Kvaliteta rada u vrtiću i školi kao odgojno – obrazovnim ustanovama danas je neizostavan imperativ. Ono što jamči tu kvalitetu rada su odgojitelji i učitelji koji svakodnevnim praćenjem interesa djece i njihova zanimanja nude kvalitetne poticajne materijale kojima će zadovoljiti tu prirodnu potrebu. Projektnim pristupom u radu s djecom, odgojno – obrazovni djelatnici na najbolji mogući način potiču razvoj i napredak djeteta, nadograđujući njihove interese, potrebe i sposobnosti. Ovaj diplomski rad usmjeren je na učenje i rad s djecom vrtićke i školske dobi upravo kroz projekte. Cilj rada je, pregledom literature na temu projektnoga učenja u vrtićima i školama, njihovim značajkama i posebnostima te prednostima tog načina rada, pružiti bolji uvid u u specifičnosti projektnog pristupa u dječjim vrtićima i školama. The quality of working in kindergarten and school as an educational institutions, nowdays is an indispensable imperative. What guarantees that exact quality are educators and teachers who, by monitoring interest of children offer high – quality materials that will support that natural need on a daily basis. Educational employees by implementing project – based approach with children, encourage development and progress of a child, by upgrading their interests, needs and capabilities. This thesis is focused on a learning and working with children from an early age to the age of nine through projects. The aim of this thesis is to provide insight to the features, specifics and benefits of project – based learning by using relevant literature on this particular subject matter. It presents ways and methods of project work and tend to encourage all the educators and teachers to implement the project – based learning in their work to enrich their own skills and to offer a child priceless experience of learning.