Bu araştırma da, Bursa ilinde bulunan geleneksel işlemeli ürünlerden Türk işi tekniği ile işlenmiş ürün örneklerinin teknik özelliklerinin tespit edilip incelenmesi ve belgelenerek gelecek nesillere aktarılması amaçlanmıştır.Türk işi; kasnak ve gergef üzerine gerilen kumaşlar kullanılarak; iplik, sim, iğne ile işlenen, mürver tekniği dışında tersi yüzü aynı görünüşte olan işleme çeşididir.Araştırmanın evrenini; Bursa ilinde bulunan Türk işi ürün örnekleri oluşturmaktadır. 59 adet Türk işi ürün örneklerinin fotoğrafları çekilerek türü, boyutları, bugünkü durumları, kullanılan gereçler, teknik özellikler, renkler, bezeme konuları ve kompozisyon özellikleri incelenmiş, Türk işi ürün örneklerinin özellikleri bilgi formlarına kaydedilerek belgelenmiş, desen çizimleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan inceleme sonucunda kırk iki adet peşkir, altı adet çevre, altı adet uçkur, iki adet havlu, bir adet çarşaf, bir adet beşikörtüsü ve bir adet örtüden oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Ürünlerin boyutlarının kullanım amacına ve türüne göre değiştiği anlaşılmıştır. Ürünlerin yarısından fazlası iyi durumda olup, büyük bir kısmında sandık lekesine rastlanmıştır.Türk işi ürün örneklerinin zemininde; keten ve pamuklu dokuma uygulanmıştır. Ürünlerin işlemelerinde sim, ipek iplik ve yassı tel; kenar temizlemesinde ise ipek iplik, pamuk iplik ve sim kullanılmıştır.Ürünlerin işlemesinde; en çok düz pesent, verev pesent, sarma, muşabak, tahrirli pesent iğne teknikleri uygulanmış, kenar temizlemesinde ise; saçak bükme, çırpma dikişi, iğne oyası yapılmıştır.Türk işi ürün örneklerinin zemininde, krem ve bej rengi; işlemesinde yeşil, mavi, pembe, krem, kahverengi, yavruağzı; kenar temizlemesinde, krem, sim, bej kullanılmıştır. Çok renkli işlenmiş olan Türk işi ürün örneklerinde en yoğun olarak yeşil, çiçek ve tomurcukların renklendirilmesinde ise yoğun olarak mavi, pembe, krem, yavruağzı tonlarının uygulandığı görülmüştür. Türk işi ürün örneklerinde bitkisel bezeme olarak; tamamında yaprak, çoğunluğunda çiçek ve dal, kalan kısımlarda ise tomurcuk, kıvrımlı dal nesneli bezeme olarak; vazo, saksı, fiyonk, sepet mimari bezeme olarak; çadır, şadırvan, cami geometrik bezeme olarak; dikdörtgen, kare, baklava dilimi; figürlü bezeme olarak; kuş, yazılı bezeme olarak ise arap yazıları uygulanmıştır. Yoğun olarak bitkisel ve nesneli bezemenin duygu ve düşünceleri daha iyi ifade ettiği için tercih edildiği, bununla birlikte mimari, geometrik, figürlü ve yazılı bezemelerinde kullanıldığı görülmüştür.Türk işi işlemelerde; düzgün, yatay, bağlantılı sıralamalardan oluşan kompozisyonlar kullanılmış olup kenar suyu ise; bağlantılı, atlamalı ve düzgün sıralamalardan oluşmuştur. Anahtar Kelime : Bursa, El sanatları, İşleme, Türk İşi This research aims at detecting and analyzing the technical properties of product samples in Bursa that are made using Turkish embroidery technique and passing on to the future generations by authenticating them. Turkish embroidery is a kind of embroidery that is made using thread, tinsel and needle on fabrics stretched on frame and hoop and looks the same on the front and on the back side except for the mürver technique.Turkish embroidery sample products found in Bursa makes up the population of the research. The type, sizes, condition of the samples, equipments used, technical properties, colors, ornament themes and properties of composition are analyzed, the record of the properties of Turkish sample products are kept on the information forms and their pattern drawings are made. As the result of the research forty- two napkins, six pieces, six waistbands, two towels, one cradle cover and one cover. It is detected that the sizes of the products change for intended purpose and type.More than half of the products are in good condition and coffer smear is detected on most of them.Linen and cotton material are used for the base of the Turkish product samples. Tinsel, silk thread and flat-wire are used for ornament and silk thread, cotton thread and tinsel are used for edge decoration.While for ornamenting the products most of the time flatpesent, biased pesent, wrap, treillage, tahrirli pesent point techniques are applied, for edge decorationfringe twisting, hemming stitch, point lace techniques are applied.Cream and beige are the colors used for the base, green, blue, pink, cream, brown, light pink colors are used for ornament and cream, tinsel and beige colors are used for edge decoration of the Turkish embroidery product samples. On the multi-colored Turkish embroidery product samples color green is applied densely, and while coloring flowers and buds blue, pink, cream and light pink tones are applied densely.As vegetal embellishment; leave images are used on all of the samples, flower and branch images are used on most of the samples and bud and crooked branch images are used on the rest of the samples. On embroideries with a subject; vase, pot, bow tie and basket images are ornamented. For architectural ornaments; tent, fountain and mosque images are used. As geometrical ornaments rectangle, square and diamond images are used. For embroidery with figures, bird image is ornamented and for calligraphic ornaments, Arabic calligraphyis used. Most of the time herbal ornaments and embroideries with a subject are preferred to the others as they express feelings and thoughts better, but besides these preferred ones architectural, geometric, embroidery with figures and calligraphic ornaments are also produced.On Turkish embroidery; while compositions are made up of smooth, horizontal and linked arrangements, edge decoration are made of linked, skipped and smooth arrangements. This research aims at detecting and analyzing the technical properties of product samples in Bursa that are made using Turkish embroidery technique and passing on to the future generations by authenticating them. Turkish embroidery is a kind of embroidery that is made using thread, tinsel and needle on fabrics stretched on frame and hoop and looks the same on the front and on the back side except for the mürver technique.Turkish embroidery sample products found in Bursa makes up the population of the research. The type, sizes, condition of the samples, equipments used, technical properties, colors, ornament themes and properties of composition are analyzed, the record of the properties of Turkish sample products are kept on the information forms and their pattern drawings are made. As the result of the research forty- two napkins, six pieces, six waistbands, two towels, one cradle cover and one cover. It is detected that the sizes of the products change for intended purpose and type.More than half of the products are in good condition and coffer smear is detected on most of them.Linen and cotton material are used for the base of the Turkish product samples. Tinsel, silk thread and flat-wire are used for ornament and silk thread, cotton thread and tinsel are used for edge decoration.While for ornamenting the products most of the time flatpesent, biased pesent, wrap, treillage, tahrirli pesent point techniques are applied, for edge decorationfringe twisting, hemming stitch, point lace techniques are applied.Cream and beige are the colors used for the base, green, blue, pink, cream, brown, light pink colors are used for ornament and cream, tinsel and beige colors are used for edge decoration of the Turkish embroidery product samples. On the multi-colored Turkish embroidery product samples color green is applied densely, and while coloring flowers and buds blue, pink, cream and light pink tones are applied densely.As vegetal embellishment; leave images are used on all of the samples, flower and branch images are used on most of the samples and bud and crooked branch images are used on the rest of the samples. On embroideries with a subject; vase, pot, bow tie and basket images are ornamented. For architectural ornaments; tent, fountain and mosque images are used. As geometrical ornaments rectangle, square and diamond images are used. For embroidery with figures, bird image is ornamented and for calligraphic ornaments, Arabic calligraphyis used. Most of the time herbal ornaments and embroideries with a subject are preferred to the others as they express feelings and thoughts better, but besides these preferred ones architectural, geometric, embroidery with figures and calligraphic ornaments are also produced.On Turkish embroidery; while compositions are made up of smooth, horizontal and linked arrangements, edge decoration are made of linked, skipped and smooth arrangements. Key Words: Bursa, Handicraft, Ornament, Turkish Embroidery 279