Norbert Roos, Jacomine Krijnse Locker, Edward Leithe, Massimo Mallardo, Sibylle Schleich, Laura Doglio, Mallardo, Massimo, E., Leithe, S., Schleich, N., Roo, L., Doglio, and J., KRIJNSE LOCKER
Vaccinia virus (VV) is the best-studied member of the Poxviridae, a family of double-stranded DNA viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm of the host cell (21). The cytoplasmic life cycle of VV is complex and consists of distinct stages that can be roughly divided into virion entry, early transcription, and DNA replication, followed by virus assembly and release. Although all these steps occur in the cytoplasm of the infected host cell, relatively little is known how these different processes are organized or how they are structurally related. The aim of the present study is to address some of these questions. They relate to a number of recent observations that we have made with respect to the cytoplasmic organization of VV early mRNAs and of viral DNA replication (19, 29). Although the mechanism of VV entry is poorly understood and controversial, it is generally accepted that the final result of this process is the delivery of VV cores, lacking viral membranes but containing the viral genome and associated enzymes, into the cytoplasm (7, 18, 24, 27, 31, 32). Shortly after their delivery, these cores start making a defined set of early mRNAs in which about half of the genome is transcribed. In vitro reconstitution of this process has demonstrated that early mRNAs are first made inside the core, from which they are subsequently extruded in an ATP-dependent manner (14). The generally accepted idea is that in infected cells viral early mRNAs are also made inside the core, from which they are extruded to associate with polyribosomes (11, 20; also see below). It is assumed that during this process the genome remains inside the core and that protein synthesis, early in infection, is required for release of the parental DNA from the core (10, 13, 15, 26). This assumption is, however, based on indirect evidence, and it has not been directly demonstrated that the genome remains inside the core during the process of early transcription in infected cells (as is explained in more detail below). In a recent study we have monitored the intracellular fate of of VV early transcripts. They were visualized by transfecting infected cells either with BrUTP or with a biotinylated antisense oligonucleotide corresponding to the H5R mRNA, followed by confocal microscopy. VV early mRNAs were shown to accumulate in large granular structures that recruited polyribosomes and other components of the host cell translation machinery, implying that they were active in protein synthesis (19). By electron microscopy (EM), the sites where early VV mRNAs accumulated appeared as rather amorphous structures surrounded by polyribosomes but not obviously attached to membranes. Two striking observations were made during that study. First, over the time of infection, the structures appeared to grow in size; second, the mRNA structures accumulated some distance from intracellular cores. Both these observations opened up the possibility that the messengers were perhaps made at these sites and that (in contrast to what was assumed from the old literature) the viral genome, the template for transcription, might also be located at the RNA sites rather than remaining in the core. In the same study we also showed that both cores and mRNA structures associated with microtubules (MTs). Thus, an alternative explanation of our observations was that the messengers were made inside the cores, from which they were efficiently transported along MTs to their sites of accumulation and translation. Because of these two possibilities we decided to monitor the fate of the parental DNA in a more direct way, by EM. We took advantage of the observation that inhibition of protein synthesis early in infection does not affect viral early transcription (15). Under the same conditions, the genome has been shown to remain insensitive to digestion with DNase, which has been interpreted to mean that the DNA remained inside the core (10, 12, 26). However, because of the indirect way of measuring uncoating, an alternative explanation, that the genome does leave the core before transcription but is coated with proteins that make it DNase resistant, cannot be excluded. In the present study we took advantage of the fact that inhibitors of protein synthesis blocked “uncoating” but not transcription to study the fate of the parental DNA under conditions of early mRNA synthesis. Translation of the early messengers is required to initiate the process of DNA replication. The latter process has been shown to occur in discrete cytoplasmic structures that recruit a subset of VV early proteins (2, 3, 6, 16, 25, 29, 33). Transcription may also occur at these sites (5). Since the process of DNA replication induces a switch from early to late mRNA synthesis (4, 23; for reviews see references 21 and 22), it seems most logical to assume that transcription occurring on the sites of DNA replication results in the production of predominantly late transcripts (see also Discussion). We have recently shown, in contrast to what was generally assumed, that the sites of DNA synthesis do not lie free in the cytoplasm. Instead, we found that from the earliest time point of VV DNA synthesis, starting around 2 h postinfection in HeLa cells, this process appeared to occur in close proximity to the cytosolic side of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisternae. As infection proceeded, more ER cisternae were apparently attracted to these sites, since about 45 min later the sites were almost completely enclosed by ER membranes (29). Several pieces of evidence suggested that the observed ER enclosure of the replication sites may promote efficient VV replication. For example, viral replication was low when the envelope formation was not completed early in infection but peaked when the sites were entirely ER enwrapped. After we established that the sites of mRNA accumulation and the DNA replication sites had rather unique morphological features, it was necessary to ask about their possible intracellular relationship. Synthesis of viral early proteins, which can be assumed to occur at the sites of mRNA accumulation, is required for initiation of DNA replication and for the biogenesis of these sites (reviewed in references 21 and 22). Considering this obvious molecular relationship, would the sites of DNA synthesis then be initiated at the sites of mRNA accumulation, since the former would synthesize the molecules required for replication? What would be the fate of the mRNA structures once DNA synthesis was initiated? The present study addresses the relationships between the three “early” intracellular structures that occur during the early phases of the VV life cycle: the intracellular core (and the fate of the parental DNA it contains), the sites where early mRNAs accumulate, and the sites of DNA synthesis. We first establish a quantitative relationship between incoming cores and the extents of mRNA and DNA synthesis. Then we visualize all three structures in infected cells by immunofluorescence microscopy (IF) and show that the sites of mRNA accumulation and of DNA synthesis are distinct structures that are located at different places. Finally, by EM we show that the parental DNA remains inside the core under conditions that allow transcription but that inhibit protein synthesis. When the parental DNA is able to leave the core, however, EM images strongly suggest that this happens in close proximity to the cytosolic side of membranes of the ER, where DNA synthesis, as we showed previously, is subsequently initiated.