Ganesan Balachander, Marwa Waseem A. Halmy, Brenda Parlee, Duan Biggs, Murali Chatakonda, Andrés M. Cisneros-Montemayor, Marie-Christine Cormier-Salem, Rajarshi Dasgupta, Shiva Devkota, Janaina Diniz, Aisha Elfaki, Lisa Hiwasaki, Gabriela Lichtenstein, Andries Richter, Manzoor A. Shah, Patricia Shanley, Uttam Babu Shrestha, Tien Ming Lee, Buuveibaatar Bayarbaatar, Daniel Kieling, IPBES, Sara Hernandez, Sheona Shackleton, Sharlene C. Alook, Abdon Awono, Mrittika Basu, Nicolas Casajus, Sara Marie Chitsaz, Michelle Cocks, Jon Corbett, Hannah Cunnigham, Alexis J.G. De Villa, John Donaldson, Elizabeth Dowdell, Laura Elsler, Álvaro Fernández-Llamazare, Rachel Friedman, Jean-Marc Fromentin, Gustavo Garcia-Lopez, Sonali Ghosh, Carter W. Gorzitza, Robin M. Howse, Verina Ingram, Krystal M. Isbister, Anne Larson, Helder Lima de Queiroz, Citlalli Lopez, Pablo Negret, Celeste Nogales, Kaan Ozdurak, Sarah A. Laird, James Robson, Sandra Sharry, Veerle Siegerink, Renato Silvano, Hannah S. Skelding, Kevin St Martin, Krista Tremblett, Lindsay A. Vander Hoek, Julia Van Velden, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, and Yan Zeng
Chapter 4 of the thematic assessment of the sustainable use of wild species of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services., Suggested citation: Balachander, G., Halmy, M.W.A., Parlee, B., Biggs, D., Chatakonda, M., Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M., Cormier-Salem, M-C., Dasgupta, R., Devkota, S., Diniz, J., Elfaki, A., Hiwasaki, L., Lichtenstein, G., Richter, A., Shah, M.A., Shanley, P., Shrestha, U.B., Lee, T.M., Bayarbaatar, B. and Kieling, D. (2022). Chapter 4: The drivers of the sustainable use of wild species. In: Thematic Assessment Report on the Sustainable Use of Wild Species of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Fromentin, J.M., Emery, M.R., Donaldson, J., Danner, M.C., Hallosserie, A., and Kieling, D. (eds.). IPBES Secretariat, Bonn, Germany.