R. Goldston, S. Kaye, S. Davis, M. Bell, M. Bitter, K. Bol, D. Boyd, K. Brau, N. Bretz, A. Cavallo, P. Colestock, D. Dimock, F. Dylla, P. Efthimion, H. Eubank, M. Finkenthal, R. Fonck, B. Grek, L. Grisham, R. Hawryluk, E. Hinnov, J. Hosea, H. Hsuan, D. Hwang, F. Jobes, D. Johnson, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, D. Manos, K. McGuire, R. McCann, D. McCune, D. McNeil, S. Medley, D. Mueller, E. Meservey, M. Okabayashi, K. Owens, M. Reusch, N. Sauthoff, G. Schilling, J. Schivell, G. Schmidt, F. Stauffer, S. Sesnic, L. Stewart, S. Suckewer, G. Tait, H. Takahashi, F. Tenney, P. Thomas, H. Towner, S. von Goeler, R. Wilson, and G. Zankl
Neutral beam injection experiments or PLT and PDX have been conducted over a wider range in parameter space than previously. On PLT H O beams have been injected into well-confined high toroidal field, high density Ohmic plasmas, giving n e (0) T Ee products during injection of up to 5 × 10 12 sec cm −3 . T Ee is found to rise slowly with increasing density in these experiments. Comparing these results with earlier (1979) discharges, which showed much lower heating efficiency, the importance of starting with a hot Ohmic plasma and a peaked density profile is striking. On PDX high power injection experiments over a range in plasma current have shown a significant variation with current of both ion heating and total stored plasma energy. Transport analysis of these results indicates that global confinement drops little when I p is varied from 480 to 320 kA, but as I p falls to 200 kA, T E deteriorates significantly. Attention has recently focused on low q operation, for the purpose of obtaining high beta plasmas. PLT and PDX have both been operated with cylindrical q in the range of 2.0 or below, with absorbed beam power of 1.8 MW (D O ). Operating in this regime, the two machines have obtained similar results, with PDX reaching a toroidal β of 1.3 − 1.4%, at B t = 12.6 kG. These results suggest that parallel and perpendicular neutral beam injection are about equally well suited tor low q operation. Strong sawtooth oscillations have been observed to travel to the plasma edge in PDX, but confinement is not substantially degraded relative to the higher toroidal field PDX results reported here.