PARSONS ENGINEERING SCIENCE INC DENVER CO, Archabal, Steven R., Downey, Douglas C., Dragoo, Thomas E., Guest, Peter R., PARSONS ENGINEERING SCIENCE INC DENVER CO, Archabal, Steven R., Downey, Douglas C., Dragoo, Thomas E., and Guest, Peter R.
The Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) has sponsored an ongoing program to promote the use of cost-effective soil vapor treatment technologies in conjunction with soil vapor extraction (SVE) for remediation of fuel- and solvent-impacted sites. On September 20, 1995, Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. (Parsons ES) received formal notice to proceed from HSD/PKVDA at Brooks Air Force Base (AFB) under Contract F41624-94- D-8136, Delivery Order 28, to implement a statement of work (SOW) that outlines requirements to provide services to support environmental air conformity through evaluation of the flameless thermal oxidation (FTO) vapor-phase treatment technology for SVE off-gas abatement at various Air Force base sites worldwide. Thermatrix, Inc. (Thermatrix) of Knoxville, Tennessee is an AFCEE-directed subcontractor providing the FTO treatment system to be evaluated during the demonstrations. Thermatrix was selected through the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) that included demonstrations for evaluation of cost and performance of their GS Series FTO system. A technology demonstration was designed by Parsons ES to determine the applicability of using FTO technology for treatment of extracted soil vapors containing chlorinated and non-chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Three Air Force installations were identified for FTO system demonstrations, including the Source Area Reduction System (SARS) at the former Lowry AFB, Colorado. The results of the FTO system demonstration at the SARS are summarized in this report.