291 results on '"Farber, L."'
Search Results
2. Formation and internal microstructure of granules from wetting and non-wetting efavirenz/iron oxide blends
- Author
Farber, L., Al-aaraj, Duaa K., Smith, Rachel, and Gentzler, Michael
- Published
- 2020
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3. Room-Temperature Deintercalation and Self-Extrusion of Ga from Cr$_2$GaN
- Author
Barsoum, M. W. and Farber, L.
- Published
- 1999
4. 489P Analysis of 3-dimensional volumetric distribution and dispersion of the radioenhancer NBTXR3 in various solid malignancies
- Author
de Baere, T., primary, Shen, C., additional, Ducassou, A., additional, Bonvalot, S., additional, Chajon, E., additional, Farber, L., additional, Vivar, O.I., additional, Tyan, P., additional, Koay, E.J., additional, Lin, S.H., additional, Liao, Z., additional, Dicker, A.P., additional, Hoffmann, C., additional, and Le Tourneau, C., additional
- Published
- 2022
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5. Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study
- Author
Pellino, G., Podda, M., Pata, F., Di Saverio, S., Ielpo, B., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Paz Yanez, A., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Martinez Roldan, A., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, A., Prestera, A., Ramos-De la Medina, A., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., De Simone, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Lo Faro, C., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Del Pozo Andres, E., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, F., Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Gallo, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilton, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., San Roman, I. A., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., al-Najami, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Pejanovic, J., Parreira, J. G., Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pinto, J. P., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S. J., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Bartolome, M. A. H., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Zulfiqar Ali, M., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Win Than, N., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., De'Angelis, N., Gica, N., Nicolaescu, D. C., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Lui, R., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Lopez, B. S., Fuentes, S., de las Casas, S. G., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Lujan, S. A. W., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Rao Katta, V., De Simone, V., Primo Romaguera, V., Garcia Orozco, V., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Ielpo, B, Podda, M, Pellino, G, Pata, F, Caruso, R, Gravante, G, Di Saverio, S, Orengia, A, Chowdary, A, Kulkarni, A, Kuvvetli, A, Navarro, A, Smith, A, Cavero Ibiricu, A, D Nacion, A J, Alsaleh, A, Alhazmi, A, Elmabri, A, Wani, A, Rencuzogullari, A, Sarriugarte Lasarte, A, Valle Rubio, A, Bavikatte, A, Kumar, A, Jamiri, A-R, M Alvarado Padilla, A, Cacurri, A, de San Ildefonso, A, Porcu, A, Sartori, A, Rocca, A, Paz Yáñez, A, Becaria, A, Solís-Peña, A, Sretenović, A, Urbistondo, A, Bandin, A, Najar, A, De Luca, A, Boddy, A, Charalabopoulos, A, Tzivanakis, A, Amendola, A, Ramirez-Gutierrez de Velasco, A, Cihat Yildirim, A, Frontali, A, O Toure, A, García-Granero, A, Martínez Roldan, A, Sanz Larrainzar, A, Sanjiva Ratnayake, A, M Gonzalez-Ganso, A, M Minaya-Bravo, A, Das, A, Bondurri, A, Costanzi, A, Lucchi, A, Mazzari, A, Musig, A, Peloso, A, Piano, A, Police, A, Mihailescu, A, Pouy, A, Romano, A, Iossa, A, C Leonetti, A, Guariniello, A, Isaac, A, P Delli Bovi, A, Chessa, A, Tromba, A, Álvarez Martínez, A, Brillantino, A, Caira, A, Castaldi, A, Ferronetti, A, Giuliani, A, Prestera, A, Ramos-De la Medina, A, Tarasconi, A, Tornambè, A, Picciariello, A, Ioannidis, A, Leppäniemi, A, Khan, A, Rashid, A, E Pérez-Sánchez, A L, Mittal, A, Rahman Mitul, A, Mehraj, A, Laharwal, A, Dorismé, A, Marinis, A, Iqbal, A, Moncada, A, Braccio, B, Alkhafaji, B, de Andrés Asenjo, B, Martin-Perez, B, De Simone, B, Sánchez Pérez, B, Creavin, B, Calì, B, Pascotto, B, Stubbs, B, Zavala Retes, B, Jovanovic, B, P Goh, B K, Sensi, B, Biddau, C, Gazia, C, Vallicelli, C, A Fagundes, C, Cerdán Santacruz, C, Chirico, C, J Gómez Díaz, C, Petrola, C, Sánchez Rodriguez, C, Yánez Benítez, C, Dammaro, C, Lo Faro, C, Reinke, C, Dominguez Paez, C, Oliva, C, Paranjape, C, Thomas, C, Fung Chia, C, Kwan Kong, C, De Lucia, C, Ovalle Chao, C, Arcudi, C, Guerci, C, Chia, C, Parise, C, Folliero, C, Varela, C, M Ferguson, D, Camacho, D, Popowich, D, Souza Lima, D, Rega, D, Delogu, D, Zigiotto, D, Vinci, D, D'Antonio, D, Parini, D, A Merlini, D, E Zimmerman, D D, Moro-Valdezate, D, Pertile, D, M Giusti, D, S Keller, D, Tarik, D, Kalivaçi, D, Mazingi, D, G Maldonado-Pintado, D, Sasia, D, Linardoutsos, D, Osilli, D, Murrone, D, Russello, D, Rodas, E, A Acuña Roa, E, Ricciardi, E, Rosso, E, Saladino, E, Flores-Villalba, E, Ruiz Ajs, E, Smith-Singares, E, Baili, E, Kouroumpas, E, Bourmpouteli, E, Douka, E, Martin-Perez, E, Guaitoli, E, Samadov, E, Francone, E, Vaterlini, E, Morales, E, Peña, E, Zhao, E, Del Pozo Andres, E, Benzoni, E, Erdas, E, Pinotti, E, Colás-Ruiz, E, Aytac, E, Laterza, E, Agastra, E, Foianini, E, Moscoso, E, Laviano, E, Marra, E, Cardamone, E, Licardie, E, Mpaili, E, Pinna, E, Varo, E, M Navarro, F, Marino, F, Medas, F, Romano, F, Maraska, F, Saliu, F, Madrid, F, Rosa, F, Mastella, F, Gheza, F, Luvisetto, F, Alconchel, F, Monge Vieira, F, Pareja, F, Agresta, F, Luna, F, Bonilla, F, Cordera, F, Burdió, F, Mendoza-Moreno, F, Muñoz Flores, F, Pardo Aranda, F, Taylor, F, L Ramos, F, Fernandes, F, P Tropeano, F, Balestra, F, Bianco, F, Ceci, F, Colombo, F, Di Marzo, F, Ferrara, F, Lancellotti, F, Lazzarin, F, Litta, F, Martini, F, Pizza, F, Roscio, F, Virdis, F, Blanco Antona, F, Cervantes Ramírez, F, M Fernandez, F, O Llinares, F, Quezada, F, Schlottmann, F, Herrera-Almario, G, Massaferro, G, Bislenghi, G, van Ramshorst, G, Gallo, G, Luglio, G, Bointas, G, Kampouroglou, G, Papadopoulos, G, Arredondo Manrique, G, Calini, G, Nastri, G, Formisano, G, Galiffa, G, M Palini, G, Colucci, G, Pagano, G, Vanni, G, Casoni Pattacini, G, De Paola, G, Lisi, G, Partida, G, Bellanova, G, De Nobili, G, Sammy Necchi, G, Sinibaldi, G, Tebala, G, Bagaglini, G, Izzo, G, Argenio, G, Brisinda, G, Candilio, G, Di Grezia, G, Esposito, G, Faillace, G, Frazzetta, G, La Gumina, G, Nigri, G, Romeo, G, Chocarro Amatriaín, G, Ortega, G, Martin-Martin, G, A Stavrou, G, Gunadi, G, Armand Ugon, G, Machain, G, Marcucci, G, Martínez-Mier, G, M Machain, G, Nari, G, Calvo, H, Fathy, H, Hamilton, H, Ahmed, H, Faraj, H, Nava, H, Ordas Macias, H, Nikaj, H, Solano, H, Ahmed Khan, H, Sánchez Alarcón, H, Ebied, H, Giani, I, Villalabeitia Ateca, I, Neri, I, A San Roman, I, Fidoshev, I, Martinez Rodriguez, I, Negoi, I, Ortega, I, Bernescu, I, Shari Russo, I, Vincente Rodríguez, I, Palomares, I, Baltazar, I, Jaén Torrejimeno, I, M Cornejo Jurado, I, Reccia, I, Hussain, I, Brito Toledo, I, Mora-Guzmán, I, Al-Najami, I, Dogaru, I, Romic, I, Balciscueta, I, C Kenington, J, Sagolsem, J, Y Jang, J, Olivier, J, Lammel-Lindemann, J, Dziakova, J, I Roldán Villavicencio, J, Salinas, J, Pejanovic Jose Gustavo Parreira, J, Rincón Pérez, J, S Reyes, J A, A Medina Luque, J, Mak, J, Salas Rodriguez, J, H Herrera Kok, J, Krook, J, A Diaz-Elizondo, J, Castell, J, Eduardo García-Flores, J, M Jover Navalón, J, M Silva Rodrigues, J, Pereira Pinto, J, T Castell Gómez, J, Bellido Luque, J, C Martín Del Olmo, J, C Salamea, J, F Coronel Olivier, J, L Blas Laina, J, M Ordoñez, J, Gutierrez, J, Abba, J, Ahmad Sofi, J, Sherafgan, K, Sahnan, K, Yanaga, K, Beatson, K, Asim, L, Alvarez, L, Siragusa, L, Farber, L, Ong, L, Athanasios, L, García-Bruña, L, De Martino, L, Ferrario, L, Giordano, L, Gordini, L, Pio, L, Ponchietti, L, Moletta, L, Curella, L, Poggi, L, Taglietti, L, Bonavina, L, Conti, L, Goffredi, L, A Garcia Ruiz, L, Barrionuevo, L, E Fregoso, L, F Cabrera, L, G Rodriguez, L, Grande, L, G Osoria, L, J Kantun Gonzalez, L, Sánchez-Guillén, L, Tallon-Aguilar, L, Tresierra, L, Giavarini, L, Hasabelnabi, M, Odovic, M, Uemura, M, Khan, M, Artiles-Armas, M, David, M, Di Martino, M, G Spampinato, M, F Ribeiro, M A, Viola, M, Angrisani, M, Calussi, M, Cannistrà, M, Catarci, M, Cereda, M, Conte, M, Giordano, M, Pellicciaro, M, Vito Marino, M, E Vaterlini, M, F Jiménez, M, G Lolli, M, I Bellini, M, Lemma, M, M Chiarello, M, Nicola, M, Arrigo, M, Caneda Mejia, M, Montes Manrique, M, Rodriguez-Lopez, M, Serradilla-Martín, M, Zambrano Lara, M, Martínez, M, Bagnall, M, Peter, M, Cañón Lara, M, Jimenez Gomez, M, Paniagua-Garcia-Señorans, M, Perez Gonzalez, M, Rutegård, M, Salö, M, Franceschilli, M, Silveri, M, Veroux, M, Pezzulo, M, Nardi, M, Rottoli, M, Tolonen, M, Pedraza Ciro, M, Zuluagua, M, Cannavò, M, Cervellera, M, Iacobone, M, Montuori, M, García Domínguez, M, Bingol-Kologlu, M, Tahir, M, Lim, M, J Wilson, M S, Wilson, M, Campanelli, M, Bisaccia, M, De Rosa, M, Maruccia, M, Paterno, M, Pisano, M, Torre, M, Treviño, M, Zuolo, M, A Hernandez Bartolome, M, Farina, M, Pera, M, Prieto Calvo, M, Sotelo, M, Myat Thway, M, Hassan, M, Salah Eldin Hassan, M, Azfar, M, Bouhuwaish, M, Taha, M, Zaieem, M, Korkoman, M, Guraieb, M, Shalaby, M, A Raza, M, U Younis, M, Elhadi, M, Zulfiqar Ali, M, Quazi, N, N Dudi-Venkata, N, Alselaim, N, Loria, N, Villan Ramírez, N, Win Than, N, Smart, N, Trelles, N, Pinto, N, Allievi, N, Petrucciani, N, Antonacci, N, Cillara, N, De'Angelis, N, Gica, N, C Nicolaescu, D, Krystek, N, Falco, N, Pecorelli, N, Tamini, N, A Dallas, N, Machairas, N, Brito, N, Ahmed Fieturi, N, Ortega, N, Avila Mercado, O, Irkorucu, O, Alsherif, O, Valles, O, Ioannidis, O, Hernández Palmas, O, I Hernandez Palmas, O, Sanz Guadarrama, O, Bozbiyik, O, Omelanczuk, P, Ottolino, P, Rodrigues, P, Ruiz, P, Campenni, P, Chiarade, P, Prieto Olivares, P, Baroffio, P, Panaccio, P, Wintringer, P, Di Fronzo, P, Talento, P, Favoriti, P, Sendino, P, Marsanic, P, Mifsut, P, Andrade, P, Ajawin, P, Abadía-Barnó, P, A Najar Castañeda, P, O Sillas Arevalos, P, Palazón Bellver, P, Soon Koh, P, Souza, P, Major, P, Singh Bali, R, Mohan Khattar, R, Lui, R, Bessa Melo, R, Ebrahiminia, R, Azar, R, López Murga, R, Pirolo, R, Brady, R, J Davies, R, Dholakia, R, Rattan, R, Singhal, R, Lim, R, Angelico, R, M Isernia, R, Tutino, R, Faccincani, R, Peltrini, R, Carrera-Ceron, R, Tejos, R, Kashyap, R, Fajardo, R, Lozito, R, Madariaga Pareja, R, Garbarino, S, Morales-Conde, S, Benli, S, Mansour, S, Flores, S, Limon Suarez, S, Santiago Lopez, B, Fuentes, S, Gortazar de Las Casas, S, Napetti, S, Ortiz de Guzmán, S, Awad, S, A Weckmann Luján, S, Gentilli, S, Grimaldi, S, Olivares Pizarro, S, Tayar, S, Nabi, S, M Chan, S, Junaid, S, Rojas, S, Monetti, S, García, S, Salvans, S, Tenconi, S, Shaw, S, Santoni, S, A Parra, S, Cárdenas, S, Pérez-Bertólez, S, Chiappetta, S, Dessureault, S, Delis, S, Amore Bonapasta, S, Rausei, S, Scaringi, S, Keswani, S, M Ali, S, Cetinkunar, S, D Fung, T L, Rawashdeh, T, N López, T, De Campos, T, Calderon Duque, T, Perra, T, Liakakos, T, Daskalakis, T, Barnes, T, Koëter, T, Zalla, T, E González, T, Elosua, T, Campagnaro, T, Brown, T, Luoto, T, Alpha Oumar, T, Giustizieri, U, Grossi, U, Bracale, U, Rivas, U, Sosa, V, Testa, V, Andriola, V, Tonini, V, Balassone, V, Celentano, V, Progno, V, Raju, V, Carroni, V, Cavallaro, V, Rao Katta, V, De Simone, V, Primo Romaguera, V, H García Orozco, V, Luraschi, V, Rachkov, V, Turrado-Rodriguez, V, Visag-Castillo, V, Dowling, V, Graham, V, Papagni, V, Vigorita, V, Cordeiro Fonseca, V, Jimenez Carneros, V, Bellato, V, Gonçalves, W, F Powers, W, Grigg, W, O Bechstein, W, B Lim, Y, Altinel, Y, Golubović, Z, Balciscueta, Z, Pellino G., Podda M., Pata F., Di Saverio S., Ielpo B, Rottoli M., and Tonini V.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,COVID-19 ,Perioperative ,Appendicitis ,COVID-19 testing ,humans ,healthcare disparities ,mass screening ,perioperative care ,Perioperative Care ,Settore MED/18 - Chirurgia Generale ,Healthcare Disparitie ,COVID-19 Testing ,Pandemic ,Acute appendicitis ,medicine ,Humans ,Mass Screening ,Surgery ,Appendiciti ,Healthcare Disparities ,Intensive care medicine ,business ,Human - Abstract
Acute appendicitis remains a common reason for hospital admission. Reports have suggested a reduction in patients attending emergency departments during the acute phase of the SARSCoV- 2 pandemic. Moreover, a global surge in conservative management of acute appendicitis has recently been registered by the Appy Study of the Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe (ACIE)1. This is a treatment option that has been known for some years, although quite seldom used before the pandemic2–4. As most countries are experiencing new waves of the pandemic, the attitude of surgeons towards SARS-CoV-2 screening policies and personal protective equipment (PPE) used during the management of patients with acute appendicitis need to be established. According to a subanalysis of the ACIE Appy Study, half of surgeons globally were testing patients for SARS-CoV-2 only when symptomatic or there was suspicion of infection; approximately 12 per cent did not test patients at all (Fig. 1 and Table S1). There were regional differences. In Europe, respondents tested all patients (50.8 per cent) or those with suspected infection (43.9 per cent), with only 5.3 per cent not being tested at all. In the USA, the majority of participants only tested patients with a suspected infection (65.6 per cent). A similar picture of testing only those with a suspected infection was also reported from Latin America (57.2 per cent), Asia/Middle East (76.8 per cent), and Africa (41.7 per cent). Even more worrisome, 58.3 per cent of respondents from Africa and 27.6 per cent from Latin America were not testing patients at all before appendicectomy. Concerning the screening modality, most respondents used PCR alone or in combination with chest imaging. Serology was rarely used overall and never in Africa (Fig. 1 and Table S2 ). It is now accepted that chest imaging is not routinely required and that PCR is an accurate screening modality. Serology might, however, be useful to shed light on the disease course and previous exposure to the virus, but respondents from some countries still have restricted access to this test. In terms of PPE during appendicectomy, most African respondents did not use different PPE compared with the prepandemic period in patients who tested negative for COVID-19. More concerning is that 58.3 per cent did not use different PPE in untested patients. This differed from other regions where the rate of those not considering a change of PPE in untested patients did not exceed 22 per cent. One in 10 respondents from Latin America also reported that they were not using different PPE compared with the prepandemic phase in patients who tested positive for COVID-19. These data, and taking into account the high prevalence of acute appendicitis, leads to the conclusion that omission of routine patient screening may have contributed to local clusters among patients and threatened the safety of healthcare workers5. In this respect, it is likely that limited access to PPE explains the attitude of surgeons towards patients with unknown SARSCoV- 2 status or those infected, raising ethical concerns about the safety of surgical staff. It is of outmost importance that, even during challenging times and stress on economic stability, industrialized countries make efforts to sustain low-income countries and those with limited resources. This would ensure equal working conditions, safer treatment for patients with acute appendicitis, and better control of the pandemic
- Published
- 2021
6. Agglomeration of hydrophobic powders via solid spreading nucleation
- Author
Hapgood, K.P., Farber, L., and Michaels, J.N.
- Published
- 2009
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
7. A High-Voltage Electrostatic Generator, Van de Graaff Type
- Author
Jackson,, D. C. and Farber, L. M.
- Published
- 1935
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
8. Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study
- Author
Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, Fausto, Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilto, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Jovanovic, Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Giuliani A. (ORCID:0000-0002-0773-2162), Rosa F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7280-8354), Brisinda G. (ORCID:0000-0001-8820-9471), Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, Fausto, Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilto, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Jovanovic, Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Giuliani A. (ORCID:0000-0002-0773-2162), Rosa F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7280-8354), and Brisinda G. (ORCID:0000-0001-8820-9471)
- Abstract
Background: Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods: The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results: Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19·8 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6·6 and 2·4 per cent respectively before, but 23·7 and 5·3 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0·001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. Conclusion: Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2.
- Published
- 2021
9. Chapter 26 Morphology and strength development in solid and solidifying interparticle bridges in granules of pharmaceutical powders
- Author
Tardos, G.I., Farber, L., Bika, D., and Michaels, J.N.
- Published
- 2007
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10. Dislocations, kink bands, and room-temperature plasticity of Ti3SiC2
- Author
Barsoum, M. W., Farber, L., and El-Raghy, T.
- Published
- 1999
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11. Isothermal sections in the Cr–Ga–N system in the 650–1000 °C temperature range
- Author
Farber, L. and Barsoum, M. W.
- Published
- 1999
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12. Relation of liver stiffness to volume status: non-invasive assessment using fibroscan
- Author
- Published
- 2010
13. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy of some Ti(sub n+1)AX(sub n) compounds (n = 1,2; A = Al or Si; X = C or N)
- Author
Farber, L., Levin, I., Barsoum, M.W., El-Raghy, T., and Tzenov, T.
- Subjects
Crystals -- Structure ,High resolution spectroscopy -- Usage ,Thin films, Multilayered -- Research ,Physics - Abstract
Research was conducted to examine the crystal structures of Ti2AIN, Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC1.8 using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HTREM). The study confirmed that the compounds are layered and hexagonal with a P6(sub 3) Immc space group. The layer sequenced deduced from x-ray diffraction and HTREM were identical and confirm previous studies. However, the structures of thinned Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2 samples differ from the bulk structure in that the Si and Al atoms occupy different in-plane positions.
- Published
- 1999
14. Strength and morphology of solid bridges in dry granules of pharmaceutical powders
- Author
Bika, D., Tardos, G.I., Panmai, S., Farber, L., and Michaels, J.
- Published
- 2005
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15. Dense CoAl-based alloys with improved ductility: Solid-state synthesis and microstructure control
- Author
Farber, L., Gutmanas, E. Y., Gotman, I., and Koczak, M. J.
- Published
- 1996
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16. Experimental study of wet granulation in fluidized bed: Impact of the binder properties on the granule morphology
- Author
Rajniak, P., Mancinelli, C., Chern, R. T., Stepanek, F., Farber, L., and Hill, B. T.
- Published
- 2007
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17. Phase equilibria and crystal chemistry in the BaO–Al2O3–Nb2O5 and BaO–Nb2O5 systems
- Author
Vanderah, T.A, Collins, T.R, Wong-Ng, W, Roth, R.S, and Farber, L
- Published
- 2002
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18. Structural Study of Li1+x−yNb1−x−3yTix+4yO3 Solid Solutions
- Author
Farber, L., Levin, I., Borisevich, A., Grey, I.E., Roth, R.S., and Davies, P.K.
- Published
- 2002
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19. Mechanisms of the internalization of ß-adrenergic receptor recognition sites
- Author
Chuang, D-M, Farber, L., Barbaccia, M. L., Costa, E., Usdin, Earl, editor, Weiner, Norman, editor, and Youdim, Moussa B. H., editor
- Published
- 1981
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20. Structure Property Relationships in Ti3SiC2
- Author
Barwoum, M. W., primary, Farber, L., primary, and Levin, I., primary
- Published
- 1999
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21. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy of some Ti...AX... compounds (n=1, 2; A=Al or...
- Author
Farber, L. and Levin, I.
- Subjects
- *
CRYSTALS , *CARBIDES , *TITANIUM compounds , *CHEMICAL structure - Abstract
Presents information on a study which focused on the crystal structures of titanium-aluminium nitride, titanium-silicon carbide and titanium-aluminium carbide using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Experimental details; Results and discussion; Conclusions.
- Published
- 1999
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22. Aging reduces surround suppression effects in a perceived speed task
- Author
Farber, L. E., primary, Sekuler, A. B., additional, and Bennett, P. J., additional
- Published
- 2012
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23. The effect of mask contrast on spatiotemporal masking in younger and older subjects
- Author
Farber, L. E., primary, Sekuler, A. B., additional, and Bennett, P. J., additional
- Published
- 2011
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24. CDC73 (cell division cycle 73, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component, homolog (S. cerevisiae))
- Author
Farber, L, primary and Teh, BT, additional
- Published
- 2011
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25. Spontaneous Acute Leukemia in Polycythemia Vera
- Author
- Published
- 1976
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26. The effects of aging on surround modulation of backward contrast masking
- Author
Farber, L. E., primary, Sekuler, A. B., additional, and Bennett, P. J., additional
- Published
- 2010
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27. Evidence for no increased surround modulation in the aging visual system
- Author
Farber, L. E., primary, Sekuler, A. B., additional, and Bennett, P. J., additional
- Published
- 2010
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28. Relation of Liver Stiffness to Heart Failure and Associated Volume Overload
- Author
Krum, H., primary, Porapakkham, P., additional, Casey, S., additional, Farber, L., additional, Condon, E., additional, Kemp, W., additional, Roberts, S., additional, Williams, T., additional, and Sata, Y., additional
- Published
- 2010
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29. Differing effects of the inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase on the course of oxidative cell injury in hepatocytes and fibroblasts
- Author
Kazuo Tsukidate, Farber L. John, and Kazuhiko Yamamoto
- Subjects
Male ,Time Factors ,Poly ADP ribose polymerase ,DNA, Single-Stranded ,Oxidative phosphorylation ,Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors ,Biochemistry ,Rats, Sprague-Dawley ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Mice ,Adenosine Triphosphate ,L Cells ,Menadione ,tert-Butylhydroperoxide ,medicine ,Animals ,Polymerase ,Cells, Cultured ,Pharmacology ,biology ,Cell Death ,Hydrogen Peroxide ,NAD ,Molecular biology ,Peroxides ,Rats ,Deferoxamine ,Cell killing ,chemistry ,Liver ,Cell culture ,Benzamides ,biology.protein ,NAD+ kinase ,Oxidation-Reduction ,medicine.drug ,DNA Damage - Abstract
The effects of the two inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, 3-aminobenzamide (ABA) and benzamide (BA), on the oxidative killing of L929 mouse fibroblasts and primary cultures of rat hepatocytes were studied. The killing of L929 cells by tert -butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) occurred by two mechanisms, one sensitive and the other insensitive to the antioxidant N , N ′-diphenylphenylene diamine (DPPD). Cell killing by either mechanism was prevented by the ferric iron chelator deferoxamine. ABA and B A prevented the killing of L929 cells that occurred in the presence, but not in the absence, of DPPD. ABA and BA inhibited the activity of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase by 85%. Protection was accompanied by the sparing of the depletion of both NAD and ATP, but there was no effect of either ABA or BA on the iron-dependent appearance of single-strand breaks in DNA. Depletion of ATP by treating the fibroblasts with 2-deoxyglucose and sodium azide did not result in any loss of viability. H 2 O 2 similarly killed the L929 cells by a mechanism that depended on a source of ferric iron. However, DPPD had no effect on the cell killing, and ABA and BA completely protected the cells in the presence or absence of DPPD. H 2 O 2 caused the appearance of single-strand breaks that were prevented by deferoxamine, but again not by ABA or BA. ABA and deferoxamine reduced, but did not prevent, the depletion of both NAD and ATP occurring with H 2 O 2 . With the cultured hepatocytes, ABA and BA inhibited poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase at concentrations that were without effect on either the extent of cell killing or the depletion of NAD occurring with either TBHP, H 2 O 2 , or menadione. These data indicate that the relationship between oxidative DNA damage and the genesis of lethal injury is very different in the two types of cells. In the fibroblasts, the appearance of single strand breaks in DNA was accompanied by depletion of NAD and ATP and subsequently by the death of the cells. These events were mediated by the activity of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, as inhibition of the enzyme prevented their development. In the hepatocytes, inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase was without effect on the oxidative death of the cells.
- Published
- 1993
30. Crystal Chemistry of Complex Perovskites: New Cation-Ordered Dielectric Oxides
- Author
Davies, P.K., primary, Wu, H., additional, Borisevich, A.Y., additional, Molodetsky, I.E., additional, and Farber, L., additional
- Published
- 2008
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31. Comparison of diclofenac-emulgel local application with oral ibuprofen administration for the treatment of active interphalangeal hand joints osteoarthritis (Heberden and/or Bushar nodules)
- Author
Zacher, J, primary, Burger, K J, additional, Farber, L, additional, Grave, M, additional, Abberger, H, additional, and Bertsch, K, additional
- Published
- 2007
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32. SU‐FF‐T‐129: Clinical Implications of .decimal Solid IMRT with Pinnacle Treatment Planning System
- Author
Gluckman, GR, primary, Bell, C, additional, Cao, Y, additional, Rush, S, additional, Farber, L, additional, Warner, C, additional, and Savitskij, DV, additional
- Published
- 2006
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33. Structure Property Relationships in Ti3SiC2
- Author
- Abstract
The dislocation structure of a typical low angle boundary associated with a kink band in a sample of Ti3SiC2 deformed at room temperature was studied by HRTEM. The boundary had both tilt and twist components. To account for both, the boundary was interpreted to be composed of parallel, alternating, mixed perfect dislocations with two different Burger's vectors lying in the basal plane at an angle of 120 degrees relative to one another. The boundary twist was provided by having an excess of one type of dislocation. The hitherto unreported structure of a low-angle boundary is attributed to the fact that all dislocations are confined to the basal planes.
- Published
- 1999
34. Phase Equilibria and Crystal Chemistry in the BaO—Al 2 O 3 —Nb 2 O 5 and BaO—Nb 2 O 5 Systems.
- Author
Vanderah, T. A., primary, Collins, T. R., additional, Wong‐Ng, W., additional, Roth, R. S., additional, and Farber, L., additional
- Published
- 2003
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35. Structure of Pb(Zr, Ti)O[sub 3] near the morphotropic phase boundary.
- Author
Dmowski, W., Egami, T., Farber, L., and Davies, P. K.
- Subjects
LEAD ,ATOMS - Abstract
The atomic structure of Pb(Zr, Ti)O[sub 3] solid solutions near the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) was examined using time-of-flight neutron diffraction. In addition to the conventional crystallographic refinement the atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis was used. Crystallographic analysis suggests that the average structure changes significantly through the MPB. However, the PDF analysis, which is more accurate in describing the local structure, shows that changes are more gradual. In particular the PDF suggests that the local environment of each element remains relatively invariant of composition. Ti is always ferroelectrically active, while Zr is not. Pb is always displaced against oxygen atoms and forms short bonds at about 2.45 Å. What changes most with the Ti/Zr ratio is the distribution in the direction of Pb displacement. It is suggested that the population of local Pb displacements changes between <100> and <110> in the pseudocubic notation with the Ti/Zr ratio, and the MPB is a crossover point with maximum disorder. © 2001 American Institute of Physics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2001
36. Cation ordering and dielectric properties of PMN-PSN relaxors.
- Author
Davies, P. K., Farber, L., Valant, M., and Akbas, M. A.
- Subjects
- *
Extended thermal annealing treatments were used to modify the B-site cation order in the (1-x)PMN - (x)PSN perovskite system. Extensive 1:1 ordering could be induced in compositions with x ≥ 0.1. The substitution of PSN into PMN produces a large increase in the thermal stability of the 1:1 ordered phase, with the maximum disordering temperature of ∼1360°C being observed for x = 0.5. The order-disorder transition temperature for pure PMN was calculated to be 913°C. The changes in stability could be rationalized using the random site model for the cation order. The well ordered, large chemical domain ceramics exhibited relaxor behavior up to x ∼ 0.6, for higher values normal ferroelectric behavior was observed. Alterations in the size of the chemical domain size had no significant effect on the properties of the lower x compositions, but induced a transition to relaxor behavior for x > ∼ 0.6. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2000
37. The Topotactic Transformation of Ti3SiC2 into a Partially Ordered Cubic Ti ( C 0.67Si0.06 ) Phase by the Diffusion of Si into Molten Cryolite
- Author
Barsoum, M. W., primary, El‐Raghy, T., additional, Farber, L., additional, Amer, M., additional, Christini, R., additional, and Adams, A., additional
- Published
- 1999
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38. transmission electron microscopy study of a low-angle boundary in plastically deformed Ti3SiC2
- Author
Farber, L., primary
- Published
- 1999
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39. Modeling of reactive synthesis in consolidated blends of fine Ni and Al powders
- Author
Farber, L, primary, Klinger, L, additional, and Gotman, I, additional
- Published
- 1998
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40. Formation of Ni5Al3 in Ni–Al laminated structures and powder blends
- Author
Farber, L., primary, Gotman, I., additional, and Gutmanas, E.Y., additional
- Published
- 1998
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41. Long-term experience with sandimmun neoral: Results in de novo and stable renal transplant patients after 24-month treatment
- Author
Korn, A., primary, Farber, L., additional, Maibücher, A., additional, Buchholz, B., additional, and Offermann, G., additional
- Published
- 1997
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42. Gene ad cellular therapy at novartis pharma
- Author
Burger, K.J., primary, Haus, U., additional, and Farber, L., additional
- Published
- 1997
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43. Comparison of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of neoral vs sandimmun in de novo renal transplant patients over 24 months' treatment
- Author
Abendroth, D., primary, Buchholz, B., additional, Land, W., additional, May, G., additional, Wiesel, M., additional, Farber, L., additional, Korn, A., additional, and Maibucher, A., additional
- Published
- 1997
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44. Reactive Diffusion in Ni-Ni2Al3 Laminated Structures
- Author
Farber, L., primary, Gotman, I., additional, and Gutmanas, Elazar Y., additional
- Published
- 1997
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45. 2036 The natural history of local regional breast cancer recurrence: Prognosis and implications for systemic therapy
- Author
Haffty, Bruce G., primary, Burtness, B., additional, Papac, R., additional, Marsh, J., additional, Ward, B., additional, Farber, L., additional, and Reiss, M., additional
- Published
- 1997
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46. Second solid tumors in patients with Hodgkin's disease cured after radiation or chemotherapy plus adjuvant low-dose radiation.
- Author
Salloum, E, primary, Doria, R, additional, Schubert, W, additional, Zelterman, D, additional, Holford, T, additional, Roberts, K B, additional, Farber, L R, additional, Kiehl, R K, additional, Cardinale, J, additional, and Cooper, D L, additional
- Published
- 1996
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47. Fabrication of NiAl Intermetallic from Dense Elemental Powder Blends VIA Solid State Reactions
- Author
Farber, L., primary, Gotman, I., additional, and Gutmanas, E. Y., additional
- Published
- 1996
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48. Substitution of conventional cyclosporin with a new microemulsion formulation in renal transplant patients: results after 1 year
- Author
Neumayer, H.-H., primary, Farber, L., additional, Haller, P., additional, Kohnen, R., additional, Maibucher, A., additional, Schuster, A., additional, Vollmar, J., additional, Budde, K., additional, Waiser, J., additional, and Luft, F. C., additional
- Published
- 1996
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49. Second solid malignancies after combined modality therapy for Hodgkin's disease.
- Author
Doria, R, primary, Holford, T, additional, Farber, L R, additional, Prosnitz, L R, additional, and Cooper, D L, additional
- Published
- 1995
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50. Highly purified omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids for topical treatment of psoriasis. Results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre study
- Author
HENNEICKE-VON ZEPELIN, H.-H., primary, MROWIETZ, U., additional, FARBER, L., additional, BRUCK-BORCHERS, K., additional, SCHOBER, C., additional, HUBER, J., additional, LETZ, G., additional, KHNEN, R., additional, HRISTOPHERS, E., additional, and WELZEL, D., additional
- Published
- 1993
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