Electric quadrupole $$\gamma$$ -ray transition energies $$E_{\gamma}$$ , rotational frequencies $$\hbar\omega$$ and dynamic $$J^{(2)}$$ and kinematic $$J^{(1)}$$ moments of inertia have been calculated for yrast and excited superdeformed (SD) bands in Hg, Tl, Pb isotonic ( $$N=113$$ ) nuclei by using two-parameter power-law formula. The model parameters and the bandhead spins were determined using a $$\chi^{2}$$ fit by random minimization via Monte Carlo simulation technique with a uniform distribution of random numbers. The calculated results of $$E_{\gamma}$$ agreed with the experimental data published in National Nuclear Data Center (nndc) very well, and present assigned spins of the studied superdeformed rotational bands (SDRB’s) are consistent with the spins suggested by other previous formulae. The majority of the studied SD bands displayed the same large, smooth increase in $$J^{(2)}$$ by increasing $$\hbar\omega$$ . A saturation of $$J^{(2)}$$ at higher values of $$\hbar\omega$$ was observed for the two bands (1, 2) in $${}^{195}$$ Pb due to the Pauli blocking of the quasineutron alignment in the presence of quasiproton alignment. The studied SD bands exhibited staggering in their transition energies. Five pairs of signature partner SDRBs exhibited an $$\Delta I=1$$ staggering effect in their transition energies, namely $${}^{193}$$ Hg (SD1, SD2), $${}^{193}$$ Hg (SD3, SD4), $${}^{194}$$ Tl (SD1, SD2), $${}^{195}$$ Pb (SD1, SD2), and $${}^{195}$$ Pb (SD3, SD4). To investigate this $$\Delta I=1$$ staggering, we extracted the difference between the average transition $$I+2\to I$$ and $$I\to I-2$$ energies in one band and the transition $$I+1\to I-1$$ energies in the signature partner. Also, a $$\Delta I=2$$ staggering exists in three SD bands of odd–odd $${}^{194}$$ Tl. This $$\Delta I=2$$ staggering effect was determined by calculating the energy difference between two consecutive $$\gamma$$ -ray transitions as a function of rotational frequency after subtracting a smooth reference expressed in the notation of Cederwall.