez, C, Cuesta, C, Muchnik, C, Joachim, C, Ortiz, C, Besse, C, Johansson, C, Zoia, C, Laske, C, Anastasiou, C, Palacio, D, Politis, D, Janowitz, D, Craig, D, Mann, D, Neary, D, Jurgen, D, Daian, D, Belezhanska, D, Kohler, E, Castano, E, Koutsouraki, E, Chipi, E, De Roeck, E, Costantini, E, Vardy, E, Piras, F, Roveta, F, Prestia, F, Assogna, F, Salani, F, Sala, G, Lacidogna, G, Novack, G, Wilcock, G, Thonberg, H, Kolsch, H, Weber, H, Boecker, H, Etchepareborda, I, Piaceri, I, Tuomilehto, J, Lindstrom, J, Laczo, J, Johnston, J, Deleuze, J, Harris, J, Schott, J, Priller, J, Bacha, J, Snowden, J, Lisso, J, Mihova, K, Traykov, L, Morelli, L, Brusco, L, Rainer, M, Takalo, M, Bjerke, M, Del Zompo, M, Serpente, M, Sanchez Abalos, M, Rios, M, Peltonen, M, Herrman, M, Kohler, M, Rojo, M, Jones, M, Orsini, M, Medel, N, Olivar, N, Fox, N, Salvadori, N, Hooper, N, Galeano, P, Solis, P, Bastiani, P, Passmore, P, Heun, R, Antikainen, R, Olaso, R, Perneczky, R, Germani, S, Lopez-Garcia, S, Love, S, Mehrabian, S, Bagnoli, S, Kochen, S, Andreoni, S, Teipel, S, Todd, S, Pickering-Brown, S, Natunen, T, Tegos, T, Laatikainen, T, Strandberg, T, Polvikoski, T, Matoska, V, Ciullo, V, Cores, V, Solfrizzi, V, Lisetti, V, Sevillano, Z, Aguilera, N, Alarcon, E, Boada, M, Buendia, M, Canabate, P, Carracedo, A, Diego, S, Gailhajenet, A, Guitart, M, Ibarria, M, Lafuente, A, Maronas, O, Martin, E, Martinez, M, Marquie, M, Mauleon, A, Moreno, M, Orellana, A, Pancho, A, Peleja, E, Preckler, S, Real, L, Ruiz, A, Saez, M, Serrano-Rios, M, Tarraga, L, Vargas, L, Adarmes-Gomez, A, Alonso, M, Alvarez, V, Amer-Ferrer, G, Antequera, M, Bernal, M, Bullido, M, Burguera, J, Carrillo, F, Carrion-Claro, M, Casajeros, M, Clarimon, J, Cruz-Gamero, J, de Pancorbo, M, Escuela, R, Garrote-Espina, L, Garcia-Alberca, J, Garcia Madrona, S, Garcia-Ribas, G, Gomez-Garre, P, Hevilla, S, Jesus, S, Labrador Espinosa, M, Legaz, A, Lleo, A, Lopez de Munain, A, Macias-Garcia, D, Manzanares, S, Marin, M, Marin-Munoz, J, Marin, T, Martinez, B, Martinez, V, Martinez-Lage Alvarez, P, Medina, M, Mendioroz Iriarte, M, Mir, P, Molinuevo, J, Pastor, P, Perez Tur, J, Perinan-Tocino, T, Pineda-Sanchez, R, Pinol-Ripoll, G, Real de Asua, D, Rodrigo, S, Sanchez del Valle Diaz, R, Sanchez-Juan, P, Sastre, I, Vicente, M, Vigo-Ortega, R, Vivancos, L, Macleod, C, Mccracken, C, Brayne, C, Bresner, C, Grozeva, D, Bellou, E, Sommerville, E, Matthews, F, Leonenko, G, Menzies, G, Windle, G, Harwood, J, Phillips, J, Bennett, K, Luckuck, L, Clare, L, Woods, R, Saad, S, Burholt, V, Kehoe, P, Scheltens, P, Holstege, H, Amouyel, P, Schellenberg, G, Williams, J, Seshadri, S, van Duijn, C, Mather, K, Sanchez-Valle, R, Blennow, K, Huisman, M, Andreassen, O, Posthuma, D, van der Flier, W, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, van der Lee, S, de Rojas I., Moreno-Grau S., Tesi N., Grenier-Boley B., Andrade V., Jansen I. E., Pedersen N. L., Stringa N., Zettergren A., Hernandez I., Montrreal L., Antunez C., Antonell A., Tankard R. M., Bis J. C., Sims R., Bellenguez C., Quintela I., Gonzalez-Perez A., Calero M., Franco-Macias E., Macias J., Blesa R., Cervera-Carles L., Menendez-Gonzalez M., Frank-Garcia A., Royo J. L., Moreno F., Huerto Vilas R., Baquero M., Diez-Fairen M., Lage C., Garcia-Madrona S., Garcia-Gonzalez P., Alarcon-Martin E., Valero S., Sotolongo-Grau O., Ullgren A., Naj A. C., Lemstra A. W., Benaque A., Perez-Cordon A., Benussi A., Rabano A., Padovani A., Squassina A., de Mendonca A., Arias Pastor A., Kok A. A. L., Meggy A., Pastor A. B., Espinosa A., Corma-Gomez A., Martin Montes A., Sanabria A., DeStefano A. L., Schneider A., Haapasalo A., Kinhult Stahlbom A., Tybjaerg-Hansen A., Hartmann A. M., Spottke A., Corbaton-Anchuelo A., Rongve A., Borroni B., Arosio B., Nacmias B., Nordestgaard B. G., Kunkle B. W., Charbonnier C., Abdelnour C., Masullo C., Martinez Rodriguez C., Munoz-Fernandez C., Dufouil C., Graff C., Ferreira C. B., Chillotti C., Reynolds C. A., Fenoglio C., Van Broeckhoven C., Clark C., Pisanu C., Satizabal C. L., Holmes C., Buiza-Rueda D., Aarsland D., Rujescu D., Alcolea D., Galimberti D., Wallon D., Seripa D., Grunblatt E., Dardiotis E., Duzel E., Scarpini E., Conti E., Rubino E., Gelpi E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez E., Duron E., Boerwinkle E., Ferri E., Tagliavini F., Kucukali F., Pasquier F., Sanchez-Garcia F., Mangialasche F., Jessen F., Nicolas G., Selbaek G., Ortega G., Chene G., Hadjigeorgiou G., Rossi G., Spalletta G., Giaccone G., Grande G., Binetti G., Papenberg G., Hampel H., Bailly H., Zetterberg H., Soininen H., Karlsson I. K., Alvarez I., Appollonio I., Giegling I., Skoog I., Saltvedt I., Rainero I., Rosas Allende I., Hort J., Diehl-Schmid J., Van Dongen J., Vidal J. -S., Lehtisalo J., Wiltfang J., Thomassen J. Q., Kornhuber J., Haines J. L., Vogelgsang J., Pineda J. A., Fortea J., Popp J., Deckert J., Buerger K., Morgan K., Fliessbach K., Sleegers K., Molina-Porcel L., Kilander L., Weinhold L., Farrer L. A., Wang L. -S., Kleineidam L., Farotti L., Parnetti L., Tremolizzo L., Hausner L., Benussi L., Froelich L., Ikram M. A., Deniz-Naranjo M. C., Tsolaki M., Rosende-Roca M., Lowenmark M., Hulsman M., Spallazzi M., Pericak-Vance M. A., Esiri M., Bernal Sanchez-Arjona M., Dalmasso M. C., Martinez-Larrad M. T., Arcaro M., Nothen M. M., Fernandez-Fuertes M., Dichgans M., Ingelsson M., Herrmann M. J., Scherer M., Vyhnalek M., Kosmidis M. H., Yannakoulia M., Schmid M., Ewers M., Heneka M. T., Wagner M., Scamosci M., Kivipelto M., Hiltunen M., Zulaica M., Alegret M., Fornage M., Roberto N., van Schoor N. M., Seidu N. M., Banaj N., Armstrong N. J., Scarmeas N., Scherbaum N., Goldhardt O., Hanon O., Peters O., Skrobot O. A., Quenez O., Lerch O., Bossu P., Caffarra P., Dionigi Rossi P., Sakka P., Mecocci P., Hoffmann P., Holmans P. A., Fischer P., Riederer P., Yang Q., Marshall R., Kalaria R. N., Mayeux R., Vandenberghe R., Cecchetti R., Ghidoni R., Frikke-Schmidt R., Sorbi S., Hagg S., Engelborghs S., Helisalmi S., Botne Sando S., Kern S., Archetti S., Boschi S., Fostinelli S., Gil S., Mendoza S., Mead S., Ciccone S., Djurovic S., Heilmann-Heimbach S., Riedel-Heller S., Kuulasmaa T., del Ser T., Lebouvier T., Polak T., Ngandu T., Grimmer T., Bessi V., Escott-Price V., Giedraitis V., Deramecourt V., Maier W., Jian X., Pijnenburg Y. A. L., Smith A. D., Saenz A., Bizzarro A., Lauria A., Vacca A., Solomon A., Anastasiou A., Richardson A., Boland A., Koivisto A., Daniele A., Greco A., Marianthi A., McGuinness B., Fin B., Ferrari C., Custodero C., Ferrarese C., Ingino C., Mangone C., Reyes Toso C., Martinez C., Cuesta C., Muchnik C., Joachim C., Ortiz C., Besse C., Johansson C., Zoia C. P., Laske C., Anastasiou C., Palacio D. L., Politis D. G., Janowitz D., Craig D., Mann D. M., Neary D., Jurgen D., Daian D., Belezhanska D., Kohler E., Castano E. M., Koutsouraki E., Chipi E., De Roeck E., Costantini E., Vardy E. R. L. C., Piras F., Roveta F., Prestia F. A., Assogna F., Salani F., Sala G., Lacidogna G., Novack G., Wilcock G., Thonberg H., Kolsch H., Weber H., Boecker H., Etchepareborda I., Piaceri I., Tuomilehto J., Lindstrom J., Laczo J., Johnston J., Deleuze J. -F., Harris J., Schott J. M., Priller J., Bacha J. I., Snowden J., Lisso J., Mihova K. Y., Traykov L., Morelli L., Brusco L. I., Rainer M., Takalo M., Bjerke M., Del Zompo M., Serpente M., Sanchez Abalos M., Rios M., Peltonen M., Herrman M. J., Kohler M., Rojo M., Jones M., Orsini M., Medel N., Olivar N., Fox N. C., Salvadori N., Hooper N. M., Galeano P., Solis P., Bastiani P., Passmore P., Heun R., Antikainen R., Olaso R., Perneczky R., Germani S., Lopez-Garcia S., Love S., Mehrabian S., Bagnoli S., Kochen S., Andreoni S., Teipel S., Todd S., Pickering-Brown S., Natunen T., Tegos T., Laatikainen T., Strandberg T., Polvikoski T. M., Matoska V., Ciullo V., Cores V., Solfrizzi V., Lisetti V., Sevillano Z., Aguilera N., Alarcon E., Boada M., Buendia M., Canabate P., Carracedo A., Diego S., Gailhajenet A., Guitart M., Ibarria M., Lafuente A., Maronas O., Martin E., Martinez M. T., Marquie M., Mauleon A., Moreno M., Orellana A., Pancho A., Peleja E., Preckler S., Real L. M., Ruiz A., Saez M. E., Serrano-Rios M., Tarraga L., Vargas L., Adarmes-Gomez A. D., Alonso M. D., Alvarez V., Amer-Ferrer G., Antequera M., Bernal M., Bullido M. J., Burguera J. A., Carrillo F., Carrion-Claro M., Casajeros M. J., Clarimon J., Cruz-Gamero J. M., de Pancorbo M. M., Escuela R., Garrote-Espina L., Garcia-Alberca J. M., Garcia Madrona S., Garcia-Ribas G., Gomez-Garre P., Hevilla S., Jesus S., Labrador Espinosa M. A., Legaz A., Lleo A., Lopez de Munain A., Macias-Garcia D., Manzanares S., Marin M., Marin-Munoz J., Marin T., Martinez B., Martinez V., Martinez-Lage Alvarez P., Medina M., Mendioroz Iriarte M., Mir P., Molinuevo J. L., Pastor P., Perez Tur J., Perinan-Tocino T., Pineda-Sanchez R., Pinol-Ripoll G., Real de Asua D., Rodrigo S., Sanchez del Valle Diaz R., Sanchez-Juan P., Sastre I., Vicente M. P., Vigo-Ortega R., Vivancos L., Macleod C., McCracken C., Brayne C., Bresner C., Grozeva D., Bellou E., Sommerville E. W., Matthews F., Leonenko G., Menzies G., Windle G., Harwood J., Phillips J., Bennett K., Luckuck L., Clare L., Woods R., Saad S., Burholt V., Kehoe P. G., Scheltens P., Holstege H., Amouyel P., Schellenberg G. D., Williams J., Seshadri S., van Duijn C. M., Mather K. A., Sanchez-Valle R., Blennow K., Huisman M., Andreassen O. A., Posthuma D., van der Flier W. M., Ramirez A., Lambert J. -C., van der Lee S. J., de Rojas I., de Rojas, I, Moreno-Grau, S, Tesi, N, Grenier-Boley, B, Andrade, V, Jansen, I, Pedersen, N, Stringa, N, Zettergren, A, Hernandez, I, Montrreal, L, Antunez, C, Antonell, A, Tankard, R, Bis, J, Sims, R, Bellenguez, C, Quintela, I, Gonzalez-Perez, A, Calero, M, Franco-Macias, E, Macias, J, Blesa, R, Cervera-Carles, L, Menendez-Gonzalez, M, Frank-Garcia, A, Royo, J, Moreno, F, Huerto Vilas, R, Baquero, M, Diez-Fairen, M, Lage, C, Garcia-Madrona, S, Garcia-Gonzalez, P, Alarcon-Martin, E, Valero, S, Sotolongo-Grau, O, Ullgren, A, Naj, A, Lemstra, A, Benaque, A, Perez-Cordon, A, Benussi, A, Rabano, A, Padovani, A, Squassina, A, de Mendonca, A, Arias Pastor, A, Kok, A, Meggy, A, Pastor, A, Espinosa, A, Corma-Gomez, A, Martin Montes, A, Sanabria, A, Destefano, A, Schneider, A, Haapasalo, A, Kinhult Stahlbom, A, Tybjaerg-Hansen, A, Hartmann, A, Spottke, A, Corbaton-Anchuelo, A, Rongve, A, Borroni, B, Arosio, B, Nacmias, B, Nordestgaard, B, Kunkle, B, Charbonnier, C, Abdelnour, C, Masullo, C, Martinez Rodriguez, C, Munoz-Fernandez, C, Dufouil, C, Graff, C, Ferreira, C, Chillotti, C, Reynolds, C, Fenoglio, C, Van Broeckhoven, C, Clark, C, Pisanu, C, Satizabal, C, Holmes, C, Buiza-Rueda, D, Aarsland, D, Rujescu, D, Alcolea, D, Galimberti, D, Wallon, D, Seripa, D, Grunblatt, E, Dardiotis, E, Duzel, E, Scarpini, E, Conti, E, Rubino, E, Gelpi, E, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Duron, E, Boerwinkle, E, Ferri, E, Tagliavini, F, Kucukali, F, Pasquier, F, Sanchez-Garcia, F, Mangialasche, F, Jessen, F, Nicolas, G, Selbaek, G, Ortega, G, Chene, G, Hadjigeorgiou, G, Rossi, G, Spalletta, G, Giaccone, G, Grande, G, Binetti, G, Papenberg, G, Hampel, H, Bailly, H, Zetterberg, H, Soininen, H, Karlsson, I, Alvarez, I, Appollonio, I, Giegling, I, Skoog, I, Saltvedt, I, Rainero, I, Rosas Allende, I, Hort, J, Diehl-Schmid, J, Van Dongen, J, Vidal, J, Lehtisalo, J, Wiltfang, J, Thomassen, J, Kornhuber, J, Haines, J, Vogelgsang, J, Pineda, J, Fortea, J, Popp, J, Deckert, J, Buerger, K, Morgan, K, Fliessbach, K, Sleegers, K, Molina-Porcel, L, Kilander, L, Weinhold, L, Farrer, L, Wang, L, Kleineidam, L, Farotti, L, Parnetti, L, Tremolizzo, L, Hausner, L, Benussi, L, Froelich, L, Ikram, M, Deniz-Naranjo, M, Tsolaki, M, Rosende-Roca, M, Lowenmark, M, Hulsman, M, Spallazzi, M, Pericak-Vance, M, Esiri, M, Bernal Sanchez-Arjona, M, Dalmasso, M, Martinez-Larrad, M, Arcaro, M, Nothen, M, Fernandez-Fuertes, M, Dichgans, M, Ingelsson, M, Herrmann, M, Scherer, M, Vyhnalek, M, Kosmidis, M, Yannakoulia, M, Schmid, M, Ewers, M, Heneka, M, Wagner, M, Scamosci, M, Kivipelto, M, Hiltunen, M, Zulaica, M, Alegret, M, Fornage, M, Roberto, N, van Schoor, N, Seidu, N, Banaj, N, Armstrong, N, Scarmeas, N, Scherbaum, N, Goldhardt, O, Hanon, O, Peters, O, Skrobot, O, Quenez, O, Lerch, O, Bossu, P, Caffarra, P, Dionigi Rossi, P, Sakka, P, Mecocci, P, Hoffmann, P, Holmans, P, Fischer, P, Riederer, P, Yang, Q, Marshall, R, Kalaria, R, Mayeux, R, Vandenberghe, R, Cecchetti, R, Ghidoni, R, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Sorbi, S, Hagg, S, Engelborghs, S, Helisalmi, S, Botne Sando, S, Kern, S, Archetti, S, Boschi, S, Fostinelli, S, Gil, S, Mendoza, S, Mead, S, Ciccone, S, Djurovic, S, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Riedel-Heller, S, Kuulasmaa, T, del Ser, T, Lebouvier, T, Polak, T, Ngandu, T, Grimmer, T, Bessi, V, Escott-Price, V, Giedraitis, V, Deramecourt, V, Maier, W, Jian, X, Pijnenburg, Y, Smith, A, Saenz, A, Bizzarro, A, Lauria, A, Vacca, A, Solomon, A, Anastasiou, A, Richardson, A, Boland, A, Koivisto, A, Daniele, A, Greco, A, Marianthi, A, Mcguinness, B, Fin, B, Ferrari, C, Custodero, C, Ferrarese, C, Ingino, C, Mangone, C, Reyes Toso, C, Martinez, C, Cuesta, C, Muchnik, C, Joachim, C, Ortiz, C, Besse, C, Johansson, C, Zoia, C, Laske, C, Anastasiou, C, Palacio, D, Politis, D, Janowitz, D, Craig, D, Mann, D, Neary, D, Jurgen, D, Daian, D, Belezhanska, D, Kohler, E, Castano, E, Koutsouraki, E, Chipi, E, De Roeck, E, Costantini, E, Vardy, E, Piras, F, Roveta, F, Prestia, F, Assogna, F, Salani, F, Sala, G, Lacidogna, G, Novack, G, Wilcock, G, Thonberg, H, Kolsch, H, Weber, H, Boecker, H, Etchepareborda, I, Piaceri, I, Tuomilehto, J, Lindstrom, J, Laczo, J, Johnston, J, Deleuze, J, Harris, J, Schott, J, Priller, J, Bacha, J, Snowden, J, Lisso, J, Mihova, K, Traykov, L, Morelli, L, Brusco, L, Rainer, M, Takalo, M, Bjerke, M, Del Zompo, M, Serpente, M, Sanchez Abalos, M, Rios, M, Peltonen, M, Herrman, M, Kohler, M, Rojo, M, Jones, M, Orsini, M, Medel, N, Olivar, N, Fox, N, Salvadori, N, Hooper, N, Galeano, P, Solis, P, Bastiani, P, Passmore, P, Heun, R, Antikainen, R, Olaso, R, Perneczky, R, Germani, S, Lopez-Garcia, S, Love, S, Mehrabian, S, Bagnoli, S, Kochen, S, Andreoni, S, Teipel, S, Todd, S, Pickering-Brown, S, Natunen, T, Tegos, T, Laatikainen, T, Strandberg, T, Polvikoski, T, Matoska, V, Ciullo, V, Cores, V, Solfrizzi, V, Lisetti, V, Sevillano, Z, Aguilera, N, Alarcon, E, Boada, M, Buendia, M, Canabate, P, Carracedo, A, Diego, S, Gailhajenet, A, Guitart, M, Ibarria, M, Lafuente, A, Maronas, O, Martin, E, Martinez, M, Marquie, M, Mauleon, A, Moreno, M, Orellana, A, Pancho, A, Peleja, E, Preckler, S, Real, L, Ruiz, A, Saez, M, Serrano-Rios, M, Tarraga, L, Vargas, L, Adarmes-Gomez, A, Alonso, M, Alvarez, V, Amer-Ferrer, G, Antequera, M, Bernal, M, Bullido, M, Burguera, J, Carrillo, F, Carrion-Claro, M, Casajeros, M, Clarimon, J, Cruz-Gamero, J, de Pancorbo, M, Escuela, R, Garrote-Espina, L, Garcia-Alberca, J, Garcia Madrona, S, Garcia-Ribas, G, Gomez-Garre, P, Hevilla, S, Jesus, S, Labrador Espinosa, M, Legaz, A, Lleo, A, Lopez de Munain, A, Macias-Garcia, D, Manzanares, S, Marin, M, Marin-Munoz, J, Marin, T, Martinez, B, Martinez, V, Martinez-Lage Alvarez, P, Medina, M, Mendioroz Iriarte, M, Mir, P, Molinuevo, J, Pastor, P, Perez Tur, J, Perinan-Tocino, T, Pineda-Sanchez, R, Pinol-Ripoll, G, Real de Asua, D, Rodrigo, S, Sanchez del Valle Diaz, R, Sanchez-Juan, P, Sastre, I, Vicente, M, Vigo-Ortega, R, Vivancos, L, Macleod, C, Mccracken, C, Brayne, C, Bresner, C, Grozeva, D, Bellou, E, Sommerville, E, Matthews, F, Leonenko, G, Menzies, G, Windle, G, Harwood, J, Phillips, J, Bennett, K, Luckuck, L, Clare, L, Woods, R, Saad, S, Burholt, V, Kehoe, P, Scheltens, P, Holstege, H, Amouyel, P, Schellenberg, G, Williams, J, Seshadri, S, van Duijn, C, Mather, K, Sanchez-Valle, R, Blennow, K, Huisman, M, Andreassen, O, Posthuma, D, van der Flier, W, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, van der Lee, S, de Rojas I., Moreno-Grau S., Tesi N., Grenier-Boley B., Andrade V., Jansen I. E., Pedersen N. L., Stringa N., Zettergren A., Hernandez I., Montrreal L., Antunez C., Antonell A., Tankard R. M., Bis J. C., Sims R., Bellenguez C., Quintela I., Gonzalez-Perez A., Calero M., Franco-Macias E., Macias J., Blesa R., Cervera-Carles L., Menendez-Gonzalez M., Frank-Garcia A., Royo J. L., Moreno F., Huerto Vilas R., Baquero M., Diez-Fairen M., Lage C., Garcia-Madrona S., Garcia-Gonzalez P., Alarcon-Martin E., Valero S., Sotolongo-Grau O., Ullgren A., Naj A. C., Lemstra A. W., Benaque A., Perez-Cordon A., Benussi A., Rabano A., Padovani A., Squassina A., de Mendonca A., Arias Pastor A., Kok A. A. L., Meggy A., Pastor A. B., Espinosa A., Corma-Gomez A., Martin Montes A., Sanabria A., DeStefano A. L., Schneider A., Haapasalo A., Kinhult Stahlbom A., Tybjaerg-Hansen A., Hartmann A. M., Spottke A., Corbaton-Anchuelo A., Rongve A., Borroni B., Arosio B., Nacmias B., Nordestgaard B. G., Kunkle B. W., Charbonnier C., Abdelnour C., Masullo C., Martinez Rodriguez C., Munoz-Fernandez C., Dufouil C., Graff C., Ferreira C. B., Chillotti C., Reynolds C. A., Fenoglio C., Van Broeckhoven C., Clark C., Pisanu C., Satizabal C. L., Holmes C., Buiza-Rueda D., Aarsland D., Rujescu D., Alcolea D., Galimberti D., Wallon D., Seripa D., Grunblatt E., Dardiotis E., Duzel E., Scarpini E., Conti E., Rubino E., Gelpi E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez E., Duron E., Boerwinkle E., Ferri E., Tagliavini F., Kucukali F., Pasquier F., Sanchez-Garcia F., Mangialasche F., Jessen F., Nicolas G., Selbaek G., Ortega G., Chene G., Hadjigeorgiou G., Rossi G., Spalletta G., Giaccone G., Grande G., Binetti G., Papenberg G., Hampel H., Bailly H., Zetterberg H., Soininen H., Karlsson I. K., Alvarez I., Appollonio I., Giegling I., Skoog I., Saltvedt I., Rainero I., Rosas Allende I., Hort J., Diehl-Schmid J., Van Dongen J., Vidal J. -S., Lehtisalo J., Wiltfang J., Thomassen J. Q., Kornhuber J., Haines J. L., Vogelgsang J., Pineda J. A., Fortea J., Popp J., Deckert J., Buerger K., Morgan K., Fliessbach K., Sleegers K., Molina-Porcel L., Kilander L., Weinhold L., Farrer L. A., Wang L. -S., Kleineidam L., Farotti L., Parnetti L., Tremolizzo L., Hausner L., Benussi L., Froelich L., Ikram M. A., Deniz-Naranjo M. C., Tsolaki M., Rosende-Roca M., Lowenmark M., Hulsman M., Spallazzi M., Pericak-Vance M. A., Esiri M., Bernal Sanchez-Arjona M., Dalmasso M. C., Martinez-Larrad M. T., Arcaro M., Nothen M. M., Fernandez-Fuertes M., Dichgans M., Ingelsson M., Herrmann M. J., Scherer M., Vyhnalek M., Kosmidis M. H., Yannakoulia M., Schmid M., Ewers M., Heneka M. T., Wagner M., Scamosci M., Kivipelto M., Hiltunen M., Zulaica M., Alegret M., Fornage M., Roberto N., van Schoor N. M., Seidu N. M., Banaj N., Armstrong N. J., Scarmeas N., Scherbaum N., Goldhardt O., Hanon O., Peters O., Skrobot O. A., Quenez O., Lerch O., Bossu P., Caffarra P., Dionigi Rossi P., Sakka P., Mecocci P., Hoffmann P., Holmans P. A., Fischer P., Riederer P., Yang Q., Marshall R., Kalaria R. N., Mayeux R., Vandenberghe R., Cecchetti R., Ghidoni R., Frikke-Schmidt R., Sorbi S., Hagg S., Engelborghs S., Helisalmi S., Botne Sando S., Kern S., Archetti S., Boschi S., Fostinelli S., Gil S., Mendoza S., Mead S., Ciccone S., Djurovic S., Heilmann-Heimbach S., Riedel-Heller S., Kuulasmaa T., del Ser T., Lebouvier T., Polak T., Ngandu T., Grimmer T., Bessi V., Escott-Price V., Giedraitis V., Deramecourt V., Maier W., Jian X., Pijnenburg Y. A. L., Smith A. D., Saenz A., Bizzarro A., Lauria A., Vacca A., Solomon A., Anastasiou A., Richardson A., Boland A., Koivisto A., Daniele A., Greco A., Marianthi A., McGuinness B., Fin B., Ferrari C., Custodero C., Ferrarese C., Ingino C., Mangone C., Reyes Toso C., Martinez C., Cuesta C., Muchnik C., Joachim C., Ortiz C., Besse C., Johansson C., Zoia C. P., Laske C., Anastasiou C., Palacio D. L., Politis D. G., Janowitz D., Craig D., Mann D. M., Neary D., Jurgen D., Daian D., Belezhanska D., Kohler E., Castano E. M., Koutsouraki E., Chipi E., De Roeck E., Costantini E., Vardy E. R. L. C., Piras F., Roveta F., Prestia F. A., Assogna F., Salani F., Sala G., Lacidogna G., Novack G., Wilcock G., Thonberg H., Kolsch H., Weber H., Boecker H., Etchepareborda I., Piaceri I., Tuomilehto J., Lindstrom J., Laczo J., Johnston J., Deleuze J. -F., Harris J., Schott J. M., Priller J., Bacha J. I., Snowden J., Lisso J., Mihova K. Y., Traykov L., Morelli L., Brusco L. I., Rainer M., Takalo M., Bjerke M., Del Zompo M., Serpente M., Sanchez Abalos M., Rios M., Peltonen M., Herrman M. J., Kohler M., Rojo M., Jones M., Orsini M., Medel N., Olivar N., Fox N. C., Salvadori N., Hooper N. M., Galeano P., Solis P., Bastiani P., Passmore P., Heun R., Antikainen R., Olaso R., Perneczky R., Germani S., Lopez-Garcia S., Love S., Mehrabian S., Bagnoli S., Kochen S., Andreoni S., Teipel S., Todd S., Pickering-Brown S., Natunen T., Tegos T., Laatikainen T., Strandberg T., Polvikoski T. M., Matoska V., Ciullo V., Cores V., Solfrizzi V., Lisetti V., Sevillano Z., Aguilera N., Alarcon E., Boada M., Buendia M., Canabate P., Carracedo A., Diego S., Gailhajenet A., Guitart M., Ibarria M., Lafuente A., Maronas O., Martin E., Martinez M. T., Marquie M., Mauleon A., Moreno M., Orellana A., Pancho A., Peleja E., Preckler S., Real L. M., Ruiz A., Saez M. E., Serrano-Rios M., Tarraga L., Vargas L., Adarmes-Gomez A. D., Alonso M. D., Alvarez V., Amer-Ferrer G., Antequera M., Bernal M., Bullido M. J., Burguera J. A., Carrillo F., Carrion-Claro M., Casajeros M. J., Clarimon J., Cruz-Gamero J. M., de Pancorbo M. M., Escuela R., Garrote-Espina L., Garcia-Alberca J. M., Garcia Madrona S., Garcia-Ribas G., Gomez-Garre P., Hevilla S., Jesus S., Labrador Espinosa M. A., Legaz A., Lleo A., Lopez de Munain A., Macias-Garcia D., Manzanares S., Marin M., Marin-Munoz J., Marin T., Martinez B., Martinez V., Martinez-Lage Alvarez P., Medina M., Mendioroz Iriarte M., Mir P., Molinuevo J. L., Pastor P., Perez Tur J., Perinan-Tocino T., Pineda-Sanchez R., Pinol-Ripoll G., Real de Asua D., Rodrigo S., Sanchez del Valle Diaz R., Sanchez-Juan P., Sastre I., Vicente M. P., Vigo-Ortega R., Vivancos L., Macleod C., McCracken C., Brayne C., Bresner C., Grozeva D., Bellou E., Sommerville E. W., Matthews F., Leonenko G., Menzies G., Windle G., Harwood J., Phillips J., Bennett K., Luckuck L., Clare L., Woods R., Saad S., Burholt V., Kehoe P. G., Scheltens P., Holstege H., Amouyel P., Schellenberg G. D., Williams J., Seshadri S., van Duijn C. M., Mather K. A., Sanchez-Valle R., Blennow K., Huisman M., Andreassen O. A., Posthuma D., van der Flier W. M., Ramirez A., Lambert J. -C., and van der Lee S. J.
- Abstract
The original version of this Article omitted from the author list the 212th author Patrizia Mecocci, who is from the Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Consequently, the “Sample Contribution” section of Author Contributions was updated to add “P.M” between “P.D.” and “R.C.”. Additionally, the original version of this Article contained the incorrect affiliation for author Patrick Gavin Kehoe, which incorrectly read “German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Berlin, Germany”. The correct version replaces this affiliation with “Bristol Medical School (THS), University of Bristol, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK”. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.
- Published
- 2023
3. Similar prevalence of hepatic steatosis among patients with chronic hepatitis C with and without HIV coinfection
- Author
Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Macías, J., Corma-Gómez, A., Rincón, P., Merchante, N., Gómez-Mateos, J., Pineda, J. A., and Real, L. M.
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
4. New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
- Author
Bellenguez, C., Kucukali, F., Jansen, I. E., Kleineidam, L., Moreno-Grau, S., Amin, N., Naj, A. C., Campos-Martin, R., Grenier-Boley, B., Andrade, V., Holmans, P. A., Boland, A., Damotte, V., van der Lee, S. J., Costa, M. R., Kuulasmaa, T., Yang, Q., de Rojas, I., Bis, J. C., Yaqub, A., Prokic, I., Chapuis, J., Ahmad, S., Giedraitis, V., Aarsland, D., Garcia-Gonzalez, P., Abdelnour, C., Alarcon-Martin, E., Alcolea, D., Alegret, M., Alvarez, I., Alvarez, V., Armstrong, N. J., Tsolaki, A., Antunez, C., Appollonio, I., Arcaro, M., Archetti, S., Pastor, A. A., Arosio, B., Athanasiu, L., Bailly, H., Banaj, N., Baquero, M., Barral, S., Beiser, A., Pastor, A. B., Below, J. E., Benchek, P., Benussi, Luisa, Berr, C., Besse, C., Bessi, V., Binetti, G., Bizarro, A., Blesa, R., Boada, M., Boerwinkle, E., Borroni, B., Boschi, S., Bossu, P., Brathen, G., Bressler, J., Bresner, C., Brodaty, H., Brookes, K. J., Brusco, L. I., Buiza-Rueda, D., Burger, K., Burholt, V., Bush, W. S., Calero, M., Cantwell, L. B., Chene, G., Chung, J., Cuccaro, M. L., Carracedo, A., Cecchetti, R., Cervera-Carles, L., Charbonnier, C., Chen, H. -H., Chillotti, C., Ciccone, S., Claassen, J. A. H. R., Clark, C., Conti, E., Corma-Gomez, A., Costantini, Emanuele Maria, Custodero, C., Daian, D., Dalmasso, M. C., Daniele, Antonio, Dardiotis, E., Dartigues, J. -F., de Deyn, P. P., de Paiva Lopes, K., de Witte, L. D., Debette, S., Deckert, J., Del Ser, T., Denning, N., Destefano, A., Dichgans, M., Diehl-Schmid, J., Diez-Fairen, M., Rossi, P. D., Djurovic, S., Duron, E., Duzel, E., Dufouil, C., Eiriksdottir, G., Engelborghs, S., Escott-Price, V., Espinosa, A., Ewers, M., Faber, K. M., Fabrizio, T., Nielsen, S. F., Fardo, D. W., Farotti, L., Fenoglio, C., Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Ferrari, R., Ferreira, C. B., Ferri, E., Fin, B., Fischer, P., Fladby, T., Fliessbach, K., Fongang, B., Fornage, M., Fortea, J., Foroud, T. M., Fostinelli, S., Fox, N. C., Franco-Macias, E., Bullido, M. J., Frank-Garcia, A., Froelich, L., Fulton-Howard, B., Galimberti, D., Garcia-Alberca, J. M., Garcia-Madrona, S., Garcia-Ribas, G., Ghidoni, R., Giegling, I., Giorgio, G., Goate, A. M., Goldhardt, O., Gomez-Fonseca, D., Gonzalez-Perez, A., Graff, C., Grande, Giuseppe, Green, E., Grimmer, T., Grunblatt, E., Grunin, M., Gudnason, V., Guetta-Baranes, T., Haapasalo, A., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Haines, J. L., Hamilton-Nelson, K. L., Hampel, H., Hanon, O., Hardy, J., Hartmann, A. M., Hausner, L., Harwood, J., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Helisalmi, S., Heneka, M. T., Hernandez, I., Herrmann, M. J., Hoffmann, Christian Pieter, Holmes, C., Holstege, H., Vilas, R. H., Hulsman, M., Humphrey, J., Biessels, G. J., Jian, X., Johansson, C., Jun, G. R., Kastumata, Y., Kauwe, J., Kehoe, P. G., Kilander, L., Stahlbom, A. K., Kivipelto, M., Koivisto, A., Kornhuber, J., Kosmidis, M. H., Kukull, W. A., Kuksa, P. P., Kunkle, B. W., Kuzma, A. B., Lage, C., Laukka, E. J., Launer, L., Lauria, Alessandra, Lee, C. -Y., Lehtisalo, J., Lerch, O., Lleo, A., Longstreth, W., Lopez, O., de Munain, A. L., Love, S., Lowemark, M., Luckcuck, L., Lunetta, K. L., Ma, Y., Macias, J., Macleod, C. A., Maier, W., Mangialasche, F., Spallazzi, M., Marquie, M., Marshall, R., Martin, E. R., Montes, A. M., Rodriguez, C. M., Masullo, Carlo, Mayeux, R., Mead, S., Mecocci, P., Medina, Maurizio, Meggy, A., Mehrabian, S., Mendoza, S., Menendez-Gonzalez, M., Mir, P., Moebus, S., Mol, M., Molina-Porcel, L., Montrreal, L., Morelli, Lorenzo, Moreno, F., Morgan, K., Mosley, T., Nothen, M. M., Muchnik, C., Mukherjee, S., Nacmias, B., Ngandu, T., Nicolas, G., Nordestgaard, B. G., Olaso, R., Orellana, A., Orsini, M., Ortega, G., Padovani, A., Paolo, C., Papenberg, G., Parnetti, L., Pasquier, F., Pastor, P., Peloso, G., Perez-Cordon, A., Perez-Tur, J., Pericard, P., Peters, O., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Pineda, J. A., Pinol-Ripoll, G., Pisanu, C., Polak, T., Popp, J., Posthuma, D., Priller, J., Puerta, R., Quenez, O., Quintela, I., Thomassen, J. Q., Rabano, A., Rainero, I., Rajabli, F., Ramakers, I., Real, L. M., Reinders, M. J. T., Reitz, C., Reyes-Dumeyer, D., Ridge, P., Riedel-Heller, S., Riederer, P., Roberto, N., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E., Rongve, A., Allende, I. R., Rosende-Roca, M., Royo, J. L., Rubino, E., Rujescu, D., Saez, M. E., Sakka, P., Saltvedt, I., Sanabria, A., Sanchez-Arjona, M. B., Sanchez-Garcia, F., Juan, P. S., Sanchez-Valle, R., Sando, S. B., Sarnowski, C., Satizabal, C. L., Scamosci, M., Scarmeas, N., Scarpini, E., Scheltens, P., Scherbaum, N., Scherer, M., Schmid, M., Schneider, A., Schott, J. M., Selbaek, G., Seripa, D., Serrano, Malaika, Sha, J., Shadrin, A. A., Skrobot, O., Slifer, S., Snijders, G. J. L., Soininen, H., Solfrizzi, V., Solomon, A., Song, Y., Sorbi, S., Sotolongo-Grau, O., Spalletta, Gianfranco, Spottke, A., Squassina, A., Stordal, E., Tartan, J. P., Tarraga, L., Tesi, N., Thalamuthu, A., Thomas, T., Tosto, G., Traykov, L., Tremolizzo, L., Tybjaerg-Hansen, A., Uitterlinden, A., Ullgren, A., Ulstein, I., Valero, S., Valladares, O., Broeckhoven, C. V., Vance, J., Vardarajan, B. N., van der Lugt, A., Dongen, J. V., van Rooij, J., van Swieten, J., Vandenberghe, R., Verhey, F., Vidal, J. -S., Vogelgsang, J., Vyhnalek, M., Wagner, M., Wallon, D., Wang, L. -S., Wang, R., Weinhold, L., Wiltfang, J., Windle, G., Woods, B., Yannakoulia, M., Zare, H., Zhao, Yu Yang, Zhang, X., Zhu, C., Zulaica, M., Farrer, L. A., Psaty, B. M., Ghanbari, M., Raj, T., Sachdev, P., Mather, K., Jessen, F., Ikram, M. A., de Mendonca, A., Hort, J., Tsolaki, M., Pericak-Vance, M. A., Amouyel, P., Williams, J., Frikke-Schmidt, R., Clarimon, J., Deleuze, J. -F., Rossi, G., Seshadri, S., Andreassen, O. A., Ingelsson, M., Hiltunen, M., Sleegers, K., Schellenberg, G. D., van Duijn, C. M., Sims, R., van der Flier, W. M., Ruiz, A., Ramirez, A., Lambert, J. -C., Benussi L., Costantini E., Daniele A. (ORCID:0000-0003-1641-5852), Grande G., Hoffmann P., Lauria A., Masullo C. (ORCID:0000-0001-7798-3410), Medina M., Morelli L. (ORCID:0000-0003-0475-2712), Serrano M., Spalletta G., Zhao Y., Bellenguez, C., Kucukali, F., Jansen, I. E., Kleineidam, L., Moreno-Grau, S., Amin, N., Naj, A. C., Campos-Martin, R., Grenier-Boley, B., Andrade, V., Holmans, P. A., Boland, A., Damotte, V., van der Lee, S. J., Costa, M. R., Kuulasmaa, T., Yang, Q., de Rojas, I., Bis, J. C., Yaqub, A., Prokic, I., Chapuis, J., Ahmad, S., Giedraitis, V., Aarsland, D., Garcia-Gonzalez, P., Abdelnour, C., Alarcon-Martin, E., Alcolea, D., Alegret, M., Alvarez, I., Alvarez, V., Armstrong, N. J., Tsolaki, A., Antunez, C., Appollonio, I., Arcaro, M., Archetti, S., Pastor, A. A., Arosio, B., Athanasiu, L., Bailly, H., Banaj, N., Baquero, M., Barral, S., Beiser, A., Pastor, A. B., Below, J. E., Benchek, P., Benussi, Luisa, Berr, C., Besse, C., Bessi, V., Binetti, G., Bizarro, A., Blesa, R., Boada, M., Boerwinkle, E., Borroni, B., Boschi, S., Bossu, P., Brathen, G., Bressler, J., Bresner, C., Brodaty, H., Brookes, K. J., Brusco, L. I., Buiza-Rueda, D., Burger, K., Burholt, V., Bush, W. S., Calero, M., Cantwell, L. B., Chene, G., Chung, J., Cuccaro, M. L., Carracedo, A., Cecchetti, R., Cervera-Carles, L., Charbonnier, C., Chen, H. -H., Chillotti, C., Ciccone, S., Claassen, J. A. H. R., Clark, C., Conti, E., Corma-Gomez, A., Costantini, Emanuele Maria, Custodero, C., Daian, D., Dalmasso, M. C., Daniele, Antonio, Dardiotis, E., Dartigues, J. -F., de Deyn, P. P., de Paiva Lopes, K., de Witte, L. D., Debette, S., Deckert, J., Del Ser, T., Denning, N., Destefano, A., Dichgans, M., Diehl-Schmid, J., Diez-Fairen, M., Rossi, P. D., Djurovic, S., Duron, E., Duzel, E., Dufouil, C., Eiriksdottir, G., Engelborghs, S., Escott-Price, V., Espinosa, A., Ewers, M., Faber, K. M., Fabrizio, T., Nielsen, S. F., Fardo, D. W., Farotti, L., Fenoglio, C., Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Ferrari, R., Ferreira, C. B., Ferri, E., Fin, B., Fischer, P., Fladby, T., Fliessbach, K., Fongang, B., Fornage, M., Fortea, J., Foroud, T. M., Fostinelli, S., Fox, N. C., Franco-Macias, E., Bullido, M. J., Frank-Garcia, A., Froelich, L., Fulton-Howard, B., Galimberti, D., Garcia-Alberca, J. M., Garcia-Madrona, S., Garcia-Ribas, G., Ghidoni, R., Giegling, I., Giorgio, G., Goate, A. M., Goldhardt, O., Gomez-Fonseca, D., Gonzalez-Perez, A., Graff, C., Grande, Giuseppe, Green, E., Grimmer, T., Grunblatt, E., Grunin, M., Gudnason, V., Guetta-Baranes, T., Haapasalo, A., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Haines, J. L., Hamilton-Nelson, K. L., Hampel, H., Hanon, O., Hardy, J., Hartmann, A. M., Hausner, L., Harwood, J., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Helisalmi, S., Heneka, M. T., Hernandez, I., Herrmann, M. J., Hoffmann, Christian Pieter, Holmes, C., Holstege, H., Vilas, R. H., Hulsman, M., Humphrey, J., Biessels, G. J., Jian, X., Johansson, C., Jun, G. R., Kastumata, Y., Kauwe, J., Kehoe, P. G., Kilander, L., Stahlbom, A. K., Kivipelto, M., Koivisto, A., Kornhuber, J., Kosmidis, M. H., Kukull, W. A., Kuksa, P. P., Kunkle, B. W., Kuzma, A. B., Lage, C., Laukka, E. J., Launer, L., Lauria, Alessandra, Lee, C. -Y., Lehtisalo, J., Lerch, O., Lleo, A., Longstreth, W., Lopez, O., de Munain, A. L., Love, S., Lowemark, M., Luckcuck, L., Lunetta, K. L., Ma, Y., Macias, J., Macleod, C. A., Maier, W., Mangialasche, F., Spallazzi, M., Marquie, M., Marshall, R., Martin, E. R., Montes, A. M., Rodriguez, C. M., Masullo, Carlo, Mayeux, R., Mead, S., Mecocci, P., Medina, Maurizio, Meggy, A., Mehrabian, S., Mendoza, S., Menendez-Gonzalez, M., Mir, P., Moebus, S., Mol, M., Molina-Porcel, L., Montrreal, L., Morelli, Lorenzo, Moreno, F., Morgan, K., Mosley, T., Nothen, M. M., Muchnik, C., Mukherjee, S., Nacmias, B., Ngandu, T., Nicolas, G., Nordestgaard, B. G., Olaso, R., Orellana, A., Orsini, M., Ortega, G., Padovani, A., Paolo, C., Papenberg, G., Parnetti, L., Pasquier, F., Pastor, P., Peloso, G., Perez-Cordon, A., Perez-Tur, J., Pericard, P., Peters, O., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Pineda, J. A., Pinol-Ripoll, G., Pisanu, C., Polak, T., Popp, J., Posthuma, D., Priller, J., Puerta, R., Quenez, O., Quintela, I., Thomassen, J. Q., Rabano, A., Rainero, I., Rajabli, F., Ramakers, I., Real, L. M., Reinders, M. J. T., Reitz, C., Reyes-Dumeyer, D., Ridge, P., Riedel-Heller, S., Riederer, P., Roberto, N., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E., Rongve, A., Allende, I. R., Rosende-Roca, M., Royo, J. L., Rubino, E., Rujescu, D., Saez, M. E., Sakka, P., Saltvedt, I., Sanabria, A., Sanchez-Arjona, M. B., Sanchez-Garcia, F., Juan, P. S., Sanchez-Valle, R., Sando, S. B., Sarnowski, C., Satizabal, C. L., Scamosci, M., Scarmeas, N., Scarpini, E., Scheltens, P., Scherbaum, N., Scherer, M., Schmid, M., Schneider, A., Schott, J. M., Selbaek, G., Seripa, D., Serrano, Malaika, Sha, J., Shadrin, A. A., Skrobot, O., Slifer, S., Snijders, G. J. L., Soininen, H., Solfrizzi, V., Solomon, A., Song, Y., Sorbi, S., Sotolongo-Grau, O., Spalletta, Gianfranco, Spottke, A., Squassina, A., Stordal, E., Tartan, J. P., Tarraga, L., Tesi, N., Thalamuthu, A., Thomas, T., Tosto, G., Traykov, L., Tremolizzo, L., Tybjaerg-Hansen, A., Uitterlinden, A., Ullgren, A., Ulstein, I., Valero, S., Valladares, O., Broeckhoven, C. V., Vance, J., Vardarajan, B. N., van der Lugt, A., Dongen, J. V., van Rooij, J., van Swieten, J., Vandenberghe, R., Verhey, F., Vidal, J. -S., Vogelgsang, J., Vyhnalek, M., Wagner, M., Wallon, D., Wang, L. -S., Wang, R., Weinhold, L., Wiltfang, J., Windle, G., Woods, B., Yannakoulia, M., Zare, H., Zhao, Yu Yang, Zhang, X., Zhu, C., Zulaica, M., Farrer, L. A., Psaty, B. M., Ghanbari, M., Raj, T., Sachdev, P., Mather, K., Jessen, F., Ikram, M. A., de Mendonca, A., Hort, J., Tsolaki, M., Pericak-Vance, M. A., Amouyel, P., Williams, J., Frikke-Schmidt, R., Clarimon, J., Deleuze, J. -F., Rossi, G., Seshadri, S., Andreassen, O. A., Ingelsson, M., Hiltunen, M., Sleegers, K., Schellenberg, G. D., van Duijn, C. M., Sims, R., van der Flier, W. M., Ruiz, A., Ramirez, A., Lambert, J. -C., Benussi L., Costantini E., Daniele A. (ORCID:0000-0003-1641-5852), Grande G., Hoffmann P., Lauria A., Masullo C. (ORCID:0000-0001-7798-3410), Medina M., Morelli L. (ORCID:0000-0003-0475-2712), Serrano M., Spalletta G., and Zhao Y.
- Published
- 2022
5. Increased risk of severe clinical course of COVID-19 in carriers of HLA-C*04:01
- Author
Weiner, J., Suwalski, P., Holtgrewe, M., Rakitko, A., Thibeault, C., Müller, M., Patriki, D., Quedenau, C., Krüger, U., Ilinsky, V., Popov, I., Balnis, J., Jaitovich, A., Helbig, E.T., Lippert, L.J., Stubbemann, P., Real, L.M., Macías, J., Pineda, J.A., Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Wang, X., Karadeniz, Z., Saccomanno, J., Doehn, J.M., Hübner, R.H., Hinzmann, B., Salvo, M., Blueher, A., Siemann, S., Jurisic, S., Beer, J.H., Rutishauser, J., Wiggli, B., Schmid, H., Danninger, K., Binder, R., Corman, V.M., Mühlemann, B., Arjun Arkal, R., Fragiadakis, G.K., Mick, E., Calfee, C.S., Erle, D.J., Hendrickson, C.M., Kangelaris, K.N., Krummel, M.F., Woodruff, P.G., Langelier, C.R., Venkataramani, U., García, F., Zyla, J., Drosten, C., Braun, A., Jones, T.C., Suttorp, N., Witzenrath, M., Hippenstiel, S., Zemojtel, T., Skurk, C., Wolfgang, P., Borodina, T., Ripke, S., Sander, L.E., Beule, D., Landmesser, U., Guettouche, T., Kurth, F., and Heidecker, B.
- Subjects
Technology Platforms - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Since the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there has been increasing urgency to identify pathophysiological characteristics leading to severe clinical course in patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Human leukocyte antigen alleles (HLA) have been suggested as potential genetic host factors that affect individual immune response to SARS-CoV-2. We sought to evaluate this hypothesis by conducting a multicenter study using HLA sequencing. METHODS: We analyzed the association between COVID-19 severity and HLAs in 435 individuals from Germany ((n) = 135), Spain ((n) = 133), Switzerland ((n) = 20) and the United States ((n) = 147), who had been enrolled from March 2020 to August 2020. This study included patients older than 18 years, diagnosed with COVID-19 and representing the full spectrum of the disease. Finally, we tested our results by meta-analysing data from prior genome-wide association studies (GWAS). FINDINGS: We describe a potential association of HLA-C*04:01 with severe clinical course of COVID-19. Carriers of HLA-C*04:01 had twice the risk of intubation when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (risk ratio 1.5 [95% CI 1.1-2.1], odds ratio 3.5 [95% CI 1.9-6.6], adjusted (p)-value = 0.0074). These findings are based on data from four countries and corroborated by independent results from GWAS. Our findings are biologically plausible, as HLA-C*04:01 has fewer predicted bindings sites for relevant SARS-CoV-2 peptides compared to other HLA alleles. INTERPRETATION: HLA-C*04:01 carrier state is associated with severe clinical course in SARS-CoV-2. Our findings suggest that HLA class I alleles have a relevant role in immune defense against SARS-CoV-2.
- Published
- 2021
6. A Genome-Wide Association Study on Liver Stiffness Changes during Hepatitis C Virus Infection Cure
- Author
Corma-Gomez A, Macias J, Rivero A, Rivero-Juarez A, de los Santos I, Reus-Banuls S, Morano L, Merino D, Palacios R, Galera C, Fernandez-Fuertes M, Gonzalez-Serna A, de Rojas I, Ruiz A, Saez M, Real L, and Pineda J
- Subjects
liver stiffness ,virus diseases ,GWAS ,hepatitis C virus infection ,sustained virological response ,polymorphisms ,digestive system diseases ,direct-acting antivirals - Abstract
Liver stiffness (LS) at sustained virological response (SVR) after direct-acting antivirals (DAA)-based therapy is a predictor of liver events in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients. The study aim was to identify genetic factors associated with LS changes from the moment of starting anti-HCV therapy to SVR. This prospective study included HCV-infected patients from the GEHEP-011 cohort who achieved SVR with DAA-based therapy, with LS pre-treatment >= 9.5 kPa and LS measurement available at SVR. Plink and Magma software were used to carry out genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based and gene-based association analyses, respectively. The ShinyGO application was used for exploring enrichment in Gene Ontology (GO) categories for biological processes. Overall, 242 patients were included. Median (quartile 1, quartile 3) LS values at pre-treatment and at SVR were 16.8 (12, 28) kPa and 12.0 (8.5, 19.3) kPa, respectively. Thirty-five SNPs and three genes reached suggestive association with LS changes from the moment of starting anti-HCV therapy to SVR. GO categories related to DNA packaging complex, DNA conformation change, chromosome organization and chromatin organization were significantly enriched. Our study reports possible genetic factors associated with LS changes during HCV-infection cure. In addition, our results suggest that processes related to DNA conformation are also involved in these changes.
- Published
- 2021
7. Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores
- Author
de Rojas, I., Moreno-Grau, S., Tesi, N., Grenier-Boley, B., Andrade, V., Jansen, I. E., Pedersen, N. L., Stringa, N., Zettergren, A., Hernandez, I., Montrreal, L., Antunez, C., Antonell, A., Tankard, R. M., Bis, J. C., Sims, R., Bellenguez, C., Quintela, I., Gonzalez-Perez, A., Calero, M., Franco-Macias, E., Macias, J., Blesa, R., Cervera-Carles, L., Menendez-Gonzalez, M., Frank-Garcia, A., Royo, J. L., Moreno, F., Huerto Vilas, R., Baquero, M., Diez-Fairen, M., Lage, C., Garcia-Madrona, S., Garcia-Gonzalez, P., Alarcon-Martin, E., Valero, S., Sotolongo-Grau, O., Ullgren, A., Naj, A. C., Lemstra, A. W., Benaque, A., Perez-Cordon, A., Benussi, A., Rabano, A., Padovani, A., Squassina, A., de Mendonca, A., Arias Pastor, A., Kok, A. A. L., Meggy, A., Pastor, A. B., Espinosa, A., Corma-Gomez, A., Martin Montes, A., Sanabria, A., DeStefano, A. L., Schneider, A., Haapasalo, A., Kinhult Stahlbom, A., Tybjaerg-Hansen, A., Hartmann, A. M., Spottke, A., Corbaton-Anchuelo, A., Rongve, A., Borroni, B., Arosio, B., Nacmias, B., Nordestgaard, B. G., Kunkle, B. W., Charbonnier, C., Abdelnour, C., Masullo, C., Martinez Rodriguez, C., Munoz-Fernandez, C., Dufouil, C., Graff, C., Ferreira, C. B., Chillotti, C., Reynolds, C. A., Fenoglio, C., Van Broeckhoven, C., Clark, C., Pisanu, C., Satizabal, C. L., Holmes, C., Buiza-Rueda, D., Aarsland, D., Rujescu, D., Alcolea, D., Galimberti, D., Wallon, D., Seripa, D., Grunblatt, E., Dardiotis, E., Duzel, E., Scarpini, E., Conti, E., Rubino, E., Gelpi, E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E., Duron, E., Boerwinkle, E., Ferri, E., Tagliavini, F., Kucukali, F., Pasquier, F., Sanchez-Garcia, F., Mangialasche, F., Jessen, F., Nicolas, G., Selbaek, G., Ortega, G., Chene, G., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Rossi, G., Spalletta, G., Giaccone, G., Grande, G., Binetti, G., Papenberg, G., Hampel, H., Bailly, H., Zetterberg, H., Soininen, H., Karlsson, I. K., Alvarez, I., Appollonio, I., Giegling, I., Skoog, I., Saltvedt, I., Rainero, I., Rosas Allende, I., Hort, J., Diehl-Schmid, J., Van Dongen, J., Vidal, J. -S., Lehtisalo, J., Wiltfang, J., Thomassen, J. Q., Kornhuber, J., Haines, J. L., Vogelgsang, J., Pineda, J. A., Fortea, J., Popp, J., Deckert, J., Buerger, K., Morgan, K., Fliessbach, K., Sleegers, K., Molina-Porcel, L., Kilander, L., Weinhold, L., Farrer, L. A., Wang, L. -S., Kleineidam, L., Farotti, L., Parnetti, L., Tremolizzo, L., Hausner, L., Benussi, L., Froelich, L., Ikram, M. A., Deniz-Naranjo, M. C., Tsolaki, M., Rosende-Roca, M., Lowenmark, M., Hulsman, M., Spallazzi, M., Pericak-Vance, M. A., Esiri, M., Bernal Sanchez-Arjona, M., Dalmasso, M. C., Martinez-Larrad, M. T., Arcaro, M., Nothen, M. M., Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Dichgans, M., Ingelsson, M., Herrmann, M. J., Scherer, M., Vyhnalek, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Schmid, M., Ewers, M., Heneka, M. T., Wagner, M., Scamosci, M., Kivipelto, M., Hiltunen, M., Zulaica, M., Alegret, M., Fornage, M., Roberto, N., van Schoor, N. M., Seidu, N. M., Banaj, N., Armstrong, N. J., Scarmeas, N., Scherbaum, N., Goldhardt, O., Hanon, O., Peters, O., Skrobot, O. A., Quenez, O., Lerch, O., Bossu, P., Caffarra, P., Dionigi Rossi, P., Sakka, P., Hoffmann, P., Holmans, P. A., Fischer, P., Riederer, P., Yang, Q., Marshall, R., Kalaria, R. N., Mayeux, R., Vandenberghe, R., Cecchetti, R., Ghidoni, R., Frikke-Schmidt, R., Sorbi, S., Hagg, S., Engelborghs, S., Helisalmi, S., Botne Sando, S., Kern, S., Archetti, S., Boschi, S., Fostinelli, S., Gil, S., Mendoza, S., Mead, S., Ciccone, S., Djurovic, S., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Riedel-Heller, S., Kuulasmaa, T., del Ser, T., Lebouvier, T., Polak, T., Ngandu, T., Grimmer, T., Bessi, V., Escott-Price, V., Giedraitis, V., Deramecourt, V., Maier, W., Jian, X., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Smith, A. D., Saenz, A., Bizzarro, A., Lauria, A., Vacca, A., Solomon, A., Anastasiou, A., Richardson, A., Boland, A., Koivisto, A., Daniele, A., Greco, A., Marianthi, A., McGuinness, B., Fin, B., Ferrari, C., Custodero, C., Ferrarese, C., Ingino, C., Mangone, C., Reyes Toso, C., Martinez, C., Cuesta, C., Muchnik, C., Joachim, C., Ortiz, C., Besse, C., Johansson, C., Zoia, C. P., Laske, C., Anastasiou, C., Palacio, D. L., Politis, D. G., Janowitz, D., Craig, D., Mann, D. M., Neary, D., Jurgen, D., Daian, D., Belezhanska, D., Kohler, E., Castano, E. M., Koutsouraki, E., Chipi, E., De Roeck, E., Costantini, E., Vardy, E. R. L. C., Piras, F., Roveta, F., Prestia, F. A., Assogna, F., Salani, F., Sala, G., Lacidogna, G., Novack, G., Wilcock, G., Thonberg, H., Kolsch, H., Weber, H., Boecker, H., Etchepareborda, I., Piaceri, I., Tuomilehto, J., Lindstrom, J., Laczo, J., Johnston, J., Deleuze, J. -F., Harris, J., Schott, J. M., Priller, J., Bacha, J. I., Snowden, J., Lisso, J., Mihova, K. Y., Traykov, L., Morelli, L., Brusco, L. I., Rainer, M., Takalo, M., Bjerke, M., Del Zompo, M., Serpente, M., Sanchez Abalos, M., Rios, M., Peltonen, M., Herrman, M. J., Kohler, M., Rojo, M., Jones, M., Orsini, M., Medel, N., Olivar, N., Fox, N. C., Salvadori, N., Hooper, N. M., Galeano, P., Solis, P., Bastiani, P., Mecocci, P., Passmore, P., Heun, R., Antikainen, R., Olaso, R., Perneczky, R., Germani, S., Lopez-Garcia, S., Love, S., Mehrabian, S., Bagnoli, S., Kochen, S., Andreoni, S., Teipel, S., Todd, S., Pickering-Brown, S., Natunen, T., Tegos, T., Laatikainen, T., Strandberg, T., Polvikoski, T. M., Matoska, V., Ciullo, V., Cores, V., Solfrizzi, V., Lisetti, V., Sevillano, Z., Aguilera, N., Alarcon, E., Boada, M., Buendia, M., Canabate, P., Carracedo, A., Diego, S., Gailhajenet, A., Guitart, M., Ibarria, M., Lafuente, A., Maronas, O., Martin, E., Martinez, M. T., Marquie, M., Mauleon, A., Moreno, M., Orellana, A., Pancho, A., Peleja, E., Preckler, S., Real, L. M., Ruiz, A., Saez, M. E., Serrano-Rios, M., Tarraga, L., Vargas, L., Adarmes-Gomez, A. D., Alonso, M. D., Alvarez, V., Amer-Ferrer, G., Antequera, M., Bernal, M., Bullido, M. J., Burguera, J. A., Carrillo, F., Carrion-Claro, M., Casajeros, M. J., Clarimon, J., Cruz-Gamero, J. M., de Pancorbo, M. M., Escuela, R., Garrote-Espina, L., Garcia-Alberca, J. M., Garcia Madrona, S., Garcia-Ribas, G., Gomez-Garre, P., Hevilla, S., Jesus, S., Labrador Espinosa, M. A., Legaz, A., Lleo, A., Lopez de Munain, A., Macias-Garcia, D., Manzanares, S., Marin, M., Marin-Munoz, J., Marin, T., Martinez, B., Martinez, V., Martinez-Lage Alvarez, P., Medina, M., Mendioroz Iriarte, M., Mir, P., Molinuevo, J. L., Pastor, P., Perez Tur, J., Perinan-Tocino, T., Pineda-Sanchez, R., Pinol-Ripoll, G., Real de Asua, D., Rodrigo, S., Sanchez del Valle Diaz, R., Sanchez-Juan, P., Sastre, I., Vicente, M. P., Vigo-Ortega, R., Vivancos, L., Macleod, C., McCracken, C., Brayne, C., Bresner, C., Grozeva, D., Bellou, E., Sommerville, E. W., Matthews, F., Leonenko, G., Menzies, G., Windle, G., Harwood, J., Phillips, J., Bennett, K., Luckuck, L., Clare, L., Woods, R., Saad, S., Burholt, V., Kehoe, P. G., Perez-Tur, J., Scheltens, P., Holstege, H., Amouyel, P., Schellenberg, G. D., Williams, J., Seshadri, S., van Duijn, C. M., Mather, K. A., Sanchez-Valle, R., Blennow, K., Huisman, M., Andreassen, O. A., Posthuma, D., van der Flier, W. M., Ramirez, A., Lambert, J. -C., and van der Lee, S. J.
- Subjects
Age of Onset ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Alzheimer Disease ,Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor ,Apolipoproteins E ,Case-Control Studies ,Cohort Studies ,Datasets as Topic ,Female ,Follow-Up Studies ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,Genome-Wide Association Study ,Heterozygote ,Humans ,Male ,Middle Aged ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,Risk Assessment ,Risk Factors ,Multifactorial Inheritance - Published
- 2021
8. Similar prevalence of hepatic steatosis among patients with chronic hepatitis C with and without HIV coinfection
- Author
Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Medicina, Consejeria de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII-Subdireccion General de Evaluacion, Plan Nacional R+D+I, Servicio Andaluz de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia, Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Macías Sánchez, Juan, Corma-Gómez, A., Rincón, P., Merchante Gutiérrez, Nicolás, Gómez-Mateos, J., Pineda, J. A., Real, L. M., Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Medicina, Consejeria de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII-Subdireccion General de Evaluacion, Plan Nacional R+D+I, Servicio Andaluz de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia, Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Macías Sánchez, Juan, Corma-Gómez, A., Rincón, P., Merchante Gutiérrez, Nicolás, Gómez-Mateos, J., Pineda, J. A., and Real, L. M.
- Abstract
Hepatic steatosis (HS) is frequently observed in HIV-infected patients. It is not known whether HIV infection is an independent risk factor for HS development. We aimed to analyze whether HIV coinfection was associated with a higher frequency of HS in patients with chronic hepatitis C. This was a retrospective cross-sectional study. 574 subjects with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection were included, 246 (43%) of them coinfected with HIV. All of them underwent transient elastography with controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) measurement. HS was defined as CAP ≥ 248 dB/m. 147 individuals (45%) showed HS in the HCV-monoinfected group and 100 (40.7%) in the HIV/HCV-coinfected group (p = 0.318). HS was associated with body mass index (BMI) [<25 Kg/m2 vs. ≥25 Kg/m2, 67 (23.5%) vs. 171 (62.9%); p = 0.001], with plasma HDL-cholesterol [<50 mg/dL vs. ≥50 mg/dL, 122 (48.6%) vs. 95 (37.5%), p = 0.012], with plasma triglycerides [<150 mg/dL vs. ≥150 mg/dL, 168 (40.2%) vs. 65 (52.4%); p = 0.016] and with plasma total cholesterol [<200 mg/dL vs. ≥200 mg/dL, 181 (41%) vs. 53 (52.5%); p = 0.035]. In the multivariate analysis, HS was associated with BMI [adjusted OR (AOR) = 1.264 (1.194–1.339); p = 0.001], age [AOR = 1.029 (1.001–1.058); p = 0.047] and HCV genotype 3 infection [AOR = 1.901 (1.081–2.594); p = 0.026]. HIV coinfection was not associated with HS [AOR = 1.166 (0.719–1.892); p = 0.534]. In conclusion, HIV coinfection is not related with an increased frequency of HS in HCV-infected patients.
- Published
- 2020
9. Drug–drug interactions between treatment specific pharmacotherapy and concomitant medication in patients with COVID-19 in the first wave in Spain
- Author
Ramón Morillo-Verdugo, Pilar Rincón, Antonio Gutiérrez-Pizarraya, Ana Pinilla-Fernández, Juan A. Pineda, Marta Fernandez-Fuertes, Juan Macías, M.ª D. Cantudo-Cuenca, Enrique Contreras-Macias, Francisco A. Lao-Dominguez, [Cantudo-Cuenca, M. D.] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Pharm Unit, Ctra Cadiz Km 548,9, Seville, Spain, [Gutierrez-Pizarraya, Antonio] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Pharm Unit, Ctra Cadiz Km 548,9, Seville, Spain, [Contreras-Macias, Enrique] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Pharm Unit, Ctra Cadiz Km 548,9, Seville, Spain, [Lao-Dominguez, F. A.] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Pharm Unit, Ctra Cadiz Km 548,9, Seville, Spain, [Morillo-Verdugo, Ramon] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Pharm Unit, Ctra Cadiz Km 548,9, Seville, Spain, [Pinilla-Fernandez, Ana] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Infect Dis & Microbiol Unit, Avda Bellavista S-N, Seville 41014, Spain, [Fernandez-Fuertes, M.] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Infect Dis & Microbiol Unit, Avda Bellavista S-N, Seville 41014, Spain, [Rincon, Pilar] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Infect Dis & Microbiol Unit, Avda Bellavista S-N, Seville 41014, Spain, [Pineda, Juan Antonio] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Infect Dis & Microbiol Unit, Avda Bellavista S-N, Seville 41014, Spain, and [Macias, Juan] Hosp Univ Virgen Valme, Infect Dis & Microbiol Unit, Avda Bellavista S-N, Seville 41014, Spain
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Science ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Severity of Illness Index ,Article ,Lopinavir ,Cohort Studies ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pharmacotherapy ,Risk Factors ,Internal medicine ,Severity of illness ,medicine ,Humans ,Drug Interactions ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Diuretics ,Adverse effect ,Aged ,Polypharmacy ,Analgesics ,Ritonavir ,Multidisciplinary ,Adverse effects ,SARS-CoV-2 ,business.industry ,COVID-19 ,Middle Aged ,COVID-19 Drug Treatment ,Cardiovascular Diseases ,Spain ,Concomitant ,Medicine ,Infectious diseases ,Female ,Drug therapy ,Nervous System Diseases ,business ,Hydroxychloroquine ,medicine.drug ,Cohort study - Abstract
Primary aim was to assess prevalence and severity of potential and real drug–drug interactions (DDIs) among therapies for COVID-19 and concomitant medications in hospitalized patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. The secondary aim was to analyze factors associated with rDDIs. An observational single center cohort study conducted at a tertiary hospital in Spain from March 1st to April 30th. rDDIs refer to interaction with concomitant drugs prescribed during hospital stay whereas potential DDIs (pDDIs) refer to those with domiciliary medication. DDIs checked with The University of Liverpool resource. Concomitant medications were categorized according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system. Binomial logistic regression was carried out to identify factors associated with rDDIs. A total of 174 patients were analyzed. DDIs were detected in 152 patients (87.4%) with a total of 417 rDDIs between COVID19-related drugs and involved hospital concomitant medication (60 different drugs) while pDDIs were detected in 105 patients (72.9%) with a total of 553 pDDIs. From all 417 rDDIs, 43.2% (n = 180) were associated with lopinavir/ritonavir and 52.9% (n = 221) with hydroxychloroquine, both of them the most prescribed (106 and 165 patients, respectively). The main mechanism of interaction observed was QTc prolongation. Clinically relevant rDDIs were identified among 81.1% (n = 338) (‘potential interactions’) and 14.6% (n = 61) (contraindicated) of the patients. Charlson index (OR 1.34, 95% IC 1.02–1.76) and number of drugs prescribed during admission (OR 1.42, 95% IC 1.12–1.81) were independently associated with rDDIs. Prevalence of patients with real and pDDIs was high, especially those clinically relevant. Both comorbidities and polypharmacy were found as risk factors independently associated with DDIs development.
- Published
- 2021
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10. Low rate of vaccination and risk of incident hepatitis A among HIV-infected men who have sex with men in Seville, Southern Spain.
- Author
Fernandez-Fuertes M, Macias J, Corma-Gomez A, Salazar-Gonzalez A, Gonzalez-Serna A, Rincon P, Arriaza-Estevez MJ, Fuentes-Lopez A, Real LM, and Pineda JA
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Spain epidemiology, Prospective Studies, Incidence, Adult, Risk Factors, Middle Aged, Hepatitis A epidemiology, Hepatitis A prevention & control, HIV Infections epidemiology, HIV Infections complications, Homosexuality, Male, Hepatitis A Vaccines administration & dosage, Vaccination statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Background: Periodic outbreaks of hepatitis A (HAV) infection in men who have sex with men (MSM) have been reported. Low vaccination uptake in HIV-infected individuals could drive new outbreaks. We aimed at evaluating the incidence of and risk factors for HAV infection in people living with HIV (PLWH) in our area. We also assessed the rates of HAV vaccination., Methods: This was a prospective cohort study. 915 patients were included, 272 (30%) of them were anti-HAV seronegative at baseline., Results: Twenty-six (9.6%) susceptible individuals became infected. Incident cases peaked in 2009-2010 and 2017-2018. Incident HAV infection was independently associated with MSM [adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence ratio): 4.39 (1.35-14.27), p=0.014]. One hundred and five (38.6%) HAV seronegative patients were vaccinated, 21 (20%) of them did not respond, and one (1%) patient lost immunity against HAV. Four (29%) non-responders to vaccination showed incident HAV 5-9 years afterwards., Conclusions: The incidence of HAV infection in a cohort of well-controlled PLWH remains low and stable, with intermittent outbreaks involving mainly non-immunized MSM. A significant proportion of PLWH remain susceptible to HAV infection due to insufficient vaccine uptake and limited response to vaccination. Importantly, patients not responding to HAV vaccination continue at risk of infection., (Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U.)
- Published
- 2024
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11. Hepatic steatosis after switching to integrase inhibitor-based regimens does not parallel short-term weight gain.
- Author
Gonzalez-Serna A, Macías J, Rincon P, Arriaza MJ, Corma-Gomez A, Santos M, Fernandez-Fuertes M, Pineda JA, and Real LM
- Subjects
- Humans, Weight Gain, HIV Infections complications, HIV Infections drug therapy, Fatty Liver, HIV Integrase Inhibitors adverse effects, Elasticity Imaging Techniques
- Abstract
We studied hepatic steatosis in people with HIV (PWH) who switched to an integrase inhibitor (INSTI)-based regimen. One hundred and fifty-four PWH were included. After 48 weeks, median (Q1-Q3) weight gain was 1.2 (-0.6 to 3.8) kg and median (Q1-Q3) controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) change was -4 (-33 to 27) dB/m. Weight gain was weakly correlated with CAP change [R2 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.144 (-0.014 to 0.296); P = 0.074)]. Changes in hepatic steatosis after switching to INSTI-based regimens do not seem to parallel weight gain after 1 year., (Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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12. Controlled attenuation parameter-insulin resistance (CIR) score to predict non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
- Author
Macias J, Parra-Membrives P, Sosa-Moreno F, Rincon P, Martinez-Baena D, Fernandez-Fuertes M, Lorente-Herce JM, Martinez RC, Jimenez-Riera G, Corma-Gomez A, Gonzalez-Serna A, Pineda JA, and Real LM
- Subjects
- Male, Humans, Female, Liver pathology, ROC Curve, Biopsy, Liver Cirrhosis pathology, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease pathology, Elasticity Imaging Techniques methods, Insulin Resistance, Liver Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
The diagnosis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) requires liver biopsy. Patients with NASH are at risk of progression to advanced fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. A reliable non-invasive tool for the detection of NASH is needed. We aimed at developing a tool to diagnose NASH based on a predictive model including routine clinical and transient hepatic elastography (TE) data. All subjects undergoing elective cholecystectomy in our center were invited to participate, if alcohol intake was < 30 g/d for men and < 15 g/d for women. TE with controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) was obtained before surgery. A liver biopsy was taken during surgery. Multivariate logistic regression models to predict NASH were constructed with the first 100 patients, the elaboration group, and the results were validated in the next pre-planned 50 patients. Overall, 155 patients underwent liver biopsy. In the elaboration group, independent predictors of NASH were CAP value [adjusted OR (AOR) 1.024, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.002-1.046, p = 0.030] and HOMA value (AOR 1.847, 95% CI 1.203-2.835, p < 0.001). An index derived from the logistic regression equation to identify NASH was designated as the CAP-insulin resistance (CIR) score. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (95%CI) of the CIR score was 0.93 (0.87-0.99). Positive (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) of the CIR score were 82% and 91%, respectively. In the validation set, PPV was 83% and NPV was 88%. In conclusion, the CIR score, a simple index based on CAP and HOMA, can reliably identify patients with and without NASH., (© 2022. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2022
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13. Incidence of and factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection among people living with HIV in Southern Spain after one year of pandemic.
- Author
Fernandez-Fuertes M, Corma-Gomez A, Torres E, Rodriguez-Pineda E, Fuentes-Lopez A, Rincon P, Fernandez N, Garcia F, Bernal S, Real LM, Macias J, and Pineda JA
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Incidence, Pandemics, Prospective Studies, SARS-CoV-2, Spain epidemiology, COVID-19 epidemiology, COVID-19 veterinary, HIV Infections complications, HIV Infections epidemiology, HIV Infections veterinary
- Abstract
Whether people living with HIV (PLWH) are at greater risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection is currently unknown. Prospective serologic studies may allow seroincidence analyses, where all infections are accurately identified. Because of this, we evaluated the incidence of associated factors with and the clinical outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in PLWH in Southern Spain. This prospective cohort study included PLWH from a Tertiary University Hospital in Southern Spain. Patients were enrolled in the study if (1) they had attended as outpatients our Unit from 1 August 2019 to 8 February 2020 and (2) had two subsequent evaluations from 9 February 2020 to 4 March 2021. SARS-CoV-2 infections were diagnosed by PCR, antigen detection or serology. Seven hundred and nine PLWH were included in the study. Of them, 55 [7.8%, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 5.9%-9.9%] patients developed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Between 18 May and 29 November 2020, the rate of seroconversion was 5.3% (95% CI: 3.1%-9.0%) for the general population in the area of Seville and 2.3% (95% CI: 1.3%-2.6%) for PLWH in this study (p = .001). After multivariable analysis, adjusted by age, sex, and risk factors for HIV infection, active tobacco use and CDC stage, active tobacco smoking was the only factor independently associated with lower risk of SARS-Cov-2 infection [Incidence rate ratio: 0.29 (95% CI 0.16-0.55) p < .001]. In conclusion, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection among PLWH in Southern Spain during the ongoing pandemic was lower than that reported for the general population in the same area., (© 2021 The Authors. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.)
- Published
- 2022
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14. Increased risk of severe clinical course of COVID-19 in carriers of HLA-C*04:01.
- Author
Weiner J, Suwalski P, Holtgrewe M, Rakitko A, Thibeault C, Müller M, Patriki D, Quedenau C, Krüger U, Ilinsky V, Popov I, Balnis J, Jaitovich A, Helbig ET, Lippert LJ, Stubbemann P, Real LM, Macías J, Pineda JA, Fernandez-Fuertes M, Wang X, Karadeniz Z, Saccomanno J, Doehn JM, Hübner RH, Hinzmann B, Salvo M, Blueher A, Siemann S, Jurisic S, Beer JH, Rutishauser J, Wiggli B, Schmid H, Danninger K, Binder R, Corman VM, Mühlemann B, Arjun Arkal R, Fragiadakis GK, Mick E, Comet C, Calfee CS, Erle DJ, Hendrickson CM, Kangelaris KN, Krummel MF, Woodruff PG, Langelier CR, Venkataramani U, García F, Zyla J, Drosten C, Alice B, Jones TC, Suttorp N, Witzenrath M, Hippenstiel S, Zemojtel T, Skurk C, Poller W, Borodina T, Pa-Covid SG, Ripke S, Sander LE, Beule D, Landmesser U, Guettouche T, Kurth F, and Heidecker B
- Abstract
Background: Since the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there has been increasing urgency to identify pathophysiological characteristics leading to severe clinical course in patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Human leukocyte antigen alleles (HLA) have been suggested as potential genetic host factors that affect individual immune response to SARS-CoV-2. We sought to evaluate this hypothesis by conducting a multicenter study using HLA sequencing., Methods: We analyzed the association between COVID-19 severity and HLAs in 435 individuals from Germany ( n = 135), Spain ( n = 133), Switzerland ( n = 20) and the United States ( n = 147), who had been enrolled from March 2020 to August 2020. This study included patients older than 18 years, diagnosed with COVID-19 and representing the full spectrum of the disease. Finally, we tested our results by meta-analysing data from prior genome-wide association studies (GWAS)., Findings: We describe a potential association of HLA-C*04:01 with severe clinical course of COVID-19. Carriers of HLA-C*04:01 had twice the risk of intubation when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (risk ratio 1.5 [95% CI 1.1-2.1], odds ratio 3.5 [95% CI 1.9-6.6], adjusted p -value = 0.0074). These findings are based on data from four countries and corroborated by independent results from GWAS. Our findings are biologically plausible, as HLA-C*04:01 has fewer predicted bindings sites for relevant SARS-CoV-2 peptides compared to other HLA alleles., Interpretation: HLA-C*04:01 carrier state is associated with severe clinical course in SARS-CoV-2. Our findings suggest that HLA class I alleles have a relevant role in immune defense against SARS-CoV-2., Funding: Funded by Roche Sequencing Solutions, Inc., Competing Interests: Bettina Heidecker, MD reports support from Roche Sequencing Solutions, Inc; a project grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation; is an inventor on patents that use RNA for diagnosis of myocarditis. Juerg H. Beer, MD reports grants from the Swiss National Foundation of Science, the Swiss Heart Foundation, the Foundation Kardio, Baden; Grant support to the institution from Bayer not related to this study; and lecture fee from Daiichi Sankyo to the institution. Martin Witzenrath, MD reports grants from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie, European Respiratory Society, Marie Curie Foundation, Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung, Capnetz Stiftung, International Max Planck Research School, Quark Pharma, Takeda Pharma, Noxxon, Pantherna, Silence Therapeutics, Vaxxilon, Actelion, Bayer Health Care, Biotest, and Boehringer Ingelheim; consulting fees from Noxxon, Pantherna, Silence Therapeutics, Vaxxilon, Aptarion, Glaxo Smith Kline, Sinoxa, and Biotest; payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers bureaus, manuscript writing or educational events from Astra Zeneca, Berlin Chemie, Chiesi, Novartis, Teva, Actelion, Boehringer Ingelheim, Glaxo Smith Kline, Biotest, and Bayer Health Care; patent EPO 12,181,535.1: IL-27 for modulation of immune response in acute lung injury issued 2012, patent WO/2010/094,491: Means for inhibiting the expression of Ang-2 issued 2010, and patent DE 102,020,116,249.9: Camostat/ Niclosamide cotreatment in SARS-CoV-2 infected human lung cells issued 2020/21. Alexander Rakitko, Valery Ilinsky, and Iaroslav Popov are employees of Genotek Ltd. Melina Müller declares support for the present manuscript from Roche Sequencing Solutions and Swiss National Science Foundation and Berlin Institutes of Health. Joseph Balnis and Ariel Jaitovich declare support from the National Institute of Health (NIH, K01-HL130704). Bernd Hinzmann, Mauricio A Salvo, Anja Blüher, and Sandra Siemann declare support from Roche Sequencing Solutions. Carolyn Calfee reports NIH payment to her institution; payment from Roche/Genentech Payment and Bayer to her institution for observational study in ARDS; payment from Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative to her institution for adaptive platform Phase 2 trial in COVID-19; and consulting fees for novel therapies for ARDS from Vasomune and Quark Pharmaceuticals Payment. David J Erle reports NIH Grants to UCSF. Prescott G Woodruff reports support from Roche Sequencing Solutions, Inc., Swiss National Science Foundation, and Berlin Institutes of Health; US National Institutes of Health grant to his institution (U19AI077439) Charles Langelier reports NIH payment to his institution. Federico García reports grants from ViiV, MSD, and Roche; payment from Abbvie, Gilead, ViiV, MSD, and Roche; support for attending meetings and/or travel from Abbvie and Gilead; participation on a Data Safety Monitoring Board or Advisory Board for Gilead, ViiV, and Thera. Joanna Zyla has been supported by the Silesian University of Technology grant for Support and Development of Research Potential. Terry C. Jones reports a grant from Wellcome Trust, UK, on unrelated research on ancient viral DNA and an NIAID-NIH CEIRS grant (HHSN272201400008C). Leif Erik Sander reports Berlin Institutes of Health support to the PA-COVID-19 study group. Wolfgang Poller reports that this study was partially funded by Roche Sequencing Solutions, Inc., which also provided material for exome sequencing. Ulf Landmesser reports consulting fees from Abbott, Amgen, Bayer, Cardiac Dimensions, Novartis, Pfizer, and Omeicos; payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers bureaus, manuscript writing or educational events from Novartis, Abott, NovoNordisk, Bayer, Amgen, DaiichiSankyo, Pfizer, Sanofi, Boson Scientific, Astra Zeneca, and Boehringer Ingelheim. All other authors have nothing to declare., (© 2021 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2021
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