Giulia Martina, Cavestro, Nicola, Mantovani, Paolo, Coruzzi, Antonio, Nouvenne, Federico, Marcucci, Angelo, Franzè, Francesco, Di Mario, and Lajos, Okolicsanyi
This case is a report of a male, 52 year old, heavy smoker, with a history of about 10 years of alcohol abuse (he quitted in 1993), gastric resection for ulcer (Billroth II 1970), hypoparathyroidism and macroamylasemia, died for undiagnosed pancreatic carcinoma revealed at necroscopy. The only clinical evidence of carcinoma were pulmonary metastasis and paraneoplastic syndrome characterized from hyponatriemia due to inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone and elevation of seric calcium caused by parathyroid hormone related protein. In patients without endocrine abnormalities, such unusual paraneoplastic syndrome could cause hypercalcemia, but in our patient, the increased calcemia did not reach abnormal levels due to the previous hypoparathyroidism. At present time, there are no clinical reports of parathyroid related protein secretion by pancreatic carcinoma and therefore, it could speculate that this modification together with ectopic secretion of antidiuretic hormone, represent a peculiar evidence of otherwise unknown and undetectable pancreatic carcinoma.