110 results on '"Eiguren Munitis, Amaia"'
Search Results
2. The breaking of secrecy: Analysis of the hashtag #MeTooInceste regarding testimonies of sexual incest abuse in childhood
- Author
Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, and Belasko Txertudi, Maitane
- Published
- 2022
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3. The Well-being of children in lock-down: Physical, emotional, social and academic impact
- Author
Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, Dosil Santamaria, Maria, and Eiguren Munitis, Amaia
- Published
- 2021
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4. Un espacio de participación ciudadana a través de los Trabajos Fin de Grado: promoviendo la agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.
- Author
Legorburu Fernández, Idoia, Gezuraga Amundarain, Monike, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, and Román Etxebarrieta, Gorka
- Subjects
SCIENTIFIC literature ,PRAXIS (Process) ,SUSTAINABLE development ,ACADEMIA ,EDUCATIONAL innovations - Abstract
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- Published
- 2024
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5. Creando redes de aprendizaje: Una experiencia intergeneracional en educación primaria
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, primary, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, additional, and Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, additional
- Published
- 2024
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6. Drawing the COVID-19 pandemic: how do children incorporate the health crisis and its consequences into their everyday thinking?
- Author
Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, and Ozamiz Etxebarria, Naiara
- Subjects
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THOUGHT & thinking , *WELL-being , *SOCIAL networks , *ACTIVITIES of daily living , *DRAWING , *QUALITATIVE research , *DESCRIPTIVE statistics , *RESEARCH funding , *DATA analysis software , *EMOTIONS , *STAY-at-home orders , *COVID-19 pandemic , *CHILDREN - Abstract
The general objective of this research was to explore how children understand and represent COVID-19 health crisis in their everyday thinking. This research is based on a qualitative interpretive research methodology that uses 6-12 years children's drawings from San Sebastian (Basque Country, northern of Spain) to collect data. This technique allows children to visualize how they face this situation through a tool that promotes expression of their feelings and representations. A total of 345 drawings were collected, and 949 elements related to the different coded categories were coded. The themes that have arisen were related to symbols of the pandemic (n = 307, 32.34%), emotions (n = 290, 30.55%), actions carried out (n = 258, 27.18%) and socialization (n = 94, 9.90%). No differences by age-range were found. Children have a realistic representation of the COVID-19 virus and its consequences, which closely resembles the representation shown by the media and society. The children show a good understanding of the new measures and social rules associated with the pandemic. They are also very aware of the need to support their emotions by different spheres (family, educational and social context). Alternative play activities and art-based education must be promoted, avoiding the abuse of screens to reinforce their well-being. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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7. The voices of youths in COVID-19 times: exploring young people’s emotional representations
- Author
Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, primary, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional, Ozamiz-Etxebarria, Naiara, additional, and Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, additional
- Published
- 2023
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8. Belaunaldi arteko esperientziak hezkuntza eremuan aztergai: kohesio soziala ahalbidetzen duten bideak aztertzen
- Author
Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Didáctica y organización escolar, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Didáctica y organización escolar, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, and Eiguren Munitis, Amaia
- Abstract
368 p., Hezkuntza formalaren inguruneak testuinguru ezin hobea eskaintzen du, belaunaldi desberdinen ikuspegia lantzeko. Izan ere, eskolan gertatzen diren belaunaldien arteko (BA) esperientziek bizitza osorako hezkuntza-ideologia sortzen laguntzen dute, ikasketa bidirekzionala sustatu eta adinduen eta ume eta gazteen parte hartze aktiboa elikatuta. Horrenbestez, ondoko ikerketa lanak, bost helburu ditu: (1) Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan hezkuntza formalean burutu diren edo martxan dauden belaunaldi arteko esperientziak identifikatu; (2) Belaunaldi arteko esperientzien protagonisten bizipenak aztertu; (3) Ikasleengan (10-21 urte bitartean) belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan parte hartzeak dituen eraginak arakatu; (4) Adinduentzako belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan parte hartzeak dituen eraginak aztertu; (5) Profesionalentzako belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan parte hartzeak dituen eraginak aztertu, horiek komunitatean duten eragina ere jasoz. Zehazki, ikerketa bi fase nagusitan banandu da. Lehenengo fasean, belaunaldi arteko esperientzien presentzia eta izaera arakatu da Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko hezkuntza formalaren esparruan. Bigarren fasean belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan arakatu da. Lortutako emaitzek agerian uzten dute BA esperientzien presentzia eskasa dela EAEn hezkuntza formalaren testuinguruan. Nahiz eta ikerketa honen bitartez baieztatu den BA esperientzietan parte hartzeak adinduengan eta ikasleengan eragin positiboak dituztela. Horrenbestez, profesionalen aburuz, BA esperientziak baliagarriak dira belaunaldien artean elkarri laguntzeko harremanak sortzeko eta belaunaldien arteko elkartasuna sustatzeko kohesio soziala ahalbidetzen dituzten bideak erakintzen laguntzen baitute. Orobat, doktorego tesi honek EAE mailan hezkuntza esparruan ematen diren BA esperientzien gaineko prisma poliedrikodun begirada eraikitzen du eta BA esperientziek duten esku-hartze sozialarekiko aukeren gaineko ezjakintasunari aurre egiten dio.
- Published
- 2023
9. KOKUK Elkartea: Gizarte-eta hezkuntza-ekintzak eskola eremuan duen eragina aztertzen
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane, KOKUK Elkartea, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane, and KOKUK Elkartea
- Abstract
114 p, [EU]Ikerketa honen bidez, Gasteizko bost ikastetxek aldaketa-prozesua nola bizi izan duten jakin nahi da. Ikastetxe horiek KOKUK Gizarte eta Hezkuntza Arloko Esku-hartze Elkartearen laguntza izan dute, curriculum ofizial berria garatzeko laguntza gisa. Ildo horretan, azterlanaren helburu nagusiak izan dira, batetik, ebidentziak biltzea, hezkuntza-komunitatean gizarte- eta hezkuntza-arloko esku-hartzeak duen eraginari buruzko kanpoko balorazioa egin ahal izateko, sareko eragileak integratuz, KOKUK Gizarte eta Hezkuntzako Esku-hartze Elkarteak azken 7 urteotan inplementatutako gizarte- eta hezkuntza-arloko esku-hartzearen ereduaren ahuleziak eta ahalmenak identifikatzeko. Eta, bestetik, eskola-eremuko gizarte- eta hezkuntza-arloko esku-hartze berritzailea ikusaraztea, Arabako egungo irakaskuntza-lanaren balio erantsi gisa, Europako esparru integral, global eta iraunkor berri batean jardunbide egoki berritzaileak eta transferigarriak sortzeko, [ES]Esta investigación pretende conocer cómo han vivido el proceso de cambio cinco centros educativos de Vitoria-Gasteiz que han apostado por contar con la colaboración de la Asociación de Intervención Socioeducativa KOKUK como apoyo para el desarrollo del nuevo currículum oficial. En este sentido los objetivos principales del estudio han sido, por un lado, recoger evidencias que permitan hacer una valoración de manera externa sobre el impacto de la intervención socio-educativa en la comunidad educativa integrando a los diferentes agentes en red para identificar las debilidades y potencialidades del modelo de intervención socioeducativa implementado por la Asociación de Intervención Socioeducativa KOKUK durante estos últimos 7 años. Y, por otro lado, visibilizar la intervención socio-educativa innovadora en el ámbito escolar como valor añadido a la labor docente actual en Álava para generar buenas prácticas innovadoras y transferibles en un nuevo marco europeo integral, global y sostenible.
- Published
- 2023
10. El reto de ser responsables de personas con enfermedad mental: una investigación cualitativa
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, F. EDUCACION - BILBAO, BILBOKO HEZKUNTZA F., Grado en Educación Social;;Gizarte Hezkuntzako Gradua, Cid Carrón, Irati, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, F. EDUCACION - BILBAO, BILBOKO HEZKUNTZA F., Grado en Educación Social;;Gizarte Hezkuntzako Gradua, and Cid Carrón, Irati
- Published
- 2023
11. Belaunaldiartekotasuna gizarte hezkuntzan: adinekoen eta etorkizuneko gizarte hezitzaile berrien topagunea sortuz
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, F. EDUCACION - BILBAO, BILBOKO HEZKUNTZA F., Gizarte Hezkuntzako Gradua, Rubio Franco, Jon, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, F. EDUCACION - BILBAO, BILBOKO HEZKUNTZA F., Gizarte Hezkuntzako Gradua, and Rubio Franco, Jon
- Abstract
[EU] Gizarte hezkuntzak biztanleriaren adintzeak planteatzen digun gizarte-erronkarako erantzunak sortu behar ditu. Lan honen ardatza eremu seguru baten sorrera aztertzea da, non BIZAN Judizmendiko zentroko adinekoek eta UPV/EHUko lehen mailako gizarte-hezkuntzako ikasleek bakarrizketa indibiduala alde batera utzi eta belaunaldien arteko elkarrizketa eta elkartruke bihurtzen duten, eta podcast programa bat grabatzen den, horren onurak ezagutarazteko. Horretarako, metodologia parte-hartzailea, aktiboa eta malgua erabili zen. Emaitzek agerian uzten dute belaunaldien arteko programak aldaketarako bide gisa eraginkorrak direla, eta adin guztietarako jendartearen aldeko apustua egiten duten gizarte esku-hartzeak behar direla.
- Published
- 2023
12. soledad más allá de la edad. Un proyecto intergeneracional
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, primary, Berasategui Sancho, Naiara, additional, and Picaza Gorrotxategi, Maitane, additional
- Published
- 2022
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13. alumnado del grado de educación social ante el trabajo interdisciplinar
- Author
Bilbao Urquidi, Saioa, primary, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional, and Artetxe Sanchez, Karmele, additional
- Published
- 2022
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14. Familia barneko sexuabusuen sekretua apurtzen: #MeTooInceste txioaren analisia Iramuteq softwarearen bidez
- Author
Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, primary, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional, Urizar Elorza, Maitane, additional, and Belasko Txertudi, Maitane, additional
- Published
- 2022
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15. Combatiendo la brecha generacional: revisión sistemática de las experiencias intergeneracionales llevadas a cabo en el entorno escolar
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, primary, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, additional, and Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, additional
- Published
- 2022
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16. Ikasleen begirada heriotzaren aurrean: Gizarte Hezkuntzako ikasleen ahotsak jasotzen
- Author
Picaza Gorrotxategi, Maitane, primary, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional, Dosil Santamaria, María, additional, and Biota Piñeiro, Itsaso, additional
- Published
- 2022
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17. Boxeoa zahartze aktiboa lantzeko bide
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, F. EDUCACION - BILBAO, BILBOKO HEZKUNTZA F., Gizarte hezkuntza, Pérez Ortiz, Gorane, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, F. EDUCACION - BILBAO, BILBOKO HEZKUNTZA F., Gizarte hezkuntza, and Pérez Ortiz, Gorane
- Abstract
[EUS] Lan honetan, adineko pertsonei zuzendutako kirol proiektu bat aurkezten da. Bertan, zahartze aktiboa bultzatzeko eta horrekin bat datozen alderdiak hobetzeko boxeo tailerra proposatzen da. Modu horretan, batik bat bizi kalitatea, oreka, eta elkarlaguntza landuz, autonomia eta egoera pertsonalak hobetzeko aukera eskaini nahi da. Beraz, horretarako, hainbat adituekin elkarrizketak izan eta boxeoaren nondik norakoak aztertu dira, proposatzen den esku hartzearen diagnositik abiatuta proposatzen diren helburuak lortzeko. Horrez gain, gizarte hezkuntzaren eremuan, estereotipoen ukapena eta kirolaren garrantzia azpimarratzea funtsezko gakoak izango dira., [ES] En este trabajo, se presenta un proyecto deportivo dirigido a las personas mayores. En él se propone un taller de boxeo para impulsar le envejecimiento activo y todos los aspectos que vienen con ello. De esta forma, se quiere ofrecer la oportunidad de mejorar la autonomía y las situaciones personales, trabajando sobre todo la calidad de vida, el equilibrio y la ayuda mutua. Por tanto, para ello, se han tenido diversas conversaciones con profesionales del ámbito del boxeo y saber mas sobre sus características. Para conseguir así, los objetivos que se proponen desde la diagnosis. Además, desde el ámbito de la educación social, el acabar con los estereotipos y la importancia del deporte serán claves fundamentales., [EN] This paper aims to present a sports project directed towards olderly people. In such, a boxing workshop is poposed to encourage active ageing as well as the aspects that come with it. This way, focusing on the quality of life, balance and personal situation is intended to be offered. Those with the purpose of achieving the objectives suggested from the diagnosis of intervention, seveeral interviews regarding the whereabouts of boxing have been condutec with a number of experts. Besides, it must be remarked the rejection of stereotypes and the importance of sport in the field of social education.
- Published
- 2022
18. The breaking of secrecy: Analysis of the hashtag #MeTooInceste regarding testimonies of sexual incest abuse in childhood
- Author
Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Belasko Txertudi, Maitane, Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, and Belasko Txertudi, Maitane
- Abstract
[EN] Background: Incest remains one of the great taboos of contemporary society. Secrecy is also crucial in this type of sexual abuse against children, and many victims do not disclose their testimony. This situation changed, when in France in mid-January 2021, the #MeTooIncest movement emerged, and thousands of victims began to reveal the abuse they had suffered as children. Objective: To analyze the discourse on Twitter regarding this hashtag to understand how incest abuse has been dealt with through social media debate. In so doing, we expected to identify the main elements that could explain how people have symbolically constructed and engaged with childhood sexual abuse in general and with incest abuse in particular. Participants and setting: In total, 20,556 tweets with the hashtag #MeTooIncest written in French were selected by streaming API from January 14 to February 15, 2021. Methods: Their content was analyzed by lexical analysis using Iramuteq software (Reinert method). Results: Victims found a space for disclosure in this movement, where they felt believed, protected, and supported. This movement also embraced the victims of celebrity abusers, denouncing them and calling for their exclusion from public life. Likewise, at the societal level, this movement pushed for changes in public policies to protect children and emphasized the importance of breaking the public silence or secrecy about incest abuse. Conclusions: This wave of testimonies represents a turning point as it has broken the law of silence and allowed the victims to exist in the media space without being questioned.
- Published
- 2022
19. Umorearen pedagogia emakume monomarental migranteekin esku-hartzeko
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, F. EDUCACION - BILBAO, BILBOKO HEZKUNTZA F., Grado en Educación Social;;Gizarte Hezkuntzako Gradua, Urrutiaziorraga Mendiola, Olatz, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, F. EDUCACION - BILBAO, BILBOKO HEZKUNTZA F., Grado en Educación Social;;Gizarte Hezkuntzako Gradua, and Urrutiaziorraga Mendiola, Olatz
- Abstract
[EU] Gradu Amaierako Lan honen helburu nagusia umorearen bitartez emakume monomarental eta migranteekin esku-hartzea da. Horretarako, emakume hauen egunerokotasunean egon eta umorearen inguruko informazioa jaso ondoren, ekintza batzuk diseinatu dira, zeintzuk Garapen Jasangarriko Helburuak oinarri dituzten. Horrez gain, eta esku-hartzea Gizarte Hezkuntzari bideratzeko asmoarekin, ekintzak bost emakumerekin burutu dira esku-hartzearen bideragarritasuna frogatuz. Lortutako emaitzekin umorearen pedagogiaren funtzioak, bazterkeria egoeretan dauden emakumeen garapenerako onuragarriak direla ikusi da., [ES] El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es la intervención con mujeres monomarentales y migrantes a través del humor. Para ello, tras estar en el día a día de estas mujeres y recibir información sobre el humor, se han diseñado unas acciones que tienen como base los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Además, y con la intención de orientar la intervención a Educación Social, las acciones se han llevado a cabo con cinco mujeres demostrando la viabilidad de la intervención. Con los resultados obtenidos se ha visto que las funciones de la pedagogía del humor son beneficiosas para el desarrollo de las mujeres en situaciones de exclusión., [EN] The main purpose of this Adoption Work is the engagement with monomaral and migrant women through humor. To this end, after being diarily with these women and receiving information about the mood, some actions have been designed based on the goals of sustainable Development. Besides, with the intention of directing intervention to social inclusion, actions have been carried out with five women demonstrating the viability of the intervention. With the results obtained, the functions of the pedagogy of humour have been found to be beneficial for the development of women in a state of neglect.
- Published
- 2022
20. Las lonjas juveniles: espacios de ocio autogestionados y su tratamiento en prensa
- Author
Didáctica y organización escolar, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Hernández, Inés, Gezuraga Amundarain, Monike, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane, Didáctica y organización escolar, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Hernández, Inés, Gezuraga Amundarain, Monike, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, and Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane
- Abstract
En el País Vasco ha surgido un fenómeno social en expansión: los espacios juve - niles de ocio autogestionados, comúnmente denominados “lonjas”. El estudio formó parte de una investigación más amplia impulsada desde el Observatorio del Grado de Educación Social del Campus de Bizkaia de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). El objetivo princi - pal era conocer la imagen que se estaba trasladando de las lonjas como espacios autogestio - nados de la juventud en la provincia de Bizkaia. Para ello, se presenta un estudio longitudinal que abarca el periodo 2006-2019 y que se centra en el análisis de 175 noticias sobre lonjas emitidas en prensa. El proceso de análisis de la información se llevó a cabo a través de la lectura en profundidad de las noticias seleccionadas y de la utilización de técnicas cualitativas de análisis de datos. Asimismo, se realizaron análisis de carácter cuantitativo para describir el conjunto de datos y su distribución. Los resultados mostraron que la prensa refuerza una imagen negativa sobre el fenómeno de las lonjas reproduciendo la visión de la juventud como problema y grupo vulnerable. Se vio necesario reclamar que las medias reflejen la realidad del fenómeno desde la responsabilidad social visibilizando la labor educativa que se está realizando desde el acompañamiento educativo., A growing social phenomenon has emerged in the Basque Country: self-managed youth leisure spaces, commonly called "lonjas". The study formed part of a wider research project promoted by the Observatory for the Degree in Social Education on the Bizkaia Campus of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The main objective was to find out what image is being conveyed of the commodities exchanges as self-managed spaces for young people in the province of Bizkaia. To this end, a longitudinal study is presented which covers the period 2006-2019 and which focuses on the analysis of 175 news items about fish markets which have been published in the press. The information analysis process was carried out through an in-depth reading of the selected news items and the use of qualitative data analysis techniques. Quantitative analyses were also carried out to describe the data set and its distribution. The results showed that the press reinforces a negative image of the commodities exchange phenomenon by reproducing the view of youth as a problem and a vulnerable group. It is necessary to demand that the media reflect the reality of the phenomenon from the point of view of social responsibility, making visible the educational work that is being carried out through educational accompaniment.
- Published
- 2022
21. Social Professionals in the Face of the Health Crisis
- Author
Ciencias de la Educación, Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Hezkuntza Zientziak, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Dosil Santamaría, María, Modrego Fernández, Miryam, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane, Ozamiz Echevarria, Naiara, Ciencias de la Educación, Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Hezkuntza Zientziak, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Dosil Santamaría, María, Modrego Fernández, Miryam, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane, and Ozamiz Echevarria, Naiara
- Abstract
Due to the crisis generated by COVID-19 at a global level, many professionals are working under harsh conditions, and the Basque Country is no exception. On 14 March 2020, the head of the government decreed a state of alarm at the state level, which forced us all to be confined to our homes. This situation directly affected the profession of social educator. In fact, these professionals work with the most vulnerable groups, so working on the front line is mandated, even if this results in a significant risk. The situation of the groups in residential resources cannot be easy due to the stress produced by living together and being locked up, and this directly affects the educators who necessarily work in it. However, the over-exertion that all of this requires, which is a risk, has not been detected nor recognized at the social level. For this reason, the objective of this investigation is to measure the stress of social educators of advanced age who work in residential resources in different zones of the Basque Country (northern Spain). Sixty-seven social educators participated in the case study. Qualitative and quantitative methods were combined for data collection. This questionnaire was conducted through the Google Forms platform. The quantitative data collected through the questionnaire were analyzed by descriptive analysis and frequency contrasts were performed through the SPSS V25 program. We can conclude that it is necessary to take into account the difficulties of this sector and the professionals both at the governmental and social levels. Future research should include responses from both groups and workers in order to guarantee adequate inclusion.
- Published
- 2022
22. Las lonjas juveniles: espacios de ocio autogestionados y su tratamiento en prensa
- Author
Hernandez, Ines, Gezuraga Amundarain, Monike, Pikaza, Maitane, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Hernandez, Ines, Gezuraga Amundarain, Monike, Pikaza, Maitane, and Eiguren Munitis, Amaia
- Abstract
A growing social phenomenon has emerged in the Basque Country: self-managed youth leisure spaces, commonly called “lonjas”. The study formed part of a wider research project promoted by the Observatory for the Degree in Social Education on the Bizkaia Campus of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The main objective was to find out what image is being conveyed of the commodities exchanges as self-managed spaces for young people in the province of Bizkaia. To this end, a longitudinal study is presented which covers the period 2006-2019 and which focuses on the analysis of 175 news items about fish markets which have been published in the press. The information analysis process was carried out through an in-depth reading of the selected news items and the use of qualitative data analysis techniques. Quantitative analyses were also carried out to describe the data set and its distribution. The results showed that the press reinforces a negative image of the commodities exchange phenomenon by reproducing the view of youth as a problem and a vulnerable group. It is necessary to demand that the media reflect the reality of the phenomenon from the point of view of social responsibility, making visible the educational work that is being carried out through educational accompaniment., Um fenômeno social em expansão surgiu no País Basco: espaços de lazer juvenil autogeridos, comumente chamados de “lonjas”. O estudo fez parte de uma investigação mais ampla promovida pelo Observatório da Licenciatura em Educação Social do Campus Bizkaia da Universidade do País Basco (UPV/EHU). O objetivo principal era descobrir a imagem que estava sendo transferida dos “lonjas” como espaços autogeridos para jovens na província de Bizkaia. Para isso, é apresentado um estudo longitudinal que abrange o período 2006-2019 e que se concentra na análise de 175 notícias sobre “lonjas” veiculadas na imprensa. O processo de análise das informações foi realizado por meio da leitura aprofundada das noias selecionadas e da utilização de técnicas qualitativas de análise de dados. Análises quantitativas também foram realizadas para descrever o conjunto de dados e sua distribuição. Os resultados mostraram que a imprensa reforça uma imagem negativa do fenômeno “lonjas”, reproduzindo a visão da juventude como problema e grupo vulnerável. Foi preciso afirmar que os meios de comunicação refletem a realidade do fenômeno a partir da responsabilidade social, tornando visível o trabalho educativo que está sendo realizado a partir do acompanhamento educacional., En el País Vasco ha surgido un fenómeno social en expansión: los espacios juveniles de ocio autogestionados, comúnmente denominados “lonjas”. El estudio formó parte de una investigación más amplia impulsada desde el Observatorio del Grado de Educación Social del Campus de Bizkaia de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). El objetivo principal era conocer la imagen que se estaba trasladando de las lonjas como espacios autogestionados de la juventud en la provincia de Bizkaia. Para ello, se presenta un estudio longitudinal que abarca el periodo 2006-2019 y que se centra en el análisis de 175 noticias sobre lonjas emitidas en prensa. El proceso de análisis de la información se llevó a cabo a través de la lectura en profundidad de las noticias seleccionadas y de la utilización de técnicas cualitativas de análisis de datos. Asimismo, se realizaron análisis de carácter cuantitativo para describir el conjunto de datos y su distribución. Los resultados mostraron que la prensa refuerza una imagen negativa sobre el fenómeno de las lonjas reproduciendo la visión de la juventud como problema y grupo vulnerable. Se vio necesario reclamar que las medias reflejen la realidad del fenómeno desde la responsabilidad social visibilizando la labor educativa que se está realizando desde el acompañamiento educativo.
- Published
- 2022
23. Belaunaldi arteko harremanak: unibertsitateko curriculuma aberasteko bide
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Berasategi Santxo, Naiara, Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, Picaza Gorrotxategi, Maitane, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Berasategi Santxo, Naiara, Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, and Picaza Gorrotxategi, Maitane
- Abstract
Advances in the field of medicine are increasing the longevity of people. This new reality implies social and generational changes and thus the widening of the generation gap. With these considerations in mind, intergenerational relationships play an important role in promoting greater social cohesion, creating shared spaces between generations to reduce the generational gap. With the aim of investigating the effects that the creation of new spaces that facilitate intergenerational relationships can have on university students, the main objective of this research is to collect the voices of students who have participated in the intergenerational meetings organized in the Faculty of Education of Bilbao in the academic year 2019/2020 together with the Hartu Emanak association. In order to achieve this objective, a qualitative methodology has been chosen, which has allowed a holistic and social understanding of the object of study. Likewise, a reflective vision has been developed through introspective reflections by collecting the voices of the participants (n = 17). The results show that intergenerational experiences carried out in the university context have a positive impact on the students, enriching the learning process and the curriculum and allowing social cohesion.; Medikuntzaren arloan egindako aurrerapenak direla eta, pertsonen bizitza-luzera handitzen ari da. Errealitate berri horrek gizarte- eta belaunaldi-aldaketak dakartza berekin, eta horrenbestez, belaunaldien arteko distantzia. Gogoeta horiek kontuan hartuta, belaunaldien arteko harremanek zeregin garrantzitsua dute gizarte-kohesio handiagoa sustatzeko orduan, belaunaldien artean espazio partekatuak sortuz, belaunaldien arteko urruntasuna murrizteko. Belaunaldien arteko harremanak erraztuko duten espazio berrien sorkuntzak unibertsitateko ikasleengan izan ditzaketen eraginetan arakatzeko asmoz, ikerketa honen helburu nagusia Bilboko Hezkuntza Fakultatean Hartu Emanak erakundearekin batera 2019/2020 ika
- Published
- 2022
24. Combatiendo la brecha generacional: revisión sistemática de las experiencias intergeneracionales llevadas a cabo en el entorno escolar
- Author
Didáctica y organización escolar, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, Didáctica y organización escolar, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, and Correa Gorospe, José Miguel
- Abstract
En una sociedad sumida en un incesante cambio el entorno escolar se convierte en un contexto inmejorable para combatir la brecha generacional y fomentar las experiencias intergeneracio-nales (EI). Por este motivo, el objetivo del presente artículo es analizar las EI contextualizadas dentro de la educación formal con el el fin de clarificar parámetros de actuación y caracter-ísticas comunes. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión sistemática desde el año 2010 al 2018 en las bases de datos de Web of Science, Scopus, Education Database (Proquest) y ERIC. La búsqueda concluyó con un total de 515 registros cribados de los cuales 58 cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Asimismo, como fuentes informales se analizaron seis páginas web especializadas. Se ha podido observar mayor interés respecto a la problemática del envejecimiento poblacional y el fomento de las EI en el entorno escolar. El análisis aporta evidencias del impacto que este tipo de experiencias tiene para las personas participantes (alumnado, personas mayores), el entorno escolar y la comunidad en general. Por lo tanto, las EI se presentan como alternativas sostenibles que ayudan a generar sociedades más cohesionadas e inclusivas.
- Published
- 2022
25. How are children coping with COVID-19 health crisis? Analysing their representations of lockdown through drawings
- Author
Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, primary, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, additional, Picaza Gorrotxategi, Maitane, additional, and Dosil Santamaria, Maria, additional
- Published
- 2022
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26. Drawing the COVID-19 pandemic: how do children incorporate the health crisis and its consequences into their everyday thinking?
- Author
Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, primary, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, additional, and Ozamiz Etxebarria, Naiara, additional
- Published
- 2022
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27. Análisis de la percepción de la soledad de las personas en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco
- Author
Biota Piñeiro, Itsaso, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Dosil-Santamaria, María, and Picaza Gorrotxategi, Maitane
- Abstract
La sociedad actual está sumida en un continuo cambio donde la economía global capitalista fomenta el individualismo de las personas y por ende la soledad de las mismas. Dentro de este contexto, como objetivo general, se detecta la necesidad de analizar la percepción de la soledad en la población general residente en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. El estudio utilizó una metodología exploratoria-descriptiva y de tipo transversal en la que participaron 272 personas de entre 18 y 76 años (M=37.58, DT=12.38). Los resultados no han mostrado diferencias en función del sexo, sin embargo, sí se han encontrado diferencias en función de la edad. Es decir, pese a que el sentimiento de soledad se da en toda la población en general, es más acusado en la edad adulta. El estudio concluye resaltando la importancia de abarcar la soledad de las personas en general y los grupos más vulnerables en particular (los más jóvenes y mayores) como una problemática social a tomar en cuenta en la elaboración de acciones socioeducativas que fomenten la cohesión social., Educació social: revista d'intervenció sòcioeducativa, Núm. 80 (2022): L’acció socioeducativa davant el repte de la soledat dels joves
- Published
- 2021
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- Published
- 2022
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29. Adineko pertsonek COVID-19 pandemiari aurre egiteko erabiltzen dituzten irudikapen sozial eta emozionalak aztertzen
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, primary, Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, additional, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, additional, and Pikaza Gorrotxategi, Maitane, additional
- Published
- 2021
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30. Belaunaldi arteko esperientziak hezkuntza eremuan aztergai: kohesio soziala ahalbidetzen duten bideak aztertzen
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, and Berasategi Sancho, Naiara
- Subjects
basic education ,pedagogical methods ,adult education - Abstract
368 p. Hezkuntza formalaren inguruneak testuinguru ezin hobea eskaintzen du, belaunaldi desberdinen ikuspegia lantzeko. Izan ere, eskolan gertatzen diren belaunaldien arteko (BA) esperientziek bizitza osorako hezkuntza-ideologia sortzen laguntzen dute, ikasketa bidirekzionala sustatu eta adinduen eta ume eta gazteen parte hartze aktiboa elikatuta. Horrenbestez, ondoko ikerketa lanak, bost helburu ditu: (1) Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan hezkuntza formalean burutu diren edo martxan dauden belaunaldi arteko esperientziak identifikatu; (2) Belaunaldi arteko esperientzien protagonisten bizipenak aztertu; (3) Ikasleengan (10-21 urte bitartean) belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan parte hartzeak dituen eraginak arakatu; (4) Adinduentzako belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan parte hartzeak dituen eraginak aztertu; (5) Profesionalentzako belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan parte hartzeak dituen eraginak aztertu, horiek komunitatean duten eragina ere jasoz. Zehazki, ikerketa bi fase nagusitan banandu da. Lehenengo fasean, belaunaldi arteko esperientzien presentzia eta izaera arakatu da Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko hezkuntza formalaren esparruan. Bigarren fasean belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan arakatu da. Lortutako emaitzek agerian uzten dute BA esperientzien presentzia eskasa dela EAEn hezkuntza formalaren testuinguruan. Nahiz eta ikerketa honen bitartez baieztatu den BA esperientzietan parte hartzeak adinduengan eta ikasleengan eragin positiboak dituztela. Horrenbestez, profesionalen aburuz, BA esperientziak baliagarriak dira belaunaldien artean elkarri laguntzeko harremanak sortzeko eta belaunaldien arteko elkartasuna sustatzeko kohesio soziala ahalbidetzen dituzten bideak erakintzen laguntzen baitute. Orobat, doktorego tesi honek EAE mailan hezkuntza esparruan ematen diren BA esperientzien gaineko prisma poliedrikodun begirada eraikitzen du eta BA esperientziek duten esku-hartze sozialarekiko aukeren gaineko ezjakintasunari aurre egiten dio.
- Published
- 2021
31. The Well-being of children in lock-down: Physical, emotional, social and academic impact
- Author
Didáctica y organización escolar, Métodos de investigación y diagnostico en educación, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Hezkuntzako ikerkuntza eta diagnosi metodoak, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Dosil Santamaría, María, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Didáctica y organización escolar, Métodos de investigación y diagnostico en educación, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Hezkuntzako ikerkuntza eta diagnosi metodoak, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Dosil Santamaría, María, and Eiguren Munitis, Amaia
- Abstract
The Covid-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on societies. In the interest of maintaining social distancing, schools in many countries have closed their doors and children have been confined to their homes. Thus, the objective of the present study was to holistically analyze the well-being of children during a period of full lockdown in Spain, by considering physical, emotional, social, and academic indicators. The scale "Wellbeing of Children in Lockdown" (WCL) was used to measure the well-being of 1225 children from 2 to 12 years old from Northern Spain. The survey was completed by the parents and was designed to analyze children's wellbeing in terms of physical, emotional, social and academic aspects. The results suggest that the general wellbeing of children during lockdown was at an intermediate level. Analysis of the various measures of wellbeing revealed that the lowest levels were obtained for physical activity, along with creative and playful activities. Girls, younger children, and those who have access to an outdoor space showed the greatest levels of well-being. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for the well-being of children and, in particular, how this can be improved amid the current Covid-19 crisis.
- Published
- 2021
32. Exploring the Social and Emotional Representations Used by the Elderly to Deal With the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Author
Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane, Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, and Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane
- Abstract
Spain has become one of the European epicenters of coronavirus (COVID-19), a virus that particularly affects the elderly, since this group accounts for the majority of hospitalized cases and has the highest mortality rates. Therefore, the aim of this research is to understand how elderly people represent and emotionally cope with COVID-19 during the days when the pandemic emerged in Spain. Using a qualitative methodology, a free association exercise elicited by the word "COVID-19" was completed by 115 participants (age range: 60-85 years) from the North of Spain. Lexical analysis was used to analyze the content. The results revealed that the government and the mass media are criticized for failing to communicate a clear message, and for giving out information that is both insufficient and contradictory. However, participants are clear that it is essential to follow the guidelines of the scientists and doctors, which are represented as credible sources. However, when the state of alarm and the lockdown of all citizens was declared, most of the participants represented the risk as being associated with the elderly and the pandemic became something that might also affect their families. Due to these circumstances, negative emotions appear such as fear, nervousness, uncertainty, restlessness, and insecurity. Feelings of solitude and loneliness also emerged, and these are represented as being linked to death. These results indicate the need for governments to manage the current situation with the elderly by placing greater emphasis on social and inclusive policies to help alleviate the possible effects of the pandemic and the lockdown
- Published
- 2021
33. Belaunaldi arteko esperientziak hezkuntza eremuan aztergai: kohesio soziala ahalbidetzen duten bideak aztertzen
- Author
Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Didáctica y organización escolar, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Didáctica y organización escolar, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, and Eiguren Munitis, Amaia
- Abstract
368 p., Hezkuntza formalaren inguruneak testuinguru ezin hobea eskaintzen du, belaunaldi desberdinen ikuspegia lantzeko. Izan ere, eskolan gertatzen diren belaunaldien arteko (BA) esperientziek bizitza osorako hezkuntza-ideologia sortzen laguntzen dute, ikasketa bidirekzionala sustatu eta adinduen eta ume eta gazteen parte hartze aktiboa elikatuta. Horrenbestez, ondoko ikerketa lanak, bost helburu ditu: (1) Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan hezkuntza formalean burutu diren edo martxan dauden belaunaldi arteko esperientziak identifikatu; (2) Belaunaldi arteko esperientzien protagonisten bizipenak aztertu; (3) Ikasleengan (10-21 urte bitartean) belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan parte hartzeak dituen eraginak arakatu; (4) Adinduentzako belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan parte hartzeak dituen eraginak aztertu; (5) Profesionalentzako belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan parte hartzeak dituen eraginak aztertu, horiek komunitatean duten eragina ere jasoz. Zehazki, ikerketa bi fase nagusitan banandu da. Lehenengo fasean, belaunaldi arteko esperientzien presentzia eta izaera arakatu da Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko hezkuntza formalaren esparruan. Bigarren fasean belaunaldi arteko esperientzietan arakatu da. Lortutako emaitzek agerian uzten dute BA esperientzien presentzia eskasa dela EAEn hezkuntza formalaren testuinguruan. Nahiz eta ikerketa honen bitartez baieztatu den BA esperientzietan parte hartzeak adinduengan eta ikasleengan eragin positiboak dituztela. Horrenbestez, profesionalen aburuz, BA esperientziak baliagarriak dira belaunaldien artean elkarri laguntzeko harremanak sortzeko eta belaunaldien arteko elkartasuna sustatzeko kohesio soziala ahalbidetzen dituzten bideak erakintzen laguntzen baitute. Orobat, doktorego tesi honek EAE mailan hezkuntza esparruan ematen diren BA esperientzien gaineko prisma poliedrikodun begirada eraikitzen du eta BA esperientziek duten esku-hartze sozialarekiko aukeren gaineko ezjakintasunari aurre egiten dio.
- Published
- 2021
34. Exploring the social and emotional representations used by students from the University of the Basque Country to face the first outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Ciencias de la Educación, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Didáctica y organización escolar, Hezkuntza Zientziak, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Dosil Santamaría, María, Ciencias de la Educación, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Didáctica y organización escolar, Hezkuntza Zientziak, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, and Dosil Santamaría, María
- Abstract
In 2020, COVID-19, a new emerging infectious disease (EID), was spread throughout the world, including Europe. Spain, in particular, witnessed a significant outbreak of the pandemic. In consequence, all classes were cancelled and the Government declared a state of emergency, ordering the lockdown of the entire population from March to May. The aim of this research is to explore the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the representations of young university students from the University of the Basque Country and their emotional response when the crisis started. A free-association exercise was completed by 503 students from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (Northern Spain). To analyze the content, the Reinert method was used with the Iramuteq software for lexical analysis. The results showed that students placed COVID-19 at a distance from the self, pointing out issues related to social response and disinformation, while showing concerns for self-related issues that are linked to negative emotions, academic consequences, and potentially close victims. The students’ concerns were categorized at four main levels: the communicativeinformative level, health-emotional level, community-social level, and academic level. All of this has created overwhelming feelings of nervousness, along with anger and emotional fatigue. These results indicate the necessity for universities to work from a holistic standpoint, not only in terms of responding to academic needs but also from psychological, communicative, social, health, and well-being perspectives.
- Published
- 2021
35. Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in People Aged Over 60 in the COVID-19 Outbreak in a Sample Collected in Northern Spain
- Author
Picaza Gorrochategi, Maitane, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Dosil Santamaria, Maria, and Ozamiz Etxebarria, Naiara
- Published
- 2020
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36. Reduction of COVID-19 Anxiety Levels Through Relaxation Techniques: A Study Carried Out in Northern Spain on a Sample of Young University Students
- Author
Ozamiz Echevarria, Naiara, Dosil Santamaría, María, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, and Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane
- Subjects
lcsh:Psychology ,telematic psychoeducation ,lcsh:BF1-990 ,education ,Correction ,Psychology ,COVID-19 ,relaxation techniques ,university students ,anxiety ,General Psychology ,Original Research - Abstract
Since March 14, 2020, Spain has been in a state of alarm due to the crisis created by the outbreak of COVID-19. This measure has led to strict levels of lockdown. This situation has led to an increase in anxiety levels among the younger population. For this reason, an intervention was carried out on university voluntary participants in order to help lower their anxiety levels. Specifically, a telematic workshop was implemented to teach emotional literacy and relaxation techniques combined with the practice of the techniques in an autonomous manner. Anxiety measurements were taken before and after the workshop using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 (GAD-7) scale. The results show that Jacobson's progressive relaxation techniques, Schultz's autogenic training, abdominal relaxations, and visualizations are effective in lowering the anxiety levels of university students as an alternative to pharmacotherapy.
- Published
- 2020
37. COVID-19aren ondorioz konfinatutako haurren egoera beren ahotsen bidez
- Author
Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Dosil Santamaría, María, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane, and Ozamiz Echevarria, Naiara
- Subjects
psicología ,sociology ,soziologia ,psikologia ,psychology ,sociología - Abstract
37 p. Ikerketa honen helburua COVID-19 koronabirusaren eraginez konfinatutako Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko (EAE) eta Nafarroako haurren egoera aztertzea da. Egoera honetan, haurrak ezin dira beren etxeetatik atera, eta uste dugu horrek ondorioak izan ditzakeela haiengan. Beraz, ikerketan, haurrak bizitzen ari diren askotariko errealitateak aztertu nahi izan ditugu; hala, adingabeak egoera nola eramaten ari diren eta haiengan zer inpaktu izaten ari den sakon aztertzen saiatu gara, haien emozioei, bizipenei eta ongizateari lotutako alderdiak jasoz. Kontuan hartuta konfinamendu egoera eta haurren ondoan ikerketa bat egiteko ezintasuna (haurren ahotsa hobeto jasotzeko, lagungarriak izan zitezkeen teknika aktiboak, esate baterako), galdetegi bat erabiltzea erabaki genuen, ausaz banatu zena sare sozialen bidez eta mailing orokor baten bidez. Mailinga EAEko eta Nafarroako ikastetxe guztietara bidali zen, eta galdetegira sartzeko esteka bat zeukan.
- Published
- 2020
38. Las voces de los niños y de las niñas en situación de confinamiento por el COVID-19
- Author
Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Dosil Santamaría, María, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Pikatza Gorrotxategi, Naiara, and Ozamiz Echevarria, Naiara
- Subjects
psicología ,sociología - Abstract
37 p. Descargas previas 17 Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la situación de los niños y niñas de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV) y Navarra en situación de confinamiento debido al Coronavirus, COVID-19. Ante este escenario los niños y niñas están sin la posibilidad de salir de sus casas y creemos que está situación puede generar consecuencias en los mismos. Por lo tanto, la investigación ha querido ahondar en las diferentes realidades que están viviendo estos niños y niñas intentando profundizar en cómo lo están llevando y el impacto que está teniendo sobre los menores; recogiendo aspectos emocionales, vivenciales y de bienestar. Debido la situación de confinamiento y al no ser posible realizar una investigación junto a los niños y niñas (utilizando, por ejemplo, técnicas activas que ayudarán de mejor manera a recoger la voz de los niños y niñas), se optó por usar un cuestionario que fue distribuido aleatoriamente, a través de redes sociales y a través de un mailing general que se envió a todos los centros educativos de la CAV y Navarra con el link al cuestionario.
- Published
- 2020
39. Design and Validation of a Scale for Measuring Well-Being of Children in Lockdown (WCL)
- Author
Ciencias de la Educación, Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Hezkuntza Zientziak, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Dosil Santamaría, María, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Ciencias de la Educación, Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Hezkuntza Zientziak, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Dosil Santamaría, María, and Eiguren Munitis, Amaia
- Abstract
The objective of this study was to create and validate an instrument to measure the well-being of children in lockdown. As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in the interest of maintaining social distancing, millions of people have been confined to their homes, including children, who have been withdrawn from school and barely able to leave their homes. Thus, it would be useful to evaluate, from a holistic perspective, the well-being of children under these challenging circumstances. The participants were 1,046 children, 48.7% of which were boys and 50.7% girls, recruited in the Basque Country (Northern Spain). The scale was answered by their parents. The survey, entitled "Well-being of Children in Lockdown" (WCL), is composed of six subscales: Emotions, Playful and creative activities, Education, Addictions, Routine, and Physical Activity. Exploratory factor analyses indicate that all the reliability indices were acceptable. The survey demonstrated adequate reliability (alpha = 0.804). We were thus able to confirm the validity of this simple instrument for evaluating the well-being of children aged between 4 and 12 years in lockdown situations. The WCL can be regarded as a useful tool to evaluate the well-being of children in lockdown situations.
- Published
- 2020
40. Exploring Children’s Social and Emotional Representations of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Author
Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane, Didáctica y organización escolar, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Idoiaga Mondragón, Nahia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, and Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane
- Abstract
COVID-19, a new emerging infectious disease (EID), has spread throughout the world, including Europe. Spain, in particular, has witnessed a significant outbreak of the pandemic. All classes have been canceled, and the government has declared a state of emergency, ordering the lockdown and confinement of the entire population. All children in the country have been confined to their homes since March 13 and are not allowed to leave at any time. This population is thus facing the harshest restrictions. Given the vulnerable situation of children, the aim of this research is to understand how they represent and emotionally cope with the COVID-19 crisis. A free association exercise elicited by the word "coronavirus" was completed by 228 children (age range: 3-12 years) from the North of Spain. To analyze the content, we employed the Reinert method with Iramuteq software for lexical analysis. The results revealed that children represent the COVID-19 as an enemy that is being fought by the doctors. Children are afraid and worried about catching the virus, but mainly because they think they can infect their grandparents, and this makes them feel guilty. Moreover, the lockdown situation has produced conflicting emotions in the children. On the one hand, they are scared, nervous, lonely, sad, bored, and angry, but they also feel safe, calm, and happy with their families. These results indicate the need for governments to also consider children in their management of the current situation by placing greater emphasis on social and inclusive policies to help alleviate the possible effects that they may suffer as a consequence of the pandemic and the lockdown. In short, there is a need to address the psychological, educational, social, health, and well-being needs of children.
- Published
- 2020
41. Reduction of COVID-19 Anxiety Levels Through Relaxation Techniques: A Study Carried Out in Northern Spain on a Sample of Young University Students
- Author
Didáctica y organización escolar, Métodos de investigación y diagnostico en educación, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Hezkuntzako ikerkuntza eta diagnosi metodoak, Ozamiz Echevarria, Naiara, Dosil Santamaría, María, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane, Didáctica y organización escolar, Métodos de investigación y diagnostico en educación, Psicología evolutiva y de la educación, Bilakaeraren eta hezkuntzaren psikologia, Didaktika eta eskola antolakuntza, Hezkuntzako ikerkuntza eta diagnosi metodoak, Ozamiz Echevarria, Naiara, Dosil Santamaría, María, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, and Picaza Gorrochategui, Maitane
- Abstract
Since March 14, 2020, Spain has been in a state of alarm due to the crisis created by the outbreak of COVID-19. This measure has led to strict levels of lockdown. This situation has led to an increase in anxiety levels among the younger population. For this reason, an intervention was carried out on university voluntary participants in order to help lower their anxiety levels. Specifically, a telematic workshop was implemented to teach emotional literacy and relaxation techniques combined with the practice of the techniques in an autonomous manner. Anxiety measurements were taken before and after the workshop using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 (GAD-7) scale. The results show that Jacobson's progressive relaxation techniques, Schultz's autogenic training, abdominal relaxations, and visualizations are effective in lowering the anxiety levels of university students as an alternative to pharmacotherapy.
- Published
- 2020
42. Narrativas visuales desde la hibridación de los espacios habitados por agentes diversos de la Facultad de Educación (UPV-EHU)
- Author
Pikaza, Maitane, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, Dosil Santamaria, Maria, Pikaza, Maitane, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, and Dosil Santamaria, Maria
- Abstract
Space is never neutral as it is inhabited by subjects who forge identities in the places they occupy. Within this context, the Faculty of Education of Bilbao (UPV/EHU) has carried out a project in the academic year 2019-2020 focused on the joint reflectionof different educational agents on the spaces. The project aims to deepen in the personal concerns of the participants by collecting their voices from two generating questions: What is the reason why we are in the project, what has led us to take part in this project? The fact of collecting the voices helps to create a horizontal dialogue between the word and the image, positioning them on the same level as a narrative vehicle of the stories that move from a personal vision to a more collective vision and places people in continuous relationship with spaces., El espacio nunca es neutro ya que es habitado por sujetos que van forjando identidades en los lugares que ocupan. Dentro de este contexto la Facultad de Educación de Bilbao (UPV/EHU) ha llevado a cabo en el curso 2019-2020 un proyecto enfocado a la reflexión conjunta de diferentes agentes educativos sobre los espacios. El proyecto tiene como objetivo ahondar en las inquietudes personales de las personas participantes recogiendo sus voces a partir de dos preguntas generadoras: ¿Cuál es la razón por la que estamos en el proyecto?, ¿Qué nos ha llevado a tomar parte en este proyecto? El hecho de recoger las voces ayuda a crear un diálogo horizontal entre la palabra y la imagen, posicionando las mismas en un mismo nivel como vehículo narrador de las historias que transitan desde una visión personal a una visión más colectiva y sitúa a las personas en continua relación con los espacios.
- Published
- 2020
43. Exploring the social and emotional representations used by students from the University of the Basque Country to face the first outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, primary, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, additional, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional, and Dosil Santamaria, Maria, additional
- Published
- 2021
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44. Narrativas visuales desde la hibridación de los espacios habitados por agentes diversos de la Facultad de Educación (UPV-EHU)
- Author
Picaza Gorrotxategi, Maitane, primary, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional, Dosil Santamaria, María, additional, Pena Zabala, Miriam, additional, and Alonso Saez, Israel, additional
- Published
- 2020
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45. Corrigendum: Reduction of COVID-19 Anxiety Levels Through Relaxation Techniques: A Study Carried Out in Northern Spain on a Sample of Young University Students
- Author
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, Naiara, primary, Dosil Santamaría, María, additional, Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional, and Picaza Gorrotxategi, Maitane, additional
- Published
- 2020
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46. Struggling to breathe: a qualitative study of children’s wellbeing during lockdown in Spain
- Author
Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, primary, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, additional, Dosil Santamaria, Maria, additional, and Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, additional
- Published
- 2020
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- Abstract
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- Published
- 2022
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48. Belaunaldi arteko esperientziak hezkuntza formalaren testuinguruan: teoriatik praktikara
- Author
Eiguren Munitis, Amaia, primary, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, additional, and Correa Gorospe, José Miguel, additional
- Published
- 2019
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49. Struggling to breathe: a qualitative study of children's wellbeing during lockdown in Spain.
- Author
Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, Berasategi Sancho, Naiara, Dosil Santamaria, Maria, and Eiguren Munitis, Amaia
- Subjects
COMPUTER software ,EMOTIONS ,HEALTH outcome assessment ,WELL-being ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,STAY-at-home orders ,COVID-19 pandemic ,CHILDREN - Abstract
COVID-19 has spread throughout the world, including Europe. In order to halt the spread of the pandemic by maintaining social distancing, all children in Spain have been completely confined to their homes, and from March 13th to April 26th they were forbidden from going outdoors at any time. The aim of this research was gather the voices of children in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain in order to examine how they are coping with this health crisis. Design: A sample of 250 Children from a region of Spain aged 3-12 years (mean 7.14) were openly asked about their lockdown activities, needs, and feelings. Main Outcome Measures: Responses were analyzed using Iramuteq software for lexical analysis. Results: Children reported having mixed emotions in lockdown; whilst they are happy and relaxed with their families, they also feel fear, nervousness, worry, loneliness, sadness, boredom, and anger. At a physical level, Children noted it was difficult to be deprived of fresh air for weeks, which also makes them primarily sedentary, and they missed outdoor exercise. Socially, they missed peers and caregivers. Conclusion: This study provides evidence about the need to safeguard children's wellbeing during the COVID-19 crisis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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50. Tracing emotional experiences and the well‐being during the pandemic through drawings by Spanish children.
- Author
Rodríguez‐Pascual, Iván, Berasategui‐Sancho, Naiara, Eiguren‐Munitis, Amaia, Picaza‐Gorrotxategi, Maitane, Serrano‐Díaz, Noemí, González‐Gómez, Teresa, and Palasí‐Luna, Eva
- Subjects
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SPANIARDS , *CHILDREN'S drawings , *EMOTIONAL experience , *SOCIAL interaction , *PANDEMICS - Abstract
The changes in emotions experienced during the pandemic and their effects on children's well‐being remain a significant issue. This study analyses 86 drawings created by children aged 5–13, collected in fieldwork conducted through workshops across various regions of Spain. The main objective was to describe how children portray their emotional changes and the resulting impact on their lives within the context of the pandemic. We employed qualitative bottom‐up logic to code the drawings using CAQDAS. Findings revealed a discernible emotional impact, expressed more explicitly by girls, as well as lasting elements concerning the pandemic and the enduring restrictions on social interactions, even beyond the widespread lockdowns of 2020. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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