Applying the recently constructed analytic representation for the pp scattering amplitudes, we present a study of p-air cross sections, with comparison to the data from Extensive Air Shower (EAS) measurements. The amplitudes describe with precision all available accelerator data at ISR, SPS and LHC energies, and its theoretical basis, together with the very smooth energy dependence of parameters controlled by unitarity and dispersion relations, permit reliable extrapolation to higher energies and to asymptotic ranges. The comparison with cosmic ray data is very satisfactory in the whole pp energy interval from 1 to 100 TeV. High energy asymptotic behaviour of cross sections is investigated in view of the geometric scaling property of the amplitudes. The amplitudes predict that the proton does not behave as a black disk even at asymptotically high enegies, and we discuss possible non-trivial consequences of this fact for pA collision cross sections at higher energies. dependence. This is a new finding, since the generally accepted idea is that the slope of the differential cross sections varies like simple linear logs, as in Regge phenomenology. This result has a crucial effect for the use of Glauber formalism in the analysis of p-air extended showers at the high energies of our concern, since the value of the slope BI, together with the value of the total cross section, are the basic inputs of the calculation. For the application of the standard Glauber approach, we basically need the amplitudes in forward scattering. In these conditions our amplitudes take simpler exponential forms requiring only two parameters to specify each amplitude. The relevant parameters are then the total cross section σ, the ratio ρ between real and imaginary parts at t = 0, and the slopes BI and BR of each of the two parts. Our full-t analysis (5) provides the energy dependence of these quantities with simple analytical forms that are appropriate for the whole energy range from 50GeV to 100TeV. On the other hand, the log 2 s dependence of the slopes is intimately related to the unitarity condition, as can be seen more clearly in the b-space representation. Another interesting consequences of our representation is that a proton does not behave as a black disk even in asymptotic energy domain. This fact also has important consequences to the estimate of pA collision cross section in the ultra- high energy domain.