ÖZET Bu çalışmada, E.L.l. Soma işletmesi açık ocaklarında optimum delme patlatma sisteminin bulunma¬ sına çalışılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, ilk olarak, işleteme delme patlatma faaliyeteleri ile ilgili bilgi toplamak amacıyla Elmalı, Işıklar ve Kısrakdere-Batı panolarında toplam 20 adet gözlem yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, kayaçların jeomekanik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla, yerinde ve laboratuvarda bir dizi deney yapılmıştır. Literatürde verilen çeşitli bağıntılar yardımıyla, optimum delme patlatma sisteminin bulunmasına çalışılmıştır. Bu hesaplamalarda, işletmedeki delik çapının basamak yüksekliğine uymadığı görülmektedir. Bu nedenle yeni bir delik çapı seçilmiş ve hem bu delik çapı için, hemde işletmenin kullandığı delik çapı için ayrı ayrı hesaplamalar yapılmıştır. Hesaplamalar sonucun belirlenen delme patlatma sistemi, işletme şartlarına adapte edilerek, patlatma denemeleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan denemeler, sulu delikler haricinde başarılı olmuştur. Sulu deliklerde patlatmaların başarılı olabilmesi için, suya dayanıklı patlayıcı maddelerin kullanılması ve buna göre patlatma sisteminin belirlenmesi gerekir. Sonuç olarak, işletmede kulanılan delme patlatma sistemi ile denemeler sonuç bulunan sistemin maliyetleri hesaplanmış ve önerilen sistemlerin daha ekonomik olacakları anlaşılmıştır. -IX- At the end of the calculations, as the blasting system which is determined by the caculations is adapted to conditions of the mine and blasting experiments were carried out. The test which were done, except of the vet hole blasting give good results. In order to take a good results from the vet hole blasting, it is nessary to use explosive which is withstood to water and determine blasting system under this conditions. As a result, the new blasting systems which is proposed by us are more economical than the old system which was used at the company. -XIV-One very important coution her© Is that if the burden dimention is too small, flyrock can occur, which has been the cause of both fatalities and injuries. Also if the burden is too small, detonation gases escape into the atmosphere in the form of noise and airblast before a contribution to displacement is made. Where the burden value is too large, gasses are confined for a time interval longer than desired, which can result in poor fragmantation, higher ground vibration, excessive backbreak, toe and uneven floor. The optimum burdens were selected 6 m for 6` and 9 m for 9`. Spacings that are significantly less than the burden tend tocause ejection and premature splitting between holes. These effects encourage rapid release of gasses to atmosphere, and result in noise and air blast. Conversely, when the spacing is too large, the rock may be inadequately fragmented between holes, leaveng an uneven floor. Results of the calculations, spacings were selected 7.5 m for 6` and 12 m for 9`. The reason for subdrilling is that the stress waves are not at maximum amplitude at the bottom of the hole; however, they are at their maximum at a finite distance above this level. Therefore, subdrilling allows the stress wave amplitude to be at maximum at the level of the bottom of the bench. Subdril lings, which were selected from result of the calculations are 1.5 m for 6` and 3 m for 9`. Space between rows is changed according to the spacing. It is selected 6 m for 6` and 10 m for 9`. Anfo is selected as an explosive and jelatinit is selected as a primer. Charge weight is 200 kg anfo and 10 kg jelatinit for 6` and 650 kg anfo and 30 kg jelatinit for 9`. The powder foctor is 0.296 kg/m3 for 6` and 0.350 kg for 9`. -XIII-At the end of the calculations, as the blasting system which is determined by the caculations is adapted to conditions of the mine and blasting experiments were carried out. The test which were done, except of the vet hole blasting give good results. In order to take a good results from the vet hole blasting, it is nessary to use explosive which is withstood to water and determine blasting system under this conditions. As a result, the new blasting systems which is proposed by us are more economical than the old system which was used at the company. -XIV-One very important coution her© Is that if the burden dimention is too small, flyrock can occur, which has been the cause of both fatalities and injuries. Also if the burden is too small, detonation gases escape into the atmosphere in the form of noise and airblast before a contribution to displacement is made. Where the burden value is too large, gasses are confined for a time interval longer than desired, which can result in poor fragmantation, higher ground vibration, excessive backbreak, toe and uneven floor. The optimum burdens were selected 6 m for 6` and 9 m for 9`. Spacings that are significantly less than the burden tend tocause ejection and premature splitting between holes. These effects encourage rapid release of gasses to atmosphere, and result in noise and air blast. Conversely, when the spacing is too large, the rock may be inadequately fragmented between holes, leaveng an uneven floor. Results of the calculations, spacings were selected 7.5 m for 6` and 12 m for 9`. The reason for subdrilling is that the stress waves are not at maximum amplitude at the bottom of the hole; however, they are at their maximum at a finite distance above this level. Therefore, subdrilling allows the stress wave amplitude to be at maximum at the level of the bottom of the bench. Subdril lings, which were selected from result of the calculations are 1.5 m for 6` and 3 m for 9`. Space between rows is changed according to the spacing. It is selected 6 m for 6` and 10 m for 9`. Anfo is selected as an explosive and jelatinit is selected as a primer. Charge weight is 200 kg anfo and 10 kg jelatinit for 6` and 650 kg anfo and 30 kg jelatinit for 9`. The powder foctor is 0.296 kg/m3 for 6` and 0.350 kg for 9`. -XIII-At the end of the calculations, as the blasting system which is determined by the caculations is adapted to conditions of the mine and blasting experiments were carried out. The test which were done, except of the vet hole blasting give good results. In order to take a good results from the vet hole blasting, it is nessary to use explosive which is withstood to water and determine blasting system under this conditions. As a result, the new blasting systems which is proposed by us are more economical than the old system which was used at the company. -XIV- 196