20 results on '"Endang Hatma Juniwati"'
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2. Pengaruh Spin-off dan Konsolidasi Bank Umum Terhadap Market Share dan Kinerja Bank Syariah di Indonesia
- Author
Anggi Yulyanti and null Endang Hatma Juniwati
- Abstract
ABSTRAK Dalam penelitian ini, diduga dua kebijakan spin-off dan konsolidasi yang dicanangkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Mikroprudensial) memiliki peran besar dalam mempengaruhi perkembangan industri perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Kehadiran kedua kebijakan, menghasilkan opsi bagi perbankan syariah dalam menentukan strategi corporate action untuk mengembangkan skala bisnisnya. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya analisis dampak penerapan kebijakan oleh UUS maupun BUS terdahulu agar menjadi acuan dalam menentuan strategi yang tepat. Selain itu, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk melakukan evaluasi atas penerapan kebijakan oleh pemangku kepentingan. Dalam penelitian ini, kedua kebijakan dijadikan variabel dummy kemudian dilihat pengaruh atau dampaknya secara parsial dengan metode difference-in-differences terhadap variabel DPK dan PYD (Pangsa Pasar), ROA (Rasio Profitaliblitas), NPF (Pembiayaan Bermasalah), BOPO (Fungsi Efisiensi), dan FDR (Fungsi Intermediasi) yang dikelompokan berdasarkan kasus masing-masing bank sesuai karakteristik dan periode yang berbeda. Secara umum regresi kedua kebijakan menunjukan hasil dan dampak yang berbeda-beda berdasarkan kelompok observasinya. Spin-off dan konsolidasi secara umum dapat menaikan pangsa pasar bank perlakuan meskipun masih terdapat kasus penurunan pangsa pasar pasca spin-off. Penerapan spin-off berpengaruh negatif terhadap NPF BJB Syariah namun berdampak positif pada NPF BNI Syariah, sedangkan BSI yang menerapkan konsolidasi tidak mempengaruhi NPF nya. Spin-off dan konsolidasi tidak mempengaruhi profitabilitas bank perlakuan namun spin-off bagi BTPN Syariah berdampak positif pada rasio profitabilitasnya. Konsolidasi, sebagai bentuk pelengkap dari kebijakan spin-off, belum mampu menunjukan dampak terhadap efisiensi bank perlakuan. Hal ini, bisa terjadi karena kasus konsolidasi melalui merger baru dilakukan tahun lalu dimana perubahan jangka panjangnya belum bisa terlihat. Berbeda dengan spin-off yang dilakukan BTPN Syariah dan BNI Syariah menunjukan dampak positif terhadap efisiensinya. Dari sisi fungsi intermediasi perbankan, konsolidasi yang diterapkan BSI berdampak positif yang menunjukan kemampuan likuiditasnya semakin baik. Sedangkan spin-off secara umum belum mampu menunjukan dampaknya terhadap fungsi intermediasi bank perlakuan, namun bagi bank BTPN Syariah spin-off yang diterapkannya berdampak positif dan menunjukan kemampuan likuiditasnya semakin baik. Kata Kunci: Spin-off, Konsolidasi, Pangsa Pasar, dan Kinerja Bank Syariah. ABSTRACT According to this study, the Financial Services Authority's (Microprudential) two spin-off and consolidation policies may have had a significant impact on the growth of Indonesia's Islamic banking sector. The existence of these two policies gives Islamic banking options when choosing corporate action plans to expand the scope of its operations. As a result, it's important to assess the effects of the policies that the previous UUS and BUS implemented so that it may be used as a guide when choosing the best action to take. Furthermore, the purpose of this research is to assess how stakeholders execute policies. The two policies are employed as dummy variables in this study, and the effect or influence is seen partially using the difference-in-differences approach on the variables of DPK and PYD (Market Share), ROA (Profitability Ratio), NPF (Problematic Financing), BOPO (Efficiency Function), and FDR (Intermediation Function), which are grouped based on the case of each bank according to distinct features and dates. In general, the results and implications of the two policies differ depending on the group of data. Spin-offs and consolidation in general can improve treatment banks' market share, while there have been cases of diminishing market share after the spin-off. The implementation of the spin-off has a negative impact on BJB Syariah's NPF but a positive one on BNI Syariah's NPF, whereas the BSI that executes consolidation has no effect on its NPF. The spin-off and consolidation had no effect on the treatment bank's profitability, however the spin-off for BTPN Syariah had a beneficial influence on its profitability ratio. Consolidation, as a complementary version of the spin-off policy, has had little effect on the efficiency of treatment banks. This is possible since a case of consolidation through a new merger was carried out last year, with no long-term impacts visible. It exhibits a favorable impact on efficiency in contrast to the spin-offs carried out by BTPN Syariah and BNI Syariah The consolidation that BSI undertook had a favorable effect on the banking intermediation function, showing that its liquidity capacity is expanding. While the spin-off has not been able to prove its impact on the treatment bank's intermediation function in general, it has had a favorable impact on BTPN Syariah bank and indicates that its liquidity capacity is expanding. Keywords: Spin-off, consolidation, market share, and Sharia bank performance. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Al Arif, M. N. R., Nachrowi, N. D., Nasution, M. E., & Mahmud, T. M. Z. (2018). Evaluation of the spinoffs criteria: A lesson from the Indonesian Islamic banking industry. Iqtishadia, 11(1), 85-104. https://doi.org/10.21043/iqtishadia.v11i1.3211 Arif, M. N. R. A. (2018). Does the spin-off policy can accelerate the deposit funds in the Indonesian Islamic banking industry? Journal of Business & Retail Management Research, 13(01), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.24052/JBRMR/V13IS01/ART-17 Arwani, M., & Zain, D. (2011). Peran karakteristik individu sebagai moderator dan pemasaran relasional sebagai mediator pengaruh kepuasan terhadap loyalitas (Studi pada nasabah bank syariah di Jawa Timur). JAM: Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, 9(3), 953-961. Gertler, P. J., Martinez, S., Premand, P., Rawlings, L. B., & Vermeersch, C. M. J. (2016). Impact evaluation in practice. The World Bank. Ginting, J. A. (2020). Analisis faktor kinerja perusahaan yang mempengaruhi market share perbankan periode 2016-2022. Skripsi tidak dipublikasikan. Banda Aceh: UIN Ar-Raniry. Gupitasari, N., Setyowati, R., & Muhyidin. (2016). Mekanisme konsolidasi bank syariah anak perusahaan badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) dari perspektif yuridis. Diponegoro Law Journal, 5(3), 1-22. Hendra, S. T. N., & Hartomo, D. D. (2017). Pengaruh konsentrasi dan pangsa pasar terhadap pengambilan resiko bank. Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen (Journal of Business and Management), 17(2), 35–50. https://doi.org/10.20961/jbm.v17i2.17176 Hilman, I. (2019). Strategi spin-off untuk meningkatkan kinerja bisnis perbankan syariah di Indonesia. STIE ekuitas, 1-20. Iqbal, M. (2014). Kebijakan office channeling dan spin-off stimulan perbankan syariah. Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, 9, 37-44. Khandker, S. R., Koolwal, G. B., & Samad, H. A. (2009). Handbook on impact evaluation: Quantitative methods and practices. The World Bank. https://doi.org/10.1596/978-0-8213-8028-4 Khotibul, U., & Antoni, V. (2015). Corporate action pembentukan bank syariah (Akuisisi, konversi, dan spin-off). Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Lemiyana, & Litriani. (2016). Pengaruh NPF, FDR, BOPO terhadap Return On Asset (ROA) pada bank umum syariah. I-Economics: A Research Journal on Islamic Economics, 2(1), 31–49. Mahmudah, N., & Harjanti, R. S. (2016). Analisis capital adequacy ratio, financing to deposit ratio, non performing financing, dan dana pihak ketiga terhadap tingkat profitabilitas bank umum syariah periode 2011-2013. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IPTEK Terapan, 1(1), 134-143. Nasuha, A. (2012). Dampak kebijakan spin-off terhadap kinerja bank syariah. Al Iqtishad, 4(2), 241-258. https://doi.org/10.15408/aiq.v4i2.2534 Nawangwulan, K. (2020). Pengaruh spin-off, NPF, BOPO terhadap dana pihak ketiga dan kinerja keuangan perbankan syariah. Skripsi tidak dipublikasikan. Yogyakarta: Universitas Islam Indonesia. Netyana, A. D. (2017). Analisis pengaruh kebijakan spin-off terhadap profitabilitas bank syariah di Indonesia. Skripsi tidak dipublikasikan. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. (2020). POJK No. 20 tahun 2020. Retrieved from https://www.ojk.go.id/id/regulasi/Pages/Konsolidasi-Bank-Umum.aspx Pambuko, Z. B. (2019). Kebijakan spin-off dan efisiensi perbankan syariah di indonesia. Ihtifaz: Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking, 2(1), 21. https://doi.org/10.12928/ijiefb.v2i1.822 Poerwokoesoemo, A. (2017). Kinerja bank konvensional pasca spin off unit usaha syariah. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 12(2), 145–164. Putri, A. R. (2020). Pengaruh jumlah pembiayaan yang disalurkan (DPK), dana pihak ketiga (DPK), dan inflasi terhadap tingkat likuiditas (Financing to deposit ratio) BRI syariah periode 2010-2018. Skripsi tidak dipublikasikan. Tulungagung: UIN SATU. Rofiatun, N. F. (2016). Pengaruh pangsa pasar dan indikator perbankan terhadap profitabilitas bank umum syariah Indonesia. Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba, 2(1), 13-24. https://doi.org/10.20885/jielariba.vol2.iss1.art5 Sarifudin, M., & Faturohman, T. (2017). Spin-off efficiency analysis of Indonesian Islamic banks. Journal of Business and Management, 6(2), 192–202. Setiawan, S. (2018). Determinan penentu pertumbuhan dana pihak ketiga perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Jurnal Maps (Manajemen Perbankan Syariah), 1(2), 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.32483/maps.v1i2.4 Sholihin, M., & Anggraini, P. G. (2021). Analisis data penelitian menggunakan software STATA. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi. Syafrida, I., & Aminah, I. (2015). Faktor perlambatan pertumbuhan bank syariah di Indonesia dan upaya penanganannya. Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis PNJ, 14(1), 7-20. https://doi.org/10.32722/eb.v14i1.753 Taga, A. A., Nawawi, K. L., & Kosim, A. M. (2019). Perkembangan perbankan syariah sebelum dan sesudah spin-off. Tafaqquh: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah dan Ahwal Syahsiyah, 4(1), 78–110. Trinugroho, I., Santoso, W., Irawanto, R., & Pamungkas, P. (2020). Is spin-off policy an effective to improve performance of Islamic bank evidence from Indonesia. Research in International Business and Finance, 56(April 2022). Yaya, R., Martawireja, A. E., & Abdurahim, A. (2014). Akuntansi perbankan syariah: Teori dan praktik kontemporer. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Analisis Modal Kerja dan Profitabilitas Perusahaan BUMN Bidang Jasa Infrastruktur
- Author
Maldania Sundari Dewi, Endang Hatma Juniwati, and Ine Mayasari
- Abstract
This research aim to find out the effect of cash turnover, receivable turnover, and inventory turnover to the profitability in the state-owned company in infrastructure service sector simultaneosly and partially. The population in this research were the state-owned company in infrastructure service sector in 2017-2021. The quarterly financial report of PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk., PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk., PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., and PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. are being used as sample. The research method use descriptive quantitative by performing panel data regression analysis with using a software called Eviews 9. The result showed that simultaneosly, cash turnover, receivable turnover, and inventory turnover have a positive and significant effect on profitability and partially, both of cash turnover and inventory turnover have a negative and significant effect, receivable turnover has a positive and significant effect on profitability in the state-owned company in infrastructure service sector in 2017-2021.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Studi Komparasi Kinerja Profitabilitas dan Earning Per Share PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Sebelum dan Setelah Menerapkan Mobile Banking
- Author
Eltasya Sifra Mevia Simanungkalit, Endang Hatma Juniwati, and Banter Laksana
- Abstract
This investigation was done to compare the performance of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk's profitability and earnings per share (EPS) before and after the implementation of mobile banking. In this study, financial statements from 2008 to 2017—five years before and five years after the usage of mobile banking—are used. The implementation of mobile banking in PT Bank Central Asia Tbk's services has had an impact on a number of areas, including profitability and earnings per share (EPS) performance. These areas include an increase in return on assets (ROA), a decrease in return on equity (ROE), and an increase in earnings per share (EPS). All of the variables were distributed regularly, according to the findings of the normality test. Before and after the implementation of mobile banking, there is a considerable variation in the Return on Assets (ROA) ratio. There is no notable difference in the Return on Equity (ROE) ratio. While there is a sizable variation in EPS between before and after the implementation of mobile banking
- Published
- 2022
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5. Pelatihan Sosial Media Facebook Ads dan Instagram For Business Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan
- Author
Rendra Trisyanto Surya, Etti Ernita Sembiring, Sudjana Sudjana, Fatmi Hadiani, and Endang Hatma Juniwati
- Abstract
Munculnya “Cimahi Mall”, awalnya karena tumbuhnya kebutuhan masyarakat ekonomi kelas menengah dan bawah di Kota Cimahi terhadap baju-baju Fashion yang semakin trendi dan beragam, namun dengan harga yang terjangkau (murah). Sewa toko yang relative murah menyebabkan mayoritas toko di mal ini masuk dalam kategori Usaha Mikro, dengan rata-rata omset sekitar Rp 30 juta sebulan. Namun, maraknya bisnis toko online menyebabkan sebagian besar toko tenan ini mengalami penurunan omset penjualan yang cukup serius. Tim PKM POLBAN kemudian mencari solusi dengan mengadakan pelatihan dan kegiatan Pendampingan untuk meningkatkan Kasadaran (Awareness) para pelaku bisnis skala UMKM ini tentang pentingnya “Digital Business” dan memasarkan produk mereka. Dan kemudian mengajari ketrampilan penggunaan Facebook dan Instagram untuk promosi secara online, agar penjualan mereka kembali normal. Hasil dari Pelatihan dua kali ini, menunjukkan adanya peningkatan penjualan, yaitu sebesar 28% saat mulai menggunakan Facebook Ads.Terjadi juga peningkatan yang cukup signifikan setelah menggunakan fitur “Instagram for Business”. Namun, peningkatan penjualan ini tidak merata. Ada “gap” yang cukup besar di setiap tenan toko yang mengikuti Pelatihan. Salah satu faktor penyebab adalah, adanya perbedaan generasi dalan motivasi didalam memanfaatkan HP dan Sosesial Media. Peserta yang berusia di bawah 30 tahun (Generasi Milenial) cenderung lebih aktif dan berani dalam memanfaatkan HP mereka untuk melakukan promosi produk secara online. Tidak terbebani secara psikologis terhadap IT Literacy dan gaya komunikasi spontan konsumen internet. Sebaliknya, peserta yang berusia diatas 40 tahun, terlihat gamang dan ragu-ragu dalam memulai kegiatan promosi menggunakan Sosial Media.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Pengaruh Sukuk dan Faktor Internal terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah
- Author
Renanta Ivana Nanda Rusmawan, Endang Hatma Juniwati, and Ade Ali Nurdin
- Abstract
This study aims to determine the impact Sukuk and Islamic bank internal factors on the profitability BRI Syariah. This study used secondary data using BRI Syariah quarterly reports for the years 2011-2020. The independent variable used is Sukuk, CAR, FDR, NPF, and BOPO and the dependent variable used is ROE which is used as a measure of the profitability of Islamic banks. This study uses the SPSS program and uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that sukuk, NPF, CAR, FDR, and BOPO simultaneously had an effect on ROE. While partially the issuance of sukuk and FDR has no significant effect on ROE, and NPF, CAR, BOPO has a negative and significant effect on ROE BRI Syariah.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Pengaruh ITO dan WCTO terhadap NPM pada Perusahaan Farmasi
- Author
Sekar Wulan Wiwitanti, Rosma Pakpahan, and Endang Hatma Juniwati
- Abstract
This research aims to description whether there is an influence between Inventory Turnover, Working Capital Turnover to Net Profit Margin (NPM). This research uses quantitative method, so the sample that used in this research is sub-sector’s company of pharmacy that has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for 2014-2018 period . This research used secondary data. Data analysis method used descriptive analysis and statistics analysis with using IBM SPSS 26 software. The results showed that partially, Inventory Turnover has significant effect on Net Profit Margin with positive coefficient and Working Capital Turnover has significant effect on Net Profit Margin with negative coefficient. While, simultaneous Inventory Turnover and Working Capital Turnover has significant on Net Profit Margin with R Square value is 64% and 36% residual was influenced bye other factor outside variabels researched.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Pengaruh CR dan DER Terhadap ROA Pada Perusahaan Makanan & Minuman
- Author
Fira Ocdalina Fianti, Ine Mayasari, and Endang Hatma Juniwati
- Abstract
This research to see effect of liquidity and solvency ratios on profitability in 6 samples of food baverage companies listed on IDX in 2014-2018. The independent variables use are CR, DER. Dependent variables is ROA. The method use in this research is quantitative method. Data collection technique is a method of documentation. Data analysis used is multiple regression analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 26 software. The Result that the CR parisial has a significant effect on ROA while the DER has no significant effect on ROA. Simultaneously, CR and DER have a positive and significant effect of ROA. Based on the result of the calculation of the coefficient of determination test, it’s know that the R square value is 0,567. Which means that simultaneously the CR and DER variables have an effect on ROA by 56,7%. While the remaining 43,3% is influenced by other variables not axamined in this study.
- Published
- 2022
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9. Analisis Pengaruh Pembiayaan Istishna, Qardh dan Ijarah Terhadap Return on Asset Pada PT Bank Bri Syariah Tbk
- Author
Salma Aulia Devyane, Kristianingsih Kristianingsih, and Endang Hatma Juniwati
- Abstract
This study discusses the impact of Istishna financing, Qardh financing and Ijarah financing on the return on assets (ROA) of PT Bank Bri Syariah Tbk. affects the increase at bank income, but the data seen is not in accordance with the theory. The question raised by this research is whether Istishna financing, Qardh financing, and Ijarah financing have a partial and simultaneous impact on the return on assets (ROA). The purpose of this research is to understand the effect of Istishna's financing, and Ijarah financing having an effect on Return On Asset (ROA) partially and simultaneously at PT Bank Bri Syariah Tbk. This study is a quantitative study using second-hand data, with a sample size of 36 samples. The mandatory data technique is documentation, namely PT Bank Bri Syariah Tbk financial ratio report data published by the Financial Services Authority through the OJK website and the Bank Bri Syariah website. This study is a quantitative study using second-hand data, with a sample size of 36 samples. Data analysis techniques use classical hypothesis testing and multiple linear regression, and use SPSS version 25 tools to process the data. , qardh and ijarah return on financing assets (ROA), can be concluded from the results of the regression test, if F test with a significant level value is the output table is 0.032. This means the Significant Value
- Published
- 2022
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10. Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum dan Sesudah Initial Public Offering (Studi Kasus pada PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung Tbk Tahun 2014-2020)
- Author
Ayu Rizkia Nur Nabilah, Endang Hatma Juniwati, and Dadang Hermawan
- Abstract
This study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference between the financial performance of PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung Tbk before and after conducting an Initial Public Offering (IPO). The indicators used in this study are financial ratios including Current Ratio (CR), Working Capital to Total Assets Ratio (WCTA), Debt to Assets Ratio (DAR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Inventory Turnover (TATO), Return on Investment (ROI), and Return on Equity (ROE). The data used is the annual financial report of PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung Tbk for 2014-2020. The data analysis method used is the Paired Sample T Test and the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The results showed that there were significant differences in ROE, while in CR, WCTA, DAR, DER, ITO, TATO, and ROI there were no significant differences.
- Published
- 2021
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11. Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Fundamental, Teknikal dan Makro Ekonomi Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Subsektor Kimia yang Terdaftar di Indeks Saham Syariah
- Author
Endang Hatma Juniwati, Nabila Nurliandini, and Setiawan Setiawan
- Subjects
Debt-to-equity ratio ,Current ratio ,Index (economics) ,Return on equity ,Stock exchange ,Technical analysis ,Econometrics ,Business ,Stock market index ,Stock (geology) - Abstract
This research was aims to analyze the influence of fundamental factors including Current Ratio (liquidity ratio), Return on Equity (profitability ratio), Debt to Equity Ratio (solvability ratio), technical which includes trading volume and macro economy including inflation ,and exchange rates on stock prices in chemical sub-sector companies listed on the Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) for the period 2015 - 2019. The sample consisted of 17 companies. The type of data used is quantitative data sourced from the official websites of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is panel data regression analysis. The results of this study show simultaneously the variables CR, ROE, DER, Trading Volume, Inflation, and Exchange Rates. Meanwhile partially, ROE has a positive and significant effect on the stock prices of chemical sub-sector companies listed on the Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). Meanwhile, other variables, CR, DER, Trading Volume, Inflation, and Exchange Rates partially have an effect but are not significant on the stock prices of companies listed on the Index. Sharia Shares (ISSI).
- Published
- 2021
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12. Pengaruh Jub Arti Sempit (M1), BI Rate, Inflasi, dan Kurs Terhadap IHSG di Bursa Efek Indonesia
- Author
Delia Intan Gojali, Endang Hatma Juniwati, and Leni Nur Pratiwi
- Abstract
The research aims to know the effect of Narrow Money, Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia, inflation, and exchange rate towards Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) in 2016-2020. Sampling of the reseach was CSPI in 2016-2020, the type of data used is time series with monthly data collection taken from 2016-2020, with n research data as much as 60. Research methodology using descriptive method with quantitative approachment. Data analysis technique used are multilinear regression with data processing assisted using data processing application The research showed that Narrow Money had a positive effects and significant toward Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) , Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia had a not significant effect toward Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI), Inflation had a positif effects and significant toward Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI), and exchange rate had a negative effects and significant toward Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). Simultaneously that Narrow Money, Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia, inflation, and exchange rate had a significant effect towards Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI)
- Published
- 2021
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13. Dampak Pembiayaan BUS dan UUS Terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto Indonesia Berdasarkan Lapangan Usaha
- Author
Aida Azmi Nabila, Endang Hatma Juniwati, and Fifi Afiyanti Tripuspitorini
- Subjects
business.industry ,Economic sector ,Model test ,Distribution (economics) ,Financial system ,Business ,Product (category theory) ,Gross domestic product ,Islamic banking - Abstract
Islamic banking has a role to encourage economic development and enhance economic growth. One way to do this is by allocating Islamic banking financing funds to all economic sectors or industrials in Indonesia. There is a mismatch between the growth statistics of financing distribution to Gross Domestic Product based on industrials consisting of seven industrial. This istudy iaims ito idetermine iwhether ior inot ithere iis ia relationship, iconstribution, and the effect iof ifinancing ichanneled on Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product. The isample iin ithis istudy was determined using ipurposive isampling. iThis iresearch imethod iis ia idescriptive imethod iwith ia iquantitative iapproach. iThe iresults iof the model test of the effect of BUS and UUS financing on Indonesia’s Gross Dometic Product based on the industrial in 2012-2019 show that not all financing has a relationship, constribution, and the effect to Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product based on the industrial.
- Published
- 2021
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14. Pengaruh Pembiayaan terhadap PDRB Sektor Perdagangan, Hotel, dan Restoran Ditinjau dari Pariwisata Syariah Provinsi Aceh
- Author
Endang Hatma Juniwati, Vina Febyningtyas, and Setiawan Setiawan
- Subjects
Finance ,Product (business) ,business.industry ,Corporate governance ,Community life ,Sample (statistics) ,Business ,Simple linear regression ,Probability sampling ,Research method - Abstract
Aceh Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia that implements and implements Islamic Law. Qanun is a statutory regulation applied in Aceh for the development of governance and community life in Aceh Province. This study aims to see whether there are a relationship and influence between BUS and UUS on the Gross Regional Domestic Product of the Trade, Hotel, and Restaurant sector. This study uses secondary data. The sample in this study was determined using probability sampling. This research method is an associative descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The analytical tool used in this study is a simple regression analysis with the help of applications. The results of the study are that there are a strong relationship and contribution as well as a positive influence between BUS and UUS Financing and the Gross Regional Domestic Product of Trade, Hotel, and Restaurant Sector of Aceh Province Period 2010-2018.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Pengaruh WCTO dan DER terhadap ROE pada Perusahaan Farmasi di BEI Periode 2014-2018
- Author
Dewi Ratnasari, Ine Mayasari, and Endang Hatma Juniwati
- Abstract
The research conducted in this final project aims to know how the influence of Working Capital Turnover and Debt to Equity Ratio toward Return On Equity at the pharmaceutical company which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2014-2018. Using the purposive sampling method, 7 pharmaceutical companies at IDX period 2014-2018 were selected for use as an sample of this research. The data used in this research is secondary data of the company’s annual financial statements. The data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The results showed that simultaneously the Working Capital Turnover and Debt to Equity Ratio significantly affected toward Return On Equity with a level of influence gained is 60.2%. Partially, Working Capital Turnover has a negative and significant effect toward Return On Equity as well as Debt to Equity Ratio affecting the negative and significant toward Return On Equity.
- Published
- 2021
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16. Perbandingan Area Inefsiensi Antara Nilai Pajak dan Zakat
- Author
Mochamad Edman Syarief, Muthia Faridatunnisa, and Endang Hatma Juniwati
- Subjects
Value (economics) ,Business sector ,Econometrics ,Economics ,Production (economics) ,Sample (statistics) ,Inefficiency ,Gross domestic product - Abstract
Tax policies set by the government can cause inefficiencies. Zakat policy is expected to minimize these inefficiencies. This research will try to compare how much inefficiency area caused by the value of tax and zakat. The data used is secondary data in the form of production from five business sectors found in Gross Domestic Product based on 2010 constant prices for the 2014-2018 period from the Central Bureau of Statistics. In this study quantitative calculations were carried out to determine the tax value, zakat value, and the area of triangle inefficiency, then after obtaining the results it would be compared to the magnitude of the triangle of inefficiency based on the value of tax and zakat. Different tests were carried out using SPSS to see whether the difference was significant or not. From the results of independent sample t-test, it is known that there are significant differences between the areas of inefficiency of the tax value and the value of zakat. This states that zakat produces inefficiency areas smaller than taxes.
- Published
- 2021
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17. Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Makro Ekonomi terhadap Nilai Aktiva Bersih Reksadana Saham Syariah Periode 2015-2019
- Author
Hani Nurrahmawati, Endang Hatma Juniwati, and Hasbi Assidiki Mauluddi
- Subjects
Inflation ,Variables ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Equity (finance) ,Net asset value ,Exchange rate ,Value (economics) ,Economics ,Econometrics ,business ,Mutual fund ,media_common ,Panel data - Abstract
The title of this research is Analysis Influence of Macroeconomic to Net Asset Value of Islamic Mutual Fund Equity period 2015-2019. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of partially and simultaneously variables of BI Rate, Inflation, Composite Stock Price Index and Exchange Rate on Net Asset Value of Sharia Mutual Funds in Indonesia in the period January 2015 - December 2019. The dependent variable is Net Asset Value of Sharia Mutual Funds, while the independent variables are BI Rate, Inflation, Composite Stock Price Index and Exchange Rate.Types of data used in this study are secondary data sourced from OJK, IHSG-IDX and BI published between 2015-2019. All of the data will be processed panel data which is a combination of time series data and cross section data. The results of this research showed that in the partial just variables of the BI Rate, Inflation, Composite Stock Price Index and Exchange Rate influenced to Net Assets Value of Islamic Mutual Funds in Indonesia, and simultaneous from variables of the BI Rate, Inflation, Composite Stock Price Index and Exchange Rate influenced to Net Assets Value of Islamic Mutual Funds in Indonesia and the value of Adjusted R-square coefficient of determination is 0.311175 means in togetherness variables of the BI Rate, Inflation, Composite Stock Price Index and Exchange Rate have a contribution influenced NAV of Islamic Mutual Funds in the amount of 31%, while the rest is 69% influenced by other variables that are not included into this research.
- Published
- 2021
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18. Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga dan Non-Performing Loan terhadap Penyaluran Kredit pada Bank yang Terdaftar di BEI
- Author
Diharpi Herli Setyowati, Popy Sandra Tesalonica Hutahaean, and Endang Hatma Juniwati
- Subjects
Third party ,Stock exchange ,Disbursement ,Financial system ,Multiple linear regression analysis ,Business ,Non-performing loan ,Banking sector ,Research method - Abstract
The purpose in this research was to find the effect of third party funds and non-performing loans on the amount of lending to banking sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2014 to 2018. The research method used is quantitative descriptive method. The data used are secondary data in the form of annual financial reports, and the data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis. The data processing in this study used a statistical tool, namely E-views 9. The results of this study indicate that partially third party funds have a positive and significant effect on the amount of lending and non-performing loans have a negative and significant effect on the amount of credit disbursement. Simultaneously or together, third party funds and non-performing loans have a significant effect on the amount of lending.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Analisis Kinerja Keuangan dan Prediksi Kebangkrutan PT Krakatau Steel Tbk Periode 2014-2018
- Author
Intantri Lestari, Endang Hatma Juniwati, and Mochamad Edman Syarief
- Subjects
Profit (accounting) ,Financial performance ,Actuarial science ,Bankruptcy ,Bankruptcy prediction ,Microsoft excel ,Position (finance) ,Balance sheet ,Business ,Performance results - Abstract
This study was aimed to find out the financial performance and predictions of bankruptcy of the company Krakatau Steel Tbk. The subjects of this study were the financial statements of PT Krakatau Steel Tbk from 2014 to 2018 with sample, the balance sheet and profit / loss statements. The method of this study was a descriptive approach method, with the Altman Z-score. The data were analyzed statistically used Microsoft Excel. The results of this study indicate that in the first year to the fifth year the company obtained (30
- Published
- 2020
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20. Ketahanan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia Terhadap Fluktuasi Kondisi Makroekonomi dan Fundamental Saat Pandemi Covid 19
- Author
Radia Purbayati, Rosma Pakpahan, Endang Hatma Juniwati, and Agil Krisna Rivanda
- Subjects
History ,Computer Science Applications ,Education - Abstract
The aims of this study is to examine the business resilience of the Islamic banking in Indonesia, and predicts the recovery of Islamic banking performance due to the shock of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The population in this study was Islamic Commercial Banks. The research focused on all Islamic Banking in Indonesia, period January 2017 to May 2022 as many as 12 Sharia Commercial Banks consisting of 1 bank in the Bank Group based on Core Capital (KBMI) 3, 1 bank is in KBMI 2 and 10 banks are in KBMI 1. The research used a descriptive analysis method of the Islamic banking in Indonesia. The variables tested included the ratio of NPF, CAR, ROA, Asset SIZE and GDPG growth. The analysis tool used VAR/VECM. The results showed that the business resilience of the Islamic banking industry was maintained. This condition is inseparable from government interference in the context of National Economic Recovery so that the financial performance of the Islamic banking was under threshold value. Modeling estimator using VAR at optimum lag 1 and showed that financial variable shock due to the Covid-19 Pandemic were responded to in the short term. The dynamics of variables and the recovery towards equilibrium conditions take varying amounts of time. The biggest contribution from the change in response results from the variable itself but the contribution weakens further and the dominant determinant variable to the change in response is the VARIABLE SIZE.
- Published
- 2023
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