(c) Mean sea level pressure (hPa) at selected stations in the southern coast of the Caspian Sea from 5 to 13 February 2020. gl Due to higher surface air temperatures, rain accompanied the snow in the east, but total snowfall in the west reached a depth of 70cm at Lahijan by the morning of 10 February. Applying this factor at each point of the PAC images, and considering a factor between 6 and 10 for conversion of precipitation amount to snow depth (dry snow), the numerical values of snow depth were obtained in areas where dry snowfall was identified (Figure 10). By applying the correction factor on each point of the PAC images, as well as considering a factor of 10 to convert the precipitation amount to snow depth (dry snow), the numerical values of snow depth were obtained in areas where dry snowfall was identified. Snowfall estimation correction coefficient The approximate relationship between the radar reflectivity factor, Z, and precipitation intensity, R, is given by Equation (1), where a and b are constant coefficients depending on the type of precipitation particle (Shiina I et al i ., 2010; Makino I et al i ., 2019). [Extracted from the article]