80 results on '"E. Pasqui"'
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2. Safety and Efficacy of Vacuum Assisted Thrombo-Aspiration in Patients with Acute Lower Limb Ischaemia: The INDIAN Trial
- Author
G. de Donato, E. Pasqui, M. Sponza, F. Intrieri, A. Spinazzola, R. Silingardi, G. Guzzardi, M.A. Ruffino, G. Palasciano, and C. Setacci
- Subjects
Surgery ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine - Published
- 2021
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- Author
MATTEI, MARCO MARIA, E. Pasqui, A. MATCACENA, M. M. MATTEI, M. M. Mattei, and E. Pasqui
- Subjects
La relazione fra le regole contabili per la determinazione del reddito d’esercizio e le norme fiscali per il calcolo del reddito imponibile è mutata nel tempo non solamente in Italia, ma nella quasi totalità dei paesi occidentali, sebbene con intensità differenti. La letteratura internazionale ha approfondito tale tormentata relazione sia confrontando più nazioni esaminate ad una medesima data, sia con analisi longitudinali dell’evoluzione normativa in specifici paesi, per indagare cause ed effetti delle diverse impostazioni. L’obiettivo di questo contributo è studiare l’evoluzione del rapporto fra regole contabili e norme fiscali per le società quotate italiane fra il 2002 ed il 2007, attraverso l’analisi delle differenze temporanee fra reddito contabile (risultato ante imposte) e reddito imponibile. In questo arco temporale, le società quotate alla Borsa di Milano hanno affrontato due significative riforme: la prima volta a “disinquinare” i bilanci civilistici dalle interferenze di natura fiscale attraverso una congiunta modifica del codice civile (D.Lgs. 6/2003) e del Testo Unico delle Imposte Dirette (TUIR) (D.Lgs. 344/2003); la seconda volta ad innalzare la qualità dell’informazione economica fornita ai mercati finanziari, attraverso l’obbligatoria applicazione dei principi contabili internazionali (IAS/IFRS) non solamente nella redazione dei bilanci consolidati, ma anche per la preparazione dei bilanci separati (D.Lgs. 38/2005). Lo studio delle differenze temporanee deducibili e imponibili consente di comprendere di quanto, ed in che direzione, il reddito fiscale si è allontanato da quello determinato sulla base dei principi contabili italiani, prima, e da quello determinato sulla base degli IAS/IFRS dopo. L’analisi empirica svolta mostra che, fra il 2002 ed il 2007, la differenza fra passività per imposte differite e attività per imposte anticipate è in media aumentata progressivamente, passando da valori negativi (presenti fino al 2005) a valori positivi (a partire dall’esercizio 2006). Ciò indurrebbe a ritenere che i risultati ante imposte delle società del campione siano passati dall’essere generalmente più bassi dei redditi imponibili all’essere più alti, a seguito del disinquinamento fiscale, prima, e dell’introduzione degli IAS/IFRS poi. Tale analisi è di particolare interesse considerato il cambio di rotta deciso dal nostro legislatore fiscale con la Legge n. 244 del 24 dicembre 2007 (cosiddetta Finanziaria 2008). Trascorsi quattro anni dall’introduzione della norma che consentiva di dedurre alcuni rilevanti componenti negativi di reddito non imputati a conto economico , infatti, il reddito imponibile è stato nuovamente legato al reddito contabile, in particolare per i soggetti che adottano gli IAS/IFRS. Se i dati sulle differenze temporanee fra reddito contabile e reddito imponibile osservati nei primi due anni di applicazione obbligatoria degli IAS/IFRS ai bilanci separati (ovvero, gli esercizi 2006 e 2007) fossero emblematici delle divergenze fra reddito IAS/IFRS e reddito determinato secondo il TUIR ante L. 244/2007, la suddetta riforma tributaria potrebbe comportare un aumento della base imponibile nella misura in cui i criteri di valutazione degli IAS/IFRS, meno orientati dal principio di prudenza, troveranno accoglimento nel TUIR.
- Published
- 2009
4. Prevedere si può
- Author
Orlandini S. and Grifoni D. e Pasqui M.
- Published
- 2008
5. Development and external validation of clinical prediction models for pituitary surgery
- Author
O. Zanier, M. Zoli, V.E. Staartjes, M. Alalfi, F. Guaraldi, S. Asioli, A. Rustici, E. Pasquini, M. Faustini-Fustini, Z. Erlic, M. Hugelshofer, S. Voglis, L. Regli, D. Mazzatenta, and C. Serra
- Subjects
Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,RC346-429 - Published
- 2022
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6. Sialendoscopy for salivary stones: principles, technical skills and therapeutic experience
- Author
F. Carta, P. Farneti, S. Cantore, G. Macrì, N. Chuchueva, L. Cuffaro, E. Pasquini, and R. Puxeddu
- Subjects
Otorhinolaryngology ,RF1-547 - Abstract
La scialoadenite cronica ostruttiva rappresenta una delle più frequenti patologie non-neoplastiche delle ghiandole salivari e la scialoendoscopia è sempre più utilizzata nella sua diagnosi e nel suo trattamento, associata o meno con la litotripsia laser. La scialoendoscopia può essere inoltre associata ad approcci esterni mini-invasivi nelle litiasi troppo voluminose per essere rimosse con un approccio unicamente endoscopico. Il presente articolo riporta lesperienza delle Cliniche Otorinolaringoiatriche dellOspedale SantOrsola-Malpighi di Bologna e dellAzienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari, Italia. È stata eseguita unanalisi retrospettiva su 48 pazienti (26 femmine, 22 maschi; età media di 45,3 anni; range 8-83 anni) trattati per patologia cronica ostruttiva delle ghiandole salivari maggiori mediante procedure chirurgiche endoscopiche o combinate da novembre 2010 ad aprile 2016 presso lAzienda-Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Cagliari. I risultati dellOspedale SantOrsola-Malpighi di Bologna erano stati precedentemente pubblicati. Gli aspetti tecnici della scialoendoscopia sono stati accuratamente descritti. I pazienti trattati presso lAzienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari presentavano una patologia unilaterale in 40 casi e bilaterale in 8 casi; sono state trattate 56 ghiandole salivari maggiori (22 sottomandibolari e 34 parotidi). 5 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a scialoendoscopia bilaterale per parotite ricorrente giovanile, 10 per patologia ostruttiva non litiasica e 33 (68,75%) presentavano calcoli salivari (1 paziente presentava una litiasi parotidea bilaterale). Solo 8 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a scialectomia radicale per via esterna (5 scialectomie sottomandibolare e 3 parotidectomie). La chirurgia conservativa nei pazienti con scialoadenite cronica ostruttiva appare efficace e può essere realizzata mediante un approccio puramente endoscopico o combinato, con unalta percentuale di successo. La procedura richiede una strumentazione adeguata e deve essere eseguita da un chirurgo esperto, che abbia svolto un training specifico scialoendoscopico, in modo da evitare le possibili complicanze maggiori e minori. La scialectomia tradizionale rappresenta la extrema ratio, limitata nei casi in cui un approccio conservativo sia risultato inefficace o controindicato.
- Published
- 2017
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7. Outcomes of interventional sialendoscopy for obstructive salivary gland disorders: an Italian multicentre study
- Author
A. Gallo, P. Capaccio, M. Benazzo, L. De Campora, M. De Vincentiis, P. Farneti, M. Fusconi, M. Gaffuri, F. Lo Russo, S. Martellucci, F. Ottaviani, G. Pagliuca, G. Paludetti, E. Pasquini, L. Pignataro, R. Puxeddu, M. Rigante, E. Scarano, S. Sionis, R. Speciale, and P. Canzi
- Subjects
Otorhinolaryngology ,RF1-547 - Abstract
Sebbene le tecniche scialoendoscopiche abbiano assunto un ruolo fondamentale nel trattamento delle patologie ostruttive dei dotti salivari, in letteratura sono riportati pochi studi multicentrici sullargomento. Questo studio basato sullesperienza di 9 centri italiani è stato condotto su 1152 pazienti (553 donne, età media di 50 anni) per un totale di 1342 procedure scialoendoscopiche, il 44,6% delle quali a carico della ghiandola parotide. Il 12% dei pazienti è stato sottoposto a più interventi. I calcoli salivari sono risultati essere la principale causa di ostruzione (55%), seguiti dalle stenosi e altre malformazioni duttali (16%), dai tappi mucosi (14,5%) e dalla scialodochite (4,7%). La procedura endoscopica è stata portata a termine in 1309 casi mentre in 33 casi è stata interrotta, principalmente a causa della presenza di stenosi duttali complete (21 casi). Dopo una o più procedure il successo terapeutico è stato ottenuto nel 92,5% dei pazienti. Complicanze peri-operatorie e post-operatorie sono state riscontrate nel 5,4% dei casi trattati. La scialoendoscopia rappresenta quindi una procedura efficace e sicura nella diagnosi e nel trattamento delle principali patologie ostruttive dei dotti salivari.
- Published
- 2016
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8. Curva di apprendimento nella scialoendoscopia diagnostica e interventistica per le patologie salivari ostruttive
- Author
- Subjects
Otorhinolaryngology ,RF1-547 - Abstract
La scialoendoscopia è un nuovo strumento diagnostico e chirurgico che offre l’opportunità di trattare alcune patologie delle ghiandole salivari con procedure non invasive e con risultati potenzialmente superiori alle precedenti tecniche. Come per tutte le nuove tecniche, per raggiungere rapidamente risultati paragonabili a quelli riportati in letteratura, è indispensabile un corretto programma di formazione che segua una graduale curva di apprendimento. Questo include un appropriato programma diagnostico, una corretta selezione dei pazienti e la conoscenza delle possibili insidie operatorie. Abbiamo eseguito uno studio retrospettivo confrontando le prime 141 procedure (74 parotidee e 67 sottomandibolari) eseguite con questa tecnica nel nostro Dipartimento dal 2009 al 2013 con analoghe esperienze riportate in letteratura. I pazienti sono stati divisi in 3 gruppi: Gruppo A (le prime 49 procedure effettuate), gruppo B (le successive 50), Gruppo C (le ultime 42 procedure effettuate). Fra i tre gruppi non sono state evidenziate differenze statisticamente significative nei tempi medi di durata delle procedure, nella percentuale di ricorrenza della sintomatologia dopo il trattamento, nel numero di pazienti che hanno necessitato di più trattamenti e nell’incidenza di complicanze minori. Non sono state riportate complicanze maggiori. Con l’acquisizione di una maggiore esperienza da parte dei chirurghi si è evidenziato un progressivo calo del numero di interventi eseguiti in anestesia generale rispetto a quelli in anestesia locale (51% vs 18% vs 14%). Solo in tre casi su 130 ghiandole trattate (2.3%) è stato necessario eseguire un’asportazione ghiandolare. Per i calcoli salivari è stato valutato il tipo di tecnica utilizzato per l’estrazione e la percentuale d’insuccesso che era analoga nei tre gruppi (13.6% vs 15% vs 15%). I nostri risultati non differiscono sostanzialmente da quelli riportati in letteratura. Abbiamo risolto la difficoltà iniziale nella cateterizzazione del dotto con esercizi chirurgici su cadavere o su teste di maiale. La mancanza di precisione degli strumenti diagnostici radiologici può essere migliorata autonomizzando il chirurgo nell’esecuzione delle ecografie pre e post-operatorie. Viene infine sottolineata l’opportunità di creare dei centri di scialoendoscopia con un bacino di utenza di circa 1 o 2 milioni di abitanti in modo da concentrare le patologie, far fronte agli elevati costi della strumentazione necessaria e poter guadagnare la necessaria esperienza nelle gestione delle varie tecniche chirurgiche.
- Published
- 2015
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9. Incidence of Mediterranean spotted fever in Sardinia in the years 1982-1984
- Author
E. Pasqui, E. Caredda, Raffaello Pompei, and G. Satta
- Subjects
Mediterranean climate ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Antigens, Bacterial ,Epidemiology ,business.industry ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,Fluorescent Antibody Technique ,Immunoglobulins ,Boutonneuse Fever ,Virology ,Antibodies, Bacterial ,Spotted fever ,Immunoglobulin M ,Italy ,Medicine ,Humans ,Rickettsia ,business ,Demography - Abstract
In this work the incidence of Mediterranean spotted fever in the Borough of Cagliari (Sardinia) over the years 1982-1984 is evaluated. Our data show both an overall decrease of the incidence of the disease during this period of time with respect to the year 1980 and a significant reduction in the last year. In addition, the present study confirms the greater reliability of Immunofluorescence respect to the Weil-Felix reaction in revealing Mediterranean spotted fever. Finally we show a marked incidence of significant anti-Rickettsia conori antibodies in apparently healthy individuals, which stresses the not uncommon occurrence of subclinical infection.
- Published
- 1985
10. [Enzymatic changes in the lymph in the thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct during extracorporeal circulation in the dog (author's transl)]
- Author
U, Pasqui, U, Parmeggiani, L, Cedrangolo, G, Molea, U, Felice, A, Barbarisi, A, Gentile, E, Procaccini, M, de Siena, and E, Pasqui
- Subjects
Lymphatic System ,Male ,Extracorporeal Circulation ,Dogs ,Time Factors ,Animals ,Female ,Lymph ,Thoracic Duct - Abstract
The authors analysed the various enzymes in the lymph of the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct in a series of 15 dogs submitted to extracorporeal circulation, the experimentors noted a series of diffuse cellular lesions which involved transiently the main organs. This lesion seems only to occur at first; independent of the duration of the by-pass, probably due to hypoxia following the rapid and massive introduction of priming. Our conclusion from this research is that lymph analysis is more revealing for knowledge of enzyme behaviour than blood analysis. A differential study of lymph in the right lymphatic duct and in the thoracic duct is surprisingly much less important.
- Published
- 1977
11. [Frenquel in psychiatry]
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Psychiatry ,Piperidines ,Psychotic Disorders ,Electroconvulsive Therapy ,Psychosurgery - Published
- 1957
12. [Different effects of phenylbutazone in the treatment of Salmonella infectionsbrucellosis in men]
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Phenylbutazone ,Salmonella Infections ,Humans ,Brucellosis - Published
- 1957
13. [Basal metabolism during the state of excitation]
- Author
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Metabolic Diseases ,Mental Disorders ,Basal Metabolism - Published
- 1953
14. [Gastric ulcer from phenylbutazone]
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Peptic Ulcer ,Phenylbutazone ,Humans ,Stomach Ulcer - Published
- 1957
15. [Anxiety and aggressiveness on the Rorschach test]
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- Subjects
Aggression ,Behavior ,Anxiety ,Anxiety Disorders ,Projective Techniques ,Rorschach Test - Published
- 1952
16. [Preliminary results on the use of G-27202 in the therapy of serofibrinous pleuritis]
- Author
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Hydrothorax ,Respiration Disorders ,Pleurisy - Published
- 1962
17. [A new possible therapeutic in typhoid-paratyphoid infections: phenylbutazone]
- Author
- Subjects
Phenylbutazone ,Paratyphoid Fever ,Typhoid-Paratyphoid Vaccines ,Hyperthermia, Induced ,Typhoid Fever - Published
- 1957
18. [Blind diagnosis with the Rorschach test in psychiatric diagnosis]
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- Subjects
Mental Disorders ,Blindness ,Rorschach Test ,Visually Impaired Persons - Published
- 1958
19. [A new drug (G-27202) in the treatment of brucellosis: preliminary results and considerations]
- Author
- Subjects
Phenylbutazone ,Brucellosis - Published
- 1962
20. [Mental deficiency: psychometric ability and ability to solve puzzles]
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Pharmaceutical Solutions ,Psychometrics ,Intellectual Disability ,Humans - Published
- 1956
21. [Structure and dynamics of a 'group discussion' in a psychiatric hospital]
- Author
L, Bertucelli and E, Pasqui
- Subjects
Physician-Patient Relations ,Group Structure ,Mental Disorders ,Psychotherapy, Group ,Humans ,Nurse-Patient Relations - Published
- 1967
22. Rheological Characterization of Warm-Modified Asphalt Mastics Containing Electric Arc Furnace Steel Slags
- Author
M. Pasetto, A. Baliello, G. Giacomello, and E. Pasquini
- Subjects
Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials ,TA401-492 - Abstract
The environmental sustainability of road materials and technologies plays a key role in pavement engineering. In this sense, the use of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA), that is, a modified asphalt concrete that can be produced and applied at lower temperature, is considered an effective solution leading to environmental and operational benefits. The environmental sustainability of WMA can be further enhanced with the inclusion of steel slag in partial substitution of natural aggregates. Nevertheless, such innovative material applied at lower temperatures containing warm additives and steel slag should be able to guarantee at least the same performance of traditional hot mix asphalts, thus assuring acceptable mechanical properties and durability. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the rheological behaviour of bituminous mastics obtained combining a warm-modified binder and a filler (material passing to 0.063 mm) coming from electric arc furnace steel slag. To evaluate the influence of both warm additive and steel slag, a plain binder and limestone filler were also used for comparison purposes. Complex modulus and permanent deformation resistance of bitumens and mastics were assessed using a dynamic shear rheometer. Experimental results showed that steel slag warm mastics assure enhanced performance demonstrating promising applicability.
- Published
- 2016
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23. Traumatic separation of the distal tibial epiphysis
- Author
e, Bonneviall, primary, P., Cahuzac J., additional, and e, Pasqui, additional
- Published
- 1979
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24. Detection of Explosive Vapors: Development and Performances of a Fluorescence Sensor
- Author
T. Caron, S. Clavaguera, M. Huron, P. Montmeat, E. Pasquinet, J.P. Lere-Porte, F. Serein-Spirau, F. Perraut, and P. Prene
- Subjects
Chemical engineering ,TP155-156 ,Computer engineering. Computer hardware ,TK7885-7895 - Abstract
Abstract preview not available - see full-text PDF article.
- Published
- 2010
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25. A novel risk assessment tool for postoperative delirium in vascular surgery: The stress model (Siena posTopeRative dElirium in vaScular Surgery).
- Author
Pasqui E, de Donato G, Brancaccio B, Casilli G, Ferrante G, and Palasciano G
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Retrospective Studies, Aged, Risk Factors, Risk Assessment, Middle Aged, Incidence, Aged, 80 and over, Reproducibility of Results, Treatment Outcome, Postoperative Complications etiology, Postoperative Complications diagnosis, Vascular Surgical Procedures adverse effects, Delirium diagnosis, Delirium epidemiology, Delirium etiology, Predictive Value of Tests, Decision Support Techniques
- Abstract
Objective: Postoperative delirium (POD) is a common complication with a high health-related impact. The creation of a model (Siena posTopeRative dElirium in vaScular Surgery) to identify high-risk patients with consecutive prompt diagnosis and correct management., Methods: This is an observational retrospective study to evaluate POD incidence in patients who underwent elective vascular surgery procedures between 2018 and 2020. POD was detected using CAM and defined as the onset of an acute confusional state, clinically manifesting as a disturbed state of consciousness, cognitive dysfunction, or alteration in perception and behavior. The total population was divided in the development and validation subsamples. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed, identifying variables related to the occurrence of POD. An additive score was created and the STRESS score was internally validated using the Validation subgroup., Results: A total of 1067 patients were enrolled. POD occurred in 111 cases (10.4%). Multivariable logistic regression analysis for POD occurrence revealed as significant predictors: age>75 years, CKD, dyslipidaemia, psychiatric disease, CAD, hospitalization in the previous month, preoperative NLR >3.59, preoperative Hb < 12 g/dl, preoperative Barthel score <75, major amputation, CLTI revascularization, general anesthesia, and postoperative urinary catheter. These variables were used to create the STRESS score. The model was applied to both development and validation subgroups; AUC was respectively 0.7079 ( p < .0001) and 0.7270 ( p < .0001)., Conclusion: The STRESS score has a good predictive potentiality for POD occurrence in elective vascular surgery procedures. However, implementation and external validation are needed to be correctly used in everyday clinical practice., Competing Interests: Declaration of conflicting interestsThe author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
- Published
- 2025
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26. The Comorbidity-Polypharmacy Score as a Predictive Tool of Survival and Limb Salvage in Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Revascularization Procedures for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.
- Author
Pasqui E, Casilli G, Anichini T, Cerbini E, Galzerano G, and de Donato G
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Aged, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Aged, 80 and over, Time Factors, Risk Assessment, Treatment Outcome, Vascular Surgical Procedures adverse effects, Vascular Surgical Procedures mortality, Lower Extremity blood supply, Ischemia mortality, Ischemia surgery, Ischemia diagnosis, Elective Surgical Procedures, Limb Salvage, Amputation, Surgical, Peripheral Arterial Disease mortality, Peripheral Arterial Disease surgery, Peripheral Arterial Disease diagnosis, Comorbidity, Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia surgery, Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia mortality, Decision Support Techniques, Predictive Value of Tests, Polypharmacy
- Abstract
Background: The comorbidity-polypharmacy score (CPPS) was created to evaluate the clinical burden of comorbidities in geriatric patients. It represents an objective tool to stratify patients' risk in different settings. The study aimed to evaluate CPPS in predicting mortality and amputation in patients undergoing elective revascularization procedures in chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) patients., Methods: This is a 2-year retrospective single-center study. We included all patients undergoing elective lower-limb revascularization procedures admitted with CLTI diagnosis. Four CPPS groups were defined: mild, moderate, severe, and morbid. The primary early and long-term outcomes were 30-day overall mortality, 30-day amputation rate, and overall survival and limb salvage, respectively., Results: A total of 442 patients were enrolled in the study. Mean age was 76.5 ± 9.9 years, and 61.5% (272/442) were male. CPPS was calculated: 22.6% (100/442) have mild CPPS, 54.3% (240/442) moderate, 21.9% (97/442) severe, and 1.2% (5/442) morbid. Kaplan-Meier curves for overall survival stratified by CPPS grade highlighted a strong statistically significant difference (P < 0.0001) among the 4 CPPS classes. Mild CPPS has a significantly higher limb salvage rate among moderate, severe, and morbid CPPS groups (P < 0.0001). Limb salvage for mild and severe CPPS, at 36 months was 95% vs. 85.1%, respectively. Stepwise multivariable Cox-analysis revealed that mortality was independently associated with dialysis, Rutherford Classification V, age, and CPPS. Male sex, multilevel arterial disease, and hybrid surgical repair were independently associated with amputations., Conclusions: CPPS is a straightforward tool to evaluate the patient's complexity and could be used as an adjuvant tool to stratify early- and long-term outcomes in CLTI patients undergoing elective revascularization procedures., (Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2025
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27. Carotid Artery Geometry Modifications and Clinical Implications after Carotid Artery Stenting.
- Author
Pasqui E, Gargiulo B, Pasquetti L, Lazzeri E, Galzerano G, and de Donato G
- Abstract
Background: Carotid artery stenting (CAS) could lead to a modification of the carotid bifurcation geometry with possible clinical implications. This study aimed to clarify the geometrical impact of three carotid stents with different designs on the carotid bifurcation and its clinical consequences., Methods: This was a retrospective single-center study. We included all patients who underwent CAS in a 3-year period. Anatomical changes of the carotid bifurcation were evaluated by reviewing angiographic images. The population was divided into three groups based on the stent implanted: Group 1 (Carotid Wallstent), Group 2 (Roadsaver), and Group 3 (C-Guard)., Results: A total of 226 patients were included. The mean age was 77.0 ± 7.4 years and 72.5% (164/226) were male. Three different stents were implanted into three groups: Group 1 ( n = 131/226, 58%), Group 2 ( n = 57/226, 25.2%), and Group 3 ( n = 38/226, 16.8%). The mean pre-stent implantation CCA-ICA angle of the entire population was 155 ± 14.9°, and the post-CAS angle was 167.7 ± 8.7° ( p = 0.0001). In every subgroup, the difference was statistically different, with the biggest difference registered in Group 2 (-16.1 ± 13.2°). Regarding stent oversizing, there was a significant relationship between CCA oversizing and CCA-ICA angle modification ( p = 0.006). During follow-up, a total of 14 (6.2%) restenoses were registered. The mean CCA-ICA angle modification in the restenosis group was -9.5 ± 14.4° vs. -12.8 ± 11.9° in the no-restenosis group with no significant statistical differences were outlined ( p = 0.3)., Conclusions: Compared to the Carotid Wallstent and C-Guard, the Roadsaver stent appears to have a lower adaptability to the carotid vascular territory, resulting in a higher CCA-ICA angle modification after implantation, with no impact on the stent restenosis rate.
- Published
- 2024
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28. A Qualitative Systematic Review of Endovascular Management of Renal Artery Aneurysms.
- Author
Sheahan KP, Alam I, Pehlivan T, Pasqui E, Briody H, Kok HK, Asadi H, and Lee MJ
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Observational Studies as Topic, Risk Factors, Treatment Outcome, Aneurysm diagnostic imaging, Aneurysm surgery, Embolization, Therapeutic adverse effects, Embolization, Therapeutic methods, Endovascular Procedures adverse effects, Endovascular Procedures methods, Renal Artery diagnostic imaging, Renal Artery surgery
- Abstract
Purpose: To perform a qualitative systematic review of endovascular management of renal artery aneurysms (RAAs)., Materials and Methods: A comprehensive electronic search of PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, Google Scholar, and Cochrane databases from 2000 to 2022 was performed using the search terms "renal artery," "aneurysm," and "endovascular." Means of outcome measures were calculated with a primary end point focused on RAA-related mortality and rupture. Secondary end points included reintervention rate and renal infarction., Results: Twenty-six, single-center, retrospective, observational studies were included. There were 454 RAAs treated in 427 patients using endovascular techniques. Mean age was 53.8 years, with a female predominance (62%). A variety of endovascular treatments of RAA were used with excellent technical success (96%), renal parenchymal preservation, and a low rate of moderate/severe adverse events (AEs). Primary coil embolization was the most commonly used technique (44.7%). There was an overall AE rate of 22.9%, of which 6.7% were moderate/severe and there was 0% periprocedural mortality. The most common AE was renal infarction (49 patients, 11.5%); however, renal function was preserved in 84% of patients. Nephrectomy rate was 0.4%. Computed tomography (CT) angiography was the most common imaging follow-up modality used in 72% of studies. Only 9 studies (34%) reported anticoagulant use. Although the risk of delayed aneurysm reperfusion warrants clinical and imaging surveillance, relatively few patients (3%) required reintervention in this cohort., Conclusions: Endovascular management of RAA is a technically feasible treatment option with low rates of AEs and reintervention. The present study highlights the techniques available for interventional radiologists, a need for standardization of AE reporting, anticoagulation therapy, and follow-up imaging., (Copyright © 2024 SIR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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29. Prevalence of concomitant aortic disease and lung cancer: an exploratory study.
- Author
Pasqui E, Luzzi L, Lazzeri E, Casilli G, Ferrante G, Catelli C, Paladini P, and de Donato G
- Abstract
Background: Lung cancer and aortic disease share multiple risk factors. The co-presence of both diseases defines a peculiar type of patient who needs a specific protocol of treatment and follow-up. The aim of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of aortic disease in a population of patients with a diagnosis of primary lung cancer., Methods: A retrospective, single center analysis of all patients admitted to the Thoracic Surgery Unit from January 2015 to January 2021. Demographic and baseline characteristics were retrieved from hospital electronic charts. All patients were screened for aortic disease, reviewing thoraco-abdominal Computed Tomography with contrast medium administration performed for oncological reasons. A cancer-free control group was obtained for comparison. Multilinear regression analysis was performed to identify the risk factors for the presence of aortic disease., Results: A total of 264 patients were preliminarily identified. After reviewing for exclusion criteria, a total of 148 patients were included in the analysis. Most of the patients were male (62.2%) with a mean age of 71±8.7 years. Cardiovascular risk factors were extensively prevalent in the population study. The incidence of aortic pathologies in the group of patients suffering from primary lung cancer was 27% (40 patients). The majority presented thoracic aortic aneurysms (11.5%). Comparison between the lung cancer group and the control group highlighted a substantial difference in terms of aortic disease prevalence (27% vs. 2.9%; P<0.0001). The regression analysis revealed that coronary artery disease [odds ratio (OR) 4.6988, P=0.001], peripheral artery disease (OR 7.7093, P=0.002), hypertension (OR 4.0152, P=0.03) and history of previous non-aortic vascular surgery procedures (OR 6.4509, P=0.003) were risk factors for aortic disease in patients with primary lung cancer., Conclusions: Patients with lung cancer have a high prevalence of aortic disease, defining a peculiar subset of patients who deserve a specific protocol of treatment and follow-up. Further studies are needed to define a dedicated standardized multidisciplinary approach., Competing Interests: Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at https://jtd.amegroups.com/article/view/10.21037/jtd-23-1547/coif). The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare., (2024 Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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30. The "Woundosome" Concept and Its Impact on Procedural Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.
- Author
Patrone L, Pasqui E, Conte MS, Farber A, Ferraresi R, Menard M, Mills JL, Rundback J, Schneider P, Ysa A, Abhishek K, Adams GL, Ahmad N, Ahmed I, Alexandrescu VA, Amor M, Alper D, Andrassy M, Attinger C, Baadh A, Barakat H, Biasi L, Bisdas T, Bhatti Z, Blessing E, Bonaca MP, Bonvini S, Bosiers M, Bradbury AW, Beasley R, Behrendt CA, Brodmann M, Cabral G, Cancellieri R, Casini A, Chandra V, Chisci E, Chohan O, Choke ETC, Chong PFS, Clerici G, Coscas R, Costantino M, Dalla Paola L, Dand S, Davies RSM, D'Oria M, Diamantopoulos A, Debus S, Deloose K, Del Giudice C, Donato G, Rubertis B, Paul De Vries J, Dias NV, Diaz-Sandoval L, Dick F, Donas K, Dua A, Fanelli F, Fazzini S, Foteh M, Gandini R, Gargiulo M, Garriboli L, Genovese EA, Gifford E, Goueffic Y, Goverde P, Chand Gupta P, Hinchliffe R, Holden A, Houlind KC, Howard DP, Huasen B, Isernia G, Katsanos K, Katzen B, Kolh P, Koncar I, Korosoglou G, Krishnan P, Kroencke T, Krokidis M, Kumarasamy A, Hayes P, Iida O, Alejandre Lafont E, Langhoff R, Lecis A, Lessne M, Lichaa H, Lichtenberg M, Lobato M, Lopes A, Loreni G, Lucatelli P, Madassery S, Maene L, Manzi M, Maresch M, Santhosh Mathews J, McCaslin J, Micari A, Michelagnoli S, Migliara B, Morgan R, Morelli L, Morosetti D, Mouawad N, Moxey P, Müller-Hülsbeck S, Mustapha J, Nakama T, Nasr B, N'dandu Z, Neville R, Noory E, Nordanstig J, Noronen K, Mariano Palena L, Parlani G, Patel AS, Patel P, Patel R, Patel S, Pena C, Perkov D, Portou M, Pratesi G, Rammos C, Reekers J, Riambau V, Roy T, Rosenfield K, Antonella Ruffino M, Saab F, Saratzis A, Sbarzaglia P, Schmidt A, Secemsky E, Siah M, Sillesen H, Simonte G, Sirvent M, Sommerset J, Steiner S, Sakr A, Scheinert D, Shishebor M, Spiliopoulos S, Spinelli A, Stravoulakis K, Taneva G, Teso D, Tessarek J, Theivacumar S, Thomas A, Thomas S, Thulasidasan N, Torsello G, Tripathi R, Troisi N, Tummala S, Tummala V, Twine C, Uberoi R, Ucci A, Valenti D, van den Berg J, van den Heuvel D, Van Herzeele I, Varcoe R, Vega de Ceniga M, Veith FJ, Venermo M, Vijaynagar B, Virdee S, Von Stempel C, Voûte MT, Khee Yeung K, Zeller T, Zayed H, and Montero Baker M
- Abstract
Competing Interests: Declaration of Conflicting InterestsThe author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
- Published
- 2024
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31. Association between apical periodontitis and secondary outcomes of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: A case-control study.
- Author
Malvicini G, Marruganti C, Abu Leil M, Martignoni M, Pasqui E, de Donato G, Grandini S, and Gaeta C
- Subjects
- Humans, Adult, Carotid Intima-Media Thickness, Case-Control Studies, Risk Factors, Cardiovascular Diseases complications, Atherosclerosis complications, Atherosclerosis diagnostic imaging, Plaque, Atherosclerotic complications, Plaque, Atherosclerotic diagnostic imaging, Periapical Periodontitis complications, Periapical Periodontitis diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
Aim: To evaluate the association between apical periodontitis (AP) and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCDV)., Methodology: A total of 65 periodontally and systemically healthy patients (age ≥ 40 years) were included in the study. Periapical status was assessed through dental examination and periapical radiographs; 33 subjects had AP (AP+), while 32 acted as control (AP-). Moreover, data regarding their periapical index (PAI) score and the Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index were recorded. All subjects underwent echo-colour Doppler assessment of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), carotid plaques, degree of stenosis using the North American Symptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial (NASCET) method, maximum diameter of the abdominal aorta (maximum AA) and common iliac arteries (CIA) diameters. Furthermore, peripheral blood flow was also measured using the ankle-brachial index (ABI). Simple and multiple regression analyses were performed., Results: Among AP+ patients, 57.58% disclosed at least one sign of subclinical carotid atherosclerosis. Multiple regression analysis identified AP as a significant risk indicator for carotid plaques [OR = 4.87 (1.27, 18.98; p = .021)] and marked carotid intima-media thickenings (OR = 14.58 [1.22, 176.15], p = .035). A significant association was established between AP and other cardiovascular (CV) variables (CIMT, NASCET, and maximum AA). On the contrary, a higher PAI score does not correlate to increased odds of carotid alterations, and the presence of AP did not prove any significant change in CIA and ABI. No significant correlation was established between DMFT and other variables., Conclusions: Results from the current study highlight that the presence of AP may be regarded as a risk indicator for ASCVD, with AP being associated with 5-fold increased odds of having carotid plaques and 15-fold increased odds of having marked carotid intima-media thickenings. Further studies should be conducted in order to verify whether AP treatment could be beneficial for ASCVD signs., (© 2024 The Authors. International Endodontic Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Endodontic Society.)
- Published
- 2024
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32. Residual Aneurysmal Sac Shrinkage Post-Endovascular Aneurysm Repair: The Role of Preoperative Inflammatory Markers.
- Author
Pasqui E, de Donato G, Molino C, Abu Leil M, Anzaldi MG, Galzerano G, and Palasciano G
- Abstract
Introduction: In this study, we evaluated the role of preoperative inflammatory markers as Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte (NLR) and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte (PLR) ratios in relation to post-endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) sac shrinkage, which is known to be an important factor for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) healing., Methods: This was a single-center retrospective observational study. All patients who underwent the EVAR procedure from January 2017 to December 2020 were eligible for this study. Pre-operative blood samples of all patients admitted were used to calculate NLR and PLR. Sac shrinkage was defined as a decrease of ≥5 mm in the maximal sac diameter. The optimal NLR and PLR cut-offs for aneurysmal sac shrinkage were obtained from ROC curves. Stepwise multivariate analysis was performed in order to identify independent risk and protective factors for the absence of AAA shrinkage. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to evaluate survival rates with respect to the AAA shrinkage., Results: A total of 184 patients were finally enrolled. The mean age was 75.8 ± 8.3 years, and 85.9% were male (158/184). At a mean follow-up of 43 ± 18 months, sac shrinkage was registered in 107 patients (58.1%). No-shrinking AAA patients were more likely to be older, to have a higher level of NLR and PLR, and be an active smoker. Kaplan-Meier curves highlighted a higher rate of survival for shrinking AAA patients with respect to their counterparts ( p < 0.03). Multivariate analysis outlined active smoking and NLR as independent risk factors for no-shrinking AAA., Conclusions: Inflammation emerged as a possible causative factor for no-shrinking AAA, playing a role in aneurysmal sac remodeling. This study revealed that inflammatory biomarkers, such as NLR and PLR, can be used as a preoperative index of AAA sac behavior after EVAR procedures.
- Published
- 2023
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33. Penumbra Indigo Percutaneous Aspiration Thrombectomy System in the treatment of Aortic Endograft Iliac Limb Occlusion: Results from an Italian Multicentre Registry.
- Author
Spath P, Pasqui E, Angiletta D, Spinazzola A, Chegai F, Isernia G, Lepidi S, Silingardi R, de Donato G, and Gargiulo M
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Aged, Blood Vessel Prosthesis, Indigo Carmine, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Prosthesis Design, Risk Factors, Thrombectomy adverse effects, Ischemia diagnostic imaging, Ischemia etiology, Ischemia surgery, Registries, Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation methods, Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal surgery, Endovascular Procedures adverse effects
- Abstract
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Penumbra Indigo percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy (PAT) system in the clinical presentation of iliac limb occlusion (ILO) after endovascular aortic repair (EVAR)., Methods: A retrospective, observational, multicentre study conducted in eight Italian vascular centres. Consecutive patients presenting with ILO after EVAR were eligible. To assess vessel revascularisation, Thrombo-aspiration In Peripheral Ischaemia (TIPI) classification (score 0-3) was used at presentation (t1), after PAT (t2), and after adjunctive procedures (t3). Successful revascularisation was considered TIPI 2-3 (near complete or complete). Primary intra-operative outcomes were technical success (TS) of Indigo PAT and combined TS of PAT associated with adjunctive procedures when needed. Primary follow up outcomes were safety and effectiveness at one, six, and 12 months., Results: From September 2019 to December 2021, there were 48 ILO and 17 patients (35%) [median age 75 years, IQR 71, 83 years; male, 14 (82%); urgent, 8 (47%)] were treated and enrolled. The median time after primary EVAR was 24 months (IQR 0, 42 months). The median clot age from ILO diagnosis to PAT was three days (IQR 1, 12 days). Ten patients (59%) presented with limb threatening ischaemia. At t1, TIPI 0 and 1 was present in 13 (76%) and four (24%) cases, respectively. At t2, primary TS (TIPI 2-3) was achieved in 14 cases (82%) after Indigo PAT (p < .001). Fifteen patients (88%) required adjunctive procedures (14 re-linings, one surgical patch angioplasty). At t3, combined TS was achieved in 16 cases (94%). Intra-operative complication included one (6%) distal embolisation, treated successfully. The 30 day mortality was one case (6%) due to pneumonia. At one, six, and 12 months, clinical success was 100% without ILO recurrence. The median follow up was 23 months (IQR 11, 41 months): at 18 months, survival and freedom from re-intervention were 91 ± 8% and 90 ± 9%, respectively., Conclusion: This study reports for the first time the efficacy and safety of Penumbra Indigo PAT for ILO after EVAR, with promising technical and clinical success up to one year., (Copyright © 2023 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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34. Mechanical thrombectomy in acute limb ischemia: ad Interim results of the INDIAN UP Trial.
- Author
de Donato G, Pasqui E, Ruffino MA, Sponza M, Spinazzola A, Guzzardi G, Intrieri F, Savio D, and Palasciano G
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Indigo Carmine, Orlistat, Treatment Outcome, Ischemia diagnostic imaging, Ischemia therapy, Thrombectomy adverse effects, Limb Salvage, Retrospective Studies, Vascular Patency, Lower Extremity, Endovascular Procedures adverse effects, Peripheral Arterial Disease diagnostic imaging, Peripheral Arterial Disease therapy, Arterial Occlusive Diseases surgery
- Abstract
Background: Penumbra/Indigo aspiration thrombectomy Systems (Penumbra Inc.) in patients with acute lower limb ischemia (ALLI) is becoming a fundamental alternative to surgical and intra-arterial thrombolysis. The INDIAN UP trial represents the second phase of the Italian national multicenter trial evaluating the safety and effectiveness of the device in the treatment of ALLI., Methods: To assess vessel patency, the TIPI (Thrombo-aspiration In Peripheral Ischemia), is used. The TIPI flow in three different moments: at presentation, immediately after thromboaspiration, and after all adjuvant procedures. The primary outcome is the technical success of the thrombo-aspiration with the investigative system, defined as near complete or complete revascularization TIPI 2 - 3. Safety and clinical success rate were collected at one month follow-up., Results: A total of 250 patients were enrolled. The mean age was 72.2±13.1 years and 72.1% were male. Rutherford grade on enrolment was I in 10.8%, IIa in 34.9%, and IIb in 54.4%. Primary technical success (TIPI 2-3 flow) was achieved in 90.8% of patients. Adjunctive procedures were needed in 158 cases. After all interventions, assisted primary technical success was 96.4%. No systemic bleeding complications or device related serious adverse events were reported. At one month follow up, survival rate was 97.2%, limb salvage was 97.6%. Primary patency was 89.6% and 13 (5.4%) reinterventions were registered., Conclusions: The updated results of the INDIAN UP trial have confirmed the high value of the mechanical thromboaspiration device Indigo Penumbra in the treatment of ALLI in a large variety of clinical and anatomical settings.
- Published
- 2023
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35. Optimal activated clotting time during peripheral artery endovascular procedures: cutting the gordian knot.
- Author
Patrone L, Pasqui E, Sheahan K, de Donato G, and Thulasidasan N
- Subjects
- Humans, Anticoagulants adverse effects, Blood Coagulation, Arteries, Thromboembolism etiology, Thromboembolism prevention & control, Thrombosis, Endovascular Procedures adverse effects
- Abstract
All endovascular procedures need an effective anticoagulation regimen that avoids thrombo-embolic complications due to the insertion and manipulation of various intravascular devices. Systemic heparinization reduces the risk of thrombosis but there is no conclusive evidence regarding the correct use of anticoagulant medications and accordant monitoring, especially in endovascular peripheral arterial procedures. Anticoagulation must be maintained during the whole vascular procedure, especially during partial or complete blood flow interruption. Reaching and maintaining the correct coagulative status is mandatory to avoid or reduce thromboembolic complications that could limit the procedure's effectiveness or be harmful to the patient. Patients' baseline variables and procedure-related elements can influence the way anticoagulation should be administered and how coagulative status has to be monitored. This review aimed to clarify the critical points of anticoagulation and monitoring management for non-cardiac arterial procedures in order to understand the best way to manage vascular procedures anticoagulation.
- Published
- 2023
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36. The long journey of acute limb ischemia management: from the disappointing observation of a medical student to precision medicine and the tailored endovascular treatment.
- Author
de Donato G and Pasqui E
- Subjects
- Humans, Precision Medicine, Ischemia diagnostic imaging, Ischemia surgery, Limb Salvage, Treatment Outcome, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Lower Extremity blood supply, Students, Medical, Arterial Occlusive Diseases therapy, Peripheral Vascular Diseases, Endovascular Procedures adverse effects
- Published
- 2023
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37. 3D-printed model of simulation for acute thrombus removal in peripheral arteries.
- Author
LE Corvec T, Brancaccio B, Pasqui E, Decante B, de Donato G, and Gouëffic Y
- Subjects
- Humans, Reproducibility of Results, Indigo Carmine, Ischemia, Arteries, Printing, Three-Dimensional, Thrombosis diagnostic imaging, Thrombosis etiology, Thrombosis therapy, Arterial Occlusive Diseases, Peripheral Vascular Diseases
- Abstract
Background: Surgical training and evaluation of medical devices require simulation models. The aim of this study was to assess a 3D-printed model as a training model for peripheral endovascular procedures, including thromboaspiration in acute limb ischemia (ALI)., Methods: The 3D-simulation model was modeled from an aorta and lower limbs CT scan by segmentation of the arterial light. The 3D simulator was printed in multimaterial with photo-polymerizable resins (Polyjet). The simulator consisted of interchangeable cartridges intended to reproduce the lower limb vasculature. The simulator was connected to a pump to obtain a pulsative flow. A gelled product was positioned in a cartridge just above a stenosis in order to simulate an ALI by in-situ thrombosis. Vascular interventionalists should perform a thrombo-aspiration (Indigo
® , Penumbra Inc., Alameda, CA, USA) by crossover in an experimental hybrid room (Discovery® , General Electric, Boston, MA, USA). The analysis of the results was based on the feedback of vascular interventionalists using a Likert Psychometric Scale., Results: A total of 6 vascular surgeons performed two training sessions in real-life conditions. Access to the target lesion was achieved by cross-over or antegrade approach with an 8 F - 45 cm introducer. An angiogram was used to localize the thrombus. Due to the flow, a part of the thrombus was migrating from femoropopliteal segment to below the knee level. Thromboaspiration was realized by Indigo (Penumbra Inc.) CAT-8 and -6 with separators. The average score out of 5 was 4.5 (±0.55) regarding anatomical reproducibility, 4.3 (±0.82) for navigation, and 4.5 (±0.84) for aspiration. The didactical evaluation showed a score of 4.3 (±0.52) for improving technical skills. The improvement of the confidence score in the simulator was +1.2 (±1.72)., Conclusions: The 3D-simulation model for peripheral endovascular procedures provides a realistic training for thromboaspiration. This model could mimic different types of peripheral arterial pathologies and participate to the vascular interventionalists training.- Published
- 2023
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38. Endovascular thrombectomy devices for acute limb ischemia management.
- Author
Isernia G, Pasqui E, de Donato G, Fino G, Lenti M, Parlani G, and Simonte G
- Subjects
- Humans, Thrombolytic Therapy, Thrombectomy adverse effects, Ischemia diagnostic imaging, Ischemia surgery, Limb Salvage, Acute Disease, Treatment Outcome, Risk Factors, Arterial Occlusive Diseases surgery, Peripheral Vascular Diseases surgery, Endovascular Procedures adverse effects, Peripheral Arterial Disease diagnostic imaging, Peripheral Arterial Disease surgery
- Abstract
Acute limb ischemia still represents a challenge for the contemporary vascular surgeon, representing an immediate threat for patients' limb but potentially also for the proper patient life in some settings. Technology recently evolved and focused on the treatment of such complex situation. Several devices are available as of today allowing a complete acute limb ischemia endovascular management, aiming to remove intraluminal material while leaving the possibility for treating the underlying pathology when needed. In this review, proper specific device characteristics, indications and advantages are reported and discussed. Despite the broad spectrum of different available devices could appear as potentially confounding, each device has its own features, indications, weak and strength point. Ideally the modern endovascular surgeon should master every single tool, tailoring revascularization strategy and timing for the proper patient and arterial segment to be treated, maximizing the benefits coming from technological improvements.
- Published
- 2023
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39. Outcomes of Self-Expanding Covered Stents for the Treatment of External ILIAC Artery Obstructive Disease.
- Author
Squizzato F, Mosquera-Rey V, Zanabili Al-Sibbai A, Camblor Santervas LA, Pasqui E, Palasciano G, de Donato G, Alonso Pérez M, Antonello M, and Piazza M
- Subjects
- Male, Humans, Middle Aged, Aged, Female, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Risk Factors, Vascular Patency, Stents, Prosthesis Design, Iliac Artery surgery, Arterial Occlusive Diseases diagnostic imaging, Arterial Occlusive Diseases surgery
- Abstract
Purpose: To describe the early results and mid-term patency rates of external iliac artery (EIA) stenting using self-expanding covered stents., Methods: We conducted a multicenter retrospective study (2015-2021), including patients receiving primary endovascular treatment of external iliac artery occlusive disease with self-expanding covered stents. All patients were treated with the Viabahn (W.L Gore & Associates, Inc., Flagstaff, AZ-USA) stent. Patency and limb salvage rates were estimated with Kaplan-Meier curves., Results: Ninety-three patients (mean age, 69 ± 9 years; 81% males) were treated for disabling claudication in 44%, rest pain in 28%, and tissue loss in 28%. TASC C/D lesions were present in 72% and iliac complete occlusion in 30%. Mean lesion length was 6.9 ± 2.4 cm; 30% had moderate/severe EIA calcifications; and the mean iliac tortuosity index was 1.17 ± 0.13. Technical success was 100%. There was one perioperative death (1.4%) and procedural complication rate was 6.5%. At 42 months (mean, 25 months), primary patency was 89.8% (95%CI 83-98); the presence of EIA tortuosity (tortuosity index > 1.25, 87.7 ± 11% vs 89.9 ± 8%; P = .6) or severe calcifications (87.6 ± 9% vs 96.0 ± 8%; P = .400) had no significant impact. After univariate analysis, the use of a stent with diameter < 8 mm (HR 8.5, 95%CI 3.24-14.22; P < .001) was negatively associated with primary patency., Conclusions: The use of self-expanding covered stents provided excellent early and mid-term results in the treatment of obstructive disease of the EIA, also in cases of high EIA tortuosity and high grade of calcifications. The use of a < 8 mm-diameter stent was associated with a reduced primary patency., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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40. The Combination of Vacuum-Assisted Thromboaspiration and Covered Stent Graft for Acute Limb Ischemia due to Thromboembolic Complications of Popliteal Aneurysm.
- Author
de Donato G, Pasqui E, Galzerano G, Anzaldi MG, Cappelli A, and Palasciano G
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Treatment Outcome, Stents adverse effects, Vascular Patency, Ischemia diagnostic imaging, Ischemia etiology, Ischemia surgery, Limb Salvage adverse effects, Popliteal Artery diagnostic imaging, Popliteal Artery surgery, Popliteal Artery Aneurysm, Endovascular Procedures, Aneurysm diagnostic imaging, Aneurysm etiology, Aneurysm surgery, Thromboembolism diagnostic imaging, Thromboembolism etiology, Thromboembolism therapy, Arterial Occlusive Diseases, Peripheral Vascular Diseases
- Abstract
Background: We present a standardized protocol of endovascular revascularization for patients with acute limb ischemia due to popliteal artery aneurysm (PAA) thromboembolic complication, based on the combination of vacuum-assisted thromboaspiration to improve tibiopedal outflow and covered stent graft to exclude the PAA., Methods: All patients with a diagnosis of PAA complicated by thromboembolic events undergoing total endovascular rescue were prospectively enrolled in a dedicated database from November 2018 to November 2021. To assess vessel patency, the TIPI (Thromboaspiration In Peripheral Ischemia) classification was used. The primary end point was the primary technical success (at least one tibial vessel with a TIPI flow of 2 or 3). The 30-day overall mortality and amputation rates were considered as secondary end points. Patients' overall survival, limb salvage, freedom from reocclusion and reinterventions were reported as secondary late outcomes using Kaplan-Meier method., Results: Seventeen male patients were enrolled with a mean age of 75.7 ± 9 years. Rutherford grading score was IIa in 52.9% (9/17) and IIb in 47.1% (8/17). PAA mean diameter was 37.4 ± 11.2 mm. All patients had tibial arteries involvement, and in 9 cases (52.9%) there was also the occlusion of the PAA. Mechanical thrombectomy with Indigo/Penumbra thromboaspiration system was used in all patients. PAAs were excluded using one or more VIABAHN covered endografts (range 1-3 pieces). Technical success was achieved in 94.1%. Fasciotomy was performed in 1 case (5.9%). Mortality and amputation rates at 30-day follow-up were respectively 0% and 5.9%. Survival rates at 6, 12, and 24 months were respectively 94.1%, 86.3%, and 67.9%. Secondary patency was achieved in all cases (100%). Freedom from reintervention was 80.4%, 65.8%, and 54.8% at 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up. Limb salvage was 88.2% at 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up, respectively., Conclusions: Although preliminary, our experience of total endovascular rescue for complicated PAA with thromboembolic events highlighted promising rates of limb salvage at 30 days after intervention. The total endovascular approach seems able to maximize tibiopedal outflow offering an interesting strategy in limb salvage., (Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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41. The Predictive Role of Inflammatory Biochemical Markers in Post-Operative Delirium After Vascular Surgery Procedures.
- Author
Pasqui E, de Donato G, Brancaccio B, Casilli G, Ferrante G, Cappelli A, and Palasciano G
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Biomarkers, Creatinine, Female, Humans, Inflammation diagnosis, Inflammation etiology, Lymphocyte Count, Male, Neutrophils, Retrospective Studies, Vascular Surgical Procedures adverse effects, Delirium diagnosis, Delirium etiology, Lymphocytes
- Abstract
Background: Post-operative delirium (POD) is a common complication, especially in elderly patients who underwent vascular surgery procedures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation of inflammatory biochemical markers as neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and systemic inflammation index (SII) with POD occurrence., Methods: This was a single-center, retrospective, observational study. We analyzed the perioperative data of patients who had undergone elective vascular surgery procedures. The occurrence of delirium after procedure was used to divide the population in two groups: POD-pos and POD-neg group. ROC curves were performed to find the appropriate cut-off values of NLR, PLR and SII. Multivariate analysis was used to identify the independent predictors for POD., Results: A total of 646 patients were enrolled. Mean age was 76.2±9.8 years, 68.4% were male. Seventy-three patients (11.3%) developed POD. Mean hospital stay was significantly increased in the POD-pos group (6.1±5.4 vs 3.2±2.8 days, p=0.0001). In-hospital reinterventions were more frequent in the POD-pos group (8.2% vs 3.8%). Blood values analysis reported significant differences: Hb, NLR, PLR, SII, creatinine and RCP were strongly increased (p<0.05) in the POD-pos group. ROC curves identified cut-off values for NLR>3.57, PLR>139.2 and SII>676.4. Multivariate analysis revealed that age, Renal Failure, peripheral revascularization procedures, major amputation, general anesthesia, hospitalization in the previous month, NLR>3.57 and SII>676.4 were independent risk factors for POD., Conclusion: POD represents a common complication of vascular surgery patients. Our study demonstrated that NLR, PLR and SII are reliable and readily available laboratory predictors of POD in vascular surgery that could help in POD risk-stratification., Competing Interests: The authors have no conflict of interest to declare for this work., (© 2022 Pasqui et al.)
- Published
- 2022
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42. High Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratios Are Associated with a Higher Risk of Hemodialysis Vascular Access Failure.
- Author
Pasqui E, de Donato G, Lazzeri E, Molino C, Galzerano G, Giubbolini M, and Palasciano G
- Abstract
Our aim was to determine the predictive role of the preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in vascular access malfunctioning in patients who had undergone their first native arterio-venous fistula (AVF) for hemodialysis. Methods: This was a single-center retrospective observational study. All patients who underwent the procedure of the creation of a first native AVF for hemodialysis from January 2019 to December 2020 were considered eligible to be part of this study. Reinterventions for AVF malfunctioning were registered and the population was subdivided into two groups with respect to AVF malfunctioning. ROC curves were obtained to find the appropriate cut-off values for the NLR and PLR. A multivariate analysis was used to identify the independent predictors for an AVF malfunction. Kaplan−Meier curves were used to evaluate the AVF patency rates. A total of 178 patients were enrolled in the study, of them 70% (n = 121) were male. The mean age was 67.5 ± 12 years. Reinterventions for AVF malfunctioning were performed on 102 patients (57.3%). An NLR > 4.21 and a PLR > 208.8 was selected as the cut-off for AVF malfunctioning. The study population was divided into two groups depending on the NLR and PLR values of the individual. For the NLR < 4.21 group, the AVF patency rates were 90.7%, 85.3%, and 84% at the 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up, respectively, and 77.5%, 65.8%, and 39.3% at 3, 6, and 12 months for the NLR > 4.21 group, respectively (p < 0.0001). For the PLR < 208.8 group, the patency rates were 85.6%, 76.7%, and 67.7% at the 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up. For the PLR > 208.28 group, the patency rates were 80.8%, 71.2%, and 50.7% for the 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up, respectively (p = 0.014). The multivariate analysis highlighted that diabetes mellitus, the neutrophil count, the lymphocyte count, and the NLR were independent risk factors for an AVF failure. In our experience, the NLR and PLR are useful markers for the stratification of vascular access failure in hemodialysis patients. The inexpensive nature and ready availability of the values of these biomarkers are two points of strength for everyday clinical practice.
- Published
- 2022
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43. Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair With Ovation Alto Stent Graft: Protocol for the ALTAIR (ALTo endogrAft Italian Registry) Study.
- Author
de Donato G, Pasqui E, Sirignano P, Talarico F, Palasciano G, and Taurino M
- Abstract
Background: Since 2010, the Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System has offered an innovative sealing option for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) by including a sealing ring filled with polymer 13 mm from the renal arteries. In August 2020, the redesigned Ovation Alto, with a sealing ring 6 mm closer to the top of the fabric, received CE Mark approval., Objective: This registry study aims to evaluate intraoperative, perioperative, and postoperative results in patients treated by the Alto stent graft (Endologix Inc.) for elective AAA repair in a multicentric consecutive experience., Methods: All consecutive eligible patients submitted to endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) by Alto Endovascular AAA implantation will be included in this analysis. Patients will be submitted to EVAR procedures based on their own preferences, anatomical features, and operators experience. An estimated number of 300 patients submitted to EVAR with Alto stent graft should be enrolled. It is estimated that the inclusion period will be 24 months. The follow-up period is set to be 5 years. Full data sets and cross-sectional images of contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan performed before EVAR, at the first postoperative month, at 24 or 36 months, and at 5-year follow-up interval will be reported in the central database for a centralized core laboratory review of morphological changes. The primary endpoint of the study is to evaluate the technical and clinical success of EVAR with the Alto stent graft in short- (90-day), mid- (1-year), and long-term (5-year) follow-up periods. The following secondary endpoints will be also addressed: operative time; intraoperative radiation exposure; contrast medium usage; AAA sac shrinkage at 12-month and 5-year follow-up; any potential role of patients' baseline characteristics, valuated on preoperative computed tomography angiographic study, and of device configuration (number of component) in the primary endpoint., Results: The study is currently in the recruitment phase and the final patient is expected to be treated by the end of 2023 and then followed up for 5 years. A total of 300 patients will be recruited. Analyses will focus on primary and secondary endpoints. Updated results will be shared at 1- and 3-5-year follow-ups., Conclusions: The results from this registry study could validate the safety and effectiveness of the new design of the Ovation Alto Stent Graft. The technical modifications to the endograft could allow for accommodation of a more comprehensive range of anatomies on-label., Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05234892; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05234892., International Registered Report Identifier (irrid): PRR1-10.2196/36995., (©Gianmarco de Donato, Edoardo Pasqui, Pasqualino Sirignano, Francesco Talarico, Giancarlo Palasciano, Maurizio Taurino, ALTAIR collaborators. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (https://www.researchprotocols.org), 11.07.2022.)
- Published
- 2022
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44. The relation between neutrophil/lymphocyte and platelet/lymphocyte ratios with mortality and limb amputation after acute limb ischaemia.
- Author
Pasqui E, de Donato G, Giannace G, Panzano C, Alba G, Cappelli A, Setacci C, and Palasciano G
- Subjects
- Amputation, Surgical adverse effects, Humans, Ischemia diagnosis, Ischemia surgery, Lymphocyte Count, Retrospective Studies, Lymphocytes, Neutrophils
- Abstract
Objective: Acute limb ischaemia is still considered a significant event, with considerable early- and long-term amputation and mortality risk. Our study aims to investigate the predictive role of pre-operative neutrophil/lymphocyte and platelet/lymphocyte ratios in terms of mortality and amputation risk in patients with acute limb ischaemia., Methods: Pre-operative blood samples of all patients admitted with acute limb ischaemia were used to calculate neutrophil/lymphocyte and platelet/lymphocyte ratios. Population was subdivided into quartiles by platelet/lymphocyte ratio and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio values, and Kaplan-Meier life tables were obtained for overall survival and limb salvage. The optimal neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio cut-offs were obtained from receiver operating characteristic curves with all-cause mortality and all kinds of amputation. Stepwise multivariate analysis was performed in order to identify independent risk and protective factors for mortality and amputations., Results: A total of 168 patients were included in the analysis. Receiver operating characteristic curves identified cut-off values for neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio: neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio ≥5.57 for mortality; neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio ≥6.66 and platelet/lymphocyte ratio ≥269.9 for all amputations. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that survival rate in group neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio <5.57 was 83.4%, 78.9%, 73.7%, and 59.8%, respectively, at 12, 24, 36, and 48 months; in neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio ≥5.57 group was 62.4%, 51.3%, 47.8, and 43.7%, respectively ( p < 0.0001). Freedom from all amputations was significantly higher in case of neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio below the identified cut-off values ( p < 0.0001). Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio were found as independent risk factors., Conclusion: Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio are reliable markers for stratification of mortality and limb amputations in patients with acute limb ischaemia. The inexpensive nature and ready availability of these biomarkers' values reinforced their usefulness in everyday clinical practice.
- Published
- 2022
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45. Long-term results of treatment of infrarenal aortic aneurysms with low-profile stent grafts in a multicenter registry.
- Author
de Donato G, Pasqui E, Nano G, Lenti M, Mangialardi N, Speziale F, Ferrari M, Michelagnoli S, Tozzi M, and Palasciano G
- Subjects
- Blood Vessel Prosthesis, Endoleak epidemiology, Endoleak etiology, Endoleak therapy, Humans, Prosthesis Design, Registries, Retrospective Studies, Stents, Treatment Outcome, Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal diagnostic imaging, Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal surgery, Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation, Endovascular Procedures
- Abstract
Objective: In recent years, manufacturers have developed new stent grafts with lower profiles to increase the endovascular aneurysm repair applicability. As reported by the current European Society for Vascular Surgery guidelines, long-term evaluation of such low-profile platforms is strongly recommended. This study aims to report outcomes beyond 5 years from a multicenter registry, including a real-world cohort of patients electively treated with low-profile stent grafts., Methods: A retrospective data collection of patients who had undergone elective implantation of low-profile endograft ≤16 Fr. (Zenith LP, Ovation, Incraft) was performed in nine centers. The primary endpoint was a long-term primary clinical success. Secondary endpoints were survival rate, freedom from abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)-related death, freedom from type I to III endoleak, limb patency, and freedom from all reinterventions. The Kaplan-Meier curves were stratified for investigative devices. A multivariate analysis evaluated predictors of primary clinical success and reintervention rate., Results: A total of 619 patients were enrolled (Ovation, n = 373; Incraft, n = 111; and Zenith LP, n = 135), with a mean follow-up of 56.8 ± 22.8 months. The overall primary and the secondary clinical success rate at 8 years was 72.1% and 93.8%, respectively. At 8 years, overall survival was 53.2%, freedom from AAA-related death was 94.4%, freedom from reintervention was 74%, freedom from type I/III endoleak was 86.9%, and limb patency was 90.4%. A significantly worse primary clinical success of the Zenith LP was recorded as dependent on more limb-related events. No differences between platforms were registered in the rate of AAA-related deaths, open conversion, sac enlargement, and type I/III endoleaks (P = .26). Multivariate analysis identified iliac tortuosity (hazard ratio, 2.053) and Zenith LP (hazard ratio, 3.818) as significant independent predictors of clinical failure and reintervention., Conclusions: Low-profile stent grafts have acceptable long-term outcomes. Overall survival and AAA-related death were in line with those reported for traditional devices. Long-term surveillance and reintervention, when necessary, remain crucial to guarantee durability., (Copyright © 2021 Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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46. Case Report: Inferior Vena Cava Agenesia in a Young Male Patient Presenting With Bilateral Iliac Veins Thrombosis.
- Author
Pasqui E, de Donato G, Camarri S, Molinari R, Cascinelli I, Pelini V, Abate L, and Palasciano G
- Abstract
Introduction: Anomalies in inferior vena cava represent an uncommon finding with a prevalence of 0. 3 to 0.5% among healthy patients. Specifically, the condition characterized by the agenesis of the inferior vena cava (IVC; AIVC) has been observed among the 0.0005 to 1% of the general population. AIVC is strongly related to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the lower limb and pelvic district, especially in young patients. The rarity of the presented condition could relate to an underestimation of its impact on a particular clinical setting leading to a delayed diagnosis and inaccurate early- and long-term management., Report: We presented a case of this anomaly regarding a 31-year-old man presenting with bilateral symptomatic proximal DVT. Duplex vascular ultrasound and subsequent CT-angiography revealed the complete occlusion of the right external and common iliac vein, as well as partial occlusion of the contralateral external iliac vein, in the patient. The exam also revealed the interruption of IVC in its infrarenal part. At the level of renal veins coalescence, IVC appeared again in its usual position. A dilatated portal system, hepatic veins, and azygos and hemiazygos systems were also highlighted. Anticoagulation was promptly started with the administration of Fondaparinux (7.5 mg/die). In addition, compression stocking was initiated within 24 h from diagnosis. After 3 weeks, the anticoagulation regimen was shifted toward the administration of a direct oral anticoagulant (Apixaban; 5 mg two times a day). At 1-month follow-up, a vascular duplex ultrasound revealed a complete resolution of the iliac veins' thrombosis., Conclusion: It is important to consider the eventuality of IVC anomalies in a young adult presenting with unexplained, extensive, or bilateral DVT. Accurate diagnostic evaluation is necessary to fully identify this condition that could represent a real challenge., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2022 Pasqui, de Donato, Camarri, Molinari, Cascinelli, Pelini, Abate and Palasciano.)
- Published
- 2022
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47. Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction in Patients With Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: An Exploratory Study.
- Author
de Donato G, Pasqui E, Gargiulo B, Casilli G, Ferrante G, Galzerano G, Cappelli A, and Palasciano G
- Abstract
Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the recurrent inability to achieve and maintain a satisfactory erection for sexual intercourse. Many studies have highlighted that ED shares common cardiovascular risk factors with cardiovascular disease. No data are reported about the prevalence of ED in patients with the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). The aim of our study was to investigate the preoperative information given about sexual functions of patients undergoing endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) and to compare it with the presence and severity of steno-occlusive atherosclerotic lesions of the pelvic arterial tree at pre-operative Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA)., Methods: We prospectively enrolled all men patients who underwent elective EVAR from September to November 2021. Preoperative ED was evaluated using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) questionnaire. Preoperative imaging was routinely performed with CTA scan of the abdominal aorta and iliac-pelvic district. An innovative score of pelvic arterial disease associated to AAA was defined, dividing the iliac district in 4 zones attributing a grading of severity for each zone bilaterally (score ranges 0-24). Linear regression analysis was used to correlate IIEF-5 score to anatomical score of pelvic arterial steno-occlusive disease., Results: A total of 25 patients were enrolled. Median age was 74 ± 5.3 years. IIEF-5 average score was 14.8 ± 7.1. Eight cases (32%) had severe ED; one case (4%) had moderate, five patients (20%) had mild to moderate ED; five patients (20%) had mild ED, and 6 (24%) patients had no ED. CTA evaluation revealed an average anatomical score of 7.9 ± 4.5. Pelvic disease was considered moderate-severe in 20 cases (80%) and not significant in 20% (five cases). Linear regression analysis confirmed the hypothesis that a more diseased pelvic arterial tree was correlated to a more severe ED ( Y = -1.531
* × + 26.35 [slope CI : -1.946 to -1.117, p < 0.0001])., Conclusion: Although typically unreported, the prevalence of ED associated to AAA was found to be high. A vasculogenic origin of ED in patients with AAA is plausible and may be easily confirmed by the evaluation of pelvic arterial distribution at angio-CT performed for EVAR planning. Our proposed "MAPPING AND SCORING SHEET" may help to identify the vasculogenic origin of ED in AAA patients., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2022 de Donato, Pasqui, Gargiulo, Casilli, Ferrante, Galzerano, Cappelli and Palasciano.)- Published
- 2022
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48. Early Experience with the New Ovation Alto Stent Graft in Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.
- Author
de Donato G, Pasqui E, Panzano C, Galzerano G, Cappelli A, and Palasciano G
- Abstract
Introduction: Since 2010, the Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System has offered a new sealing concept, achieved by a sealing ring filled with polymer 13 mm from the renal arteries. In the latest version, called Ovation Alto, the sealing ring is relocated 6 mm closer to the top of the fabric. This study describes the early clinical outcomes, after CE Mark approval in August 2020, of endovascular aneurysm repair with the Alto endograft., Report: Eleven patients underwent endovascular aneurysm repair with implantation of Ovation Alto endografts. All patients were male, and the median age was 75 (IQR 5.5) years. Hostile proximal aortic neck (<10 mm) was identified in six cases (54.5%). All procedures were performed using bilateral percutaneous approaches with no groin complications. The median procedure time was 58 (IQR 7.2) minutes, the median contrast volume used was 65 (IQR 4.2) mL, and the median blood loss 40 (IQR 12.4) mL. Technical success was achieved in all cases. The median stent graft landing distance between the top of the fabric and the lowest renal artery was 1.4 (IQR 0.8) mm. No intra-operative high flow endoleaks were registered. At one and six month follow up, there was 100% clinical success (no type I/III endoleak, sac enlargement, stent graft migration, polymer leakage, abdominal aortic aneurysm related mortality, or secondary intervention)., Discussion: Initial experience confirms the early technical and clinical success of the new Ovation Alto stent graft. Technical modifications to the endograft could allow for accommodation of a more comprehensive range of anatomies on label. Further studies are needed to evaluate long term durability outcomes., (© 2021 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2021
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49. Multiple cavernous malformation syndrome: a casual diagnosis during carotid revascularization procedure.
- Author
Pasqui E, de Donato G, Panzano C, Alba G, Grottola G, Cappelli A, and Palasciano G
- Subjects
- Aged, Carotid Arteries, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Pedigree, Proto-Oncogene Proteins genetics, Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System diagnostic imaging, Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System genetics, Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System surgery, Microtubule-Associated Proteins genetics
- Abstract
Intoduction: Familial cerebral cavernous malformations (FCCM) are a rare condition characterized by the multiple presences of cavernous malformations located in the central nervous system., Case Description: We present a case of FCCM incidental diagnosis in a 71-year-old male patient who underwent carotid artery stenting for high-grade carotid artery disease and subsequent reintervention for severe stent restenosis, determining neurological deficit. FCCM diagnosis was made due to the presence of hundreds of cavernous malformations located both in supra- and sub-tentorial regions highlighted by magnetic resonance and confirmed by genetic test for the mutation of the gene KRIT1, inherited also by his son., (© 2021. Fondazione Società Italiana di Neurologia.)
- Published
- 2021
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50. Case Report: An Unusual Case of Acute Lower Limb Ischemia as Precursor of the Asherson's Syndrome.
- Author
Pasqui E, Camarri S, de Donato G, Gonnelli S, Palasciano G, and Gennari L
- Abstract
Introduction: Asherson's Syndrome, also defined as Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome (CAPS), represents the most severe manifestation of Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome. Rarely, the first CAPS diagnosis is based on macro-thrombotic event as acute limb ischemia. Case Presentation: We present a case of a 65-year-old woman admitted with an acute lower limb arterial ischemia with a complete occlusion of all the three tibial vessels. Three endovascular recanalization procedures were performed contemporary to 48 h intraarterial thrombolysis administration. The patency of tibial arteries was restored with a near-complete absence of digital arteries and microvessel perfusion of the foot. In the following days, an aggressive foot gangrene was established, leading to a major lower-limb amputation. Due to the general clinical status worsening and aggressiveness of ischemic condition, further investigations were performed leading to the diagnosis of an aggressive Asherson's Syndrome that was also complicated by a severe heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Medical management with a high dose of intravenous steroids and nine sessions of plasma exchange led to a clinical condition stabilization. Conclusion: In our case, the presence of a "sine causa" acute arterial occlusion of a large vessel represented the first manifestation of an aggressive form of Asherson's Syndrome that could represent a fatal disease. Due to the extreme variety of manifestations, early clinical suspicion, diagnosis, and multidisciplinary management are essential to limit the life-threatening consequences of patients., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2021 Pasqui, Camarri, de Donato, Gonnelli, Palasciano and Gennari.)
- Published
- 2021
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