Late Pleistocene glacial terminations are caused by rising atmospheric CO2 occurring in response to atmospheric and ocean circulation changes induced by increased discharge from Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. While climate records place glacial terminations coincident with decreasing orbital precession, it remains unclear why a specific precession minimum causes a termination. We compare the orbital and ice volume configuration at each precession minima over the last million years to demonstrate that eccentricity, through its control on precession amplitude, period and coherence with obliquity, along with ice sheet size, determine whether a given precession minimum will cause a termination. We also demonstrate how eccentricity controls obliquity maxima and precession minima coherence, varying the duration of glaciations. Glaciations lasting ∼100 thousand years are controlled by Earth's eccentricity cycle of the same period, while the shortest (20–40 ka) and longest (155 ka) occupy the maxima and minimums of the 400 thousand year eccentricity cycle. Plain Language Summary: The Milankovitch theory of the ice ages predicts that the growth and collapse of Pleistocene ice sheets is paced by the cycles in high latitude solar insolation that accompany variations in Earth's orbital motion. The orbital modes that dominate frequencies of incoming solar radiation are obliquity and precession, which operate at periodicities of approximately 40 and 20 thousand years, respectively. The dominant frequency at which ice sheets grow and collapse over the last million years is, however, approximately 100 thousand years, a closer match to eccentricity, an orbital period near absent from past solar radiation. Through a comparison between Earth's orbital configuration and an approximation of past global ice volume, we identify that the precession minima that trigger ice sheet collapse occur at distinct configuration of eccentricity and ice sheet size. In most cases terminations occur when precession minima align with obliquity maxima. We find that this coherence is influenced by the duration of precession cycles, which is in turn controlled by eccentricity. From these observations, we conclude that orbital eccentricity, through its control on both the amplitude and period of precession, paces the timing of glacial terminations and the size of Late Pleistocene ice sheets. Key Points: Late Pleistocene glacial terminations occur at distinct configurations of orbital precession, obliquity, eccentricity and ice volumeEccentricity controls the duration of precession cycles, and therefore the coherence of obliquity and precessionOrbital eccentricity, through its control on the amplitude and period of precession, paces Late Pleistocene glaciations [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]