Since the first ages, women have fought for existence in every field. In general, with the development of civilizations, a huge gap has emerged between men and women who instinctively share everything since their existence, especially in the field of administration. In time, male-dominated societies emerged, and women remained in the background in the administration, and male dominance established a general dominance over women. But women who have not given up their struggle have been able to break this situation in many periods and have gained a place in all parts of society. With the formation of societies, the ruling classes emerged, and the ruling and managed classes were born. Although there are some societies that are rarely managed by women, in general, the government has been in the hands of men. In this case, even if the woman could not intervene directly in the administration, she intervened indirectly. This effect of women on management has changed according to time, place, and societies. In cases where the woman could not be directly in the country's administration, they realized their influence through their husbands. In particular, the monarch's wives not only acted on their own husbands to ensure the continuity of their activities in the administration, but also fought for their children to become rulers in the future. They tried to establish an order between their children that would make them comfortable, they have struggled to have their chosen child be the ruler. The most important factor in this effect is the customs, traditions, and understandings of the societies they belong to. Because beliefs, traditions and customs, social values have also determined the spheres of influence of women. In this study, the effects of monarch wives belonging to three different geographies-West Asia and the Middle East, Europe- and three different nations - Arabs, Turks, Franks - on management will be examined and similar and different aspects of their effects on management will be tried to be revealed by applying the comparison method. When studying the wives of rulers, sources of the period will be considered centrally. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]