A liquid in a pore volume influences on a strength of porous permeable media, both brittle and elastic-plastic. Despite of the dilation of the latter, a pore pressure of a liquid can remain nonzero under constrained shear loading. In the result, a liquid pressure contribute into a stress-strain state of a medium, and, correspondingly, into a strength. On the other hand, a liquid pressure depends on transportation properties of a medium namely on porosity and permeability, where the latter is determined by a characteristic diameter of filtration channels in a solid skeleton. A superposition and interplay of filtration of a liquid and its compression in pores originates a dynamical distribution of a pore pressure in a bulk of material. The non-linearity and interconnectedness of the mentioned processes clearly demonstrate the necessity of application of numerical methods for a studying of strength properties of such permeable liquid-filled media. We have studied a dependence of shear strength of a water-filled elastic-plastic sample under constrained conditions in the framework of the hybrid cellular automaton method that represents a variation of a DEM with explicit account of a liquid in pores. An elastic-plastic sample has been mounted between purely elastic permeable blocks that moved in lateral direction with a constant velocity. There were periodic boundary conditions in lateral direction. In order to create an initial hydrostatic compression in a volume, a pre-loading was performed before shearing. The elastic blocks and the sample had the same values of porosity, permeability, elastic moduli etc. We varied the values of the shear rate, the value of hydrostatic compression, width of the sample and the permeability. We have found that the strength of the sample depends on a cooperation of the following processes: 1) increase of a mean stress in a medium under shear; 2) dilation of elastic-plastic sample after reaching a yield point; 3) mass transfer of a fluid in a pore volume of a sample and elastic blocks and 4) redistribution of a fluid pressure due to its mass transfer. The observed effects together with the results of numerical simulations allowed us to suggest a binomial dependence of shear strength of an elastic-plastic sample on permeability, loading parameters and geometry of a sample. The first term of this dependence describes the exponential decrease of strength of a sample due to the decrease of effective stiffness of the elastic blocks under outflow of a liquid into an excess pore volume of a sample. Note that the latter leads to the decrease of the degree of constraint. The second term characterizes the influence of filtration on an increase of effective stiffness of the sample due to the growth of pore pressure of a liquid. This, in turn, leads to the increase of the degree of constraint of the sample. The parameters of the given dependence represent the combinations of the values of loading, width of a sample, its physical-mechanical properties, including permeability, and physical mechanical properties of a liquid.