131 results on '"E. Zacksenhaus"'
Search Results
2. Transcription Factors in Breast Cancer-Lessons From Recent Genomic Analyses and Therapeutic Implications
- Author
E, Zacksenhaus, J C, Liu, Z, Jiang, Y, Yao, L, Xia, M, Shrestha, and Y, Ben-David
- Subjects
Genome ,Transcription, Genetic ,Humans ,Breast Neoplasms ,Female ,Oncogenes ,Transcription Factors - Abstract
Multiplatform genomic analyses have identified 93 frequently altered genes in breast cancer. Of these, as many as 49 genes are directly or indirectly involved in transcription. These include constitutive and inducible DNA-binding transcription factors (DB-TFs, 13 genes), corepressors/coactivators (14 genes), epigenetic (10), and mediator/splicing/rRNA (3) factors. At least nine additional genes are immediate upstream regulators of transcriptional cofactors. G:profiler analysis reveals that these alterations affect cell cycle, development/differentiation, steroid hormone, and chromatin modification pathways. A notable observation is that DB-TFs that mediate major oncogenic signaling (e.g., WNT, receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), NOTCH, and HIPPO), which switch from default repression (signal OFF) to transcriptional activation (signal ON), are not altered in breast cancer. Instead, corepressors (e.g., pRb for E2F1 downstream of various proliferation signals) or upstream factors (e.g., APC and AXIN for TCF, downstream of canonical WNT signaling) are lost, or coactivators (e.g., NOTCH1/2 for CSL/RBPJk) are induced. In contrast, constitutive (MYC, TBX3) and signal-induced (TP53, FOXA1) DB-TFs that do not mediate default repression are directly altered in breast cancer. Some of these TFs have been implicated in the establishment of super-enhancers and positive transcriptional elongation. In addition, oncogenic transcription is induced by mutations affecting regulatory elements or chromatin conformation that create new TF-binding sites in promoters and enhancers of oncogenic genes to promote tumorigenesis. Here we review these diverse oncogenic alterations in TFs in BC and discuss implications for therapy.
- Published
- 2017
3. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy
- Author
Klionsky, D.J. Abdalla, F.C. Abeliovich, H. Abraham, R.T. Acevedo-Arozena, A. Adeli, K. Agholme, L. Agnello, M. Agostinis, P. Aguirre-Ghiso, J.A. Ahn, H.J. Ait-Mohamed, O. Ait-Si-Ali, S. Akematsu, T. Akira, S. Al-Younes, H.M. Al-Zeer, M.A. Albert, M.L. Albin, R.L. Alegre-Abarrategui, J. Aleo, M.F. Alirezaei, M. Almasan, A. Almonte-Becerril, M. Amano, A. Amaravadi, R. Amarnath, S. Amer, A.O. Andrieu-Abadie, N. Anantharam, V. Ann, D.K. Anoopkumar-Dukie, S. Aoki, H. Apostolova, N. Arancia, G. Aris, J.P. Asanuma, K. Asare, N.Y.O. Ashida, H. Askanas, V. Askew, D.S. Auberger, P. Baba, M. Backues, S.K. Baehrecke, E.H. Bahr, B.A. Bai, X.-Y. Bailly, Y. Baiocchi, R. Baldini, G. Balduini, W. Ballabio, A. Bamber, B.A. Bampton, E.T.W. Bánhegyi, G. Bartholomew, C.R. Bassham, D.C. Bast Jr., R.C. Batoko, H. Bay, B.-H. Beau, I. Béchet, D.M. Begley, T.J. Behl, C. Behrends, C. Bekri, S. Bellaire, B. Bendall, L.J. Benetti, L. Berliocchi, L. Bernardi, H. Bernassola, F. Besteiro, S. Bhatia-Kissova, I. 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Skop, V. Skulachev, V.P. Slack, R.S. Smaili, S.S. Smith, D.R. Soengas, M.S. Soldati, T. Song, X. Sood, A.K. Soong, T.W. Sotgia, F. Spector, S.A. Spies, C.D. Springer, W. Srinivasula, S.M. Stefanis, L. Steffan, J.S. Stendel, R. Stenmark, H. Stephanou, A. Stern, S.T. Sternberg, C. Stork, B. Strålfors, P. Subauste, C.S. Sui, X. Sulzer, D. Sun, J. Sun, S.-Y. Sun, Z.-J. Sung, J.J.Y. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, T. Swanson, M.S. Swanton, C. Sweeney, S.T. Sy, L.-K. Szabadkai, G. Tabas, I. Taegtmeyer, H. Tafani, M. Takács-Vellai, K. Takano, Y. Takegawa, K. Takemura, G. Takeshita, F. Talbot, N.J. Tan, K.S.W. Tanaka, K. Tanaka, K. Tang, D. Tang, D. Tanida, I. Tannous, B.A. Tavernarakis, N. Taylor, G.S. Taylor, G.A. Taylor, J.P. Terada, A.S. Terman, A. Tettamanti, G. Thevissen, K. Thompson, C.B. Thorburn, A. Thumm, M. Tian, F. Tian, Y. Tocchini-Valentini, G. Tolkovsky, A.M. Tomino, Y. Tönges, L. Tooze, S.A. Tournier, C. Tower, J. Towns, R. Trajkovic, V. Travassos, L.H. Tsai, T.-F. Tschan, M.P. Tsubata, T. Tsung, A. Turk, B. Turner, L.S. Tyagi, S.C. Uchiyama, Y. Ueno, T. Umekawa, M. Umemiya-Shirafuji, R. Unni, V.K. Vaccaro, M.I. Valente, E.M. Van Den Berghe, G. Van Der Klei, I.J. Van Doorn, W.G. Van Dyk, L.F. Van Egmond, M. Van Grunsven, L.A. Vandenabeele, P. Vandenberghe, W.P. Vanhorebeek, I. Vaquero, E.C. Velasco, G. Vellai, T. Vicencio, J.M. Vierstra, R.D. Vila, M. Vindis, C. Viola, G. Viscomi, M.T. Voitsekhovskaja, O.V. Von Haefen, C. Votruba, M. Wada, K. Wade-Martins, R. Walker, C.L. Walsh, C.M. Walter, J. Wan, X.-B. Wang, A. Wang, C. Wang, D. Wang, F. Wang, F. Wang, G. Wang, H. Wang, H.-G. Wang, H.-D. Wang, J. Wang, K. Wang, M. Wang, R.C. Wang, X. Wang, X. Wang, Y.-J. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, Z.C. Wang, Z. Wansink, D.G. Ward, D.M. Watada, H. Waters, S.L. Webster, P. Wei, L. Weihl, C.C. Weiss, W.A. Welford, S.M. Wen, L.-P. Whitehouse, C.A. Whitton, J.L. Whitworth, A.J. Wileman, T. Wiley, J.W. Wilkinson, S. Willbold, D. Williams, R.L. Williamson, P.R. Wouters, B.G. Wu, C. Wu, D.-C. Wu, W.K.K. Wyttenbach, A. Xavier, R.J. Xi, Z. Xia, P. Xiao, G. Xie, Z. Xie, Z. Xu, D.-Z. Xu, J. Xu, L. Xu, X. Yamamoto, A. Yamamoto, A. Yamashina, S. Yamashita, M. Yan, X. Yanagida, M. Yang, D.-S. Yang, E. Yang, J.-M. Yang, S.Y. Yang, W. Yang, W.Y. Yang, Z. Yao, M.-C. Yao, T.-P. Yeganeh, B. Yen, W.-L. Yin, J.-J. Yin, X.-M. Yoo, O.-J. Yoon, G. Yoon, S.-Y. Yorimitsu, T. Yoshikawa, Y. Yoshimori, T. Yoshimoto, K. You, H.J. Youle, R.J. Younes, A. Yu, L. Yu, L. Yu, S.-W. Yu, W.H. Yuan, Z.-M. Yue, Z. Yun, C.-H. Yuzaki, M. Zabirnyk, O. Silva-Zacarin, E. David Zacks, E. Zacksenhaus, L. Zaffaroni, N. Zakeri, Z. Zeh III, H.J. Zeitlin, S.O. Zhang, H. Zhang, H.-L. Zhang, J. Zhang, J.-P. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Zhang, M.-Y. Zhang, X.D. Zhao, M. Zhao, Y.-F. Zhao, Y. Zhao, Z.J. Zheng, X. Zhivotovsky, B. Zhong, Q. Zhou, C.-Z. Zhu, C. Zhu, W.-G. Zhu, X.-F. Zhu, X. Zhu, Y. Zoladek, T. Zong, W.-X. Zorzano, A. Zschocke, J. Zuckerbraun, B.
- Abstract
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field. © 2012 Landes Bioscience.
- Published
- 2012
4. Inactivation of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor induces apoptosis protease-activating factor-1 dependent and independent apoptotic pathways during embryogenesis
- Author
Z, Guo, S, Yikang, H, Yoshida, T W, Mak, and E, Zacksenhaus
- Subjects
Male ,Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental ,Proteins ,Apoptosis ,Cell Cycle Proteins ,E2F Transcription Factors ,DNA-Binding Proteins ,Embryonic and Fetal Development ,Mice ,Apoptotic Protease-Activating Factor 1 ,Pregnancy ,Lens, Crystalline ,Animals ,Female ,Pituitary Neoplasms ,Gene Silencing ,Genes, Retinoblastoma ,Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 ,Muscle, Skeletal ,E2F1 Transcription Factor ,Transcription Factors - Abstract
Inactivation of the retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor in the mouse induces mid-gestational death accompanied by massive apoptosis in certain tissues. Herein, we analyzed the role of the apoptosis protease-activating factor Apaf-1, an essential component of the apoptosome, in mediating apoptosis in Rb-deficient mice. Analysis of compound mutant embryos lacking Rb and Apaf-1 revealed that Apaf-1 was absolutely required for apoptosis in the central nervous system and lens. In contrast, apoptosis in the peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscles only partly depended on Apaf-1 function. The dependency on Apaf-1 coincided with the requirement documented previously for E2F1 and p53 in the respective tissues. Loss of Apaf-1 specifically suppressed apoptosis but not the proliferation and differentiation defects in Rb-mutant embryos. We also show that the Apaf1+ but not the Rb+ allele is retained in pituitary tumors arising in Rb+/-:Apaf1+/- double heterozygous mice. Our results indicate that Apaf-1 plays a critical role in apoptosis in a subset of tissues and that both E2F1:p53:Apaf-1-dependent and -independent apoptotic pathways operate downstream of Rb.
- Published
- 2001
5. Localization of the human A1S9 gene complementing the ts A1S9 mouse L-cell defect in DNA replication and cell cycle progression to Xp11.2→p11.4
- Author
H.S. Wang, E. Zacksenhaus, and R. Sheinin
- Subjects
DNA Replication ,X Chromosome ,Cell ,Mutant ,Hybrid Cells ,Biology ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,L Cells ,Gene mapping ,Genetics ,medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,Molecular Biology ,Gene ,Genetics (clinical) ,Cell Cycle ,DNA replication ,Chromosome Mapping ,Nucleic Acid Hybridization ,Cell cycle ,Molecular biology ,Complementation ,Blotting, Southern ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,chemistry ,Autoradiography ,DNA - Abstract
The temperature-sensitive ts A1S9 mouse L-cell mutant is defective in an X-linked gene essential for progression of cells through the S phase of the cell division cycle. A single copy fragment derived from the complementing human A1S9 gene was used as a probe to localize the gene on the X chromosome. Southern blot analysis of human × rodent hybrids and in situ hybridization to human metaphase chromosomes allowed the regional assignment of the human A1S9 gene to Xp11.2→p11.4.
- Published
- 1990
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6. Dual mechanisms of repression of E2F1 activity by the retinoblastoma gene product
- Author
E, Zacksenhaus, Z, Jiang, R A, Phillips, and B L, Gallie
- Subjects
endocrine system ,Cytoplasm ,Transcription, Genetic ,Recombinant Fusion Proteins ,Cell Cycle Proteins ,Transfection ,Retinoblastoma Protein ,Cell Line ,Mice ,Receptors, Glucocorticoid ,Animals ,Genes, Retinoblastoma ,Promoter Regions, Genetic ,neoplasms ,Alleles ,DNA Primers ,Cell Nucleus ,Binding Sites ,Base Sequence ,3T3 Cells ,E2F Transcription Factors ,DNA-Binding Proteins ,Repressor Proteins ,biological phenomena, cell phenomena, and immunity ,Carrier Proteins ,Transcription Factor DP1 ,E2F1 Transcription Factor ,Retinoblastoma-Binding Protein 1 ,Transcription Factors ,Research Article - Abstract
The retinoblastoma gene product, pRb, negatively regulates cell proliferation by modulating the activity of the transcription factor E2F1 that controls expression of S-phase genes. To dissect transcriptional regulation of E2F1 by pRb, we developed a means to control the subcellular localization of pRb by exchanging its constitutive nuclear localization signal (NLS) with an inducible nuclear targeting domain from the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). In co-transfection experiments in hormone-free media, pRb delta NLS-GR sequestered E2F1 in the cytoplasm; addition of steroid hormones induced co-translocation of pRb delta NLS-GR and E2F1 to the nucleus. A pRb allele lacking a NLS, pRb delta NLS, also sequestered E2F1 in the cytoplasm. Both nuclear and cytoplasmic pRb delta NLS-GR repressed transcription from a simple, E2F1-activated, promoter equally well. pRb delta NLS-GR exerted differential effects on complex promoters containing an activator and E2F sites that acted as either positive or negative elements. We propose a dual mechanism of transcriptional repression by pRb which allows tight control of E2F1-responsive genes: a pRb-E2F1 repressor unit is assembled off DNA to pre-empt transcriptional activation by E2F1; recruitment of this repressor unit to cognate binding sites on promoters allows silencing of adjacent promoter elements.
- Published
- 1996
7. Characterization of the human RB1 promoter and of elements involved in transcriptional regulation
- Author
R M, Gill, P A, Hamel, J, Zhe, E, Zacksenhaus, B L, Gallie, and R A, Phillips
- Subjects
Binding Sites ,Base Sequence ,Transcription, Genetic ,Sp1 Transcription Factor ,Molecular Sequence Data ,Blood Proteins ,DNA ,Peptide Elongation Factors ,Retinoblastoma Protein ,Activating Transcription Factors ,Neoplasm Proteins ,Peptide Elongation Factor 2 ,Tumor Cells, Cultured ,Humans ,RNA, Messenger ,Genes, Retinoblastoma ,Promoter Regions, Genetic ,Sequence Deletion ,Transcription Factors - Abstract
The retinoblastoma gene (RB1) is a recessive oncogene implicated in a number of human tumors. Although the RB1 gene is expressed in most proliferating cells, there is considerable evidence for the transcriptional regulation of this gene. Therefore, we have performed a detailed analysis of the regulatory elements in the promoter of the human RB1 gene. Deletion analysis of the 5' upstream region determined the location of the basal promoter to be between -208 and -179 nucleotides relative to the translational start. This region contains essential binding sites for the transcription elements ATF and SP1 and potentially important sites for E2F and steroid hormone responsiveness but no TATA or CAAT boxes. Primer extension and RNase protection analysis identified two initiation sites at -176 and -128 base pairs, both downstream of the promoter. Cotransfection experiments revealed repression of the RB1 promoter by its protein product p110RB1. This repression has been mapped to the core promoter region containing the E2F-binding site; however, this site is not required for autorepression.
- Published
- 1994
8. Molecular cloning and characterization of the mouse RB1 promoter
- Author
E, Zacksenhaus, R M, Gill, R A, Phillips, and B L, Gallie
- Subjects
Mice ,Structure-Activity Relationship ,Base Sequence ,Gene Expression Regulation ,Oligodeoxyribonucleotides ,Transcription, Genetic ,DNA Mutational Analysis ,Molecular Sequence Data ,Restriction Mapping ,Animals ,Cloning, Molecular ,Genes, Retinoblastoma ,Promoter Regions, Genetic - Abstract
We report the isolation and characterization of the mouse RB1 promoter and surrounding DNA sequences, and the identification of elements required for basal transcriptional activity. The mouse RB1 promoter, like the human homologue, has a high G + C content, constitutes a CpG island and is devoid of typical TATA and CAAT boxes. The first 235 base-pairs upstream of the translation initiation codon in the mouse promoter exhibit 80% sequence homology with the human sequence. This homology includes a region which contains putative binding sites for the transcription factors Sp1, ATF and E2F/DRTF1. Four major transcription initiation sites were identified downstream of this conserved region. Mutational analysis revealed that the Sp1 and ATF binding sites, but not the putative E2F/DRTF1 binding site, are critical for promoter activity. Complete disruption of the putative Sp1 and ATF sites abrogated transcription, whereas the introduction of point mutations, previously identified in the Sp1 and ATF sites in two low penetrance retinoblastoma families, reduced promoter activity in a cell type specific manner. Less reduction in activity occurred in retinoic acid induced differentiated P19 cells and NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts than in undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma P19 cells. Activity of the RB1 promoter was found to be stimulated in retinoic-acid induced differentiated P19 cells compared to undifferentiated P19; this stimulation required intact Sp1 and ATF sites but not the putative E2F/DRTF1 binding site. Our results indicate that basal level of RB1 expression is governed by Sp1 and ATF.
- Published
- 1993
9. The retinoblastoma protein and the cell cycle
- Author
M, Sopta, B L, Gallie, R M, Gill, P A, Hamel, M, Muncaster, E, Zacksenhaus, and R A, Phillips
- Subjects
Eye Neoplasms ,Cell Cycle ,Retinoblastoma ,Humans ,Saccharomyces cerevisiae ,Retinoblastoma Protein ,Transcription Factors - Abstract
Although mutations of the retinoblastoma gene (RB1) contribute to malignant progression in many types of tumor, the role of RB1 mutation in cancer initiation is highly restricted to the rare embryonic tumor, retinoblastoma. However, RB1 is expressed and its product, p110RB1, is regulated through the cell cycle in many tissues. This apparent paradox may be clarified by the emerging evidence that p110RB1 functions as a regulator of transcription of cell cycle genes. Tissue specific effects may be determined by the cellular proteins that interact with p110RB1, or by cell type-specific expression of target genes regulated by p110RB1.
- Published
- 1992
10. Why Don’t Germline Mutations in RB1 Predispose to Leukemia?
- Author
E. Zacksenhaus, Gill Rm, R. Bremner, Robert A. Phillips, M. Sopta, Paul A. Hamel, Brenda L. Gallie, and Z Jiang
- Subjects
biology ,business.industry ,Retinoblastoma ,Melanoma ,Retinoblastoma protein ,medicine.disease ,Small-cell carcinoma ,eye diseases ,Germline ,Leukemia ,Germline mutation ,Cancer research ,biology.protein ,Medicine ,business ,Chromosome 13 - Abstract
Retinoblastoma, a rare tumor of childhood, is interesting because it exists in both heritable and non-heritable forms (for review see [1]). In the non-heritable form, affected individuals develop only a single tumor in one eye. In contrast, in the heritable form, the affected individuals develop multiple tumors usually affecting both eyes. Heritable retinoblastoma has high penetrance with more than 90% of individuals carrying a germline mutation in the retinoblastoma gene (RB1) on chromosome 13 ultimately developing tumors. In addition, patients with a germline RB1 mutation are susceptible to multiple other tumors, primarily osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, melanoma, small cell carcinoma of the lung and bladder carcinoma [2, 31. However, such individuals appear not to have an increased risk for leukemias or other malignancies of the hematopoietic system [4].
- Published
- 1992
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11. International System for Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN) — guidelines on cancer cytogenetics
- Author
M.H.E.C. Pieters, L.A. Setterfield, M. Hartl, J.J. White, T.B. Shows, J.C.M. Dumoulin, R.L. Eddy, A.B. Satterthwaite, G. Levan, V. Pizon, N Kuipers-Dijkshoorn, B. Kazmierczak, R. Sheinin, H. Meyer, J.E. Womack, G. Stranzinger, P. Devilee, C. Jonker, R. Berger, D.W. Threadgill, M.Q. Islam, J.P.M. Geraedts, F.A.J.M. van de Klundert, H.S. Wang, D. Simmons, J. Bullerdiek, E. Zacksenhaus, N.B. Atkin, D.F.C.M. Smeets, S. Bartnitzke, P.L. Pearson, R. Fries, C. Hanson, S. van der Flier, D.C. Kerridge, L.K. Faber, M. Schmid, H. Neuwirth, R. Borson, J.L.H. Evers, C.J. Cornelisse, C. Szpirer, M. Dominguez-Steglich, R.J. Baker, U. Mittwoch, D.G. Tenen, T. Haaf, R.J.E. Jongbloed, T. Uchida, A. Gunawardana, M.C. Baker, M.F. Rousseau-Merck, S.K. Mahadevaiah, J. Szpirer, P.M. Nederlof, A. Andersson, G. Vassart, and A. Tavitian
- Subjects
Oncology ,Genetics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Cytogenetics ,Cancer ,Biology ,medicine.disease ,Molecular Biology ,Nomenclature ,Genetics (clinical) - Published
- 1990
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12. The Astragalus Membranaceus Herb Attenuates Leukemia by Inhibiting the FLI1 Oncogene and Enhancing Anti-Tumor Immunity.
- Author
Yu K, Tang Y, Wang C, Liu W, Hu M, Hu A, Kuang Y, Zacksenhaus E, Yu XZ, Xiao X, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Mice, Saponins pharmacology, Saponins chemistry, Cell Line, Tumor, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Indoleamine-Pyrrole 2,3,-Dioxygenase metabolism, Indoleamine-Pyrrole 2,3,-Dioxygenase antagonists & inhibitors, Indoleamine-Pyrrole 2,3,-Dioxygenase genetics, Triterpenes pharmacology, Triterpenes chemistry, Humans, Apoptosis drug effects, Leukemia drug therapy, Leukemia immunology, Drugs, Chinese Herbal pharmacology, Drugs, Chinese Herbal chemistry, Kaempferols pharmacology, Kaempferols chemistry, Astragalus propinquus chemistry, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 metabolism
- Abstract
Astragalus membranaceus (AM) herb is a component of traditional Chinese medicine used to treat various cancers. Herein, we demonstrate a strong anti-leukemic effect of AM injected (Ai) into the mouse model of erythroleukemia induced by Friend virus. Chemical analysis combined with mass spectrometry of AM/Ai identified the compounds Betulinic acid, Kaempferol, Hederagenin, and formononetin, all major mediators of leukemia inhibition in culture and in vivo. Docking analysis demonstrated binding of these four compounds to FLI1, resulting in downregulation of its targets, induction of apoptosis, differentiation, and suppression of cell proliferation. Chemical composition analysis identified other compounds previously known having anti-tumor activity independent of the FLI1 blockade. Among these, Astragaloside-A (As-A) has marginal effect on cells in culture, but strongly inhibits leukemogenesis in vivo, likely through improvement of anti-tumor immunity. Indeed, both IDO1 and TDO2 were identified as targets of As-A, leading to suppression of tryptophane-mediated Kyn production and leukemia suppression. Moreover, As-A interacts with histamine decarboxylase (HDC), leading to suppression of anti-inflammatory genes TNF, IL1B/IL1A, TNFAIP3, and CXCR2, but not IL6. These results implicate HDC as a novel immune checkpoint mediator, induced in the tumor microenvironment to promote leukemia. Functional analysis of AM components may allow development of combination therapy with optimal anti-leukemia effect.
- Published
- 2024
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13. UM171 suppresses breast cancer progression by inducing KLF2.
- Author
Ran X, Hu A, Kuang Y, Wang C, Liu W, Xiao X, Zacksenhaus E, Yu X, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Humans, Animals, Female, Mice, Cell Line, Tumor, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic drug effects, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Disease Progression, Disease Models, Animal, Kruppel-Like Transcription Factors metabolism, Kruppel-Like Transcription Factors genetics, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Breast Neoplasms metabolism, Breast Neoplasms genetics, Breast Neoplasms drug therapy, Xenograft Model Antitumor Assays, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Apoptosis drug effects, Cell Movement drug effects
- Abstract
Purpose: Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women with significant death rate. Morbidity is associated with drug resistance and metastasis. Development of novel drugs is unmet need. The aim of this study is to show potent anti-neoplastic activity of the UM171 compound on breast cancer cells and its mechanism of action., Methods: The inhibitory effect of UM171 on several breast cancer (BC) cell lines was examined using MTT and colony-forming assays. Cell cycle and apoptosis assays were utilized to determine the effect of UM171 on BC cell proliferation and survival. Wound healing scratch and transwell migration assays were used to examine the migration of BC cell lines in culture. Xenograft of mouse model with 4T1 cells was used to determine inhibitory effect of UM171 in vivo. Q-RT-PCR and western blotting were used to determine the expression level of genes effected by UM171. Lentivirus-mediated shRNAs were used to knockdown the expression of KLF2 in BC cells., Results: UM171 was previously identified as a potent agonist of human hematopoietic stem cell renewal and inhibitor of leukemia. In this study, UM171 was shown to inhibit the growth of multiple breast cancer cell lines in culture. UM171-mediated growth inhibition was associated with the induction of apoptosis, G2/M cell cycle arrest, lower colony-forming capacity, and reduced motility. In a xenotransplantation model of mouse triple-negative breast cancer 4T1 cells injected into syngeneic BALB/c mice, UM171 strongly inhibited tumor growth at a level comparable to control paclitaxel. UM171 increased the expression of the three PIM genes (PIM1-3) in breast cancer cells. Moreover, UM171 strongly induced the expression of the tumor suppressor gene KLF2 and cell cycle inhibitor P21
CIP1 . Accordingly, knockdown of KLF2 using lentivirus-mediated shRNA significantly attenuated the growth suppressor activity of UM171. As PIM1-3 act as oncogenes and are involved in breast cancer progression, induction of these kinases likely impedes the inhibitory effect of KLF2 induction by UM171. Accordingly, combination of UM171 with a PAN-PIM inhibitor LGH447 significantly reduced tumor growth in culture., Conclusion: These results suggested that UM171 inhibited breast cancer progression in part through activation of KLF2 and P21. Combination of UM171 with a PAN-PIM inhibitor offer a novel therapy for aggressive forms of breast cancer., (© 2024. The Author(s).)- Published
- 2024
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14. An intricate regulatory circuit between FLI1 and GATA1/GATA2/LDB1/ERG dictates erythroid vs. megakaryocytic differentiation.
- Author
Wang C, Hu M, Yu K, Liu W, Hu A, Kuang Y, Huang L, Gajendran B, Zacksenhaus E, Xiao X, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Humans, Cell Line, GATA1 Transcription Factor metabolism, GATA1 Transcription Factor genetics, GATA2 Transcription Factor metabolism, GATA2 Transcription Factor genetics, Gene Expression Regulation, LIM Domain Proteins metabolism, LIM Domain Proteins genetics, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 genetics, Transcriptional Regulator ERG metabolism, Transcriptional Regulator ERG genetics, Cell Differentiation genetics, Erythroid Cells metabolism, Erythroid Cells cytology, Megakaryocytes metabolism, Megakaryocytes cytology
- Abstract
During hematopoiesis, megakaryocytic erythroid progenitors (MEPs) differentiate into megakaryocytic or erythroid lineages in response to specific transcriptional factors, yet the regulatory mechanism remains to be elucidated. Using the MEP‑like cell line HEL western blotting, RT‑qPCR, lentivirus‑mediated downregulation, flow cytometry as well as chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIp) assay demonstrated that the E26 transformation‑specific (ETS) transcription factor friend leukemia integration factor 1 (Fli‑1) inhibits erythroid differentiation. The present study using these methods showed that while FLI1‑mediated downregulation of GATA binding protein 1 (GATA1) suppresses erythropoiesis, its direct transcriptional induction of GATA2 promotes megakaryocytic differentiation. GATA1 is also involved in megakaryocytic differentiation through regulation of GATA2. By contrast to FLI1, the ETS member erythroblast transformation‑specific‑related gene ( ERG ) negatively controls GATA2 and its overexpression through exogenous transfection blocks megakaryocytic differentiation. In addition, FLI1 regulates expression of LIM Domain Binding 1 (LDB1) during erythroid and megakaryocytic commitment, whereas shRNA‑mediated depletion of LDB1 downregulates FLI1 and GATA2 but increases GATA1 expression. In agreement, LDB1 ablation using shRNA lentivirus expression blocks megakaryocytic differentiation and modestly suppresses erythroid maturation. These results suggested that a certain threshold level of LDB1 expression enables FLI1 to block erythroid differentiation. Overall, FLI1 controlled the commitment of MEP to either erythroid or megakaryocytic lineage through an intricate regulation of GATA1/GATA2, LDB1 and ERG, exposing multiple targets for cell fate commitment and therapeutic intervention.
- Published
- 2024
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15. FLI1 induces erythroleukemia through opposing effects on UBASH3A and UBASH3B expression.
- Author
Wang J, Wang C, Hu A, Yu K, Kuang Y, Gajendran B, Zacksenhaus E, Sample KM, Xiao X, Liu W, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Humans, Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing metabolism, Cell Line, Tumor, Gene Expression Regulation, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Genes, Tumor Suppressor, Oncogene Proteins, Fusion genetics, RNA, Small Interfering genetics, RNA-Binding Protein EWS genetics, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases metabolism, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute genetics, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 genetics, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 metabolism
- Abstract
Background: FLI1 is an oncogenic transcription factor that promotes diverse malignancies through mechanisms that are not fully understood. Herein, FLI1 is shown to regulate the expression of Ubiquitin Associated and SH3 Domain Containing A/B (UBASH3A/B) genes. UBASH3B and UBASH3A are found to act as an oncogene and tumor suppressor, respectively, and their combined effect determines erythroleukemia progression downstream of FLI1., Methods: Promoter analysis combined with luciferase assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis were applied on the UBASH3A/B promoters. RNAseq analysis combined with bioinformatic was used to determine the effect of knocking-down UBASH3A and UBASH3B in leukemic cells. Downstream targets of UBASH3A/B were inhibited in leukemic cells either via lentivirus-shRNAs or small molecule inhibitors. Western blotting and RT-qPCR were used to determine transcription levels, MTT assays to assess proliferation rate, and flow cytometry to examine apoptotic index., Results: Knockdown of FLI1 in erythroleukemic cells identified the UBASH3A/B genes as potential downstream targets. Herein, we show that FLI1 directly binds to the UBASH3B promoter, leading to its activation and leukemic cell proliferation. In contrast, FLI1 indirectly inhibits UBASH3A transcription via GATA2, thereby antagonizing leukemic growth. These results suggest oncogenic and tumor suppressor roles for UBASH3B and UBASH3A in erythroleukemia, respectively. Mechanistically, we show that UBASH3B indirectly inhibits AP1 (FOS and JUN) expression, and that its loss leads to inhibition of apoptosis and acceleration of proliferation. UBASH3B also positively regulates the SYK gene expression and its inhibition suppresses leukemia progression. High expression of UBASH3B in diverse tumors was associated with worse prognosis. In contrast, UBASH3A knockdown in erythroleukemic cells increased proliferation; and this was associated with a dramatic induction of the HSP70 gene, HSPA1B. Accordingly, knockdown of HSPA1B in erythroleukemia cells significantly accelerated leukemic cell proliferation. Accordingly, overexpression of UBASH3A in different cancers was predominantly associated with good prognosis. These results suggest for the first time that UBASH3A plays a tumor suppressor role in part through activation of HSPA1B., Conclusions: FLI1 promotes erythroleukemia progression in part by modulating expression of the oncogenic UBASH3B and tumor suppressor UBASH3A., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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16. Thinking (Metastasis) outside the (Primary Tumor) Box.
- Author
Jiang Z, Ju YJ, Ali A, Chung PED, Wang DY, Liu JC, Li H, Vorobieva I, Mwewa E, Ghanbari-Azarnier R, Shrestha M, Ben-David Y, and Zacksenhaus E
- Abstract
The metastasis of tumor cells into vital organs is a major cause of death from diverse types of malignancies [...].
- Published
- 2023
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17. Distinct shared and compartment-enriched oncogenic networks drive primary versus metastatic breast cancer.
- Author
Jiang Z, Ju Y, Ali A, Chung PED, Skowron P, Wang DY, Shrestha M, Li H, Liu JC, Vorobieva I, Ghanbari-Azarnier R, Mwewa E, Koritzinsky M, Ben-David Y, Woodgett JR, Perou CM, Dupuy A, Bader GD, Egan SE, Taylor MD, and Zacksenhaus E
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Animals, Mice, Signal Transduction, Neoplasm Metastasis, Breast Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
Metastatic breast-cancer is a major cause of death in women worldwide, yet the relationship between oncogenic drivers that promote metastatic versus primary cancer is still contentious. To elucidate this relationship in treatment-naive animals, we hereby describe mammary-specific transposon-mutagenesis screens in female mice together with loss-of-function Rb, which is frequently inactivated in breast-cancer. We report gene-centric common insertion-sites (gCIS) that are enriched in primary-tumors, in metastases or shared by both compartments. Shared-gCIS comprise a major MET-RAS network, whereas metastasis-gCIS form three additional hubs: Rho-signaling, Ubiquitination and RNA-processing. Pathway analysis of four clinical cohorts with paired primary-tumors and metastases reveals similar organization in human breast-cancer with subtype-specific shared-drivers (e.g. RB1-loss, TP53-loss, high MET, RAS, ER), primary-enriched (EGFR, TGFβ and STAT3) and metastasis-enriched (RHO, PI3K) oncogenic signaling. Inhibitors of RB1-deficiency or MET plus RHO-signaling cooperate to block cell migration and drive tumor cell-death. Thus, targeting shared- and metastasis- but not primary-enriched derivers offers a rational avenue to prevent metastatic breast-cancer., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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18. CDK4/6 inhibitors and the pRB-E2F1 axis suppress PVR and PD-L1 expression in triple-negative breast cancer.
- Author
Shrestha M, Wang DY, Ben-David Y, and Zacksenhaus E
- Abstract
Immune-checkpoint (IC) modulators like the poliovirus receptor (PVR) and programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) attenuate innate and adaptive immune responses and are potential therapeutic targets for diverse malignancies, including triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). The retinoblastoma tumor suppressor, pRB, controls cell growth through E2F1-3 transcription factors, and its inactivation drives metastatic cancer, yet its effect on IC modulators is contentious. Here, we show that RB-loss and high E2F1/E2F2 signatures correlate with expression of PVR, CD274 (PD-L1 gene) and other IC modulators and that pRB represses whereas RB depletion and E2F1 induce PVR and CD274 in TNBC cells. Accordingly, the CDK4/6 inhibitor, palbociclib, suppresses both PVR and PD-L1 expression. Palbociclib also counteracts the effect of CDK4 on SPOP, leading to its depletion, but the overall effect of palbociclib is a net reduction in PD-L1 level. Hydrochloric acid, commonly used to solubilize palbociclib, counteracts its effect and induces PD-L1 expression. Remarkably, lactic acid, a by-product of glycolysis, also induces PD-L1 as well as PVR. Our results suggest a model in which CDK4/6 regulates PD-L1 turnover by promoting its transcription via pRB-E2F1 and degradation via SPOP and that the CDK4/6-pRB-E2F pathway couples cell proliferation with the induction of multiple innate and adaptive immunomodulators, with direct implications for cancer progression, anti-CDK4/6- and IC-therapies., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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19. FLI1 Regulates Histamine Decarboxylase Expression to Control Inflammation Signaling and Leukemia Progression.
- Author
Hu J, Gao J, Wang C, Liu W, Hu A, Xiao X, Kuang Y, Yu K, Gajendran B, Zacksenhaus E, Pan W, and Ben-David Y
- Abstract
Aim: Histamine decarboxylase (HDC) catalyzes decarboxylation of histidine to generate histamine. This enzyme affects several biological processes including inflammation, allergy, asthma, and cancer, although the underlying mechanism is not fully understood. The present study provides a novel insight into the relationship between the transcription factor FLI1 and its downstream target HDC, and their effects on inflammation and leukemia progression., Methods: Promoter analysis combined with chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIp) was used to demonstrate binding of FLI1 to the promoter of HDC in leukemic cells. Western blotting and RT-qPCR were used to determine expression of HDC and allergy response genes, and lentivirus shRNA was used to knock-down target genes. Proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis assays and molecular docking were used to determine the effect of HDC inhibitors in culture. An animal model of leukemia was employed to test the effect of HDC inhibitory compounds in vivo., Results: Results presented herein demonstrate that FLI1 transcriptionally regulates HDC by direct binding to its promoter. Using genetic and pharmacological inhibition of HDC, or the addition of histamine, the enzymatic product of HDC, we show neither have a discernable effect on leukemic cell proliferation in culture. However, HDC controls several inflammatory genes including IL1B and CXCR2 that may influence leukemia progression in vivo through the tumor microenvironment. Indeed, diacerein, an IL1B inhibitor, strongly blocked Fli-1-induced leukemia in mice. In addition to allergy, FLI1 is shown to regulate genes associated with asthma such as IL1B, CPA3 and CXCR2. Toward treatment of these inflammatory conditions, epigallocatechin (EGC), a tea polyphenolic compound, is found strongly inhibit HDC independently of FLI1 and its downstream effector GATA2. Moreover, the HDC inhibitor, tetrandrine, suppressed HDC transcription by directly binding to and inhibiting the FLI1 DNA binding domain, and like other FLI1 inhibitors, tetrandrine strongly suppressed cell proliferation in culture and leukemia progression in vivo., Conclusion: These results suggest a role for the transcription factor FLI1 in inflammation signaling and leukemia progression through HDC and point to the HDC pathway as potential therapeutics for FLI1-driven leukemia., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest., (© 2023 Hu et al.)
- Published
- 2023
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20. Lovastatin inhibits erythroleukemia progression through KLF2-mediated suppression of MAPK/ERK signaling.
- Author
Gao J, Hu J, Yu F, Wang C, Sheng D, Liu W, Hu A, Yu K, Xiao X, Kuang Y, Zacksenhaus E, Gajendran B, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Mice, Lovastatin pharmacology, Cholesterol, Apoptosis, Kruppel-Like Transcription Factors genetics, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute drug therapy, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute genetics, Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors pharmacology, Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors therapeutic use, Neoplasms
- Abstract
Background: Lovastatin, an HMG-CoA inhibitor and an effective cholesterol lowering drug, exhibits anti-neoplastic activity towards several types of cancer, although the underlying mechanism is still not fully understood. Herein, we investigated mechanism of growth inhibition of leukemic cells by lovastatin., Methods: RNAseq analysis was used to explore the effect of lovastatin on gene expression in leukemic cells. An animal model of leukemia was used to test the effect of this statin in vivo. FAM83A and DDIT4 expression was knocked-downed in leukemia cells via lentivirus-shRNA. Western blotting, RT-qPCR, cell cycle analysis and apoptosis assays were used to determine the effect of lovastatin-induced growth suppression in leukemic cells in vitro., Results: Lovastatin treatment strongly inhibited cancer progression in a mouse model of erythroleukemia induced by Friend virus. In tissue culture, lovastatin inhibited cell proliferation through induction of G
1 phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Interestingly, lovastatin induced most known genes associated with cholesterol biosynthesis in leukemic cells. Moreover, it suppressed ERK1/2 phosphorylation by downregulating FAM83A and DDIT4, two mediators of MAP-Kinase signaling. RNAseq analysis of lovastatin treated leukemic cells revealed a strong induction of the tumor suppressor gene KLF2. Accordingly, lentivirus-mediated knockdown of KLF2 antagonized leukemia cell suppression induced by lovastatin, associated with higher ERK1/2 phosphorylation compared to control. We further show that KLF2 induction by lovastatin is responsible for lower expression of the FAM83A and DDIT4 oncogenes, involved in the activation of ERK1/2. KLF2 activation by lovastatin also activated a subset of cholesterol biosynthesis genes that may further contribute to leukemia suppression., Conclusions: These results implicate KLF2-mediated FAM83A/DDIT4/MAPK suppression and activation of cholesterol biosynthesis as the mechanism of leukemia cell growth inhibition by lovastatin., (© 2023. The Author(s).)- Published
- 2023
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21. A temporal in vivo catalog of chromatin accessibility and expression profiles in pineoblastoma reveals a prevalent role for repressor elements.
- Author
Idriss S, Hallal M, El-Kurdi A, Zalzali H, El-Rassi I, Ehli EA, Davis CM, Chung PED, Gendoo DMA, Zacksenhaus E, Saab R, and Khoueiry P
- Subjects
- Animals, Mice, Humans, Child, Chromatin, Histones metabolism, Enhancer Elements, Genetic, Ribonuclease III genetics, DEAD-box RNA Helicases genetics, Pinealoma genetics, Pineal Gland metabolism, Brain Neoplasms genetics
- Abstract
Pediatric pineoblastomas (PBs) are rare and aggressive tumors of grade IV histology. Although some oncogenic drivers are characterized, including germline mutations in RB1 and DICER1, the role of epigenetic deregulation and cis -regulatory regions in PB pathogenesis and progression is largely unknown. Here, we generated genome-wide gene expression, chromatin accessibility, and H3K27ac profiles covering key time points of PB initiation and progression from pineal tissues of a mouse model of CCND1 -driven PB. We identified PB-specific enhancers and super-enhancers, and found that in some cases, the accessible genome dynamics precede transcriptomic changes, a characteristic that is underexplored in tumor progression. During progression of PB, newly acquired open chromatin regions lacking H3K27ac signal become enriched for repressive state elements and harbor motifs of repressor transcription factors like HINFP, GLI2, and YY1. Copy number variant analysis identified deletion events specific to the tumorigenic stage, affecting, among others, the histone gene cluster and Gas1 , the growth arrest specific gene. Gene set enrichment analysis and gene expression signatures positioned the model used here close to human PB samples, showing the potential of our findings for exploring new avenues in PB management and therapy. Overall, this study reports the first temporal and in vivo cis -regulatory, expression, and accessibility maps in PB., (© 2023 Idriss et al.; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.)
- Published
- 2023
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22. FLI1 accelerates leukemogenesis through transcriptional regulation of pyruvate kinase-L/R and other glycolytic genes.
- Author
Sheng D, Chen B, Wang C, Xiao X, Hu A, Liu W, Kuang Y, Sample KM, Zacksenhaus E, Gajendran B, Pan W, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Mice, Carcinogenesis, Cell Line, Tumor, Gene Expression Regulation, Glycolysis, Leukemia genetics, Leukemia pathology, Pyruvate Kinase genetics, Pyruvate Kinase metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 metabolism
- Abstract
In cancer cells, multiple oncogenes and tumor suppressors control glycolysis to sustain rapid proliferation. The ETS-related transcription factor Fli1 plays a critical role in the induction and progression of leukemia, yet, the underlying mechanism of this oncogenic event is still not fully understood. In this study, RNAseq analysis of FLI1-depleted human leukemic cells revealed transcriptional suppression of the PKLR gene and activation of multiple glycolytic genes, such as PKM1/2. Pharmacological inhibition of glycolysis by PKM2 inhibitor, Shikonin, significantly suppressed leukemic cell proliferation. FLI1 directly binds to the PKLR promoter, leading to the suppression of this inhibitor of glycolysis. In accordance, shRNA-mediated depletion of PKLR in leukemic HEL cells expressing high levels of FLI1 accelerated leukemia proliferation, pointing for the first time to its tumor suppressor function. PKLR knockdown also led to downregulation of the erythroid markers EPOR, HBA1, and HBA2 and suppression of erythroid differentiation. Interestingly, silencing of PKLR in HEL cells significantly increased FLI1 expression, which was associated with faster proliferation in culture. In FLI1-expressing leukemic cells, lower PKLR expression was associated with higher expression of PKM1 and PKM2, which promote aerobic glycolysis. Finally, injection of pyruvate, a known inhibitor of glycolysis, into leukemia mice significantly suppressed leukemogenesis. These results demonstrate that FLI1 promotes leukemia in part by inducing glycolysis, implicates PKLR in erythroid differentiation, and suggests that targeting glycolysis may be an attractive therapeutic strategy for cancers driven by FLI1 overexpression., (© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.)
- Published
- 2022
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23. UM171 cooperates with PIM1 inhibitors to restrict HSC expansion markers and suppress leukemia progression.
- Author
Hu A, Gao J, Varier KM, Gajendran B, Jiang F, Liu W, Wang C, Xiao X, Li Y, Zacksenhaus E, Ali S, and Ben-David Y
- Abstract
The pyrimido-indole derivative UM171 promotes human Hematopoietic Stem Cells Expansion (HSCE), but its impact on leukemia is not known. Herein, we show in a mouse model of erythroleukemia that UM171 strongly suppresses leukemia progression. UM171 inhibits cell cycle progression and apoptosis of leukemic cells in culture. The effect of UM171 on leukemia differentiation was accompanied by increased expression of HSCE markers. RNAseq analysis combined with Q-RT-PCR and western blotting revealed that the PIM1 protein kinase is highly elevated in response to UM171 treatment. Moreover, docking analysis combined with immunoprecipitation assays revealed high binding affinity of UM171 to PIM1. Interestingly, pan-PIM kinase inhibitors counteracted the effect of UM171 on HSCE marker expression and PIM1 transcription, but not its suppression of leukemic cell growth. Moreover, combination treatment with UM171 and a pan-PIM inhibitor further suppressed leukemic cell proliferation compared to each drug alone. To uncover the mechanism of growth inhibition, we showed strong upregulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor P21
CIP1 and the transcription factor KLF2 by UM171. In accordance, KLF2 knockdown attenuated growth inhibition by UM171. KLF2 upregulation by UM171 is also responsible for the activation of P21CIP1 in leukemic cells leading to a G1/S arrest and suppression of leukemogenesis. Thus, suppression of leukemic growth by UM171 through KLF2 and P21CIP1 is thwarted by PIM-mediated expansion of leukemic stemness, uncovering a novel therapeutic modality involving combined UM171 plus PIM inhibitors., (© 2022. The Author(s).)- Published
- 2022
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24. A critical ETV4/Twist1/Vimentin axis in Ha-RAS-induced aggressive breast cancer.
- Author
Liu W, Gajendran B, Sample KM, Wang C, Hu A, Chen B, Li Y, Zacksenhaus E, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Humans, Rats, Animals, Female, Vimentin genetics, Genes, ras, Carcinogenesis genetics, Cell Proliferation genetics, Cell Transformation, Neoplastic genetics, Nuclear Proteins genetics, Twist-Related Protein 1 genetics, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-ets genetics, Breast Neoplasms genetics, Breast Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
RAS oncogenes are major drivers of diverse types of cancer. However, they are largely not druggable, and therefore targeting critical downstream pathways and dependencies is an attractive approach. We have isolated a tumorigenic cell line (FE1.2), which exhibits mesenchymal characteristics, after inoculating Ha-Ras-expressing retrovirus into mammary glands of rats, and subsequently isolated a non-aggressive revertant cell line (FC5). This revertant has lost the rat Ha-Ras driver and showed a more epithelial morphology, slower proliferation in culture, and reduced tumorigenicity in vivo. Re-expression of human Ha-RAS in these cells (FC5-RAS) reinduced mesenchymal morphology, higher proliferation rate, and tumorigenicity that was still significantly milder than parental FE1.2 cells. RNA-seq analysis of FC5-RAS vs FC5-Vector cells identified multiple genes whose expressions were regulated by Ha-RAS. This analysis also identified many genes including those controlling cell growth whose expression was altered by loss of HA-Ras in FC5 cells but remained unchanged upon reintroduction of Ha-RAS. These results suggest that targeting the Ha-Ras driver oncogene induces partial tumor regression, but it still denotes strong efficacy for cancer therapy. Among the RAS-responsive genes, we identified Twist1 as a critical mediator of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition through the direct transcriptional regulation of vimentin. Mechanistically, we show that Twist1 is induced by the ETS gene, ETV4, downstream of Ha-RAS, and that inhibition of ETV4 suppressed the growth of breast cancer cells driven by the Ha-RAS pathway. Targeting the ETV4/Twist1/Vimentin axis may therefore offer a therapeutic modality for breast tumors driven by the Ha-RAS pathway., (© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature America, Inc.)
- Published
- 2022
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25. A racemosin B derivative, C25, suppresses breast cancer growth via lysosomal membrane permeabilization and inhibition of autophagic flux.
- Author
Xiao X, Chung PED, Xu M, Hu A, Ju Y, Yang X, Song J, Song J, Wang C, Zacksenhaus E, Liu S, He Z, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Autophagy, Carbazoles, Cell Line, Tumor, Female, Humans, Indoles pharmacology, Lysosomes, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms drug therapy, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms metabolism
- Abstract
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women worldwide. As conventional therapies are only partially successful in eradicating breast cancer, the development of novel strategies is a top priority. We previously showed that C25, a new racemosin B derivative, exerts its anti-cancer activity through inhibition of autophagy, but the underlying mechanism remained unknown. Here we show that C25 inhibits the growth of diverse breast cancer cell subtypes and effectively suppresses tumor progression in a xenotransplantation model of triple negative breast cancer. C25 acts as a lysosomotropic agent to induce lysosomal membrane permeabilization and inhibit autophagic flux, resulting in cathepsin release and cell death. In accordance, RNA sequencing and gene set enrichment analysis revealed that C25 induces pathways consistent with autophagy inhibition, cell cycle arrest and senescence. Interestingly, knockdown of TFEB or SQSTM1 reduced cell death induced by C25 treatment. Finally, we show that C25 synergizes with the chemo-therapeutics etoposide and paclitaxel to further limit breast cancer cell growth. Thus, C25 alone or in combination with other anti-neoplastic agents offers a novel therapeutic strategy for aggressive forms of breast cancer and possibly other malignancies., (Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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26. FLI1 regulates inflammation-associated genes to accelerate leukemogenesis.
- Author
Chen B, Sheng D, Wang C, Liu W, Hu A, Xiao X, Gajendran B, Gao J, Hu J, Sample KM, Zacksenhaus E, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Cell Line, Tumor, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Humans, Inflammation genetics, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 genetics, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-ets genetics, Tumor Microenvironment, Leukemia genetics, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute genetics
- Abstract
Inflammation plays a critical role in cancer initiation and progression, and is induced by inflammatory factors that are direct target of oncogenes and tumor suppressors. The ETS related transcription factor Fli-1 is involved in the induction and progression of various cancers; yet its role in inflammation is not well-defined. Using RNAseq analysis, we herein demonstrate that FLI1 induces the inflammatory pathway in erythroleukemia cells. Majority of genes within the TNF signaling pathway including TNF and IL1B were identified as transcriptional targets of FLI1. TNF expression is indirectly regulated by FLI1 through upregulation of another ETS related oncogene, SPI1/PU.1. Pharmacological inhibition of TNF significantly inhibited leukemia cell proliferation in culture. In contrast, IL1B expression is directly regulated by FLI1 through promoter binding and transcriptional activation. The secreted factor IL1B binds its canonical receptors to accelerate cancer progression through changes in the surrounding tumor microenvironment, fostering cell survival, proliferation and migration. Through network analysis, we identified IL1B-interacting genes whose expression is also regulated by FLI1. Among these, IL1B-interacting proteins, FOS, JUN, JUNB and CASP1 are negatively regulated by FLI1. Treatment of leukemia cells with inhibitors of AP1 (TAN IIA) and CASP1 (765VX) significantly accelerated FLI1-dependent leukemia progression. These results emphasize the significance of FLI1 in regulating the inflammatory pathway. Targeting these inflammatory genes downstream of FLI1 offers a novel strategy to treat leukemic progression associated with overexpression of this oncogenic ETS transcription factor., (Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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27. Targeting an MDM2/MYC Axis to Overcome Drug Resistance in Multiple Myeloma.
- Author
Faruq O, Zhao D, Shrestha M, Vecchione A, Zacksenhaus E, and Chang H
- Abstract
Background: MDM2 is elevated in multiple myeloma (MM). Although traditionally, MDM2 negatively regulates p53, a growing body of research suggests that MDM2 plays several p53-independent roles in cancer pathogenesis as a regulator of oncogene mRNA stability and translation. Yet, the molecular mechanisms underlying MDM2 overexpression and its role in drug resistance in MM remain undefined., Methods: Both myeloma cell lines and primary MM samples were employed. Cell viability, cell cycle and apoptosis assays, siRNA transfection, quantitative real-time PCR, immunoblotting, co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP), chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), soft agar colony formation and migration assay, pulse-chase assay, UV cross-linking, gel-shift assay, RNA-protein binding assays, MEME-analysis for discovering c-Myc DNA binding motifs studies, reporter gene constructs procedure, gene transfection and reporter assay, MM xenograft mouse model studies, and statistical analysis were applied in this study., Results: We show that MDM2 is associated with poor prognosis. Importantly, its upregulation in primary MM samples and human myeloma cell lines (HMCLs) drives drug resistance. Inhibition of MDM2 by RNAi, or by the MDM2/XIAP dual inhibitor MX69, significantly enhanced the sensitivity of resistant HMCLs and primary MM samples to bortezomib and other anti-myeloma drugs, demonstrating that MDM2 can modulate drug response. MDM2 inhibition resulted in a remarkable suppression of relapsed MM cell growth, colony formation, migration and induction of apoptosis through p53-dependent and -independent pathways. Mechanistically, MDM2 was found to reciprocally regulate c-Myc in MM; MDM2 binds to AREs on c-Myc 3'UTR to increase c-Myc mRNA stability and translation, while MDM2 is a direct transcriptional target of c-Myc. MDM2 inhibition rendered c-Myc mRNA unstable, and reduced c-Myc protein expression in MM cells. Importantly, in vivo delivery of MX69 in combination with bortezomib led to significant regression of tumors and prolonged survival in an MM xenograft model., Conclusion: Our findings provide a rationale for the therapeutic targeting of MDM2/c-Myc axis to improve clinical outcome of patients with refractory/relapsed MM.
- Published
- 2022
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28. Current insights into the role of Fli-1 in hematopoiesis and malignant transformation.
- Author
Ben-David Y, Gajendran B, Sample KM, and Zacksenhaus E
- Subjects
- Animals, Cell Differentiation, Cell Transformation, Neoplastic genetics, Hematopoiesis genetics, Mice, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute pathology, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 genetics, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 metabolism
- Abstract
Fli-1, a member of the ETS family of transcription factors, was discovered in 1991 through retroviral insertional mutagenesis as a driver of mouse erythroleukemias. In the past 30 years, nearly 2000 papers have defined its biology and impact on normal development and cancer. In the hematopoietic system, Fli-1 controls self-renewal of stem cells and their differentiation into diverse mature blood cells. Fli-1 also controls endothelial survival and vasculogenesis, and high and low levels of Fli-1 are implicated in the auto-immune diseases systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic sclerosis, respectively. In addition, aberrant Fli-1 expression is observed in, and is essential for, the growth of multiple hematological malignancies and solid cancers. Here, we review the historical context and latest research on Fli-1, focusing on its role in hematopoiesis, immune response, and malignant transformation. The importance of identifying Fli-1 modulators (both agonists and antagonists) and their potential clinical applications is discussed., (© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.)
- Published
- 2022
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29. Hypophosphorylated pRb knock-in mice exhibit hallmarks of aging and vitamin C-preventable diabetes.
- Author
Jiang Z, Li H, Schroer SA, Voisin V, Ju Y, Pacal M, Erdmann N, Shi W, Chung PED, Deng T, Chen NJ, Ciavarra G, Datti A, Mak TW, Harrington L, Dick FA, Bader GD, Bremner R, Woo M, and Zacksenhaus E
- Subjects
- Animals, Cellular Senescence drug effects, Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 antagonists & inhibitors, Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental genetics, Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental pathology, E2F1 Transcription Factor metabolism, Embryonic Development genetics, Female, Fibroblasts drug effects, Gene Knock-In Techniques, Insulin-Secreting Cells pathology, Mice, Phosphorylation, Pregnancy, Retinoblastoma Protein genetics, Telomere genetics, Aging physiology, Ascorbic Acid pharmacology, Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental prevention & control, Retinoblastoma Protein metabolism
- Abstract
Despite extensive analysis of pRB phosphorylation in vitro, how this modification influences development and homeostasis in vivo is unclear. Here, we show that homozygous Rb
∆K4 and Rb∆K7 knock-in mice, in which either four or all seven phosphorylation sites in the C-terminal region of pRb, respectively, have been abolished by Ser/Thr-to-Ala substitutions, undergo normal embryogenesis and early development, notwithstanding suppressed phosphorylation of additional upstream sites. Whereas Rb∆K4 mice exhibit telomere attrition but no other abnormalities, Rb∆K7 mice are smaller and display additional hallmarks of premature aging including infertility, kyphosis, and diabetes, indicating an accumulative effect of blocking pRb phosphorylation. Diabetes in Rb∆K7 mice is insulin-sensitive and associated with failure of quiescent pancreatic β-cells to re-enter the cell cycle in response to mitogens, resulting in induction of DNA damage response (DDR), senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), and reduced pancreatic islet mass and circulating insulin level. Pre-treatment with the epigenetic regulator vitamin C reduces DDR, increases cell cycle re-entry, improves islet morphology, and attenuates diabetes. These results have direct implications for cell cycle regulation, CDK-inhibitor therapeutics, diabetes, and longevity., (© 2022 The Authors. Published under the terms of the CC BY NC ND 4.0 license.)- Published
- 2022
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30. Single allele loss-of-function mutations select and sculpt conditional cooperative networks in breast cancer.
- Author
Schachter NF, Adams JR, Skowron P, Kozma KJ, Lee CA, Raghuram N, Yang J, Loch AJ, Wang W, Kucharczuk A, Wright KL, Quintana RM, An Y, Dotzko D, Gorman JL, Wojtal D, Shah JS, Leon-Gomez P, Pellecchia G, Dupuy AJ, Perou CM, Ben-Porath I, Karni R, Zacksenhaus E, Woodgett JR, Done SJ, Garzia L, Sorana Morrissy A, Reimand J, Taylor MD, and Egan SE
- Subjects
- Animals, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Cell Transformation, Neoplastic, DNA Transposable Elements genetics, Female, Genes, Tumor Suppressor, Humans, Mice, Mutagenesis, Insertional, Neoplasms, Experimental, Signal Transduction, Breast Neoplasms genetics, Loss of Heterozygosity genetics
- Abstract
The most common events in breast cancer (BC) involve chromosome arm losses and gains. Here we describe identification of 1089 gene-centric common insertion sites (gCIS) from transposon-based screens in 8 mouse models of BC. Some gCIS are driver-specific, others driver non-specific, and still others associated with tumor histology. Processes affected by driver-specific and histology-specific mutations include well-known cancer pathways. Driver non-specific gCIS target the Mediator complex, Ca
++ signaling, Cyclin D turnover, RNA-metabolism among other processes. Most gCIS show single allele disruption and many map to genomic regions showing high-frequency hemizygous loss in human BC. Two gCIS, Nf1 and Trps1, show synthetic haploinsufficient tumor suppressor activity. Many gCIS act on the same pathway responsible for tumor initiation, thereby selecting and sculpting just enough and just right signaling. These data highlight ~1000 genes with predicted conditional haploinsufficient tumor suppressor function and the potential to promote chromosome arm loss in BC., (© 2021. The Author(s).)- Published
- 2021
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31. SMAD1 as a biomarker and potential therapeutic target in drug-resistant multiple myeloma.
- Author
Wu J, Zhang M, Faruq O, Zacksenhaus E, Chen W, Liu A, and Chang H
- Abstract
Background: SMAD1, a central mediator in TGF-β signaling, is involved in a broad range of biological activities including cell growth, apoptosis, development and immune response, and is implicated in diverse type of malignancies. Whether SMAD1 plays an important role in multiple myeloma (MM) pathogenesis and can serve as a therapeutic target are largely unknown., Methods: Myeloma cell lines and primary MM samples were used. Cell culture, cytotoxicity and apoptosis assay, siRNA transfection, Western blot, RT-PCR, Soft-agar colony formation, and migration assay, Chromatin immunoprecipitation (Chip), animal xenograft model studies and statistical analysis were applied in this study., Results: We demonstrate that SMAD1 is highly expressed in myeloma cells of MM patients with advanced stages or relapsed disease, and is associated with significantly shorter progression-free and overall survivals. Mechanistically, we show that SMAD1 is required for TGFβ-mediated proliferation in MM via an ID1/p21/p27 pathway. TGF-β also enhanced TNFα-Induced protein 8 (TNFAIP8) expression and inhibited apoptosis through SMAD1-mediated induction of NF-κB1. Accordingly, depletion of SMAD1 led to downregulation of NF-κB1 and TNFAIP8, resulting in caspase-8-induced apoptosis. In turn, inhibition of NF-κB1 suppressed SMAD1 and ID1 expression uncovering an autoregulatory loop. Dorsomorphin (DM), a SMAD1 inhibitor, exerted a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect on drug-resistant MM cells with minimal cytotoxicity to normal hematopoietic cells, and further synergized with the proteasomal-inhibitor bortezomib to effectively kill drug-resistant MM cells in vitro and in a myeloma xenograft model., Conclusions: This study identifies SMAD1 regulation of NF-κB1/TNFAIP8 and ID1-p21/p27 as critical axes of MM drug resistance and provides a potentially new therapeutic strategy to treat drug resistance MM through targeted inhibition of SMAD1.
- Published
- 2021
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32. ERK activation via A1542/3 limonoids attenuates erythroleukemia through transcriptional stimulation of cholesterol biosynthesis genes.
- Author
Yu F, Gajendran B, Wang N, Sample KM, Liu W, Wang C, Hu A, Zacksenhaus E, Hao X, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Female, Humans, Leukemia mortality, Male, Mice, Signal Transduction, Survival Analysis, Transfection, Cholesterol metabolism, Leukemia genetics, Limonins metabolism, MAP Kinase Signaling System physiology
- Abstract
Background: Cholesterol plays vital roles in human physiology; abnormal levels have deleterious pathological consequences. In cancer, elevated or reduced expression of cholesterol biosynthesis is associated with good or poor prognosis, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. The limonoid compounds A1542 and A1543 stimulate ERK/MAPK by direct binding, leading to leukemic cell death and suppression of leukemia in mouse models. In this study, we investigated the downstream consequences of these ERK/MAPK agonists in leukemic cells., Methods: We employed RNAseq analysis combined with Q-RT-PCR, western blot and bioinformatics to identify and confirm genes whose expression was altered by A1542 and A1543 in leukemic cells. ShRNA lentiviruses were used to silence gene expression. Cell culture and an animal model (BALB/c) of erythroleukemia induced by Friend virus were utilized to validate effects of cholesterol on leukemia progression., Results: RNAseq analysis of A1542-treated cells revealed the induction of all 18 genes implicated in cholesterol biosynthesis. Expression of these cholesterol genes was blocked by cedrelone, an ERK inhibitor. The cholesterol inhibitor lovastatin diminished ERK/MAPK activation by A1542, thereby reducing leukemic cell death induced by this ERK1/2 agonist. Growth inhibition by cholesterol was observed both at the intracellular level, and when orally administrated into a leukemic mouse model. Both HDL and LDL also suppressed leukemogenesis, implicating these lipids as important prognostic markers for leukemia progression. Mechanistically, knockdown experiments revealed that the activation of SREBP1/2 by A1542-A1543 was responsible for induction of only a sub-set of cholesterol biosynthesis genes. Induction of other regulatory factors by A1542-A1543 including EGR1, AP1 (FOS + JUN) LDLR, IER2 and others may cooperate with SREBP1/2 to induce cholesterol genes. Indeed, pharmacological inhibition of AP1 significantly inhibited cholesterol gene expression induced by A1542. In addition to leukemia, high expression of cholesterol biosynthesis genes was found to correlate with better prognosis in renal cancer., Conclusions: This study demonstrates that ERK1/2 agonists suppress leukemia and possibly other types of cancer through transcriptional stimulation of cholesterol biosynthesis genes.
- Published
- 2021
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33. Ubash3b promotes TPA-mediated suppression of leukemogenesis through accelerated downregulation of PKCδ protein.
- Author
Yao Y, Liu W, Gajendran B, Wang C, Zacksenhaus E, Sample KM, Varier KM, Hao X, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Carcinogenesis genetics, Carcinogenesis metabolism, Cell Line, Tumor, Humans, Leukemia genetics, Leukemia pathology, Neoplasm Proteins genetics, Protein Kinase C-delta genetics, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases genetics, Carcinogenesis drug effects, Down-Regulation drug effects, Gene Expression Regulation, Enzymologic drug effects, Gene Expression Regulation, Leukemic drug effects, Leukemia enzymology, Neoplasm Proteins metabolism, Protein Kinase C-delta biosynthesis, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases metabolism, Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate pharmacology
- Abstract
Acquired drug-resistance, often involving downregulation or mutations in the target protein, is a major caveat in precision medicine. Understanding mechanisms of resistance to therapeutic drugs may unravel strategies to overcome or prevent them. We previously identified phorbol ester (PE) compounds such as TPA that induce Protein Kinase δ (PKCδ), thereby suppressing leukemogenesis. Here we identified erythroleukemia cell lines that resist PEs and showed that reduced PKCδ protein expression underlies drug resistance. Reduced level of PKCδ in resistant cell lines was due to its phosphorylation followed by protein degradation. Indeed, proteasome inhibition prevented PE-induced loss of PKCδ. Accordingly, a combination of TPA and the proteasome inhibitor ALLN significantly suppressed leukemia in a mouse model of leukemia. PKCδ downregulation by TPA was independent of the downstream MAPK/ERK/P38/JNK pathway. Instead, expression of ubiquitin-associated and SH3 domain-containing protein b (Ubash3b) was induced by TPA, which leads to PKCδ protein dephosphorylation and degradation. This specific degradation was blocked by RNAi-mediated depletion of Ubash3b. In drug-sensitive leukemic cells, TPA did not induce Ubash3b, and consequently, PKCδ levels remained high. A PE-resistant cell line derived from PE-treated sensitive cells exhibited very low PKCδ expression. In these drug resistance cells, a Ubash3b independent mechanism led to PKCδ degradation. Thus, PE compounds in combination with proteasome or specific inhibitors for Ubash3b, or other factors can overcome resistance to TPA, leading to durable suppression of leukemic growth. These results identify Ubash3b as a potential target for drug development., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare no conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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34. Inhibition of eEF2K synergizes with glutaminase inhibitors or 4EBP1 depletion to suppress growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells.
- Author
Ju Y, Ben-David Y, Rotin D, and Zacksenhaus E
- Subjects
- Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing metabolism, Benzeneacetamides administration & dosage, Benzeneacetamides pharmacology, Cell Cycle Proteins metabolism, Cell Line, Tumor, Cyclin D1 metabolism, Cyclopentanes pharmacology, Drug Synergism, Elongation Factor 2 Kinase genetics, Female, Gene Silencing, Humans, Protein Kinase Inhibitors pharmacology, Proteins analysis, Proteins metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc metabolism, Sulfides administration & dosage, Sulfides pharmacology, Thiadiazoles administration & dosage, Thiadiazoles pharmacology, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms genetics, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms metabolism, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms pathology, Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing genetics, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols pharmacology, Cell Cycle Proteins genetics, Elongation Factor 2 Kinase antagonists & inhibitors, Glutaminase antagonists & inhibitors, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms drug therapy
- Abstract
The eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase, eEF2K, which restricts protein translation elongation, has been identified as a potential therapeutic target for diverse types of malignancies including triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). However, the contexts in which eEF2K inhibition is essential in TNBC and its consequences on the proteome are largely unknown. Here we show that genetic or pharmacological inhibition of eEF2K cooperated with glutamine (Gln) starvation, and synergized with glutaminase (GLS1) inhibitors to suppress growth of diverse TNBC cell lines. eEF2K inhibition also synergized with depletion of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (eIF4EBP1; 4EBP1), a suppressor of eukaryotic protein translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), to induce c-MYC and Cyclin D1 expression, yet attenuate growth of TNBC cells. Proteomic analysis revealed that whereas eEF2K depletion alone uniquely induced Cyclin Dependent Kinase 1 (CDK1) and 6 (CDK6), combined depletion of eEF2K and 4EBP1 resulted in overlapping effects on the proteome, with the highest impact on the 'Collagen containing extracellular matrix' pathway (e.g. COL1A1), as well as the amino-acid transporter, SLC7A5/LAT1, suggesting a regulatory loop via mTORC1. In addition, combined depletion of eEF2K and 4EBP1 indirectly reduced the levels of IFN-dependent innate immune response-related factors. Thus, eEF2K inhibition triggers cell cycle arrest/death under unfavourable metabolic conditions such as Gln-starvation/GLS1 inhibition or 4EBP1 depletion, uncovering new therapeutic avenues for TNBC and underscoring a pressing need for clinically relevant eEF2K inhibitors.
- Published
- 2021
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35. FLI1 Induces Megakaryopoiesis Gene Expression Through WAS/WIP-Dependent and Independent Mechanisms; Implications for Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome.
- Author
Wang C, Sample KM, Gajendran B, Kapranov P, Liu W, Hu A, Zacksenhaus E, Li Y, Hao X, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Base Sequence, Biomarkers, Cell Line, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Sequencing, Disease Models, Animal, Disease Susceptibility, Gene Expression Regulation, Humans, Leukemia genetics, Leukemia metabolism, Leukemia pathology, Mice, Mice, Knockout, Promoter Regions, Genetic, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 genetics, Signal Transduction, Cytoskeletal Proteins metabolism, Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 metabolism, Thrombopoiesis genetics, Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome etiology, Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome metabolism, Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein metabolism
- Abstract
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome, WAS/WAVE, is a rare, X-linked immune-deficiency disease caused by mutations in the WAS gene, which together with its homolog, N- WASP , regulates actin cytoskeleton remodeling and cell motility. WAS patients suffer from microthrombocytopenia, characterized by a diminished number and size of platelets, though the underlying mechanism is not fully understood. Here, we identified FLI1 as a direct transcriptional regulator of WAS and its binding partner WIP . Depletion of either WAS or WIP in human erythroleukemic cells accelerated cell proliferation, suggesting tumor suppressor function of both genes in leukemia. Depletion of WAS/WIP also led to a significant reduction in the percentage of CD41 and CD61 positive cells, which mark committed megakaryocytes. RNAseq analysis revealed common changes in megakaryocytic gene expression following FLI1 or WASP knockdown. However, in contrast to FLI1, WASP depletion did not alter expression of late-stage platelet-inducing genes. N-WASP was not regulated by FLI1, yet its silencing also reduced the percentage of CD41+ and CD61+ megakaryocytes. Moreover, combined knockdown of WASP and N-WASP further suppressed megakaryocyte differentiation, indicating a major cooperation of these related genes in controlling megakaryocytic cell fate. However, unlike WASP/WIP, N-WASP loss suppressed leukemic cell proliferation. WASP, WIP and N-WASP depletion led to induction of FLI1 expression, mediated by GATA1, and this may mitigate the severity of platelet deficiency in WAS patients. Together, these results uncover a crucial role for FLI1 in megakaryocyte differentiation, implicating this transcription factor in regulating microthrombocytopenia associated with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2021 Wang, Sample, Gajendran, Kapranov, Liu, Hu, Zacksenhaus, Li, Hao and Ben-David.)
- Published
- 2021
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36. Progression to Metastasis of Solid Cancer.
- Author
Zacksenhaus E and Egan SE
- Abstract
Metastatic dissemination of cancer cells, their colonization at distal sites, and ultimate disruption of tissue physiology are the root causes of most deaths from solid cancers, particularly in tumor types where the primary lesion can be easily dissected and discarded [...].
- Published
- 2021
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37. Fer and FerT Govern Mitochondrial Susceptibility to Metformin and Hypoxic Stress in Colon and Lung Carcinoma Cells.
- Author
Marciano O, Mehazri L, Shpungin S, Varvak A, Zacksenhaus E, and Nir U
- Subjects
- Cell Hypoxia drug effects, Cell Line, Tumor, Colonic Neoplasms pathology, Humans, Lung Neoplasms pathology, Mitochondria drug effects, Neoplasm Metastasis, Protein-Tyrosine Kinases deficiency, Colonic Neoplasms metabolism, Lung Neoplasms metabolism, Metformin pharmacology, Mitochondria metabolism, Protein-Tyrosine Kinases metabolism, Stress, Physiological drug effects
- Abstract
Aerobic glycolysis is an important metabolic adaptation of cancer cells. However, there is growing evidence that reprogrammed mitochondria also play an important metabolic role in metastatic dissemination. Two constituents of the reprogrammed mitochondria of cancer cells are the intracellular tyrosine kinase Fer and its cancer- and sperm-specific variant, FerT. Here, we show that Fer and FerT control mitochondrial susceptibility to therapeutic and hypoxic stress in metastatic colon (SW620) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC-H1299) cells. Fer- and FerT-deficient SW620 and H1299 cells (SW∆Fer/FerT and H∆Fer/FerT cells, respectively) become highly sensitive to metformin treatment and to hypoxia under glucose-restrictive conditions. Metformin impaired mitochondrial functioning that was accompanied by ATP deficiency and robust death in SW∆Fer/FerT and H∆Fer/FerT cells compared to the parental SW620 and H1299 cells. Notably, selective knockout of the fer gene without affecting FerT expression reduced sensitivity to metformin and hypoxia seen in SW∆Fer/FerT cells. Thus, Fer and FerT modulate the mitochondrial susceptibility of metastatic cancer cells to hypoxia and metformin. Targeting Fer/FerT may therefore provide a novel anticancer treatment by efficient, selective, and more versatile disruption of mitochondrial function in malignant cells.
- Published
- 2021
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38. A C21-steroidal derivative suppresses T-cell lymphoma in mice by inhibiting SIRT3 via SAP18-SIN3.
- Author
Gajendran B, Varier KM, Liu W, Wang C, Sample KM, Zacksenhaus E, Juiwei C, Huang L, Hao X, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Cell Line, Tumor, Co-Repressor Proteins genetics, Gene Expression Regulation drug effects, Histone Deacetylases genetics, Mice, Molecular Structure, Protein Conformation, RNA-Binding Proteins genetics, Sirtuin 3 genetics, Steroids chemistry, Co-Repressor Proteins metabolism, Histone Deacetylases metabolism, Lymphoma, T-Cell drug therapy, RNA-Binding Proteins metabolism, Sirtuin 3 metabolism, Steroids pharmacology
- Abstract
The SIN3 repressor complex and the NAD-dependent deacetylase SIRT3 control cell growth, and development as well as malignant transformation. Even then, a little known about cross-talks between these two chromatin modifiers or whether their interaction explored therapeutically. Here we describe the identification of a C
21 -steroidal derivative compound, 3-O-chloroacetyl-gagamine, A671, which potently suppresses the growth of mouse and human T-cell lymphoma and erythroleukemia in vitro and preclinical models. A671 exerts its anti-neoplastic effects by direct interaction with Histone deacetylase complex subunit SAP18, a component of the SIN3 suppressor complex. This interaction stabilizes and activates SAP18, leading to transcriptional suppression of SIRT3, consequently to inhibition of proliferation and cell death. The resistance of cancer cells to A671 correlated with diminished SAP18 activation and sustained SIRT3 expression. These results uncover the SAP18-SIN3-SIRT3 axis that can be pharmacologically targeted by a C21 -steroidal agent to suppress T-cell lymphoma and other malignancies.- Published
- 2020
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39. Methylation data of mouse Rb-deficient pineoblastoma.
- Author
Chung PED and Zacksenhaus E
- Abstract
Methylation profiling is widely used to study tumor biology and perform cluster analysis, particularly in brain cancer research where tissue biopsies are scarce. We have recently reported on the development of novel mouse models for germ line mutations in pineoblastoma ( Nature Communications , 2020). Here, we present unpublished methylation profiling of 8 Rb-deleted/p53-deleted pineoblastoma from our mouse model as well as 3 normal cerebellum tissues as control. The primary dataset can be accessed via SRA (PRJNA638504). These methylation data can be used to perform inter- and intra-species comparisons with other brain cancers as well as with specific subtypes of pineoblastoma, and to investigate potential epigenetic mechanisms and pathways underlying Rb-deficient pineoblastoma-genesis.., Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships, which have, or could be perceived to have influenced the work reported in this article., (© 2020 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2020
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40. MARCKS inhibition cooperates with autophagy antagonists to potentiate the effect of standard therapy against drug-resistant multiple myeloma.
- Author
Zhang L, Rastgoo N, Wu J, Zhang M, Pourabdollah M, Zacksenhaus E, Chen Y, and Chang H
- Subjects
- Animals, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols pharmacology, Bortezomib administration & dosage, Bortezomib pharmacology, Cell Line, Tumor, Chloroquine administration & dosage, Chloroquine pharmacology, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic drug effects, Humans, Male, Mice, SCID, MicroRNAs genetics, Multiple Myeloma pathology, Myristoylated Alanine-Rich C Kinase Substrate genetics, Xenograft Model Antitumor Assays, Autophagy drug effects, Drug Resistance, Neoplasm drug effects, Multiple Myeloma drug therapy, Myristoylated Alanine-Rich C Kinase Substrate antagonists & inhibitors
- Abstract
Overexpression of Myristoylated Alanine-Rich C Kinase Substrate (MARCKS) is implicated in drug resistance and progression of multiple myeloma (MM). The basis for MARCKS induction and impact on MM are not known. Here we show that microRNA-34a (miR-34a), regulates MARCKS translation and is under-expressed in drug-resistant MM cells, leading to increased MARCKS protein level. Over-expression of miR-34a reduces MARCKS expression and sensitizes resistant cells to anti-myeloma drugs. A MARCKS peptide inhibitor (MPS) exerts a dose dependent cytotoxic effect on drug-resistant MM cells with minimal cytotoxicity to normal hematopoietic cells. MPS synergizes with the proteasomal-inhibitor bortezomib to effectively kill drug-resistant MM cells both in vitro and in a xenograft model of MM. While MARCKS inhibition killed MM cells, it also enhanced a pro-survival autophagic pathway that sustained growth following MARCKS inhibition. In accordance, combined treatment with MARCKS antagonists, bortezomib and the autophagy inhibitor, chloroquine, significantly diminished tumor growth in drug-resistant MM cell lines as well as primary MM cells. This study uncovers a mechanism of drug resistance involving miR-34a-MARCKS autoregulatory loop and provides a framework for a potentially new therapeutic strategy to overcome drug resistance in multiple myeloma., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no competing interests., (Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2020
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41. Modeling germline mutations in pineoblastoma uncovers lysosome disruption-based therapy.
- Author
Chung PED, Gendoo DMA, Ghanbari-Azarnier R, Liu JC, Jiang Z, Tsui J, Wang DY, Xiao X, Li B, Dubuc A, Shih D, Remke M, Ho B, Garzia L, Ben-David Y, Kang SG, Croul S, Haibe-Kains B, Huang A, Taylor MD, and Zacksenhaus E
- Subjects
- Animals, Autophagosomes drug effects, Autophagosomes metabolism, Autophagosomes ultrastructure, Autophagy drug effects, Cluster Analysis, Disease Models, Animal, Gene Deletion, Humans, Integrases metabolism, Kaplan-Meier Estimate, Lysosomes drug effects, Mice, Neoplasm Metastasis, Nortriptyline pharmacology, Nortriptyline therapeutic use, Pinealoma pathology, Pinealoma ultrastructure, Retinoblastoma Protein metabolism, Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 metabolism, Germ-Line Mutation genetics, Lysosomes metabolism, Pinealoma drug therapy, Pinealoma genetics
- Abstract
Pineoblastoma is a rare pediatric cancer induced by germline mutations in the tumor suppressors RB1 or DICER1. Presence of leptomeningeal metastases is indicative of poor prognosis. Here we report that inactivation of Rb plus p53 via a WAP-Cre transgene, commonly used to target the mammary gland during pregnancy, induces metastatic pineoblastoma resembling the human disease with 100% penetrance. A stabilizing mutation rather than deletion of p53 accelerates metastatic dissemination. Deletion of Dicer1 plus p53 via WAP-Cre also predisposes to pineoblastoma, albeit with lower penetrance. In silico analysis predicts tricyclic antidepressants such as nortriptyline as potential therapeutics for both pineoblastoma models. Nortriptyline disrupts the lysosome, leading to accumulation of non-functional autophagosome, cathepsin B release and pineoblastoma cell death. Nortriptyline further synergizes with the antineoplastic drug gemcitabine to effectively suppress pineoblastoma in our preclinical models, offering new modality for this lethal childhood malignancy.
- Published
- 2020
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42. Opposing effects of NPM1wt and NPM1c mutants on AKT signaling in AML.
- Author
Ren Z, Shrestha M, Sakamoto T, Melkman T, Meng L, Cairns RA, Zacksenhaus E, Mak TW, Stambolic V, Minden MD, and Wang JA
- Subjects
- Aged, Female, Humans, Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute genetics, Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute metabolism, Nucleophosmin, Phosphorylation, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt genetics, Signal Transduction, Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute pathology, Mutation, Nuclear Proteins genetics, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt metabolism
- Published
- 2020
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43. FLI1 promotes protein translation via the transcriptional regulation of MKNK1 expression.
- Author
Wang C, Song J, Liu W, Yao Y, Kapranov P, Sample KM, Gajendran B, Zacksenhaus E, Hao X, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Aniline Compounds, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents therapeutic use, Cell Line, Tumor, Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-4E metabolism, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic drug effects, Humans, Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins antagonists & inhibitors, Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins metabolism, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute drug therapy, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute pathology, MAP Kinase Signaling System drug effects, MicroRNAs metabolism, Phosphorylation drug effects, Phosphorylation genetics, Promoter Regions, Genetic genetics, Protein Biosynthesis drug effects, Protein Serine-Threonine Kinases antagonists & inhibitors, Protein Serine-Threonine Kinases metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 antagonists & inhibitors, Purines, RNA, Small Interfering metabolism, Survivin metabolism, Transcription, Genetic drug effects, Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins genetics, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute genetics, Protein Biosynthesis genetics, Protein Serine-Threonine Kinases genetics, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 metabolism, Transcription, Genetic genetics
- Abstract
The disruption of protein translation machinery is a common feature of cancer initiation and progression, and drugs that target protein translation offer new avenues for therapy. The translation initiation factor, eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), is induced in a number of cancer cell lines and is one such candidate for therapeutic intervention. Friend leukemia integration 1 (FLI1) is a potent oncogenic transcription factor that promotes various types of cancer by promoting several hallmarks of cancer progression. FLI1 has recently been implicated in protein translation through yet unknown mechanisms. This study identified a positive association between FLI1 expression and mitogen‑activated protein kinase (MAPK)‑interacting serine/threonine kinase1 (MKNK1), the immediate upstream regulator of the eIF4E initiation factor. The short hairpin RNA (shRNA)‑mediated silencing or overexpression of FLI1 in leukemic cell lines downregulated or upregulated MKNK1 expression, respectively. Promoter analysis identified a potent FLI1 binding site in the regulatory region of the MKNK1 promoter. In transient transfection experiments, FLI1 increased MKNK1 promoter activity, which was blocked by mutating the FLI1 binding site. FLI1 specifically affected the expression of MKNK1, but not that of MKNK2. The siRNA‑mediated downregulation of MKNK1 downregulated the expression of survivin (BIRC5) and significantly suppressed cell proliferation in culture. FLI1 inhibitory compounds were shown to downregulate this oncogene through the suppression of MAPK/extracellular‑regulated kinase (ERK) signaling and the subsequent activation of miR‑145, leading to a lower MKNK1 expression and the suppression of leukemic growth. These results uncover a critical role for FLI1 in the control of protein translation and the importance of targeting its function and downstream mediators, such as MKNK1, for cancer therapy.
- Published
- 2020
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44. Stratifying the stratifiers of triple negative breast cancer.
- Author
Wang DY, Jiang Z, and Zacksenhaus E
- Published
- 2020
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45. Erythropoietin Signaling in the Microenvironment of Tumors and Healthy Tissues.
- Author
Liu W, Varier KM, Sample KM, Zacksenhaus E, Gajendran B, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Erythropoiesis, Humans, Erythropoietin metabolism, Health, Neoplasms metabolism, Receptors, Erythropoietin metabolism, Signal Transduction, Tumor Microenvironment
- Abstract
Erythropoietin (EPO), the primary cytokine of erythropoiesis, stimulates both proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitors and their maturation to red blood cells. Basal EPO levels maintain the optimum levels of circulating red blood cells. However, during hypoxia, EPO secretion and its expression is elevated drastically in renal interstitial fibroblasts, thereby increasing the number of erythroid progenitors and accelerating their differentiation to mature erythrocytes. A tight regulation of this pathway is therefore of paramount importance. The biological response to EPO is commenced through the involvement of its cognate receptor, EPOR. The receptor-ligand complex results in homodimerization and conformational changes, which trigger downstream signaling events and cause activation or inactivation of critical transcription factors that promote erythroid expansion. In recent years, recombinant human EPO (rEPO) has been widely used as a therapeutic tool to treat a number of anemias induced by infection, and chemotherapy for various cancers. However, several studies have uncovered a tumor promoting ability of EPO in man, which likely occurs through EPOR or alternative receptor(s). On the other hand, some studies have demonstrated a strong anticancer activity of EPO, although the mechanism still remains unclear. A thorough investigation of EPOR signaling could yield enhanced understanding of the pathobiology for a variety of disorders, as well as the potential novel therapeutic strategies. In this chapter, in addition to the clinical relevance of EPO/EPOR signaling, we review its anticancer efficacy within various tumor microenvironments.
- Published
- 2020
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46. Molecular stratification within triple-negative breast cancer subtypes.
- Author
Wang DY, Jiang Z, Ben-David Y, Woodgett JR, and Zacksenhaus E
- Subjects
- Cluster Analysis, Computational Biology, Databases, Factual, Female, Gene Dosage, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Humans, MicroRNAs metabolism, PTEN Phosphohydrolase metabolism, Prognosis, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc metabolism, Receptors, Androgen metabolism, Retinoblastoma Binding Proteins metabolism, Signal Transduction, Treatment Outcome, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms classification, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms diagnosis, Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 metabolism, Ubiquitin-Protein Ligases metabolism, Wnt Proteins metabolism, Gene Expression Profiling, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms genetics
- Abstract
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) has been subdivided into six distinct subgroups: basal-like 1 (BL1), basal-like 2 (BL2), mesenchymal (M), mesenchymal stem-like (MSL), immunomodulatory (IM), and luminal androgen receptor (LAR). We recently identified a subgroup of TNBC with loss of the tumor suppressor PTEN and five specific microRNAs that exhibits exceedingly poor clinical outcome and contains TP53 mutation, RB1 loss and high MYC and WNT signalling. Here, show that these PTEN-low/miRNA-low lesions cluster with BL1 TNBC. These tumors exhibited high RhoA signalling and were significantly stratified on the basis of PTEN-low/RhoA-signalling-high with hazard ratios (HRs) of 8.2 (P = 0.0009) and 4.87 (P = 0.033) in training and test cohorts, respectively. For BL2 TNBC, we identified AKT1 copy gain/high mRNA expression as surrogate for poor prognosis (HR = 3.9; P = 0.02 and HR = 6.1; P = 0.0032). In IM, programmed cell death 1 (PD1) was elevated and predictive of poor prognosis (HR = 5.3; P = 0.01 and HR = 3.5; P < 0.004). Additional alterations, albeit without prognostic power, characterized each subtype including high E2F2 and TGFβ signalling and CXCL8 expression in BL2, high IFNα and IFNγ signalling and CTLA4 expression in IM, and high EGFR signalling in MSL, and may be targeted for therapy. This study identified PTEN-low/RhoA-signalling-high, and high AKT1 and PD1 expression as potent prognostications for BL1, BL2 and IM subtypes with survival differences of over 14, 2.75 and 10.5 years, respectively. This intrinsic heterogeneity could be exploited to prioritize patients for precision medicine.
- Published
- 2019
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47. Selective ERK1/2 agonists isolated from Melia azedarach with potent anti-leukemic activity.
- Author
Wang N, Fan Y, Yuan CM, Song J, Yao Y, Liu W, Gajendran B, Zacksenhaus E, Li Y, Liu J, Hao XJ, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Apoptosis drug effects, Binding Sites, Cell Cycle Checkpoints drug effects, Cell Differentiation drug effects, Disease Models, Animal, Disease Progression, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, Female, Humans, K562 Cells, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute mortality, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute pathology, Male, Mice, Mice, Inbred BALB C, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases metabolism, Molecular Docking Simulation, Plant Leaves chemistry, Signal Transduction drug effects, Survival Rate, Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic therapeutic use, Drugs, Chinese Herbal pharmacology, Drugs, Chinese Herbal therapeutic use, Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute drug therapy, Limonins pharmacology, Limonins therapeutic use, MAP Kinase Signaling System drug effects, Melia azedarach chemistry
- Abstract
Background: MAPK/ERK kinases transmit signals from many growth factors/kinase receptors during normal cell growth/differentiation, and their dysregulation is a hallmark of diverse types of cancers. A plethora of drugs were developed to block this kinase pathway for clinical application. With the exception of a recently identified agent, EQW, most of these inhibitors target upstream factors but not ERK1/2; no activator of ERK1/2 is currently available., Method: A library of compounds isolated from medicinal plants of China was screened for anti-cancer activities. Three limonoid compounds, termed A1541-43, originally isolated from the plant Melia azedarach, exhibiting strong anti-leukemic activity. The anti-neoplastic activity and the biological target of these compounds were explored using various methods, including western blotting, flow cytometry, molecular docking and animal model for leukemia., Results: Compounds A1541-43, exhibiting potent anti-leukemic activity, was shown to induce ERK1/2 phosphorylation. In contrast, the natural product Cedrelone, which shares structural similarities with A1541-43, functions as a potent inhibitor of ERK1/2. We provided evidence that A1541-43 and Cedrelone specifically target ERK1/2, but not the upstream MAPK/ERK pathway. Computational docking analysis predicts that compounds A1541-43 bind a region in ERK1/2 that is distinct from that to which Cedrelone and EQW bind. Interestingly, both A1541-43, which act as ERK1/2 agonists, and Cedrelone, which inhibit these kinases, exerted strong anti-proliferative activity against multiple leukemic cell lines, and induced robust apoptosis as well as erythroid and megakaryocytic differentiation in erythroleukemic cell lines. These compounds also suppressed tumor progression in a mouse model of erythroleukemia., Conclusions: This study identifies for the first time activators of ERK1/2 with therapeutic potential for the treatment of cancers driven by dysregulation of the MAPK/ERK pathway and possibly for other disorders.
- Published
- 2019
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48. Identification of diterpenoid compounds that interfere with Fli-1 DNA binding to suppress leukemogenesis.
- Author
Liu T, Xia L, Yao Y, Yan C, Fan Y, Gajendran B, Yang J, Li YJ, Chen J, Filmus J, Spaner DE, Zacksenhaus E, Hao X, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Apoptosis drug effects, Binding Sites, Carcinogenesis drug effects, Cell Line, Tumor, DNA chemistry, Diterpenes pharmacology, Diterpenes therapeutic use, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic drug effects, Humans, Kaplan-Meier Estimate, Leukemia drug therapy, Leukemia mortality, Leukemia pathology, Mice, Mice, Inbred BALB C, MicroRNAs genetics, MicroRNAs metabolism, Molecular Docking Simulation, Promoter Regions, Genetic, Protein Structure, Tertiary, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 antagonists & inhibitors, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 genetics, RNA Interference, RNA, Small Interfering metabolism, RNA, Small Interfering therapeutic use, DNA metabolism, Diterpenes chemistry, Proto-Oncogene Protein c-fli-1 metabolism
- Abstract
The ETS transcription factor Fli-1 controls the expression of genes involved in hematopoiesis including cell proliferation, survival, and differentiation. Dysregulation of Fli-1 induces hematopoietic and solid tumors, rendering it an important target for therapeutic intervention. Through high content screens of a library of chemicals isolated from medicinal plants in China for inhibitors of a Fli-1 transcriptional reporter cells, we hereby report the identification of diterpenoid-like compounds that strongly inhibit Fli-1 transcriptional activity. These agents suppressed the growth of erythroleukemic cells by inducing apoptosis and differentiation. They also inhibited survival and proliferation of B-cell leukemic cell lines as well as primary B-cell lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) isolated from 7 patients. Moreover, these inhibitors blocked leukemogenesis in a mouse model of erythroleukemia, in which Fli-1 is the driver of tumor initiation. Computational docking analysis revealed that the diterpenoid-like compounds bind with high affinity to nucleotide residues in a pocket near the major groove within the DNA-binding sites of Fli-1. Functional inhibition of Fli-1 by these compounds triggered its further downregulation through miR-145, whose promoter is normally repressed by Fli-1. These results uncover the importance of Fli-1 in leukemogenesis, a Fli-1-miR145 autoregulatory loop and new anti-Fli-1 diterpenoid agents for the treatment of diverse hematological malignancies overexpressing this transcription factor.
- Published
- 2019
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49. A subgroup of microRNAs defines PTEN-deficient, triple-negative breast cancer patients with poorest prognosis and alterations in RB1, MYC, and Wnt signaling.
- Author
Wang DY, Gendoo DMA, Ben-David Y, Woodgett JR, and Zacksenhaus E
- Subjects
- Biomarkers, Tumor genetics, Breast pathology, Datasets as Topic, Female, Gene Expression Profiling, Humans, Kaplan-Meier Estimate, PTEN Phosphohydrolase genetics, Patient Selection, Precision Medicine methods, Prognosis, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc metabolism, Retinoblastoma Binding Proteins metabolism, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms mortality, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms pathology, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms therapy, Ubiquitin-Protein Ligases metabolism, Wnt Signaling Pathway genetics, Biomarkers, Tumor metabolism, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, MicroRNAs metabolism, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms genetics
- Abstract
Background: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) represents a heterogeneous group of ER- and HER2-negative tumors with poor clinical outcome. We recently reported that Pten-loss cooperates with low expression of microRNA-145 to induce aggressive TNBC-like lesions in mice. To systematically identify microRNAs that cooperate with PTEN-loss to induce aggressive human BC, we screened for miRNAs whose expression correlated with PTEN mRNA levels and determined the prognostic power of each PTEN-miRNA pair alone and in combination with other miRs., Methods: Publically available data sets with mRNA, microRNA, genomics, and clinical outcome were interrogated to identify miRs that correlate with PTEN expression and predict poor clinical outcome. Alterations in genomic landscape and signaling pathways were identified in most aggressive TNBC subgroups. Connectivity mapping was used to predict response to therapy., Results: In TNBC, PTEN loss cooperated with reduced expression of hsa-miR-4324, hsa-miR-125b, hsa-miR-381, hsa-miR-145, and has-miR136, all previously implicated in metastasis, to predict poor prognosis. A subgroup of TNBC patients with PTEN-low and reduced expression of four or five of these miRs exhibited the worst clinical outcome relative to other TNBCs (hazard ratio (HR) = 3.91; P < 0.0001), and this was validated on an independent cohort (HR = 4.42; P = 0.0003). The PTEN-low/miR-low subgroup showed distinct oncogenic alterations as well as TP53 mutation, high RB1-loss signature and high MYC, PI3K, and β-catenin signaling. This lethal subgroup almost completely overlapped with TNBC patients selected on the basis of Pten-low and RB1 signature loss or β-catenin signaling-high. Connectivity mapping predicted response to inhibitors of the PI3K pathway., Conclusions: This analysis identified microRNAs that define a subclass of highly lethal TNBCs that should be prioritized for aggressive therapy.
- Published
- 2019
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50. Novel racemosin B derivatives as new therapeutic agents for aggressive breast cancer.
- Author
Xiao X, Xu M, Yang C, Yao Y, Liang LN, Ed Chung P, Long Q, Zacksenhaus E, He Z, Liu S, and Ben-David Y
- Subjects
- Antineoplastic Agents chemical synthesis, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Antineoplastic Agents therapeutic use, Apoptosis drug effects, Carbazoles chemistry, Carbazoles pharmacology, Carbazoles therapeutic use, Cell Cycle drug effects, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, Female, Humans, Indoles chemistry, Indoles pharmacology, Indoles therapeutic use, Molecular Structure, Structure-Activity Relationship, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms pathology, Tumor Cells, Cultured, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Carbazoles chemical synthesis, Indoles chemical synthesis, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms drug therapy
- Abstract
Carbazole derivatives show anti-cancer activity and are of great interest for drug development. In this study, we synthesized and analyzed several new alkylamide derivatives of racemocin B, a natural indolo[3,2-a]carbazole molecule originally isolated from the green alga Caulerpa racemose. Several alkylamide derivatives were found to exhibit moderate to strong growth inhibition against human breast cancer cell lines. They induced G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in the aggressive triple-negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. Among these derivatives, compound 25 with the lowest IC
50 induced cell death by suppressing autophagy. This was accompanied by inhibition of autophagic flux and accumulation of autophagy protein 1 light chain 3, LC3II, and p62. The novel alkylamide derivative offers a potential new treatment for human breast cancer., (Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2018
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