Sex hormones have played a strong role in the history of KCNE potassium channel subunits. KCNE subunits were originally discovered as hormonally regulated potassium channel components isolated from uterine muscle (Pragnell et al. 1990). Despite this, the role that sex hormones and sex differences play in KCNE expression and function in non-gonadal tissues has remained relatively unexplored. Although initially misidentified as ‘MinK’, an independent pore forming subunit, KCNE1 and the KCNE family are now known to be ancillary subunits with significant influence on the stability and biophysical behaviour of potassium channel partners (Bett & Rasmusson, 2008). KCNE subunits are relatively small 57–150-amino-acid proteins that span the membrane with an extracellular N-terminal and an intracellular C-terminal. KCNE1 and KCNE3 are known to associate with the voltage-gated potassium channel KCNQ1 (KvLQT1, Kv7.1). The tissue-specific characteristics of electrophysiologically recorded KCNQ1 current are diverse, due to strong modification of KCNQ1 by these ancillary subunits. The KCNE1/KCNQ1 assembly produces a very slowly activating and deactivating current. In contrast, the KCNE3/KCNQ1 assembly produces a constituitively active current with very little voltage-dependent gating. It is commonly accepted in the field of ion channels that KCNQ1 and KCNE3 co-assemble in the epithelium of the colon to form a constitutively open potassium channel, underlying the basolateral membrane potassium current which controls fluid secretion (Schroeder et al. 2000). The initial studies of KCNQ1/KCNE3 were performed almost exclusively on male animals. In an elegant study on sexual dimorphism in rat colon in a recent issue of The Journal of PhysiologyAlzamora et al. (2011) confirm this finding in male rats, but surprisingly show that this is true only in male animals, not female animals. Alzamora et al. demonstrate that there are sex differences in the expression of the channel proteins between males and females, and furthermore that the relative expression differences change during the oestrous cycle. Alzamora et al. also demonstrate the short term hormonal regulation of the interaction between KCNQ1 and KCNE3, as oestrogen appears to uncouple KCNE3 from KCNQ1 but does not affect the interaction of KCNQ1 and KCNE1. This is a very significant finding since ancillary subunit expression can dramatically affect channel properties, and alter current magnitude, gating kinetics and pharmacological sensitivity. Indeed, Alzamora et al., demonstrate a 10 fold sex dependent change in the sensitivity to chromanol 293B: At the IC50 drug concentrations for chromanol 293B in males, the drug barely has an effect on the female colon. The hypothesized short-term mechanism of oestrogen action implies that there is a physiological site in the potassium current macromolecular complex which regulates dynamic subunit association by sex hormones. The oestrogen regulation of KCNE3 is removed by mutation of a serine on the intracellular side of KCNE3 to an alanine, S82A, which is the only phosphorylation site in KCNE, and therefore prevents phosphorylation. Alzamora et al. raise the exciting possibility that phosphorylation of S82 may mediate the effect of oestrogen on the interaction of KCNE3 and KCNQ1. This same phosphorylation site also modifies the behaviour of KCNE3/Kv3.4 channels (Abbott et al. 2006) opening up the possibility of a general KCNE3 mediated sex difference. The putative KCNE3 phosphorylation site is conserved across all five KCNEs, giving rise to potentially an even wider range of homologous binding sites with a similar mode of action. The impact of these findings is immense. KCNQ1 is found in an exceedingly diverse range of tissues including the heart, neuronal tissue, kidney, colonic crypt cells, pituitary, the stria vascularis and the vestibular dark cells of the cochlea, stomach, small intestine, liver, thymus, exocrine pancreas, prostate, skeletal muscle, airway epithelia, ovarian tissue, testis, uterus, and placenta. While considerable attention has been given to understanding the tissue specific effects of the KCNE subunits on KCNQ1, the results of Alzamora et al. clearly show that studying the effects of sex differences on KCNQ1 complexes in these varied tissues will yield many interesting findings. Further, these results beautifully demonstrate the more general need to pay careful attention to the sex of the animals under study, and to determine whether physiological responses are sex dependent. In the last several issues of The Journal of Physiology where animal tissue was used, 13 papers examined only the physiology of male animals and one paper focused on the physiology of females alone. Seventeen other papers used animals of unspecified sex, and five papers reported results from both sexes. The careful analysis of the sex-dependent nature of the physiological responses observed by Alzamora et al. suggest that caution should be exercised when extrapolating a study performed on one sex only, to both sexes. This study by Alzamora et al. adds to a growing body of work that indicates there can be striking sex differences in gene expression, cellular regulation and pharmacological sensitivity in non-gonadal organs. The observed long-term and short-term regulation by sex hormones raises exciting new possibilities. Sex differences are complex, but fundamental to our nature. This study underscores the potential wealth of information and novel signalling pathways that may be uncovered by studying sex differences.