Reconstruction of the mean annual temperature and precipitation with basis on plant macrodebris accumulations of the Itanhaem River Basin, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Paleoclimate reconstruction, specifically of the mean annual temperature (MAT) and the mean annual precipitation (MAP), from fossil angiosperm leaf assemblages, is usually performed using the main leaves physiognomic characteristics, type of leaf margin and leaf area. In order to know the error of these reconstructions, over the years, studies based on the analysis of leaf accumulations from modern forests have been presented. In the southern coast of the Sao Paulo state, in the Itanhaem River basin, along its main tributaries, especially in the rivers Branco and Preto, which present a meandering pattern, well-preserved plant macrodebris accumulations have been studied. These plant macrodebris accumulations are considered a record of El Nino, the warm phase of the global climate phenomenon El Nino-Southern Oscillation, since they were deposited in periods when this happened, specifically in 1957 and 2004–2005. Based on the analysis of the leaf material of these accumulations, reconstruction of MAT and MAP was carried out. The reconstructions of the MAT underestimated the real value by 1.6 ° C and overestimated it by 0.1 °C. On the other hand, MAP reconstructions only underestimated the actual value, specifically at 620 and 960 mm. The error of these reconstructions seems to be influenced, inter alia, by the habitat, origin habit of the leaf material, sample collection, and not by the occurrence and intensity of El Nino, since during the deposition period of these accumulations, it had no influence on precipitation and temperature. Keywords: paleoclimate reconstruction, leaves physiognomic characteristics, leaf accumulations, modern forests, El Nino. RESUMO – A reconstrucao do paleoclima, especificamente a temperatura media anual (TMA) e a precipitacao media anual (PMA), a partir de associacoes de folhas fosseis de angiospermas, geralmente e efetuada utilizando as principais caracteristicas fisionomicas das folhas, o tipo de margem e area foliar. Com a finalidade de conhecer o erro destas reconstrucoes, ao longo dos anos, tem sido apresentados estudos baseados na analise de acumulacoes de folhas, produto de florestas modernas. No litoral sul do Estado de Sao Paulo, na Bacia do Rio Itanhaem, ao longo de seus principais afluentes, especialmente nos rios Branco e Preto, os quais apresentam um padrao meandrante, foram estudadas acumulacoes de macrorrestos vegetais bem preservadas. Estas acumulacoes sao consideradas um registro de El Nino, a fase quente do fenomeno climatico global El Nino-Oscilacao Sul, ja que se depositaram em periodos em que este aconteceu, especificamente em 1957 e 2004–2005. Com base na analise do material foliar dessas acumulacoes, se levou a cabo a reconstrucao da TMA e a PMA. As reconstrucoes da TMA subestimaram o valor real em 1,6 °C, e o sobrestimaram em 0,1 °C. Por outro lado, as reconstrucoes da PMA so subestimaram o valor real, especificamente em 620 e 960 mm. O erro destas reconstrucoes parecem ser consequencia de fatores como habitat e habito de procedencia do material foliar, coleta das amostras, entre outros, e nao da ocorrencia e intensidade de El Nino, ja que durante o periodo de deposicao destas acumulacoes, nao teve nenhuma influencia sobre as precipitacoes e a temperatura. Palavras-chaves: reconstrucao do paleoclima, caracteristicas fisionomicas das folhas, acumulacoes de folhas, florestas modernas, El Nino.