Despite acknowledgement of the importance of sharing HIV- and AIDS-related information with people living with HIV, it is still unclear as to what their actual comprehension is of this information. This research was part of a larger project, Tswaragano, conducted in the North-West Province, South Africa, which explored and described the competence, ability and strengths of the family of the HIV-positive patient during home support. This research focused on Potchefstroom in the North-West Province. This article focuses on research with the objective being to explore and describe the comprehension of HIV-positive patients and their families with regard to HIV- and AIDS-related information, and to formulate recommendations to improve their comprehension of this information. A quantitative, explorative and descriptive survey design was followed. Data were collected by means of questionnaires completed by HIV-positive patients (n = 79) and their family members (n = 34). Descriptive statistical analysis by means of frequency analysis was conducted. Ethical considerations and mechanisms to enhance validity and reliability are discussed. The results indicated that both HIV-positive respondents and their families face social and financial challenges due to unemployment and low income. A strength found in this research is that the majority of respondents are linked to a church, which can be a valuable platform to share information on HIV and AIDS. With regards to sharing, sources and comprehension of HIV- and AIDS-related information, it is apparent that respondents perceived that pre- and post-counselling provided an opportunity for information sharing, but that they need health care workers to spend more time with them, to be non-judgemental and to make more use of visual aids. It furthermore seems that the majority of HIV-positive respondents in this study did comprehend the need for and negotiate for safer sexual practices. It was concluded that although HIV-positive patients and their families have relatively good levels of comprehension of HIV- and AIDS-related information, there are certain gaps in their comprehension of this information. Accordingly, recommendations regarding improving comprehension of HIV-related information were formulated. Recommendations for nursing education, research and practice were formulated. These recommendations highlight the importance of openness in communication, building trust relationships, collaboration, cultural sensitivity and empowering HIV-positive patients and their families. Ondanks erkenning aan die belangrikheid om MIV- en VIGS-verwante inligting met mense wat geraak word deur MIV te deel, is dit steeds onduidelik wat die betrokkenes se begrip van dié inligting is. Hierdie navorsing was deel van die Tswaragano projek wat MIV-positiewe pasiënte se familie se bevoegdheid, vermoëns en sterktes om pasiënte tydens tuissorg te ondersteun, te verken en beskryf en is uitgevoer in die Noordwes-Provinsie, Suid Afrika. Hierdie navorsing het op Potchefstroom in die Noordwes-Provinsie gefokus.Hierdie artikel fokus navorsing wat ten doel gehad het tot MIV-positiewe pasiënte en hulle families se begrip van MIV-en VIGS-verwante inligting te verken en te beskryf, en om aanbevelings om hulle begrip te verbeter, te formuleer. 'n Kwantitatiewe, beskrywende en verkennende opname-ontwerp is gevolg. Data is ingesamel deur vraelyste, voltooi deur MIV-positiewe pasiënte (n = 79) en familielede (n = 34). Beskrywende statistiese analise is deur middel van frekwensie-analise uitgevoer. Etiese aspekte en meganismes om geldigheid en betroubaarheid te bevorder word bespreek. Die resultate het getoon dat beide MIV-positiewe deelnemers en hul families se sosiale en finansiële uitdagings ervaar as gevolg van werkloosheid en lae inkomste. 'n Sterkte bevind in hierdie navorsing is dat die meerderheid deelnemers gekoppel is aan 'n kerk, wat 'n waardevolle platform vir die deel van inligting oor MIV en VIGS kan wees. Met betrekking tot deel, bronne en begrip van MIV- en VIGS-verwante inligting is dit duidelik dat deelnemers van mening is dat pre- en post-berading 'n geleentheid vir die deel van inligting is, maar dat hul 'n behoefte het dat die gesondheidswerker meer tyd saam met hul spandeer, nie-veroordelend is en meer gebruik maak van visuele hulpmiddels. Verder het dit geblyk dat die meerderheid MIV-positiewe deelnemers wel die nut van en onderhandeling vir veiliger seksuele praktyke begryp. Die gevolgtrekking was dat alhoewel MIV-positiewe pasiënte en hul families betreklike goeie begrip van MIV- en VIGS verwante inligting toon, daar sekere leemtes in hul begrip is. Daarvolgens is aanbevelings ter verbetering van begrip van MIV- en VIGS verwante inligting geformuleer. Aanbevelings is geformuleer vir verpleegonderwys, navorsing en praktyk. Hierdie aanbevelings beklemtoon die belangrikheid van openheid in kommunikasie, die bou van vertrouensverhoudings, samewerking, kultuur-sensitiwiteit en die bemagtiging van MIV-positiewe pasiënte en hul families.