IntroductionThe tourism industry with a multidimensional nature, in addition to meeting the needs of tourists, causes major changes in the host community system. Therefore, the government is trying to provide the opportunity to benefit from the positive aspects of this industry by providing and valuing tourist attractions in areas with potential.Order and security are the main prerequisites for the development of tourism. In this context, ecological analysis of order and security can provide a general framework based on the capabilities and limitations available for rural tourism planning. Ecological analysis of order and security is one of the best practices and frameworks for better understanding of areas and planning for order and security in tourism; Because ecology is formed from the combination of natural and human factors, and if a plan is based on different canons, many of the problems in the field of order and security are also addressed.The purpose of this research is ecological analysis of order and security in rural tourism in Isfahan province.MethodologyThe research method is descriptive-analytical in nature and based on field data. The data of this study are qualitative and collected through interviews. The method of data analysis is qualitative content analysis. The statistical population of the study consisted of experts related to tourism and rural development, which was 15 people according to the theoretical saturation stage and repetitive results. In fact, the snowball method was used to select the sample and due to the fact that the results of the interviews were close to each other and reached the repetition stage, so it was not necessary to continue interviewing more people. After collecting the interviews, coding and data analysis began. In order to analyze the data, the data were coded according to the collected findings. Then they were organized and the final results were obtained.Discussion and ResultsAccording to the ecological framework, which is based on natural and human factors and the relationship between the two, the study area was divided into three classes. Mountainous area, dry plain and arid-desert. The analysis of various experts on order and security in rural tourism in the mountainous region is included in 11 cases. In interviews with experts, these 11 factors in the field of order and security and its maintenance in the direction of rural development and ultimately rural tourism is considered effective, which is the reason for not using new methods in irrigation to reduce water issues as the most important factor. Experts' analysis of order and security in rural tourism in the dry plain area has been summarized in 12 cases. Accordingly, one of the most important factors that play a role as a threat to order and security in the villages of this area is the lack of proper management methods in the field of water resources. The issue of water in the villages of the province is becoming a problem, and in some cases, it has led to many security issues, and on the other hand, it has overshadowed the order and security of many villages. According to them, the lack of employment and economic activity in the villages of the desert area is one of the most important factors.Qualitative content analysis is based on the opinions of 15 experts related to rural development and tourism issues. The results were presented in two sections: natural and human factors. According to experts, the natural factors influencing the management of order and security of rural tourism can be summarized in ten key concepts. One of the most important of these concepts is water management. Also, in terms of human factors influencing the order and security of rural tourism in Isfahan province, diversification of the rural economy is one of the first key concepts inferred from interviews with experts.ConclusionThe results showed that water management, drought management, development of natural tourism attraction, strengthening of desert tourism are from the most influential natural factors and diversification into rural economies, population stabilization and reduction of migration, strengthening of facilities, improving access roads and reducing unemployment the most important human factors Influencing the order and security of rural tourism. The eastern part of the province, which is mostly plain and desert, has more restrictions on the order and security of rural tourism. The most important requirements of security and order in rural tourism can be mentioned to remove blind spots desert, the development of clean energy, division of the province to tourism areas, population stabilization, Local community participation, the management of water resources and etc.In general, considering the natural and human structures of Isfahan province and in more detail its rural settlements, the model of order and security in rural development and tourism is defined and framed accordingly. In fact, the management challenges of rural tourism order and security in the province are not only due to human issues, but are mostly rooted in natural issues and lack of proper management in this area. Geographical algebra of the environment can be the best description in this field and this issue can not be ignored in the province, especially in the east. Based on this concept and in line with it, the model of order and security in rural tourism should be defined. In fact, the management and model that is implemented in the villages of the mountainous area can not be applied in the desert area; Because, first of all, the type of crimes and security problems are different in these two areas. Secondly, its natural and human structures are very different. Based on the prevailing natural and human structures and according to different ecosystems, the pattern of order and security of rural tourism should be redefined.Keywords: Ecological Analysis, Order and Security, Rural Tourism, Isfahan Province.