29 results on '"El Essa A"'
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2. Hyperbaric therapy of patients poisoned with carbon monoxide in the Hospital Emergency Department at University Hospital No. 1 named after Dr Antoni Jurasz in Bydgoszcz - preliminary report
- Author
Ewa Zieliński, Ahmad El-Essa, Kinga Grobelska, Piotr Dzięgielewski, Oksana Telak, and Walery Zukow
- Subjects
hiperbarotherapy ,carbon monoxide ,poisoning ,Education ,Sports ,GV557-1198.995 ,Medicine - Abstract
The study is a preliminary report on the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning at the Hospital Emergency Department at University Hospital No. 1 named after Dr. Antoni Jurasz in Bydgoszcz, with the use of oxybarotherapy in a monoplace chamber. Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is a frequent cause of accidental and intentional injuries in the world. Many researchers suggest that the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) in CO poisoning, prevents the development of neurological sequelae. This led to the widespread use of HBO in the treatment of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. The National Health Fund (NHF) reimburses patients treatment in a multi-person hyperbaric chamber. In the Hospital Emergency Department (HED) in Bydgoszcz there is a one-person hyperbaric chamber, which is mainly used to treat patients poisoned with CO. Treatment is also refunded by the NHF. The cost of treating the patient in the monoplace chamber is included in the contract - (lump sum) from NHF for HED.
- Published
- 2018
3. Hyperbaric therapy of patients poisoned with carbon monoxide in the Hospital Emergency Department at University Hospital No. 1 named after Dr Antoni Jurasz in Bydgoszcz - preliminary report
- Author
Zieliński. Ewa, El-Essa. Ahmad, Grobelska. Kinga, Dzięgielewski. Piotr, Telak. Oksana, and Zukow. Walery
- Subjects
poisoning ,lcsh:Sports ,lcsh:GV557-1198.995 ,lcsh:R ,lcsh:Medicine ,lcsh:L ,hiperbarotherapy ,carbon monoxide ,lcsh:Education - Abstract
Zieliński Ewa, El-Essa Ahmad, Grobelska Kinga, Dzięgielewski Piotr, Telak Oksana, Zukow Walery. Hyperbaric therapy of patients poisoned with carbon monoxide in the Hospital Emergency Department at University Hospital No. 1 named after Dr Antoni Jurasz in Bydgoszcz - preliminary report. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(12):210-218. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2144552 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.phpohs/article/view/6365 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/890835 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part b item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eissn 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2018; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 30.10.2018. Revised: 20.11.2018. Accepted: 10.12.2018. Hyperbaric therapy of patients poisoned with carbon monoxide in the Hospital Emergency Department at University Hospital No. 1 named after Dr Antoni Jurasz in Bydgoszcz - preliminary report Ewa Zieliński1, Ahmad El-Essa1, Kinga Grobelska1, Piotr Dzięgielewski2, Oksana Telak3, Walery Zukow4 1Department of Emergency Medicine and Catastrophe Medicine of Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, University of Mikołaj Kopernik in Toruń, Poland 2SPZOZ 10 Military Clinical Hospital with Policlinics in Bydgoszcz, Poland 3The Main School of Fire Service, Poland 4Department of Spatial Management and Tourism, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Torun, Poland Key words: hiperbarotherapy, carbon monoxide, poisoning Abstract The study is a preliminary report on the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning at the Hospital Emergency Department at University Hospital No. 1 named after Dr. Antoni Jurasz in Bydgoszcz, with the use of oxybarotherapy in a monoplace chamber. Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is a frequent cause of accidental and intentional injuries in the world. Many researchers suggest that the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) in CO poisoning, prevents the development of neurological sequelae. This led to the widespread use of HBO in the treatment of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. The National Health Fund (NHF) reimburses patients treatment in a multi-person hyperbaric chamber. In the Hospital Emergency Department (HED) in Bydgoszcz there is a one-person hyperbaric chamber, which is mainly used to treat patients poisoned with CO. Treatment is also refunded by the NHF. The cost of treating the patient in the monoplace chamber is included in the contract - (lump sum) from NHF for HED.
- Published
- 2018
4. Role of calcium influx from intra and extracellular calcium space in physiological antagonism of endothelin-I (ET-I) and nitric oxide in smooth muscle cells: 220
- Author
Grzesk, G., El-Essa, A., Grzesk, E., Szadujkis-Szadurski, L., Szadujkis-Szadurska, K., and Szadujkis-Szadurski, R.
- Published
- 2006
- Author
Zieliński Ewa, El-Essa, Ahmad, Dzięgielewski Piotr, Katarzyna, Sas, and Wielgus Adriana
- Subjects
rana, rana przewlekła, owrzodzenie = wound, chronic wound, ulcer ,teatroterapia, terapia zajęciowa, upośledzenie umysłowe w stopniu umiarkowanym = Theatrical therapy, occupational therapy, moderate mental retardation ,ochrona zdrowia, ochrona pracy, bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy, profilaktyczne badania lekarskie = health care, safety at work, safety and hygiene at work, medical surveillance ,bezpieczeństwo socjalne, niepełnosprawność, niezdolność do pracy, renty = social security, disability, incapacity for work, pensions ,zwolnienia lekarskie, zasiłki, Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, ubezpieczenia społeczne = sick leaves, social benefits, The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), social insurance ,bezpieczeństwo zdrowotne, prawa pacjenta, roszczenia przysługujące pacjentom, Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta = health security, patients' rights, patients' claims, The Commissioner for Patients' Rights ,hiperbaria tlenowa, bezpieczeństwo, medycyna = hyperbaric oxygen, safety, medicine ,Wysokość ciała, wynik, pływanie, finalista, konkurencje indywidualne = Height of the body, result, swimming, finalist, competition individual ,postrzeganie peryferyjne, czas reakcji, ratownictwo = peripheral perception, reaction time, lifesaving, safety ,niedoczynność tarczycy, jakość życia, zdrowie psychiczne = hypothyroidism, quality of life, mental health ,dalekowschodnie sztuki walki, kontrola agresji, sport = oriental martial arts, control of aggression, sport - Abstract
Hiperbaria tlenowa = Hyperbaric oxygen Wiedza studentów dotycząca leczenia hiperbarycznego w świetle badań własnych = Students' knowledge about hyperbaric treatment in the light of own research Klasyfikacja, leczenie i profilaktyka ran przewlekłych = Classification, treatment and prevention of chronic wounds. Wpływ niedoczynności tarczycy na psychiczne aspekty jakości życia = Impact of hypothyroidism on the mental aspects of quality of life Zrozumieć agresję – dalekowschodnie sztuki walki jako regulator kontroli agresji – rozważania teoretyczne = Understand the aggression-far Eastern martial arts as a regulator to control aggression-theoretical considerations. Teatroterapia w pracy z osobami upośledzonymi umysłowo w stopniu umiarkowanym = Theatrical therapy in work with people with moderate mental disabilities Kontrola prawidłowości wykorzystywania zwolnień lekarskich od pracy = Monitoring the correct use of sick leaves Profilaktyczna ochrona zdrowia pracowników w świetle przepisów prawa bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy (BHP) = Health surveillance of workers under the safety and hygiene at work regulations Bezpieczeństwo socjalne osób z niepełnosprawnościami i niezdolnych do pracy = Social security of the disabled and the incapable of work Prawa pacjenta jako element kształtujący bezpieczeństwo zdrowotne = Patients’ rights as an element forming health security Wysokość ciała a wyniki finalistów indywidualnych konkurencji pływackich na Igrzyskach Olimpijskich w 2008 i 2012 roku = Height of the body but achieved results by individual finalists of the swimming competitions on the Olympic Games in 2008 and of 2012 Postrzeganie peryferyjne ratowników wodnych = The perception of peripheral water rescuers
- Published
- 2018
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6. Sport, Dietetyka I Zarządzanie W Administracji - Wybrane Aspekty = Sports, Nutrition And Management In The Administration - Selected Aspects
- Author
Zieliński, Ewa, El-Essa, Ahmad, Skalski, Dariusz, Dzięgielewski, Piotr, and Juraszek, Karolina
- Subjects
świadczenia na rzecz obrony, Siły Zbrojne RP, mobilizacja, bezpieczeństwo = services for defense purposes, Polish Armed Forces, mobilization, security ,Minister Obrony Narodowej, obrona narodowa, bezpieczeństwo narodowe = Minister of National Defense, national defense, national security ,żywienie, dieta, piłka nożna = nutrition, diet, football ,triada sportsmenek, żywienie, sporty sylwetkowe, trójbój siłowy = triad of sportsmen, nutrition, body sports, powerlifting ,dieta, nawyki żywieniowe, sport = diet, eating habits, sport ,zarządzanie kryzysowe, administracja rządowa i samorządowa, gmina, powiat, województwo = crisis management, the centra =l and local government administration, commune, district, voivodeship ,żywienie, suplementacja, zawody sylwetkowe = nutrition, supplementation, body competitions ,administracja samorządowa, zasada subsydiarności, planowanie, zarządzanie = local government administration, the principle of subsidiarity, planning, management ,administracja publiczna, zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, zarządzanie przez jakość, benchmarking, reengineering, outsourcing = administration, human resources management, Total Quality Management, benchmarking, reengineering, outsourcing - Abstract
Ocena nawyków żywieniowych piłkarzy = Assessment of players' eating habits Wpływ restrykcji żywieniowych na występowanie triady sportsmenek wśród zawodniczek sportów sylwetkowych i trójboju siłowego = Influence of nutritional restrictions on the occurrence of sportswoman triad among female bodyfights and powerlifting players Żywienie i suplementacja zawodników w okresie przygotowań do startów w zawodach sylwetkowych = Nutrition and supplementation of competitors in the period of preparations for bodybuilding competitions Wiedza i nawyki żywieniowe kobiet aktywnych fizycznie = Knowledge and eating habits of women physically active Zarządzanie kryzysowe w województwie, powiecie i gminie = Crisis management in commune, district and voivodeship Świadczenia na rzecz obrony w świetle przepisów polskiego prawa = Services for defense purposes in the light of polish legislatio Funkcjonowanie administracji samorządowej w myśl zasady subsydiarności = Functioning of local government administration according to the principle of subsidiarity Kompetencje administracyjne ministra obrony narodowej = Responsibilities of minister of national defense Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi na tle nowoczesnych metod zarządzania w urzędach administracji publicznej = Human resources management in view of modern methods of management in public administration offices
- Published
- 2018
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7. Sport, dietetyka i zarządzanie w administracji - wybrane aspekty = Sports, nutrition and management in the administration - selected aspects
- Author
Ewa Zieliński, Ahmad El-Essa, Dariusz Skalski, Piotr Dzięgielewski, and Karolina Juraszek
- Subjects
świadczenia na rzecz obrony, Siły Zbrojne RP, mobilizacja, bezpieczeństwo = services for defense purposes, Polish Armed Forces, mobilization, security ,Minister Obrony Narodowej, obrona narodowa, bezpieczeństwo narodowe = Minister of National Defense, national defense, national security ,żywienie, dieta, piłka nożna = nutrition, diet, football ,triada sportsmenek, żywienie, sporty sylwetkowe, trójbój siłowy = triad of sportsmen, nutrition, body sports, powerlifting ,dieta, nawyki żywieniowe, sport = diet, eating habits, sport ,zarządzanie kryzysowe, administracja rządowa i samorządowa, gmina, powiat, województwo = crisis management, the centra =l and local government administration, commune, district, voivodeship ,żywienie, suplementacja, zawody sylwetkowe = nutrition, supplementation, body competitions ,administracja samorządowa, zasada subsydiarności, planowanie, zarządzanie = local government administration, the principle of subsidiarity, planning, management ,administracja publiczna, zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, zarządzanie przez jakość, benchmarking, reengineering, outsourcing = administration, human resources management, Total Quality Management, benchmarking, reengineering, outsourcing - Abstract
Ocena nawyków żywieniowych piłkarzy = Assessment of players' eating habits Wpływ restrykcji żywieniowych na występowanie triady sportsmenek wśród zawodniczek sportów sylwetkowych i trójboju siłowego = Influence of nutritional restrictions on the occurrence of sportswoman triad among female bodyfights and powerlifting players Żywienie i suplementacja zawodników w okresie przygotowań do startów w zawodach sylwetkowych = Nutrition and supplementation of competitors in the period of preparations for bodybuilding competitions Wiedza i nawyki żywieniowe kobiet aktywnych fizycznie = Knowledge and eating habits of women physically active Zarządzanie kryzysowe w województwie, powiecie i gminie = Crisis management in commune, district and voivodeship Świadczenia na rzecz obrony w świetle przepisów polskiego prawa = Services for defense purposes in the light of polish legislatio Funkcjonowanie administracji samorządowej w myśl zasady subsydiarności = Functioning of local government administration according to the principle of subsidiarity Kompetencje administracyjne ministra obrony narodowej = Responsibilities of minister of national defense Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi na tle nowoczesnych metod zarządzania w urzędach administracji publicznej = Human resources management in view of modern methods of management in public administration offices  
- Published
- 2018
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8. Medycyna, Bezpieczeństwo, Ratownictwo Wodne I Nauka Pływania. Wybrane Meandry = Medical, Security, Water Rescue And Teaching Of Swimming. Selected Meandres
- Author
Ewa Zieliński, Ahmad El-Essa, Kinga Grobelska, Dariusz Skalski, and Piotr Dzięgielewski
- Subjects
administracja, zarządzanie kryzysowe, cechy administracji, województwo, organizacja administracji. = administration, crisis management, stamps of the civil service, province, organization of administration ,uraz ciśnieniowy płuc, hipoksja, barotrauma = pulmonary barotrauma, hypoxia, barotrauma ,pedagogika, wartości, kształcenie zintegrowane, szkolenie pływackie = pedagogy, value, integrated education, swimming training ,ostra choroba wysokogórska, wysokogórski obrzęk mózgu, wysokogórski obrzęk płuc. = acute mountain sickness, high-altitude cerebral edema, high-altitude pulmonary edema ,samorząd gminny, kąpielisko, miejsce okazjonalnie wykorzystywane do kąpieli, profil wody, zarządzanie jakością wody = commune self-government, bathing beach, place occasionally used for the bath, profile of water, managing the quality of water ,telemedycyna, diagnostyka, leczenie = telemedicine, diagnostics, treatment ,ratownictwo wodne, humanizm, logistyka = water rescue, humanism, logistics ,motywacja, samorząd terytorialny, pracownik, kierownik, ustrój = motivation, local self-government, employee, manager, system - Abstract
Postępowanie przedszpitalne w wybranych stanach zagrożenia życia związanych z przebywaniem na dużej wysokości. = Pre-hospital proceedings in selected life-threatening conditions associated with being at a high altitude. Postępowanie ratownicze w urazie ciśnieniowym płuc u nurka = Rescue procedure in a pulmonary barotraum. Historia telemedycyny = History of telemedicine Administracja publiczna i jej cechy a zarządzanie kryzysowe na poziomie wojewódzkim = The civil service and her features but the crisis management on the provincial level Charakterystyka ustrojowa samorządu terytorialnego a motywowanie pracowników = Political characteristics of the local self-government but motivating employees Ratownictwo wodne w ujęciu humanistycznym i logistycznym = Water rescue in the humanistic and logistic perspective Kąpieliska i miejsca okazjonalnie wykorzystywane do kąpieli. Wybrane aspekty. = Bathing beaches and places occasionally used for the bath. Chosen safety aspects. Pedagogiczne wartości zintegrowanego szkolenia pływackiego = Pedagogical value of integrated swimming training
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Zieliński, Ewa, El-Essa, Ahmad, Skalski, Dariusz, and Dzięgielewski, Piotr
- Subjects
czas wolny, bezpieczeństwo, rodzina, szkoła, rodzina, dzieci, młodzież = leisure time, safety, family, school, family, children, young people ,służby specjalne, terroryzm, potrzeby społeczne, poczucie bezpieczeństwa, rola państwa = special services, terrorism, social needs, a sense of security, the role of the state ,wady postawy, zdrowie, wzorzec ruchowy, kontuzja, uraz = Faulty postures, health, motor pattern, injury, trauma ,psy poszukiwawcze, katastrofa, ratownictwo medyczne = search dogs, catastrophe, emergency medical services ,Zarządzanie kryzysowe, zespół zarządzania, administracja publiczna, urzędnik, sytuacja kryzysowa = Crisis management, team of the management, the civil service, clerk, contingency ,uraz, medycyna taktyczna, taktyka TCCC = trauma, tactical medicine, TCCC tactics ,hipotermia przypadkowa, leczenie hipotermii, objawy hipotermii = accidental hypothermia, hypothermic treatment, symptoms of hypothermia ,Bezpieczeństwo publiczne, sytuacja kryzysowa, zarządzanie kryzysowe, zespół zarządzania, gotowość cywilna, administracja publiczna, zagrożenie, klęska = Public safety, contingency, crisis management, team of the management, civil readiness, the civil service, threat, defeat - Abstract
MEDYCYNA I SPOŁECZEŃSTWO. WYBRANE PROBLEMY ZDROWIA I BEZPIECZEŃSTWA = MEDICINE AND SOCIETY. SELECTED PROBLEMS OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY Wykorzystanie psów ratowniczych w ratownictwie medycznym = The use of rescue dogs in emergency medical service Charakterystyka urazów na Polskich Kontyngentach = Characteristics of injuries in Polish contingents Hipotermia przypadkowa – postępowanie ratownika medycznego w działaniach przedszpitalnych = Accidental hypothermia – the procedure of a paramedic in pre-hospital activities Bezpieczeństwo, sytuacja kryzysowa i istota zarządzania kryzysowego a gotowość cywilna = The safety, the contingency and nature of the crisis management but the civil readiness Podział administracji publicznej a zarządzanie kryzysowe na poziomie wojewódzkim = The division of the civil service but the crisis management on the provincial level Rola służb specjalnych w zwalczaniu terroryzmu = The role of special services in combating terrorism Ocena wzorca ruchowego u chłopców na podstawie testu = Functional Movement System Bezpieczeństwo społeczności lokalnych w kontekście roli rodziny i szkoły w organizacji czasu wolnego dzieci imłodzieży = Safety of the local communities in the context of the role of the family and the school in the organization of the leisure time of children and teenagers
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Pedrycz, Agnieszka, Zieliński, Ewa, and El-Essa, Ahmad
- Subjects
Udar mózgu – kompleksowe spojrzenie na schorzenie będące konsekwencją rozwoju cywilizacji, intensywności życia i starzenia się społeczeństwa = Stroke - a comprehensive view of the condition being a consequence of the development of civilization, the intensity of life and the aging of socjety ,Stany nadzwyczajne i ich ogólna charakterystyka = Extraordinary states and their general characteristics ,Wiedza osób dorosłych na temat udzielania pierwszej pomocy przedlekarskiej = Adult knowledge on the subject of first aid for pre-youth ,Komendant Powiatowy Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w sferze ochrony przeciwpożarowej ,Jakość życia kobiet po narodzinach dziecka = The quality of life women after the baby's birth ,Starosta powiatowy jako zwierzchnik powiatowych służb inspekcji i straży = District staroste as the head of the poviat inspection and guard services ,Negatywny wpływ promieniowania ultrafioletowego na przedni odcinek oka = The negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the anterior segment of the eye ,MEDYCYNA I ZARZĄDZANIE KRYZYSOWE = MEDICAL AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT ,Macierzyństwo – zarys problematyki w ujęciu psychomedycznym = Maternity - an outline of the problem in psychomedical terms ,Bezpieczeństwo militarne państwa = Military security of the state ,Ból brzucha i wybrane ostre choroby jamy brzusznej. = Abdominal pain and acute abdominal disease ,Zarządzanie kryzysowe na poziomie krajowym = Crisis management at the national level - Abstract
MEDYCYNA I ZARZĄDZANIE KRYZYSOWE = MEDICAL AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT Wiedza osób dorosłych na temat udzielania pierwszej pomocy przedlekarskiej = Adult knowledge on the subject of first aid for pre-youth Udar mózgu – kompleksowe spojrzenie na schorzenie będące konsekwencją rozwoju cywilizacji, intensywności życia i starzenia się społeczeństwa = Stroke - a comprehensive view of the condition being a consequence of the development of civilization, the intensity of life and the aging of socjety Ból brzucha i wybrane ostre choroby jamy brzusznej. = Abdominal pain and acute abdominal disease. Negatywny wpływ promieniowania ultrafioletowego na przedni odcinek oka = The negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the anterior segment of the eye Jakość życia kobiet po narodzinach dziecka = The quality of life women after the baby's birth Macierzyństwo – zarys problematyki w ujęciu psychomedycznym = Maternity - an outline of the problem in psychomedical terms Stany nadzwyczajne i ich ogólna charakterystyka = Extraordinary states and their general characteristics Zarządzanie kryzysowe na poziomie krajowym = Crisis management at the national level Bezpieczeństwo militarne państwa = Military security of the state Komendant Powiatowy Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w sferze ochrony przeciwpożarowej = Poviat Commandant of the State Fire Service in the sphere of fire protection Starosta powiatowy jako zwierzchnik powiatowych służb inspekcji i straży = District staroste as the head of the poviat inspection and guard services
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Ahmad El-Essa, Ewa Zieliński, Kinga Grobelska, and Dariusz Skalski
- Subjects
oko, anatomia narządu wzroku, fizjologia, obraz na siatkówce, eye, anatomy, physiology, image on the retina ,bciążenia, triathlon, wytrzymałość, bieg, pływanie, load, triathlon, endurance, running, swimming ,rozwój fizyczny, sprawność fizyczna, środowisko miejskie, środowisko wiejskie, motoryczność, międzynarodowy test sprawności fizycznej, czynniki endogenne, czynniki egzogenne, wskaźnik Rohrera., physical development, physical fitness, urban environment, rural environment, motor skills, International Physical Ability Test, endogenic features, exogenic features, Rohrer indicator ,uraz, uraz mechaniczny, gałka oczna, uszkodzenia, ciało obce, injuries, mechanical injuries, globe, damage, foreign body ,gruczoł tarczowy, jod, hormon tyreotropowy, thyroid gland, iodine, thyrotropic hormone ,MEDYCYNA, PŁYWANIE I SPRAWNOŚĆ FIZYCZNA ,MEDICINE, SWIMMING AND PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY ,stan zdrowia populacji, system opieki zdrowotnej, kraje rozwijające się, Ghana, health status of the population, healthcare system, developing countries, Ghana ,trening funkcjonalny, wytrzymałość, pływanie, rozwój, test Coopera, functional training, endurance, swimming, development, Cooper test ,siła, trening, pływanie, rozwój, fizjologia, strength, training, swimming, development, physiology ,gibkość, sprawność, ćwiczenia gibkościowe, sprawność fizyczna, flexibility, agility, flexibility exercises, physical fitness - Abstract
MEDYCYNA, PŁYWANIE I SPRAWNOŚĆ FIZYCZNA, WYBRANE ASPEKTY = MEDICINE, SWIMMING AND PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY, SELECTED ASPECTS Stan zdrowia populacji oraz systemu opieki zdrowotnej w krajach rozwijających się na przykładzie Ghany = Health status and healthcare system condition in developing countries on the Ghana’s example Zarys anatomii i fizjologii narządu wzroku = Outline of anatomy and phisiology of the organ of eyesight Mechaniczne urazy gałki ocznej i ich możliwe powikłania = Mechanical injuries of the globe and their possible complications. Gruczoł i jego regulacja = Gland and its regulation Rozwój cech morfologicznych i sprawności fizycznej dzieci wiejskich i miejskich w wieku 10-11 lat ze szkoły nr 1 w Tucholi i w Legbądzie = Development of morphological features and physical efficiency of rural and urban children aged 10-11 years from school No. 1 in Tuchola and Legacz Sprawność fizyczna a ćwiczenia gibkościowe i ich wpływ na uczniów Gimnazjum nr 1 w Tucholi = Physical fitness versus flexibility exercises and their influence on students of Junior High School No. 1 in Tuchola Trening funkcjonalny a wytrzymałość w teście Coopera. = Functional training and endurance in the Cooper test. Trening siły w pływaniu = Strength training in swimming Wpływ progowych obciążeń biegowych na wytrzymałość specjalną w pływaniu zawodników triathlonu = The effect of threshold running loads on special strength in swimmers of triathlon
- Published
- 2018
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12. Oxidative Damage and Inflammation in Obese Diabetic Emirati Subjects
- Author
Javed Yasin, Awad El Essa, Melita Kosanovic, and Salah Gariballa
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,obesity ,Waist ,medicine.medical_treatment ,visceral fat ,Physiology ,United Arab Emirates ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,oxidative damage ,Ascorbic Acid ,medicine.disease_cause ,Body Mass Index ,Diabetes mellitus ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Vitamin E ,Vitamin A ,Adiposity ,Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic ,Inflammation ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,biology ,business.industry ,Interleukin-6 ,Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha ,Communication ,C-reactive protein ,Cholesterol, HDL ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Ascorbic acid ,Obesity ,Oxidative Stress ,Endocrinology ,C-Reactive Protein ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,biology.protein ,Female ,Waist Circumference ,business ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Body mass index ,Oxidative stress ,Biomarkers ,Food Science - Abstract
Visceral obesity is more common in the Arab population and more closely related to morbidity, including diabetes and related cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Possible mechanisms that link visceral fat/obesity to diabetes and CVD complications include inflammation and increased oxidative stress; however, few data are available from the Arab population. Our aim was to determine whether increased adiposity in obese diabetic United Arab Emirates citizens is associated with sub-clinical inflammation and/or increased oxidative stress. A hundred diabetic patients who were part of a randomized controlled trial of nutritional supplements had their baseline characteristics assessed from anthropometric and clinical data following informed written consent. We used WHO figures to classify general and central obesity. Fasting blood samples were collected for the measurement of antioxidants and markers of oxidative damage and inflammation. We found that increased adiposity measured by both body mass index and waist circumference was associated with increased C-reactive protein (CRP) and decreased vitamin C after adjusting for age, duration and treatment of diabetes (p < 0.05). Although there is a clear trend of increased inflammatory markers, notably CRP, and decreased antioxidants with increased BMI and waist circumference in both men and women, the results are statistically significant for women only. CRP were also inversely associated with HDL. Overall, we found that BMI underestimates the rates of obesity compared to waist circumference and that increased adiposity is associated with increased inflammation and decreased HDL and antioxidant status.
- Published
- 2014
13. Hemoglobin A2 Lowered by Iron Deficiency and α-Thalassemia: Should Screening Recommendation for β-Thalassemia Change?
- Author
Mohamed Takala, Mukesh M. Agarwal, Saad Showqi, Srdjan Denic, Awad El Essa, Bayan Al Dabbagh, and Javed Yassin
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Article Subject ,business.industry ,Thalassemia ,Complete blood count ,Iron deficiency ,medicine.disease ,Bioinformatics ,Gastroenterology ,Multiple factors ,Hemoglobin A2 ,Internal medicine ,Cohort ,Medicine ,Hemoglobin ,business ,Serum ferritin ,Research Article - Abstract
Screening for β-thalassemia trait (BTT) relies on measuring hemoglobin (Hb) A2. Since multiple factors can affect HbA2 levels, the screening can become unreliable. In 1356 healthy Arabs enrolled into a federally funded premarital BTT screening program, the effects of iron deficiency (ID), α+-thalassemia trait, gender, smoking, and tribalism on HbA2 were studied. The complete blood count and hemoglobin fractions were determined on the entire cohort; serum ferritin (μg/L) in 391 subjects was used to determine ID. BTT was present in 29 (2.1%) subjects (HbA2 > 3.5%). Among 77(20.3%) subjects with ID, the mean HbA2 (2.30±0.23%) was 0.2% lower than in subjects without iron deficiency (2.50 ± 0.24%, P<0.0001). In 65 (38%)/172 subjects with phenotypic α+-thalassemia trait, the mean HbA2 (2.43±0.24%) was 0.13% lower than in subjects without α+-thalassemia trait, P<0.0001. The mean HbA2 did not differ between males and females, smokers and nonsmokers, and between the tribes. Thus, 35 (2.6%) subjects with HbA2 between 3.2 and 3.5% were at a risk of false negative diagnosis of BTT. Since iron deficiency and α+-thalassemia are both common and both lower HbA2, modifications in screening recommendations for BTT are proposed.
- Published
- 2013
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14. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Reactions of Some New 5-Aryl-3-oxo-7- (4′-aryl-2′,5′-dioxo-1′,2′,3′,4′-tetrahydrofluoren-3′-yl)-5H, 8H-2,3-dihydrothiazolo[5,4-b]pyrimidines (IX) of Expected Biological Activity
- Author
S. A. El‐Essa and M. A. Salama
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_compound ,Chemistry ,Stereochemistry ,Aryl ,Biological activity ,General Medicine - Published
- 2010
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15. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Reactions of Some New Substituted Phenylhydrazono Indeno-thiazolo[3,2-b]pyrimidin-3-ones of Possible Antimicrobial Activity
- Author
S. A. El‐Essa and M. A. Salama
- Subjects
Chemistry ,Organic chemistry ,General Medicine ,Antimicrobial ,Combinatorial chemistry - Published
- 2010
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16. Retinopathy of Prematurity in Pentuplets: Outcome and Risk Factors
- Author
Nabil Rushman, Mubarak S Al Ajmi, Harsh Kumar, Mazein El Essa, and Rajvardhan Azad
- Subjects
Male ,Pediatrics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Treatment outcome ,Gestational Age ,Hypoglycemia ,Outcome (game theory) ,Pregnancy ,Risk Factors ,medicine ,Humans ,Retinopathy of Prematurity ,business.industry ,Infant, Newborn ,Gestational age ,Retinopathy of prematurity ,General Medicine ,Infant, Low Birth Weight ,medicine.disease ,Infant newborn ,Ophthalmology ,Treatment Outcome ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Female ,Pregnancy, Multiple ,business - Published
- 2000
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17. Synthesis and Reactions of Some New 2,3-Dihydro-5H-5,7-diarylthiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-3-one Derivatives and Their Antibacterial and Fungicidal Activity
- Author
S. A. El‐Essa and M. A. Salama
- Subjects
Fungicide ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Pyrimidine ,chemistry ,Organic chemistry ,General Medicine - Published
- 2003
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18. Hemoglobin A2 Lowered by Iron Deficiency and α-Thalassemia: Should Screening Recommendation for β-Thalassemia Change?
- Author
Denic, Srdjan, primary, Agarwal, Mukesh M., additional, Al Dabbagh, Bayan, additional, El Essa, Awad, additional, Takala, Mohamed, additional, Showqi, Saad, additional, and Yassin, Javed, additional
- Published
- 2013
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19. Interakcje i bezpieczeństwo stosowania acenokumarolu
- Author
Bogdan, Maria, Budzbon, Dominika, El-Essa, Ahmad, Kubica, Aldona, Kubica, Jacek, Sielski, Sławomir, Szadujkis-Szadurski, Leszek, Trajder, Agnieszka, Witkowska, Anna, Grześk, Grzegorz, Bogdan, Maria, Budzbon, Dominika, El-Essa, Ahmad, Kubica, Aldona, Kubica, Jacek, Sielski, Sławomir, Szadujkis-Szadurski, Leszek, Trajder, Agnieszka, Witkowska, Anna, and Grześk, Grzegorz
- Published
- 2004
20. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Reactions of Some New 5-Aryl-3-oxo-7- (4′-aryl-2′,5′-dioxo-1′,2′,3′,4′-tetrahydrofluoren-3′-yl)-5H, 8H-2,3-dihydrothiazolo[5,4-b]pyrimidines (IX) of Expected Biological Activity.
- Author
Salama, M. A., primary and El-Essa, S. A., additional
- Published
- 2010
- Full Text
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21. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Reactions of Some New Substituted Phenylhydrazono Indeno-thiazolo[3,2-b]pyrimidin-3-ones of Possible Antimicrobial Activity.
- Author
Salama, M. A., primary and El-Essa, S. A., additional
- Published
- 2010
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22. Synthesis and Reactions of Some New 2,3‐Dihydro‐5H‐5,7‐diarylthiazolo[3,2‐a]pyrimidine‐3‐one Derivatives and Their Antibacterial and Fungicidal Activity.
- Author
Salama, M. A., primary and El‐Essa, S. A., additional
- Published
- 2003
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23. 353 High-dose nitric oxide and 8Br-cGMP in the regulation of the function of endothelin-1 receptors
- Author
A. El‐Essa, L. Szadujkis‐Szadurski, G. Grzesk, and E. Grzesk
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Pharmacology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Receptor ,business ,Endothelin 1 ,Function (biology) ,Nitric oxide - Published
- 2004
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24. Retinopathy of Prematurity in Pentuplets: Outcome and Risk Factors
- Author
Azad, Rajvardhan, primary, Kumar, Harsh, additional, Al Ajmi, Mubarak S, additional, El Essa, Mazein, additional, and Rushman, Nabil, additional
- Published
- 2000
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25. 353 High-dose nitric oxide and 8Br-cGMP in the regulation of the function of endothelin-1 receptors
- Author
Grzesk, G., El-Essa, A., Grzesk, E., and Szadujkis-Szadurski, L.
- Subjects
- *
NITRIC oxide , *ENDOTHELINS - Abstract
An abstract of the study "High-dose nitric oxide and 8Br-cGMP in the regulation of the function of endothelin-1 receptors," by G. Grzesk and colleagues is presented.
- Published
- 2004
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26. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Reactions of Some New Substituted Phenylhydrazono Indeno-thiazolo[3,2-b]pyrimidin-3-ones of Possible Antimicrobial Activity.
- Author
Salama, M. A. and El-Essa, S. A.
- Published
- 2001
- Full Text
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27. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Reactions of Some New 5-Aryl-3-oxo-7- (4′-aryl-2′,5′-dioxo-1′,2′,3′,4′-tetrahydrofluoren-3′-yl)-5H, 8H-2,3-dihydrothiazolo[5,4-b]pyrimidines (IX) of Expected Biological Activity.
- Author
Salama, M. A. and El-Essa, S. A.
- Published
- 1999
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28. Validation of Becton Dickinson Barricor ™ tubes for use with Abbott Alinity ™ and Siemens Atellica ® highly sensitive cardiac troponin I measuring systems.
- Author
Gajewski P, Krintus M, Chudas K, Pawlowski R, Laskowska E, Jasiewicz M, Szternel L, El-Essa A, Kubica J, Sypniewska G, and Panteghini M
- Abstract
Background: BD Barricor
™ tubes have been proposed to decrease laboratory turnaround time (TAT). We analytically validated and then clinically verified these tubes for use with Abbott Alinity™ and Siemens Atellica® highly sensitive cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) assays., Methods: hs-cTnI measurements were undertaken in paired Barricor™ and in-use PSTII™ tubes on both systems. 359 matched samples with hs-cTnI levels between 3 and 15,000 ng/L (Atellica® values) were used to assess the hemolysis rate and make method comparisons. 599 paired patient samples were collected on emergency department (ED) admission to compare the performance of the rapid acute myocardial infarction (AMI) rule-out strategy based on hs-cTnI concentrations lower than recommended thresholds (<4 ng/L Alinity™ ; <5 ng/L Atellica® ) when different tubes and systems were employed., Results: No between-tube differences in hemolysis rate were seen when free hemoglobin concentrations in plasma samples were ≥0.25 g/L, even if PSTII™ showed a significant increase of hemolysis rate vs. Barricor™ (31% vs. 22%, p=0.007) when a lower cut-off for hemolysis (≥0.11 g/L) was employed on the Atellica® detection system. The alternate use of these tubes did not influence the hs-cTnI results obtained from either of the two assays, which remained markedly biased (~40%) irrespective of the tube used. The expected optimal ability of very low hs-cTnI values on ED admission for ruling out AMI was confirmed by using both systems regardless of the tube type., Conclusions: Barricor™ and PSTII™ tubes can provide analytically equivalent hs-cTnI results when used on either Alinity™ or Atellica® hs-cTnI assays., (Copyright © 2024 International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC). All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2024
29. Oxidative damage and inflammation in obese diabetic Emirati subjects.
- Author
Gariballa S, Kosanovic M, Yasin J, and El Essa A
- Subjects
- Adiposity, Ascorbic Acid blood, Biomarkers blood, Body Mass Index, C-Reactive Protein metabolism, Cholesterol, HDL blood, Cross-Sectional Studies, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 blood, Female, Humans, Inflammation blood, Interleukin-6 blood, Male, Middle Aged, Obesity blood, Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha blood, United Arab Emirates, Vitamin A blood, Vitamin E blood, Waist Circumference, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 metabolism, Inflammation metabolism, Obesity metabolism, Oxidative Stress physiology
- Abstract
Visceral obesity is more common in the Arab population and more closely related to morbidity, including diabetes and related cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Possible mechanisms that link visceral fat/obesity to diabetes and CVD complications include inflammation and increased oxidative stress; however, few data are available from the Arab population. Our aim was to determine whether increased adiposity in obese diabetic United Arab Emirates citizens is associated with sub-clinical inflammation and/or increased oxidative stress. A hundred diabetic patients who were part of a randomized controlled trial of nutritional supplements had their baseline characteristics assessed from anthropometric and clinical data following informed written consent. We used WHO figures to classify general and central obesity. Fasting blood samples were collected for the measurement of antioxidants and markers of oxidative damage and inflammation. We found that increased adiposity measured by both body mass index and waist circumference was associated with increased C-reactive protein (CRP) and decreased vitamin C after adjusting for age, duration and treatment of diabetes (p < 0.05). Although there is a clear trend of increased inflammatory markers, notably CRP, and decreased antioxidants with increased BMI and waist circumference in both men and women, the results are statistically significant for women only. CRP were also inversely associated with HDL. Overall, we found that BMI underestimates the rates of obesity compared to waist circumference and that increased adiposity is associated with increased inflammation and decreased HDL and antioxidant status.
- Published
- 2014
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