Este estudo tem o objetivo de estabelecer o nivel piezometrico que a vertente tinha antes do deslizamento, a morfometria e a causa do movimento de massa. Para isto, foi utilizada equacao de Equilibrio-Limite, com o Fator de seguranca em 1,49 para estabelecer o nivel piezometrico necessario para causar o colapso da encosta, como tambem, a determinacao de propriedades geomecânicas, como coesao, densidade, ângulo de atrito, tensao de cisalhamento, limites de Atterberg, alem da granulometria e da morfometria. A vertente apresentava o formato convexo no topo e concavo na base, ambos seccionados no meio pelos formatos retilineo e concavo. A inclinacao media era de 35,17° em uma dimensao de 46,01m. A Equacao indicou um nivel piezometrico minimo de 18,53 metros de altura para o colapso. Um aspecto que influenciou o deslizamento foi a erosao superficial causada por uma galeria de agua pluvial, que uma vez rompida, erodiu o pacote de material superficial, Argilo Siltoso Mosqueado, que serve de protecao para a vertente, pois possui maior coesao e plasticidade. Apos a completa erosao do pacote superior, houve a exposicao pontual do pacote inferior, que apos sofrer forte precipitacao pluvial de 32,20 mm, ocorrida no dia 30/09/2013, ocasionou a elevacao do nivel piezometrico deste material inferior, Silto Arenoso Tangencial, de menor coesao e plasticidade que saturou, comportando-se de maneira semi-liquida. Devido este material ser todo o alicerce da encosta, o seu colapso causou todo o deslizamento rotacional da vertente. Verifica-se a importância de manter o material superior desta margem do Rio Landslide in The Madeira River Slope in Porto Velho - RO: A Morfomechanical analysis ABSTRACT The aims this paper is establish the piezometric level that the slope had before sliding, morphometry and the cause of mass movement. For this, the Equilibrium-Limit equation was used, with the Safety Factor at 1.49 to establish the piezometric level necessary for collapse of the slope, as well as the determination of geomechanical properties, such as cohesion, density, friction angle , shear stress, Atterberg boundaries, granulometry and morphometry. The strand had the convex shape at the top and concave at the base, both sectioned in the middle by the rectilinear and concave shapes. The average slope was 35.17° in a dimension of 46.01m. Equation indicated a minimum piezometric level of18.53 metershigh for collapse. One aspect that influenced the sliding was the superficial erosion caused by a gallery of rainwater, which once ruptured, eroded the package of surface material, Silt Clay Mottled, which serves as protection for the slope, as it has greater cohesion and plasticity. After complete erosion of the upper package, there was a punctual exposition of the lower package, which after suffering heavy rainfall of32.20 mm, occurred on 09/30/2013, caused the elevation of the piezometric level of this lower material, Sand Silt Tangential, of lower cohesion and plasticity that saturated, behaving in a semi-liquid way. Because this material is the whole foundation of the slope, its collapse caused all the rotational slip of the slope. It’s important to maintain the superior material of the slope, aiming at the reduction of shear forces and erosions. Keywords: Piezometric Level, morphometry, Break Circle.