The mammalian subventricular zone (SVZ) contains progenitorsderived from cerebral cortex radial glia cells, which give riseto glutamatergic pyramidal neurons during embryogenesis.However, during postnatal life, SVZ generates neurons thatmigrate and differentiate into olfactory bulbg-aminobutyric acid(GABA)ergic interneurons. In this work, we tested if SVZ cells areable to produce glutamatergic neurons if confronted with theembryonic cortical ventricular zone environment. Different fromtypical SVZ chain migration, cells from P9--P11 SVZ explantsmigrate into embryonic cortical slices individually, many of whichradially oriented. An average of 82.5% of green fluorescentprotein--positive cells were immunolabeled for neuronal markerclass III b-tubulin. Invading cells differentiate into multiplemorphologies, including a pyramidal-like morphotype. A subsetof these cells are GABAergic; however, about 28% of SVZ-derivedcells are immunoreactive for glutamate. Adult SVZ explants alsogive rise to glutamatergic neurons in these conditions. Takentogether, our results indicate that SVZ can be a source ofglutamatergic cortical neurons when submitted to properenvironmental cues.Keywords: cerebral cortex, GABAergic, neurogenesis, olfactory bulb,plasticityIntroductionThe subventricular zone (SVZ) is a continuous source of newneurons in postnatal and adult mammals (for review, see Gage2000). The newly generated neurons migrate to the ipsilateralolfactory bulb (OB; Altman 1969; Luskin 1993) where theydifferentiate into granular and periglomerular neurons (Luskin1993). A known feature of these cells is that they differentiateinto c-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons (Betarbet et al.1996). It was recently described that a subpopulation ofperiglomerular neurons could be devoid of GABA (Gutie`rrez-Mecinas et al. 2005). However, recent evidence shows that all OBperiglomerular neurons activate the promoter of the gene for 1 ofthe 2 forms of glutamic acid decarboxilase, 67KD form of glutamicacid decarboxilase (GAD67), as detected by green fluorescentprotein (GFP) expression in transgenic mice (Panzanelli et al.2007). In addition, a subpopulation of periglomerular neurons(Kosaka et al. 1985; Betarbet et al. 1996; Hack et al. 2005) andsuperficial granular neurons (Kohwi et al. 2005) are doublelabeled for GABA and tyrosine hydroxylase.It is suggested that the telencephalic embryonic germinallayer, the ventricular zone (VZ), gives rise to differentneurochemical phenotypes in a spatial-dependent fashion(Marin and Rubenstein 2001). In the telencephalon, glutama-tergic neurons are generated by the dorsal VZ (Schuurmanset al. 2004) and GABAergic neurons from its ventral domain(Anderson et al. 1997). At the end of embryonic neurogenesis,radialglia(RG),themainprogenitorsoftheVZ(Noctoretal.2001),start to transform into other cell types, including SVZ astrocytes(Alves et al. 2002; Tramontin et al. 2003) and ependymal cells(Spassky et al. 2005). Postnatal progenitors, derived from RG, arealso known to give rise to inhibitory interneurons of the OB,irrespective of dorsoventral position (Merkle et al. 2007). Theseobservations lead to the question of whether dorsal progen-itors, which initially make glutamatergic neurons, respecifytheir program for neurotransmitter choice after embryonicneurogenesis ends. An alternative possibility is that dorsaltelencephalic progenitors are still capable of giving rise toglutamatergic neurons, and the external signals present in thepostnatal brain do not allow or stimulate this phenotype. SVZneuroblasts already express GABA in route to the OB (Bolteusand Bordey 2004), suggesting an early commitment by thesecells with a GABAergic destiny.Recent data suggest that most GABA-immunoreactive neuro-blasts of the SVZ are not endowed with the GABA syntheticmachinery typical of differentiated neurons (De Marchis et al.2004; Sequerra et al. 2007). Instead, an alternative syntheticpathway has been identified, which converts putrescine intoGABA (Sequerra et al. 2007). Therefore, neuroblasts in the SVZmay not be irreversibly committed to a GABAergic destiny. Thequestion herein addressed is whether the dorsal embryonic VZenvironment could drive postnatal and adult SVZ progenitorsto a glutamatergic phenotype.Materials and Methods