This article models the multihop data-routing in vehicular ad-hoc networks as multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) in four steps. First, the criteria that have impact on the performance of the network layer are captured and transformed into fuzzy sets. Second, the fuzzy sets are characterized by fuzzy membership functions (FMFs), which are interpolated (curve fitting) based on the data collected from massive experimental simulations. Third, the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is exploited to identify the relationships among the criteria. Fourth, multiple fuzzy rules are determined and the Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK) inference system is employed to infer and aggregate the final forwarding decision. Through integrating techniques of MCDM, FMF, AHP, and TSK, we design a distributed and opportunistic data routing protocol, namely, vehicular environment fuzzy router which targets vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication and runs in two main processes—road segment selection (RSS) and relay vehicle selection (RVS). RSS is intended to select multiple successive junctions through which the packets should travel from the source to the destination, while RVS process is intended to select relay vehicles within the selected road segment. The experimental results show that our protocol performs and scales well with both network size and density, considering the combined problem of end-to-end packet delivery ratio and end-to-end latency.