109 results on '"Engleska"'
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- Author
Fox, Joanna and Videmšek, Petra
- Subjects
SOCIAL work education ,JOB involvement ,QUALITY of service ,SOCIAL work students ,USER experience - Abstract
Copyright of Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada / Annual of Social Work is the property of Pravni Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, Studijski Centar Socijalnog Rada and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Miran Marelja and Valentino Kuzelj
- Subjects
Engleska ,Parlament ,Donji dom ,fiskalni suverenitet ,oporezivanje ,Law ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Povijest parlamentarnog razvoja usko je povezana uz razvoj fiskalnih ovlaštenja zakonodavne vlasti, što je osobito izraženo u nastanku i razvoju engleskog Parlamenta. Štoviše, moguće je ustvrditi kako pitanje borbe „srednjovjekovnih poreznih obveznika“, tj. onih koji participiraju u raspodjeli moći u srednjovjekovnim feudalnim strukturama, prethodi samom nastanku engleskog Parlamenta i „skupova kraljevih slugu“ prije njega. Tako se sredstva ograničenja samovolje krune, ponajprije u fiskalnim pitanjima, pronalaze u najranijim ustavnim dokumentima srednjovjekovne Engleske. Prizivanje fiskalnih prerogativa Parlamenta u kasnijim razdobljima predstavlja najefikasniji oblik suprotstavljanja samovolji krune, a posebno nasuprot apsolutističkim težnjama vladara kuće Stuart. Po uspostavi supremacije Parlamenta nad krunom, viktorijansko razdoblje ostaje u znaku borbe dvaju parlamentarnih domova koja će početkom 20. stoljeća kulminirati na pitanju odbijanja proračuna od strane Gornjeg doma. Zakon o Parlamentu iz 1911. predstavlja završetak višestoljetnog razvoja fiskalnog suvereniteta Parlamenta potvrđujući ga prerogativom Donjeg doma kao nositelja izbornog demokratskog legitimiteta.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Kenneth Kaunda Kodiyo, L. L. M.
- Subjects
Copyright of Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty / Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu is the property of Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, Pravni Fakultet and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Marelja, Miran and Kuzelj, Valentino
- Subjects
LEGITIMACY of governments ,LEGISLATIVE bodies ,SOVEREIGNTY ,FOOD sovereignty ,HOUSING ,HOUSEHOLD employees ,MEDIEVAL European history - Abstract
Copyright of Collected Papers of the Law Faculty of the University of Rijeka / Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci is the property of Pravni fakultet Sveucilista u Rijeci and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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6. Nacionalni diskurs u 14. stoljeću. Hrvatska i Škotska
- Author
Levanić, Leo and Vedriš, Trpimir
- Subjects
Hungary ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska srednjovjekovna povijest ,plemstvo ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Medieval Croatian and World History ,Croatia ,king ,Hrvatska ,kralj ,nobility ,Church ,Crkva ,Ugarska ,Engleska ,Scotland ,England ,Škotska ,National discourse ,Nacionalni diskurs - Abstract
Ovaj rad proučava i komparira nastanak, oblikovanje i razvoj nacionalnog diskursa u Hrvatskoj i Škotskoj tijekom 14. stoljeća. Oblikovanje hrvatskog i škotskog nacionalnog identiteta se proučava u sklopu analitičkog okvira stvorenog na temelju teorijskih pretpostavki Anthonyja Smitha, Susan Reynolds i Caspara Hirschija. U središtu analize se nalaze unutarnji i vanjski čimbenici koji su tijekom 14. stoljeća utjecali na stvaranje i/ili zaoštravanje hrvatske i škotske nacionalne autopredodžbe. U skladu s tim se unutar oba kraljevstva sagledavaju uloge koje su u oblikovanju nacionalnog diskursa u danom društvenopolitičkom kontekstu imale društvene elite (vrhovni vladari, plemstvo i Crkva). Uz to se i sagledava uloga koju su u oblikovanju hrvatskog i škotskog nacionalnog diskursa imale zajednice koje su tadašnji Hrvati i Škoti smatrali najvećom prijetnjom za svoje „nacionalne“ interese (Ugarska i Engleska). Na kraju se promatraju i relevantni izvori za nacionalni diskurs u oba kraljevstva. Iz tih izvora se izvlače i kompariraju informacije o nekim značajnijim aspektima dotičnih nacija. Te informacije nam omogućuju da sagledamo kakve su percepcije autori tih izvora, a najvjerojatnije i pripadnici elite obiju kraljevstva, gajili o svojoj naciji. This thesis examines and compares the emergence, formation, and development of the national discourse in Croatia and Scotland during the 14th century. The formation of Croatian and Scottish national identity is examined within the analytical framework created on the basis of the theoretical assumptions of Anthony Smith, Susan Reynolds, and Caspar Hirschi. The analysis focuses on the internal and external factors that influenced the emergence and/or strengthening of the Croatian and Scottish national self-image in the 14th century. Accordingly, the role played by the social elites (rulers, nobility, and Church) in shaping the national discourse in the respective socio-political contexts is examined in both kingdoms. In addition, the role played in shaping Croatian and Scottish national discourse by the communities considered by the Croats and Scots of the time to be the greatest threat to their “national” interests (Hungary and England) will also be analyzed. Finally, relevant sources for national discourse in both kingdoms are considered. From these sources, information about some important aspects of the respective nations will be extracted and compared. Based on this information, we can see what ideas the authors of these sources, and most likely the members of the elites of both kingdoms, had about their nation.
- Published
- 2023
7. Edvardus primus Scotorum malleus: A Reflection on the Power of the King Who Made History from 1272 - 1307
- Author
Lučić, Josip and Levak, Maurizio
- Subjects
Wales ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska srednjovjekovna povijest ,Filip IV. Lijepi ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Medieval Croatian and World History ,Eleonora Kastiljska ,Edward Longshanks ,Engleska ,Boniface VIII ,England ,Scotland ,Jews ,Bonifacije VIII ,France ,židovi ,Škotska ,Eleanor of Castile ,Edvard I. Dugonogi ,Philip the Fair ,Francuska - Abstract
Srednjovjekovna je Engleska kroz svoju dugu i bremenitu povijest iznjedrila mnoge vladarske kuće, od kojih se najznačajnije isprofilirala dinastija Plantageneta. Tijekom svoje vlasti obilježila je kulturnu, političku i vojnu povijest Engleske razvijenog i kasnog srednjeg vijeka. U ovome radu razmatran je jedan izdanak te loze, kralj Edvard I. Dugonogi. Kroz brojna poglavlja nastojala se donijeti određena slika vladara. Upoznali smo Edvarda kao prijestolonasljednika tijekom pobune baruna. Razmatrao se njegov učinak u Walesu, gdje se iznova uputio u sedamdesetim i osamdesetim godinama XIII. stoljeća. Nadalje, pisali smo i o Škotskoj, koja je engleskom kralju pružala žestok otpor i koja će izboriti vlastitu neovisnost tek u vrijeme Edvardova nasljednika. S druge strane La Manchea Edvard se borio protiv francuskog kralja Filipa IV. Lijepog. Bila je to jedna pretenciozna vojna kampanja, koja neće polučiti željeni rezultat. Naime, radi stabilnosti vlastita Kraljevstva Edvard će morati odabrati diplomatski prihvatljiviju opciju. Tijekom svoje vladavine Dugonogi je nastojao opovrgnuti i utjecaj pape Bonifacija VIII. na crkvene velikodostojnike u vlastitu kraljevstvu. Za razliku od svoga oca, Edvard se otvoreno razračunavao s Crkvom čija je snaga tada bila u postupnom, ali sigurnom padu. Uz određene vojne i političke uspjehe engleskoga kralja imali smo priliku vidjeti i ne tako sjajne epizode u kojima je ispražnjena blagajna dovela Kraljevstvo u opasno stanje, a Edvarda u stalnu ovisnost o financijerima. Takvo stanje izrodit će i Edikt iz 1290., kojim su židovi biti istjerani iz Engleske. Osim vojno-političkog segmenta, razmatran je i onaj nešto humanijega karaktera, u kojem se propitivao odnos Edvarda I. i supruge mu Eleonore. Ovim diplomskim radom se pomoću istraživačkih pitanja formuliranih u samome uvodu nastojao rekonstruirati tek jedan fragment engleske povijesti. Na brojna pitanja smo uspjeli pronaći suvisao odgovor, ali mnoga su i dalje ostala otvorena ostajući kao poticaj za neka buduća istraživanja. Throughout its long and turbulent history, medieval England was home to many influential ruling houses, and the most famous among them were the Plantagenets. This dynasty shaped the cultural, political and military history of the English High and Late Middle Ages. In this paper, one descendant of this dynasty was considered, a ruler named Edward Longshanks. Numerous chapters attempted to paint an accurate picture of the ruler. During the Barons' War, we became acquainted with Edward as heir to the throne. We discussed his influence in Wales, where he again took over in the 1270s and 1280s. We also read about Scotland, which bitterly resisted the English king and would not gain independence until the time of Edward's successor. On the other side of La Manche, Edward fought against the French King Philip the Fair. That was a pretentious campaign that did not produce the expected result. To ensure the stability of the kingdom's power, Edward had to choose a more acceptable diplomatic option. During his reign, Longshanks attempted to refute Pope Boniface VIII's influence on ecclesiastical dignitaries. Unlike his father, Edward openly reckoned with the head of the Church, whose power was slowly but surely waning. In addition to some political and military successes of the English king, there were also less pleasant episodes in which the empty treasury put the kingdom in a dangerous position and Edward in perpetual dependence on his financial backers. Such circumstances led to the enactment of the Edict of Expulsion, which aimed to drive the Jewish population out of England. Besides the military and political part, we have also questioned the relationship between Edward and his wife, Eleanor of Castile. Through the research questions formulated in the introduction, we have succeeded in reconstructing only a fragment of English history. We have found a comprehensive answer to many questions, but some remained open, encouraging us to conduct further research.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Rousseau, Delphine-Anne
- Subjects
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EARLY music , *MUSIC -- Terminology ,FRENCH music - Abstract
Research on historical terminology is a key step to understanding a specialised language and its evolution, and to getting to the core of a historical discipline in context. This type of research is particularly of interest in fields like Early music, especially as early-music specialists have to use and master the proper terminology for the music they specialise in and that is very often different from the terminology traditionally used in music, and as they have to be able to communicate efficiently with specialists from other fields. In this paper, the author will present an ongoing doctoral research project on the music terminology in use in France and in England during the second half of the 17th century and its evolution through time, the methodology being used and some methodological issues, as well as present a few examples illustrating the author's work. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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9. Childe Harold and Eugene Onegin as Representatives Of English and Russian Romanticism
- Author
Ćirić, Ranko and Lukić, Marko
- Subjects
književnost ,revolucija ,literature ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Theory and History of Literature ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Teorija i povijest književnosti ,rebellion ,pobuna ,Russia ,Engleska ,Puškin ,revolution ,Rusija ,England ,Goethe ,romanticism ,Byron ,Pushkin ,romantizam - Abstract
Both characters represent a specific period in time and two very specific and different cultures. The Russian character belongs to a semi-feudal society, the English character is a product of a civic society in its cradle. The period is the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. A time of great changes in society and technology. Literature followed the pace and was a reflection of these deep changes. The revolutionary outburst of romantic novels was a messenger of deep philosophical and societal changes in that part of the world. The cultural influence and interchange is strong. But the main difference is that english romanticism is dynamic. The russian romanticism is static. Oba lika predstavljaju specifičnu epohu u historiji i dvije veoma različite i specifične kulture tog perioda. Lik iz ruskog romana pripada polfeudalnom društvu, lik iz engleskog romana je proizvod građanskog društva u nastajanju. Vrijeme u kojem se dva književna djela pojavljuju je kraj osamnaestog i početak devetnaestog stoljeća. Bilo je to vrijeme velikih promjena u društvu i tehnologiji. Književnost je isla ukorak sa tim promjenama. Revolucionarni krik prisutan u književnim djelima romantizma bio je glasnik dubokih društvenih i filozofskih promjena tog vremena. Kulturološki utjecaj i razmjena jaki su, ali suštinska razlika je u tome da je engleski romantizam dinamčian, a ruski statičan.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Jovanović, Ivor and Škegro, Dario
- Subjects
razvoj ,Europe ,football ,nogomet ,England ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Kineziologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Kinesiology ,football fans ,navijači ,Europa ,development ,Engleska - Abstract
U ovom radu pobliže će se objasniti povijesni razvoj nogometne igre te sukladno tome i razvoj navijačkog pokreta u Engleskoj te njegovo širenje po europskim zemljama. Sam navijački pokret razvija se dulje od stoljeća te će biti opisano kako su društveni faktori utjecali na njega. Mnogo je sociologa kroz povijest dalo viđenje tog fenomena kroz razne teorije. U svakoj europskoj zemlji navijači su imali drugačiji put, no kod svih je zajednička karakteristika neupitna podrška klubu za koji navijaju i neće prezati ni pred čim da to i dokažu. This thesis will closely explain how the football and football fandom developed throughout history. What influenced it and how did different social factors have an impact on its development. Football-fan movement had been developing for more than a century and it will be described how social factors influenced it. Many sociologists throughout history gave their view of this phenomenon through various theories. In each European country,football fans had a different path, but a common characteristic is that they all had unquestionable support for the club they root from and that they will surpass anything to prove it.
- Published
- 2022
11. The Origin of Cacao and the Chocolate Consuption in Europe by the End of the 18th Century
- Author
Levanić, Nina
- Subjects
cacao ,chocolate ,beverage ,Europe ,Spain ,France ,England ,New World ,čokolada ,Engleska ,Europa ,Francuska ,kakaovac ,napitak ,Novi svijet ,Španjolska - Abstract
Otkrićem Novog svijeta, Europa upoznaje nove namirnice, a jedna od njih je i zrno kakaovca koje je glavni sastojak čokolade. Iako je prva asocijacija pri spomenu riječi čokolada slatka pločica, ipak se tijekom većeg dijela svoje povijesti čokolada konzumirala kao napitak. Uz pomoć dostupne literature i izvora, rad daje pregled konzumacije čokolade u Europi od prvog europskog doticaja s egzotičnom namirnicom pa sve do kraja 18. stoljeća. Također, područje proučavanja ograničava se na određene dijelove Europe budući da literatura pruža najviše podataka o Španjolskoj, Francuskoj i Engleskoj., With the discovery of the New World, Europe comes in contact with new foods, and one of them is the cacao grain, the main ingredient of chocolate. Although the first association with the word chocolate is a sweet bar, during a bigger part of its history, chocolate has been consumed as a beverage. With references to the available literature and resources, this paper gives an insight into the consumption of chocolate in Europe from the first european contact with this exotic ingredient untill the end of the 18th century. Furthermore, the area of research is restricted to specific domains of Europe since the literature has the most data about Spain, France and England.
- Published
- 2022
12. Utjecaj nogometa na englesku kulturu i gospodarstvo
- Author
Ivić, Luka, Kuharić, Darija, and Mesić, Hrvoje
- Subjects
football ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Interdisciplinary Social Sciences ,economy ,nogomet ,financije ,England ,kultura ,gospodarstvo ,finance ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti ,Engleska ,culture - Abstract
Nogomet, sport koji je zastupljen po cijelome svijetu, među svim naraštajima i na svim kontinentima – drugim riječima globalni sportski fenomen postao je razvojem tehnologije jedan od najvećih financijskih izvora. Najveći utjecaj nogomet upravo ima u zemlji koja ga je izmislila i popularizirala. Naime, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo je najbolje iskoristilo njegov potencijal i razvoj tehnologije. Engleska, jedna od četiri države Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva koja broji preko 40.000 registriranih klubova i 57 službenih liga, redovito puni svoje klupske stadione diljem zemlje, unatoč sve većim cijenama ulaznica koje su rezultat komercijalizacije nogometa. Niti crna strana nogometa – huliganizam koji je u Engleskoj bio najizraženiji 80-ih godina – nije uspio uništiti njegove iskonske vrijednosti zahvaljujući pravovremenim i učinkovitim reakcijama vlasti. Njegov je negativan utjecaj na najvažniju sporednu stvar na svijetu sveden na minimum. Novac je sveprisutan u nogometu: prava u imenovanju stadiona, televizijski prijenosi, sponzorstva te komercijalni prihodi. Iako su zbog pandemije uzrokovane virusom Covid-19 engleski klubovi osjetili znatne gubitke, njihova veličina i potpora navijača osigurala je brz financijski oporavak. Vrijednost “nogometnog turizma” neprocjenjiva je za englesko gospodarstvo i kulturu. Football, a sport that is represented all over the world, among all generations and present on all continents - in other words, a global sports phenomenon that has become one of the largest financial sources with the development of technology. Football has the greatest impact in the country that invented and popularized it. Namely, the United Kingdom has made the best use of its potential and the development of technology. England, one of four countries in the United Kingdom, with over 40,000 registered clubs and 57 official football leagues, regularly fills its club stadiums across the country, despite rising ticket prices which are the result of commercialization of football. Not even the dark side of football - hooliganism, which was most pronounced in England in the 1980s - has managed to destroy its original values thanks to the timely and effective reactions of the authorities. Its negative impact on the most important secondary thing in the world has been minimized. Money is present everywhere in football: stadium naming rights, television broadcasts, sponsorships, and commercial revenues. Although English clubs felt significant losses due to the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus, their size and the support of the fans ensured a quick financial recovery. The value of “football tourism” has been invaluable to the English economy and culture.
- Published
- 2021
13. Norman Dynasty - From Rollo and William Longsword to John Lackland
- Author
Magić, Dinko and Kurelić, Robert
- Subjects
Vilim Osvajač ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska srednjovjekovna povijest ,England ,William the Conqueror ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Medieval Croatian and World History ,Hastings ,Normans ,France ,Normani ,Francuska ,Engleska - Abstract
Viking Rolon pljačkao je po obalama Francuske dok mu se nije ukazala prilika da on i njegovi ratnici postanu vazali franačkog kralja i da dobiju grofoviju na sjeveru zemlje. Rolonov praunuk Rikard II. Uzdigao je tu grofoviju do moćnog vojvodstva s utjecajem po cijeloj Francuskoj. Rikardov unuk će postati jedan od najpoznatijih vladara te dinastije kada je osvojio Englesku i postao njezin kralj nakon što je porazio svojeg rivala Harolda. Njegov najstariji sin je naslijedio Normandiju, a mlađi sin Englesku. To je dovelo do mnogih sukoba između Vilimovih sinova. Nakon Henrikove stabilne vladavine, došlo je do borbe za prijestolje između njegove kćeri i nećaka. Njegov istoimeni sin je naslijedio stabilnu situaciju u zemlji te ju održao usprkos mnogim pobunama svojih sinova. Za razliku od svojega oca, Rikard je bio puno zainteresiraniji za sudjelovanje u križarskim pohodima i tako zanemarivao posjede u Europi. Njegov brat i nasljednik Ivan pokušao je vladati zemljom, ali ne previše uspješno jer se morao nositi s mnogim pobunama. Tijekom jedne od njih je i poginuo. The Viking Rollo pillaged across the shores of France until he saw an opportunity for him and his warriors to become vassals of the Frankish king and to get a county in the north of France. His great-grandson Richard II would raise the county to a powerful dukedom that would wield influence over all of France. His grandson William would become one of the most well-known rulers of the dynasty when he conquered England and became its king after defeating his rival Harold at the battle of Hastings. His eldest son wold inherit Normandy, while his younger son would get England. This led to many conflicts between William’s sons. After Henry’s prosperous rule, his daughter and nephew started to fight over who between them had the right to rule. His namesake son inherited a realm which he managed to keep prosperous despite rebellions from his sons. Unlike his father, Richard was much more interested in crusading thus disregarding his European possessions. His brother and heir John tried ruling the land, but without much success due to many revolts he had to face. He perished during one of those revolts.
- Published
- 2021
14. The impact of migration on the demographic structure of England
- Author
Sinković, Martin and Spevec, Dubravka
- Subjects
demografska analiza ,sastav stanovništva ,demographic analysis ,migracije ,England ,migrations ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,composition of population ,GIS ,Engleska - Abstract
Bogata kolonijalna prošlost Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva uvelike je utjecala na demografsku strukturu kakva je danas prisutna u Engleskoj. Šarolika etnička, religijska i socijalna struktura stanovništva danas su realnost u Engleskoj. Koristeći se relevantnim statističkim metodama, GIS alatima te znanstvenom i stručnom literaturom analizirat će se promjena strukture kroz vrijeme, prostorni razmještaj pojedinih skupina stanovništva te utjecaj istog na prostor. Također, u radu će biti analizirane međusobne povezanosti pojedinih struktura stanovništva. Podaci koji će se koristiti u ovome radu dostupni su na službenoj stranici Zavoda za statistiku Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, i to u statističko-tabličnom obliku, ali također i u prostornom obliku za rad u GIS-u. Cilj rada je doći do zaključaka o utjecaju migracija na ukupnu demografsku sliku istraživanog prostora, ali i promjeni u prostornoj i demografskoj strukturi gradova i možebitnoj društvenoj problematici. Rich colonial past of the United Kingdom has greatly influenced the present demographic structure of England. Ethnic, religious and social diversity are the main characteristics of today's population of England. Using relevant statistical methods, GIS tools, as well as scientific literature, the Master Thesis seeks to analyse the change of structure through time, spatial distribution of certain population groups and its impact on the area. Furthermore, the Thesis analyses correlations between different structures of population. The data used in the Thesis is available on the Office for National Statistics (ONS) website, both in statistical and tabular form, as well as in spatial form that can be analysed using GIS tools. The present Thesis aims to reach conclusions regarding the impact of migrations on the overall demographic state of the analysed area, as well as regarding the change in the spatial and demographic structure of cities and possible social issues arising from migrations.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Valentino Kuzelj and Miran Marelja
- Subjects
England ,Parlament ,Unterhaus ,fiskalische Souveränität ,Besteuerung ,Marketing ,Engleska ,Donji dom ,fiskalni suverenitet ,oporezivanje ,Economics and Econometrics ,Parliament ,House of Commons ,fiscal sovereignty ,taxation ,Absolute monarchy ,General Chemical Engineering ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Feudalism ,Legislature ,Inghilterra ,Parlamento ,Camera bassa ,sovranità fiscale ,tassazione ,Autocracy ,Democracy ,Sovereignty ,Law ,Political science ,General Materials Science ,media_common - Abstract
Povijest parlamentarnog razvoja usko je povezana uz razvoj fiskalnih ovlaštenja zakonodavne vlasti, što je osobito izraženo u nastanku i razvoju engleskog Parlamenta. Štoviše, moguće je ustvrditi kako pitanje borbe „srednjovjekovnih poreznih obveznika“, tj. onih koji participiraju u raspodjeli moći u srednjovjekovnim feudalnim strukturama, prethodi samom nastanku engleskog Parlamenta i „skupova kraljevih slugu“ prije njega. Tako se sredstva ograničenja samovolje krune, ponajprije u fiskalnim pitanjima, pronalaze u najranijim ustavnim dokumentima srednjovjekovne Engleske. Prizivanje fiskalnih prerogativa Parlamenta u kasnijim razdobljima predstavlja najefikasniji oblik suprotstavljanja samovolji krune, a posebno nasuprot apsolutističkim težnjama vladara kuće Stuart. Po uspostavi supremacije Parlamenta nad krunom, viktorijansko razdoblje ostaje u znaku borbe dvaju parlamentarnih domova koja će početkom 20. stoljeća kulminirati na pitanju odbijanja proračuna od strane Gornjeg doma. Zakon o Parlamentu iz 1911. predstavlja završetak višestoljetnog razvoja fiskalnog suvereniteta Parlamenta potvrđujući ga prerogativom Donjeg doma kao nositelja izbornog demokratskog legitimiteta., History of parliamentary development is narrowly tied to the development of fiscal prerogatives of the legislature. This is especially pronounced in the origins and development of the English Parliament. Moreover, we can ascertain that the fight of “medieval taxpayers”, i.e. those partaking in the distribution of power in medieval feudal structures, foreshadows the very foundation of the English Parliament and its precursors – the “assemblies of King’s servants”. In that sense, medieval England’s earliest constitutional documents espouse mechanisms limiting Crown’s autocracy. Later on, the invocation of Parliament’s fiscal prerogatives represented the most efficient form of subverting such absolutism, especially regarding the absolutist tendencies of the Stuarts. Upon establishment of Parliament’s supremacy over the Crown, the Victorian era was marked by the struggle between two houses of Parliament, culminating in early 20th century anent the issue of the Lords’ rejection of the budget bill. Parliament Act of 1911 marks the end of a centuries-long development of Parliament’s fiscal sovereignty, affirming the prerogatives of the House of Commons as the holders of democratic electoral legitimacy., Die parlamentarische Entstehung steht in enger Verbindung zur Entwicklung fiskalischer Befugnisse der Gesetzgebungsgewalt, was insbesondere in der Entstehung und Entwicklung des englischen Parlaments zum Ausdruck kommt. Darüber hinaus sei es feststellbar, dass die Frage des Kampfs „mittelalterlicher Steuerpflichtige“, bzw. derjenigen, die an Gewaltenteilung in damaligen feudalen Strukturen teilnahmen, der Entstehung des englischen Parlaments und „Treffen der Diener des Königs“ vorausgeht. So sind Mittel der Beschränkung des Eigenwillens der Krone, vor allem in finanziellen Fragen, in frühsten Verfassungsurkunden mittelalterlichen Englands zu finden. Das Berufen auf finanzielle Prärogative des Parlaments in späteren Zeiträumen stellt wirkungsvolle Entgegensetzung zum Eigenwillen der Krone, und insbesondere dem absolutistischen Streben des Hauses Stuart gegenüber. Als das Parlament Vorrang vor Krone erlangte, blieb der viktorianische Zeitraum in Zeichen des Kampfs zwischen Unterhaus und Oberhaus, welcher Anfang 20. Jahrhunderts seinen Höhenpunkt bei der Frage der Ablehnung des Haushalts seitens des Oberhauses, erreichte. Das Gesetz zum Parlament aus 1911 vollendete die jahrhundertlange Entwicklung fiskalischer Eigenständigkeit des Parlaments, indem es durch Prärogativ des Unterhauses als Inhaber von demokratischer Wahllegitimität bestätigt wurde., La storia dello sviluppo parlamentare è strettamente legata allo sviluppo dei poteri fiscali delle autorità legislative, il che è particolarmente espresso nella nascita e nello sviluppo del Parlamento d’Inghilterra. Inoltre, è possibile costatare che la questione della lotta dei “contribuenti medievali”, cioè di quelli che partecipano nella divisione del potere nelle strutture feudali medievali, precede all’istaurazione del Parlamento ed, ancor prima, alle “riunioni dei servitori del Re”. In tal modo i mezzi di limitazione dell’arbitrarietà della corona, in primis nelle questioni fiscali, si individuano nei primi documenti costituzionali dell’Inghilterra medievale. L’invocazione delle prerogative fiscali del Parlamento nei periodi successivi rappresenta la forma più efficace di opposizione all’arbitrarietà della corona, in particolare difronte alle aspirazioni dei sovrani della casa Stuart. Stabilendo la supremazia del Parlamento alla corona, l’epoca vittoriana rimane nel segno della lotta delle due camere parlamentari, che all’inizio del XX secolo culminerà sulla questione del rifiuto del bilancio da parte della Camera alta. La Legge sul Parlamento del 1911 presenta la fine dello sviluppo multisecolare della sovranità fiscale del Parlamento, confermandolo con la prerogativa della Camera bassa nella veste di portatrice della legittimità democratica elettorale.
- Published
- 2020
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16. Međunarodni položaj Engleske u doba vladavine dinastije Tudor
- Author
Bradanović, Katarina and Pavić, Milorad
- Subjects
foreign relations ,Novi svijet ,The Spanish Armada ,Engleska ,Henry VIII ,Elizabeth I ,Nepobjediva Armada ,the Atlantic ,Zlatna era ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Early Croatian and World History ,Elizabethan era ,dinastija Tudor ,Anglikanska Crkva ,Early Modern Period ,the Tudor dynasty ,New World ,Church of England ,vanjskopolitički odnosi ,rani novi vijek ,England ,marriage politics ,ženidbena politika ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska ranonovovjekovna povijest ,Henrik VIII ,Elizabeta I ,Atlantik - Abstract
Međunarodni položaj Engleske u doba vladavine dinastije Tudor rezultat je brojnih faktora od kojih valja istaknuti unutarnje prilike u državi, ženidbenu politiku europskih velesila u ranom novom vijeku, savezništva na internacionalnoj razini, vanjskopolitičke i diplomatske manevre, stanje kraljevske riznice, dramatične promjene na religijskom planu, trgovinske odnose na tranzitnom području između Portugala i Baltika, istraživačke ekspedicije koje su odlazile prema Novom svijetu, kao i prioritetne, odnosno interesne zone svakog monarha dinastije Tudor. Diplomski rad analizira vanjskopolitičke poteze šest vladara dinastije Tudor, počevši od ustoličenja Henrika VII., zaključno s vladavinom posljednje članice dinastije Tudor, kraljice Elizabete I. Diplomski rad posebno naglašava ustanovljenje ženidbene politike dinastije Tudor u doba vladavine Henrika VII., diplomatske i ratne podvige Engleske u doba vladavine Henrika VIII., osnutak separatne Anglikanske Crkve i englesko odvajanje od papinske jurisdikcije, važnost habsburško-španjolskog i engleskog savezništva koji je služio kao protuteža snažnom francusko-škotskom savezu, utjecaj papinstva, protestantske reformacije i katoličke protureformacije na vanjskopolitičke odnose europskih velesila u 16. stoljeću, pobjedu engleske mornarice nad španjolskom „Nepobjedivom Armadom“ 1588. godine, unaprjeđenje engleske vojske i mornarice pod Henrikom VIII. i Elizabetom I. i uspostavljanje engleske pomorske i trgovinske dominacije na Atlantiku u doba „Zlatne ere“ Elizabete I., odnosno začetak britanske kolonijalne supremacije i stvaranje budućeg Britanskog imperija. International position of England during the reign of the Tudor dynasty was an outcome of numerous factors such as England's domestic policies, European superpowers' marriage politics of the Early Modern Period, international alliances, foreign policy and diplomatic maneuvers, present condition of the royal treasury, dramatic changes concerning the state's official religion, trade relations in the transit area between Portugal and the Baltic states, European exploration of the New World as well as the prioritized areas of influence of each monarch in the Tudor dynasty. This Master's thesis analyses foreign policy management of the six rulers of the Tudor dynasty, following the accession of Henry VII, in conclusion with the reign of the dynasty's last sovereign, Queen Elizabeth I. The thesis particularly addresses the Tudor dynasty's marriage politics established during the reign of Henry VII, England's diplomatic and warfare maneuvers during the reign of Henry VIII, the foundation of a separate Church of England as well as England's separation from the papal jurisdiction, the importance of the Habsburg-Spanish alliance which served as a counterbalance to the strong French-Scottish alliance, the influence of papacy, Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation on foreign relations of the European superpowers in the 16th century, victory of the English fleet over „The Spanish Armada“ in the year 1588, the advancement of both English fleet and army under Henry VIII and Elizabeth I as well as England's maritime and trade ascendancy in the Atlantic during the so-called England's „Golden Age“ of the Elizabethan era, i.e. the beginning of British colonial supremacy and creation of the future British Empire.
- Published
- 2021
17. Odnos Marije Stuart i Elizabete I
- Author
Levanić, Nina and Pavić, Milorad
- Subjects
katoličanstvo ,Catholicity ,protestantizam ,Engleska ,englesko prijestolje ,Scotland ,England ,Elizabeth I ,Mary Stuart ,Prostestantism ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Early Croatian and World History ,English throne ,Elizabeta I ,Škotska ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska ranonovovjekovna povijest ,Marija Stuart - Abstract
Glavni fokus rada jest analiziranje odnosa Marije Stuart kao kraljice Škota i engleske kraljice Elizabete I. temeljen na vjerskim i političkim razlikama. Vjerske razlike protestanata i katolika na Otoku, započele su prodorom reformacije na dvoru Henrika VIII. Tudora koji je svog sina Edwarda VI. ţelio oţeniti za kraljicu Škota, Mariju Stuart. MeĎutim, Škotska je zbog savezništva s Francuskom odlučila skloniti kraljicu na dvor francuskog kralja i tamo je udati za prijestolonasljednika. Nakon što je Elizabeta preuzela englesku krunu, Škotska je brojila sve veći broj prezbiterijanaca, stoga je Marija, po dolasku u Škotsku, propagirala vjersku toleranciju i pravo na englesku krunu. MeĎutim, takva politika se nije svidjela škotskim lordovima koji su odlučili zatočiti Mariju i prisiliti je na abdikaciju. Nakon što je uspjela pobjeći u Englesku, očekivala je Elizabetinu pomoć u vraćanju prijestolja, nakon čega bi preuzela i englesku krunu. Elizabeta ju je zatočila na 19 godina kako bi suzbila njene pretenzije na englesku krunu, ali je Marija, uz pomoć katoličkih snaga, kovala urote protiv engleske kraljice, što je rezultiralo njenim pogubljenjem. The main focus of the paper is to analyze the relation between Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth I. The relation is based on religious and political difference. The religious difference between Protestants and Catholics in the British Isles began with the Reformation's flurry at the court of Henry VIII who wanted Mary Stuart to marry his son, Edward VI. However, Scotland decided to fulfill alliance with France and hide Mary to the court of French king, where she was married to the Dauphin of France. During Elizabeth's ruling, Scotland numbered an increasing number of Presbyterians, which obliged Mary, after her return to Sctoland, to proclaim religious tolerance and right to the English throne. Scottish lords decided to imprison Mary and force her to abdicate. After a while, she managed to escape to England where she expected Elizabeth's help in regaining the throne, after which she would take over the English throne. Instead of helping her, Elizabeth imprisoned Mary for 19 years to suppress her claims to the English throne, but Mary conspired with Catholic forces which resulted in her execution.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Jovanović, Kosana
- Abstract
Copyright of Zbornik Odsjeka za Povijesne Znanosti. Zavoda za Povijesne i Društvene Znanosti is the property of Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Zavod za Povijesne i Drustvene Znanosti and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Lazarević, Žarko
- Subjects
BRITISH banking industry ,BANKING industry ,BANKING industry & economics ,COMMUNITY banks ,FOREIGN banking industry ,SAVINGS banks ,INVESTMENT banking - Abstract
Copyright of Bankarstvo Magazine is the property of Association of Serbian Banks and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
20. Hobbes i republikanizam: Levijatan protiv Commonwealtha.
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The text problematizes Hobbes's relation towards republicanism. This is carried out in three stages. The first stage shows the form in which republican ideas were present in English political thought in the first half of the 17th century. It turns out that, prior to the publication of Leviathan in 1651, there was no coherent anti-monarchic republican theory in England. Still, English political thought was familiar with its individual elements and those elements had a major influence on the course of the constitutional crisis and the civil war itself. The second stage provides an analysis of Hobbes's criticism of two republican ideas which he deems particularly fatal to the survival of the state. The first idea is the ideal of mixed government, which Hobbes rejects as incompatible with the fundamental condition of state preservation, namely indivisible sovereign power. Thereafter, relying on Skinner's analysis, the author outlines Hobbes's criticism of the republican conception of liberty, which is at the core of the attack on monarchy as a form of state incompatible with the liberty of citizens. In contrast to such a perception, Hobbes constructs a completely novel definition of liberty, which enables him to show that the liberty of citizens is equal in democracy, aristocracy and monarchy. Finally, the third stage inquires into the implications of Hobbes's criticism of republicanism with regard to the conceptual field of his mature theory of the state. Emphasis is put on the assertion that this criticism does not also imply a rejection of democracy as a form of state. Indeed, the analysis shows that, within the framework of Hobbes's theory of the state, criticism of republicanism, perceived as vindication of the state, is prerequisite to the existence of democracy itself. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
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RENAISSANCE , *COMPARATIVE studies , *MEDICINE , *CULTURAL centers , *MEDICAL personnel , *ENGLISH people - Abstract
This paper evaluates the differences between English and Croatian views of early modem medicine through the respective Renaissance plays. As Renaissance made no particular distinction between arts and sciences, plays of that time provide a very common source of medical narrative. During Renaissance both languages produced high literary achievements, which makes them exemplars among their Germanic and Slavic counterparts, and justifies this comparison, regardless of their significant differences. One should bear in mind that while England was a unified kingdom, with London as the major cultural centre, Croatia's division among the neighbouring powers produced several prominent cultural centres such as Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Hvar, Korčula, and the most important one, Dubrovnik. One should also bear in mind that the golden age of Croatian Renaissance plays had finished as early as 1567 with the death of Marin Držić, before it even started in England with the foundation of the first permanent theatrical companies in 1576. Along these lines, this paper compares their early modern attitudes toward medicine in general and men and women practitioners in particular. In this respect, it evaluates the influences of the origin, patronage, and religion of their authors. Special attention is given to William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and Marin Držić (1508-1567) as the exemplars of English and Croatian Renaissance literature. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
22. 'Citizenship': what does it mean to trainee teachers in England and Hungary?
- Author
Davies, Ian and Fülöp, Márta
- Abstract
Copyright of Napredak is the property of Croatian Pedagogical-Literary Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
23. Političko obrazovanje u školama: nepotrebna politizacija obrazovanja ili važan uvjet demokracije? Slučaj Engleske.
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POLITICAL science education , *EDUCATION , *DEBATE , *POLITICAL doctrines - Abstract
In this paper the author uses the analysis of a concrete case -- the introduction of political education into England's school system -- to describe the scientific, professional and political debates surrounding the status of school political education in schools in democratic states. Based on this analysis he concludes that England's case unmistakably proves that the proposals regarding the introduction of the new political education syllabuses, regardless of their quality, will invariably fail unless there is a strong political will i.e. the resolve of the political elites to accept and implement them. He also concludes that in today's democratic states there is some sort of a consensus on the necessity of the existence of this segment of education as an essential component of school systems. The consensus is based on the understanding that the future of democratic political systems to a large extent depends on the existence of citizens who possess the knowledge, attitudes and capabilities necessary for their informed and responsible inclusion in the process of political decision-making. The author thinks that the analysis embarked on in this paper might serve as an incentive for the actualization of the debate on the present status, scope, models and contents of political education in Croatian schools. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2005
24. Američki rat za neovisnost
- Author
Brkić, Ivan, Vrandečić, Josip, and Rimac, Marko
- Subjects
Amerika ,neovisnost ,England ,indepedence ,America ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest ,Engleska - Abstract
Od Rata za španjolsku baštinu koji je bio popraćen mirovnim ugovorima u Utrechtu (1713. – 1715.), u desetljećima koja su slijedila, kolonije Velike Britanije na atlantskoj obali Amerike doživjele su drastičan rast u svakom smislu, posebno demografskom. Taj rast uskoro ih je pretvorio ključni dio britanske ekonomije. Takav razvoj situacije kroz duži period vremena, u idejama britanskih političara, manifestirao se u strah od skrivenih nastojanja koje bi te kolonije mogle imati, nastojanja koja bi rezultirala njihovom neovisnošću. Mjere koje je Britanija postavila s ciljem da kontrolira kolonije ipak se nisu pokazale tegobnima. Takvoj situaciji svakako nije pomogla ni britanska kolonijalna politika pod vodstvom premijera Sir Roberta Walpole, tzv. politika ''zdravog nemara'', koja je prema kolonistima bila popustljiva sve dok su oni bili odani kruni i utjecali na bogaćenje države. U 1940-ima to dovodi da raspada britanskog autoriteta u kolonijama. U boljoj situaciji, oslobođeni unutarnjih nemira, s Georgeom Montagu-Dunkom na mjestu predsjednika Odbora za trgovinu, Britanija je krenula u implementaciju novih mjera koje su za cilj imale rješenje problema vezanih uz kolonije. To se razdoblje, koje je trajalo do Sedmogodišnjeg rata 1756. godine, pokazuje neuspješnim. Unatoč uspješnom odolijevanju britanskim mjerama, promjena britanskog pristupa bila je očita te je utjecala na stare strahove kolonista koji su se bojali gubljenja slobode. Još važnija od svega toga bila je činjenica da je Britanija bila potpuno neuspješna u implementaciji zamišljenih ideja u kolonijama. Kroz Sedmogodišnji rat, na površinu izlaze problemi koji će biti okidač onih britanskih mjera koji će kolonistima smetati najviše te ne kraju eskalirati do oružanog sukoba. Nasuprot tome, u kolonijama je rat donio osjećaj ponosa i pojačanog Engleskog identiteta. Od 1763. do 1775. godine je bio aktualan niz mjera koje je Britanija pokušala provesti: zakoni vlade Georgea Grenvillea, Townshendovi zakoni i ''Nesnošljivi zakoni''. Posljedice svih tih zakona polako su urušile vjeru većine kolonista u krunu i njene namjere. Ponos biva zamijenjen mržnjom prema ''tiraniji'' krune. Popustljivost Engleske i izražena nemogućnost da ostvari svoje ciljeve u kolonijama dugo vremena rezultirali su neminovnošću oružanog sukoba. Radikali su u kolonijama ovakvu situaciju koristili vrlo dobro. Čak i kada osjećaj želje za neovisnošću nije bio u većini, oni su svaku britansku grešku koristili u propagandi protiv krune. Kada je nakon osnivanja Prvog kontinentalnog kongresa 5. rujna 1774. koji je planom nastavio jaki otpor kruni Britanija reagirala vojno, radikali su to iskoristili za poticanje gnjeva protiv krune širom kolonija. Na Drugom kontinentalnom kongresu 10. svibnja 1775. godine George Washington je postavljen na poziciju zapovjednika Kontinentalne armije, a radikali su vodili glavnu riječ. Čak je i tada revolucija u Americi imala usredotočene i jasne ciljeve. Mnogi nisu bili privrženi ideji potpune neovisnosti. Velik dio otpora kolonista i dalje je bio borba za očuvanje noga što ih čini Englezima. Nastavak britanskog djelovanja išao je na ruku radikalima koji su ga uvijek spremno koristili za svoj cilj. Finalni korak za mnoge neodlučne bilo je izdavanje pamfleta Thomasa Painea - Zdravi razum (Common Sense), koji je prvi javno argumentirao za neovisnost kolonista. Kada je jednom prevladala ideja neovisnosti, uslijedilo je usvajanje Deklaracije o neovisnosti 4. srpnja 1776. godine. To je bila kulminacija nastojanja kolonista, koji su proglasili svoju neovisnost od krune na temelju teorije prirodnih prava. Bio je to prvi zajednički korak prema onome što danas poznajemo kao Sjedinjene Američke Države. Deklaracije ja bila popraćena donošenjem ustava za nove države, te akta ''Članci o Konfederaciji'' (ratificirani 1781.), što je bilo prvo stalno tijelo koje je predstavljalo svih 13 država. Po pitanju samog rata, Britanija je kao i prije njega više puta pokazala nesigurnost i nespremnost koja će je koštati poraza. Ono što će taj poraz potvrditi bilo je savezništvo Amerike s Francuskom, starom neprijateljicom Engleske, koja je dala toliko potrebnu pomoć Amerikancima koji bili slabo opskrbljeni, kako opremom tako i ljudstvom. Iako Britanija nije doživjela potpuni vojni poraz, odlučila se da rat više nema smisla te su obje strane potpisale Pariški mirovni sporazum 3. rujna 1783., u kojem je Britanija priznala neovisnost svojim bivšim kolonijama. Pa ipak, ona će nastaviti gdje je i stala, kao najjača svjetska sila koja nastavlja izgradnju svog kolonijalnog carstva. Amerikance, pune optimizma za budućnost u kojoj grade samostalnu državu, najveći izazovi čekaju u unutarnjoj borbi. Američki rat za neovisnost ili Američka revolucija, kulminacija je dugog razdoblja u kojoj dvije strane grade potpuno drugačije perspektive koje ne mogu egzistirati zajedno. Britanija je godinama omogućavala kolonistima nesmetano, praktički samostalno djelovanje koje su sami kolonisti shvaćali kao zdravorazumsko, samim time što su i oni Britanci. Iako je Britanija s obzirom na situaciju često povlačila i razumne poteze, s druge strane oceana razvijala se relativno nesmetano drugačija svijest koja je imala dovoljno vremena kako bi, u postojećim uvjetima, postala dovoljno snažna da rezultira neovisnom državom., From The War of the Spanish Sucession which was followed by Peace of Utrecht (1713. – 1715.), in the decades which followed, colonies of Great Britain on the atlantic coast of America experienced drastic growth in every sense, especially demographic one. That growth soon turned them into key part of British economy. Such developments through a longer period of time, in ideas of British politicians, manifested itself into a fear of hidden efforts which those colonies could have, efforts which would result in their independence. But, measures which Britain implemented with goal to control the colonies didn't prove to be rigorous. That situation certainly wasn't helped by the British politics under Prime Minister Sir Robert Walpole, so called politics of ''salutary neglect'', which was lenient towards colonists as long as they were loyal to the crown and influenced the financial growth of the country. In 1940s that will lead to a breakdown of British authority in colonies. Now in a better situation, free od domestic disorder, with George Montagu-Dunk as a president of The Board of trade, Britain is starting with an implementation of new measures whose goal is to resolve the problems related to colonies. That period, which lasts to the Seven Years' War (1756. – 1763.), proved to be unsuccessful. In spite of successful resistance to the British measures, the change in British approach was obvious and it influenced the old fears of colonists who were scared of losing their freedom. Even more important than that, was the fact that the Britan was completely unsuccessful in implementation of imagined ideas in colonies. Through the Seven Years' War, problems which would trigger the British measures that would bother colonist the most and in the end escalate to the armed conflict, started to surface. Opposite of that, in the colonies war brought a sense of pride and stronger English identity. From 1763. to 1775., that series of measures which Britain tried to carry out: laws of Grenville ministry, Townshend Acts, ''Intolerable Acts'' and the consequences of all those laws, started to slowly collapse the faith which most colonists had in the crown and her intentions. Pride will be replaced with hate for ''the tyranny'' of the crown. English compliance and strong inability to accomplish its goals in colonies for so long, resulted in a situation where the armed conflict was unavoidable. Radicals in colonies used this situation very well. Even when the desire for the independence in the country didn't prevail, they used every British mistake for the benefit of their propaganda against the crown. Of course,when British reacted with military, after formation of the First Continental Congress on the 5th of September 1774., which continued strong opposition to the crown, radicals used it to fuel the anger against the crown throughout the colonies. On the Second Continental Congress on 10th of May 1775., George Washington was appointed as the commander of the Continental army, and radicals were leading the way. Even then, in the beginning of the war, revolution in America had focused goals. Many people were not attracted to the idea of complete independence. Big part of the resistance was the fight to preserve that which makes them English. But, continuation of British activity helped radicals who always used it for their goal. Final step for many of those who were indecisive was publishing of pamphlet by Thomas Paine – Common sense, which was the first time someone publicly argumented for the independence of colonists. Now when the idea of independence prevailed, what followed was adoption of the Declaration of Independence on 4th of July 1776. That was culmination of colonists endeavor, which pronounced their independence from the crown on the basis of natural rights theory. That was first mutual step towards what is today known as United States of America. Declaration was followed by writing constitutions for new states and ''Articles of Confederation'' (ratified 1781.), which was first permanent body to represent all 13 states. As far as war itself was concerned, like before it, Britain showed insecurity and unpreparedness more than once, which cost her defeat in the war. What soldified that defeat, was American alliance with France, old enemy of England, which gave much need help to Americans who were poorly supplied, in equipment and in people. Even if Britain didn't experience total military defeat, it decided that the continuation of war made no sense which resulted in both sides signing Treaty of Paris on 3rd of September1783., in which Britain recognized independence to its former colonies. Even with that, England will continue where it last stopped, as storngest world power which will continue to build its colonial empire. Americans, now full of optimism for the future in which they build independent country, biggest challenges await in domestic realm. American war of Independence or American Revolution, is culmination of a long period of time in which two sides were building completely different perspectives which cant exist together. For years, Britain was enabling undisturbed, practically independent activity which colonists themselves understood as common sense, for the reason that they too, were British. Even if Britain, considering the situation, was making sensible moves most of the time, on the other side of the ocean started to develop, relatively undisturbed, different conciousness which had enough time to, in existing conditions, become strong enough to result in an independent country.
- Published
- 2020
25. Obrazovanje u području regeneracije i razvoja graditeljskog nasljeđa - iskustva sa studija u Engleskoj
- Author
Lončar, Sanja, Momeva Altiparmakovska, Viktorija, and Mijakovac, Krešimir
- Subjects
obrazovanje ,graditeljsko nasljeđe ,vernakularna arhitektura ,International Architectural Regeneration and Development (IARD) ,Engleska ,Hrvatska - Abstract
Rad tematizira obrazovanje u području regeneracije i razvoja graditeljskog nasljeđa. Autorica iznosi vlastita iskustva studiranja na Školi za arhitekturu Fakulteta za tehnologiju, dizajn i okoliš Sveučilišta Oxford Brookes u Oxfordu, Engleska (UK) na studijskom programu International Architectural Regeneration and Development (IARD). Iznose se osnovne informacije o nositelju studijskog programa, polazištima te tradiciji u istraživanju i poučavanju o vernakularnoj arhitekturi koja je povezana s istraživačkim i nastavnim radom prof. Paula Olivera. Opisuje se struktura i sadržaj programa, s naglaskom na provedbi terenske nastave i istraživanja te izradi regeneracijskih i razvojnih projekata. Autorica iznosi razmišljanja o pojedinim aspektima opisanog studijskog programa, ukazujući na izazove suvremenog obrazovanja u srodnim područjima u hrvatskom kontekstu. Pritom govori o važnosti i ulozi interdisciplinarnosti i vernakularne arhitekture u takvom obrazovanju, te o ulozi etnoloških i kulturnoantropoloških znanja u interdisciplinarnom području očuvanja, regeneracije i razvoja izgrađenog ruralnog i urbanog okoliša.
- Published
- 2020
26. Pučki ustanci 14. stoljeća - uzroci i posljedice
- Author
Bruno Šagi
- Subjects
ustanci ,seljaci ,radnici ,srednji vijek ,14. stoljeće ,Flandrija ,Francuska ,Italija ,Engleska - Abstract
U europskoj povijesti 14. je stoljeće donijelo određene promjene u životima seljaka i radnika. Jedna od pojava u 14. stoljeću svakako je aktivniji razvitak svijesti o društvenim slojevima, odnosno o pravima i položajima unutar tih društvenih slojeva. Sukobi, visoki porezi, kao i smanjena mogućnost društvenog napredovanja doveli su do pučkih ustanaka u različitim krajevima Europe. U ovome radu objašnjena su četiri pučka ustanka koja su se dogodila u 14. stoljeću. Radi se o ustanku u Flandriji, žakeriji u Francuskoj, ustanku u Italiji koji su podigli ciompi i ustanku u Engleskoj.
- Published
- 2020
27. Život i djelo kipara Oscara Nemona
- Author
Zec, Daniel and Damjanović, Dragan
- Subjects
Velika Britanija ,Freud ,spomenik ,portret ,Churchill ,Bruxelles ,Povijest umjetnosti ,Pariz ,Oscar Nemon, skulptura, kiparstvo, kipar, portret, spomenik, Belgija, Velika Britanija, Engleska, London, Oxford, Osijek, Pariz, Bruxelles, Freud, Churchill, umjetnost 20. stoljeća ,Engleska ,Oscar Nemon ,Belgija ,kiparstvo ,History of art ,London ,Osijek ,kipar ,Rad ne sadrži ključne riječi na drugom jeziku ,umjetnost 20. stoljeća ,udc:7(091)(043.3) ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest umjetnosti ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History of Art ,skulptura ,Oxford - Abstract
Doktorska disertacija Život i djelo kipara Oscara Nemona bavi se dvjema različitima dionicama kiparskoga opusa Oscara Nemona (1906. – 1985.): jedna je vremenski ograničena na period života i rada u Bruxellesu (1925. – 1936.) te pripada modernizmu i korespondira sa suvremenim tokovima moderne umjetnosti u Belgiji i u Europi, a drugu, koja se proteže kroz čitav umjetnikov radni vijek, predstavlja portretno kiparstvo koje čini najopsežniji i najznačajniji te najviši kvalitativni domet Nemonova kiparskoga opusa. Središnji dio disertacije temelji se upravo na analizi i valorizaciji portretnoga kiparstva Oscara Nemona. Na primjeru Oscara Nemona preispituje se paradigma modernističke povijesti umjetnosti o podređenoj ulozi tradicije portretnog realizma u kontekstu umjetničkih pojava, pravaca i stilova 20. stoljeća, a portretno kiparstvo Oscara Nemona određuje se stilsko-morfološki na liniji između tradicije i modernizma. Iznose se spoznaje o vrijednosti i o značenju Nemonova portretnoga kiparstva u kontekstu belgijske, britanske te hrvatske portretne skulpture 20. stoljeća i posebno se naglašava Nemonov doprinos portretnom kiparstvu društvenih elita 20. stoljeća. U dva zasebna poglavlja disertacije iscrpno se obrađuje tema Nemonova portretiranja dviju iznimnih povijesnih ličnosti – Sigmunda Freuda i Winstona Churchilla. The dissertation deals with life and work of Oscar Nemon (1906 – 1985), a sculptor whose oeuvre has not yet been researched in whole or systematically elaborated. The focus of the research is on the artist's work, while his biography is presented in so far as it is important for the understanding of the artist’s activity and creative work. Oscar Nemon was born as Oscar Neumann on March 13, 1906 in Osijek, to a middle-class Jewish family. He attended elementary school and high school in Osijek, where he graduated in 1924. He held two solo exhibitions in Osijek, in 1923 and 1924. In 1924 Nemon went to Vienna. He made a brief contact with the sculptor Anton Hanak, and then opened his own studio, working on his own, mostly commissioned portrait sculpture. In 1925 Nemon left Vienna for Brussels, where he took the entrance exam at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts and Ecole des Arts Décoratifs) and enrolled in the third year of study as a talented candidate. He studied under Professor Paul Dubois and Arsène Matton until 1927. After two years of study, Nemon left the Academy, and from 1927 to 1929 worked at the studio of the Brussels sculptor Pierre de Soete, starting his career as a portrait sculptor and a medallist. Around 1930, Nemon became independent and had his own studio. He changed his family name Neumann around 1931 to Nemon. During his life and work in Brussels (1925-1936), portrait sculpture based upon realism was Nemon's only source of income and it represented the centrepiece of his artistic production. During the Brussels period, however, Oscar Nemon also achieved a separate, very limited, but conceptually and stylistically different section within his sculptural oeuvre: it belongs to modernism and corresponds to the contemporary trends of modern art in Belgium and in Europe – from art deco style based on post-Cubist geometric stylization to constructivism and expressionism. In addition, Nemon's unrealized project for the System and Center of Universal Ethics, conceived during his stay in Brussels, conceptually belongs to the avantgarde, while in terms of design it corresponds to examples of European modernist architecture between the two world wars, most notably the constructivist architecture of Russian architect Konstantin Melnikov. The central part of the dissertation deals with the analysis and valorisation of Oscar Nemon's portrait sculpture. The introductory section discusses the relationship between portrait art – especially sculptural portrait – and mimesis, and examines the categories and classifications such as "traditional", "conventional", "modernist" and "avant-garde" in portrait sculpture. By using Oscar Nemon’s work as an example, the modernist art history paradigm of subordinate role of the tradition of portrait realism in the context of 20th century artistic phenomena, trends and styles is being challenged. Nemon's portrait sculpture is determined by the terms of style and morphology between tradition and modernism, and as such it shows us that Nemon's portraits are equally worthy of cultural and art-historical consideration. Furthermore, special attention is given to the context of 20th-century Belgian, British and Croatian portrait sculpture and in this context Nemon’s work is analysed and evaluated. Nemon's contribution to portrait sculpture of social elites of the 20th century is particularly emphasized. General features of Oscar Nemon’s portrait sculpture and portrait sculpture in Belgium are being determined: during his Brussels period, Nemon moves between realism and "rodenism", preferring summarizing and reducing, and avoiding descriptiveness. Some key Nemon works are analysed (Portrait of August Vermeylen, Portrait of King Albert I) as well as their comparison to the portrait sculptures of same models made by Belgian sculptors. Nemon's portrait exhibitions in Brussels are used as a basis for contextualizing Nemon's portrait sculpture in Belgium. Nemon's role as sculptor of social elites is examined through his portraits of individual members of the Belgian royal family. Furthermore, Oscar Nemon's portrait sculpture is considered in the context of portrait sculpture of the middle and second half of the 20th century in Great Britain. Oscar Nemon's exhibitions in England in the 1930s and 1940s testify of his active presence on the art scene, in which he presented himself almost exclusively as a portrait sculptor. Unlike Brussels exhibitions, however, which were very well accompanied by reviews in several different Belgian dailies, the reception of the Nemon exhibitions in England was much scarcer. Nemon’s position and status as a portrait sculptor will only be solidified after his acquaintance with Winston Churchill in 1950, and making portrait busts and monuments of Churchill from 1950’s onwards. Nemon’s portrait sculpture is compared to the work of members of the Society of Portrait Sculptors, and also it is compared to a special comparative sample of British sculptors such as Dora Gordine, Ivor Roberts-Jones, Franta Belsky, Jacob Epstein and Eduardo Paolozzi. Although Nemon's portrait sculpture is stretched in terms of style and form through various idioms, he was generally directed towards the type of modernity of slight reduction and moderate stylization of form. Nemon was one of the most productive portrait sculptors of the mid-20th century in the UK and his sculptural work testifies on the possibilities and achievements of figurative sculpture in the UK. Oscar Nemon is also being considered comparatively in respect of some key figures of portrait sculpture in Croatia in the period from the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century, noting that a comprehensive account of portrait sculpture of that period in Croatia is yet to be made. From the ranks of Croatian portrait sculptors, Antun Augustinčić is pointed out, both because of his importance for portrait sculpture in Croatia and because of comparisons with Oscar Nemon. The dissertation also deals with the medal work of Oscar Nemon's oeuvre: The portrait genre, which is the backbone of Nemon's sculptural work, extends into the medium of the medal, in which Nemon during his stay and work in Brussels achieved a small, but significant portion of works in the context of the history of the medal art: such as medals created in the spirit of modernism, that is, in art deco style. The study of portrait sculpture concludes with the establishment of a typological classification of portrait sculpture (by function, form, content and other parameters) based on the work of Oscar Nemon and corresponding portraits of other authors. Within the dissertation, the theme of Nemon's portrayal of two remarkable historical figures – Sigmund Freud and Winston Churchill – is thoroughly covered in two separate chapters. Sigmund Freud's portraits, along with those of later Winston Churchill, are the sculptor's most famous, quoted, and reproduced portrait sculptures. The chapter dedicated to Sigmund Freud discusses the history of Nemon's creation of the portraits of Freud in 1931 and 1936 and gives their analysis and critical judgment. Various variants of these portraits as well as monument statues are being processed and analysed, and Sigmund Freud's head (1936-1947) is valued as the one of Nemon’s best portrait sculptures. Nemon's portraits of Freud are compared to portrait sculptures of Freud by other authors. The narrative of Nemon as a portraitist and Freud as a model is analysed – a narrative that influenced the construction of Oscar Nemon's image as well as the critical reception and promotion of his portraits of Sigmund Freud. In a series of eminent historical figures portrayed by Oscar Nemon, the charismatic politician, speaker and writer Sir Winston Churchill holds a special place. Nemon had a unique relationship with Churchill; he was the only sculptor to establish a lasting friendship with Churchill but also with his family. An acquaintance with Churchill and live portrait sessions resulted in a series of portrait busts and memorials of the great British leader, which are nowadays found in various institutions and public places in England and around the world. Contact with Churchill has proven to be pivotal to Nemon's future career as a portrait sculptor in the UK. Winston Churchill's portrait, commissioned by Queen Elizabeth II for the Windsor Castle (1952-1956), was used by Nemon as a universal prototype after which all his other Winston Churchill portrait sculptures were created, either in form of a bust or as a full-length statues. Other Churchill statues by Nemon are also analysed, such as Guildhall statue and especially the Churchill statue in the Houses of Parliament, in Member’s Hall in front of the entrance of House of Commons (1969), as well as other statues in different locations all around the world. It is argued that Nemon's portraits and monumental sculptures are unique in the context of representation of Winston Churchill in British portrait and monumental sculpture and as such are a contribution to the genre. Besides Nemon’s realistic figurative public sculpture such as statues of Churchill or British war heroes, a separate chapter of dissertation deals with other public monuments made by Nemon, in particular with two of his realised public sculptures which fall into a separate category of highly stylized figurative sculpture: Holocaust Memorial in Osijek (1965) and Per Ardua Ad Astra – Royal Canadian Air Force Monument In Toronto (1984). Final part of dissertation contains extensive catalogue of works based on the preserved sculptures as well as the existing archival documentation of destroyed and hitherto found works. Additional part of dissertation is the exhibition list, bibliography, literature, and list of reproductions.
- Published
- 2020
28. Putnički prijevoz trajektima Francuska - Engleska
- Author
Pavić, Mislav and Mrvica, Ante
- Subjects
linijski putnički promet ,pomorski promet ,England ,liner passenger traffic ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Traffic and Transport Technology ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Tehnologija prometa i transport ,France ,Maritime traffic ,Francuska ,Engleska - Abstract
Pomorski promet oduvijek je smatran najjeftinijim prijevoznim sredstvo, za prijevoz tereta kao i za prijevoz putnika. U zadnjih desetak godina pojavio se trend turizma u kojem turisti za svoja putovanja koriste isključivo pomorski promet radi svoje udobnosti i ljepote koje pruža prijevoz trajektima, brodovima i sličnim pomorskim prijevoznim sredstvima. Cilj rada je prikazati linijski putnički promet između Engleske i Francuske, s obzirom da je navedena ruta vrlo važna promatrano i kroz povijest upravo zbog toga što je Engleska smještena na otoku Velika Britanija. U radu su prikazana teorijska određenja pomorskog prometa, potrebite infrastrukture i značajke linijskog putničkog prijevoza. Kroz rad je zaključeno kako su i Engleska i Frnacuska uložile značajna sredstva u infrastrukturu i suprastrukturu, što pokazuje povećanje korištenja ovog načina putovanja, te kako na primjeru ove dvije zemlje je očito da linijsko putničko gospodarstvo u velikoj mjeri pomaže poboljšanju gospodarstva zemlje. Maritime traffic has always been considered the cheapest means of transport for cargo and passenger transport. In the last decade a tourism trend has emerged in which tourists use maritime traffic for their trips because of their comfort and beauty, which provides transportation by ferries, ships and similar maritime transport. The aim of the paper is to show the liner passenger traffic between England and France, given that this route is very important even through history, precisely because England is located on the island of Great Britain. The paper presents theoretical determinants of maritime traffic, necessary infrastructure and features of liner passenger transport. Throughout the paper, it was concluded that both England and Frnacuska invested significant funds in infrastructure and superstructure, suggesting an increase in the use of this kind of transport and on example of these two countries is obvious that liner travel economy helps to incrase the country's economy.
- Published
- 2019
29. Filmski turizam u sklopu kulturnog turizma: studija slučajeva
- Author
Orban, Klara and Moscarda Mirković, Eliana
- Subjects
Iceland ,Northern Ireland ,filmski induciran turizam ,nacionalni park Paklenica ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija ,filmski turizam na mjestu snimanja ,Island ,Engleska ,on-location film tourism ,Sjeverna Irska ,film tourism ,Novi Zeland ,Špičunak ,national park Paklenica ,off-location film tourism ,kulturni turizam ,filmski turizam ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics ,film induced tourism ,filmski turizam izvan mjesta snimanja ,island of Vis ,otok Vis ,cultural tourism ,Kambodža ,England ,Dubrovnik ,Cambodia ,New Zealand - Abstract
Kultura i turizam imaju uzajamnu vezu u kojoj jedno neminovno utječe na drugo – kultura postaje vrlo važan motiv turističkih putovanja te nezaobilazni čimbenik turističke ponude. Kulturni se turizam bavi upoznavanjem posjetitelja s različitim i zanimljivim karakteristikama određenog grada, regije ili države. U skladu s tim, film je izraz umjetnosti i kulture te on zastupa i predstavlja način života lokalnog stanovništva, njihov jezik i povijest. Upravo se zbog toga filmski turizam može nazvati granom kulturnog turizma. Filmski i književni turizam su, u većini slučajeva, međusobno isprepleteni jer se većina turistički značajnih, ali i poznatih filmova temelji upravo na istoimenim književnim djelima. Dakle, u ovom obliku turizma posjetitelje privlače mjesta u kojima se odvijala radnja filma ili sam prikaz određenog mjesta na televiziji, odnosno filmu. Nadalje, dvije bitne distinkcije ovog oblika turizma jesu filmski turizam na mjestu snimanja te filmski turizam izvan mjesta snimanja, čija se razlika očituje ponajprije u lokaciji. Odabrane studije slučaja ukazuju na spremnost destinacija u inkorporiranju filma kroz turizam te na problematiku i prednosti s kojima se susreću. Osim toga, analizom i komparacijom se utvrđuje stupanj razvijenosti filmskih destinacija. Culture and tourism affect and correlate with each other – culture becomes a very important travelling motive and an inevitable factor of the tourism offer. Cultural tourism deals with familiarizing visitors with different and interesting characteristics of a particular town, region or country. Accordingly, the film is an expression of arts and culture and it represents the local community’s way of life, language, and history. That is the way the term film tourism can be called a branch of cultural tourism. Film and literary tourism are in most cases intertwined because most of the tourism significant and popular films are based on the eponymous literary works. So, visitors are attracted to the places where the storyline or the display of a certain site for the film took place. Furthermore, two major distinctions are on-location and off-location film tourism. The difference between those two is manifested primarily in the location. The selected case studies point out the promptness of destinations to incorporate the film through tourism, and the issues and advantages they are faced with. In addition, the analysis and comparison determine the degree of development of film destinations.
- Published
- 2019
30. Rana glazba i terminološka obnova: Dijakronijsko istraživanje francuskoga i engleskoga glazbenog nazivlja iz druge polovice 17. stoljeća
- Author
Delphine-Anne Rousseau, Centre de recherche en terminologie et traduction (CRTT), Université Lumière - Lyon 2 (UL2), and Rousseau, Delphine-Anne
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,History ,[SHS.MUSIQ]Humanities and Social Sciences/Musicology and performing arts ,historical terminology ,[SHS.LANGUE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics ,Language and Linguistics ,Linguistics ,Terminology ,[SHS.MUSIQ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Musicology and performing arts ,music terminology ,dijakronija ,glazbeno nazivlje ,terminološki rad ,17. stoljeće ,Francuska ,Engleska ,rana barokna glazba ,diachronic terminology ,terminology work ,diachrony ,terminological work ,17th century, France ,England ,Early music ,[SHS.LANGUE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics - Abstract
Research on historical terminology is a key step to understanding a specialised language and its evolution, and to getting to the core of a historical discipline in context. This type of research is particularly of interest in fields like Early music, especially as early-music specialists have to use and master the proper terminology for the music they specialise in and that is very often different from the terminology traditionally used in music, and as they have to be able to communicate efficiently with specialists from other fields. In this paper, the author will present an ongoing doctoral research project on the music terminology in use in France and in England during the second half of the 17th century and its evolution through time, the methodology being used and some methodological issues, as well as present a few examples illustrating the author’s work., Istraživanja u području povijesne terminologije ključan su korak u razumijevanju strukovnoga jezika i njegove evolucije te razumijevanje same srži povijesne discipline u kontekstu. Takva je vrsta istraživanja osobito zanimljiva u područjima kao što je rana barokna glazba, posebice stoga što stručnjaci za ranu glazbu moraju svladati odgovarajuće nazivlje i primjenjivati ga u glazbi koju su specijalizirali, a to je nazivlje često veoma drukčije od nazivlja tradicionalno upotrebljavanoga u glazbi. Također moraju biti u mogućnosti i učinkovito komunicirati sa stručnjacima iz drugih područja. U ovom se radu predstavlja tekuće istraživanje u okviru doktorske disertacije glazbenoga nazivlja koje se upotrebljavalo u Francuskoj i Engleskoj tijekom druge polovice 17. stoljeća te njegov razvoj tijekom vremena. Iznosi se i primijenjena metodologija s određenim metodološkim pitanjima kao i nekoliko primjera koji ilustriraju autoričin rad.
- Published
- 2019
31. Povijesne okolnosti u Engleskoj i Ugarsko- Hrvatskom Kraljevstvu u vrijeme nastanka Velike povelje sloboda i Zlatne bule Andrije II
- Author
Kolesarić, Petra
- Subjects
Engleska ,Ugarsko-Hrvatsko Kraljevstvo ,Velika povelja sloboda ,Zlatna bula Andrije II - Abstract
Rad prikazuje povijesne okolnosti nastanka Velike povelje sloboda i Zlatne bule Andrije II. s osvrtom na komparativnu analizu izvora. Uvažavajući stariju historiografiju te recentne objave tekstova s ovom temom i usporedbama obaju isprava stječe se uvid u njihov karakter unutar šireg društveno-političkog konteksta, na temelju čega se nastoji interpretirati njihova vrijednost kao relativno sličnih dokumenata te vrijednih povijesnih izvora za poznavanje odnosa kralja i velikaša u europskom razvijenom srednjem vijeku.
- Published
- 2019
32. Stogodišnji rat: engleski kraljevi na francuskom tlu
- Author
Lučić, Josip and Levak, Maurizio
- Subjects
HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska srednjovjekovna povijest ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Medieval Croatian and World History ,armoured knights ,Welsh longbow ,Hundred Years War ,Stogodišnji rat ,Engleska ,pobune pučanstva ,popular revolts ,England ,velški dugi luk ,France ,oklopljeni vitezovi ,Francuska - Abstract
Ovaj rad bavi se Stogodišnjim ratom, sukobom koji je obilježio dva stoljeća europske povijesti. On nije bio prvi takav sukob između Francuske i Engleske, već jedan u nizu. U radu se donosi i pregled zbivanja koja su taj sukob između ova dva kraljevstva inicirali. Prikazuju se određene bitke i sporazumi koji su obilježili tijek povijesti Zapadne Europe. Pokušavaju se razjasniti određeni procesi, prikazati mišljenja starije historiografije te ih usporediti s mišljenjima novije. Propituje se i vremenski okvir toga sukoba, uz naglasak na to kako se na početak i na kraj događaja treba otvoreno gledati, a ne strogo ostati u njegovim dogovorenim okvirima. Osim dugog trajanja, njegova specifičnost leži i u slojevitosti njegova karaktera koji se u određenim fazama mijenjao. Ukazuje se i na činjenicu da tek spoznajom svih segmenata čitatelj može u potpunosti shvatiti kontekst toga procesa. Nastoji se ukazati na njegove šire razmjere i posljedice koje će imati ne samo po oba kraljevstva, već i po susjedne zemlje. Ovaj rad donio je pregled zbivanja jednog dijela povijesti, no on nije ulazio u samu srž pojedinih društveno-ekonomskih činitelja, na to bi se mogle osvrnuti neke daljnje studije. Zaključno, radilo se o jednom procesu koji je obilježio dva stoljeća, procesu koji je ostavio dubok trag u povijesti Europe te ju okrenuo u novome smjeru. The subject of the paper is the Hundred Years War, a conflict that marked two centuries of European history. It was not the first of its kind engaged in by France and England, but rather one of many. The paper offers an overview of the events that initiated the conflict between the two kingdoms. Furthermore, the overview looks at certain battles and treaties significant for the flow of history of Western Europe itself. Certain processes are explained, the views of older historiography shown and compared to a more contemporary one. The timeline of the conflict is also questioned with the emphasis on how one should have a more open mind when it comes to the beginning and the end of the event, rather than adhering strictly to its established timeline. Except for the long duration, its singularity can also be found in the complexity of the characters who changed during certain phases. The emphasis is put on the fact that knowing all the segments is the only way to come to full grasp of the process and its consequences, which not only encompassed the two kingdoms but the neighbouring lands as well. The paper gives an overview of the events of a particular period in history without addressing the very core of individual socio-economic factors, which could be the subject of some future studies. In conclusion, it was a process that marked two centuries, one that had a deep impact on European history, eventually turning it in a new direction.
- Published
- 2018
33. Engleski modernistički putopis : književne i kulturološke odlike
- Author
Pavlović, Nataša and Paunović, Zoran
- Subjects
Grejem Grin ,Lorens Darel ,D. H. Lawrence ,Lawrence Durrell ,modernistički putopis ,England ,George Orwell ,modernist travel writing ,Džordž Orvel ,Graham Greene ,Engleska ,D. H. Lorens - Abstract
Razdoblje u kojem su živeli i pisali veliki engleski romanopisci: D. H. Lorens, Džordž Orvel, Grejem Grin i Lorens Darel smatra se vremenom procvata putopisne književnosti. Snažan uzlet putopisa bio je uslovljen okolnostima nakon Prvog svetskog rata. Neki od pomenutih pisaca su Englesku napuštali dobrovoljno, a neki kao prognanici. Ponekad su sami birali destinacije na kojima će uspešno nalaziti građu za buduće romane, a češće su destinacije birale njih, jer su na put kretali sa određenim zadatkom. Na gubljenje iluzija sa kojim se svet tada suočavao reagovali su i kroz zapise sa svojih putovanja, unoseći u njih ne samo opise mesta, predela, naroda ili običaja, već i lične stavove inspirisane susretom sa Drugim, razočaranost, nostalgiju, strepnju. Analizom tih zapisa potvrdiće se glavna hipoteza ove disertacije da je putopisanje gorepomenutih pisaca obogaćeno odlikama modernističke književnosti. Tekst disertacije je podeljen na šest poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju se najpre navode predmet i cilj disertacije, a zatim se kroz predstavljanje putopisnog žanra i njegove istorije dolazi do kratkog prikaza uslova u kojima se razvio engleski modernistički putopis. Ovaj uvodni deo završava se objašnjenjem strukture naredna četiri poglavlja koja su posvećena četvorici istaknutih engleskih pisaca. Svako od ta četiri poglavlja predstavlja jednu biografiju, ali osmišljenu tako da određeni period piščevog života bude uvod u analizu putopisa koji je u tom periodu nastao. Život i putopisi D. H. Lorensa predmet su drugog poglavlja disertacije u kojem su prikazana četiri njegova putopisa: Suton u Italiji, More i Sardinija, Jutra u Meksiku i Skice o etrurskim naseobinama. Treće poglavlje je posvećeno Džordžu Orvelu i njegovim delima: Niko i ništa u Parizu i Londonu, Put za Vigan i Kataloniji u čast, u kojima se mogu naći putopisni elementi. Tipično modernistički putopisi Grejema Grina Putovanje bez mapa i Putevi bez zakona razmatraju se u četvrtom poglavlju, a šest putopisa Lorensa Darela: Prosperova pećina: vodič kroz krajolik i običaje ostrva Krfa, Razmišljanja o morskoj Veneri. Vodič po krajoliku Rodosa, Gorki limunovi Kipra, Sicilijanski karusel, Grčka ostrva i Cezarov golemi duh nalaze su u fokusu petog poglavlja. Sumiranjem rezultata i izvođenjem zaključaka u šestom poglavlju daje se doprinos proučavanju engleskog modernističkog putopisa i ukazuje na moguće pravce daljih istraživanja. The period in which great English novelists: D. H. Lawrence, George Orwell, Graham Greene and Lawrence Durrell lived and wrote is regarded as the time when travel writing flourished. The thriving of travel writing was caused by the circumstances after the First World War. Some of the mentioned writers left England voluntarily, and some were exiled. Sometimes they chose the destinations where they successfully found material for their future novels, and more often destinations chose them, because they set off with a certain task. Their travel accounts were a response to the disillusionment faced by the world of that time and included not only descriptions of places, landscapes, peoples or customs, but also the authors’ personal attitudes inspired by their encounter with the Other, their disappointment, nostalgia, anxiety. The analysis of those accounts will confirm the main hypothesis of this dissertation that the travel writing of the abovementioned writers was enriched by the features of modernist literature. The text of the dissertation is divided into six chapters. The first chapter begins with the subject and aim of the dissertation, and then the introduction of the travel genre and its history leads to a brief presentation of the conditions in which English modernist travel writing developed. This introductory part ends with the explanation of the structure of the following four chapters which are devoted to the four distinguished English writers. Each of those four chapters makes one biography designed in such a way that a certain period of the writer’s life could be an introduction to the analysis of the travel book written in that period. The life and travel writing of D. H. Lawrence are the subject of the second chapter of the dissertation, which presents four travel books: Twilight in Italy, Sea and Sardinia, Mornings in Mexico and Sketches of Etruscan Places. The third chapter is devoted to George Orwell and his books: Down and Out in Paris and London, The Road to Wigan Pier and Homage to Catalonia, in which one can find elements of travel writing. Graham Greene’s typical modernist travel books Journey Without Maps and The Lawless Roads are analysed in the fourth chapter, and six travel books by Lawrence Durrell: Prospero's Cell: A Guide to the Landscape and Manners of the Island of Corfu, Reflections on a Marine Venus. A Companion to the Landscape of Rhodes, Bitter Lemons of Cyprus, Sicilian Carousel, Greek Islands and Caesar’s Vast Ghost are in the focus of the fifth chapter. The results summed and the conclusions made in the sixth chapter contribute to the study of English modernist travel writing and indicate possible directions of further research.
- Published
- 2018
34. Engleski modernistički putopis : književne i kulturološke odlike
- Author
Paunović, Zoran, Pavlović, Nataša, Paunović, Zoran, and Pavlović, Nataša
- Abstract
Razdoblje u kojem su živeli i pisali veliki engleski romanopisci: D. H. Lorens, Džordž Orvel, Grejem Grin i Lorens Darel smatra se vremenom procvata putopisne književnosti. Snažan uzlet putopisa bio je uslovljen okolnostima nakon Prvog svetskog rata. Neki od pomenutih pisaca su Englesku napuštali dobrovoljno, a neki kao prognanici. Ponekad su sami birali destinacije na kojima će uspešno nalaziti građu za buduće romane, a češće su destinacije birale njih, jer su na put kretali sa određenim zadatkom. Na gubljenje iluzija sa kojim se svet tada suočavao reagovali su i kroz zapise sa svojih putovanja, unoseći u njih ne samo opise mesta, predela, naroda ili običaja, već i lične stavove inspirisane susretom sa Drugim, razočaranost, nostalgiju, strepnju. Analizom tih zapisa potvrdiće se glavna hipoteza ove disertacije da je putopisanje gorepomenutih pisaca obogaćeno odlikama modernističke književnosti. Tekst disertacije je podeljen na šest poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju se najpre navode predmet i cilj disertacije, a zatim se kroz predstavljanje putopisnog žanra i njegove istorije dolazi do kratkog prikaza uslova u kojima se razvio engleski modernistički putopis. Ovaj uvodni deo završava se objašnjenjem strukture naredna četiri poglavlja koja su posvećena četvorici istaknutih engleskih pisaca. Svako od ta četiri poglavlja predstavlja jednu biografiju, ali osmišljenu tako da određeni period piščevog života bude uvod u analizu putopisa koji je u tom periodu nastao. Život i putopisi D. H. Lorensa predmet su drugog poglavlja disertacije u kojem su prikazana četiri njegova putopisa: Suton u Italiji, More i Sardinija, Jutra u Meksiku i Skice o etrurskim naseobinama. Treće poglavlje je posvećeno Džordžu Orvelu i njegovim delima: Niko i ništa u Parizu i Londonu, Put za Vigan i Kataloniji u čast, u kojima se mogu naći putopisni elementi. Tipično modernistički putopisi Grejema Grina Putovanje bez mapa i Putevi bez zakona razmatraju se u četvrtom poglavlju, a šest putopisa Lorensa Darela, The period in which great English novelists: D. H. Lawrence, George Orwell, Graham Greene and Lawrence Durrell lived and wrote is regarded as the time when travel writing flourished. The thriving of travel writing was caused by the circumstances after the First World War. Some of the mentioned writers left England voluntarily, and some were exiled. Sometimes they chose the destinations where they successfully found material for their future novels, and more often destinations chose them, because they set off with a certain task. Their travel accounts were a response to the disillusionment faced by the world of that time and included not only descriptions of places, landscapes, peoples or customs, but also the authors’ personal attitudes inspired by their encounter with the Other, their disappointment, nostalgia, anxiety. The analysis of those accounts will confirm the main hypothesis of this dissertation that the travel writing of the abovementioned writers was enriched by the features of modernist literature. The text of the dissertation is divided into six chapters. The first chapter begins with the subject and aim of the dissertation, and then the introduction of the travel genre and its history leads to a brief presentation of the conditions in which English modernist travel writing developed. This introductory part ends with the explanation of the structure of the following four chapters which are devoted to the four distinguished English writers. Each of those four chapters makes one biography designed in such a way that a certain period of the writer’s life could be an introduction to the analysis of the travel book written in that period. The life and travel writing of D. H. Lawrence are the subject of the second chapter of the dissertation, which presents four travel books: Twilight in Italy, Sea and Sardinia, Mornings in Mexico and Sketches of Etruscan Places. The third chapter is devoted to George Orwell and his books: Down and Out in Paris and London, Th
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Max Marschhauser
- Subjects
nastava povijesti ,kurikulum ,Hrvatska ,Engleska ,obrazovni stupnjevi ,kontroverzne teme - Abstract
Rad prikazuje razlike između osnovnoškolske nastave povijesti u Hrvatskoj i Engleskoj, prema sadržajima osnovnih obrazovnih dokumenata tih država, a koji se odnose na samu nastavu. To su engleski kurikulum nastave povijesti (National curriculum in England: history programmes of study) te hrvatski Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum i Nastavni plan i program za osnovnu školu, a govori i o aktualnom prijedlogu kurikularne reforme u Republici Hrvatskoj. Nakon početnog objašnjavanja kulturnih razlika do kojih dolazi u ova dva sustava obrazovanja nastave povijesti, rad donosi kronološki prikaz razlika u sadržajima o kojima se učenici poučavaju. Zatim, rad objašnjava još neke razlike u ta dva sustava, poput prilagođenosti dobi učenika za pojedine nastavne sadržaje, odnosa nastave prema kontroverznim povijesnim temama i odnosu lokalne, nacionalne i globalne nastave povijesti.U pisanju rada korišteni su originalni obrazovni dokumenti te je donesena njihova temeljita analiza prema navedenim točkama.
- Published
- 2018
36. Pomorska putovanja Jamesa Cooka
- Author
Kamber, Dora and Bertoša, Slaven
- Subjects
England ,maritime ,pomorstvo ,James Cook ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest ,Engleska - Abstract
U ovom radu upoznat ću Vas s Jamesom Cookom, vještim pomorcem iz 18. stoljeća koji je oplovio zemaljsku kuglu i donio tadašnjem svijetu nove informacije izvan granica Europe, gdje niti jedan istraživač nije prije njega došao. Cilj rada je prikazati sve putove kojima je plovio James Cook, načine pripremanja brodova za polazak na putovanje, način upravljanja brodovima i posadom, upoznavanje kulture raznih domorodaca koje je Cook upoznao ploveći preko svih oceana i kroz svih sedam kontinenata. Cook je svoja putovanja uvijek započinjao iz rodne Engleske, iz koje bi plovio prema jugu. Znao je da mu putovanja mogu biti uspješna jedino ako se sprijatelji s domorocima, jer je on kod njih gost i on je taj koji treba upoznati njihovu kulturu i običaje i prilagoditi im se. Rezultati njegovih pomorskih avantura su novi i jači standardi pomorstva, ucrtavanje u kartu novih prostora na Zemlji da budu dostupna svima koji budu slijedili njegov kurs i upoznavanje Europljana s kulturom, vjerom i običajima drugih naroda, zbog čega je Cook dobio veliki aplauz i odobrenje, a danas ga uvrštavamo na listu najboljih istraživača i vještih pomoraca. In this work, you will be introduced with James Cook, a skilful 18th century sailor who had sailed across the globe and brought new information from beyond the borders of Europe, a place where no explorer had gone before. The goal of his work is to present his voyages, preparation of the boats for the long sails, crew and ship management, encounters with new cultures and different natives whom James Cook had met during his voyages across the three oceans and the seven continents. Cook always started his voyages from his homeland England and head south. He knew his voyages would be successful only if he became friends with the natives since he was their guest and the one who had to meet and adapt to their cultures and their traditions. The results of his sailing adventures were new and stronger standards of sailing, mapping new places so they became available to all who would follow his course. James Cook is highly appraised and approved worldwide as one of the greatest explorers and a skilful sailor who has introduced Europeans with distant cultures, religion and traditions.
- Published
- 2017
37. Pojam srednjovjekovnog plemstva u srednjoj i zapadnoj Europi
- Author
Bakula, Andrija and Ančić, Mladen
- Subjects
Hungary ,demography ,komparativna poijest ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska srednjovjekovna povijest ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Medieval Croatian and World History ,sitno plemstvo ,lesser nobility ,Ugarska ,Engleska ,krupno plemstvo ,comparative history ,England ,demografija ,Middle Ages ,srednji vijek ,greater nobility - Abstract
Ovaj diplomski rad kao glavnu temu uzima srednjovjekovno plemstvo Ugarske i Poljske (kao primjer Srednje Europe) te Engleske (kao primjer Zapadne Europe) tijekom 13. i 14. stoljeća te ih analizira kroz nekoliko perspektiva. Polazna točka rada je osvrt na plemstvo kao terminološki pojam, te ujedno usporedba definicija koje nam daju enciklopedije te srednjoeuropski i engleski povjesničari unutar kojih su primjetne određene razlike ponajprije u historiografskim tradicijama koje svaka na sebi svojstven način opisuje plemstvo. U sljedeće dvije središnje cjeline rad se primarno osvrće na srednjeeuropsko i englesko plemstvo proučavajući ih kroz poglede na sitno i krupno plemstvo, njihove zajedničke odnose te one s kraljem. Kroz ovaj dio rada moguće je povući brojne paralele između srednjoeuropskog i zapadnoeuropskog primjera, ali u istom obujumu i razlike što ovu temu komparativno čini vrlo bogatom. Konačno, jedna od najvećih razlika između ova dva odabrana plemstva je predstavljena u posljednjoj cjelini koja iznosi povjesničarske procjene brojnosti vezano uz spomenuta plemstva. The topic of this thesis is medieval Hungarian and Polish nobility (as a Central European example) and English nobility (as a West European example) during 13th and 14th century, all of which are analyzed through couple of perspectives. The starting point of this thesis is an overview of the term nobility and comparisons between definitions found in encyclopedias and stated by central European and English historians in which certain differences are notable, especially in historiographic traditions which describe nobility in their inherent way. In the next two central chapters this thesis primarily reviews central European and English nobility, studying them with regard to lesser and greater nobility and their relations among themselves and with the king. In this part of the thesis it is possible to draw similarities between central and western European nobility and also, to the same extent, the differences which makes this topic very ample. Finally, one of the main differences between these two assorted nobilities is presented in the final chapter which introduces the historians’ evaluations of number of aforementioned nobilities.
- Published
- 2017
38. Razvoj gradova u Zapadnoj Europi u odnosu na ratovanja u 14. i 15. stoljeću
- Author
Nazlija Ajduković, Ante and Ančić, Mladen
- Subjects
citizentry ,History ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska srednjovjekovna povijest ,trgovina ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Medieval Croatian and World History ,14. i 15. stoljeće ,gradska uprava ,Western Europe ,građanstvo ,povijest ,commerce ,Zapadna Europa ,Stogodišnji rat ,City Administration ,Engleska ,Gradovi ,England ,The Hundred Year's War ,France ,Cities ,Francuska ,14th and 15th century - Abstract
Srednjovjekovni gradovi u Zapadnoj Europi razvili su se iz biskupskih središta ili vojnih utvrda, odnosno burgova počevši od 9. stoljeća kada se okolno stanovništvo uslijed nemirnih vremena počelo sklanjati unutar gradskih zidina. Razvoj srednjovjekovnog grada baziran je na njegovoj ekonomskoj ulozi temeljenoj na trgovačkoj i obrtničkoj djelatnosti gradskog stanovništva koja je usko poveza sa ratnim zbivanjima u njegovoj okolini. Do početka 14. stoljeća u velikom broju gradova Zapadne Europe konstituirala se gradska uprava i administracija jasno odvojena od lokalne jurisdikcije seoskog okruženja. Na ovaj je način gradska zajednica s vremenom u svojim rukama akumulirala značajne svote kapitala koji će im za vrijeme ratnih vremena osigurati priželjkivanu političku moć. Kulminiranjem neprijateljstva između dvije tadašnje najutjecajnije europske sile, Francuske i Engleske, u dugogodišnjem sukobu poznatim pod nazivom Stogodišnji rat (1337.-1453.) drastično će se povećati potrebna sredstva za ratne operacije što će rezultirati povećanjem poreza, koje bi trebala snositi dva neprivilegirana društvena sloja, seljaštvo i građanstvo. Građanstvo kao predstavnik klase trgovačkih i obrtničkih djelatnika za posuđen ili darovan novac u vojne svrhe tražit će povlastice koje će unaprijediti njihovo poslovanje putem širenja svog političkog utjecaja. Širenje njihovog političkog utjecaja, odnosno afirmacije njihove moći pretočene iz pokretnog kapitala u mogućnost sudjelovanja u političkom organiziranju i donošenju važnih odluka ovisit će o ratnom ishodu njihovih zemalja. U skladu s tim će se s jedne strane u Engleskoj nakon poraza u Stogodišnjem ratu građanstvo izboriti za političku afirmaciju, dok će s druge strane u Francuskoj nakon pobjede, njihov politički utjecaj izrazito slabiti te postepeno gasiti. Medieval cities in Western Europe developed from the Episcopal centres or military forts or castles starting from 9th century when the local population in the turbulent times began to take shelter in to city walls. The development of the medieval cities is based on it's economic role which was based on commercial and craft activities of the urban population, closely link with war in the surrounding area. To the beginning of 14th century in many cities of Western Europe constituted the city government and administration which was closely separated from local jurisdiction rural environment. In this way the urban community manage to accumulate significant amounts of capital which will during war time provide them coveted political power. Culminating hostility between two most powerfull European medieval countries, France and England, in long term conflict known as The Hundred Years War (1337th to 1453rd) will drastically increase the resources necessary for military operations which will result in higher taxes, which would have to bear two unprivileged social class, the peasantry and the bourgeoisie. Citizentry as a representative of merchants and artisan class for borrowed or donated money for military purposes will required benefits to enchance their profit by expanding their political influences. The expansion of their political influences, or conformation of their power streamed from the floating capital to participate in making political decisions will depend on the war outcome of their countries. Accordingly, if on the one hand in England after the defeat in the Hundred Year's War citizenship for political recognition, while on the other hand in France after the victory, their political influence to gradually decline, and finally extinguish.
- Published
- 2017
39. England during the Wars of the Roses
- Author
Komar, Mihaela, Balta, Ivan, and Jurčević, Ivana
- Subjects
Ratovi ruža ,York ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Early Croatian and World History ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska ranonovovjekovna povijest ,Lancaster ,Engleska - Abstract
Nakon dugotrajnih borbi između Engleza i Francuza za francusko prijestolje tijekom Stogodišnjeg rata, u kasnosrednjovjekovnoj Engleskoj uslijedili su novi sukobi, ovoga puta među Englezima za vlastito prijestolje. Naime naziv Ratovi ruža odnosi se na građanski rat u Engleskoj, odnosno niz isprekidanih sukoba koji su trajali od 1455. do 1487. godine. Smrću kralja Edvarda III. 1377. godine ostalo je neriješeno pitanje legitimnoga nasljednika engleskog prijestolja na koje su pravo polagali pripadnici dinastija Lancaster i York. Simbolika ruža odnosi se na grbove spomenutih dinastija, budući da se u grbu Yorka nalazila bijela ruža, a kasnije je u puku nastala priča da se u grbu Lancastera nalazila crvena ruža. Sredinom 15. stoljeća, tijekom vladavine duševno bolesnog kralja Henrika VI. Lancastera, razmirice između kraljevskih obitelji i njihovih pristaša prerasle su u otvoreni sukob i borbu za moć. Prekinuvši niz vladavine triju kraljeva iz dinastije Lancaster, na prijestolje se 1461. godine popela dinastija York s kraljem Edvardom IV., no ratovi tada nisu završili. Štoviše, razdori su nastavljeni čak i unutar pojedinih kraljevskih kuća. Ratovi ruža okončani su tek dolaskom na vlast Henrika VII. Tudora, lancasterskog potomka koji je ujedinio crvenu i bijelu ružu, odnosno kraljevske kuće Lancaster i York oženivši se Elizabetom od Yorka, i osnovao novu dinastiju Tudor što je simbolično označilo kraj ratova i završetak srednjega vijeka u Engleskoj.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Topić, Jelena and Šimić Šarić, Marija
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Finance ,venture capital investment ,Njemačka ,SAD ,financiranje ,financing ,Venture capital ,United States ,Engleska ,England ,Germany ,Rizični kapital ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Financije ,ulaganje rizičnog kapitala - Abstract
U ovom završnom radu proučava se rizični kapital koji je kao izvor financiranja još uvijek najrazvijeniji u SAD-u. No polako se razvija i u ostalim zemljama, te dolazi do povećanja broja ulaganja čiji pozitivni rezultati utječu na zainteresiranost ostalih poduzetnika za ovim tipom financiranja. Rizični kapital predstavlja jednu od nezaobilaznih komponenti imovine institucionalnih investitora na razvijenim tržištima. Promijenjeni uvjeti na tržištu pridonose značajnom porastu ulaganja rizičnog kapitala. Rizični kapital je bitan čimbenik u razvijanju ekonomije i gospodarstava. U empirijskom dijelu rada se uspoređuje ulaganje rizičnog kapitala između Njemačke i Engleske u razdoblju od 2007. – 2013. godine. Rezultati istraživanja ovog rada su doveli do zaključka da se počinje buditi svijest o ulaganju rizičnog kapitala te da pojedine države polako počinju prepoznavati važnost rizičnog kapitala u gospodarstvu, donoseći razne poticajne mjere. In this final paper the venture capital that is a source of financing is still the most developed in the United States. But slowly evolving in other countries, and increasing the number of investments whose positive results affect the interest of other businesses for this type of financing. Venture capital is one of the most interesting components of the assets of institutional investors in developed markets. The changed market conditions contribute to the significant increase in venture capital investment. Venture capital is an important factor in the development of the economy and the economy. 41 In the empirical part of the paper compares venture capital investment between Germany and England in the period 2007 - 2013 year. The results of this study led to the conclusion that it starts to raise awareness on the investment of venture capital, and that some countries are slowly beginning to recognize the importance of venture capital in the economy, bringing a variety of incentives.
- Published
- 2016
41. Stogodišnji rat
- Author
Bereš, Monika
- Subjects
Stogodišnji rat ,Engleska ,Francuska - Abstract
Jedan od najznačajnih ratova srednjeg vijeka je Stogodišnji rat, koji je izbio između dva najmoćnija kraljevstva, Engleske i Francuske. Rat je izbio 1337. godine zbog pitanja nasljeđivanja francuskog prijestolja. Naime, engleski kralj Edvard III. smatrao je da polaže pravo na francusku krunu kao unuk Filipa IV. s majčine strane. No, iza toga se krije još jedan važniji razlog izbijanja rata. Naime, radi se o bogatim francuskim pokrajinama Flandriji, Gaskonji i Akvitaniji koje su engleski kraljevi željeli posjedovati jer su im bile zanimljive zbog njihovog gospodarskog značaja. Rat je trajao 116 godina i imao je brojne posljedice ; negativne, ali i pozitivne. Bio je nov po svom karakteru jer je to u prvom redu bio trgovački rat, a samo formom i vanjštinom srednjovjekovni osvajački rat.
- Published
- 2015
42. Nevidljivo zvanje - Bogu posvećeni laici u svijetu
- Author
Čunčić, Marica
- Subjects
svjetovne ustanove ,Engleska ,Hrvatska ,Mala Obitelj Bezgrješnog Srca Marijina - Abstract
Autorica daje kratku povijest i pregled svjetovnih ustanova u Engleskoj i Hrvatskoj 1973. godine s posebnim osvrtom na Malu Obitelj Bezgrješnog Srca Marijina.
- Published
- 2015
43. Iskustva u primjeni pokazatelja uspješnosti visokih učilišta izabranih zemalja
- Author
Budimir, Verica
- Subjects
Pokazatelji uspješnosti ,visoka učilišta ,Engleska ,Australija ,Kanada - Abstract
Pokazatelji uspješnosti često se primjenjuju kao alat za mjerenje i vrednovanje uspješnosti visokih učilišta. U razvijenim sustavima visokog obrazovanja, kao što su Australija, Kanada i Velika Britanija primjena pokazatelja uspješnosti započela je još 80tih godina prošlog stoljeća. Iskustva navedenih zemalja pokazuju kako je primjena pokazatelja uspješnosti u sustavu visokog obrazovanja višestruka. Pokazatelji uspješnosti imaju važnu ulogu u razvoju sustava osiguravanja kvalitete, strateškom upravljanju, učinkovitom financiranju, međusobnom uspoređivanju te internacionalizaciji visokih učilišta. U navedenim sustavima, osim što visoka učilišta razvijaju pokazatelje uspješnosti, razvijeni su i sektorski pokazatelji na razini sustava visokog obrazovanja u cjelini. Sektorski pokazatelji značajan su poticaj za izradu pokazatelja na razini institucija te su važan alat u praćenju kvalitete i vanjskom vrednovanju visokog obrazovanja.
- Published
- 2015
44. Osvrt na englesku modu 16. stoljeća i interpretacije kostima
- Author
Ozana Gabriel and Katarina Nina Simončić
- Subjects
16. stoljeće ,moda ,Engleska ,kostim - Abstract
U ovom radu bavim se istraživanjem i analizom kostima, a koji se temelje na knjizi „Druga sestra Boleyn“ (2007.), autorice Phillipe Gregory. Istraživanje je prvi korak u procesu osmišljavanja kostima, a ovo koje slijedi bazirano je na proučavanju povijesnih figura i događaja, načina života i odijevanja u danom vremenu i prostoru. Istraživanje se temelji i na proučavanju likovnih izvora, te njihovoj usporedbi s kostimografskim rješenjima u suvremenim filmskim ostvarenjima.
- Published
- 2015
45. Recepcija Marka Antuna de Dominisa u Engleskoj (1614.-1622.)
- Author
Vesna Tudjina
- Subjects
Dominis ,England ,political interests ,misunderstanding ,Engleska ,politički interesi ,nerazumijevanje - Abstract
Marko Antun de Dominis proveo je u Engleskoj nepunih šest godina, u kojem se razdoblju odnos prema njemu kretao od oduševljenog slušanja njegovih propovijedi i slavljenja njegove učenosti do njegova protjerivanja iz zemlje. Kako se mijenjala politička klima, uvjetovana različitim interesima i praćena raznovrsnim spletkama, tako se mijenjao i odnos Engleza prema Dominisu, ali osnovna karakteristika tog procesa proizlazi iz nerazumijevanja Dominisovih stvarnih nastojanja. Na temelju dokumenata sačuvanih u Britanskom državnom arhivu (The National Archives) u Londonu, pokazat će se kako se od Dominisovih ideja u Engleskoj prihvaćalo samo ono što je trenutno bilo politički dobrodošlo, a da ih se pri tom nije ni pokušalo zapravo shvatiti., Mark Anthony de Dominis spent almost six years in England, during which time the attitude towards him underwent a dramatic change, from overwhelming enthusiasm about his sermons and celebration of his erudition, to his expulsion from the kingdom. Diverse political interests, accompanied by a number of intrigues, marked the English political climate of his day, which was undoubtedly reflected in the general attitude towards Dominis. Underlying this shift in attitude was a profound misunderstanding of his true intentions. On the basis of documents kept in the National Archives in London, this paper will show the politically based reception of Dominis and his ideas in England, in which no serious efforts were made at understanding them in their full scope and meaning.
- Published
- 2015
46. Bitka kod Hastingsa. Propast anglosaksonske Engleske
- Author
Kekez, Hrvoje
- Subjects
Anglosakosnci ,Normani ,bitka kod Hastingsa ,Engleska - Abstract
Na stručno-poplaran način u radu su prikazani uzroci, tijek i posljedice bitke kod Hastingsa 1066. godine.
- Published
- 2014
47. Kostimi za film 'Tudori' inspirirani istoimenom serijom
- Author
Bujak, Ana
- Subjects
kostimi ,povijesna odjeća ,film ,renesansa ,Engleska - Abstract
Istraživanje kostimografskih rješenja i dizajn kostima za film "Tudori" inspirirani istoimenom BBC serijom. Visoka renesansa u Engleskoj i utjecaji u odijevanju Europskog društva.
- Published
- 2013
48. Uloga efigija u pogrebnom ceremonijalu srednjovjekovnih kraljica te njihova povezanost s teorijom o dva kraljeva tijela
- Author
Kosana Jovanović
- Subjects
effigies ,funeral ceremony ,the Middle Ages ,England ,France ,king ,queen ,Ralph E. Giesey ,Ernst H. Kantorowicz ,Elizabeth A. R. Brown ,efigije ,pogrebni ceremonijal ,srednji vijek ,Engleska ,Francuska ,kralj ,kraljica - Abstract
Rad se dotiče problematike upotrebe efigija u pogrebnim ceremonijalima engleskih i francuskih kraljica te pokušava dati uvid u značaj što ga je pogrebna lutka imala unutar samog ceremonijala. Na osnovu materijalnih ostataka i pisanih izvora u radu će se predstaviti podaci o izradi i upotrebi efigija tijekom pogreba. Nadalje, u radu će se izložiti važeći teorijski pogledi na simboliku koju je efigija utjelovila u pogrebnom ceremonijalu., The portable effigy represents an almost inevitable part of the royal funeral ceremonials in the medieval period. Its presence in the ceremony was not that of a casual accessory, since it held a prominent place due to its unique symbolism. The portable effigy had a role attributed to it of something that helps to transmit the idea of the transference of power from the deceased ruler to his successor. From its first appearance in the fourteenth century, the effigy was used for the sole purpose of faithfully representing the deceased ruler. Testifying to that is the fact that the effigies were manufactured and ordained in a manner that would make them the true representations of the deceased kings. Furthermore, the funeral puppet was given the role of the carrier of the immortality of royal dignity present in the king’s second body, the body politic. However, there might be a minor chink in the armour of this apparently bullet-proof theory, as presented by Ralph E. Giesey. The portable effigy was not used exclusively in the funeral ceremony of kings, but also in the burial ceremonials of their spouses, queens and consorts. Accordingly, the queens’ effigies were also shown the same level of respect and honour during the ceremonial. In the light of this fact, one must wonder how it was possible to attribute to the portable effigy the sole symbolic role of the carrier of the immortality of royal dignity if the queens were not eligible to transfer such power to the successor to the throne. This paper will aim to present two interrelated problems regarding the portable effigies. The first is the discovery of the true significance of the portable effigies’ role in the funerals of queens, and it is from this that the second point of the paper stems: that is the connection between the portable effigy and the transference of power. The paper will try to elaborate whether the effigies that were used in the funerals of kings had the same symbolic meaning as those used in the queens’ funerals.
- Published
- 2013
49. Thomas Becket
- Author
Marković, Monika and Sršan, Stjepan
- Subjects
Canterbury ,kralj Henrik II ,nadbiskup ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest ,Thomas Becket ,Engleska - Abstract
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je „Thomas Becket”. Sam naslov nam govori da se ovim radom nastoji kronoški prikazati život i djelatnost engleskog nadbiskupa Thomas Becketa. Rad prati život nadbiskupa počevši od njegovog rođenja 1118. god. pa sve do njegove tragične smrti 1170. god. u katedrali u Canterburyu. Rad se usredotočuje na dvije glavne faze u Becketovom životu, a to se odnosi na period kada je bio kraljev kancelar te period kada je bio nadbiskup u gradiću Canterbury. Budući da je tijekom te dvije faze svog života bio u uskoj vezi sa engleskim kraljem Henrikom II., ovim sam radom nastojala što podrobnije opisati sam odnos kralja i Becketa i razvoj njihovog sukoba od trenutka kada je Becket postao nadbiskup. Sukob nadbiskupa i kralja je detaljno opisan od strane brojnih povjesničara tako da se veći dio mog rada bazira na opisu tog aspekta Becketovog života. Osim opisa Becketovog života i njegovog sukoba sa engleskim kraljem kroz rad se može saznati i o njegovom odnosu sa tadašnjim papom Aleksandrom III. Također, kroz sam opis međusobnog odnosa između Becketa, kralja Henrika II. i pape Aleksandra III. imamo pregled tadašnjeg odnosa Crkve i engleske države. Dakle, osim prikaza života nadbiskupa ovaj rad bi se mogao protumačiti i kao prikaz sukoba engleske crkve na čelu s Becketom i države na čelu s kraljem Henrikom II. tijekom 12. stoljeća, budući da se Becket izravno suprotstavljao kraljevoj želji da podredi Crkvu svojim zakonima i pravilima. Rad završava opisom tragične smrti i umorstva nadbiskupa u katedrali koja je odjeknula čitavom Engleskom u 12. stoljeću te kratkim prikazom stanja poslije njegovog umorstva.
- Published
- 2012
50. Renaissance plays as a useful source for the comparison between English and Croatian early modern medicine
- Author
Bruno Atalić
- Subjects
Renaissance ,Plays ,History of Medicine ,Croatia ,England ,16th century ,17th century ,renesansa ,renesansne drame ,povijest medicine ,Hrvatska ,Engleska ,XVI . stoljeće ,XVII . stoljeće - Abstract
This paper evaluates the differences between English and Croatian views of early modern medicine through the respective Renaissance plays. As Renaissance made no particular distinction between arts and sciences, plays of that time provide a very common source of medical narrative. During Renaissance both languages produced high literary achievements, which makes them exemplars among their Germanic and Slavic counterparts, and justifies this comparison, regardless of their significant differences. One should bear in mind that while England was a unified kingdom, with London as the major cultural centre, Croatia’s division among the neighbouring powers produced several prominent cultural centres such as Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Hvar, Korčula, and the most important one, Dubrovnik. One should also bear in mind that the golden age of Croatian Renaissance plays had finished as early as 1567 with the death of Marin Držić, before it even started in England with the foundation of the first permanent theatrical companies in 1576. Along these lines, this paper compares their early modern attitudes toward medicine in general and men and women practitioners in particular. In this respect, it evaluates the influences of the origin, patronage, and religion of their authors. Special attention is given to William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and Marin Držić (1508-1567) as the exemplars of English and Croatian Renaissance literature., Ovaj rad evaluira razlike između engleske i hrvatske ranomoderne medicine, pri čemu kao temelj koristi engleske i hrvatske renesansne drame. Renesansno poimanje znanosti i umjetnosti kao međusobno ujedinjenih, čini njezine drame jednim od najvažnijih vanjskih izvora za povijest medicine. Tijekom spomenutoga razdoblja obje promatrane zemlje dosegnule su visoku književnu razinu, što ih čini primjerima među njihovim germanskim i slavenskim suvremenicima te pruža opravdanje za spomenutu usporedbu unatoč njihovim značajnim razlikama. Pritom treba imati na umu da je Engleska bila jedinstvena zemlja, što je omogućilo njezinome glavnome gradu Londonu da se razvije u vodeće kulturno središte, dok je podjela Hrvatske od strane susjednih sila rezultirala pojavnošću nekoliko značajnih kulturnih središta: Zadra, Šibenika, Splita, Hvara i Korčule te najznačajnijega među njima – Dubrovnika. Treba obratiti pozornost i na to da je zlatno doba hrvatskih renesansnih drama završilo već 1567. smrću Marina Držića, prije nego što je englesko još uopće započelo osnivanjem prvih stalnih kazališnih družina 1576. godine. Na tome tragu ovaj rad uspoređuje njihove posljedične različite ranomoderne stavove prema muškim i ženskim praktičarime te medicini općenito. U tom smislu evaluira se utjecaj podrijetla, pokroviteljstva i religije autora analiziranih drama. Pritom je posebna pozornost posvećena Williamu Shakespeareu (1564. –1616.) i Marinu Držiću (1508. – 1567.) kao predvodnicima engleske i hrvatske renesansne književnosti.
- Published
- 2012
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